En 13898 2003 Trans Eng

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FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology


GOST R EN 13898-2009

Safety of machine tools CUTTING MACHINES FOR COLD METAL CUTTING EN 13898:2003 Machine tools - Safety - Sawing machines for Cold Metal (IDT)

Moscow Standartinform 2009 Foreword The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal Law of 27 December 2002 № 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. General Provisions "

For information about the standard 1 Prepared by Joint Stock Company «Experimental Research Institute of Machine Tools" (JSC "ENIMS") on the basis of their own authentic translation of the standard referred to in paragraph 4 2 Make the Technical Committee for Standardization TK70 "Machine" 3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO FORCE Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of June 18, 2009 № 206-item 4 This standard is identical to the European standard EN 13898:2003 "Safety of machine tools. Sawing for cold cutting of metals »(EN 13898:2003« Machine tools - Safety - Sawing machines for cold metal »). In applying this standard, it is recommended to use instead of preparing International (regional) standards corresponding national standards, the details of which are given in Appendix E

5 ENTERED THE FIRST TIME Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information published by the sign "National Standards", and the text changes and amendments - in monthly indexes published information "national standards." In the case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notice will be published in the monthly index published by the Information "national standards." Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the public information system - the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Internet TABLE OF CONTENTS

1 Scope. 2 2 References. 2 3 Terms and definitions. 4 4 A list of major hazards. 4 5 Requirements and / or security measures. 7 6 Verification of requirements and / or security measures. 21 7 Information for the user. 21 Annex A (normative) Measurement of noise emission. 22 Annex B (normative) Recommended test conditions for measuring the level of noise on the cutting machines and requirements to cut material. 23 Annex C (informative) Examples of types of saws. 25 Annex D (informative) Examples of barriers to cutting machines. 31 Annex E (normative) Information about the compliance of the national standards of the Russian Federation, the international reference (regional) standards .. 35 Bibliography. 37

Introduction This standard is a list of major hazards and their sources when working on cutting machines for cold metal cutting, establishes methods of verification, as well as measures to prevent hazards to ensure the production of safe products in accordance with international standards, in addition to GOST 12.2.009 «Machines metal. General requirements for safety. " This standard is the standard type C in accordance with EN 292:1991 and EN 1070:1998. Additional information is given in the standard types A and B are linked in text. Figures are given for illustrative purposes only and are not the only interpretation of the text. It is intended for designers, producers, consumers, machine tools and other interested individuals and organizations. GOST R EH 13898-2009 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Safety of machine tools CUTTING MACHINES FOR COLD METAL CUTTING Safety of machine tools. Sawing machines for metal cold cutting Date of implementation -2010 - 07-01

1 Scope This standard specifies requirements for the safety and determine the measures to be taken by persons engaged in the design, manufacture and supply (including assembly / disassembly, transportation and maintenance) cutting machines for cold cutting of metals (ferrous and nonferrous) or materials, in part consisting of metal using cutting tools (detachable cutters, circular saws segment, hacksaw blades, band saw continuous). Cutting disc cutters and saws segment will continue to be called disc cutting tool. This standard provides for the use of the machine for its intended purpose, including the possible misuse of their use, maintenance, adjustment, cleaning, etc. It includes access to the machine from all sides, while it describes a means to reduce the risk to operators and other workers. This standard also applies to additional devices, unless they are an integral part of the machine. Where such devices are an integral part of the machine, the designers and manufacturers must ensure the safe connection of these devices to the machine. This standard is applicable to machines manufactured after the date of its introduction.

2 References The standard used by dated or undated reference to international (regional) standards. For dated references, the latest edition of the international (regional) standards or amendments thereto may apply to this standard only after the introduction of changes to the current standard, or by preparing a new edition of this standard. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document, including the changes. EN 292-1:1991 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design.Part 1. Basic terminology, methodology EN 292-2:1991 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design.Part 2. Technical principles EN 292-2:1991 + A1: 1995 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design. Part 2. Technical principles EN 294:1992, Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent the upper limbs from getting into the danger zone EN 349:1993, Safety of machinery. Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body EH 414:2000 Safety of machinery. Rules for the development and execution of safety standards EN 418:1992, Safety of machinery. Emergency stop. Functional aspects. Principles EN 614-1:1995 Safety of machinery. Ergonomic design principles. Part 1. The terms and general provisions EN 614-2, Safety of machinery. Ergonomic design principles. Part 2. The relationship between the design of the machine and its operation EN 626-1, Safety of machinery. Reduction of risks to health from exposure emitted during operation of the machines emissions. Part 1. The main provisions for machinery manufacturers EN 811 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent lower limb from falling into the danger zone EN 842 Safety of machinery. The main characteristics of optical and acoustic signals of danger. Technical requirements and methods of control EN 894-1:1997 Safety of machinery. Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and controls. Part 1. General principles of interaction of the user with the means of displaying information and controls EN 894-2:1997 Safety of machinery. Ergonomic requirements and design data displays and actuators. Part 2. Displays EN 894-3:2000 Safety of machinery. Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and controls. Part 3. The actuators control system

EN 953:1997, Safety of machinery. Fencing. General requirements for the construction of fences EN 954-1:1996 Safety of machinery. The elements of the management system, related to security. Part 1. General principles for design EN 981 Safety of machinery. The main characteristics of optical and acoustic signals of danger EN 982:1996, Safety of machinery. Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components. Hydraulics EN 983:1996, Safety of machinery. Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components. Pneumatics EN 999 Safety of machinery. Location of protective devices with the approach speeds of parts of the human body EN 1005-1, Safety of machinery. Physical capabilities. Part 1. Terms and definitions EN 1005-2, Safety of machinery. Physical capabilities. Part 2. The component of manual labor when working with machines and mechanisms EN 1005-3, Safety of machinery. Physical capabilities. Part 3. Recommended limits of efforts to work on the machines EN 1033 Vibration shoulder. Laboratory measurement of vibration machines with manual gripping surface. General Provisions EN 1037:1995, Safety of machinery. Prevention of unexpected start-up EN 1050:1996, Safety of machinery. The principles of risk assessment and determination EN 1070:1998, Safety of machinery. Terminology EN 1088:1995, Safety of machinery. Interlocking devices associated with safety devices. Principles for design and selection EN 1299 mechanical vibrations and shocks. Vibration isolation of machines. Notes on sources of vibration isolation EN 1760-1:1997 Safety of machinery. Safety devices that respond to pressure. Part 1. General principles for design and testing of carpets and floors, pressure sensitive EN 1837:1999, Safety of machinery. Recessed lighting cars EN 60204-1:1997, Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1.General requirements (IEC 204-1:1991, modified) EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 6-2. Common standards.Industrial Environmental Protection (MEK61000-6-2: 1999, modified)

EN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 6-4. Common standards.Emission targets (MEK61000-6-4: 1997, modified) EH 61496-1:1997, Safety of machinery. Electro-sensitive protective equipment. Part 1. General requirements and tests (IEC 61496-1:1997) EN ISO 3744:1995 Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:1994) EN ISO 3746:1995 Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Survey method using the measurement surface over a reflecting plane (ISO 3746:1995) EN ISO 4871:1996 Acoustics. Declaration and verification of noise emission values (ISO 4871:1996) EN ISO 7250 Basic human body measurements for technological calculations (ISO 7250:1996) EN ISO 9614-1:1995 Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources on the basis of the intensity of the sound. Part 1. Measurement at discrete points (ISO 9614-1:1993) EN ISO 11202:1995 Acoustics. The noise level of machines and equipment. Method of measurement of sound pressure levels in the workplace and at other locations.The method of measuring the workplace (ISO 11202:1995) EN ISO 11204:1995 Acoustics. The noise level of machines and equipment. The method of correcting for the environment (ISO 11204:1995) EN ISO 11546-1 Acoustics. Characterization of acoustic isolation fencing. Part 1.Measurements under laboratory conditions (for the customs declaration) (ISO 11546-1:1995) EN ISO 11546-2 Acoustics. Characterization of acoustic isolation fencing. Part 2.Measurements in the workplace (for acceptance and verification) (ISO 11546-2:1995) EN IS011688-1: 1998 Acoustics. Practical recommendations for the design of machinery and equipment with a reduced noise level. Part 1. Planning (ISO / TR 11688-1:1995) EN IS011688-2: 1998 Acoustics. Practical recommendations for the design of machinery and equipment with a reduced noise level. Part 2. Basic principles of design of low-noise design (ISO / TR 11688-2:1998) EN ISO 11691:1995 Acoustics. Reduction of noise when the channel silencing in the absence of flow. The method of laboratory testing (ISO 11691:1995) EN ISO 11820 Acoustics. Measurements on silencers in the workplace (ISO 11820:1996) EN ISO 11821 Acoustics. Measurement in the workplace portable screen sound attenuation (ISO 11821:1997) EN ISO 14122-2 Safety of machinery. Fixed means of access to the machines. Part 2.Working platforms and walkways (ISO 14122-2:2001)

EN ISO 14122-3 Safety of machinery. Fixed means of access to the machines. Part 3.Stairs, steps and rails (ISO 14122-3:2001) ISO 683-1 Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and cutting steel. Part 1. Hardenable unalloyed and low alloyed steel for pressure treatment MEK61496-2: 1997 Safety of machinery. Electro-protection. Part 2. Special requirements for equipment using active electro-optical device protection (AOPDs)

