Enerlyzer: User Manual

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EnerLyzer  User Manual


OMICRON Test Universe

Article Number VESD4005   ̶  Manual Version: ENLY.ENU.13 – Year: 2015  ©  2015  2015 by OMIC OMICRON RON ele electro ctronics nics GmbH. GmbH. Al Alll rights rights res reserv erved. ed. This manual is a publication of OMICRON electronics GmbH.  All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction of any kind, e.g., photocopying, microfilming, optical character recognition and/or storage in electronic data processing systems, requires the explicit consent of OMICRON electronics. Reprinting, wholly or in part, is not permitted. The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this manual represent the technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice. OMICRON electronics translates this manual from the source language English into a number of other languages. Any translation of this manual is done for local requirements, and in the event of a dispute between the English and a non-English version, the English version of this manual shall govern.



Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Intro Introducti duction on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1.1 EnerLyzer Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Test Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7




BINARY/ANALOG INPUT (1 - 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7


General Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


Multimeter Mod Mode e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8


Transient Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Harmonic A Analysis. nalysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Trend Recording Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

The EnerLyzer Test Mo Module dule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1

Launching the EnerLyzer Test Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Multimeter Mod Mode e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12


Transient Recording Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19


Input C Configuration onfiguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22


Harmonic Analysis Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Trend Recording Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35


Trend Recording Cursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Setting the Trend Recording Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Tran TransView sView.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.1

Fundamental TransView Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40


Time Sign Signals als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


Harmo Harmonics nics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46


Vector Dia Diagrams grams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47


Impedance Circle Dia Diagrams grams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48



OMICRON Test Universe





Wor Workin king g wit with h Cur Curren rentt Cla Clamps mps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5.1

C-PROBE1 Standard Current Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


Curren Currentt C Clamps lamps with Voltag Voltage e Outpu Outputt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


Current Clamps with Current Ou Output. tput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


Confi Configurin guring g an Analo Analog g Inpu Inputt for Curre Current nt Signa Signals ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Working with Pre Precision cision Sh Shunts unts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6.1

C-Shu C-Shunt nt 1 and C-Shu C-Shunt nt 10 Preci Precision sion Shunt Shunts s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


Connecting the C-Shunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


Confi Configurin guring g an Analo Analog g Inpu Inputt for Curre Current nt Signa Signals ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

EnerLyzer Multimeter Mode Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7.1

Zeroing the Current Clamps using QuickCMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Launching and Configuring EnerLyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


Wiring the Hardw Hardware are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


Usin Using g the Multim Multimeter eter Signa Signals ls and Power Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 8.1

Connecting the Current Clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68


Zeroing the Current Clamps using QuickCMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


Starti Starting ng EnerL EnerLyzer yzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


Attaching the Current Clamps Clamps.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


Switc Switching hing into Trans Transient ient Reco Recording rding Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

8.6 8.7

Starti Starting ng the Reco Recording rding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Analyzing the Transient Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


Viewing Time Signals in T TransView ransView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


Viewing Harmonic Diagrams in TransView. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


Viewing Vector Diagrams in Tran TransView sView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79


Playing Back a Recorded Signal Using Advanced TransPlay . . . . . . 79

Support............................................................................... Support............................................ ..................................................................... ................................................ .............. 81 Index ........................................................................ ..................................... ...................................................................... ........................................................... ........................ 83




1 Introduction EnerLyzer  is  is a test module that allows to control the measuring features of CMC test sets. It runs as a stand-alone test module. It has four modes of operation: multimeter mode, transient recording mode, harmonic analysis mode and trend recording mode. These four modes are mutually exclusive. You can not run the multimeter mode at the same time that you perform a transient recording or run harmonic analysis. Switching between the four modes can be done via toolbar icons. The optional EnerLyzer  package  package consists of: •

The CD-R CD-ROM OM tha thatt c con onta tain ins s tthe he EnerLyzer  test  test module installation, the license file and the EnerLyzer  documentation  documentation (Help and PDF manual).

The pr printed EnerLyzer  user  user manual.

1.1 EnerLyzer Features EnerLyzer  allows  allows you to individually configure any or all of the ten binary inputs of a CMC 256 , a CMC 256plus or a CMC 356  test  test set  set to become binary inputs, counter inputs, or analog inputs for measuring voltages or currents. When a binary input is configured as an analog input inpu t for voltages or currents, EnerLyzer  can  can perform analysis and real-time monitoring of energy components. EnerLyzer  can  can mathematically combine and evaluate measurement channels in order to achieve: •

DC co components

Eff Effec ecti tive ve valu values es (true (true RMS) RMS)

Peak values (Vpeak, Ipeak,...)

Phase Phase angles angles with with refer referenc ence e to a g give iven n inp input ut si signa gnall

• •

Appare Apparent nt,, react reactiv ive, e, and and rea reall powe power  r  Frequ Frequen ency cy harm harmon onic ic di diag agra rams ms

Reco Record rdin ing g of tran transi sien entt input input sign signal als s

The EnerLyzer  test  test module runs as a stand-alone test module with four modes of operation: multimeter mode, transient recording mode, harmonic analysis mode and trend recording mode.  and TransPlay  cannot  cannot run in parallel because TransPlay   is is Note: EnerLyzer  and constantly downloading data and requires all available resources. It is possible to run EnerLyzer  and Advanced  and Advanced TransPlay in parallel because  Advanced TransPlay  downloads  downloads the entire signal and then all further processing is done in the test set.



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Test Sets

2 Test Sets Each of the ten binary inputs in the BINARY/ANALOG INPUT section of a a CMC 256 , a CMC 256plus or a CMC 356  test  test set can be configured through the EnerLyzer  test  test module to be an analog a nalog input for DC and AC voltages up to 600 600 V.

Because the analog inputs of the test set deal with voltage inputs, active current probes with voltage outputs have to be used to measure currents. All probes must be active current probes with voltage output or current probes with a shunt. OMICRON offers the C-PROBE1 as a suitable current probe. This current probe is not included in the deliverables of EnerLyzer  and  and must be ordered separately. The test set also supports other current probes than the named C-PROBE1.

2.1 BINARY/ANALOG INPUT (1 - 10) The ten binary inputs are divided into five groups of two, each group galvanically separated from the others. The input signals are monitored using an isolation amplifier with a time resolution of 100 µs and are then evaluated in the measurement units. Figure 2-1: Binary/Analog Inputs (o off a CMC 356 )

The binary inputs are configured in the Hardware Configuration component of the OMICRON Testhave Universe Universe software.  software. doing the so, contacts it can be specified whether the contacts potential or areWhen dry. When are potential sensitive, the expected nominal voltage and the switch threshold can be set for each binary input.1 EnerLyzer  is  is used to configure the inputs as analog measurement inputs. The recording of measurement values with range switching from each two channels occurs in an analog input stage AFE (Analog Front End) that is galvanically separated from the other input stages. The bandwidth on the analog inputs 1 - 10 can range from 0 Hz (DC) to 10 kHz. The sampling rate can be switched between three predefined values val ues:: 28.44 28.44 kHz, kHz, 9.48 9.48 kHz, kHz, and 3 3.16 .16 kHz


The binary inputs 1 - 10 can also be used as counter inputs for input frequencies up to 3 kHz.



OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse OMIC

The measured values are passed through an isolation amplifier to the "Measurement Unit" and are digitized with an A/D converter. Further processing occurs through a high-performance floating point digital signal processor (DSP).  As such, apparent power, reactive power, real power, etc., can be provided in real-time and transmitted to the computer. The inputs are implemented as voltage inputs and have five measurement ranges: ran ges: 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 100 V, and and 600 V. Th The e in input puts s are are protec protected ted in each measurement range up to the input voltage of V rms = 600 600 V an and d Vpeak = ± 850 V. For measuring current, an appropriate clamp-on probe is used. The T he accuracy of the current measurement is limited to the accuracy of the clamp on probe.

2.2 General Data The analog measurement inputs have five measurement measure ment ranges that can be individually configured through the software: •

100 mV mV


10 V

100 V

600 V. V.

These range limits refer to the respective RMS values of the sinusoidal shaped input signals. Input impedance:

500 k Ω // 50 pF in all me measureme asurement nt ranges. ranges.

Overload protection:

Vpeak = ± 850 V (Vrms = 600 V) from referen reference ce potential GND, from another input, or protective earth ground (PE).

The sampling rate can also be set by the software: •

28.44 kHz

9.48 kHz

3.16 kHz

2.3 Multimeter Mode The multimeter mode is designed for measuring steady-state signals, such as DC or sinusoidal. Measurements such as RMS values, phase shifting, frequency, etc. can be made. The input signals are processed in "real-time" without any delay.



Test Sets

2.4 Transient Recording In this operating mode, transient signals on up to 10 input channels can be synchronously recorded. The recording starts whenever a trigger condition is met. Trigger conditions are easily configured in the EnerLyzer  test  test module. In addition, a time offset for the acquisition window relative to the trigger tr igger time point can be specified. The trigger delay can be

Figure 2-2: Illustration of the relationship between trigger time points, trigger delay, and recording time.

positiv positive e (recor (recording ding begi begins ns after after th the e trigger trigger time time point point))

or negative negative (recording (recording begins begins alread already y before before the the trigger trigger time time point). point).

Start time for recording

Trigger time

End of recording

Trigger delay (negative)

Recording of input signals


The maximum length of the recording depends on the settings for the sample rate and the number of channels to be recorded.

2.5 Harmonic Analysis Calculates the harmonic analysis of all configured inputs (up to 64 harmonics) and displays it in a bar graph and in a tabular format.

2.6 Trend Recording Mode In Trend Recording Mode, you can make a historical plot of various measurements over time. It is possible to measure RMS voltage, RMS current, phase, real, apparent and reactive power and the power factor. This mode is activated by clicking “View | Trend Recording Mode”. The main view has a CTS Chart. Each selected measurement function appears in a separate diagram (i.e., all frequency measurements in the frequency diagram). RMS current and voltage appear in separate diagrams. Time is displayed in seconds on the x-axis. The diagram is scrolled from right to left as new data is recorded.



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The EnerLyzer Test Module

3 The EnerLyzer Test Module EnerLyzer  has  has four modes of operation.


Measures phase, RMS value, frequency, and power for both currents and voltages on up to 10 inputs. Details are provided in section 3.2 3.2 on  on page 12 12..

Transient Recording

Records a transient record in the CMC and displays it on the PC. Details are provided in section 3.3 on 3.3 on page 19 19..

Harmonic Analysis

Calculates the harmonic analysis of all confined inputs (up to 64 harmonics) and displays it in a bar graph and or a tabular format.

Trend Recording

Measures RMS voltage, RMS current, phase, real, power (apparent and reactive) and the power factor and then makes a historical plot of various measurements over time.

These four modes are mutually exclusive. You cannot run multimeter mode at the same time you perform a transient recording, perform a harmonic analysis or perform a trend recording. Switching between multimeter mode, transient recording mode, harmonic analysis, or trend recording mode can be done via toolbar icons.

3.1 Launching the EnerLyzer Test Module Launch the EnerLyzer  test  test module from the OMCRON Test Universe  Universe  Start Page. Page.  test module is launched first then no other test module Note: If the EnerLyzer  test can run in parallel. This is because there is only one sample buffer, buffe r, which can only be read by one test module at a time. The solution has the following two steps: •

Launch EnerLyzer  after  after all other test modules in order orde r to keep the sample buffer free and to run other test modules in parallel.

Disable EnerLyze EnerLyzerr from recording CMB IO-7  inputs  inputs when another test module is running. This can be achieved through the resource locking.

 is able to work as normal but bu t is prevented from recording the CMB EnerLyzer  is IO-7  inputs.  inputs. This occurrence only happens when a CMB IO-7  is  is connected.



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3.2 Multimeter Mode The multimeter mode is activated by clicking either on the icon in the toolbar or clic clickin king g “V “View iew | Mul Multim timeter eter Mode”. Mode”. The multimeter mode displays the following measurements both in a grid format and in a vector diagram: • AC RMS RMS and and D DC C of both both voltag voltages es a and nd c curre urrents nts •



sy syst stem em co comp mpon onen ents ts

line li ne-L -Liine vol volta tage ges. s.

These results are displayed in two different grids: a signals grid and a power grid. You can change the configuration by clicking the Configuration toolbar icon, which opens the Multimeter Configuration dialog box.


Hardware Configuration Launch the EnerLyzer  test  test module from the Test Universe Start Page. Page. Click the Hardware Configuration toolbar icon or click “Parameters “Parame ters | Hardwa Hardware re Configuration” Configuration” to displ display ay the Hardware Configuration dialog box.

Figure 3-1: Voltage and current channel definitions

Function The channel usage can be specified in the function row with drop down menus at each channel 1 through 10. Channels can be used as binary inputs, counter inputs, voltage inputs, or current inputs.

