Empower Your Penis

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How to empower your penis...



Empower Your Penis

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Empower Your Penis How to Naturally Enlarge Your Penis’ Length and Girth to Fully Satisfy Women In the Bedroom by Jay Julio ©2008, All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reprinted in part or in whole by any person or entity without written permission from Jay Julio: [email protected]

Jay Julio and coolguywithwomen.com cannot be held legally liable for any action(s) you take. By reading Empower Your Penis, you understand and accept that the information in this book is an opinion and you are responsible for your own behavior.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Empower Your Penis Table of Contents

Why Women Prefer Certain Penis Sizes Over Others ................................................................................. 5 Visual or Anticipation Reasons ................................................. 5 Biological or Orgasmic Reasons ................................................ 6

Awareness on Size and Adequacy .......................................8 Women’s Penis Size Appreciation Chart .................................... 9

How Penis Enlargement Works and Why It Does! ............ 10 A Closer Look at the Penis ..................................................... 11

Getting Started Down the Road to Growing Your Penis ................................................................................. 12 What You’ll Need to Start ...................................................... 12 How to Take Your Measurements............................................ 13 Set Your Goal! ..................................................................... 14

Warming Up and Lubricating ........................................... 16 The Warm Up Instructions .................................................... 16 Lubricating Solutions............................................................ 17

Penis Enlargement Exercises ............................................ 18 The Power Stretch................................................................ 19 The V-Stretch ...................................................................... 20 The Circular Stretch ............................................................. 21 The One Handed Jelq ........................................................... 23 The Jelq and Hold ................................................................ 24 Sit Down Stretch ................................................................. 25 Reminders and Tips:............................................................. 25

Select Your Program Type................................................. 26 Length Gain Program............................................................ 27 Girth Gain Program .............................................................. 27 Head Gain Program .............................................................. 28 Complete Program ............................................................... 28

Monitor Your Progress Each and Every Week.................. 29 Progress Charts.................................................................30 Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.


Empower Your Penis

Take Action Right Now! ......................................................... 31

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 1:

Why Women Prefer Certain Penis Sizes Over Others Contrary to what many women may claim, size DOES matter! Who can say for sure why some women say it doesn’t. Perhaps they don’t want to upset men by being honest about it. Or perhaps they lie to themselves because their partner doesn’t satisfy them and are in denial. Who knows for sure, but the truth is, size is important. This doesn’t necessarily mean that bigger is better, for there is such a thing as too big just as there is such a thing as too small.

Visual or Anticipation Reasons Think about how most of us men prefer larger breasted women. Smaller breasts or flat chests generally are less appealing, while DDs get our instant attention, right? But then if you think of massively over sized breasts on a woman, we usually respond with mixed feelings. It’s kind of gross, but interesting. It’s more of a ‘freakshow’ and we look only because it’s amusing, not because it turns us on, necessarily. All that said, women’s views on penises can be quite similar.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


First, larger penises, like larger breasts, are more appealing and satisfying to the eye. Somehow, it’s as if women will have a greater anticipation for a larger penis, just as we anticipate better sex if a woman has larger breasts. But where men viewing fuller breasts as more appealing, they don’t really add more pleasure to intercourse itself. A larger, fuller penis, however, does.

Biological or Orgasmic Reasons Aside from visual, there are biological reasons women prefer larger penises to smaller penises. They have to do with where a woman’s “hot spots” or highly sensitive areas where she will be stimulated the most. There are 4 major “hot spots”: 1) 2) 3) 4)

The The The AFE

Clitoris G-Spot Epicenter Zone

You probably know where the clitoris is, and unless you get the right angle, this area generally isn’t stimulated by intercourse alone. But the others all are — or can be with a larger penis. A smaller penis can generally reach the first “hot spot”, the GSpot. But it can’t reach the AFE Zone or the Epicenter, which are higher up and closer to the uterus. Obviously, this means that it’s physically impossible for a smaller penis to stimulate these two “hot spots”. Since the ‘order’ going inward is the G-Spot along the front wall of the vagina, the AFE Zone along the back wall, midway in, and the Epicenter, right in front of the channel to the uterus, a medium penis will stimulate the AFE Zone. But only a larger penis can physically stimulate the G-Spot, the AFE Zone, and the Epicenter located at the very top of the vagina at the same time! Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.


