EMPOWER Application

December 25, 2016 | Author: Empower | Category: N/A
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Are you looking for an interprofessional leadership position for the 2015-2016 academic year? EMPOWER is currently accep...


University project based of Nebraska in the College Medical of !blic Center"ealth# (UNMC) Service Learning Academy Legacy EMPOWER  EM POWER is a student led, interprofessional initiative founded in 2009 as a University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) Service Learnin !cade"y Leacy pro#ect based in t$e Collee of %ublic &ealt$'

 $as a tofold "ission focused on aareness aa reness and education of do"estic and EMPOWER  $as EMPOWER  seual violence' *e ac$ieve t$is t$rou$ on+ca"pus activities and co""unity outreac$ events'  seeks to provide opportunities for students, $ealt$ care providers, and EMPOWER  seeks EMPOWER  co""unity "e"bers to beco"e involved in efforts to "ini"ie do"estic and seual violence in our co""unity and beyond' BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES 2015-2016  It is expected expected that all board members members attend attend all EMPOWER EMPOWER board meetings meetings and  events. If a schedule conflict arises (outside of emergent illness) the board member  !ill contact the secretar" at least #$ hours prior to the event !ith a reason for absence.  It is expected expected that each each board member member regularl" regularl" chec%s chec%s her or or his email email on a regular  regular  basis for updates and responds in a timel" manner if a response is re&uested. President: -$is student ill $ave a t$orou$ understandin of t$e oals and direction of  .M%/*.' S$e or $e ill be in c$are of directin t$e 1oard "eetins and preparin t$e "eetin aendas' -$e president ill also be in c$are of deleatin responsibility to 1oard "e"bers as appropriate and ensurin t$at tasks are co"pleted as epected' -$e  president ill be t$e pri"ary contact for t$e faculty sponsors and co""unity partners' inally, t$is position ill re3uire co""it"ent to furt$erin t$e .M%/*. "ission and "eetin t$e board4s set se"ester oals' -$is student ill ork closely it$ t$e vice  president to fill open board positions, conduct elections, and provide direction for t$e roup4s future' Vice President: -$is student ill ork closely c losely it$ t$e president to fulfill .M%/*.4s "ission and ill cover durin any ti"es in $ic$ t$e president is unavailable' -$e 5ice %resid %resident ent ill ill ork ork closel closely y it$ it$ t$e Student Student epres epresenta entati tives ves and ork ork to i"prov i"provee attend attendance ance and increa increased sed "e"ber "e"bers$i s$ip' p' !ddit !ddition ionally ally,, t$e 5ice %resid %resident ent ill ill report report "ont$ly activities in t$e Collee of %ublic 6Co%& 7rops8 report'

Secretr!: Secretr !: -$e secretary is responsible for reservin roo"s for "eetins and events, sendin out calendar re"inders, and takin "eetin "inutes' -$e secretary ill e"ail "eetin "inutes and ot$er i"portant updates to "e"bers it$in 2 $ours of board "eetins' !dditionally, t$e secretary ill track student participation and "aintain an attendance lo to be sent to necessary faculty at end of eac$ se"ester' -$e secretary is responsible for "aintainin t$e "e"ber and board "e"ber lists as c$anes occur'

-$is student student ill ill utili utiliee variou variouss source sourcess of "edia "edia P"#$ic P"#$ic Re$ti% Re$ti%ns&S ns&S%ci %ci$$ Medi: Medi: -$is (acebook, -itter, etc) to pro"ote t$e oraniation it$in UNMC and t$e co""unity' -$is student ill be in c$are of developin and "aintainin social "edia outlets for t$e .M%/*. and perfor"in reular updates (ie: at least eekly) suc$ t$at t$e public is aare of current activitie activities' s' -$is student student ill also be in c$are c$are of creatin pro"otional pro"otional "aterials suc$ as t+s$irts, flyers for events, and any ot$er necessary "aterials' -$is student ill also send out ca"pus ide e"ails advertisin events at least one eek prior  to t$e event' responsiblee for securin operatin operatin '"ndrisin( )*ir&Tres"rer: -$is student ill be responsibl funds for t$e current year' S$e or $e ill oranie at least one fundraiser per se"ester and ensure ade3uate 1oard participation for eac$ event' -$is student ill also track inventory of all pro"otional "aterials suc$ as broc$ures, flyers, and t+s$irts, as ell as track current available funds, future financial oals, and future fundin opportunities' opportunities' ;n addition, t$is student student ill serve as pri"ary pri"ary liaison beteen t$e SL! coordinator coordinator and t$e .M%/*.   board reardin available ava ilable funds' -$is person, in con#unction it$ t$e 7iscussion ear in sc$ool:

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