Nominal Range The nominal range can be specified for each voltage or o r current channel. The nominal range is the dynamic maximum (peak value) that is expected to appear on the channel.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

Clamp Ratio For each current channel, the current clamp ratio can be specified. This setting in the Hardware Configuration dialog box should match the settings of the switches on the actual current clamp. The inputs of the CMC test set were intended for sinusoidal signals. As such, the nominal range can be considered V rms. Together with a clamp ratio, it specifies how large the peak values can be before clipping occurs. This is important to remember for non-sinusoidal signals that may be within the Vrms  nominal range but that may have larger peak values which get clipped. Specifying a larger range can prevent clipping. However, doing so results in a loss of resolution, because the analog-to-digital analog- to-digital conversion only has 12-bits to represent the entire range. The left-hand column of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to specify the test module input signal. The index numbers n on Vn Vn and  and In  In  represent a logical connection in subsequent power dialog boxes in order to determine real, apparent, and reactive Power n. is n. In other words, Power2   is calculated from V2  and  and I2 . It is not possible to monitor the results of, say, V1 V1   and I3 I3.. The second column from the left in the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to enter a Display Name for Name for subsequent dialog boxes. In this example for monitoring voltages and currents, the display names chosen are ar e V a, a, V b, b, and V c  for  for the input voltages and I a, a, I b, b, and I c  for  for the input currents, as is shown in Figure 3-1. 3-1. The remaining portion of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is a table for establishing logical connections between the input signals or display names and the physical channels on the CMC test set. Each input signal can be assigned to only one channel and vice versa. Figure 3-1 shows 3-1 shows an example of the logical connections and the intended physical wiring of the voltage probes and current clamps to the CMC test set. If the actual wiring of the current clamps is different (for instance, if the I   inputs are exchanged for the V  inputs),  inputs), the logical connections can be used to make the associations instead of physically moving cables on the front panel of the CMC test set.



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Setting up the Test Hardware On the Multimeter dialog box, click the Configuration toolbar icon to provide access to the channel configurations, which allows you to change the measurement configuration as required.

Figure 3-2: Multimeter Configuration dial Configuration  dialog og box

In the F1 drop-down menu, select the first channel that th at measures frequency. This channel is also used as reference channel for phase measurement. (By default, it always shows 0° phase). In the F2 drop-down menu, you can select a second channel for frequency measurement. The averaging factor helps smooth out noisy signals. If measuring a steady state signal, setting the averaging factor to medium or high increases the accuracy. If the signal varies rapidly or has a complicated wave form, it's better to switch this off. The averaging applies to all readings (i.e., RMS, phase, frequency, and power). The averaging works by "remembering" previous values. It uses the equation: result = newValue * averfact + oldValue * (1 - averfact) newValue

value of the new sample


value o off tth he pr previous s sa amples (a (also a av veraged)


newly calculated value


averaging factor.


for no averaging


for medium averaging, and


for high averaging.

The sampling frequency  determines  determines the accuracy of the recorded signal. If the measured signal varies significantly in time or has a complicated wave form, increasing the sampling rate will help measure the signal accurately. The 9 kHz sampling frequency is adequate for normal sinusoidal signals.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

In the Refresh Refresh  rate rate edit  edit box, enter a value which determines how often the information on the screen gets updated. The refresh rate refers to the screen parameters and not to the actual sampling of signals.


Multimeter Signals Grid The Signals grid displays each analog input measurement into the following columns:


displays the user-defined name of the input. This name is entered in the Hardware Configuration dialog box, in the Display name field.


displays the physical channel number. (The ref. ref. indicator  indicator means that it is used as the reference signal and therefore the phase angle will always be 0°.)

Value (AC):

displays the RMS value of the signal. For a current input, the values are shown in amps and for voltage inputs, the values are displayed in volts.


displays the phase angle between this signal and the reference signal.

Value (DC):

displays the DC value of the signal. For a current input, the values are shown in amps and for voltage inputs, the values are displayed in volts.

Figure 3-3: Multimeter mode dialog box showing both the signals grid and the power grid

The phase, voltage, and current are updated at the specified refresh rate. If the signal being measured is greater than the maximum range then an "Overload" message is displayed in the corresponding cell. If no measurement results are available, then a blank is displayed in the corresponding cell. This happens for a short period when the measurement is started. It also can occur for the phase and frequency if the signal is too weak to measure.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse


Multimeter Power Grid The Power  grid  grid displays the real, apparent, and reactive power, the power factor and the DC power for each power system. The power systems are assigned in the Input Configuration dialog box. The Power  grid  grid consists of the following columns:


Displays the name of the power signal.

Channel V:

Displays the physical channel number of the voltage channel.

Channel I:

Displays the physical channel number of the current channel.

DC Power:

Displays the DC component of power.

AC Power:

Contains the following four columns:


Displays the real power 


Displays the apparent power 


Displays the reactive power 

cos Phi

Displays the power factor cos Phi (real / apparent power).

The real and apparent power values are correct for all waveforms (i.e., including harmonics). Reactive power will show only the correct values for pure sine waves. If there is more than one power system, the real, apparent and reactive power and the DC component of each system are added together and displayed in a separate row. The power sum is only correct under the following conditions: •

the real real and reactive reactive powers powers are are of the sa same me si sign gn for each p power ower system, system,

the wave wavefo form rms s are are si sinu nuso soid idal al,,

• the freq frequenc uency y of all pow power er syste systems ms ar are e the sam same. e.  A maximum of four power signals can be measured simultaneously. If no power systems are assigned then this grid is not shown at all.



The EnerLyzer Test Module


Display of Error Conditions  An icon in the leftmost column of both the signals grid and the power grid shows any errors occurring in the measurement. If no icon is shown then there is no error.


Indicates the magnitude greater than theincrease range of the input. that If you get this error is then you should the range of the input in the Input Configuration dialog box. If this error is indicated then no measured values will be shown in the grid.

Weak Signal:

Frequency Out of Range:

Indicates that the magnitude is too weak to give an accurate reading. (I.e., it is less than 10 % of the range of the input). The phase angle and the frequency cannot be measured for weak signals. If you get this th is error then you should decrease the range of the input in the Input Configuration dialog box. Indicates that the signal frequency is either too high or too low to be measured.

If one of these errors occurs then the measurements may not be displayed and a blank entry is shown in the corresponding cell. Blank entries are also displayed when no measurement results are available, which happens briefly when the measurement is first started.



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Multimeter Vector Diagrams clicking the corresponding toolbar icon opens the three different types of vector diagrams available in Multimeter Mode:


Displays one to four groups of vectors that can be displayed (depending on how many systems are configured): • All signals


System 1

System 2

System 3

System 4.

Displays the power system as a power triangle diagram, except that the power lines do not form the shape of a triangle but meet in the center. Only one power system can be displayed.

Symmetrical Components: Displays the symmetrical components (V0, V1, V2 or I0, I1, I2) of the selected 3-phase system. Only one system can be displayed at a time. If there are no 3-phase systems configured then you cannot open this diagram and the toolbar icon is unavailable.  A right click any of the diagrams pops up a context menu at which the Auto Zoom feature can be turned on or off, and the display range be zoomed in or out manually.


Switching on or off Multimeter  To switch switch on multimeter, multimeter, click click “Test “Test | Start” or click click the Start toolbar icon. Measuring is on by default. If you have manually switched off multimeter measuring, use the start command to switch it on again. To switch switch off multimeter, multimeter, click click “Test “Test | Stop” or click click the Stop toolbar icon. If you switch off multimeter measuring, the last recorded measurements remain on the screen. As such, the stop command can be used as a “hold” button in order to view data.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

3.3 Transient Recording Mode Click either the Transient Recording Mode toolbar icon or “View “Vie w | Transi Transient ent Record Recording ing Mode” Mode” to activ activate ate th that at mo mode. de. Figure 3-4: Transient Recording mode

The Transient Recording mode lets you to capture a transient record in the CMC test set. You can then display that record.

Trigger conditions Set either an immediate, a power quality, or a basic trigger condition. For power quality triggers, there are 6 types available to choose from: Sag, Swell, Harmonic, Frequency, Frequency Change and Notch.  binary input channels can be used for Note: CMB IO-7 1 or ISIO 200  binary recording, only, not for triggering. For triggering, use CMC 356 /CMC 256plus/ 256plus/CMC 256  inputs.  inputs.


CMB IO-7  is  is a meanwhile discontinued product



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Use GPS/IRIG-B time Use GPS/IRIG-B time is disabled as long as no time source setting is done in the Hardware Configuration yet. •

Click Hardware Configuration on the Home tab.

Select the Time Source tab in the Hardware Configuration

Spe Specif cify y your your time time sourc source e (GPS (GPS or or IIRIG RIG-B). -B).

Normally, the trigger time is calculated from the computer's clock, and therefore not very accurate. For one single recording this is nothing to be concerned about. If simultaneous recordings are to be made at two or more locations, however, the results need to be synchronized to each other; an accurate trigger becomes inevitable. In conjunction with a CMGPS or CMGPS  or a CMIRIG-B CMIRIG-B time  time synchronization device, highly accurate reference time-synchronized triggering is possible. When using one of these two mentioned synchronization devices, select the Use GPS/IRIG-B time option to apply the highly-accurate GPS/IRIG-B reference time as trigger time for all further records. A special icon will appear in the COMTRADE file list box below File specification indicating that the GPS/IRIG-B time was used.  does not support time synchronization by CMGPS 588 , Note: EnerLyzer  does PTP or NTP. Use CMGPS CMGPS or  or CMIRIG-B CMIRIG-B instead.  instead.

Acquisition parameters Here you specify the parameters for the signal recording to a COMRADE file.

Saving data Specify how and where to save the records to the COMTRADE file.

For each record •

Crea reate ne new fifile: Creates a new COMTRADE file for each transient record uploaded from the PC. In this mode, each new file name has an integer appended to the file name to make it unique (e.g., Event1.cfg, Event2.cfg, etc.).

Ov Over erwr writ itin ing g exis existi ting ng fi file le:: Uses the same existing COMTRADE file each time a record is uploaded from the CMC test set.

Saving records •

First only: Saves the first record sent to the PC, only. After saving the record, recording automatically stops.

Automatically: Continuously records and uploads the records to the PC. Each uploaded transient record is converted to a COMTRADE file, and saved under a unique name.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

On demand: The Save now button is enabled whenever there is a record available in the CMC test set. Click Save now to upload and save that record to the PC.

File specificatio specification n Either enter the file and the location of the generated COMTRADE file, or click Browse to search for the file and its location. The field below then displays the transient records. This is useful for  Advanced TransPlay  and  and TransView .

Input configuration Input Configuration provides a way of configuring the binary/analog inputs of the CMC test set, of the 2 & 3-phase systems, and of the power systems. Consider it a replacement of the Hardware Configuration, which is still available, though. To change the input configuration, double-click any of the ten binary/analog inputs. This opens a dialog box where you can configure the inputs.

Virtual Inputs In Transient Recording mode, EnerLyzer  supports  supports the use of virtual inputs. Virtual inputs are a "virtual extension" of the number of available binary inputs. Physically they do not exist (as an input connector at the CMC test set); internally, however, they are handled like real inputs by the Test Universe software. Universe software. You can use these virtual inputs, for example, to map GOOSE messages in cases where the regular BINARY INPUTs of your CMC test set are already used up by analog input signals. → See

the Hardware Configuration Help topic General Tab (subheading Virtual Inputs/Outputs) for more information about defining and mapping virtual inputs/outputs... EnerLyzer  displays  displays used virtual inputs with an additional string, such as "+ 2 virtual binary inputs", next to the BINARY INPUT I NPUT 10 symbol at the right of the Input configuration group.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

3.4 Input Configuration The Input Configuration dialog box provides a way of configuring the binary/analog inputs of the CMC test set and the 2 & 3-phase systems and power systems. It is a replacement for the Hardware Configuration dialog box, which is still available. To change the input configuration, double-click any of the ten binary/analog inputs of the CMC test set to open a floating dialog box where the input can be configured.


Input Configuration, Creating 2 & 3 Phase Systems Dragging and dropping the Input Configuration icons from the top row of ten inputs into the groups marked by System1, System2, and System3 can configure a system. If only two inputs are in a system then it is considered as a 2-phase system. If three inputs are in a system, then it is considered a 3phase system. Also an input can be assigned as Neutral by dropping it into the corresponding box.

2 & 3-Phase Systems are used in the Multimeter mode to enable the calculation of symmetrical components and Line-line voltages. (The neutral setting is used for documenting purposes only and has no effect on any of the calculations). If you make a comtrade record, then the inputs in System1 and System2 S ystem2 are automatically assigned to the TransView  test  test tool “parameterized network node”. All inputs in a system have to be the same type and only the voltage or the current inputs are allowed.


Input Configuration, Creating Power Systems Dragging and dropping icons from the top row of ten inputs into the groups marked by Power1, Power2, etc. can configure a power system. These are used in the Multimeter mode to enable the measurement of power systems.


Input Configuration, Floating Configure Input Double-clicking any of the Input Configuration icons from the top row of the ten inputs will open a floating dialog box allowing all parameters of the input to be configured.

Function:  – Voltage:

 Allows the input to measure voltages

 – Current:

 Allows the input to measure currents

 – Potential free binary:

 Allows the input to record binary signals via opening and closing of a contract.

