End Term Project
Short Description
Project related to thematic approach...
Name of the Project: Colors in nature Project Objectives : On completion of the project student will be strong on the following areas
They will explore explore the colors in the world around around us and the colors of the rainbow. They will explore explore how rainbows are formed formed through experiments, experiments, inquiry and discussion We will also investigate what colors we see each day, as well as where colors are seen. How colors can shape each of us and can represent represent many dierent things such as our health, our feelings and attitude. !tudent will also experiment with colour and various forms of art a rt materials to discover how colors are created.
Integration of Other Functional/Academic Functional/Academic Skills: "n this this proj projec ectt st stud uden ents ts will will be lear learni ning ng colo colors rs with with the the integration of following academics s#ills as a part of exploring other functional areas in order to explore new and creative things under the topic of colors in nature. $nglish language arts %athematics &rts $ducation !cience.
ime frame of the !roject : The time allotted to teach all lesson integration will ta#e around "#$ "% da&s. &nd in particular the time frame will be '( to )* mins per day it adjusted depends on the weightage of the lesson and also depending upon the understanding level of the student on each activities and outcome performed by the students.
'aterials used for the Project
" will set up a colour exploration centre containing items for students to use in play and inquire about colour. +ollowing are some of the materials which will be in the centre →
-as#ets for materials to be held in
arious coloured
-eads /om0poms -eans !tones 1ounters +elt pieces +a#e grapes Twigs →
1oloured paper
1rayons, mar#ers
-oo#s with colourful images
1olour word cards
/risms2old 134s.
Phase of the !roject : There are four dierent phase of the project. Introduction: The teacher will be giving a brief explantion about colors. &nd they will be taught of what is primary and secondary colors and how colors are playing major role in the day to day activity. Integration of the Subject: !tudents will be taught the detailed explanation regarding the integrated subjects of $nglish language arts %athematics, &rts $ducation, !cience.
Activit& and (emonstration : &ll !tudents will be provided the activity sheets based on the each lesson category to ensure the #nowledge ability and understanding of the subject.
Assessment: !tudents will be assessed after every lesson. $ach lesson will end with either an oral or written assessment. 'ain Content 1olors are in every part of our world. The theme of 1olors provides many avenues to explore the mixing and creation of 1olors, as well as to practice classifying and sorting s#ills. 1olors are also a vital part of the social interactions we have, and are an indicator of our uniqueness to be celebrated. 3escribe their world5human expression5health and well0being can be determined through colour as well. This unit will help students to concentrate on their own individual s#ills, observations, discoveries and preferences and will help students to embrace their unique self as well as the diversity among the class) *nglish +anguage Arts: Throughout this unit we are going to focus on communication, reading and writing s#ills. The students are emergent readers and writers, so we are going to wor# on colour0speci6c sight words using word cards, poems, songs and boo#s. We will also practice our critical listening s#ills through listening to stories, instructions, each other, videos and music. We are also exploring communication through symbols and images through our artwor#s to be created during this unit. 'athematics: "n this unit the focus in mathematics will be on patterns, numeracy and number sense, and comparisons. The students will also experience data collection and analysis through the creation of a ribbon chart. The ribbon chart will be referred to
throughout the unit and used for assessment of understanding, as well as to create conversation about mathematics within the classroom. The students will also be given the chance to explore the concept of addition with 7color8 math9 the addition of two colors to equal a new colour.
Science: $xploration and experimentation are #ey focal points in this unit. This unit is highly inquiry focused, and students will learn to observe their surroundings and explore what they 6nd. We will also explore and discover the science behind how a rainbow is formed in a rainstorm, and experiment to see if we can ma#e our own rainbows. This unit focuses on the discovery and investigation of the science curriculum. Arts *ducation: The big question of this unit is 7What are the 1olors of our world:8, and this is the basis of the approach to arts in the classroom. We will spend time exploring and experimenting with colour and how colour can be used aesthetically. !tudents will be given a full half0day to explore questions such as 7How do " ma#e the colour pin#:8 or 71an you ma#e white:8 which were raised earlier by the students. We will also go through some visuali;ation0type experiences, where students are as#ed to thin# about their body parts5 starting at their feet and wor#ing up5and thin# about what colour each feels li#e. This is a more abstract concept than the students are used to, so " will wor# towards and understanding of how 1olors can represent feelings and then how to use colour to express those feelings.
1olors in the ?0@* year
!ubjects integrated
$nglish Aanguage and &rts !cience %athematics &rts $ducation
Teaching &ids Bsed !ubject @ $nglish
!ubject C !cience
!ubject ' %athematics !ubject ) &rts $ducation
%usic2 &rt integrated
Demar#s Eif any F
1omprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print and other texts which address identity, community and social responsibilities iew and interpret basic messages .comprehend, retell and respond to basic ideas in stories, poems, etc $xamine observable characteristics of plants, animals and people investigate physical properties and characteristics of familiar objects $xamine physical characteristics of natural surroundings !ay number sequence *0@* and @*0* Delate numerals *0@* to respective quantity ,compare quantities $xpress "deas through exploration of elements of dance .1reate artwor#s that express personal observations and ideas about the world. Despond to arts non0verbally ."nvestigate arts in home and community
"n all subjects the music has been integrated and given some craft wor# given to the student to have a real time experience. Open0ended centre for exploration. -oo#s to explore and mimic colour shapes. $ncouragement to explore and experiment with color anytime they can. Half a day focus on simply exploring colors +lashlights and 13s5 exploring what happens5 what else could a Gashlight do:
C, -esearch Stud& Select an& t.o from the follo.ing 0uestions: @. With reference to the areas of study mentioned below, discuss brieGy the development of $AT. E'** to '(* words approximatelyF • Delevance of a theoretical basis to language teaching Theories related to language teaching
!timulus Desponse and -ehaviorist theories
• •
1ognitive Theories
!econd Aanguage &cquisition
"ntelligence • Decent trends in Aanguage Teaching
Theories of %ultiple
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