eng 2350 thomas more utopia paper

December 28, 2018 | Author: api-288791529 | Category: Utopia, Sociological Theories, Politics, Economies, Labour
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Gielink 1 Emily Gielink  ENG 2350 Prof. Stansberry 21 June 2015 The Utoians !""uations #hen rea$in% Thomas Tho mas &ore's Utopia, the (orl$ the Utoians li)e in seems mu"h better than any (orl$ humans li)e in to$ay. !ne se"tion in arti"ular* in +ook ,,* ortrays the Utoians %lorious -ob $es"ritions. ,t is note$ that e)ery sin%le Utoian* (ith no e"etions* (orks in a%ri"ulture. There is so mu"h fo"us on a%ri"ulture in the Utoian (orl$ that in their o(n $istin"t "ity there is usually a surlus of foo$* an$ they share the remainin% foo$ (ith the surroun$in% "ities. The (ay that &ore ortrays the (orkin% "i)ili/ation is remarkable. The Utoians only (ork si hours a $ay* three hours in the mornin%* then a lun"h break in (hi"h they ha)e time for nas an$ so"ial time* an$ then three more in the e)enin%. ,n all of the etra time* they are to take on a tra$e. #omen $o li%hter (ork an$ men hea)yliftin%* s the (eaker se* (o men ra"ti"e the li%hter "rafts* su"h as (orkin% in (ool or linen the hea)ier -obs are assi%ne$ to the men4 6037. ,n the Utoian so"iety* s"ar"ity is near imossible e)en (ith a si hour (ork $ay an$ lo( $i)ersity. &ore %oes on to talk about (hat kin$ of eole "an be eemt from (ork. 8e elains that the Utoian eole "an be eemt if they are not of a%e or if a%e has ma$e them in"aable* an$ the others are ones that are $e)ote$ to their stu$ies an$ a"a$emi"s. a"a $emi"s. The (ork that takes la"e is )ery serious to the so"iety an$ &ore elains e lains that it is mu"h $ifferent than other "ountries (ay of life. The one blissful "omment that is ma$e elains that the %o)ernment4 $oes not for"e their eole to erform  erform useless labor. There is nothin% unne"essary in the Utoian so"iety.

Gielink 2 s for to$ay's so"iety* there there is a mu"h $ifferent er"etion of (ork. (o rk. Peole* on a usual o""asion* (ork ei%ht hours a $ay an$ fi)e $ays a (eek* mana%in% 90 hours alto%ether. There are o)era"hie)ers in so"iety as (ell as the ne"essity of (orkers (ho %o abo)e an$ beyon$ their (orkloa$ to better the "ommunity. These eole are the money makers of so"iety as (ell as the most tire$. Unlike the Utoians* the eole think that they are $oin% unne"essary unne" essary (ork an$ that the %o)ernment is for"in% it on them. &a-ority of eole ha)e ri$i"ulous -obs* as (ell as s"an$alous* -ust so that they "an ay bills. !f "ourse their (ork is unne"essary an$ not bein% for"e$ on them* but the ri"es of %oo$s has risen an$ in a (ay the eole are for"e$ to try to stay afloat for their o(n %oo$ as (ell as others. The eole (ho lea$ normal li)es (ith one -ob fin$ the time to en-oy their surroun$in%s. &ost eole i"k u hobbies su"h as rea$in%* knittin%* or )olunteerin%. These eole %et to en-oy their time an$ %et roer rest as (ell as still make a li)in%. Then there are also those tyes of  eole (ho li)e in their o(n Utoian So"iety4. These eole mana%e to (ork only a fe( hours a (eek but still make mu"h more than the o)er(orkin% "onsumer. ,n a (ay* these $ifferent so"iety ranks balan"e out the (hole system. Those (ho ha)e enou%h money "an ut it ba"k into the e"onomy an$ make money a)ailable for those (ho $o not ha)e the benefit of etra money. The situations may not be i$eal for either erson  erson but it "reates an o$$ balan"e balan "e bet(een -ust makin% it4 an$ too mu"h money to han$le4. The numerous o""uations that are offere$ to the eole all ha)e one sole urose: to maintain free$om an$ a (orkin% %o)ernment. E)ery sin%le erson in so"iety is (orkin% for free$om an$ that is their main -ob* mu"h like a%ri"ulture to the Utoians. There is su"h a surlus of free$om that the eole try to srea$ it to other "ountries to hoe that they "an thri)e -ust as mu"h. The (hole urose is to (ork for free$o m an$ to better the "ountry.That is the Utoia.

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