 – Potential sensing binary:  Allows the input to record binary signals via a voltage going above the threshold  – Not used:

Use if you do not want to make any measurements on this input



The EnerLyzer Test Module


Name of the input. A previously entered name can be chosen from the combo box list.


Only available for  Potential  Potential sensing binary inputs. Voltages below this threshold are counted as binary 0. Voltages above this threshold are counted as binary 1.

Clamp ratio:

Only available for Current inputs. This value specifies the clamp ratio of the current clamp (it can also be used to specify the ratio of a current shunt). Clinking on the arrow button allows you to select from a list of commonly used values.


This input function has five settings. For voltag vol tage e inputs inputs thes these e are 1 100 00 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V and 600 V. For current current inputs inputs th the e values are in amps = voltage range * the clamp ratio. You should choose the smallest range that is greater than the signal that you are For example, signal 100measuring. V you shoul should d use the the 600ifVthe rang range. e. is

Primary transformer ratio:

This is the nominal value of the primary ratio. In combination with the secondary transformer ratio, it is used to convert measurements from primary to secondary values. It is also saved in the comtrade record.

Secondary transformer ratio: This is the nominal value of the secondary ratio. In combination with the primary transformer ratio it is used to convert measurements from primary to secondary values. It is also saved in the comtrade record. Back / Forth buttons:

These buttons allow you to move to the next/previous input. You can also change inputs by clicking the corresponding icon in the Input Configuration dialog box while the float dialog is still open.

+ left arrow and + right arrow are the keyboard shortcuts shortcu ts for these commands.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse


Setting the Trigger Conditions In the Trigger the Trigger conditions section conditions  section of the transient recorder interface specify: •

the channel channel on which which the trigger trigger is to to occu occurr using using the Channel Channel drop-down drop-down menu,

a voltage/cur voltage/current rent level level for for the trigger by entering entering a value value in the Level Level ed edit it box. If a binary input is selected for the trigger channel, you cannot set the voltage/current level,

the trigger trigger slope slope e edge dge as being either falling or rising rising for for the trigger trigger event. event.

Using basic triggers: Channel:

Select the channel on which the trigger occurs.


Enter a voltage level for the trigger. If a binary input is selected for the trigger channel, you cannot set the voltage level.


Enter the trigger slope edge as being either falling or rising for the trigger event.

Using power quality triggers: Sag and Swell:

Magnitude and duration has to be specified. The duration is entered in seconds and the magnitude is entered in percentage of the nominal. If the “Auto-adjust resolution” option is selected, EnerLyzer  selects  selects a value of resolution that is appropriate for the sag/swell duration.


Triggers when the frequency goes outside the specified deviation. The deviation is entered as a +/- deviation of the nominal frequency in hertz.

Frequency change:

Triggers when the rate of change of frequency increases above the specified rate. The rate is



specified in +/- hertz / second. Triggers when a certain harmonic distortion goes above a certain level. It is always calculated over a period of two cycles (i.e., resolution is fixed at 2 cycles). You can enter the particular harmonic (2nd - 7th), or THD and and the level level of h harmoni armonic. c. The level is specified as a percentage of the nominal.


The EnerLyzer Test Module


Triggers after a certain number of notches of a certain duration and amplitude occur. You can enter the duration of the spike in seconds, the depth of the notch in either volts or amps, and the quantity of notches. The trigger occurs when the number of notches detected equals the quantity specified. This quantity has to occur within a period of 10 cycles. cycles. This trigg trigger er can only be used in the the 28 kHz sampling sampling ffrequen requency. cy.


Power Quality Trigger  The Power Quality Trigger  dialog  dialog box is used to set one or more power quality triggers. There is a maximum of six triggers allowed. A trigger is activated when any one of the selected trigger conditions occurs.


Shows a list of available power quality triggers. The trigger is added by double clicking the item, or or by selecting a trigger and then clicking the Add button. You can select any combination of triggers up to a limit of six. You can delete selected triggers by highlighting them and clicking the Remove  button.

Selected grid:

Shows the power quality triggers currently selected. One or more triggers can be removed by selecting the trigger and clicking the Remove button. Context sensitive help is shown for the currently selected cell.

Nominal frequency:

Selects the nominal frequency of the signal. The choices choi ces are 16. 16.7 7 Hz, 50 Hz and and 6 60 0 Hz.

Auto-adjust resolution: Check this selection to automatically select the optimum resolution for this trigger. Clear this selection if you want to choose a specific trigger resolution.

Trigger channel: Nominal:

Note: It is recommended to keep up this selection. Sets the channel that the trigger occurs on. Sets the nominal RMS voltage or current for the specified channel. The setting must be at least 10 % of the range range of tthe he input. input.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

The following is a detailed description of each trigger.

Swell/Sag Trigger: The Swell/Sag trigger activates when the specified magnitude is exceeded for a time greater than the specified duration. Typical Sag:

1. = 20 20 ms duration

2. = 10 % magnitude

3. = RMS = 100 %

4. = RMS = 90 %

Sag/Swell Duration:

This trigger activated when the sag/swell exceeds this duration. The smaller duration to is the twice the resolution. This values is rounded nearest multiple of the resolution. For instance, if the resolution resolu tion is 10 ms and you you enter enter 19 ms then it wil willl be rounded rounded up to 20 ms.

Sag/Swell Magnitude:

This trigger activates when a sag/swell occurs with a magnitude greater than this value. The magnitude is expressed as a percentage of the nominal.. The minimum va nominal value lue is 1 %. A value below this can be entered, but there is no guarantee that the trigger will activate in that case.

Sag/Swell Resolution: CMC measures the RMS over a specified time, which is the resolution. For example. a 2-cycle resolution means that the RMS is measured every 2 cycles. For half the cycle setting, the RMS is measured for one cycle, but is updated every half cycle. A larger resolution increases the accuracy of the measurement of the RMS magnitude, but reduces the accuracy of the measurement of the duration. duratio n. If the sampling frequency frequency is 3 kHz then the minimum resolution is 2 cycles.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

Harmonic Trigger: The CMC calculates the harmonics by means of a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation) every 2 cycles and then, if the specified level is exceeded, a trigger occurs. The THD is calculated with the following formula:

THD = (URMS2 / Uh12 -1) where is Uh1 is the fundamental.


You can choose choose the the speci specific fic harmonic harmonic (2 (2nd nd - 7th), or the the THD (total harmonic distortion) to trigger on.


This trigger activates when the harmonics distortion exceeds this lever. It is expressed in terms of percentage of the fundamental. The minimum minimum level for the harmonics harmonics is 1 %. The minimum minimum level for the THD trigger trigger is 3 %, but it is recommended to enter at least recommended least 5 % because the trigger trigger is not very accurate below this level.


If the THD trigger is used then it is recommended that the nominal current current / voltage voltage must be equal or above 30 % of the input range, otherwise the measurement may be inaccurate.

Frequency Trigger: The Frequency trigger activates when the measured frequency goes outside the specific deviation. For example, if the nominal frequency is 50 Hz and the deviation deviat ion is 1 Hz, then it will will trigger trigger if the frequency frequency drops belo below w 49 Hz or rises above 51 Hz. The frequency is measured by measuring the time of the zero crossing for several cycles (determined by the resolution) and calculating the average.


The deviation from the nominal frequency that causes a trigger.


The resolution is the amount of cycles over which the frequency is measured. Entering a small value allows allo ws you to detect short variations in frequency, while entering a large value makes the measurements more accurate and makes it less likely to trigger on short variations.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

Frequency Change Trigger: The Frequency Change trigger measures the rate of change of the frequency and triggers when the specified rate is exceeded. Frequency change is calculated by making two separate frequency measurements. First the frequency is measured for 1/4 of resolution time, then it waits for half the resolution time, and then the frequency is measured again for 1/4 of the resolution time. For instance, if the resolution is 16 cycles, then the frequency change is calculated as follows.

1. = 1st m  me easurement 4 cycles

2. = Wait for 8 cycles nd

3. = Resolution = 16 cycles

4. = 2  measurement 4 cycles


This trigger is activated when the rate of frequency change exceeds this value. The minimum value is 100 mHz/s.


The resolution refers to the time over which the frequency measurement is carried out. Entering a small value allows you to detect short rates of change, while entering a large value makes the measurement more accurate and makes it less likely to trigger on short variation.


For the trigger it is recommended that the nominal current/volta current /voltage ge must be equal, or above 30 % of the input range, otherwise the measurement may be inaccurate.

Notch Trigger   A notch is a brief reduction in the instantaneous voltage, or current. The notch trigger detects notches of a specified duration and depth. The notch trigger is only allowed with the 28 kHz sampling frequency.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

Typical notch:

1. = Duration

2. = Depth


The duration ofsthe notch diagram) . The value must be diagram). between 106  µ and and 2 ms. ms(see .


The depth of the notch (see diagram).


The trigger activates after this amount of notches have occurred within a ten-cycle period.

Indication of invalid parameters: Invalid parameters are marked with a red border around the edge of the cell.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse


Setting the Acquisition Parameters The Acquisition Parameters section for the transient recorder interface has several items to be specified. •

Enter the the desired desired pre-trigger pre-trigger llength ength in the the pre-trigger pre-trigger length edit b box. ox. This This is the amount of samples to record before the at trigger pre-trigger length means that recording starts someevent. point A in negative time after the trigger event.

Note: The time of the trigger event has a small “rounding error” because of the different sampling frequencies. This error will be a maximum of 65 microseconds.


Enter Enter a valu value e for for the the record recording ing length length in tthe he Acquisition Length edit box. This defines the duration for the recording.

Select the desired desired sampling sampling fr frequenc equency. y. The sampli sampling ng frequency frequency has a an n affect on the recording length. The higher the sampling frequency, the higher the resolution of the recording at the expense of a shorter recording time. On the other hand, the lower the sampling frequency, the longer the recording time at the expense of a lower resolution.

Starting or Stopping the Recording To start the the recording, recording, click click “Test | Start” or click click the Start toolbar icon. The recording waits for the trigger event to start transient recording. If you want to start the recording immediately without waiting for the trigger event, first click “Immediate”, then “Play”. The recording starts immediately.  can read it, then Note: If the data is recorded at a faster rate than EnerLyzer  can an Overrun message is displayed. To stop the the recording, recording, click “Test “Test | Stop” or the Stop toolbar icon. If you switch off transient recording then the recording is aborted.


Playing Back and Analyzing the Transient Record To playback the transient record, select the comtrade file in the list box and click the Playback toolbar icon. The comtrade file is sent to Advanced to Advanced TransPlay . To analyze the transient record, select the comtrade file in the list box and click the Analyze toolbar icon or double click the comtrade file in the list box. The comtrade file is analyzed using the TransView  test  test tool.



The EnerLyzer Test Module


Saving the Data In the Saving records section records section of the transient recorder interface, choose one of the following options:

First only:

Saves only the first record sent to the PC.  After saving the record, recording is automatically stopped.


Records and uploads the records to the PC PC continuously. Each transient record uploaded is converted to a comtrade file and saved under a unique name.  is used as an Note: If the CMB IO-7  is extension, the comtrade file size can reach up to 300 MB if the CMB IO-7  has  has 160 inputs and the maximum recording length of 316405 ms.

On demand:

Records and uploads a record to the PC only when when the “Save now” button button is activated. activa ted. The “Save now” button is only only active when there is a record available in the CMC.

The For each record  portion  portion of the section has mutually exclusive radio buttons that can be set:

Create new file:

Creates a new comtrade file for each transient record uploaded from the PC. In this mode each new file name has an integer appended to the file name to make it unique (e.g., Event1.cfg, Event2.cfg, etc.).

Overwriting existing file:

Uses the same existing comtrade file each time a record is uploaded from the CMC.

In the File specification edit box, either enter the file and the location of the generated comtrade file or click Browse to search for the desired file name and location.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

3.5 Harmonic Analysis Mode The Harmonic Analysis mode is activated by clicking either the Harmonic mode e icon icon or click clicking ing “View “View | Harmon Harmonic ic Anal Analysi ysis s Mod Mode”. e”. Analysis mod This mode calculates the harmonic analysis of all configured inputs (up to 64 harmonics) and displays it in a bar graph and in a tabular format. Clicking the Start toolbar icon constantly refreshes the screen. Clicking the Stop toolbar icon at any time will freeze the current values on the screen. The refresh rate depends on the number of inputs configured and the number of harmonics selected. The main view has three different tabs:


Bar Graph



Bar Graph Tab This tab displays a bar graph or each signal. Each signal can be shown in a separate diagram, or all current signals can be shown sh own in one current diagram and all voltage diagrams in one voltage diagram.


Summary Tab This tab displays the overall statistics of the harmonic analysis.


Displays the user-defined name of the input. (The term “ref.” means that it is used as the reference signal and therefore the phase angle will always be 0°).


Displays the physical channel number.

Fundamental Magnitude:

Displays the RMS value of the fundamental.

Fundamental Phase:

Displays the phase angle of the fundamental.


Overall Signal Frequency:

Displays the frequency of the signal.

Overall Signal RMS:

Displays the total RMS of the whole signal.

