Endure RPG

August 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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e: This is a game about surviving in harsh  ime Wrong Place, Wrong Tim undane (war, natural or man-made disasters)   mu situations of both m and  fantasti tic cal  (zombie  apocalypse,  space  castaways)  nature.  No  haracters are right in the   ch  pllayer c enre, p  ge r the g  or g o ing matter the settin ut.  ou to  get o le  of it all, probably trying to middle No  Heroes:  Player  characters  are  not  specialists  trained  to  deal  h  the  threats  they  are  about  to  face.  There  are  just  ordinary  ith wit ll   odds. They  d  a  way  to  survive  against all ind people  who  have  to  fin nd be forced to make tough choices.  an will struggle, suffer, a rs get tired, resources dwindle,  ter Nothing Lasts Forever: The characte he   th thiis  is  a  part of the  game. On t le   die. All  of  th reak,  people  br gs b ing thin oth the er  hand,  nothin ing g  stays  bad  forever, characters  will  recover, less. However, they can’t count  bstacle  ob heir o  th find hope and overcome t rever. for asting fo  la iess l rie tor hose victo  th on t


Endur ndure e  is a  sur surv vival ival   role rolep playin g ga gam me about ordin ordinary ary peopl eople e  in extraord extr aordiinary nary   situ situa ations tions.. Th The e  Jud ge contro ntrolls an and d  de desscribe cribess th the e  world to players players who then narra arrate te how how the  their ir cha charact racters ers ac act.

 R  I  S  K    R  O  L  L  When you are attem ttempting pting   som somethin ethin g ris risky ky,, decid ecide e  how how   ma many ny pointts (if any) poin any)  of Endura Enduran nce you you wa want to to spe  spen nd. Ro Roll 2d6, 2d6, add add the  the   spe sp ent Endur ndura ance and a  poi poin nt for each for each rele  relevant vant   item item..  If the to tottal is equal equal or grea or greater ter th than th t he Di D ifficu fficullty Score, Score, the ac a ction tion goes  goes your way wa y. Oth Otherw erwiise, th the Jud Jud ge de decide cidess the  the  outco outcome. me. This migh ightt mea  mean n a fail  failu ure, mixe ixed d suc  succ cess, ess,  gettin  gettin g a negat negativ ive e Conditi Conditio on, et etc. Diffic ifficu ulty S Score coress (DS)  (DS) Gui  Guid deline elines: s: Ea Easy: sy: 8  8  Ave Averrage: age:  10 Tricky ricky:: 12 Some ome   obst obsta acles (mos (mostly tly li living creat reatu ures: res:   enem enemies, ies, mon monssters and NPC NP Cs) ar are rat rated as as a Di Difficu fficullty Score. Score. In such such cas cases, DS DS function functionss  also as  the theiir “h “he ealth alth..” Wh When en they take dama g  ge, e, their their DS DS dr dro ops. When Whe n th the e  DS DS   reac reach hes 0, th the e  obs obsttacle acle   is elimin imina ated. ted.   You don’ don’tt  always ways  have have to  to el elimin imina ate an an obs  obsttacle acle  to ove overcom rcome e it. If  you beat If  beat   the DS, subtra btract ct the the diff differen erenc ce fr fro om the ob obstacl stacle e’s value valu e (if any). any). If you  you miss miss  the DS, DS, subtrac subtractt it from from your Endur ndura ance.

 A  D   V n A   N  T   E   AN   D     S  A   V   N  T   A  G   E  may When Whe  Tra Trai its A  or G  or   situa situat tiona ional l fact  facto o D  rs  I  affect affect y D  your our a A  action ction, , the Judge udge  may   tell you  tel you  to roll with Advan dvanttage (roll addit additiional onal   d6 and ca calcula lculate te the su s um us u sing the hi h ghest  ighest two  two   dice resul esultts) or or Disa  Disadvan dvantage tage (roll add ad dition itiona al d6 d6   and and   calc calcu ulate late   the sum usin g  g   the the   lowe lowest st two two di dic ce result esults). s). Adva dvan ntage tage   and disad disadvant vanta a ge cancel ncel   each each   oth othe er ou outt. If you have equa equ al of both you roll roll with with ne neithe itherr. If you have more adva dvan ntage tagess  than di disadv sadvanta anta g  ges es roll roll wit with adv advanta ge and and vice vice ver  verssa.


