Employer Employee Contract (Driver)

May 15, 2018 | Author: karylvillanueva | Category: Employment, Salary, Common Law, Politics, Government
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Short Description

Sample Employer Employee contract...



I _____________________________ _____________________________ (employee) (employee) of ___________________________ ________________________________ _____ (address), agree to underta undertake ke an EMPLO EMPLOYER YER-EMP -EMPLO LOYEE YEE CO!R CO!R"C "C! ! #$t% #$t% ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (emplo (employer yer)) of   ________________________  ________________________________ ________ (address) (address) t%$s day of __________________ __________________&&

I %ere'y agree to t%e follo#$ng terms & I s%all 'e employed employed 'y 'y employer employer as a *!" *!"Y O+! "MIL "MILY Y RI.ER #%ose duty duty $n/ludes, $n/ludes, 'ut $s not l$m$ted to, dr$0$ng my employer and %er fam$ly mem'ers, to and from any po$nt $n Lu1on #$t%$n t%e P%$l$pp$nes& 2& I understand understand t%at t%e /ontra/t /ontra/t 'et#een 'et#een me, t%e employ employee, ee, and my employer employer $s str$/tly str$/tly an EMPLOYME! EMPLOYME! CO!R"C! and $s not%$ng n ot%$ng more and not%$ng less& 3& I unders understan tand d t%at t%at t%e 0e%$/le 0e%$/le $n0ol0ed $n0ol0ed $n t%$s t%$s /ontra /ontra/t /t $s $rre0o $rre0o/a' /a'ly ly and $nd$sp $nd$sputa uta'ly 'ly a property of my employer& 4& I understa understand nd t%at $t $s my duty to keep keep t%e 0e%$/le 0e%$/le and any passeng passenger er #$t%$n #$t%$n $t safe and se/ure at all t$mes& 5& I understa understand nd t%at I am to fa$t%fu fa$t%fully lly re/or re/ord d and a//ompl a//ompl$s% $s% t%e vehicle’s mileage on a mileage sheet  t%at #$ll 'e pro0$ded 'y my employer& 6& I understand understand t%at at t%e t%e end of ea/% day, day, I s%all return return t%e 0e%$/le 0e%$/le to my employ employer er $n t%e same s%ape and /ond$t$on as I got $t dur$ng t%e sa$d day& day& 7& urt%er urt%ermor more, e, $n relat relat$on $on to Clause Clause num'er num'er 5 of t%$s /ontra/t, /ontra/t, I s%all s%all 'e person personall ally y l$a'le l$a'le #$t% my personal funds for any damage, t%roug% my o#n fault and8or negl$gen/e, to any part of t%e 0e%$/le and to any passenger #$t%$n $t t%at I may $n/ur dur$ng t%e t$me t%at t%e sa$d 0e%$/le $s #$t% me& "ny damage $n/urred 'y t%e 0e%$/le or a passenger #$t%$n $t outs$de of my duty $s a'solutely and $rre0o/a'ly not my respons$'$l$ty& respons$'$l$ty& 9& I understan understand d t%at 'e$ng a stay out fam$ly fam$ly dr$0er dr$0er means t%at t%at I s%all s%all read$ly read$ly make make myself  myself  a0a$la'le s%ould my employer or any of my employer:s fam$ly mem'ers need me to /%au;eur t%em around&
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