Overall Signal THD:

Shows the total harmonic distortion of the signal.


The EnerLyzer Test Module


Details Tab This tab displays detailed data about each harmonic: •

Name Name and channe channell of the input input (The (The ter term m “ref.” “ref.” mea means ns that that it is used used as the reference signal.)

• •

Harmonic Harmonic 1 (i.e., fundamental): fundamental): Shows the m magnit agnitude ude of of the fundamental. fundamental. Harmonic Harmonic 2...64: 2...64: Shows Shows the m magnitu agnitude de relative relative to the fundam fundamental, ental, the absolute magnitude and the phase shift of each harmonic. The phase shift is relative to the fundamental.

It may not be possible to calculate the phase angle and/or the magnitude of all harmonics. For example, if the frequency of the signal is too high, then a blank entry is shown in the cell. If the harmonic magnitude is very low, then it may not be possible to calculate the phase angle.


Snapshot View Click the Snapshot Launch toolbar icon to open the Snapshot View. This view displays the waveform that the current harmonic analysis is based upon.

Note: The harmonic analysis will be stopped while this view is visible. There are two diagrams, one for voltage and one for currents. There is a context sensitive menu for this diagram, which has the following commands:


Enables zooming of the diagram with the mouse.


Returns the x and y axis to their original state.


Sets magnification level.


Enables / disables the signals to display in the current diagram.



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Display of Error Conditions  An icon in the leftmost column of both the details tab and the summary tab shows any errors occurring in the measurement. If no icon is shown, then there is no error.


Indicates thatthe the magnitude ofinput. the signal greater than range of the If youis get this error then you should increase the input range in the input configuration dialog. If this error is indicated then only the frequency will be shown in the grid.

Weak Signal:

Indicates that the signal is too weak to give an accurate reading. (i.e., it is less than 10 % of the range of the the input.) If yo you u get this error, only the fundamental magnitude and the RMS measurements are shown. If you get this error you should decrease the range rang e in the Input Configuration dialog box.

Frequency Out of Range:

Indicates that the signal frequency is either too high or too low to be measured.

If one of these errors occurs then the measurements may not be displayed and a blank entry is shown in the corresponding cell. Blank entries are also displayed when no measurement results are available, which happens briefly when the measurement is first started. These errors are also indicated in the Bar Graph tab as a footnote in the diagram.


Setting the Harmonic Analysis Configuration To set the harmonic analysis configuration: 1. Clic Click k th the e Harmonic Analysis toolbar icon to open the Harmonic Analysis dialog box. 2. Clic Click k th the e Configuration toolbar icon to open the Harmonic Analysis Configuration dialog box.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

3.6 Trend Recording Mode The Trend Recording Mode is activated by clicking either the Trend  toolbar bar icon icon or or clicki clicking ng “V “View iew | Trend Trend Record Recording ing Mode Mode”. ”. Recording Mode tool In Trend Recording Mode, you can make a historical plot of various measurements over time. It is possible to measure RMS voltage, RMS current, frequency, phase, real, apparent and reactive power and the power factor. The main view has a CTS Chart. Each selected measurement function appears in a separate diagram (i.e. all frequency measurements in the frequency diagram). RMS current and voltage appear in separate diagram. Time is displayed in seconds on the x-axis. The diagram is scrolled from right-to-left as new data is recorded.


Clears all data from the graph.

Auto scale:

If selected, the Y-axis is scaled automatically as each new measurement is added to the graph.

Time started:

Shows the start time of the recording.


Shows the current status. Can be offline, running or stopped.

Diagram menu:

Right-clicking any diagram opens a sub-menu and the following menu items can be selected:


Enables zooming of the diagram with the mouse.

Optimize | All

Optimizes both the X-axis and the Y-axis.

Optimizes | X-axis

Causes the data to be shown for the entire recording period.

Optimizes | Y-axis

Scales the Y-axis optimally.


Sets magnification level.


Enables / disables the


Diagram Error Status:

diagrams to display. Enables / disables the signals to display in the current diagram.

The following error can occur: “RMS and Power measurements can have an overload error:” When the channel is overloaded, small circles appear on the plotted line where the overloading occurs. Also the word “Overload” is displayed in the diagram legend.



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Frequency and phase measurement can have a weak signal error: When the input signal is below 2 % of the input range then the weak signal error appears. If there is a weak signal condition con dition at the start of the recording then the signal is not plotted at all. If the signal is initially okay, but then goes below the threshold, small x’s are plotted in the diagram at the point where the weak signal occurred. Also the word “Weak signal” is displayed in the diagram legend. For phase measurement, it is considered to be a weak signal if either the channel is measured, or the reference channel has an input signal below 2 % of the input range.

Diagram Stop/Start Indication: If you click Stop, a small red square appears in all the diagram indicating where the measurement has stopped. If you click Start, then a small green square appears in all the diagrams indicating where the measurement started. If you switch to another mode, then the recording is stopped automatically. The recording starts again when you return to the Trend Recording Mode. Similarly, if the Trend Recording Configuration dialog box or the Input Configuration dialog box is opened then the recording is stopped until the dialog is closed again.

Configuration Change: If any configuration in the Trend Recording Configuration or the Input Configuration is changed then all previous recorded values are removed.

Recording Limit: Trend recording can be run for long periods of time, but there is a limit of 4 million samples. After this limit is exceeded then the oldest samples are deleted from the diagrams. This happens depending on the amount of measurements and the refresh time. For example, measuring RMS on 6 channels with a 1 second measurement rate means that you can record for 4 000 000 00 000 0 / 6 x 60 x 60 = 18 185 5 hou hours rs.. If If you you w wan antt to re reco cord rd for for a lon longe gerr ti time me,, increase the measurement rate.

Chart Cursors: These cursors allow you to make precise measurements of the recorded signal. Select the Cursors checkbox, then select the signal that you want to measure in the Signal column of the cursor cur sor grid to display the cursors. Move the blue and red cursors to the point in the graph that you want to measure. The time and the value of the signal are shown in the grid for each cursor. The time is shown both as calendar date and time and seconds since the start of the recording. Also the time difference and the measurement value difference between the two cursors positions is shown in the last row of the grid.  A "go to min" and "go to max" button is provided for each cursor. When these buttons are pressed the cursor moves to the min or to the max o off the selected signal.



The EnerLyzer Test Module

The bottom row of the grid has a button "Calculate Average". When this button is pressed the average value of the selected signal is calculated. Only the sample points that fall between the two cursors are used to calculate the average. The total recording time is shown to the right of the grid.

3.7 Trend Recording Cursors Click the Cursor check box to display the Cursor Data table. The Time column displays the exact position of the two cursors along the time axis. The Signal column displays an analog signal, which can be assigned to each cursor. Click the field and select the signal from the combo box. The momentary value of the selected signal is displayed in the Value column. If the signals assigned to the two cursors are of the same physical quantity (e.g. two voltages), then the difference is shown in the third line C2-C1.

3.8 Setting the Trend Recording Configuration This mode allows you to make a historical plot of various measurements over time. It is possible to measure RMS voltage, RMS current, frequency, phase, real, apparent and reactive power and the power factor. Clicking the Configuration button opens the Trend Recording Configuration dialog box. This dialog box allows you to configure the measurements you want to record. The following elements are found in the dialog box.

Frequency 1, Frequency 2: Select channels for recording frequency measurement.

RMS: Select check box to record the RMS of all configured inputs.

Phase: Select this check box to record the phase of all configured inputs.

Reference channel for phase: Selects the reference channel for the phase measurement.

Real power: Select this check box to record the real power for all configured power systems.

Apparent power: Select this check box to record the apparent power for all configured power systems.



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Reactive power: Select this check box to record the reactive power for all configured power systems.

Cos Phi: Select this check box to record the power systems.

Note: Cos Phi also displays the power factor for a three-phase system. If more than two power systems are configured than the power sum will also be plotted for real, apparent, reactive and Cos Phi. Capacity remaining: This shows you how many resources are available to make measurements. There are 13 tasks available initially and this number will be reduced depending on the amount of channels configured and the amount measurements selected. Also the 28 28 kHz sampling frequency allows more tasks to be used.

Measurement rate: This is the rate at which the data is plotted. For example if the measurement rate is one second, then a new point will be plotted on the graph each second.

Sampling frequency: The sampling frequency determines the accuracy of the recorded signal. Normally the 9 kHz sampling frequency is sufficient, however for phase measurement at a 60 Hz nominal frequency, the 28kHz sampling frequency is recommended.




4 TransView The TransView  test  test tool assists you with the analysis of fault records. In addition to the values measured and recorded in the fault record, the program can also be used to calculate other variables, such as impedances, RMS values, etc. The TransView  test  test tool is accessible from EnerLyzer  only  only after a record has been acquired in the transient recording mode of EnerLyzer . Figure 4-1: Transient Recording  Recording  dialog box

Analyze The Analyze button is used to start up the TransView  test  test tool with the selected record.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

The TransView   test test tool offers a graphical display of the measured and calculated values and the binary signals. These include: •

Time signal signal diagra diagrams ms (ref (refer er to section section 4.2 4.2 on  on page 45 45). ).

Harm Harmon onic ics s char charts ts (ref (refer er to sec secti tion on 4.3 4.3 on  on page 46 46). ).

Vector Vector di diag agra rams ms (ref (refer er to to se sect ctio ion n 4.4 4.4 on  on page 47 47). ).

Impedan Impedance ce “Cir “Circle cle”” di diagra agrams ms ((refe referr to s secti ection on 4.5 on 4.5 on page 48 48). ).

It is possible to assign any number of diagrams to the different d ifferent views and any number of signals to the different diagrams. Signal assignment is performed with the help of the Assign Signals matrix.

4.1 Fundamental TransView Operation Each diagram view has a set of scroll cursors available (orange and blue) that aid in tracing the signal along the time axis. When the cursors are moved, the signal specific values of the displayed variables are changed. Moreover, all views are modified at the same time. If the analysis of a fault event requires the data from another fault record, e.g. e. g. from the remote end of a line, this data can be added and the two fault records synchronized in time. The TransView  test  test tool can process all fault records which are available in COMTRADE format, if necessary, the parameters are to be adapted to the TransView  test  test tool conventions in the corresponding dialog box.


Common Diagram Elements The TransView   test The TransView  test tool has several elements that are identical in the different diagram views.

Cursor 1 / Cursor 2  Are assigned to the time axis. Moving a cursor (orange or blue) along the time axis changes the times in the corresponding tables of all views. Cursor 1 and cursor 2 are shown as vertical lines across all diagrams in the Time Signals view and as cross-hairs in the circle diagram view.



Contains fields for entering enter time values for the cursors. The signal name, the value, and the point in time are then shown in the table.

Status line

Shows the function of the toolbar icon presently selected, the frequency, the primary and secondary data of primary current and voltage transformers and the sampling rate.

View properties

Permits specification of all parameters which are applied to all diagrams of a view, e.g. the display of auxiliary lines or the text font.



Diagram properties Permits specification of the properties of a diagram, such as the background color, the axis name, grid lines, and the axis scaling.


Signal properties

Permits specification of how the individual signals are displayed, such as the line color, line width, line type, and markers. The status signal display which mark the time for significant events can be a triangle, circle, square, or cross.


Permits specification of the ideal display size for the value profiles in each type of view. You can either maximize or minimize the whole diagram or selected parts of it. You can also optimize the display scaling. The zoom optimization function can be used separately for the X and the Y-axis. Furthermore, the display sizes of various diagrams can be adapted to each other by clicking Match.

Zoom Operations The zoom operation in the TransView  test  test tool permits changing the diagram scaling interactively.  After activation of the zoom mode, the mouse pointer changes its shape to different symbols depending on its position within the different views. The different symbols represent various functions. You can activate the Zoom mode either: •

by clicking “Vi Vie ew | Zoom | Zoom” from the menu bar, or

by clic clickin king g th the e Zoom Zoom iicon con in the the ttool ool bar, or 

by choosing Zoom Zoom from  from the context menu.

The magnifying glass can be used to enlarge a specific area of any diagram. Press and hold the left mouse button in one of the corners of the area of interest and drag a rectangle. When the mouse button is released, the section marked by the rectangle is zoomed in on. The axes can be enlarged by clicking them while the magnifying glass is enabled.  A particular view can be optimized. 1. Mark all diagrams diagrams to be displayed displayed at maximum maximum size in the se selected lected vi view. ew. 2. Click Click “Zoom “Zoom | Opt Optimi imize” ze” from from the conte context xt menu menu or the “Vi “View” ew” menu. menu. The X-axis and the Y-axis scaling are optimized. If only individual axes are to be optimized.

Optimize X-Axis

Clic Click k “Z “Zoo oom m | Opti Optimi mize ze X Axis Axis”” from the context menu or “Vie “View w | Zoom Zoom | Opti Optimi mize ze X Axis Axis”” from the menu bar. The scaling of the time axis of all diagrams in a view is optimized; the Y-axis scaling remains unchanged.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

Optimize Y-Axis

Mark all diagrams to be displayed at maximum size along the Y-axis in the selected view. Click “Z “Zoo oom m | Opti Optimi mize ze Y Axis Axis”” from the context menu or “V “Vie iew w | Zo Zoom om | Opti Optimi miz ze Y Axis Axis”” from the menu bar. The Y-axis scaling is optimized; the X-axis scaling remains unchanged.