3 Terms and definitions In this standard, the terms of EN 292-1 and EN 1070, and the following terms and definitions: 3.1 Cutting tool (continuous band saw, jig saw, disc cutting tool) (Saw Blade): The cutting tool used in the band saw, circular saw and a hacksaw. 3.2 The place of installation of cutting tools (saw blade mounting position): Zone machine, designed for installation, adjustment and removal of the operator cutting tools, access to this area during cutting must be closed, to be opened only after turning off the movement of the cutting tool and the above operations repair the machine. 3.3 The loading / unloading (load / unload positions): Machine Zone, where provided the conditions for safe manual loading or unloading of the material being cut by the operator during normal operation of the machine. 3.4 The process of cutting with manual control (manual sawing process): The work of the machine in manual mode when all the manufacturing operations of machining involved are controlled on and off manually by the operator. 3.5 semi-automatic or single-cycle machine (semi-automatic or single-cycle machine): The machine that performs a fully automatic production cycle, activated by the operator. Note - An example of a typical cycle of the machine, semi-automatic: - Installation of the material being cut by hand; - Fast approach of cutting tool to cut material automatically; - Automatic cutting process; - Stop and automatic removal of the cutting tool to the starting position; - The removal of the cut workpiece by hand. 3.6 Machine-machine (automatic machine): The machine in which all manufacturing operations, including the loading and unloading of the material being cut and cut blanks are performed automatically, and the first cycle is initiated by the operator in the process of adjustment, will not be achieved until all the conditions required for the automatic operation of the machine . Note - An example of a typical cycle of the lathe: - Supply of material to be cut automatically; - Fixation of the cut material automatically; - Fast approach of cutting tool to cut material automatically; - Automatic cutting process;

- Stop and automatic removal of the cutting tool to the starting position; - Unloading the workpiece is automatically cut off; - Repeating the cycle until a stop signal. 3.7 feeder material to be cut in the treatment zone with the clamping device (intermittent feeding) (feed back jaw (Hitch feed)): the cut material feeder in the cutting zone, equipped with a clamping device which clamps the material to be cut at any point along its length, and moves the position of the cutting, the required cutting length is determined by the progress of the supply carriage. 3.8 feeder cut material in the treatment zone, equipped with a pusher (push feed): Feeder cut material with automatic drive, pushing forward the material being cut to the desired position, or to the end, which determines the required cutting length. 3.9 feeder cut material into the processing zone, equipped with driven rollers (rollerfeed): feeder material to be cut with an automatic drive, wherein the material to be cut is fed into the treatment zone driven rollers, a clamp device has a cutting material to the feed rollers and the desired length of the measuring system sawed blanks. 3.10 Types of cutting processes 3.10.1 profile and contour cutting (profile and contour cutting): the material being cut, either manually or mechanically fed to the cutting and similar tools, and the direction of its movement is not parallel to the plane of the cutting tool, for profile and contour cutting of a vertical band saw with the appropriate type fixed the saw frame. 3.10.2 cutting at an angle (45 °) (Mitre-sawing): Cutting tool moves at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the material being cut. 3.11 The work area (work area): Danger zone in which the cutting tool is moved with respect to the cut material, and is the feed mechanism and fixing of the cut material (depending on whether, where applicable). 3.12 Supply Systems coolant (coolant) 3.12.1 coolant recirculation system (recirculating system): Coolant system with its collection and recycling using a pump. 3.12.2 dispensing system of minimum coolant (minimum quantity system): A special system in which a small amount of liquid is supplied directly to the cutting area, in this case the circulation of coolant is required. 3.13 metalworking fluids (coolant) (Metalworking fluid): The fluid for cooling and lubrication of the elements involved in the process of cutting (tool cutting material, chips, etc.). As the coolant used oil emulsions, oil, oil mist, etc.

4 A list of major hazards 4.1 Table 1 lists the main hazards arising from the analysis of the hazards and risks, carried out for a wide range of cutting machines for cold metal cutting by the procedure established by EN 1050. Requirements for safety and security measures, as well as consumer information contained in Sections 5 and 7, provide either completely eliminate the risks or reduce the risks to a minimum. 4.2 The risks for operators and for other persons having access to hazardous areas should be determined on the basis of the dangers that can occur in different circumstances during the life of the machine (for example, commissioning, start-up, industrial maintenance, repair, O of service). Assessment includes an analysis of the situation at damage control, the unexpected startup, etc. 4.3 In addition, the user of this standard (eg, a designer, manufacturer, supplier) is aware of that risk assessment is fully machine to the subject as a whole, particular attention should be paid to: - The use of the machine for its intended purpose, including operation, adjustment and cleaning, as well as fairly predictable use it for other purposes; - Identification of significant hazards associated with the machine. Table 1 - List of major hazards and the sources of these hazards

Room The list of partition major points hazards EN1050 Mechanical hazards 1



Source of major hazards

Zone of dangerous situations

(Requirements and security measures, see 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Crushing hazard

Risk of injury

Mechanical clamping of the cut material during the loading / reorientation / unload the material being cut Mechanical feed during start-up, the process of cutting, setting up the machine, cutting tools, repairs and maintenance Manual and mechanical supply of material to be

Between the clamp and cut material

Between the device and the material being cut, between fixed and moving parts of the machine Between the cutting tool and the device, between the


Risk of cutting or tearing


The danger of entanglement


Risk of delaying or falling into the trap


Risk of stroke



The risk of being pricked or pierced Electrical hazards (Requirements and security measures, see

cut when loading, unloading, setting up the machine, cutting tools Moving the cutting tool at work, setting up the machine, cutting tools, repairs and maintenance

material being cut and the device


On the cutting tool and the adjacent parts of the movable Manual and mechanical machine. supply of cutting tools at work Between the cleaning device for the cutting tool and the tool Mechanical movement of the machine (for On the moving parts of the example, elements of machine the drive) Manual and mechanical On the material being cut and feed material to be cut adjacent mechanisms or move the cutter at machine work Mechanical movement When loading / unloading and of the machine (for operating positions near the example, elements of cutting area the drive) Mechanized Mechanical components of transportation of the cut the machine during the material during movement (for example, saw operation, the frame hack saw machine instrument during operation) The material being cut or Fall under gravity transport mechanisms of cut material Manipulation of the cutting tool

On the sharp edges of the tool (especially when replacing)






Human contact with live parts (direct contact) Human contact with the items become live due to faults (indirect contact) Thermal hazards

Human contact with live parts during operation, adjustment of the machine tool change during the repairs Human contact with the items be energized at work, setting up the machine, tool change during the repairs

Control and other electrical equipment

Electrically conductive parts of the machine

(Requirements and security measures, see 5.7) Contact with hot surfaces

Release of hot chips or cut pieces during cutting

Machine or a place near the machine, cutting tool, the workpiece surface with a temperature above 42 ° C

Mechanical movement of the machine, the vibration of the tool and the material being cut during startup, idling or cutting

Machine or a place near the machine

Cleaning machines, workstations compressed air


The hazards caused by noise 4



(Requirements and security measures, see 5.8) Hearing loss (deafness), other physiological disorders (eg, impaired balance, the weakening of attention) The deterioration of speech perception, sound signals and etc.. The hazards

caused by vibration







(Requirements and security measures, see 5.9) Human contact with the vibrating of the machine or of the cut material Hazards caused by materials or substances (Requirements and safety measures see 5.10) Hazards from contact with hazardous liquids, particles of the material being cut Inhalation of harmful liquids, mists, gases, fumes, dust,

The danger of fire or explosion

Biological or microbiological hazards (viruses or bacteria) Hazards caused by the neglect of ergonomic principles in the

The material being cut or control stick, which keeps the operator at the start or during the cutting

The material being cut. Manual control of the machine

Release of coolant droplets, particles of the material being cut

Machine or a place near the machine

Emission dust, vapor, mist or fumes during operation


Applications processed flammable materials (e.g., magnesium), industrial oils, coolant having a low ignition temperature Dealing with industrial oils, coolants or cut material containing viruses or bacteria



design of






(Requirements and safety measures see 5.11) A poor posture or excessive force operator (repetitive strain)

Manual feeding of the cut material to the cutting and similar tools during cutting Lifting weights during Excessive force the transport of the cut and / or repetitive material, cutting tools stress and / or parts of the machine Inconsistency Errors in the anatomical instructions for use of features of the machine, human hands or uncomfortable seating feet knobs Execution of works on transportation of the cut material, cutting tools, machine components Neglecting the when loading, use of personal unloading, cutting, protective setting up the machine, equipment requiring the maintenance of personal protective equipment The deterioration of the manual operations Inadequate local during movement / coverage positioning of the material being cut and the cutting tool Improper transportation and fixing of the cut material or cutting tool, Errors in human incorrect relative behavior movement of the cut material and tools and other process upsets

The machine

At the loading / unloading of the material being cut, setting the cutting tool and the point where maintenance

In the workplace during commissioning and operation

The machine and the machine around

On the positions of loading / unloading and installation of cutting tool

The machine




Faulty design, improper placement or identification of controls Improperly designed or incorrect placement of displays Sudden starts, turns, scrolling or any such abnormal conditions

Improper operation of controls


Misunderstanding, the displayed information


(Requirements and safety measures see 5.12)


Malfunction or damage to the control system


Resumption of power supply after interruption


External influence on the electrical


Inability to stop the machine in the desired position (Requirements and safety measures see

Mechanical hazards associated with the movement of the machine during startup, cleaning Sudden movement of the machine during start-up, cleaning or maintenance Unpredictable behavior of controls, caused by electromagnetic interference during commissioning or operating cycle

Improper operation of control during start-up or cycle machine

The machine

Machine or a place near the machine


Machine or a place near the machine Inability to stop the machine in the desired position Installation error 15

(Requirements and safety measures see 5.13) Installation error

Elements of machine tools during the operation of a sudden fall or swing

Machine and / or a place near the machine

Falling or ejected objects or liquids 17

(Requirements and safety measures see 5.14)

Falling or ejected objects or liquids


Loss of stability and rollover machine (Requirements and security

Release or drop the parts of broken tools, the material being cut and chip during startup, cutting and setting up the machine, tool change, maintenance, due to a malfunction of clamping devices and guards Coolant system damage and / or hydraulic

Area of cut and / or a place near it, the material being cut

Machine or a place near the machine

measures, see 5.15) Loss of stability and rollover machine

Loose machine or a part of the machine (held in position only by the force of gravity)