 E  N  D  U  R  AN  C  E  nd   a, and min ina tam it,, sta grit ive, e,   gr illl to  liv er’s r’s   wil act cte ara ourr  char ce is you anc durran Endu asiis o-1 1 bas -toce on 1-t anc durran d  endu end ne..  Spen d  into one bine ned e  combi alin line ena adrren ad ing    res estting by r nce ce  by ura ran ndu er End cov ove  rec  Yo ou re ll. Y at ro roll. tha d to  to  th add ll to  to  ad roll a ro forre a  befo ve bov  go o abo or g w 0  0  or elow op belo  dro eve verr dr n n  ne e ca can nce uranc ndu ies. s. End ppl plie sup ing  su d u  ussing and an ore. Sco nce ce  Sc ura ran ndu cte terr’s End ara rac cha you ourr ch

 I  N   V   E   N   T   O   R   Y  bly ly..  rtab mforta y co com rry u can carr you tem ms yo ore re  is how many ite y Sc Sco ory ven enttor Inv You ourr In cab ablle) plic n  appli hen ge whe nta tag dva van sad n  (d (diisa itio ion ndit d  cond red mbere cum ou   get an encu You corre. ntorry Sco Inv vento ur In  you tha an yo temss th ying ing  more item arr rry e c  ca ou’r u’re if y if  yo u  you rolll 2d6 (yo ar,,  ro ce of gear iec e  a  pie eve etriiev icklly retr ed   to  q uick ou   need When you er   eatter g rea al or gr  equ qua  is e tota tall is the to mall). If th norrma as   no nce ce   as ura ran ndu nd End  spe pen may s willl e, it i t wi wis ise her erw Oth it.. Ot gott  it ou   go ed, d,   you stor ore h it  it   is st hic ich  wh x a  att w inde dex n  the in tha han entts. ew momen  a f  fe ke a take

 T  R  A  I  T  S  ribe be   esc scri h d  de which aitts whic nt Tr Trai nen perrmane  off pe berr o  nu umbe  a n hass a cte terr ha ara rac cha ch  ch Each be scri rib desc tion onss  that de ndi diti Con ary ry   Co ora d  tempor and is,   an er   is, actter harrac o  the cha who wh etc. c.)) ts,, et ffec ects  eff atu tuss e s, st  sta nds, wou oun w (  (w now ghtt no ng ri righ oin cter ter  is doi ara rac cha  the he  ch how t tage ge..  The anta sad dvan disa nd   di ge and nta tag van g  adva ding eciidin en dec whe ed   wh e  used are aits its   ar Tra Tr n. ctio tion e a  ac  the fectt th ts a  afffec aits h T  Trrai hich on w  whic al sa say on  fin ina he f ge ha has the Jud udg y  all lly sua Thiis usu me. e.   Th gam g  the ga ring ions ns   durin dit itio ond ns Con ssig ign dge ge   ass Jud The he   Ju ive. e.  If you ativ arrrat he  nar ws the llow d follo ll  an and roll led  ro faiiled ult  of a fa ressult enss as a re ppen hap ha get et s  sta tab bbe bed d, yo you’ u’rre “b “ble lee edin ding g,” ,”  if yo you a  are re  ex exp pos ose ed to to th  the e e  ellem eme ent ntss  t c. ,” e  et o ke,” ke  str tro e at s at   “he “h n g a a  etti tin r  get  g g ” o or z ing in free eez e  “fr  “   are ar  you ou  o ng y ng o o l lo r  to  t for fo


 TEAMW  ORK  roll. If  to help on your your roll. spend their Endurance Endurance to Other players may may spend lved lose Endurance Endurance as per normal all involved you didn’t didn’t beat the DS, all invo nces. any narrative conseque consequences. rules and suffer suffer any narrative


ts of by  capturing momen moments recover cover Endurance Endurance by  Characters can can re eat a meal or sleep sleep relax, have a drink, drink, eat rmality.” lity.” Being able to able to relax, “norma “no  world. rs going in this harsh harsh world. rt keep the characte characters in relative comfo comfort spend d (food, each supply you spen for each Each time you you rest, roll a d6 for Endurance rance based on how on how long you rest: ater,, etc.). Recover Endu water » »

highest d6. minutes recovers the highest  Resting for several several minutes rs the highest 2d6. 2d6. g for couple for couple hours recove recovers  Restin Resting


 Spending the night night in a safe spot lets you recover the  the  sum sum   m ay also use ing a long rest you you may rolled. During of all all the dice you rolled. Dur rest). ch item item that helps you you rest). items (+1 for ea each other, non-supply non-supply items