The Match zoom function can be used to achieve a uniform scaling of several diagrams displayed in one view. 1. Mark in all diagram diagrams s the scali scaling ng that should should be matched. matched. 2. Set the focus on on the master diagram diagram (broken (broken line around around the di diagram agram last last marked). 3. Cli lick ck “Zoo “Zoom m | Matc Match” h” fro from m the the contex contextt m menu enu or “Vie “View w | Zoom Zoom | Match” Match”  from the menu bar. The scaling of the selected diagrams (along the Y-axis) is matched to the scaling of the diagram that was defined as the “master diagram.”





COMTRADE Files Transient Signals can be retrieved with the OMICRON Software OMICRON  Software EnerLyzer   and stored in a COMTRADE format. The TransView  test  test tool prepares this fault record for the graphical analysis and display in various views, such as (time signal diagrams, vector diagrams, circle diagrams and harmonics charts).  is used as an extension, the comtrade file size can Note: If the CMB IO-7  is reach up to 300 MB if the CMB IO-7  has  has 160 inputs and the maximum recording length of 316405 ms. You can edit the display of your fault record individually with the help of various dialog boxes (view properties, diagram properties, signal properties analog signals, binary signals, status signals). The recorded measurement values may need to be adjusted to the TransView  test  test tool conventions (calculations, reference arrow system). Use the Parameterize Channels and Parameterize Protected Object dialog boxes to specify the settings required to achieve compatibility with the TransView  test  test tool. One fault record is made up of several files which are stored under the same name but with different extensions as follows:


COMTRADE configuration file holding the description of the fault record channels (signal names, sampling rates, etc.) This file is generated, for example, by EnerLyzer .


COMTRADE file containing sampling values of the fault record channels (measured variables). This file is generated, for example, by EnerLyzer .


Available as an option. Protection device settings (e.g. earth impedance factors)


Available as an option. This file contains TransView -specific -specific settings related to a fault event, e.g. cursor positions, color settings of the last analysis session, etc..

These fault record files must be saved or transferred as a whole.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse


Comtrade Options The Comtrade Options dialog box allows special comtrade options to be set:

Comtrade F Fo ormat:

ASCII: The comtrade data file is written as ASCII. This makes thespecial file much larger, but it may be needed under circumstances.

Binary: The comtrade data file is written as a binary file. Nominal Frequency:

Determines the comtrade nominal frequency setting. It is used by the TransView  test  test tool to calculate the harmonic analysis of the comtrade report.

Comtrade Comment:

Is text that can be entered for reference purposes. pur poses. This is normally the substation name.

Note: If you change the default time in a new recording, all recorded files will get that default time entry. The default time values reset themselves when EnerLyzer is reopened.




4.2 Time Signals The Time Signals view is used to visualize measuring and calculation variables, as well as binary signals as a function of time. IIn n this view you can define any number of the following diagram types: • •

sta tattus di diagrams an anal alog og cu curv rve e dia diagr gram ams s or  or 

bi bina nary ry tr trac ack k dia diagr gram ams. s.

 Any number of measuring and calculation variables, binary, or status signals (time marks) can be assigned to each diagram. The values can be displayed either as instantaneous- or as RMS values. Figure 4-2: Time signals in the TransView  test  test tool

In addition to the graphical display, individual values can be entered in a table which also displays the current positions of the scroll bar cursor cur sor 1 and cursor 2 on the time axis. The data at specific points in time can be acquired by either moving the scroll bar cursors to the time or by entering the time in the respective time fields. The signal name, the value and the point in time will then be shown in this table.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

4.3 Harmonics The Harmonics  view shows the RMS values of harmonics of selected measuring values in the form of bar charts. The harmonics are determined with the help of a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation). Figure 4-3: Harmonic diagrams in the TransView  test  test tool

The measuring window is always placed to the left of the reference point (cursor position) and its length corresponds to one period of the nominal frequency TN (e.  (e.g. g.,, 20 ms at at 50 Hz, Hz, 16.6 16.6 ms at 6 60 0 Hz). Hz). The calculated variables are valid only if no status change (fault inception, disconnection, etc.) occurs within the measuring window. A separate diagram is created for each measured and calculated variable to be analyzed. The RMS value and the percentage of the fundamental component are displayed above each bar. In a tablethe you can read the current position cursor on the time position cursor at a specific point in time,ofenter the1 desired timeaxis. valueTo in this table. TransView  then  then moves the cursor automatically to the corresponding point on the time axis.




4.4 Vector Diagrams The Vector Diagrams view is used to see measured values at a specific point in time in the form of complex vectors. The left diagram is always assigned to cursor 1 and the right one to cursor 2. The vectors of the measuring variables are RMS values of the fundamental component (nominal frequency). The absolute value and the angle of the vectors are determined by means of a full-cycle DFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation). Figure 4-4: Vector diagram in the TransView test tool

The measuring window is always placed to the left of the reference point (cursor position) and its length corresponds to one period of the nominal frequency TN (e.  (e.g. g.,, 20 ms at 5 50 0 Hz, Hz, 16.6 16.6 ms a att 60 Hz). Hz). The calculated variables are valid only if no status change (fault inception, disconnection) occurs within the measuring window. The vector angle for currents and voltages always refers to a standard vector e j2πf N rotating at nominal frequency (f N). In addition to the graphical display, individual values can be entered in a table. In this table you can also read the current positions of cursor 1 and cursor 2 on the time axis. The data at specific points in time can be recorded by either moving the scroll bar cursors to the time or by entering the time in the respective time fields. The signal name, the value, and the point in time are then shown in this table.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

4.5 Impedance Circle Diagrams The impedance circle diagrams shows the calculated impedances in a circle diagram. This view is used to visualize complex impedances in the form of a circle diagram in relation to time. In addition to the graphical display, individual values can be entered in a table. In this table you can also read the current positions of cursor 1 and cursor 2 on the time axis. The data at specific points in time can be recorded by either moving the scroll bar cursors to the time or by entering the time in the respective time fields. The signal name, the value, and the point in time are then shown in this table. You can choose between the following possibilities to position the cursor on the sampling point: •

Approach Approach the intersection intersection of the cursor lines with your mouse pointer pointer.. The mouse pointer change its shape to a hand symbol. Holding down the right mouse button, move the hand symbol to the desired sampling time.

Enter the the sampling sampling point point in in the table (by (by typing typing th the e value direct directly ly or by by using the up/down arrows of the spin control in the t-in-ms cell).

The signal name, the value, and the point in time are then shown in the table.

Note: For easier identification of the individual sampling points, provide the signal to be edited a marker by using the Object Properties dialog box. There, Ther e, you can mark each sampling point with a symbol (triangle, circle, etc.). High-frequency components are usually damped by filters which are integrated in the protected device. These device-specific factors are not considered by the TransView  test  test tool. For further information, please refer to the corresponding device manual.



Wo Worki rking ng wit with h Cu Curre rrent nt Cla Clamps mps

5 Work Workin ing g wit ith h Cur urre rent nt Clam Clamp ps The BINARY/ANALOG INPUT channels of the CMC test set always measure voltages. When a given channel is configured to be a current input, a voltage is still expected on the channel. The Hardware Configuration settings for the current  input inform the EnerLyzer  test  test module that the measured voltage corresponds to a current. This information can then be used for performing the calculations for real power, apparent power, and reactive power. The specific conversion from the measured voltage to the corresponding current is given by the clamp ratio.

5.1 C-PROBE1 Standard Current Clamp The C-PROBE Standard Current Clamp from the OMICRON accessory list is a recommended device for current measuring. It is called an “active clamp,” because it has a built-in signal conditioning unit that converts the measured current into a congruent voltage. The signal conditioning unit is powered by a battery. Figure 5-1: Current clamp C-PROBE1



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

 C-PROBE offers two current ranges:

80 A

The magnetic saturation limits the current that can be measured measur ed to 80 A. The conversio conversion n factor factor is 10 mv/A. This This corresponds corresp onds to a full range output voltage voltage of 800 mV. These are RMS values for sinusoidal waveforms. As such, the peak value of the output voltage would then be about 1.13 V. A range of 1 V for the measuring measuring input input perfectly perfectly matches this case.

10 A

The conversion conversion factor is 100 mV/A. The measure measured d current is limited to 14 A (RMS, sinusoidal) before the clamp starts clipping, because the output voltage range of the signal conditioning unit is limited limited to ±2 V. This limit only applies to the clamp itself. If the measuring input is set to a range of 1 V, the analog-to-digital converter clips at peak values of ±1.5 V. Thus, the corresponding corresponding current current that can be measured without distortion is only only 10 A (RMS, sinusoidal). If the full swing swing of the clamp (±2 V) is to be used, the rang range e for the measuring input can be set higher in exchange for a loss in resolution.

The C-PROBE is able to transfer DC. If DC components are superimposed on the measured current, the associated settings need to take this into consideration. It is always best to verify that the permissible peak values are not exceeded.

Technical Data on the C-PROBE1 Table 5-1: Technical data for the current clamp C-PROBE1.

Measurement Range Max. voltage of the current conducting wire (isolation voltage) Frequency bandwidth

10 A Vrms = 600 V to GND

80 A Vrms = 600 600 V to GND

0 (DC) ... 10 kHz

0 (DC) ... 10 kHz


Arms = 10 10 A

 Arms = 80 80 A

(sinusoidal) Apeak = 20 20 A (corresponds to Vpeak=2 V out outpu putt voltage)

(sinusoidal)  Apeak = 113 113 A




Wo Worki rking ng wit with h Cu Curre rrent nt Cla Clamps mps

5.2 Current Clamps with Voltage Output The CMC test set  and  and the EnerLyzer  test  test module also support other “active” current clamps. When working with other current clamps, their documented limitations must be taken into consideration regarding peak values and saturation effects. The parameters for a current clamp must be set in a manner similar to what is described in section 5.1 5.1 “  “C-PROBE1 C-PROBE1 Standard Current Clamp” Clamp ” on page 49 49.. In any case, it is advisable to read the technical data of the clamp carefully.

5.3 Current Clamps with Current Output Conventional current clamps are simply transformers that convert from one current level to another. Therefore, they cannot be connected directly to an analog input of the CMC test set because a voltage is expected. To convert the secondary current of the clamp into a voltage, a shunt rresistor esistor has to be used. The value of the shunt resistor should match the nominal burden of the current clamp to ensure the rated accuracy of the current transformation. Figure 5-2: Converting currents from a current clamp into a voltage

Shunt R

To analog input of  CMC test set

Current clamp

WARNING Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current ►

Do not open the current loop!



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

 A current clamp has a transfer ratio of r = I1 / I2. The current I2 produces a voltage of U = I2 * R at the shunt resistor. The voltage U is fed to the analog input of the CMC test set. The clamp ratio to be specified in the Hardware Configuration is U / I1. The clamp ratio can be calculated as follows:

Clam Clamp p Ra Rati tio o (HCC (HCC)) = R / r 

Example: The clamp data is often specified as a real current ratio. Therefore, Therefo re, 500 A:5 A means means r = 100. Let’s say the nominal burden is EnerLyzerr then is R = 2 0 0 m  . The clamp ratio in EnerLyze 200 mV/A / 100 = 2 mV/A. The optimal optimal voltage voltage range for for a 50 A current range range would would then be 100 mV.



Wo Worki rking ng wit with h Cu Curre rrent nt Cla Clamps mps

5.4 Configuring an Analog Input for Current Signals 1. La Laun unch ch th the e EnerLyzer  test  test module from the OMICRON Test OMICRON Test Universe Start Page. Page. 2. St Star artt the the Hardware Configuration in the EnerLyzer  test  test module either by clicking clicki ng the icon or or clicking clicking “Paramet “Parameters ers | Hardware Hardware Configuration Configuration”. ”. 3. The Multimeter Multimeter Configura Configuration tion dialog dialog box appears appears whe when n the Configuration button is clicked on from Multimeter Mode dialog box. 4. In this example, example, configure configure the Binary/Anal Binary/Analog og Inputs. Fi Figure gure 5-3 show shows s part of the Hardware Configuration dialog box to emphasize settings that need to be made. Figure 5-3: Partial view of Hardware Configuration dialog Configuration  dialog box for analog current channel.

5. Function  Specify in the function row that the channel is being used to measure currents. This is accomplished using a drop-down menu as is shown for binary channel 5 in Figure 5-3 5-3.. 6. Nominal Range  Enter the nominal range for the current clamp. The nominal range is the dynamic maximum (peak value) that is expected to appear on the channel from the current clamp. 7. Clamp Ratio  Enter the current clamp ratio. This setting in the Hardware Configuration  dialog box should match the settings of the switches on the actual current clamp. The clamps used in this example have a clamp ratio of 100 mV/A nominal range, as is shown for channel 6 in Figure 5-3 5-3..



