Eng Leia 3

October 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Princess Leia Free pattern by Tan TanyaaSmil yaaSmilee


Hello, my dear friend! Pleasant crochet! Beautiful and equal loops!  Store Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/designers/tatyana-leonidovna Instagram: www.instagram.com/tanyaasmile Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanyaasmilecrochet Skill level Skill level - easy. easy. Pattern does not contain crochet tutorials! You should have basic crochet skills. Approx. 13 cm (about 5.1 inches) Approx. inches) tall using using the materials materials stated in the pattern. pattern. You may use any size yarn for this amigurumi, amigu rumi, just make sure to use the hook size suggestion on the yarn label. Use safety eyes that are a suitable size for the yarn you are using. This pattern is for personal use only. Publishing, Publis hing, distributing distributing and sharing sharing to social networks networks is prohibited. prohibited.

Materials  - The hook suitable suitable under your yar yarn. n. I have Clover Soft Touch Touch 2.00 mm. - Yarn: beige, beige, white, white, black, black, brown brown and grey colors. colors. I used used «YarnArt «YarnArt Jeans» yarn yarn (160m in 50g, 55% cotton/45% polyacryl). - 7 mm black black safet safetyy eyes. eyes. Toys Toys fill filler -- Sciss Sci ssor ors. s.er.. - Tapestr Tapestryy needl needle. e. - Pins. ins. - Stit Stitch ch mark marker. er.


Terms used:

MR - magi magicc rring ing sc - single cr crochet ch - chai chain n st stit itch ch sl st - slip stitch blo bl o - thro throug ugh h back back loop loopss only only inc - increa increase se (stitch (stitch 2 times times into into the the next stit stitch) ch) dec invisi ble decrease decreas eions (crochet 2 sc together toget her using in invisible visible met method) hod) (...)х -ninvisible - repeat instruct instructions in brackets brackets n times times R - round ound.. Change colors in crochet. Loop your new yarn color over your hook. Crochet your new yarn color back through the two loops on your hook. Notes:

- Crochet Crochet continuously continuously in a spiral, unless otherwise otherwise specified. specified. - In order to not lose lose track of the number number of worked worked stitches stitches in each round, round, use a stitch marker marker to mark the beginning beginning of each round - a thin thread of contrastin contrasting g color. - Crochet Crochet tightly enough enough so the filler is not visible visible through the holes bet between ween loops. - Tightly Tightly and gradually gradually fill all the details details of the toy in the process of crochet crocheting. ing. - Size of the finished toy can can vary depending depending on the materials used, used, the density of crocheting and filling, etc.


Stuff body and head firmly, stuffing as you go.

Body + head: Start working with white yarn. sc MR (6) (6) R1. 6 sc R2. 6 inc inc (12) (12) R3. (1 sc, inc)x6 (18) R4. (2 sc, inc)x6 (24) R5. (3 sc, inc)x6 (30) R6. (4 sc, inc)x6 (36) R7. (5 sc, inc)x6 (42) R8.. - R1 R8 R10. 0. 42 sc (3 rounds) (42) R11. (5 sc, dec)x6 (36) R12. R1 2. - R13. R13. 36 sc (36) Continue on with gray. R14. Only through back loops, (4 sc, dec)x6 (30) Continue on with white. R15. 30 sc (30) R16. (13 sc, dec)x2 (28) R17. 28 sc (28) R18. (12 sc, dec)x2 (26) R19. 26 sc (26) R20. (11 sc, dec)x2 (24) R21. 24 sc (24) R22. (2 sc, dec)x6 (18) R23. 18 sc (18) (18) Stuff Stuff the the body. body. Now we are going to start crocheting the head. Continue on with beige. R24. 18 inc inc (36) (36)


R25. (5 sc, inc)x6 (42) R26. (6 sc, inc)x6 (48) R27. R2 7. - R36. R36. 48 sc (10 rounds) (48) R37. (6 sc, dec)x6 dec)x6 (42) (42) R38. (5 sc, dec)x6 (36) R39. (4 sc, dec)x6 (30) Place safety safety eyes between between rounds rounds 30 and 31, 9 st apart. R40. (3 sc, dec)x6 (24) Start to stuff the head. R41. (2 sc, dec)x6 (18) dec)x6 (12) R42. (1 sc, dec)x6 R43. 6 dec. dec. Clos Close. e. Break the yarn and weave in ends.