 D  EAT  H  unfortunate rtunate fall, a any  moment. An unfo character acter can die at at any  Your char ess is all it takes takes to snuff untreated sickness random gunshot gunshot or even untreated sickn if an action you’re you’re The Judge will tell you if an  your character’s  character’s life. life. The Judge out your out  roll for If you fail such action, action, roll deadly consequences. consequences. If attempting has has deadly your life. life. It is a normal normal Risk Risk Roll on which which you can you can (and should!) should!) another day, ns you get to see see another Endurance. Success mea Success means spend your your Endurance. other negative effect. effect. some other but will but  will probably suffer suffer a wound or some

 A  DVANC  EME  NT  either your Character’ Character’ss session choose & raise raise either At the end of a game game session by 1. nce or or Inventory Score Score by 1. Endurance Endura Trait based on your Character a new new Tr  is resolved, give give your When a Goal a Goal is gh. what they went throu through.


 J  U  D  G  E  ’  S    G  U  I  D  E  As  the  Jud g  ge e,  you ou   don on’t ’t   need ed   to ro roll ll di dice ce..  Ris isk k Ro Roll llss  work rk   for both bo th t  th he pl play ayer er’’s actio ions ns &  &  re resp spon ondi din n g  g  to to th  the e dang nger erss o  off the the w  wor orld ld..  Call for for a  a  Risk sk R  Rol olll w  wh hen a pl pla ayer at atte tem mpts ts s  so omet ethi hin n g  g  with th c  cllea ear r cons co nseq  eq uences.  Oth ther erwi wise se,,  just  say ay   wha hatt ha happ ppen enss - and  when en   you ou   dec ecid ide e t  th hat som some eth thiing ng b  bad ad h  ha appe pen ns, l  le et th the e p  pla laye yer r rol olll to to avoid id it  it.. Ris isk k  Rolls lls c  ca an b  be e c  cal allled ed t  to o r  res esol olv ve  a whole sc sce ene, or  just just   a sin gl  gle e actio ac tion n  - there re   is  a  balan ance ce   bet etw ween en   the  tw two o.  More  fr freq  eq uent uent   and   gr  g ranula lar r r  rol ollls cre reat ate e more re p  pre ress ssu ure o  on n the p  pla laye yers rs,, a  and nd a  ar re  grea greatt in te ten nse s  situ itua atio ion ns  (c (com omb bat at,, c  ch hase se,, e  etc tc..) On th  the e ot oth her ha hand, w  wh hen  the th e ch char ara acter erss are in rel ela ative ve  sa safe fety ty,, you ou  can re rein inffor orce ce  th that at  fe feel elin in g  g   by ca calli lling ng ro  roll llss l  les esss o  oft fte en an and d le lettti tin n g  g  a si sin n g  glle roll res esol olve ve a  a  whole scen sc ene. e.  Be Be f  fa air ir in  in w  wh hen an and d ho how w of ofte ten n y  you ou c  cal alll f  fo or ro rolls lls.. Roll ll 1  1d d6  when you w  wa ant to to le  lett fat ate e decid ide e someth thin in g ttha hatt pla lay yers rs   don on’t ’t   have  a  cle lear ar   infl flue uenc nce e ov over er   (N (NP PC  atti tittud ude, e,   wea eath ther er,, how  man any y zo zom mbi bie es are ou outt th ther ere, e,   doe oess  the  explo losi sion on   col olllap apse se   the he   bui uilldi din n g  g,, e  etc tc..) Int nter erpr pre et th the e outco com me: e:  hi gh is  gh is g  go ood od,, low ow i  iss ba bad. Use it when en it  it w  wou ould ld b  be e i  in nte tere rest stiing ng t  to o n  not ot b  be e i  in n c  con ontr trol, ol, o  or r o  or r wh when en y  yo ou  don’t want nt to  to b  be e res espo pons nsib iblle fo for r t  th he an answ swe er.


The game takes place during a Crisis - a time and place when things really went to shit. The characters are fighting against an inhospitable environment, dealing with threats while struggling to reach a goal that will turn their tide. It is up to each group to decide what kind of Crisis the game will be about.