Sliding, overturning and falling people 19

(Requirements and safety measures see 5.16) Release or spill oil, coolant.Getting chips in the spill. Sliding, overturning and falling people

Inadequate fencing or other means of keeping people especially in places where there is danger of falling from one level to another

Gender and place near the machine and the machine, as well as the material being cut

5 Requirements and / or safety measures 5.1 General Cutting machines must comply with the safety and / or security measures referred to in this section. Concerning possible, but minor risks that are not addressed in this standard, the design of machines to guide EN 292-2 (Sections 3 and 4). 5.2 Specific Requirements for cutting machines Since this standard covers the different types of cutting tools, safety measures concerning the hazards of mechanical action (see 5.3 - 5.5), common to all saws are shown in Table 2, and the specific requirements for certain groups of cutting machines - in Tables 3, 4 and 5. The requirements to reduce the risks for all non-mechanical hazards (see 5.6 - 5.16) should be applied to all machines. Table 2 - General requirements for all machines



Cutting machines

Machines for cold metal cutting using the following cutting tools: a) continuously bandsaw b) disc cutting tool c) reciprocating saw. Machines can be manual, semiautomatic and automatic control. Appendix C provides examples of types of saws. The drawings show only the layout of machines / machine configuration

Optional equipment: - Feeder and mounting material to be cut - Supply device and mounting of the cut material driven

The item number

The figure number

5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3

C.1 - C.6 P.7 - P.17 C.18




Table 3 - Band saws

Subcategory Horizontal Band Saw: - With a swinging the saw frame - With a swinging rotary saw frame

- Column-type Vertical band saw: - With a fixed saw frame for contouring (vertical loop machine)

- With front cutting

- Longitudinal type

Brief description of the machine A band saw blade is moved in the horizontal plane Feeding is carried out by swinging the saw frame in an arc around a fixed axis Specific sawing machine saw frame is located at the shoulder of the operator Feeding is carried out by swinging the saw frame in an arc around a fixed axis The infeed is performed by vertically moving saw frame for one or more uprights down A band saw blade moves in a vertical plane The saw frame is fixed, the material being cut is applied to the saw blade by hand or with the help of tabledriven. Cutting can be straight or contoured. The cutting angle is achieved by turning the table Feeding is carried out by a horizontally moving the saw frame. Material to be cut is clamped on the table saw is supplied to the front of the machine to the operator. Some machines are tilting the saw frame cutting angle Material to be cut is pressed (if necessary) on the table with a groove. Band saw blade passes through the slot in the table. Feeding is carried out by moving the table or saw frame along the front of the

Phone point

Number Picture






Moving Wallpaper S.6a Move the saw frame - S.6b

machine. This type is used for cutting sheet Bandsaw as a cutting tool using a band saw, which is a continuous flexible blade with cutting edges in the form of teeth along one edge. Table 4 - Circular cutting machines

Brief description of the machine

Phone point

Number Picture

Feeding is carried out by swinging the tool head around a fixed axis. and manual / mechanical control5.4.2.2

Manual S.7a

Subcategory Machine with oscillating tool head

Mechanical - S.7b

Disc cutting tool approaches the cut material in an arc. Producing machines tool head, perpendicular to the axis of the cut material or pivotable or tilting relative to the axis. Submission of the tool head can be manual or motorized. To ensure the cutting angle can be provided as a turntable. Machines of this type produced by automatic or semi-automatic.

Machine tool with a vertical column-type feeding down

The machine is an automatic tool head with a swinging usually involves motorized disc cutting tools, mechanical supply and fixing of the cut material. Close-semiautomatic machine supplied for use with rotary cutter tool diameter not less than 760 mm, typically includes a mechanized feeding disk cutting tool and mechanical fixing of the cut material Release two versions of this type of machines: Single Column and a large heavy-duty cutting - a two. Feeding is carried out by the movement

Automatic / semiautomatic control and

A two C.8and Single Column -

p.8 b

of the tool head vertically from top to bottom racks to cut material. To ensure the cutting angle on some machines, usually single-post, bar with tool head to be rotatable about the axis of the material being cut at a certain angle.

The machine of vertical type with upward feed

Machine for cutting sheet material with tool head located under the table

Machine for cutting sheet material with tool head located above the table Machine for cutting sheet material with tool head

Machines of this type release with manual, automatic and semi-automatic The infeed is performed by moving the tool head vertically to cut material from the bottom up so that the cutting tool disc passes through a slot in the table. For cutting angle of the tool head with the guide bar and the slot in the table must be able to rotate around one or more axes. Some machines have the ability to lock the tool head in its upper position to provide the cutting along the fibers (see 3.10.1). Machines of this type produced by automatic or semi-automatic Tool head with a disk cutter tool mounted on a carriage that moves horizontally below the plane of the table so that the disc cutting tool passes through a slot in the table., and Manual submission tool head Mechanical feed the tool head, C.10

Machines of this type are available in manual, automatic and semi-automatic Tool head with a disk cutter tool mounted on a carriage which moves on rails over the table perpendicular to the axis of the, table. Also produces machines with tilting table. Machines of this type can be manual, automatic and semi-automatic Instrumental head rotary cutter tool is mounted on a carriage that moves an arm, having the ability to rotate in a horizontal plane. Angular swiveling


C.11, C.12 . 4.2.8

located on the arm, which has the ability to rotate in a horizontal plane

Machine Pendulum

bracket can be rotated on the axis of the column for cutting angle, the tool head can be fixed or be able to rotate. Machines of this type can be manual and semi-automatic Instrumental head rotary cutter is mounted on the axis of the tool and can swing like a pendulum over the table. Disc cutting tool approaches the cut material in an arc., P.13

Machines of this type can be manual, automatic and semi-automatic Feeding is carried out by moving the caliper mounted on the tool head with a disc cutter tool. Cutting machine with frontal, For cutting tool headstock angle may have to rotate at a certain angle.


Machines of this type can be manual, automatic and semi-automatic Machine with multiple disk Cutting Tools / tool head:

- Machine with two disk Cutting Tools / one tool head

- Machine with two tool head

There are several types of cutting machines with multiple disk Cutting Tools / tool head. Two circular cutting tool mounted on the tool head at an angle of 90 ° with respect to each other and at an angle of 45 ° - to the axis of the workpiece.Feeding is carried out by the movement of the tool head vertically from top to bottom. This type of machine is usually used for cutting angle. Machines of this type can be manual, automatic and semi-automatic This type of machine is designed for twosided (symmetric) of cut and can have more than two instrumental attendants. Feeding is carried out by swinging the tool head rotary cutter tool around a fixed axis. Cutting angle produce machines, C.15 Frontal cut semiautomatic


with the ability to rotate the tool head.


Also produces machine tools, usually to cut at an angle of 45 °, with the filing of instrumental attendants vertically from top to bottom like a machine, shown in Figure C.15. Machines of this type can be automatic and semi-automatic machines. This type of machine is designed for high-volume cutting-to-length (see Figure C.17). - Machines with several tool head

Feeding is carried out by moving all the tools attendants simultaneously or selectively, in accordance with the established program.

Vertical supply (see, C.17

Machines of this type can be automatic and semi-automatic Circular cutting machine as a cutting tool uses a disc cutting tools with cutting edges of the teeth in the form of a circle.

Table 5 - hacksaws


Brief description of the machine

Phone Number point Picture

With a horizontal axis of rotation

The saw frame with a hacksaw blade moves back and forth motion. Feeding is carried out by swinging the saw frame in an arc around a fixed axis



Hacksaw as a cutting tool uses a reciprocating saw, having a linear shape with a cutter in the shape of the teeth along one edge 5.3 Protection of the total mechanical hazards 5.3.1 Guards Access to moving a cutting tool should be prevented by a combination of public and private guards, except when using the measures defined in 5.4.

Other mechanical hazards must be prevented application of the measures defined in 5.5. Fences should be selected in accordance with EN 953, Section 6, and are designed in accordance with EN 953, Section 7. All openings in the fence must comply with the requirements of EN 294, Table 4. Locking devices on fences must have at least one electromechanical position sensor for positive opening in accordance with EN 1088, paragraph 5.1, corresponding to category 1 of EN 9541. Operation of the locking device should trigger stop category 0 or 1 according to EN 60204-1, clause 9.2.2 Those in which there is a run-time access to the moving Cutting Tools after opening lockable fence, fencing should be applied, providing sufficient time to stop moving the tool before the operator can touch it after opening the enclosure (EN 1088, para 7.4). The corresponding value of time - according to EN 999. Verification Method By checking the relevant drawings and / or circuit diagrams, inspection, functional testing of the machine. Note - If the loading / unloading of the cut material provides for the use of power-driven (eg, cranes, forklifts, etc.), the designer should provide additional protection to guard against the dangers of the elements of mechanical damage from contact with the equipment (see EN 953, paragraphs 5.2.5 and 5.3.2). 5.3.2 Modes of operation Mode Selection Automatic and semi-automatic cutting machines must have the modes of "exploitation" and "adjustment." Choose these modes should be key switch, access code, or other means of ensuring safety. Mode of production To start the automatic cutting cycle, fences should be closed and / or the inclusion of appropriate safety devices. Mode adjustment This regime should be capable of setting up the machine when working with a reduced risk. This mode is supported by the closure removable fences are allowed only essential for the operation of the machine movement, initiated and supported by the device management with retention. Examples of movements allowed in this context are: the mechanical movement of the cutting tool, the mechanical movement or fixation of the cut material, the mechanical removal of swarf conveyor. If the mode of adjustment, the additional requirements specified in 5.5, shall remain in force. If the control device has a retention of more than one control unit, the adjustment mode should be able to control only one of them.