Arm x2  Crochet with beige. R1. 6 sc sc MR MR (6) (6) R2. (2 sc, inc)x2 (8) R3. - R5. 8 sc (8) Continue on with white. Stuff only half of the arms. R6.. - R1 R6 R13. 3. 8 sc (8) Do not stuff of the arms. This way the arm doesn't stick out too much after sewing it to the body. Press the opening with your fingers, aligning 3 stitches side by side. Break the yarn and leave a long tail to sew arms to body.


Leg x2: Start working with gray yarn. R1. 6 sc sc MR MR (6) (6) R2. 6 inc inc (12) (12) inc, 3 sc, sc, 2 inc inc (18) R3. inc, 3 sc, 3 inc, R4. 7 sc, 3 inc, 8 sc (21) R5. Only through back loops, 21 sc (21) R6. 7 sc, 3 dec, 8 sc (18) R7. 4 sc, 4 dec, 6 sc (14) R8. 2 sc, 4 dec, 4 sc (10) R9. (3 sc, dec)x2 (8) Stuff only half of the legs. Continue on with beige. R10. R1 0. - R15. R15. 8 sc (6 rounds) (8) R16. Only 5 sc. Do not stuff of the legs. Press the opening with your fingers,

aligning 3 stitches side by side. Break the yarn and leave a long tail to sew legs to body.


Hair: Start working with brown yarn. R1. 6 sc MR (6) R2. 6 inc inc (12) (12) R3. (1 sc, inc)x6 (18) R4. (2 sc, inc)x6 (24) R5. R6. (3 (4 sc, sc, inc)x6 inc)x6 (30) (36) R7. (5 sc, inc)x6 (42) R8. (6 sc, inc)x6 (48) R9.. - R18. R9 R18. 48 sc (10 (10 rounds rounds)) (48) (48) hdc, 19 19 dc, dc, 1 hdc hdc,, 1 sc, sc, 1 sl sl st, st, 1 ssc, c, 1 hdc, hdc, 19 19 dc, dc, 2 hdc hdc (48) (48) R19. 3 hdc, Leave a long tail.

Hair bun x2: Start working with brown yarn. R1. 6 sc MR (6) R2. 6 inc (12) inc)x6 x6 ((18) 18) R3. (1 sc, inc) R4. (2 sc, inc)x6 (24) R5. Only through back loops, 24 sc (24) R6.. - R7 R6 R7.. 24 sc (24) R8. (2 sc, dec)x6 (18) Stuff. Break the yarn and leave a long tail to sew to hair.


Finishing: Sew the legs to the body. Sew the arms to the body symmetrically. Sew the hair to the head. Sew the hair buns to the hair.


You are done!!! I congratulate! ☺ Please tag my name @tanyaasmile on photos of your finished doll by this pattern. Thank you, Tina Pace @geekstop69 for helping me translate my pattern into English. Thank you. Enjoy crocheting! Tatyana B. The character in this pattern are created solely as fan art and are not meant to be exact or direct representations of any copyrighted characters or entities. ©2022 - Tanya TanyaaSmile. aSmile. All ri rights ghts reser reserved. ved. This patt pattern ern is FOR PERSO PERSONAL NAL USE ONLY! Pl Please ease respect my rights as the designer and do not reproduce, publish, resold the pattern or any parts of it. You can sell items made from this pattern, provided th that at they are handmade.

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