Empower Your Penis

That’s why women prefer larger penises. They can stimulate ALL the “hot spots” inside a woman’s vagina at the same time.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 2:

Awareness on Size and Adequacy Now, let’s take a look at what penis sizes allow a woman to experience the greatest amount satisfaction. Or in other words, what penis sizes are capable of stimulating all of the three internal “hot spots”. That way, when you measure your penis shortly, you’ll have an idea of what kind of goal you want to set for yourself — a goal that will allow you to have the ability to hit all of these “hot spots” during sex. Remember that 95% of all men are capable of making substantial gains. Most men can bring themselves up to a very satisfying size, even ideal — but it really depends on how badly you want it. It depends on you and how consistently you follow the programs laid out in a later chapter. So let’s take a real look at penis sizes and what sizes women really prefer, so you can identify where you are today and give you an idea of where you want to be tomorrow...

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Women’s Penis Size Appreciation Chart

Zone A – Ideal Zone B – Very satisfying, but not ideal Zone C – Satisfying Zone D – Enjoyable Zone E – Not Satisfying

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 3:

How Penis Enlargement Works and Why It Does! Okay, now that you probably have some idea of where you are and where you want to be, let’s take a look at the penis itself and how penis enlargement works. The penis is like a muscle in the sense that you can exercise it like doing bicep curls, for example. When we exercise our arms, what we’re really doing is breaking down the cells and tissues. After we’ve exercised, the healing process begins. Our bodies build back what was broken-down when we exercised — and our bodies built it back bigger and stronger each time to compensate for the new stress it’s getting. It’s the same idea with penis enlargement. By using the following exercises — arranged into several programs designed to achieve exactly the kind of result you’re after — essentially what you’re doing is breaking down the cells in the penis each time with each workout. And, like a muscle, when it heals, it heals stronger and larger than before.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


A Closer Look at the Penis The penis is made-up of three ‘chambers’. What happens when you get an erection is that those chambers fill up with blood. So the amount of blood your penis can hold determines how big your penis will get when it’s erect. Essentially, what you do when you begin applying these penis enlargement exercises is you break down the cells in these chambers. And each time they heal, they allow themselves to hold more blood... ... which means your erections will grow a little larger — and stronger after every exercise session. But like building a more muscular body, it is your consistency in sticking to your program that determines what kind of results you’re going to get. You have to be consistent if you want lasting results. Consistency is the key to all long-term success. So it’s not how strong you start. It’s how steady and dedicated you are over a period of time. The great part is that the programs are already put together for you. So all you have to do is FOLLOW the best one for you daily, exactly as it’s laid out for you. Do that, and I promise you. You will see results.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 4:

Getting Started Down the Road to Growing Your Penis Now that you know why women prefer certain sized penises, an idea of what women want from men in the penis department, and why it truly is possible to enlarge your penis using natural methods, let’s take an accurate look at where you are now... and where you want to be in the future... ... your ideal size. Simply put, you need to know exactly where you are now, where you want to be in the future, how to that bridge that gap, and take action! So the first step is to take stock of your current situation. You’ll do this by measuring your penis and recording your stats in the Progress Chart (which is included at the end of this booklet). I would suggest printing it out — or creating your own in a word processor.

What You’ll Need to Start You’ll need one or two things to get started... First, you’ll need a cloth measuring tape. You can purchase one cheaply at practically any health and fitness store.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Second, for most accurate measurement, you’ll need a basic ruler for measuring you penis length. You can use a cloth measuring tape as well, but it probably won’t be as accurate. And being accurate is key!

How to Take Your Measurements There are four measurements you need to take to accurately measure your current size and your progress every week. Two when your penis is flaccid — or when it’s not erect. And then two more when you have an erection. Each week, you’ll take these four measurements and record them in your Progress Chart. Remember to be as accurate as you can each time. If you cheat, the only person you’ll really be cheating is yourself. So be accurate, if you want better results.

Measure Your Penis Length To get your two penis length measurements, stand with your penis is one hand and the ruler in your other. Extend your penis outward in front of you and parallel to the floor. Then place the ruler at the base of your penis, against your pubic bone. For the most accurate measurement, hold the ruler beside your penis rather than on top of it. Measure to the tip of your penis, and take that measurement. Record that measurement to the closed mm or 1/16 of an inch. Do that once when your penis is flaccid (or not erect) and then once again when you penis is erect.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Measure Your Penis Girth To get your two penis girth measurements, you want to find a spot along your penis’ shaft that is the average girth. Since penises can vary in width along the shaft, you want to make sure you find a spot that is in the middle. This will likely be about midpoint. But what’s important is that you measure around the same spot every time — otherwise your results won’t come out accurate. Once you find that midpoint, with your penis in one hand and your cloth measuring tape in the other, wrap the tape around the spot you’ve chosen. Record the measurement you get to the closest mm or 1/16 of an inch. Again, do this once when your penis is flaccid (or not erect) and then once more when you penis is erect.