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8. The leftleft-han hand d column column of of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to specify the test module input signal. Select the name from the dropdown menus. 9. The se second cond column column from the the left in the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to enter a “Display Name” for subsequent dialog boxes. Enter the display name. 10.Assign the signals. The remaining portion of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is a table for establishing logical connections between the input signals or display names and the physical channels on the CMC test set. Each input signal can be assigned to only one channel and vice versa. 11.Physically connect the test object connectors to the binary/analog inputs on the front panel of the CMC test set.



Working with Precision Shunts

6 Working with Precision Shunts The C-Shunt  is  is a precision shunt for current measurements. It can be inserted directly into the BINARY/ANALOG INPUT channels of a CMC 356   with ELT-1 ELT-1 hardware  hardware option, a CMC 256plus, 256plus, or a CMC 256-6 . From the EnerLyzer  point  point of view, the C-Shunt  operates  operates similarly to the C-Probe. The difference lies on the physical interface while measuring C-Probe. currents. While the C-Probe C-Probe measures  measures currents without opening the circuit, the C-Shunt  must  must be placed in series with the circuit just like an ammeter. The C-Probe C-Probe measures  measures higher currents, but is battery dependent. The C-Shunt  measures  measures lower currents, but features an higher accuracy. The Inpu Inputt Configura Configuration tion on the EnerLyzer does not offer specific options for the C-Shunt . You continue working with settings meant for the current clamp, such as the clamp ratio.

6.1 C-Shunt C-Shunt 1 and C-Shunt C-Shunt 10 Precisi Precision on Shunts Shunts C-Shunt 1 and 1 and C-Shunt 10  from  from the OMICRON accessory list are recommended devices for current measuring. Three of each kind are supplied along with the EnerLyzer  and  and you can also purchase additional units. Figure 6-1: Precision shunt C-Shunt 1

 C-Shunt 1 and 1 and C-Shunt 10  offer  offer two current ranges, respectively:

32 A

This corresponds corresponds to a full range output voltage voltage of 32 mV. In Conf  module, from Configure igure Input Input on the EnerLyzer  module, will choose choose 1 mV/A. Clamp Cla mp ra ratio tio, you will

12.5 A

This corresponds corresponds to a full range output voltage voltage of 125 mV. In Conf  module, from Configure igure Input Input, on the EnerLyzer  module, will choose choose 10 mV/A. Clamp Cla mp ra ratio tio, you will

Technical Tech nical Data of C-S C-Shunt hunt 1 an and d C-Sh C-Shunt unt 10 Table 6-1: Technical data of C-Shunt 1 and 1 and C-Shunt 10 

C-Shunt 1

C-Shunt 10  

Electrical resistance

0.001  Ω

0.01  Ω

Resistance tolerance Temperature coefficient

0.1 % ppm/K in range range ≤ 30 ppm/K 0 ... +70 ºC (+32 (+32 ºF ... ... +158 +158 ºF) ºF)

0.1 % ppm/K in range range ≤ 15 ppm/K 0 ... +70 ºC (+32 (+32 ºF ... ... +158 +158 ºF) ºF)

32 A co continuous VEHZ0080

12.5 A co continuous VEHZ0081

Maximum current Order number




OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse

6.2 Connecting the C-Shunt The C-Shunt   is is inserted directly into the BINARY/ANALOG INPUT channels of the CMC test set. Figure 6-2 6-2 shows  shows three C-Shunt  inserted  inserted at inputs 5, 7, and 9 to ensure isolation. When measuring different phases, please make sure that each phase is connected to a galvanically separated group. Otherwise, the measurement result is erroneous. To learn about CMC test set inputs, please refer to Sectio Section n 2.1 ”BINARY/ANALO ”BINARY/ANALOG G INPUT (1 - 10)” on page 7. 7. Figure 6-2: C-Shunts C-Shunts   inserted at separated groups

The measuring circuit is connected at the inputs of the C-Shunt . When placing the C-Shunt  in  in series with the measuring circuit, you must open the circuit so that the current may flow through the C-Shunt . Before doing so, observe the safety precautions in the following message.

DANGER Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current


Do not disconnect the measuring circuit from its load while current is still flowing!

 A typical use case is working at the secondary of a transformer. Opening the measuring circuit at the secondary of a transformer, while there is current in the primary, will cause the transformer secondary to continue driving current across the effectively infinite impedance up to its core saturation voltage. This may produce a high voltage across the open secondary into the range of several kilovolts, causing arcing, compromising operator and equipment safety, or permanently affecting the accuracy of the transformer.


Working with Precision Shunts

6.3 Configuring an Analog Input for Current Signals 1. La Laun unch ch th the e EnerLyzer  test  test module from the OMICRON Test OMICRON Test Universe Start Page. Page. 2. St Star artt the the Hardware Configuration in the EnerLyzer  test  test module either by clicking clicki ng the icon or or clicking clicking “Paramet “Parameters ers | Hardware Hardware Configuration Configuration”. ”. 3. In this example, example, configure configure the Binary/Analog Binary/Analog Inputs. Figure 6-3 6-3 shows  shows part of the Hard Hardware ware Configura Configuration tion dialog box to emphasize settings that need to be made. Figure 6-3: Partial view of Hardware Configuration dialog Configuration  dialog box for analog voltage and current channels.

4. Fu Func ncti tion on Specify in the function row that the channel is being used to measure currents. This is accomplished using a drop-down menu as is shown for binary channel 5 in Figure 6-3 6-3.. 5. Nominal Range Enter the nominal range for the C-Shunt . The nominal range is the dynamic maximum (peak value) that is expected to appear on the channel from the C-Shunt . 6. Clamp Ratio Enter the current ratio in Cla Clamp mp Ratio Ratio. 7. The left left-han -hand d column column of of the Hard Hardware ware Configura Configuration tion dialog box is used to specify the test module input signal. Select the name from the dropdown menus. 8. The second second column from the the left left in the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to enter a “Display Name” for subsequent dialog boxes. Enter the display name. 9. Assign the the signals. signals. The remaini remaining ng porti portion on of the the Hardware Configuration dialog box is a table for establishing logical connections between the input signals or display names and the physical channels on the CMC test set. Each input signal can be assigned to only one channel and vice versa. 10.Physically connect the C-Shunt  connectors  connectors to the binary/analog inputs on the front panel of the CMC test set.



OMIC OMICRON RON Test Univ Universe erse



EnerLyzer Multimeter Mode Example

7 EnerLyzer Multimeter Mode Example The CMC test set and the EnerLyzer  test  test module are to be used to measure the voltages and currents going into a three phase grounded motor. Having these inputs then permits real-time measurement of real power, reactive power, and apparent power. Figure 7-1: Measuring currents and voltages on a three-phase motor 

Fixed connection Current probe

If the physical wiring to the various channels differs from the wiring here, the logical connections can be changed in the Hardware Configuration dialog box (refer to Figure 7-4 7-4 on  on page 63 63). ).



OMICRON Test Universe

7.1 Zeroing the Current Clamps using QuickCMC  A total of three current clamps are required for measuring the input currents to the motor, M. For best results, the clamps should all be of the same type. Because the analog inputs of the CMC test set deal with voltage inputs, active current probes with voltage outputs have to be used to measure currents. The C-PROBE1 can be used to measure AC and DC currents from the analog inputs of the BINARY/ANALOG INPUT. C-PROBE1 is an active, DCcapable current probe and has two switchable measurement ranges. Regardless of the brand-name on the current probe, it must be adjusted for the correct zero level. 1. La Laun unch ch th the e QuickCMC  test  test module from the OMICRON Test Universe Start Page. Page. 2. Place the current current switch switch on the current current clamp to the appropri appropriate ate range. In this example, the setting is 10 100 0 mV/A mV/A. We are assuming that the current clamp is the C-PROBE1 which has an LED that should light when turned on. 3. Connect Connect positive and and negative negative terminals terminals of the current cl clamp amp to the appropriate ANALOG DC INPUT 0 ... ±10 V sockets of the CMC test set. Do not put the clamp around any live wires. 4. While While observ observing ing “Vdc” “Vdc” at at the Analog Inputs area of the main QuickCMC   dialog box, turn the zero adjustment knob on the current clamp until the zero level is reached.

5. Repeat these these steps steps for each of the the three required required current current clamps. clamps. 6. When finished finished with with all current clamps clamps,, exit the the QuickCMC  test  test module.



EnerLyzer Multimeter Mode Example

7.2 Launching and Configuring EnerLyzer  1. Connect Connect up the CMC test set set to the computer computer that is to be used an and d where the OMICRON Test Universe is Universe is installed. 2. La Laun unch ch th the e EnerLyzer  test  test module from the OMICRON Test Universe  Universe  Start Page. Page. 3. St Star artt the the Hardware Configuration in the EnerLyzer  test  test module either by clicking clicki ng the icon or clicking clicking “Parameter “Parameters s | Hardware Hardware Configuratio Configuration”. n”. 4. In this example, example, configure configure the BINARY/AN BINARY/ANALOG ALOG INPU INPUTs Ts for chann channels els 1 through 3 and 5 through 7. Figure 7-2 shows 7-2 shows part of the Hardware  dialog box to emphasize settings that need to be made. Configuration Figure 7-2: Partial view of Hardware Configuration dialog Configuration  dialog box for analog voltage channel

5. Function  For each input channel 1 through 3, specify in the function row that the channel is being used to measure voltage (instead of as a binary input, counter input, or current input). This is accomplished using a drop-down menu as is shown for binary channel 1 in Figure 7-2. 7-2. 6. Nominal Range  For each voltage channel, enter the nominal range for the voltage. The nominal range is the dynamic maximum that is expected to appear on the channel. The voltage channels In this example h have ave a 600 V nominal range, as is shown for channel 2 in Figure 7-2. 7-2.



OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 7-3: Partial view of Hardware Configuration dialog Configuration  dialog box for analog current channel

7. Function For each input channel 5 through 7, specify in the function row that the channel is being used to measure currents. This is accomplished using a drop-down menu as is shown for binary channel 5 in Figure 7-3. 7-3. 8. The binary/anal binary/analog og channel channel 4 is not being being used in thi this s example. example. These channels are divided into five groups of two with respect to being galvanically isolated from one another. Therefore, channels 3 and 4 share the same ground. In order to keep the three phase voltages separated from the ground used to measure the currents, the current inputs are placed on channels 5 through 7 and channel 4 and channel 8 are not used. 9. Nominal Range  For each current channel, enter the nominal range for the current clamp. The nominal range is the dynamic maximum that is expected to appear on the channel from the current clamp. The clamps used in this example have a 1 V nominal range, range, as is shown for channel channel 6 in Figure 7-3. 7-3. 10.Clamp Ratio  For each current channel, enter the current clamp ratio. This setting in the Hardware Configuration dialog box should match the settings of the switches on the actual current clamp. The clamps used in this example have a clamp ratio of 100 100 mV/A nominal range, as is shown for channel 6 in Figure 7-3. 7-3. 11.The inputs of the CMC test set were intended for sinusoidal signals. As such, the nominal range can be considered V rms. Together with a clamp ratio, it specifies how large peak values can be before clipping occurs. This is important to remember for non-sinusoidal signals that may be within the Vrms nominal range but that may have larger peak values which get clipped.



EnerLyzer Multimeter Mode Example

12.Specifying a larger range can prevent preven t clipping. However, doing so results in a loss of resolution, because the analog-to-digital conversion only has 12-bits to represent the entire range. Figure 7-4: Voltage and current channel definitions

13.The left-hand column of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to specify the test module input signal. In this example, there are three voltages and three currents that are to be measured, so their names V1 V1   through V3 V3 and  and I1 I1 through  through I3 I3 are  are selected from the drop-down menus, as is shown in Figure 7-4 7-4.. 14.The index numbers n on Vn Vn and  and In represent In represent a logical connection in subsequent power dialog boxes in order to determine real, apparent, and reactive Power-n Power-n.. In other words, Power2  is  is calculated from V2  and  and I2 . It is not possible to monitor the results of, say, V1 V1 and  and I3. I3. 15.The second column from the left in the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to enter a “Display Name” for subsequent dialog boxes. In this example for monitoring voltages and currents, the t he display names chosen are V a, a, V b, b, and V c  for  for the input voltages and I a, a, I b, b, and I c  for  for the input currents, as is shown in Figure 7-4 7-4.. 16.The remaining portion of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is a table for establishing logical connections between the input signals or display names and the physical channels on the CMC test set. Each input signal can be assigned to only one channel and vice versa. Figure 7-4 shows 7-4 shows the logical connections for this example and the intended physical wiring of the voltage probes and current clamps to the CMC test set. If the actual wiring of the current clamps is different (for instance, if the I  inputs  inputs are exchanged for the V  inputs),  inputs), the logical connections can be used to make the associations instead of physically moving cables on the front panel of the CMC test set. 17.Verify that the configuration is correct. On the Multimeter Mode dialog box, click the Configuration toolbar icon to display the Multimeter 7-5.. Configuration dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-5



OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 7-5: Multimeter Configuration  Configuration  dialog box

18.In the Multimeter Configuration dialog box:


Ver Verify ify that that channel channels s 1 - 3 are are config configure ured d for volt voltage ages s V a, a, V b, b, and V c .

