Energy Transfer : An Intervention Materials for G7 Science Students

January 22, 2018 | Author: Rodel Matulin Catajay | Category: Chemistry, Foods, Nature
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My first entry in the SIM Category Division Level. This got 3rd Place, not bad for a first timer, but I promise to make ...


Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON Division of Batangas District of Mabini


STRATEGIC INTERVENTION MATERIAL: An Intervention Material for Grade 7 Science

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Where do plants and animals get their own food?

How does energy being transferred from one organism to another?


This Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) is designed to give you better understanding of the mechanism of transfer of energy from one trophic levels to the next trophic levels.


COMPETENCIES: ➔ Trace the flow of energy from the original sources down to the different trophic levels in the ecosystem OBJECTIVES: ➔ State the different trophic levels and the organism that belong to each levels ➔ Clearly identify which organism are producers, 1st order consumer,2nd order consumer and 3rd order consumers, and decomposer/detrivores ➔ Construct food chain and food webs


Where do animals and plants get their food? What you need to know?


The PRODUCERS. Plants are capable of converting energy from the Sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (food). The process is called photosynthesis, which uses water, carbon dioxide and sunlight.


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities. There are also microorganisms that can photosynthesize; example are shown below.






How do animals and humans obtain energy to keep them alive? Humans and other animals are not capable of making their own food.They are dependent on the organic matter made by photosynthetic organisms. These organisms that include the plants and some microorganisms are considered as producers. Animals and humans must eat either plants or other animals to obtain energy. Organisms that feed on other organisms are called consumers. Those that get their energy by eating plants only are called first order consumers.


The second-order consumers are the animals that eat the plant-eaters. Some energy in the first-order consumer is not used by the consumer itself. This energy is made available to another consumer. A consumer that eats the planteaters for energy is called a second-order consumer (carnivore), examples are:

Miner Bird eating a caterpillar

Snake eating a rat


The CARNIVORES-Third order consumers eat second order consumers, they are carnivores that eat carnivores.


It will all return back in the soil. When plants and animals die, the energy in their bodies can be transferred to another group of organisms. Consumers that look for and eat dead animals or plants are considered scavengers.Some common scavengers are earthworm, flies,mushroom (fungi) and cockroach.

Decomposers release nutrients from the organic material back into the soil, making the soil available to plants and other producers. 10

The FOOD CHAIN Food chains and food webs describe the feeding relationships between species in a biotic community. For example; Banana





Monkeys are also known for their table manners. They never eat the banana without peeling of its skin. 11

The Energy Flow An organism acquires energy from the food it eats. Some of that energy is stored as fat, some is lost through wastes, urine, and feces. But most escapes as heat, which is produced when energy is transferred from one form to another. Only 10% of energy if incorporated into the next trophic level,so because the loss of energy from one level to the next is so great, the number of trophic levels is limited.


Direction: Arrange the following organisms into producers, first, second and third order consumer. ACTIVITY 1

What do you need to know?

Group A

The producers are the one that makes food for the consumers. The energy produced from the producers are transferred to the different levels of consumers. Group


Group B

1st Order Consumer

2nd Order Consumer

3rd Order Consumer












Direction: From the pictures of living things below,put the names of organism that should correspond to its trophic level ACTIVITY 2

Trivia: The Philippine Eagle, Pithecophaga jefferyi, or monkey-eating eagle, is among the tallest, rarest, largest, and most powerful birds in the world.It is also known as "Haribon" which means "Bird King". Its local name is banog.




2. 14

DIRECTION:Construct a picture pyramid using the picture of organisms below. ACTIVITY 3

4. . 3.