5.3.3 The management system requirements The elements of the management system, safety-related Viewed in this standard, the term "control elements related to security" means a chain of elements in the system of governance, security-related, reagiruschih to input signals (for example, machine control, or position -sensitive sensor) and producing output signals (for example, an electromagnetic actuator, solenoid valve). Safety-related machine control elements must comply with the following categories of safety in accordance with EN 954-1, according to function (see Table 6). Table 6 - Categories of safety management system elements in accordance with the functions performed

Function of the control system The minimum required category to EN 954-1 Start and Restart 1 Stop due to operational 1 requirements Emergency Stop 1 or 3 * Selecting 1 Lock guard 1 or 3 * Reduced rate 3 The control unit with retention 1 * Category 1 may be used for machines with manual control with a contactor or control of a drive motor. Can be any combination of categories of individual elements of the control system in accordance with EN 954-1, which achieves at least an equivalent level of safety. Verification Method Checking electrical circuits. Start / Restart Button start / restart must be located outside of the work area and become active only when all guards with locked shut. If at least one guard is opened, all starts and all dangerous movements should be excluded in accordance with EN 1037, Section 6.Closure of the fence with locking should not lead to the automatic start-up of the machine. Verification Method Checking electrical circuits, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Stopping due to operational requirements

Stop button is due to operational requirements, should be on each machine, providing an interruption in the lathe and ensuring safety when stopping the machine.Method validation test electrical circuits, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Emergency Stop The emergency stop function must be provided for all types of machine tools, with the exception of cutting machines cutting tool drive system controlled by a holding device, and manual feed spindle head. The emergency stop function must comply with the requirements of EN 418 and EN 60204-1, clause Emergency stop category (eg, category 1 or 0), the designer must determine the machine. Emergency stop shall activate the brake on machines equipped with a brake. Emergency stop controls must be provided at all positions of machine control (such as the main control panel, positions of loading and unloading the material being cut). Additional emergency stop devices shall be provided in areas that are not visible from the main operator console and in which a person may be at risk. Verification Method Checking electrical circuits, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Device mode Devices mode must ensure that a given time only one mode is active. Where in programmable electronic systems have an access code, steps shall be taken to prevent unauthorized access to the programmed information relating to the safety or programmable functions. Reselection of automatic operation should not cause automatic start work. Verification Method Checking electrical circuits, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Emergency audible and / or visual alarm To warn people about the dangers that are not visible from the operator's console, before starting the machine should include a means of emergency audible and / or visual alarm (in accordance with EN 842 and EN 981). 5.4 Safety requirements specific to a particular type of machine, in addition to the requirements specified in Section 5.3 5.4.1 Band sawing machines (see Figures C.1 - C.5, C.6 and C. and b ) General requirements

Stationary, relocatable fencing and fencing with locks should be provided to prevent access along the entire length of blade, except the cutting zone. Cleaning brushes or wheels must be protected stationary, moving fencing or fence with a lock. Access to the moving pulley bandsaw should be closed with interlocking movable guards conforming to the requirements of category 1 of EN 954-1, paragraph 6.2.2.Fencing should be at least one sensor, operated in positive mode (see EN 1088, section 5.1 and Appendix A). Adjustable guide should be with the mobile guard, which moves along with fencing and support the saw blade during cutting, reducing the risk of damage to the canvas. Verification Method Checking drawings, circuit diagrams, inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for the vertical band saw machines to traverse the table (see Figure C.6 a ) or traverse the saw frame (see Figure C.6 b ). In machines with manual feed of the material or saw frame with a feed rate of 2 m / min access to the working area must be closed stationary fencing and / or lockable enclosure. In addition, to protect the operator when it is operating in a hazardous area (for example, cleaning or repair current) must be provided for additional fencing or protective devices (such as automatic shutoff device) associated with the management of supply. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. 5.4.2 Circular cutting machines General requirements When designing machines must be provided fencing to prevent access to: 1) The teeth of the rotating disk cutting tool when the spindle head is in the home position; 2) Cutting Tools disk during cutting, other than the place of cutting; 3) any device to clean the disk cutting tool during cutting. Enclosures should be designed so that the ejected fragments (for example, parts of disk cutting tool, cutting material) were sent to the collection area. In machines with oscillating tool head of one component breaking counterbalancing system should not cause the tool head to fall under gravity. Verification Method

Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machines with oscillating tool head with manual and motorized cutting tool (see Figures C.7 and , p.7 b , D.3 A , D.3 b ) Access to Cutting Tools should be closed and fixed automatically lockable barriers (Figure D.3 A , A and In - fixed guards, C - fencing, closes automatically). To ensure automatic closing fence sufficient gravity or spring action. This should be a dedicated lock, the locking rail, an opening that should be possible only with a special tool or key. Where the movement or closing of a self-closing fence depends on the position of the cutting tool should be appropriate devices to prevent the fall of the tool head by gravity from the original or a raised position (eg, return or relief springs, emergency brakes). If fencing disk cutting tool removed (for example, when changing tools, current repairs, etc.), the locking device must ensure that the rotation of the disk cutting tool will be excluded, while his guard is fully restored. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machines with oscillating tool head with an automatic (see Figure D.4) and semi-automatic feeds the cutting tool (see Figure D.5) Access to the working area and a feeder must be ruled out by the fixed and movable guards selflocking. To avoid dangerous situations when the need for operator access to the danger zone (for example, delayed stop cutting tool storage) shall be provided for locking the lock fences (see EN 1088). For small cutting machines (diameter disc cutting tools up to 760 mm) should be used fence cutting machine as a whole, for large cutting machines (diameter disk cutting tool over 760 mm) - fencing around the perimeter of the instrument. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. Additional requirements for column-type machines with a vertical feed cutting tool from the top down (see Figures C.8 and C.8 and b ) These machines must be self-closing and adjustable fence to fence cutting tool storage on both sides. Where the material to be cut is applied to the saw automatically, access to the treatment area should be closed fixed and / or movable fences with locking. The holes in the fence to feed material to be cut at the points of loading shall be governed in accordance with EN 294, Table 1, 3 and 5. Movable fence with locking must have at least one position sensor with operation at break (EN 1088, clause 5.1 and Annex A). Verification Method

Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machines with vertical-type cutting tool feed from the bottom up (see Figure C.9) machines with manual feed of the tool head These machines must be moved and / or adjustable guards for the protection of disk cutting tool on the machine table. Where during cutting possible human contact with the disc cutter tool, tool rotation should be possible only in the management of the control device to hold (for jogging).This device may be built into the control handle. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. machines with integrated feed the tool head Access to the rotating disk Cutting Tools on the table should be avoided by using fixed and / or movable fence with lock and lock. The castle is not required if the wiring diagram provided by the machine: - The brake, stopping rotation of the tool before it is opened for access, or - Rotating the tool is retracted to a safe position under the machine table before him open access. Movable fence with locking must have at least one position sensor with the opening pick-up (EN 1088, section 5.1 and Appendix A). Verification Method Verification of drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, the measurements. Additional requirements for machine tools for cutting sheet material with the tool head located under the table (see Figure C.10) Access to the rotating disk Cutting Tools and clips the cut material from the point of loading / unloading must be closed combination of fixed fences (EN 953, clause 3.2.2 of EN 294 and EN 811) and automatic shut-off devices (for example, active optoelectronic protective devices ( AOPDs) - IEC 61496-2) or protection devices, pressure sensitive (EN 1760-1), or on the position in space of human body parts (EN 999). Access to the back of the rotating tool to clamp devices and any mechanical feeding devices must be closed fixed guards (EN 953, paragraph 3.2.2), as well as with interlocking movable guards or automatic shut-off devices. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement.

Access to the rotating tool or other dangerous items under the table to be closed fixed fence. Where the need to access the disk drive or Cutting Tools, such as the frequency of rotation of the spindle must be provided with interlocking movable guards (EN 292-1, paragraph 3.22.5 and EN 1088, para 7.4). Fixed guards shall be provided on each side of the machine table so as to ensure the collection of chips, coolant and minimize the risks from the release of the material being cut. With interlocking movable guards must have at least one position sensor with the opening pick-up (EN 1088, section 5.1 and Appendix A). The actuation of the locking and / or automatic shut-off devices should cause stop category 0 or 1 to EN 60204-1, clause 9.2.2. Where necessary, equipment should be installed (elevators) for cleaning chips. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machine tools for cutting sheet material with the tool head, above the table (see Figure C.11) There must be self-closing and fixed, adjustable or movable fence with lockable, closing access to the rotating tool. Verification Method Verification of drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machine tools for cutting sheet material with the tool head, located on an arm, which has the ability to rotate in a horizontal plane (see Figure C.12), Pendulum (see Figure C.13), with a front cutting (cm . figure C.14). There must be self-closing and fixed, adjustable or movable fence with lockable covering accidental access to the rotating tool. There should also be provided for an automatic return of disk cutting tool to its original position after use. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machines with two disc cut-off tool, a tool head, vertical feed (see Figures C.15 and D.7) There must be fixed and adjustable "tunnel" fences, closing access to the rotating instruments. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Where the fence is at the back of the cut material to the longitudinal axis, shall be provided to lock the clamp and the cut material.

To center the workpiece during the cutting should be additional protections built into the tunnel of the cut material. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Additional requirements for machines with two tool head (see Figures D.8 Aand D.8 b ) and multiple tool head (see Figure C.17) Access to the treatment area should be closed fixed and / or movable fences with locking. The holes in the fence to download the cut material should be regulated in accordance with EN 294, Table 1, 3, 5 Movable guards should have at least one position sensor with operation at break (EN 1088, section 5.1 and Appendix A). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. For small machines (with a diameter of the cutting tool is not more than 315 mm) shall be provided or regulated self-closing fence, closing access to the rotating tool.Additional adjustable fence or clamps workpieces to prevent access to the rotating tool at the loading / unloading. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. For large machines (with a diameter of disk cutting tool with more than 315 mm) access to the rotating tool should be avoided by using movable fences with locking.Movable guards should have at least one position sensor with operation at break (EN 1088, section 5.1 and Appendix A). Lockout should lead to leads a rotating tool in a safe position or to stop rotation of the tool (EN 294 and EN 999). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. If you have a mechanical movement instrumental attendants, access to the potential danger of crushing between them should be closed. This can be achieved by: a) automatic shut-off devices, if known border movement of material being cut (EN 999) b) fixed guards with automatic shut-off devices at the loading / unloading, if you know the requirements for the movement of the material being cut and the minimum gap corresponds to EN 349.