Ver Verify ify that that c chan hannel nels s 5 - 7 are are configu configured red ffor or curre currents nts I a, a, I b, b, and I c .

Verify that channel channel 4 is not used used for the currents currents,, because because it shares a ground with channel 3.

The F F1 1 frequency frequency measurement measurement establishes establishes which channel channel to use as the reference for both frequency measurement and the reference phase. Only the channels that have been configured can be selected. The F2 frequency measurement setting is only used to measure a frequency on a given channel and is not used as reference for any other measurement.

Averag Averaging ing is is not required required for this e exampl xample. e. If measur measuring ing a steady state signal, setting the averaging factor to medium or high increases the accuracy by "smoothing" out noise. If the signal varies rapidly, it's better to switch this off.

The s samplin ampling g rate determines determines the the ac accuracy curacy of the recorde recorded d signal. signal. If the measured signal varies in time greatly or has a complicated wave form, increasing the sampling rate will help measure the signal accurately. If the signal a low frequency sinusoidal, the sampling rate can be set to a lower rate. The minimum sampling rate has to be two times higher than the highest expected frequency in the measured signal.

In th the e Refresh Refresh rate edit box, box, enter enter a value value wh which ich d determin etermines es how how often often the information on the screen gets updated. The T he refresh rate refers to the screen parameters and not to the actual sampling of signals.


EnerLyzer Multimeter Mode Example

7.3 Wiring the Hardware Once the software has established all of the proper settings to control the hardware, the appropriate cables can be connected to the front panel.

WARNING Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current ►

Do not attach wires between the CMC test set and the motor while power is still being supplied to the motor on its input lines.

Turn off voltage and currents to the motor before attaching probes.

In this example, the plan was to monitor the voltages and currents going into a three phase, grounded motor. Figure 7-6 shows 7-6 shows the intended wiring for the front panel BINARY/ANALOG INOUTs of the CMC test set. Channels 1 through 3 are to measure the phase voltages going into the motor, while channels 5 through 7 have use current clamps to measure the currents going into each of the motor’s windings. Figure 7-6: Measuring currents and voltages on a three-phase motor 

Fixed connection Current probe

Note that channel 4 is not being used, because it shares a ground with channel 3. Likewise, channel 8 is also not being used. If the physical wiring to the various channels differs from the wiring here, the logical connections can be changed in the Hardware Configuration dialog box (refer to Figure 7-4 on 7-4  on page 63 63). ).



OMICRON Test Universe

7.4 Using the Multimeter Signals and Power Grid Once the CMC test set has the appropriate wiring connections and the EnerLyzer  test  test module is configured, the power can be restored to the three phase inputs to the motor. The CMC test set has to be told by the EnerLyzer  test  test module when it should monitor the signals that are wired to the voltage and current inputs. To switch switch on multimeter multimeter measuring measuring,, click “Test “Test | Start” or tthe he Start toolbar icon. Measuring is on by default. If you have manually switched off multimeter measuring, use the start command to switch it on again. To switch switch off multimeter multimeter measurin measuring, g, click “Test “Test | Stop” or th the e Stop toolbar icon. If you switch off multimeter measuring, the last recorded measurements remain on the screen. As such, the stop command can be used as a “hold” button in order to view data. Figure 7-7: Multimeter Signals grid



EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

8 EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example The CMC test set and the EnerLyzer  test  test module are going to be used to test the operation of a differential relay in the specific case of in-rush current to a YD5 transformer when the transformer is first switched on. Figure 8-1: Measuring in-rush currents to a YD5 transformer controlled by a differential relay


Current transformer  Current probe

IB3 IB2 IB1 Differential relay

Figure 8-1 shows 8-1 shows the schematic of the YD5 transformer and its differential relay. According to the specifications for the YD5 transformer, the output currents are 5 x 30° (or 150°) out of phase with the t he input currents in addition to any transformer current scaling. The relay is attached to the input and output side of the transformer using current transformers. The input currents of the differential relay I B1, IB2, and IB3 are proportional to the input currents of the transformer. Likewise, the input currents on the other side of the differential relay I A1, I A2, and I A3 are proportional to the output currents of the transformer. 1 Under normal operating conditions, the differential relay trips when an input current, such as IB2, is different from its associated output current, in this case I A2. The differential relay already takes into consideration consider ation the effects of transformer current scaling and phase shifts between input and output. Differences that trip the relay can be the result of, say, additional ground currents in a phase or line to line currents, neither of which should be present for sound operation of the transformer.


The currents in Figure 8-1 are shown going into the differential relay. Actual current direction depends on wiring for the current transformer and settings for differential relay.



OMICRON Test Universe

However, when the transformer is first turned on line, the expected relationships between input and output currents observed in normal operating conditions are not present. Start-up is noted for having in-rush currents that magnetize the coils of the transformer. Without additional criteria to handle the in-rush currents curren ts in the differential relay, the relay would always trip in every attempt to bring the transformer on line. The start-up of a transformer has many measurable mea surable characteristics resulting from the in-rush currents. The most noticeable is the presence of significantly high amplitudes in the second harmonic waveforms for the currents. This characteristic can be used by the differential relay to detect a normal start-up phase of the transformer when the relay should not trip. In this example, the CMC test set and the EnerLyzer  test  test module monitor the input and output currents to the differential relay. They record the in-rush currents and their transient waveforms to verify that the differential relay is operating within specified parameters and that it handles the t he unique case of in-rush currents.

8.1 Connecting the Current Clamps  A total of six current clamps are required for measuring the in-rush currents on both the primary and secondary side of the transformer. For best results, the clamps should all be of the same type. Because Beca use the analog inputs of the CMC test set deal with voltage inputs, active current probes with voltage outputs have to used to measure currents. The C-PROBE1 can be used to measure AC and DC currents from the analog inputs of the BINARY/ANALOG INPUT. C-PROBE1 is an active, DCcapable current probe and has two switchable measurement ranges.



EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

8.2 Zeroing the Current Clamps using QuickCMC Regardless of the brand-name on the current probe, it must be adjusted for the correct zero level. 1. La Laun unch ch th the e QuickCMC  test  test module from the OMICRON Test OMICRON Test Universe Start Page. Page. 2. Place the current current switch switch on the current clamp clamp to the appropriate appropriate range. range. We are assuming that the current clamp is the C-PROBE1 which has an LED that should light when the current range is selected. In this example, the setting is 10 100 0 mV/A mV/A. 3. Connect Connect positive and and negative terminal terminals s of the current clamp clamp to the appropriate ANALOG DC INPUT 0... ±10 V sockets of the CMC test set. Do not put the clamp around any live wires. 4. While observin observing g the Analog Analog Inputs Inputs area of of the main main QuickCMC  dialog  dialog box, turn the zero adjustment knob on the current clamp until the zero level is reached.

5. Repeat these these steps steps for each of the the six required required current current clamps. clamps. 6. When finished finished with with all current current clamps, clamps, exit tthe he QuickCMC  program.  program.

8.3 Starting EnerLyzer  1. Connect Connect up the the CMC test set set to the comput computer er that is to be use used d and where the OMICRON Test Universe is Universe is installed. Turn on the test set. 2. La Laun unch ch th the e EnerLyzer  test  test module from the OMICRON Test Universe  Universe  Start Page. Page. 3. Star Startt u up p tthe he Hardware Configuration in the EnerLyzer  test  test module either by clicking the Hardware Configuration toolbar icon or “Paramet “Par ameters ers | Hardwa Hardware re Config Configurat uration ion”. ”. 4. In this example, example, configure configure the BINARY/AN BINARY/ANALOG ALOG INPU INPUTs Ts for chann channels els 1 through 6. Figure 8-2 shows 8-2 shows part of the Hardware Configuration dialog box to emphasize settings that need to be made. Figure 8-2: Partial view of Hardware Configuration dialog Configuration  dialog box



OMICRON Test Universe

5. Function  For each input channel 1 through 6, specify in the function row that the channel is being used to measure currents (instead of as a binary input, counter input, or voltage input). This is accomplished using a drop-down menu as is shown for binary channel 1 in Figure 8-2. 8-2. 6. Nominal Range  For each current channel, enter the nominal range for the current clamp. The nominal range is the dynamic maximum that is expected to appear on the channel from the current clamp. The clamps used in this example have a 1 V nominal range, range, as is shown for channel channel 2 in Figure 8-2. 8-2. 7. Clamp Ratio  For each current channel, enter the current clamp ratio. This setting in the Hardware Configuration dialog box should match the settings of the switches on the actual current clamp. The clamps used in this example have a clamp ratio of 100 mV/A, as is shown for channel channel 2 in Figure 8-2. 8-2. The inputs of the CMC test set were intended for sinusoidal signals. As such, the nominal range can be considered V rms. Together with a clamp ratio, it specifies how large peak values can be before clipping occurs. This is important to remember for non-sinusoidal signals that may be within the Vrms nominal range but that may have larger peak values which get clipped. Specifying a larger range can prevent clipping. However, doing so results in a loss of resolution, because the analog-to-digital conversion only has 12 bits to represent the entire range. Figure 8-3: The completed configuration of the input current clamps

8. The leftleft-han hand d column column of of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to specify the test module input signal. In this example, there are six currents that are to be measured, so their names I1 through I6 are selected from the dialog box, as is shown in Figure 8-3 8-3..



EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

9. The second second column from the the left left in the Hardware Configuration dialog box is used to enter a “Display Name” for subsequent dialog boxes. In this example for measuring the in-rush currents, the display names chosen are IB1 through IB3 for the input currents and IA1 through IA3 for the output currents, as is shown in Figure 8-3 8-3.. 10.The remaining portion of the Hardware Configuration dialog box is a table for establishing logical connections between the input signals or display names and the physical channels on the CMC test set se t. Each input signal can be assigned to only one channel and vice versa. Figure 8-3 shows 8-3 shows the logical connections for this example and the intended physical wiring of the current clamps to the CMC test set. If the actual wiring of the current clamps is different (for instance, if the I   A inputs are exchanged for the IB inputs), the logical connections can be used to make the associations instead of physically moving cables on the front panel of the CMC test set.



OMICRON Test Universe

8.4 Attaching the Current Clamps The current clamps need to be plugged into the appropriate BINARY/ANALOG INPUT channel of the CMC test set. If this is performed after EnerLyzer  is  is configured, the expected wiring connections can be determined from Figure 8-3, 8-3, which shows the Hardware Configuration  dialog box. Likewise, the probe portion of the current clamps need to be attached to the appropriate current lines of the relay being tested. Figure 8-1 on 8-1 on page 67 67   shows the desired wiring of the current clamps from f rom the leads of the relay to the BINARY/ANALOG INPUT channels of the CMC test set. If the actual wiring of the current clamps to the CMC test set differs from this example, the logical connections can be changed in the Hardware Configuration dialog box instead of physically moving cables. Figure 8-3  8-3  shows the logical connections for this example and the intended physical wiring. More details on attaching current clamps are provided in section 5 on page 49 49..

8.5 Switching into Transient Recording Mode 1. The transient transient recording recording mode mode is activated activated by clic clicking king eit either her the Transient Recording Mode toolbar icon in the toolbar or clicking “View | Transient Transient Recording Recording Mode”. This mode of operati operation on allows you to record a transient record by the CMC, to display it on the PC, and to save it as a data file. It is possible to:


Set th the e trigger trigger condi conditio tions ns which which start start the tr trans ansient ient rreco ecordin rding. g.

Adjust the acquisi acquisition tion parame parameters. ters. This includes includes the pre-tr pre-trigger igger length and recording length.

Spec Specify ify how how the recor records ds are to be be saved saved in the co comtra mtrade de fil file. e. This This includes the name and location for the comtrade file.

Re Rena name me the the rec record orded ed c com omtr trad ade e files files.. Note: If the CMB IO-7 is used as an extension, the comtrade file size can reach up to 300 MB if the CMB IO-7  has  has 160 inputs and the maximum maximu m recordin recording g length of 316405 ms.

Dis Displa play y the transie transient nt re recor cords. ds. This This iis s use useful ful ffor or th the e Advanced TransPlay  test  test module as well as the TransView  test  test tool.


EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

Figure 8-4: Transient Recording dialog box

2. To change change the input input config configura uratio tion: n: •

dou double ble-cli -click ck the ch chann annel el inputs inputs labele labeled d with a user-de user-defin fined ed name

click the Input Configuration toolbar icon

or c cli lick ck “Pa “Para rame mete ters rs | In Inpu putt Conf Config igur urat atio ion” n”..

Details are provided in section 3.2.1 on 3.2.1 on page 12 12.. 3. Set the the trigger trigger conditi conditions ons by by specifying specifying:: •

The ch chann annel el on which which the the trigger trigger is to to occu occurr usin using g the Chann Channel el dropdropdown menu. The trigger is on channel I1 for this example.

A curr current ent level level for the trigger trigger by entering entering a value in the Level edit b box. ox. If a binary input is selected for the trigger channel, you cannot set the voltage level. The current level is 1 A for this example.