Set Your Goal! Okay. Now that you’ve taken and recorded your current measurements, refer back to the diagram in Chapter 2 and use your measurements to decide what the most effective route is for you to take to reach the A Zone. For example, let’s say your current size is 6” in length and 5” in girth — in Zone D. When you look at the chart, you want to pinpoint what’s the fastest — or most DIRECT route to getting there. So you want to aim for about 7” and 6.5”, which would place in Zone A And as you’ll notice, these measurements are fairly balanced, so you’ll want to focus on increasing both length and girth equally, which you’d do using the Complete Program. On the other hand, if you’re current size is 8” in length and 4.5” in girth, your length would put you in Zone A once your girth would reach 6.25”.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.


Empower Your Penis

So here, since you’re ‘unbalanced’, you would focus on your girth by using the Girth Program. When choosing which program to use, if you’re currently balanced, meaning your length and girth are more or less relative, go with the complete program If your length would fit into Zone A if your girth would reach a certain size, use the Girth Program. And if your girth would fit into Zone A if your length would reach a certain size, use the Length Program. We’ll cover this more when we talk about the each program. But first, let’s discuss warming up and why it’s important.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 5:

Warming Up and Lubricating It is important that you warm up before beginning the exercises every time. And since it only takes about 3-5 minutes, you should never skip it. It’s important for a few reasons. First, it draws more blood into the penis, which will help you get faster results. Second, it will remove the risk of putting unnecessary strain on your penis. If you ever run, think about stretching your legs before going for a jog. Have you ever jogged or ran without stretching? Often, you’ll be sore the next day, right? So doing the warm-up also prevents unnecessary soreness.

The Warm Up Instructions 1) Get a soft washcloth and soak it in hot water, then wring it out so that you remove any excess water. Before you place it on your penis, it can be smart to test less sensitive areas of your body. I would suggest right above your pubic hair on your stomach.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


2) When the temperature’s comfortable, wrap the washcloth around your penis’ entire shaft. Be sure to enclose the head inside to contain all the heat inside. 3) Hold it there for 3-5 minutes. 4) Then take the washcloth off and dry off your penis with a dry, soft towel. Make sure it’s dry enough to have a good grip for the exercises.

Lubricating Solutions Certain exercises will require lubrication, so here are a few suggestions. There are two kinds of lubricants you can choose from: WaterBased and Oil-Based. The great thing about Oil-Based lubricants is that their lubrication lasts longer. With Water-Based lubricants, you may have to add extra water throughout the exercises. If you go with a Water-Based Lubricant, simply have a glass of water close by, so you can quickly dip your hand in it when you need to. Now, here’s a list of some options...

Water-Based Lubricant KY Jelly KY Liquid

Oil-Based Lubricant Canola Oil Olive Oil Vegetable Oil Baby Oil Vaseline

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 6:

Penis Enlargement Exercises Each program consists of a set of exercises designed to target specific attributes. Here are the individual exercises and how to use them...

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


The Power Stretch Step Instructions 1 Take or ‘pinch’ the head of your penis between your index finger by making a circle, and stretch it directly in front of you. Hold it for 4-5 seconds. 2 Take your penis like discussed above and pull it to the right until you can feel a stretch on left side of your penis. Hold it there for 4-5 seconds. 3 Now, do the same thing, except pull it to the left, feeling the stretch on the right side. Hold it for 4-5 seconds. 4 Now, pull your penis downward. Hold that for 4-5 seconds. 5 And finally, pull your penis upward. Hold it there for 4-5 seconds. 6 Repeat Steps 1-5 until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

Be sure your penis is flaccid when doing this exercise.

Pull the foreskin on your penis back, revealing the head. You want to pull the penis itself, not the skin.