An example is the automatic shut-off devices Electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) in accordance with EN 61496-1, IEC 61496-2 or safety devices, pressure sensitive (PSPDs) in accordance with EN 1760-1. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. All the cutting head on multi-spindle machines must be designed according to Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.4.3 hacksaws (see Figure C.18). Access to representing the risk of crushing or trapping the reciprocating drive mechanism and the saw machine frame should be excluded by fixed and / or movable fences with locking. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection. 5.5 Other hazards of mechanical action 5.5.1 mechanical power transmission elements Access to the operating mechanisms should be avoided by using self-closing of fixed or movable barriers (eg, telescopic guards). Movable guards to lock should be used when a normal job requires frequent access to the danger zone (more than once per shift). Movable fence with locking must have at least one position sensor with operation at break (EN 1088, clause 5.1 and Annex A). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.5.2 Devices fixing of the cut material All cutting machines should be clamping devices that hold the material to be cut to the desired position, or other equally effective devices to prevent unintentional movement of the cut material during the cutting process. The exceptions are the vertical cutting machines for profile and contour cutting and vertical machines with two cut-off tools, and a tool head for cutting at an angle (see 5.4.1 and Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine.

5.5.3 Devices fixing of the material with a mechanical drive Risk of crushing The danger of being crushed, hitting between the jaws of a mechanical drive and cut material can be reduced as follows: 1) limiting the clamping stroke and 6 mm or 2) limiting the speed of the clip up to 10 mm / s when using a control device to hold, or 3) providing protections to guarantee the impossibility of access to the danger zone (EN 294, Table 1, 2 and 3 to determine the appropriate type of fencing). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. Control Lock Reducing the clamping force of the cut material during the cutting process must lead to the stoppage of the machine. Semi-automatic machines and machine control system to ensure the integration of the cutting process only after securing a reliable piece. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. clamping, cutting material during cutting The clamping force of the cut material, carried out a mechanical drive should remain sufficient to secure the material until the completion of the cutting process. Otherwise, the cutting process must be stopped. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. Disabling clamp the material being cut by hand Semi-automatic and automatic machines fastening material to be cut off by hand should be possible only after the cutting tool retracted to its original position, and the dangerous movement stopped. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.5.4 Mechanical component loading / unloading of the material being cut Submission by the roller mechanism (see 3.9) Feeder of the material being cut by rollers driven must be completely enclosed.Danger Zone (jamming) between the rollers with mechanical drive and cut material should be shielded fixed and / or movable fences with locked except when the input port (for example, the entry point of the cut material to the machine) meets the requirements of EN 294. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. Serve with a clamping device (see 3.7) Access to the dangerous zones feeder material to be cut by the clamping device must be closed (e.g. by a fixed fences movable fence with interlocked active optoelectronic protection device (AOPDs) IEC 61496-2). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. The push feed (see 3.8) There must be fencing, closing access to the movement of the mechanism and the cut material during the forward stroke and during the return stroke to prevent the risk of crushing between the end of the cut material and the feeder (see EN 294). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. 5.5.5 Collection System and chip / chips Access to dangerous parts of the system of collection and removal of chips / sawdust (if any) should be removed with the help of fixed and / or movable fences with locking. Opening with interlocking movable guards should cause a shutdown of the system. If you want to move the system when the outdoor fence (for example, to clean the machine), it shall be effective only by a control device with retention. Danger zone unloading chips / sawdust must be marked accordingly. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection. 5.5.6 Routine preventative maintenance and maintenance of the machine

Access to the danger zone to be limited. Venues Planning - preventive maintenance (BPD), add the oil, coolant, and the point of setting up / adjusting the machine must be located outside the hazardous zone (EN 292-2, section 6.2, and EH 292-2/A1, paragraph 1.6.1). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection. 5.6 Electrical hazards caused by direct and indirect contacts To minimize the risk of electric shock (electric shock or burn), caused by the malfunction of electrical equipment, all electrical equipment must comply with EN 60204-1, paras 6.2 and 6.3. There must be means to isolate parts of the machine, eliminating them from entering a dangerous electrical voltage (EN 60204-1, 5.3). By means of this exclusion should be equipped with all the basic shell with electrical equipment in accordance with EN 60204-1, clause 6.2.2 b). All other shells with electrical equipment must comply with EN 60204-1, clause 6.2.2 a). All active parts (conductive under voltage) must be protected from direct contact at least IP2X in accordance with EN 60204-1, paragraph 6.2.3, item c). Verification Method Checking for compliance with the requirements of EN 60204-1, in particular section 19. 5.7 Thermal hazards Where a chip removal system, it must protect the operator from contact with hot material (temperature over 42 ° C). Verification Method Verification of drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.8 Hazards caused by noise 5.8.1 Reduction of noise at source When designing cutting machines should be guided by the information and implement technical measures to control the noise source, in accordance with EN ISO 11688-1 and EN ISO 11688-2. It should be borne noise from each source. Suggested measures for reducing noise from the main noise sources saws are shown in Table 7. Shown in Table 7 list is not exhaustive. May be carried out alternative arrangements for noise identical or greater efficiency. Construction fencing may have insulating or sound-absorbing elements that reduce noise (EN 953, paragraphs 5.1.5, 5.1.6). The criterion to be effective measures to reduce noise are the actual values of the noise level of the machine, determined in accordance with 7.3 (see also EN 414). Table 7 - Measures to reduce noise

The main source of noise

The recommended way to reduce noise

a) Mechanical b) Air exhaust c) Loading of the cut material d) The noise from the cutting process e) Discharge cut pieces f) Aerodynamic noise g) The noise from coming loose from the material being cut h) Vibration cutter i) Lack of coolant to the cutting process j) The hydraulic system

Soundproofing mechanical parts, motor, belts, etc. Silencers Sound absorbing lining on the inside of a device that gives the material being cut High-quality sharpening cutting tools, sound insulation or sound absorption, safe fixing of the cut material Design and absorbing lining on the inner surface of the cut blanks devices Protective means for suction systems smoke, dust, etc., making the cutting tool Secure fastening material being cut or the use of special clamping devices Multilayer coating cutting tool, cutting tool geometry, tolerances on the cutting tool The optimal quantity and quality of the applied coolant Sound attenuated enclosures, selection of low noise equipment

5.8.2 Ways to limit the spread of noise Where the noise to be reduced beyond the level achievable machine design, machine must be equipped with additional safety devices (eg, sound dampening and sound-absorbing barriers, screens, silencers). See EN ISO 11546-1, EN ISO 11546-2, EN IS011691, EN ISO 11820 and EN ISO 11821. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.9 Hazards caused by vibration On cutting machines with manual feed and control, where the operators may be exposed to vibration with an equivalent value to adjust the acceleration during a shift of more than 2.5 m / s 2 , the design and manufacture of measures should be taken to prevent or reduce vibration, such as depreciation and / or isolation. Measuring and reducing vibration see EN 1299, EN 1033. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. 5.10 The hazards caused by the material being cut or using the substance

5.10.1 The dangers of contact or ingestion of harmful liquids, gases, fine mist, smoke and dust Measures to reduce the risks arising from operating fluids must include the following: - The design of the system should be ensured exclusion of emission, leakage or overflow fluid; - Containers for liquids and other parts of the system (e.g., tubes and pipes) must be made of materials resistant to the working fluid. Should be given advice on the application of coolant (see 7.2.2, item e); - Coolant system of distribution and discharge connections shall be so designed as to minimize unwanted spray coolant; -Where the working area is anticipated the formation of harmful concentrations of fine mist, vapor or smoke should be taken to prevent their release: has a built in dust extraction equipment and connection to the shop (factory) exhaust ventilation system (EN 626-1); - Value Coolant must ensure the correct operation of the machine and be sufficient to avoid overheating and subsequent evaporation of the liquid must be provided, or alternative refrigerants; - Coolant system must ensure delivery of the required amount of coolant to minimize the formation of harmful vapors in the working area; - If the operator is forced to perform manual work in the processing zone (for example, during loading / unloading, installation material being cut), coolant be automatically switched off or switched to a different direction; - Coolant system design must be able to regulate the flow of coolant and its direction in the required field, including at Stop the machine; - Coolant reservoir should have a visual indicator of the level of fluid and coolant filler cap, which should be easy to access; - All components of the system must be designed so as to minimize liquid spilled on the staff in the operation and maintenance activities and repairs; - Filters should be provided to prevent the accumulation of chips or other products within the cutting machine and with a coolant reservoir, to prevent contamination of the coolant suspended metal particles. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.10.2 Minimizing the biological and microbiological hazards in GM Measures to minimize biological and microbiological hazards in the circulating coolant:

- Coolant system design must be able to circulate the total volume of fluid during machine operation to expel fluid retention, with the exception of places to collect sediment, if it is by design. - That coolant does not stagnate in the machine, machine design must ensure free flow of coolant to the machine coolant tank by gravity; - A drain pipe shall be of sufficient diameter and pitch to minimize the formation of stagnation in the pipe; - Coolant system should have filters to exclude products hit the cutting to the cutting zone with coolant; - Design coolant tank must be able to ensure easy cleaning from the deposit system (eg, rounded corners in tanks), the drainage should not be required of the entire system; - The inner surface of the tanks shall not promote the growth of bacteria (ie it should be smooth, painted); - Must be able to completely empty the tanks for coolants; - Tanks for the coolant must have lids that are designed so as to prevent the entry of foreign substances in the coolant from the outside; - Coolant contamination with oil or grease from external sources, such as machine lubricant should be avoided or should be provided to the systematic removal of impurities; - Must provide a minimum coolant ingress to the operator when: sampling coolant cleaning of sumps and pipelines and replacement filters. Verification Method Verification of drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing, measurement. 5.10.3 System Chip The design of the machine must be able to chip with minimal removal of barriers.Verification Method Verification of drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.10.4 The fire or explosion Since the machine has to cut a variety of materials, for this can also apply different coolant. This standard is not possible to give detailed requirements to reduce the risk of fire or explosion. Guidance on these issues, see EN 1127-1 [1], EN 13478 [2]. 5.11 Hazards neglecting ergonomic principles in the design of 5.11.1 Avoiding the awkward position of the body, excessive force, repetitive stress The machine and all of its control systems must be designed in accordance with EN 292-2, paragraph 3.6.

