Energy trade

January 16, 2019 | Author: Naina Singh Adarsh | Category: Option (Finance), Futures Contract, Derivative (Finance), Swap (Finance), Futures Exchange
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Energy trade basics...


Energy Derivatives


Agenda     

History Introduction to Exchange Open outcry system Instruments Types of Traders

Agenda     

History Introduction to Exchange Open outcry system Instruments Types of Traders

History 

The first exchange for trading derivatives appeared to be the Royal Exchange in London, which permitted permitt ed

forward contracting of tulip bulbs around !"#$  The first %futures% contracts are generally traced to the &odoya rice mar'et in Osa'a, (apan around !)*  +hicago oard of Trade in -.- / +hicago was a ma0or center for the storage, sale, and distribution of 1idwestern grain$ These central mar'etplaces provided a place for buyers and sellers 2 such as farmers and grain dealers 2 to meet, set 3uality and 3uantity standards, and establish rules of business$

Futures/Forward Contracts History 

y -#*4s these forward contracts had become standardi5ed 6grade, 3uantity and time of delivery7 and began to be traded according to the rules established by the +hicago oard of Trade 6+T7

The +hicago 1ercantile Exchange was established in 88$


Futures/Forward Contracts History Cont’d

-8 the 1inneapolis 9rain Exchange organi5ed the first complete clearinghouse system 

the clearinghouse acts as the third party to all transactions on the exchange designed to ensure contract integrity buyers:sellers re3uired to post margins with the clearinghouse  daily settlement of open positions / became 'nown as the mar'/mar'et system 


Futures/Forward Contracts History Cont’d 

Key point is that commodity futures (evoving from forward contracts! deveoped in response to an economic need "y suppiers and users of various agricutura goods initiay and ater other goods/commodities - e#g metas and energy contracts Financia futures - fi$ed income% stoc& inde$ and currency futures mar&ets were esta"ished in the '’s and )’s - faciitated the sae of financia instruments and ris& (of price uncertainty! in financia mar&ets #

*ption Contracts - History 

+hicago oard Options Exchange 6+OE7 opened in ;pril of 8#" 

call options on ! common stoc's

The widespread acceptance of exchange traded options is commonly regarded as one of the more significant and successful investment innovations of the 8#*4s  Today we have option exchanges around the world trading contracts on various financial instruments and commodities 


*ptions Contracts +hicago oard of Trade  +hicago 1ercantile Exchange  orwards  >utures  Options  ?waps 


Instruments Derivatives

.hysica *C +pot


Forwad *ptions





 ; financial instrument whose value is dependent upon or derived from one or more basic variables$ The derivative itself is merely a contract between two or more parties$  @alue is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset$  Often the variables underlying derivatives are the prices of traded assets$   ;re simply methods to manage 6 hedge7 ris'$ 


>utures, forwards, swaps, options

Derivative 0 Key Characteristics 

>inite time hori5on 6i$e$ fixed expiry date7

Re3uires at least two counterparties

Represent a 5ero/sum game between the counterparties$ That is, a gain to one side is a loss to the other side$

The =ayoff is based on the value of the underlying$

1ses of Derivatives 2is& management  ncome generation  Financia engineering 


.roduct Characteristics 

3oth options and futures contracts e$ist on a wide variety of assets 

*ptions trade on individua stoc&s% on mar&et inde$es% on metas% interest rates% or on futures contracts Futures contracts trade on agricutura commodities such as wheat% ive catte% precious metas such as god and siver and energy such as crude oi% gas and heating oi% foreign currencies% 1#+# reasury "onds% and stoc& mar&et inde$es


.roduct Characteristics (cont’d! 

he underlying asset  is that which you have the right to "uy or se (with options! or to "uy or deiver (with futures!


.roduct Characteristics (cont’d! 

Listed derivatives  trade on an organi4ed

e$change such as the Chicago 3oard *ptions E$change or the Chicago 3oard of rade% the 56,E7 or the ,ontrea E$change 

OTC derivatives  are customi4ed products

that trade off the e$change and are individuay negotiated "etween two parties -

.roduct Characteristics (cont’d! *ptions are securities and are reguated "y the +ecurities and E$change Commission (+EC! in the 1#+ and "y the 8Commission des 9aeurs ,o"iieres du :ue"ec’ or the Commission 2esponsi"e for 2eguating Financia ,ar&ets in :ue"ec for the ,ontrea *ptions E$change  Futures contracts are reguated "y the Commodity Futures rading Commission (CFC! in the 1#+ and +3 in 1#K# 


 Forward Contracts Forward contract is a non-standardi4ed contract "etween two parties to "uy or se an asset at a specified future time at a price agreed upon today# Auture time/ ;ny time in future when the delivery is to be made$ A=rice ;greed upon Today/ =rice is mutually decided at the time of entering into the contract$ A9enerally done in OT+ mar'et

How Forwards wor&s## Forward Contract ; A agree to 3uy = "" of Crude ? @=;/"" from 3 on >= st ,arch %=>

Cash +ettement (>=/>/=>! .hysica +ettement (>=/>/=>! @=;K = "" oi


+uppose Crude .rice as on >=/>/=> is @==/"arre(oss to "uyer! @= @= +uppose Crude .rice as on >=/>/=> is @=>/"arre(profit to "uyer!

Example(Normal forward contract) BP enters into a one month contract with its customer to sell 1mmbtu of natural gas @ !"mmbtu# to be deli$ered on 1%th &ebruar'#1*+  ,f price in exchange is %"mmbtu on+  -hen there will be a loss of "mmbtu to BP 

E$ampe(Hedging! BP now enters into a one month futures contract with ./E to bu' 1mmbtu of natural gas @ !"mmbtu#to be deli$ered on 1%th &ebruar'#1*+  ,f price in exchange is %"mmbtu on +  -hen there will be a pro0t of "mmbtu to BP  Net eect2 

Futures Bhat is Futures ,ar&et A ocation where trading ("uy-se! in commodities is conducted in accordance with specific rues% procedures% and guarantees#

Futures (Contd#! &3-34ES .5N-46.-S A contractua agreement to "uy /se a particuar commodity or financia instrument at a predetermined price in the future#

Betail the 3uality and 3uantity of the underlying asset$ ?tandardi5ed to facilitate trading on a futures exchange$ ?ome futures contracts may call for physical delivery of the asset, while others are settled in cash$ ixed for floating exchange of ris'  =urely a financial transaction 2 no delivery +ettement  If floating price lower than fixed 6swap7 price 2 swap provider pays swap buyer   If floating price is higher than fixed 6swap7 price 2 buyer pays seller:provider$

E$ampe 0 four month fi$ for 3rent crude oi at @;J# "" (an >eb 1arch ;pril  >loating price 6J:bbl7 K.$)* K.$#) K)$.*  Guantity 6bbls7 *,*** *,*** *,***   ;ctual cost J K.),*** K.#,)** K).,*** K!-,***  +wap seer pays  
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