Be sure to get a good stretch on each rep for best results.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


The V-Stretch Step Instructions 1 ‘Pinch’ the head of your penis between your index finger and your thumb or make a circle with you index finger and thumb, and pull your penis in front of you to a full stretch. Hold it for 5 seconds. 2 Using the thumb of your other hand, apply a downward pressure at the base of your penis. 3 Then slide your thumb slowly down the length of your penis, while applying the same amount of pressure throughout until your thumb reached the tip of your penis. This should take between 7-10 seconds. 4 Next, reverse it and slide your thumb back down to the base of your penis. This should take another 7-10 seconds. 5 Repeat Steps 1-4 until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

Do NOT use lubrication, as you need to get a good grip on your penis for this exercise.

Make sure that the penis is flaccid.

Be sure that your grip encircles the entire head for best results.

If at any point you either lose your grip or you feel any pain from too much pressure, release the pressure slowly by loosening your grip and adjust your grip.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


The Circular Stretch Step Instructions 1 Take your penis in your hand like you’re holding the handle of a tennis racket and stretch it outward in front of you. Hold it for 4-5 seconds. 2 Now, pull your penis upward. Hold it for 4-5 seconds. 3 Then slowly rotate your penis in a circular motion around until you return to the starting point, either clockwise or counterclockwise. One rotation should take about 5 seconds. 4 Repeat Steps 1-3 until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

After each rep, feel free to shake or massage your penis briefly to regain the circulation again.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


The Ultimate Jelq Step Instructions 1 Massage your penis until it’s 60-80% erect. 2 Using your right hand, make a circle with your index finger and thumb so you can increase pressure if you need to, and grip it tightly around the base of your penis. 3 From the base, slowly pull or milk your penis toward its head. This should take about 2-3 seconds. 4 When that hand reaches the head, hold it there, stretching the penis — while you take your other hand and make the same circle and as you start the same motion with that hand, let go of the head with your other hand, so it’s free and ready to go for the next rep. 5 Repeat Steps 2-3 with a kind of rhythm until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

Best performed with lubrication.

Be sure that you grip all the way around your penis and maintain enough pressure so no blood escapes.

Make sure that you don’t ejaculate during this exercise, so stop if you feel the urge coming on. Then start up after the urge subsides.

Don’t do this exercise with a full erection, as it’s possible to cause bruising or the rupturing of blood vessels.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


The One Handed Jelq Step Instructions 1 Massage your penis until it’s 60-80% erect. 2 Using your right hand, make a circle with your index finger and thumb so you can increase pressure if you need to, and grip it tightly around the base of your penis. 3 From the base, slowly pull or milk your penis toward its head and let it slide off when it gets there. This should take about 2-3 seconds. 4 Take your other hand and make the same circle and make the same motion with that hand. 5 Repeat Steps 2-3 with a kind of rhythm until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

Best performed with lubrication.

Be sure that your grip all the way around your penis and maintain enough pressure so no blood escapes.

Make sure that you don’t ejaculate during this exercise, so stop if you feel the urge coming on.

Don’t do this exercise with a full erection, as it’s possible to cause bruising or rupturing of blood vessels.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


The Jelq and Hold Step Instructions 1 Massage your penis until it’s 60-80% erect. 2 Using your right hand, make a circle with your index finger and thumb so you can increase pressure if you need to, and grip it tightly around the base of your penis. 3 From the base, slowly pull or milk your penis toward its head and let it slide off when it gets there. This should take about 2-3 seconds. 4 When you reach the head of your penis, stretch it outward and hold it there for 10 seconds. 5 Repeat Steps 2-4 until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

Best performed with lubrication.

You may experience some red spots on the head of your penis. This is to be expected and will disappear within a few days.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Sit Down Stretch Step Instructions 1 While standing up, massage your penis until it’s 30-40% erect. 2 As you start sitting down, tuck your penis back underneath and toward the back. 3 Slowly and easily sit down on your penis, and as your hips straighten, you should get a good stretch. 4 Repeat Steps 2-3 until the amount of time stated in you program expires. Reminders and Tips: •

This is a good cool down exercise as its purpose is to increase your penis in its flaccid state.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 7:

Select Your Program Type Once you’ve set your goal, you should have an idea of what aspect you want to focus your efforts. If your priority is to gain in the length department to bring you closer to the A-Zone, consider the Length Gain Program. If your priority is to gain in the girth department to bring you closer to the A-Zone, consider the Girth Gain Program. If you seem to be balanced and need to gain equally in both the length and girth departments to bring you closer to the A-Zone, consider the Complete Program. Or if your priority is to gain in the head department, consider the Head Gain Program.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Length Gain Program Exercise Warm Up Power Stretch V Stretch Ultimate Jelq Circular Stretch Warm Down