Machines must be designed in accordance with ergonomic principles so as to avoid an uncomfortable situation for the operator of the body, excessive force and repetitive stress at work. Movable guards should be motorized, where their use leads to excessive repeated efforts (see also EN 292-2, paragraph Note - For more details see EN 60204-1 (especially chapter 10), EN 614-1, EN 894-2, EN 894-3, EN ISO 14738 [3]. Verification Method The measurement requirements for the position of the body - in accordance with the standards that are referenced. 5.11.2 Non-compliance anatomical features of human hands and feet Placement, markings and lighting control knobs and seeing places or services, such as, for example, the filling and draining of tanks should be selected in accordance with ergonomic principles (EN 6141, EN 614-2, EN 894-1, EN 894-2 , EN 894-3, EN 1005-1, EN 1005-2, EN 1005-3, EN ISO 7250). Verification Method Measuring, checking the distance required for the normal operation in accordance with the standards that are referenced. 5.11.3 Inadequate local coverage Recessed lighting machine should provide illumination to the work area if the construction of the machine and / or fencing does not provide adequate coverage for its safe and efficient operation of the operator from external sources. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine, measurement. Exception. On the vertical cutting machines with manual feed (see Figure C.4) lighting within the work area shall be at least 500 lux in accordance with EN 1837. Allowed the use of fluorescent lighting only when assured exclusion of stroboscopic effect that hides the danger. Verification Method Visual inspection, measurement 5.11.4 Human errors, human behavior When designing the machine should be taken into account the possible human error, especially reasonably predictable improper use of the machine and tools.

Necessarily have to be available all the equipment and accessories for regulating and maintenance of the machine specified in the instruction manual. Verification Method Functional testing of the machine 5.11.5 Improper design, improper placement or identification of controls Input devices (eg, keyboard, control panel buttons) must conform to EN 894-1, EN 894-2 and EN 894-3. Method of testing visual inspection 5.11.6 Improper design or improper location of displays The displayed information must be clear and unambiguous. Reflections and glare on the screen should be kept to a minimum. Verification Method Verification of visual clarity and accessibility of information from the operator. 5.12 Unexpected start, turns, scrolling 5.12.1 Problems / disruption of the control system Control systems must be designed in accordance with EN 954-1, EN 60204-1, EN 982, EN 983, EN 292-2, paragraph 3.7. The use of programmable electronic systems shall not reduce the level of safety as defined by this standard. Where the safety-related control system elements are part of the programmable electronic systems, they must meet the requirements of category 3 according to EN 954-1. Sudden movement of the machine (for example, the movement of the cutting tool, triggering mechanisms of attachment and feeding of cut material) should be excluded (EN 1037). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.12.2 Restoring power after interruption The design of the control system must be provided for the exclusion of automatic re-start and the opportunity to provide start the machine again only when you press the start button, for example, after an emergency stop, change the operating mode, the machine changeovers, unlock fences, restore the correct pressure or stress or after correcting system problems (EN 292-2, paragraph 3.7). Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, functional testing of the machine.

5.12.3 External influences on the electrical equipment In the design of machines equipped with electronic elements and programmable electronic systems (PES), should take into account the electromagnetic compatibility and immunity: a) immunity. Electronic control systems must be designed and installed so as to be protected against electromagnetic interference and be resistant to damage, or malfunction network in accordance with EN 61000-6-2; b) radiation. With the development of electronic / electrical systems should take into account the technical information and carry out technical measures to limit electromagnetic emissions in accordance with EN 61000-6-4. Note - Machine tools, control system which is made only on the electromechanical equipment, CE marked with the installation of electric cables in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer is allowed to consider having a guaranteed adequate electromagnetic immunity. Verification Method It is necessary to use methods of test described in EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4. 5.13 Errors installation The design of the machine must be provided to prevent wrong assembly (eg, the use bush / pin connectors mechanically code asymmetrical disposition of the mating surfaces), further parts of the machine must be suitably mounted for ease of marking. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, calculations. Direction of rotation (moving) the cutting tool should be indicated by an arrow. It can be applied to the outside or inside of the fence or on the parts of the mechanical transmission (eg, pulleys for band saw, spindle disk cutting tool for door frame jig saws). Verification Method Visual inspection. 5.14 falling or ejected objects or liquids 5.14.1 Localization of materials to cut emissions, chips and coolant Shall be provided to hold the fence or the localization of the potential release of the material being cut, chips or coolant. Such barriers should be designed in accordance with EN 953, Section 8. Verification Method Checking drawings, diagrams, calculations.

5.14.2 Release of parts. Stiffness of the fence In order to protect personnel must be designed and constructed to hold the guard parts of the machine, which can be thrown during operation (EN 953, paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6). Verification Method Verification of drawings, diagrams, calculations, visual inspection, functional testing of the machine. 5.15 Buckling / tipping machine Machinery must be designed so that they are stable under all operating conditions, without the risk of roll over or fall unexpectedly moved. If one of the measures of a preventive tipping machine is the use of mounting on the foundation, the manufacturer shall specify the exact specifications for the foundation bolts and foundations (see also section 7) Verification Method Visual inspection if necessary measurements during normal operation. 5.16 Slipping, tripping or tipping 5.16.1 General Requirements Jobs and the means of access to the machines (for example, ladders, working platforms and walkways) shall be designed to minimize the risk of slipping, tripping and falling by installing handrails and foot rest and, if necessary, decking, anti slip in accordance with EN ISO 14122-2 and EN ISO 14122-3. Verification Method Visual inspection. 5.16.2 Pollution sexes The design of the coolant should be possible to prevent splashing, spraying and misting coolant outside the fence machine [see 7.2.2, item e)]. Verification Method Visual inspection, operational testing with the liquid. 5.16.3 upper machine part, which must be accessible for maintenance and repair In this case, if you need frequent access (at least once per shift), there shall be fixed means of access (see examples in group A). When random access is needed, enough resources specified in the examples in the group B. Group A: - Fixed means of access, such as working platforms and walkways (EN ISO 14122-2), fixed ladders with handrails, which prevent the fall of persons (EN ISO 14122-3), Group B:

- Support for seat belts - The means for attaching portable ladders. Verification Method Visual inspection.

6 Verification of requirements and / or security measures Requirements and / or security measures taken according to section 5, to be controlled in accordance with the methods developed for each test or group of tests. Visual inspection should be used to verify compliance with the requirements for the supplied components. Functional testing of the machine must confirm the ability of the machine to perform its functions in accordance with technical requirements. Measurements shall confirm that the test parameters specifications. Drawings / calculations shall confirm that the design of the machine and its components specifications.

7 Information to User 7.1 Marking 7.1.1 General requirements shall comply with EN 292-2, paragraph 5.4 and Annex A, paragraph 1.7.3. 7.1.2 Each machine must have a clear and permanent marking indicating: - The name and address of the manufacturer, if any, of the supplier; - CE marking, if available - Year of manufacture; - The model name of the machine; - Serial number; - The mass of the machine without cutting tools and accessories; - Information on the electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, if any; - The size range used cutting tools;-range of cutting speeds and feeds; - The direction of rotation (displacement) of the cutting tool (to be indicated by an arrow).

7.2 Instructions (Operating Instructions) 7.2.1 General requirements shall comply with EN 292-2, section 5.5 and Annex A, paragraph 1.7.4. 7.2.2 The manual must include: a) the repetition of the information on labeling (see 7.1.2); b) details of mooring places for transportation machine, assembling machine and his guard (for example, requirements to the state of the floor, the supply of energy, protection against vibration, fasteners); c) information management systems, including wiring diagram for the electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. If the machine is installed programmable electronic or pneumatic system (PES, PPS), the circuit diagram should be shown the relationship between them and other nonprogrammable parts of the control system; d) information about the performance of the machine; e) List of lubricants, hydraulic fluids or coolants that are recommended for use on the machine, as well as instructions for their use. In the information should be given to the importance of preventing the liquid from splashing onto the space around the machine and exclusion, thus creating the danger of sliding and sudden fall of persons near the machine; f) the declaration of the noise in accordance with EN 292-2, Annex A, paragraph 1.7.4, item f), and Annexes A and B to this standard; g) instructions concerning the testing machine and the safety of the equipment before starting the machine; h) how to install, replace, cutting tools, cleaning, use of clamping and feeding devices; i) a warning about the need for personal protective equipment (clothing operators, the special protection of the ears from noise, safety glasses for eye); j) instructions to regulate fences and guide cutting blades to the specifications of each type of cutting blades; k) instructions for controlling fences and other means of protection after the replacement or adjustment of cutting tools; I) instructions for safety control of the cut material at profile and contour cutting; m) instructions concerning the dangers of vibration, especially for machine tools, hand-operated (ie, hand feed and loading / unloading of parts.) n) the requirements for periodic repair the machine, it guides and protective devices.

