En Mid Astra g Manual
Short Description
MID Module on-board computer - User manual Contr Con trols ols::
Control module on-board computer is the same as for standard MID, ie, two buttons on the wiper control lever at the controls. Press. Set display parameter selection is performed, reset button resets the parameter. After pressin the S!" button is on display now shows the type parameter, and conse#uently its value. Current Consumption:
Immediate Immediate consumptio consumption n is displayed displayed in liters per hour, hour, if the vehicle vehicle speed above $% &m per hour in liters per $'' &m. Average Av erage consumption: consumption:
Averae consumption is calculated by the amount of fuel consumed and distance traveled since last reset this parameter. "here are two, independent of each measurement. Switchin is accomplished by pressin the reset button. "o indicate the display of the second measurement is available arrow symbol is displayed before the averae in the second row . "he second measurement (mar&ed by arrow) is stored after removin the inition &ey into the intern internal al memory memory is saved saved and remains remains even even after after removi removin n the batteries batteries . "o reset reset the parameter is necessary to hold the reset button for loner than the three seconds. Fuel consumed: Average Av erage speed: speed: Distance traveled: traveled:
"he amount of fuel used , averae speed and distance traveled is counted as well since the last resettin of the parameter . "here are aain two independent measurements of each other . Switchin is accomplished by pressin the reset button. "o indicate the display of the second measurement is available arrow , shown before the feature parameter in the second row . "he second measurement (mar&ed by arrow) is stored after removin the inition &ey into into the intern internal al memory memory is saved saved and remains remains even even after after remova removall autoba autobater terie. ie.* * reset reset parameter is necessary to hold the reset button for loner than the three seconds. Vehicle Range: Range :
Measurement of vehicle roll can be done two different ways accordin to the method of resettin this parameter. After holdin the reset button for loner than three seconds a menu will appear with a choice of whether or not pumped full tan&. +hen selectin a full tan& is calculated with the initial roll-out a defined amount of a full tan&, which can be set in the service service menu and the calculation calculation is made accordin accordin to fuel consumption. "his method of measurement is more accurate, since it bypasses the sensor measurin the amount of fuel in the tan&, the input A D converter and any tilt. nless you select a full tan&, the roll counts after measurin the amount of fuel in the tan&. "o measure the condition of each tan& is inserted in the inition &ey to active position.
ane calculated with an averae consumption of vehicles in the last /' &m. 0iews of consumption over the last /' &m is displayed every minute for % seconds if the function displayed 1ust roll out of the vehicle. Stopwatch:
Controls the function by pressin the reset button, which stems run, stop and reset. Tank Status:
Measurin the amount of fuel in the tan& is performed continuously and is displayed in liters on the display. It should be noted that the measurements will always be vitiated due to followin reasons2 accuracy of the sensor in the tan& and its wear tolerance, input circuits, AD converter, tilt, movement of vehicles. "he si3e of the tan& can be set in the service menu. Vehicle speed: Engine speed:
Since the parameters can be measured for proper function onboard computer, there was reason to suppress the display and we use the indicators in monitorin the accuracy of onboard instruments. Measuring atter! "car atter!#:
Measurement of electrical system is necessary for correct measurement of the tan& and use it to the user in proper control of battery charin. Ideally, the voltae at enine start-up ranes from about $/.40 to $5./0. A sinificant difference in mean failure in the electrical system. Module on-board computer is also e#uipped with automatic controls charin car batteries, which is set to rane from $6.%0 to $%.%0. If you e7ceed this rane, the user is informed of the warnin sin on the display. Internal temperature: After holdin the reset button we have a set menu that allows climate control. "here is settin the desired temperature and the so-called 8ysteresis. 8ysteresis settin is important because in order to avoid fre#uent switchin on and off the air conditionin compressor is not desined for it. E$ample: Set the temperature of 6/ 9 C and 6 9 C. 8ysteresis +hen this settin is to turn on air conditionin at 6% 9 C and off at 6$ 9 C. %mmoili&er:
Immobili3er function can be turned on off service menu. If you use the immobili3er and the connection of an e7ternal relay is re#uired after turnin the &ey in the inition in the active position to enter a PI:. ;therwise, the vehicle can start. PI: is specified usin the control lever and the followin way2
E$ample: "'%( )*# 6 7 press the S!" button, press button $ 7 eset / 7 press the S!" button, press button $ 7 eset Press $ 7 reset button
PI: can be of one to four numbers. PI:s are used and two administrators and users. sin the admin PI: can deactivate the immobili3er and enter the service menu. PI: usin the user can disable the immobili3er, but you can not enter into the service menu.
Number One Administrator PIN value is No. 3 Da! lighting:
;utput daytime runnin lihts are activated when startin the enine and disable the enine after shutdown. Setting the on+oard computer:
After holdin the S!" and !S!" buttons for more than / seconds when we et to the menu with the followin choices 2 - "urn off the immobili3er - Select the user menu - Service menu - Set the time - Ad1ust the display brihtness Turn o,, the immoili&er : In case of installation and use of the immobili3er this feature to temporarily shut down before slidin the immobili3er inition &ey in order to avoid re- enter the PI:. Selecting the user menus:
A> All the functions - >? > ;nly the selected function Service menu:
Menu ur@en & nastavenB palubnBho po@Bta@e. Pro vstup 1e nutn 3adat hlavnB &d PI:. Set Time: "here you have set hours. S!" button selection is performed , reset button perform parameter ad1ustment .