The tr trigger igger slope edge as as being being either either ffalling alling or ri rising sing for for th the e trigger trigger event. The slope is rising for this example.

4. Set the parameters parameters in in the “Acquisition “Acquisition parameter parameters” s” section. section. •

Enter the desired desired pre-trigger pre-trigger length in the the pre pre-trigge -triggerr length length edit edit fi field. eld. This represents the number of samples to record before the trigger event. A negative pre-trigger length means that recording starts at some point in time after the trigger event. The pre-trigger length is 90 ms for this example. example.



OMICRON Test Universe

Ente Enterr a valu value e for the record recording ing len length gth in the the Acquisition Length edit box. This defines the duration for the recording. The acquisition length is 1000 ms for this example. Note that the acquisition length includes the pre-trigger length.

Select the desired desired sampling sampling frequen frequency. cy. The The s samplin ampling g fr frequency equency has an effect on the maximum acquisition length. The higher the sampling frequency, the higher the resolution of the recording at the expense of a shorter maximum recording time. On the other hand, the lower the sampling frequency, the longer the maximum recording time at the expense of a lower resolution. The maximum recording time can only be modified by changing the sampling frequency. The sampling frequency freque ncy is 9 kHz for this example. example.

5. In the “Savi “Saving ng records” records” section of the transient transient recorder recorder inte interface, rface, choose choose one of the following options:

First only

Saves only the first record sent to the PC. After saving the record, recording is automatically stopped.


Records and uploads the records to the PC continuously. Each transient record uploaded is converted to a comtrade file and saved to a unique name.

On demand

Records and uploads a record to the PC only when the “Save “Save now” button button is activat activate. e. The “Sa “Save ve now” button is only active when there is a record available in the CMC.

The settings should be for First only  for  for this example. 6. The “For each record” record” section section of the dialog box box has mutually mutually exclus exclusive ive radio buttons that can be set:

Create new file

Creates a new comtrade file for each transient record uploaded from the computer. In this mode each new file name has an integer appended to the file name to make it unique (e.g., Event1.cfg, Event2.cfg ).

Overwriting existing file

Uses the same existing comtrade file each time a record is uploaded from the CMC.

The settings should be for “Create new file” for this example. 7. In the File spe specifica cification tion edit field, field, either either enter the file and and the locati location on of the generated comtrade file or click Browse to search for the file name and location. For this example, the location and file name are: C:\Program Files\OMICRON\Test Files\OMICRON\Test Universe\Test Universe\Test Library\ Samples\Record.cfg .



EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

8.6 Starting the Recording 1. To start start the record recording, ing, cli click ck “Tes “Testt | Star Start” t” or or the Start toolbar  icon. The status bar displays “Waiting for trigger,” the event that starts the t he transient recording. If the status bar displays “Offline,” the CMC test set is not attached properly to the PC. This connection must be established before proper operation can continue. If you want to start the recording immediately without waiting for the trigger event, select the “Immediate” trigger condition and click the st arts the recording Start toolbar  icon. This causes a trigger event and starts process. To stop the the recording, recording, click “Test “Test | Stop” or tthe he Stop toolbar icon. If you switch off transient recording, the recording is aborted. 2. Whi While EnerLyzer  is  is waiting for the trigger, turn on the switch for the transformer. 3. If EnerLyzer  was  was configured properly, the status bar should change to “Acquiring.” This means that the specified trigger conditions were received by the CMC test set and it can record the signal. If the status bar remains “Waiting for trigger,” the Hardware  program may not match either the Configuration in EnerLyzer  program physical wiring to the CMC test set or the requirements of the transformer. 4. Shortly after after a signal is recorded, recorded, the the status bar bar should cha change nge to “Saving “Saving Record CMC -> PC.” This means that the signal data that the CMC test set recorded is being passed to the hardware and is stored as a file. 5. If the “First only” only” mode was was enabled, enabled, the status bar changes changes to “Sto “Stopped” pped” once its data set has been transferred to the PC. If the “Automatic” mode was enabled, the status bar changes to “Waiting for Trigger.” In such an event, the transformer needs to be turned off and then back on in order to have the proper trigger conditions for in-rush current. Warning: The switch to the transformer is still on at this point in time. Be careful when adjusting the wiring. 6. The transformer transformer and the the CMC test test set are not needed needed for a any ny further further tests. All subsequent analysis can be done offline.



OMICRON Test Universe

8.7 Analyzing the Transient Record EnerLyzer  uses  uses the TransView  test  test tool to explore the properties of a recorded signal. This can be done offline with the EnerLyzer  test  test module alone. Thus, detailed analysis of a given transformer’s can be performed perfor med offsite once on-site testing has created the appropriate data files. 1. Analyze Select a data record in EnerLyzer ’s ’s Transient Recording dialog box. In this example, the recorded data is saved to the file Record.cfg . 2. To view the the recorded recorded data data in more more detail, detail, click click the Analyze  button while the data file is highlighted. The Analyze button launches the TransView   test tool. Figure 8-5: Transient Recording  Recording  dialog box

 test tool is accessible from the Transient Recording  Note: The TransView  test dialog box after a record has been acquired in the EnerLyzer  test  test tool. TransView  offers  offers a graphical display of the measured and calculated values and the binary signals. These include time signal diagrams, vector diagrams, harmonics charts and impedance “circle” diagrams



EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

8.8 Viewing Time Signals in TransView 1. Whe When tth heTransView  test  test tool is started for the first time with a created data record, it is generally in the Time Signals mode, as is shown in Figure 8-6. 8-6. If TransView  did  did not start-up in Time Signals mode, it can be started by clicking its icon or selecting it from the “View” menu. The Time Signals view is used to visualize measuring and calculation variables, as well as binary signals as a function of time. 2. Use the orange orange and blue cursors cursors to scroll scroll to speci specific fic point points s in time, who whose se value is displayed in the time fields. 3. Specific Specific points in time can be entered entered in into to the fields of the the table, whic which h cause the appropriate cursor to move in all active views. Figure 8-6: Time Signals view Signals view in the TransView  test  test tool



OMICRON Test Universe

8.9 Viewing Harmonic Diagrams in TransView The harmonic diagrams are much more useful for studying the in-rush currents into a transformer. 1. Select the harmonic harmonic analysis analysis either either by clicking clicking its icon or sta starting rting it from the “View” menu. Figure 8-7 shows 8-7 shows the TransView  window  window for the recorded signal. 2. The orange orange and blue cursors cursors can can be used to sc scroll roll to sp specific ecific points points in time, whose value is displayed in the time fields. The harmonic diagram can be displayed at the same time as other TransView   diagrams. diagrams. As such, use one of the cursors in the Time View and drag the time cross-hairs to a point in time immediately following the turning on of the transformer. 3. While dragging dragging one of the the cursors cursors left and right right (forwa (forward rd and backward backward in the time domain), observe how the magnitude of the second order and higher harmonics change. Specific points in time can be entered into the fields of the table, which cause the appropriate cursor to move in all active views. The second harmonic is the third bar from the left after aft er the DC component and the fundamental frequency. As can be observed in this recorded sample, the start-up of this transformer has significantly high amplitudes in the second harmonic waveforms for the in-rush currents. Figure 8-7: Harmonics view Harmonics  view in the TransView  test  test tool

The harmonic diagrams show the RMS values of harmonics of selected measuring values in the form of bar charts. The harmonics are determined with the help of a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation).



EnerLyzer Transient Mode Example

8.10 Viewing Vector Diagrams in TransView 1. Select the vector vector analysis analysis either either by clicking clicking its icon o orr starting iitt from the “View” pull-down menu. Figure 8-8 shows 8-8 shows the TransView  window  window for the recorded signal. 2. The orange and and blue cursors cursors can be be used to scroll scroll to spe specific cific points points in time, whose value is displayed in the time fields. Figure 8-8: Vector Diagrams in Diagrams in the  the  TransView  test  test tool

8.11 Playing Back a Recorded Signal Using Advanced TransPlay Once the CMC test set and the EnerLyzer  test  test module in transient recording mode have recorded a comtrade file of the in-rush currents to a transformer at start-up, future testing of relays can be simplified. Specifically, the transformer is no longer needed to test other differential relays that are to work with that (type of) transformer. Relays can be tested for proper operation under in-rush off-line by using a CMC device and the  Advanced TransPlay  test  test module. The transformer itself is not required.



OMICRON Test Universe




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Index A acquisition of transient records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 setting parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30  Adv. TransPlay test module . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 analog input configuring current signals . . . . . . . . . 53, 57 analyze the Analyze button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39  Apparent power (Trend Recording Conf.) . . . 37  ASCII (Comtrade option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  Auto scale (Trend Recording mode) . . . . . . . 35  Auto-adjust resolution (power quality trigger) . trigger) . . 25 available (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . 25 averaging (Multimeter Conf.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

B basic trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Binary (Comtrade option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 BINARY/ANALOG INPUT of CMC . . . . . . . . . 7

Cos Phi (Trend Recording Conf.) . . . . . . . . . 38 C-PROBE1 current clamp . . . . . . . . 49, 50, 55 Current clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 68, 72 current output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 56 voltage output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Cursor 1 / Cursor 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

D Depth (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Deviation (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . 27 DFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 47, 78 Diagram elements zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Diagram Error Status (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Diagram line (diagram element) . . . . . . . . . . 40 Diagram menu (Trend Recording Mode) . . . 35 Diagram properties (diagram element) . . . . . 41 Diagram stop/start indication (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Diagrams impedance circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Duration (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . 29

E C Capacity remaining (Trend Recording Configuration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Channel (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chart cursors (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . 36 Clamp ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 52 clamp ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Clear (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . 35 CMC (suitable test sets for EnerLyzer) . . . . . . 5 Comtrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 comment (Comtrade options) . . . . . . . . . 44 format (Comtrade options) . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 configuration analog input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 57 test hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 trend recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Configuration change (Trend Recording

error  display of error conditions (Harmonic  Analysis mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 display of error conditions (Multimeter mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 overload error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

F Frequency (Trend Recording Conf.) . . . . . . . Frequency (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . Frequency and phase measurement (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frequency change (trigger conditions) . . . . . Frequency change trigger (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . frequency trigger (power quality trigger) . . . .

37 24 36 24 28 27

Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36



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Hardware Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Harmonic (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . 27 Harmonic (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Optimize x-axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 y-axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

harmonic trigger (power quality trigger) . . . . 27

overload error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35



Input configuration creating 2 & 3 phase systems . . . . . . . . . 22 creating power systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 floating configure input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Invalid parameters (power quality trigger) . . . 29

Phase (Trend Recording Conf.) Conf.) . . . . . . . . . . playback transient record (Advanced TransPlay) . . power  meas. real/apparent/reactive power . . . . Power (Multimeter vector diagrams) . . . . . . power quality trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Primary transformer ratio (Input Configuration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

L Level (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Level (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 license for EnerLyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

37 30 59 18 25 23

Q Quantity (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . 29

M Measurement rate (Trend Recording Conf.) . 38 Multimeter  configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 53 power grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 signals grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 vector diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Multimeter mode . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 11, 12, 18, 53

N Name (input configuration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Nominal frequency (Comtrade options) . . . . . . . . . 44 frequency (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . 25 power quality trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 range (Hardware Configuration) . . . . . . . 12 Notch trigger (power quality quality trigger) . . . . . . . 28 Notches (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


R Range (Input Configuration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Rate (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ratio current clamp ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 primary transformer ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 secondary transformer ratio (Input Conf.) . Conf.) . . 23 Reactive power (Trend Recording Conf.) . . . 38 Real power (Trend Recording Conf.) . . . . . . 37 recording of transient records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 setting parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Recording limit (Trend Recording Mode) . . . 36 Reference channel (Trend Recording Conf.) . Conf.) . . 37 Resolution (power quality trigger) . . . . . . 27, 28 RMS (Trend Recording Conf.) Conf.) . . . . . . . . . . . 37





sag typical sag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sag and swell (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . 24

weak signal error (Trend Recording Mode)  . 36

sampling frequency (record accuracy) . . . . . 14 Sampling frequency (Trend Recording Conf.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 secondary transformer ratio (Input Conf.) . . . 23 Selected grid (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . 25 Signal properties (diagram element) . . . . . . . 41 Signals (Multimeter vector diagrams) . . . . . . 18 Slope (trigger conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Snapshot view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Status (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . . . . . . . 35 Swell/Sag (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . . . 26 Symmetrical components (Multimeter vector  diagrams) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

 Y YD5 transformer (Transient mode example) 67

Z zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Zoom (diagram element) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

T Table (diagram element) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 test sets suitable for EnerLyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Threshold (Input Configuration) . . . . . . . . . . 23 Time Signals viewing time signals in TransView  test  test tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Time started (Trend Recording Mode) . . . . . 35 transient record playback ( Advanced  Advanced TransPlay ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 transient recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 11 TransView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 77, 79 Trend recording mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 35 trigger  basic trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 power quality trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Trigger channel (power quality trigger) . . . . . 25 Typical notch (power quality trigger) . . . . . . . 29

V Vector diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 View properties (diagram element) . . . . . . . . 40



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