1. 15

How far do you know? Let me see if you learned something by answering the questions below. ASSESSMENT Student Notes: What I already know about this page? ______ ______ What I learned from this page? ______ ______ What I still want to know about this page? _______ _______

CARD 1 1. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a living things? A. it gives us food B. it floats in the water C. it reacts to outside stimuli D. it smells when decomposing 2. A food chain always starts from a producer down to the decomposers. Which of the following cannot be considered part of the food chain? A. sun B. water C. nutrient D. pebble 3. An animal that eats animals are called carnivores. Which of the statement below does not pertains to a carnivorous animal. A. they have sharp teeth B. they like to eat meat C. they have hoofed feet and big flat teeth D. they eat dead insects 4. Name the substance that corresponds to this chemical compound. C6H12O6 A. carbonic acid B. sugar C. salt D. nutrients 5. Herbivores eat grass. Which of the following is more likely be eaten by a carabao? A. cogon B. cactus C. niyog D. makahiya

How much did I learned? Please check ( / ) the appropriate box.


A little

Much,much more

More 16

ASSESSMENT CARD 2 1. Frogs feed on insects. Which type of consumer is the frog? A.Producer B.First order Consumer C.Second order consumer D.Third order consumer 2. Which of the following is the correct food chain? A.Grass →grasshopper→ maya bird→hawk B.Grass →grasshopper→snake→frog→ hawk C.Grass → mouse →snake→ hawk D.Grass →mouse→ crocodile 3. Why are plants considered as producers? A.Plants produce fruits that can be eaten by animals B.Plants produce root crops that supply carbohydrates to animals. C.Plants provide vegetable for animals and human consumption. D.Plants convert energy from the Sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (food). 4. Fishes are also classified into flesh eater and plant eater. Which statement is correct? A. Plants do not float in water B. Plants do not live in sea water C. Plants drowned in sea water D. Sea weeds are plants that lives in water. 5. The ultimate source of all energy of living things. A. soil B. sun C. plants D. animals


ASSESSMENT CARD 3 1. Which is true about microorganisms? A. Some microorganisms can make their own food while some do not. B. Microorganisms is too small to capture the energy from the sun. C. Microorganisms dies easily in during the day. D. Microorganisms needs less water. 2. Man and animals rely on plants for their own food. Which is not true about man? A. Man needs oxygen to breath. B. Man consume glucose from plants and animals that he eats. C. Man contains less chlorophyl in the blood. D. Man is considered as an Omnivore. 3.An omnivore is an animal that; A. eats plant B. eats dead animals C. eats both dead animals and dead plants D. eats both animal and plants 4. An herbivore is an animal that; A. eats plants only B. eats less plant C. eats more plants than usual D. eats insects 5. How much energy is being transferred from one trophic level to another? A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40%


Direction: Cut out the picture below and glue them in the appropriate places to complete a simple food web. ENRICHMENT CARD 1 Tertiary Consumer Primary Producers Student Notes: After reading this page:



I still do not understand the task Now I understand what the task is all about What I think about the things to do? Easy Average Difficult


Secondary Consumer

2 Primary Consumer


How Many Food Chains are in this web? ENRICHMENT CARD 2

FYI: A barn owl can eat up to 1,000 mice each year, and many farmers try to attract barn owls to help control rodent populations in agricultural fields. copyright cmassengale

20 20

Direction: Look for the words that are discussed in this SIM. There are a total of ten (10) words. Put a line on the words. ENRICHMENT CARD 3

21 copyright cmassengale


REFERENCE CARD 1 Student Notes: Please check the box after studying the lesson I fully understand the concept discussed I partially understand the concept discussed

DICTIONARY OF BIOLOY 8th Edition by: M. Abercrombie, M.Hickman,M.L.Johnson, M.Thain The Merriam-Webster Dictionary by: Merriam-Webster Incorporated Student Guide and Teachers Guide And Curriculum Guide for Grade 7 Science DepED K to 12 Program

I still do not understand the concept. 22

Browse the Internet and learn more!!! REFERENCE CARD 2


Let us check your answer. ANSWER CARD Activity 1 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3

Activity 2 1. corn 2. rat 3. eagle 4. mushroom

pechay caterpillar chicken monitor lizard saluyot grasshopper rat cat

Activity 3 1. maya 2. grasshopper 3. frog 4. snake ENRICHMENT 1


1. maize 2. rat 3. snake 4. eagle


Assessment 1

Assessment 2

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B


Assessment 3 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A




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