 ENVIRONMENT  The main setting element of the game and the backdrop for the characters’ struggles. The Environment can be a physical location, like a jungle, secluded hotel or a derelict ship, or something more abstract like war or a robot uprising. Choose a single environment. Example Environments: Alien Planet, Private Island, Jungle, Dimensional Rift, Frozen North, Metro, Zombie Apocalypse, War, Wasteland, Backwoods, Totalitarian State, Ocean Liner


 T  HR  EA  TS  The  dangers the The  the   players players will encou encounter nter durin durin g play; play;   th the e things, things, creatures cr eatures   and events events that will will hurt the the players an and d force  force  th them em to mak ake e difficult difficult decisio  decisions. ns. Games  Games   us usually ually cent center er around around one  one big  big  threat, thr eat, with with smalle smaller r backgrou ackground nd threat  threats. s. Each playe player r (includi (including ng the Judg Judge) e) may ch may choose oose a Thr Threat eat to inco incorporate rporate in  into to the gam game. e. Example Exam ple Threa Threats ts:: Weathe Weather, r, Animal Animals, s, Zombie Zombies, s, Dinosau Dinosaurs, rs, Flood Fl oods, s, Aliens, Aliens, Fire,  Fire, Ear Earthquake thquakes, s, Sicknes Sickness, s, Foreign Foreign Sol Soldiers, diers, Othe ther r Survivor Survivors, s, Radiati Radiation, on, Killer Killer Machin Machines, es, Frost.  Frost.

 GO  AL  Wha hatt the ch char aracters acters are trying are trying to achieve achieve.. S Survival urvival is  is an obvi obvious ous   choice, butt a more choice, bu more nuanced nuanced go  goal al may lea lead d to a mor more e unique unique game. game. A  goo  good d goal sh should ould be  be  ac achievabl hievable e within few few   sessions. sessions. Choose Choose   a single goal goal as a group group.. Once a goal g oal is rea reached, ched, finis finish h the gam game or escala esca late te the situ situation, ation, choo choose se a new new goal goal and co and continue ntinue the the story.  story. Exa xample mple Goa Goals ls:: Escape Escape this  this place place,, Retrieve Retrieve import important ant files,  files, Map Ma p this land land,, Save the the kid,  kid, Dest Destroy roy the sou the source, rce, Find Find the  the wreck, wr eck, Reac Reach h the encla enclave, ve, Collec Collectt specimen specimen,, Get resc rescued, ued, Gather supp supplies, lies, Rest Restore ore power power,, Track do down wn the fug fugitive. itive.

 P  RE  PA  RI  NG  A  GA  ME  As the Judg Judge, e, you don don’t ’t have  have  to to prepa  prepare re a whole  whole  st story ory ahead ahead   of time.. The time T he game game flows f lows bette better r when yo when you u prepare prepare situatio situations ns instead  instead   of finished finished   pl plots ots - few few location locationss and NPCs, NPCs, some  some obs obstacles tacles and and   a danger dange r that that will es will escalate calate if if left left uncheck unchecked ed is enou enou gh to ge gett a game a game  goin  g oin g. Don’t Don’t be afraid be afraid to  to change  change yo  your ur ideas ideas & improv & improvise ise as  as you go you go.. Dice rolls rolls introdu  introduce ce compli  complicat cations ions and and chaos chaos that that will chang change e the cours co urse e of the the fi fiction ction - rol rolll with it. Let your your players im impact pact what what   happens appens.. It’s It’s their st their story ory after after all. all.


ame e you ourr ch  cha ara rac cte terr.  Nam 10.. e is  is  10 ore ce Sc Scor anc durran  Endu is 8. corre is ory y Sco ent ntor  Inv nve ng. hin clotthi ate te  clo equ qua e ad  ade ave  You hav s. item ems. full it sefu ose  3 use  Choose aitss:  Trrait ourr T ith h you p w  wit  up  Come u



» »



n  be  can is.. It  ca isis e  Cris e  th the efor ore e  bef ere bes es   who  you wer crib desscri und nd   de gro rou ckg   Back izes es   ariz mmar sum that at   su g  el elsse th hin ing yth or   anyt erti rtisse or xpe ield ld   of exp ion,,  fie ofes esssion prof a  pr acte cterr  in  the ara e  char the ors rs   th cho It   anch e. It fore terr was  befor acte harrac o  the cha who wh

sett ttin ing g and nd o  occ cca asi sio ona nall lly y affe ffec cts ts r  rol olls ls..  can an    It c sis.. It e Cr  Criisis the ing  th durring eful ful  du use ove ve  us n pr  pro can that at  ca ng th thin omethi is s  so et  is  Assset  A er ract cte he ch chara re t  th atu ture fea able ble  fe tice cea noti her er  no  oth it o  orr ot rait cal tra ysi sic  phy kill ill,, ph  a s  sk be a be e. age. van anttag adv an  ad cter ter  an ara rac cha  the he  ch ant nt t gra  can an  gr et c Assset has as.. As •

sica call  physi be   a ph  can an   be It c ed.. It icatted mplica e co  com ore fe m  mor  life ourr li es you ake  mak oub ublle m   Tr Tro le   can uble on. n.   Troub cati atio pli lic omp er com the ait, or oth tra ity   tr ona nallity rso nes esss, pers akn weak age ge.. ant nta adv dva  dis isa h a  a d ith roll wit terr to ro acte harrac the cha cau ausse th

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Write it all down on a sheet of paper. You don’t need a special character sheet, any paper will do. Just make sure to leave space to track your Endurance & number your inventory slots.