Ad-ust the rightness o, the displa!:
CD brihtness can be ad1usted in eiht steps and one for the lihts on and off (day niht). S!" button selection is performed , reset button perform parameter ad1ustment . Service menu :
Service menu to confiure the onboard computer accordin to your preference with subse#uent options2 - Select the lanuae (C3ech, Slova&, !nlish, Polish, 8unarian) - Set security codes - Settin the immobili3er - Ad1ust the tire si3e and number of pulses per revolution of the wheel - $ &m to the impulse tachometer - Select enine control unit - Settin up user menu - Ad1ust the si3e of the tan& - Correction of consumption - Display data from radio - Selection of the parameters displayed on the display - Control function - ;ther functions - eset ?C (oad basic parameters) In the service menu usin the S!" parameter selection is performed , reset button ma&e chanes or confirm the selection. ;ne choice is always either 1ust > without savin the parameters , or > eturn and Save .> Choose the language:
"here is a choice of five lanuaes 2 - C3ech - Slova& - !nlish - Polish - 8unarian 0iew all supported lanuaes with diacritical mar&s diacritical mar&s these options off. "his option is to install a custom display case with a different character set , which would cause an absurd display of characters on the screen. Set securit! '%(:
+hen selectin a PI: chane first choose who we want to chane your PI: (admin user). After selectin a value enter the PI: as it is written above item immobili3er. "o chec&, enter the value aain. If the values are the same, the new PI: is stored, otherwise the warnin messae is printed.
An immobili3er is possible in the service menu and turn off and then there is the option of switchin or relay output e7pansion mode, the immobili3er. +hen selectin a switch mode output relay is eneri3ed if the correct PI: (we use that option in case if we want to bloc& as a starter). !7pandin the system will be used when bloc&in as the fuel pump. In this case, the relay activates (opens) when the enine is started without enterin a PI:. Set o, tire si&es:
In this case we have to choose the e7act si3e of the tires, which will provide us with very real value of the distance and the proper meterin. If we as& the same value as a distance indicator on the dashboard instruments we choose to see Eaccordin to impulse.F. In this case, the on-board computer to count from the preset value of pulses per $&m. ?ut the settin is usually loaded error around 6GH %mpulse .dometer:
If as stated above, use the > pulse accordin to > Set here the number of pulses that traveled for $&m. "he value of this parameter, we find holdin the button. reset daily &ilometers to fliht instruments while turnin the &ey in the inition to the active position. or vehicles Astra < it is usually worth the $%/J%. or vehicles rontera , it is the value of the 64''. The choice o, engine control unit:
In this menu, you select the type of control unit , which corresponds to the vehicle in which the ?C module is used. In the case of connectin the module to one of the in1ectors , use the > in1ection valve> . ;ptocoupler connection diaram is located on the web pae. /ser Settings menu:
"he module allows on-board computer to switch two different menus. Menu EAF shows all the parameters. Menu E?F only selected. Parameters displayed in the E?F can be set here so you see only those parameters that really matter to us. Tank Si&e:
"he si3e of the tan& car ;pel Astra < is about %$ liters. In this case we have the opportunity to edit and select the correct indicator of vehicle roll. Correction o, consumption:
Power measurement is essentially based on the time of openin the fuel in1ection valve enine. "heoretically, fuel linearly dependent on the in1ection valve openin time, provided always the same pressure fuel system. In reality, thouh, the pressure in the fuel system chanes, even in close tolerance and the impact it has on many factors. "he #uality of fuel and its density, and fuel pump wear, the state of the fuel filter and fuel systems, enine load, etc.. It should also be ta&en into account for close open valve in1ection. All inserted in the
measurement of the number of variables, which in the end shows the difference of measured and actual consumption, as I have myself verified by testin on several vehicles with the same enine. "he measured difference is not lare, mostly reflected the difference in about one to two tenths of averae consumption. or this reason, the Service menu item added ad1ustment of consumption, which can be ad1usted to the vehicle itself. "he difference simply find before tan& full tan& of fuel consumed by resettin the counter on-board computer and then startin off the tan&. "hen aain refuel a tan& full of fuel and by tan& indicators and on-board computer, find the difference. "he amount of fuel pumped then divided by the amount of fuel on-board computer and enter the result rounded up to the ad1ustment of consumption items. Radio show:
+hen usin the oriinal radio set here all what we wish to be displayed. Symbols of radio is displayin on the third line, DS appear in the first two thirds of the fourth row. If you turn off display of DS car radios, are displayed instead of two optional parameters measured . In the case of the third row we have three options and display symbols of radio, display symbols instead of three optional parameters measured here, or show only dashes to separate (reater clarity). View the displa! o, optional parameters:
"he display can be set up and display up to eiht of all measured parameters of the onboard computer . Display functions are labeled Dis-' to Dis-4. unction Dis-' is located at the end of the line features, Dis-$ at the end of the second line, function Dis-6, Dis -/, Dis-5 on the third row and function Dis-%, Dis -K, Dis -4 on the line fourth. Set button to select the displayed function will be set and reset button as it will set. Control ,unctions:
"he various control functions in this menu, you can independently ad1ust everythin accordin to what we want to chec& and control sensors that are installed on the vehicle. S!" button to select the desired function and press the !S!" switch is performed, or disable this function . .ther ,unctions:
In this menu we can activate a relay output for daytime runnin lihts , the choice on what vehicle will be used to display the MID (Astra < or rontera ) and set the warnin temperature from e7ternal temperature sensor .
Con,iguration o, the initial inscription:
After inition , the display will start writin for a while . "his sin can be chaned to suit your re#uirements. S!" button to select the desired function and position of letters and reset button are chanin the letters , save banner or o bac&. Resetting the 0oard Computer:
"he implementation of this option ;n - ?oard computer is set to the default factory settins. Any other #uestions li&e the answer at veramon.astraLse3nam.c3
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