To perform control operations in listed h), i), j) and k) is recommended to prepare checklists (forms inspection), in particular, to test the security tools that should be signed by the person that produced the test. 7.3 Declaration of noise Noise measurement should be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 3746 and EN ISO 11202, depending on the situation. Manual measurement of the noise level is given in Annex B. Declaration for propagating acoustic radiation in the air in accordance with EN 292-2/A1, paragraph A.1.7.4, item f). Declaration and verification of noise levels must comply with EN ISO 4871 and the recommendations specified in Annex B. The declaration must be accompanied by information on the application of the method of measurement and the conditions at the time of measurement, as well as the values of the error K ((EN ISO 4871): - 4 dB when using EN ISO 3746 or EN ISO 11202; - 2 dB when using EN ISO 3744. Thus, for example, the corrected sound power level L WA = 93dB (as measured) error of K = 4 dB for measurements that were carried out in accordance with EN ISO 3746. Check the accuracy of the declared values of the noise level should be carried out in the application of the same method of measuring the same conditions as set out in the declaration. The declaration of the noise must be accompanied by the following statement: "These figures are the levels of radiation, but need not be considered safe operating levels. Despite the fact that there is a correlation between the emission and impact noise, they can not be reliably used to determine whether or not a further precaution.Factors that influence the actual level of noise exposure of workers to include the characteristics of the work premises, other sources of noise, etc., that is, the number of machines and other related processes. The permissible level of noise exposure may be different depending on the country. Nevertheless, this information will give the user the best opportunity to assess the risks and dangers. "

Annex A (normative) Measurement of noise emission Operating conditions for noise measurement must meet or be equivalent to the conditions set out in Annex B. Fixing the machine during the installation and operation must comply with the manufacturer's instructions and be identical for the measurement of sound pressure level emitted in the workplace and the sound power level.

The sound pressure level at the workplace should be measured in accordance with EN ISO 11202 under the following conditions: - An indicator of acoustic environments K 2A or local indicator of acoustic environments K 3A should be no more than 4 dB; - The difference between the background sound pressure level and sound pressure level at the workplace must be at least 6 dB; - Local indicator of acoustic environments K 3A should be calculated in accordance with EN ISO 11204 (paragraph A.2, Appendix A) with reference to EN ISO 3746 instead of the method described in EN ISO 11202, Annex A, or in accordance with EN ISO 3744, where one of these standards as used in the measurement method. Sound power levels should be determined in accordance with the method of measurement on the surface of the envelope specified in EN ISO 3746, subject to the following conditions: - An indicator of acoustic environments K 2A should be less than 4 dB; - The difference between the background sound pressure level and sound pressure level emitted by the machine at each measurement point must be at least 6 dB; - Adjustment formula for this difference (EN ISO 3746, para 8.2) should be applied to a difference of 10 dB; - Measurement of sound pressure level machine should be carried out at a distance of 1.0 m from the noise source; - If the distance from the machine to an additional device is less than 2.0 m, additional equipment should be included in the specification of the machine; - Measurement time required, according to EN ISO 3746, clause 7.5.3, namely, 30, should be excluded; - Accuracy of less than 3 dB; - The number of microphone positions shall conform to EN ISO 3746. In cases where there is no interference sound power equipment can be measured with high accuracy in accordance with EN ISO 3744 without the above modifications. The sound power level using sound intensity should be measured according to EN ISO 9614-1 (the use of this method should be agreed between the supplier and the consumer).

Annex B (normative) Recommended test conditions for measuring the level of noise in the cutting machines and requirements to cut material

B.1 Recommended test conditions for measuring the level of noise on the cutting machines To test the use of work-holding devices supplied with the machine. All auxiliary components (for example, mechanisms for chip removal system coolant, hydraulic and lubrication systems) must be in working order when loading and testing at idle. All safety equipment, and acoustic enclosures, usually supplied with the machine must be adjusted and the tests to be in working order. For each series of tests to use new or newly sharpened cutting tool. The tests should be carried out according to the manufacturer's recommendations cutting tools. Tooling and conditions for the noise measurement shall be representative of the machine. If you use a different speed cutting tool, it must be in the third quartile range (75% of the maximum spindle speed). On the machine that is being tested, it should be a schematic drawing showing the location and details of any reflective surface with an impact on the level of noise emissions. Plans should also include the measurement point, which was recorded by sound power level and sound pressure level, as well as the usual workbench. B.2 Requirements for the cut material B.2.1 Steel The material of the workpiece to be low-alloy carbon steel (ISO 683-1) with the following chemical composition: N - 0.35% - 0.5%; Si - 0,15% - 0,4%; Mn - 0,5% - 0,8%; P - not more than 0.35%; S - not more than 0.35%. The material should be of standard quality and mechanical properties of the material must be in the following range: yield strength s T 335 - 480 Nm -2 ; tensile strength s n 600 - 840 Nm -2 ; hardness of 170 - 215 HB. B.2.2 Aluminum

The material of the workpiece to be of commercial quality aluminum alloy, e.g. AIMgSi1 (impure aluminum), with the following chemical characteristics: Si - 0,75% - 1,3%; Mg - 0,6% - 1,2%; Mn - 0,4% - 1,0%. Table B.1 shows the characteristics of the samples that are recommended to test various sizes of cutting machines to ensure the formation of a representative of noise, if the user can not by itself determine the model for the testing of the machine to the noise. Table B.1 - The characteristics of the samples are recommended for testing of various types and sizes of cutting machines

The type and size of the cutting machine

Phone point

5.2 Table 3, item

Brief description of the design and purpose machine Horizontal band saw with swinging the saw frame and saw a column of type: - The diameter of the cut material up to 250 mm - The diameter of the cut

Characteristics of the samples are recommended for testing cutting machines The processed The processed material - steel, material - aluminum, structure, see B.2.1 composition, see B.2.2

The size of the blank

Type The size of harvesting the blank


Diameter Bar

100 mm

150 mm diameter

Type harvesting

Bar 100 mm


150 mm diameter


5.2 Table 3



material from 250 to 400 mm - The diameter of the cut material from 400 to 800 mm - The diameter of the cut material more than 800 mm Horizontal band saw with the saw frame swinging swing Vertical Band Saw: - With a fixed saw frame - With front cutting Vertical Band Saw with traverse table or saw frame: - The thickness of the cut material up to 500 mm - The thickness

250 mm diameter


250 mm diameter






100 mm diameter


100 mm diameter


Thickness of 10 mm


Thickness of 10 mm


100 mm diameter


100? 100? 6 mm

Square tube

The thickness of 100 mm


The thickness of 100 mm


Thickness 300 mm


Thickness 300 Same mm

5.2 Table 4

(; (; (; 5.2 Table 4 (;

5.2 Table 4 (;

of the material being cut more than 500 mm Circular cutting machine with oscillating tool head: - With manual and motorized tool head

Diameter 50 mm


50? 50? 5 mm

Square tube

- Machine



50? 50? 5 mm


- Semiautomatic Circular cutting machine with vertical feeds from top to bottom Circular cutting machine with vertical feeds from the bottom up:

300? 200 mm

Hollow profile

In accordance with the contract with the consumer

At least 50% of the maximum diameter of the cut material


50? 50? 5 mm

Square tube

Hollow profile

50? 50? 5 mm

Square tube


100? 100? 6 mm


- Saw diameter of less than 425 mm - The diameter

At least 50% of the maximum diameter of the cut material The diameter of

5.2 Table 4 (;;


(; (;

of the saw more than 425 mm Circular saw for cutting sheet material with a tool head located: - Under the table or over the table - In the arm, which has the ability to rotate in a horizontal plane Circular saw Pendulum Circular saw with a front cutting: - Saw diameter of 300 mm


125 mm

Thickness of 50 mm


Thickness of 50 mm


Thickness 15 mm


50? 50? 5 mm

Square tube

Thickness 15 mm


Thickness 15 mm


At least 50% of the maximum diameter of the cut material


50? 50? 5 mm

Square tube

-Saw diameter 100? 100? 6 Same Same Same from 300 mm mm do500 - Bolee500 mm 100? 100? 6 " " " diameter mm saw blade Circular In accordance with the contract with the consumer

Table 4

saws: - With two (; cutting tools for; oblique cutting - Two / multi-tool head Hacksaw with a 5.2 horizontal axis of Table rotation of 5 the saw frame, with (5.4.3) the diameter of the cut material: - Not more than 250 mm - More than 250 mm


Diameter Bar

100 mm Diameter

Bar 100 mm Diameter

Same 150 mm

Same 150 mm

When tested cutting machines, which are not suitable recommendations Table B.1, it is recommended to be guided by the following alternative conditions: - A large machine with oscillating tool head (see Figure C.16) for cutting steel - use of a structural profile of a thickness not less than half the maximum thickness and at least half of the maximum length of the plate is machined; - Listoreznye machines (see Figures S.6a, S.6b, P.10, P.11) for cutting steel - use a flat plate made of structural steel with a thickness of at least half of the maximum thickness and at least half of the maximum length of the plate, processed on a the machine; - Listoreznye machines (see Figures S.6a, S.6b, p.10) for cutting aluminum - use of technical aluminum plate thickness not less than half of the maximum thickness and at least half of the maximum length of the plate is machined; - Circular cutting machines, designed specifically for cutting aluminum - use the blank profile (square tube) length 2000 - 6000 mm plate or a minimum length of 1000 mm and a width of not less than 500 mm.

NOTE - Where the machine to be used for cutting pieces of a special material and special shapes (eg, cutting of pipes), the manufacturer of the machine must be tested with the use of the material and the geometry of the cut sample in accordance with the terms of reference for the test machine.