 P  L  A  Y  E  R    A  D  V  I  C  E  ust an  everyday  person   ju re   j er   is  not a  hero. They  are Your  character ion n,  not  prepared  for the  dangers  they  are  itu uatio in   a  bad  sit caught  in et   you  ll   get ing g  and  cunning  will e  problem  solvin ive to   face. Creativ about  to  prrovide.  Ittems p ur Traits or I you ny bonuses yo  an on a lyiing on han rely  th further t cre eating “the best” character. Make a characte terr  strress about cr ’t  st Don’t lay y.  to o pla estting t  in nteres g & will be i ing etttin  th he set fitts t at fi tha th It   is fasst.  It rea ally  fa ly   re ic,,  and  can  turn  deadly ly,,  chaotic batt is  ugly Comba u  you  Iff  yo t. I our  way  out  of it.  yo lk y or   talk  sn neak,  run  or y  to s try  to o  tr afer t  sa ch s much uises, wounds  and  bru scrrapes,  br ared  for  sc epa ce,,  be  prep ence sorrt  to  violen reso itiions. Such  Traits give  er   negative  Condit ther ora  of  oth tho a  whole  pleth  se ense   iff it makes s oved only i emo gett rem ls  and ge  ro olls ost r  mo ge  to m tage anta dva sadv disa hir irsst   th ated, t ica is  medic esss is ick knes ounds are healed, sic (wo ve (w tiv  th he narrati in t ts   terr rests our characte  yo en y enss when  ha appen  ussually h .)  This u  ettc.) is q uenched, e or betw twe een adventu turres. e  Items  the forr  th e  uses  fo ive k  about  your  resources.  Look  for creativ ink Thin fra aid to spend  ll.. Don’t be afr and Traits you have to get a bonus to a roll er  to  tte is   much  bett It   is ly..  It ed   q uite  easily Endurance,  it  can  be  recovered nd a  fin  to o fi ll  need t n you will itio ion dit ond  Con tin ng a C  th han accepti ll,, t  a  roll it  on a k it ris isk ys  worth having.  allways terr are a nd wate  an ood a  Fo f. F d of. rid et ri  ge way to g

 l  for their   l  goa l ayers may choose a persona l  la P l before  or  during  the  characters  at  any  point  be y  have  one  such   ly game.  A  character  can  on l  be something  d be  ld  l  over their career. It shou l goa l  l..  roup’s goa l important & independent of the g  lv ves  their  persona l  l   When  a  character  reso l  l,, they gain a new trait. goa l


Item emss help you It you survive  survive.. What items items are  are availa available ble to the the charact characters ers   dependss on the depend on the settin settin g the Cris risis is takes pl takes place ace in. Pre Preparing paring a list list of sample items be samp items before fore the the game game is a good good idea. idea. Most Mo st items tak take e one Inv Inventory entory slo slot. t. Some  Some  bulkier item itemss might might take more, more,   and smal smalll items  items  ta take ke less  less  (y (you ou can fit fit   couple  couple  ite items ms into   a single slot into slot). ). Follow Follow common c ommon s  se ense. If tha thatt fails, Th fails, The e Judge Judge hass the final ha final say.  say. Unless noted Unless noted   otherwis otherwise, e, each  each  it item em adds adds a +1 bonu bonuss to actio actions ns associat assoc iated ed with  with  it it   as lon g as the char character acter kno knows ws how  how  to to   use it  it  (tra traits its are  are  a  good in indic dicator, ator, e.g. e.g. only a  a  tr trained ained lock locksmith smith or a burglar burgla r would would know know how  how to to use use lockpick lockpicks). s). The bo The bonus nus only only applies applies if it if  it is clear th clear that at the item item would  would be  be benefic  beneficial ial..