3 5 5 5 4 3

Total Time Schedule

Novice minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Intermediate 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

Expert 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes

25 minutes

40 minutes

50 minutes

1 day on / 1day off

2 days on / 1 day off

5 days on / 2 days off

Intermediate 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

Expert 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

Girth Gain Program Exercise Warm Up Ultimate Jelq One Handed Jelq Sit Down Stretch Jelq and Hold Warm Down

Novice 3 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

Total Time Schedule

5 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

4 minutes 3 minutes

5 minutes 5 minutes

10 minutes 5 minutes

25 minutes

40 minutes

50 minutes

1 day on / 1day off

2 days on / 1 day off

5 days on / 2 days off

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Head Gain Program Exercise Warm Up Jelq and Hold Ultimate Jelq One Handed Jelq Sit Down Stretch Warm Down

3 5 5 5

Novice minutes minutes minutes minutes

Intermediate 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes

Expert 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

4 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

3 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

Total Time

25 minutes

40 minutes

50 minutes


1 day on / 1day off

2 days on / 1 day off

5 days on / 2 days off

Intermediate 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

Expert 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes

Complete Program Exercise Warm Up Power Stretch Ultimate Jelq V Stretch Jelq and Hold Warm Down

3 5 5 5 4 3

Novice minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes

Total Time

25 minutes

40 minutes

50 minutes


1 day on / 1day off

2 days on / 1 day off

5 days on / 2 days off

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 8:

Monitor Your Progress Each and Every Week Remember, record your measurements ONLY once a week. First, there’s no need to record them anymore than that. Second, since your size may actually fluctuate from day to day, it can be discouraging when it looks like you’ve ‘shrunk’. It’s normal for this to happen. Especially when you start, I know you may want to see those initial gains. But wait until the week is up. Sticking to your plan and consistently doing your exercises throughout the week are the most important factors. And if measuring to see if you’ve gained every day is going to discourage you from staying on the path, don’t do it! Sometimes gains can be fast, other times slow. Consistency is the only thing that will win in the end. So set one day — the day you start your program — and continue taking your measurements on that day only. For example, if you start on a Sunday, always take your measurements on Sundays.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


Chapter 9:

Progress Charts Below you’ll find your Progress Charts to record your gains each week. Print this chart out and keep it in a safe place where it won’t be misplaced. You need this to monitor your progress to ensure you’re getting the results you want. Without feedback, it’s hit or miss. But with feedback — accurate feedback — you’ll reach your goal because you’ll know when to make adjustments. Now, above the chart, you’ll notice a statement — an affirmation. Inside the affirmation, there are two blanks where you’ll fill in your personal goal. One blank is for your ideal length and other is for you ideal girth. After you’ve printed it out and after you’ve determined what your goal or ideal size is, write them into your affirmation. Though just looking at it each day will help focus your mind, for better results, I suggest repeating your statement out loud a few times daily — with feeling. What that means is that you put as much emotion or inflection and conviction into your voice as you can. Stress the words in italics. Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

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I would also recommend writing it down and re-writing it several times daily on a sheet of paper. This helps in keeping your mind fully concentrated on your goal for a few minutes straight. The purpose of affirmations is to train your subconscious mind to believe what you’re telling it. And for those who study success, you know that the subconscious mind works day and night to make what it believes a reality in your life. That’s what it does, whether you’re aware of it or not and whether the thoughts you feed are things you want or don’t want. It acts on everything you feed it. So feed it what you want. The purpose of reciting or writing these affirmations is to convince your subconscious of what you want. And affirmations are one of the most powerful ways to do this.

Take Action Right Now! Well, we’ve come to the part where it’s your turn. You must take action if you want to increase your penis size. And the time is NOW! If you haven’t already done so, get a cloth measuring tape if you have one and take your current measurements. Then set your goal. If you don’t have one, make a note to go and get one as soon as you can. Or if you’re not in a situation where you can take these measurements, make an appointment with yourself when you’ll do it. Write it down! Seriously. If you want to seriously increase your penis size, you must take action. So take whatever action you can right now just to get started.

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

Empower Your Penis


“I know my penis size will increase to ___ inches in length and ___ inches in girth.” Week Length Flaccid Girth Flaccid Length Erect Girth Erect Novice Level

1 2 3 4 Intermediate Level

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Week Length Flaccid Girth Flaccid Length Erect Girth Erect Expert Level

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Empower Your Penis by Jay Julio © 2008, All Rights Reserved.

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