Annex C (informative) Examples of types of saws Figures C.1 - C.18 in this annex are intended as examples of the types of machines. Fences in all cases are not shown (see the description in Table 2). 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.1 - Horizontal band saw with the saw frame swinging 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.2 - Horizontal band saw with the saw frame swinging swing 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.3 - Horizontal Band Saw turrets 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.4 - Vertical band saw with a fixed saw frame 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.5 - Vertical band saw with a front cutting 0266A10296F20727

Figure S.6a - Vertical band saw with a traverse table 0266A10296F20727

Figure S.6b - Vertical band saw to traverse the saw frame Figure C.6 - Vertical band saw machines



Figure C.7 and - Circular saw machine Figure C.7 b - Circular saw machine with with oscillating rotary tool head and oscillating rotary tool head and automatic hand feed the tool head feed the tool head Figure C.7 - Circular cutting machines with oscillating tool head 0266A10296F20727


Figure S.8a - Circular cutting machine Figure S.8b - Circular saw machine of two-vertical-type vertical type, Single Column, open front Figure C.8 - Circular cutting machines vertical type with supply down 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.9 - Circular saw machine with feeding from the bottom up 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.10 - Circular saw machine with a longitudinally movable table 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.11 - Circular saw machine with a top location of the tool head 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.12 - Circular saw machine with holder, radially rotatable in a horizontal plane of the bracket 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.13 - Circular Cutting Machine Pendulum 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.14 - Circular saw machine with a front cutting 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.15 - Circular saw machine with two disc saws for cutting at an angle with the vertical feed 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.16 - Circular saw machine with two oscillating-rotating tool head having a flow from top to bottom 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.17 - Circular saw machine front with several cutting tool head 0266A10296F20727

Figure C.18 - Hacksaw with a horizontal axis of rotation

Annex D (informative) Examples of barriers for cutting machines The use of limit switches, cam-driven

Normally closed Normally open

Switch A

Switch In

Limit Switch A normally-closed contact, ie contacts are opened by mechanical action cam. Limit switch in the normally open, ie contacts are opened under the action of the spring when the cam is no mechanical impact. Figure D.1 - The use of limit switches, cam-driven The use of limit switches with normally open and normally closed contacts when using the two limit switches, one with a normally closed contact and one normally-open contacts, achieves a high level of security. However, it should be understood that failure of one circuit breaker is difficult to establish the safety of the operator and will depend on proper operation of the second switch. This can be avoided by skillfully developed electrical circuits that use these switches.



The guard is closed Guard is opened Figure D.2 - use of two linear end switches operating in opposite modes to increase the reliability 0266A10296F20727


b) Enclosures shown on the machine while off the tool head a) Circular cutting machine with rotating tool head type with manual and motorized tool head

(Note - disc cutting tool is arbitrary for illustrative purposes only. Disc cutting tool should be fully closed when the tool head is lifted)

A - lower fixed guard (can only be removed when replacing the disk cutting tool). In the - top fixed guard (can only be removed when replacing the disk cutting tool). With - Self-closing fence, turns on an axis fixed to the fence in, coaxial with the spindle, driven by the traction attached to the stud on the basis of Figure D.3 - Fencing disk cutting tool on the circular cutting machine with rotating tool head type with manual and motorized tool head 0266A10296F20727

Figure D.4 - Protections for circular cutting machines with automatic jointed, movable self-closing fence with shock the viewing window, adjacent to the stationary guard, ensuring close cutting tool storage and work area, as well as self-closing and fixed fences covering the additional material to be cut, the mechanisms loading / unloading and delivery 0266A10296F20727

A - a stationary guardrail mounted on (hinge) of the cutting head over the upper blade half; B - fence with viewing slot mounted on the front element of the clamping device for machines; S - fencing to prevent access to the disk Cutting Tools, not shown in the figure Figure D.5 - Guards at the large circular cutting machine - semiautomatic machine with rotating tool head


Fixed and self closers hinge guards, including the adjustable fence of the unloading cut pieces. Figure D.6 A - Fencing at the large circular cutting machine - semi-automatic vertical type 0266A10296F20727

Self-closing fence when the tool head is lowered, fencing for the top of the workpiece. Figure D.6 b - Fencing on a small circular cutting machine vertical type with manual feed

Figure D.6 - Protections for circular cutting machine vertical type 0266A10296F20727

Fixed fence enclosing disc cutting tool and mobile fencing ("tunnel" fencing covering the material being cut). Figure D.7 - Protections for circular cutting machine with two disk cut-off tools for cutting at an angle with the vertical filing with one tool head 0266A10296F20727

Disc Cutting Tools (shown laid back) fenced fixed and movable guards. Figure D.8 A - Circular saw machine with two tool head, front cutting, hand positioning and clamping 0266A10296F20727

Disc cutting tools moved back fixed and movable ring-fenced enclosure. Attention to autonomous control. Figure D.8 b - Circular saw machine with two tool head, front cut, semi-automatic Figure D.8 - Protections for circular cutting machine with two tool head, frontal cut 0266A10296F20727

Self-closing fence for cutting disk tool, powered by a system of rods, shown partially open (the material being cut is not visible). Adjustable fence to cut material is not shown. Figure D.9 - Protections for work on circular cutting machine with a stroke up

Annex E (normative) Information about the compliance of the national standards of the Russian Federation, the international reference (regional) standards

Table E.1

Identification Reference International Standard EN 292-1:1991, clause 3.22.5 EN 292-2:1991, paragraph 6.2 EN 292-2:1991, clause EN 292-2:1991, clause 3.7 EN 292-2:1991, paragraph 5.4, Annex A, paragraph 1.7.3 EN 292-2:1991, paragraph 5.5, Annex A, paragraph 1.7.4 EN 292-2:1991, Annex A, paragraph 1.7.4, item f) 292-2/A1 EH: 1995, paragraph 1.6.1 292-2/A1 EH: 1995, Annex A, paragraph 1.7.4, item f) EN 294:1992 EN 349:1993 EN 414:2000 EN 418:1992

Symbols and relevant national standards GOST R ISO 12100-1-2007 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design. Part 1. Basic terminology, methodology, paragraph 3.25.5 GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007 Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design. Part 2. Technical rules and technical requirements, paragraph 5.5 GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph 4.11

GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph 6.4

GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph 6.5

GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph 6.5.1, item c)

GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph 5.5

GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007, paragraph 6.5.1, item c) GOST 51334-99 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent the upper limbs from getting into the danger zone GOST 51335-99 Safety of machinery. The minimum distance to avoid crushing of parts of the human body GOST R EN 414-2002 Safety of machinery. Rules for the development and execution of safety standards Standard EN 418-2002 Safety of machinery. Install emergency shutdown. Function. The principles of design

EN 614-1:1995 EN 614-2 EN 626-1 EN 811 EN 842 EN 894-1:1997 EN 894-2:1997 EN 894-3:2000 EN 953:1997 EN 954-1:1996 EN 981 EN 982:1996 EN 983:1996 EN 999 EN 1005-1 EN 1005-2 EN 1005-3 EN 1033 EN 1037:1995 EN 1050:1996 EN 1070:1998 EN 1088:1995 EN 1299 EN 1760-1:1997

GOST R EN 614-1-2003 Safety of machinery. Ergonomic design principles. Part 1. Terms, definitions and basic principles * * * * * GOST 51341-99 Safety of machinery. Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and controls. Part 2.Information display * GOST 51342-99 Safety of machinery. Removable protective device. General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable removable protective devices GOST R ISO 13849-1-2003 Safety of machinery. Parts of control systems related to security. Part 1. General principles for design * GOST 31177-2003 (EN 982:1996) Safety. Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components. Hydraulics GOST 30869-2003 (EN 983:1996) Safety. Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components. Pneumatics Standard ISO 13855-2006 Safety of machinery. Location of protective devices with the approach speeds of parts of the human body * Standard EN 1005-2-2005 Safety of machinery. Physical capabilities. Part 2. The component of manual labor when working with machines and mechanisms * * GOST 51343-99 Safety of machinery. Prevention of unexpected start-up GOST 51344-99 Safety of machinery. The principles of risk assessment and determination Standard EN 1070-2003 Safety of machinery. Terms and definitions GOST 51345-99 Safety of machinery. Interlocking devices associated with safety devices. Principles for design and selection * Standard EN 1760-1-2004 Safety of machinery. Safety devices that respond to pressure. Part 1. General principles for design and

EN 1837:1999

testing of rugs and floors, pressure sensitive Standard EN 1837-2002 Safety of machinery. Recessed lighting cars IEC 60204-1-99 Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1. General requirements

EN 60204-1:1997

EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 EN 61496-1:1997 EN ISO 3744:1995

EN ISO 3746:1995 EN ISO 4871:1996 EN ISO 7250 EN ISO 96141:1995 EN ISO 11202:1995

EN ISO 11204:1995 EN ISO 11546-1 EN ISO 11546-2 EN ISO 116881:1998 EN ISO 116882:1998 EN ISO 11691:1995 EN ISO 11820

GOST R 51838-2001 Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of industrial machines. Test Methods * * * GOST 51401-99 (ISO 3744-94) Noise machines. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure.Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane GOST 51402-99 (ISO 3746-95) Noise machines. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure.Survey method using the measurement surface over a reflecting plane GOST 30691-2001 (ISO 4871-96) Noise machines. The application and control of noise emission values * GOST 30457-97 (ISO 9614-1-93) Acoustics. Determination of sound power source noise on the basis of sound intensity.Measuring at discrete points. Engineering method GOST 31169-2003 (ISO 11202-1995) Noise machines.Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions. Survey method of measurement on site GOST 30683-2000 (ISO 11204-95) Noise machines.Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions. Method with corrections to the acoustic conditions * * * * * *

EN ISO 11821 * EN ISO 14122-2 * EN ISO 14122-3 * ISO 683-1 * IEC 61496-2:1997 * * The appropriate national standard does not exist. Prior to its approval is recommended to use a Russian translation of this International Standard. The translation of this international standard is the Federal Information Fund of technical regulations and standards.

Bibliography In the development of this standard have been taken into account the following standards: EN 1127- Explosive atmosphere. Prevention of and protection from them.Part [1] 1 1. Fundamentals and Methodology (EN (Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Parti: 1127-1) Basic concepts and methodology) [2] EN 13478 Safety of machinery. Fire prevention measures and fire protection (EN (Safety of machinery - Fire prevention and protection) 1347-1) EN ISO Safety of machinery. Anthropometric requirements for the design of [3] 14738 jobs on machines (ISO 14738:2002) (EN ISO (Safety of machinery - Anthropometric requirements for the design 14738) workstations at machinery (ISO 14738:2002)

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