 SC  AV  EN  GI  NG  Whe hen n you tak take e time to search th the e area for for   resources resources,, describe describe   how you d you do o it, and m and make ake a Risk Risk Roll.  Roll. If If you you beat th beat the e DS, spen spend d the differ dif ference ence as yo as you u like on on the the options options below:  below:  Spend 1 poin pointt so it doe doesn’t sn’t take take long time. time.  Spen Spend d 1 point 1 point to to a avoid void runn running ing into tr into trouble. ouble.  Sp Spend end 1 po poin intt and find find something something useful  useful (Ju (Judge’s dge’s c choi hoice). ce).

» » » »

 Spend Spend 3  3 to find an item of yo of your ur choice choice (within rea reason). son).


When you ne nee ed to to  come ome  up with a  a rand ando om us useful eful item tem,, roll 2d6. 2d6. One One die indica indicattes the the colu column, mn,   the other ther   indic indica ates row in i n tha  thatt colu column. mn.   Use Us e the the  table table  belo below w or make ake  a ne new w on one e that  that bett  bette er fits your fits your  gam game. e. 1. hunting hunting knife

1. map of the area

1. bandages

2. whistle

2. chain, d6 yards

2. scissors

3. revolver, d6 sho shots ts

3. spray deodorant deodorant

3. bag of bag of sna snacks cks

 4. dehyd dehydrated rated food

 4. ca canned nned ffood, ood, d6

 4.. duct tape  4

5. painkil ainkillers lers

5. flashlight flashlight

5. gas mask

6. wire, wire, d6 feet

6. crowbar

6. fishing lin line e

1. cast iron pa pan n

1. bottle bottle of of vodka  vodka

1. sleeping sleeping bag

2. flares, d6 3. beach beach towel

2. binoculars binoculars 3. fireworks, d6

2. lighter 3. energy bar bars, s, d6

 4. water bottle

 4. 2-way radio radio

 4. can of of gasol  gasoline ine

5. baseball baseball bat

5. shovel shovel

5. fire axe

6. ramen, ramen, d d6 6 packs

6.  canned 6. canned soda, d6

6. hammer hammer

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Items can have additional rules. See below for examples: Backpack: Any container that you can comfortably keep on your Backpack: person. Backpacks (and by extent any items they hold) can be easily removed before a roll to avoid disadvantage from carrying too many items. Items inside a backpack require a few moments to retrieve (can’t roll to get them quickly). Meal Ration: Prepared Ration: Prepared meal. Contains all the food and water you need for one day. Takes 1 Inventory slot, recovers 2d6 Endurance when consumed during rest. Supplies: Anything that can be consumed or otherwise used up: Supplies: food, drink, ammo, gas, oxygen etc. Often you can fit a couple units of supplies into a single inventory slot. Track them individually or with a usage die mechanic if this type of item is not scarce.


Endure En dure  came came into  into  exist xiste ence durin g  g 2019  2019  Goo Goon nJam Jam  as a hack ack  of Na Natte Trem reme’s e’s Tu Tunne nnell Goo  Goon ns that that got  got a litt little out out of hand. hand. Speci pecia al tha thanks to Exalt xalte ed Fu F unera nerall Dis  Disc cord comm ommunit unity y for keep keepiing me me goin goin an d Annde nndelise lise who remin eminded ded me of  my my   old id idea for a survi urviv val gRand PG  gatherin  gath erin g  g dus  dustt on my my for for gotte  gotten n blo g.

CC and Publi ublic c  Dom Domain ain artw rtwo ork (main ainlly from from un  unssplas plash h.com .com and  and   New   Old New Old   Stoc Stock k) was re rec ckles klesssly mashe shed d  tog together ether,, manipu nipullated ated   and laid out into this bookl ookle et. Witthout Wi hout  the work work of those those art artists, ists,   this ga game would ould not  not be th the e sam same. e.

  b y:  k  by  Artwor k  kssander  e k  le  h..com: a l as h  la unsp l  burns,  er bu  he ristop h  hr orzenets, c h  bo  b  b  owens,  o b  ko  ja k orrami, ja  ho  k h  low k f lo  liia   ju l asq uez, ju  la  ve l  juanma ve  ju  viier garcia   ja v oppien, ja  jo  j er west,   ke ay.com: par k  ba pixa b uetz mediendesign  hu sc h

ed  under ensed ice  lic  iss l me i gam is  ga This  4.0)) CC BY 4.0  (C ommons (  Co ve C tiv Creati

 lss.com apic @ pexe l  ka oo k  To  T  k  nos.twnsnd.co d Stoc k  ld New O l   bit s  hand made textures & bi + ha

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