
January 7, 2017 | Author: inonge | Category: N/A
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EMOTIONS Emotions are capable of energizing a person toward relevant objectives to achieve certain goals. Felt deprivations of an objective are experienced in consciousness and are seen as negative emotions. Positive emotions are experienced when one attains his or her goals. All consumers seek to avoid negative emotions and to increase positive emotions. Consumption of a product in consumer behaviour is a result of a negative or positive emotion. Awareness of an occurrence of some physiological arousal ,followed by behavioural response combined along with the appraised meaning of both s known as an emotion(Czinkota,M ,R: etall:2007). There are three components of emotions which are physiological, cognitive and behavioural. Czinkota,M,R. Dickson,P,R. Dunne,P. Hoffman,K,D. (2007) Marketing best practises. An emotion is defined by Scherer (1987, 20010 as an episode of interrelated, synchronized changes in the state of all or most of the organisations subsystems I response to the valuation of an external or internal stimulus event as relevant to major concerns of the organisation. www.sciencedirect.com Emotion are usually grouped into positive and negative which are general dimension but some emotions can be specific (Richins, 1997 and Ruth et al, 2002). Many researchers focus on specific emotions such as surprise, regret, sympathy and empathy and anger .all these types of emotions have a general or negative effect on a consumer. Richins (1997) stated a number of emotions such as discontent, worry, sadness, loneliness etc. http//:www.study.com Emotions are very short lived feeling feelings that come from a known source cause. Emotions are able to affect the attitudes and behaviours of persons in a workplace. Positive emotions are happy, excited, and these result in better working productivity. Negative emotions can be anger, fear and guilt. Emotions can be later developed into feelings but some researcher say that emotions are feelings. Emotions can be depicted using three factors which are its direction (positive/negative), their intensity (increase or decrease) and the quality (type of product or service). Not everyone’s experiences emotions the in the same way, people differ and marketers should always learn to accept the different reactions of different people. Emotions are unconscious and are activated by external or internal stimuli that are not controllable. They are normally associated with specific events or occurrences and they are intense enough to disrupt productivity in a company. How do marketers deal with emotions in a business environment? Clients can be emotional due to bad services and products, a mistake are by an employee, experiencing a personal issue and these can alter behaviour to being aggressive and demand http//:ww.mondaq.com A marketer should first control their own emotion i.e. steady his or breathing when feeling irritated or angry, control their voice tones or speech so that the customer knows not become 1

aware of their emotion. The key to handling emotions as a marketer is to maintain and build a good rapport. 

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Demanding clients- a marketer should attentively listen and use their same language as the customer so as to build trust ad show understanding to what the customer is saying. The marketer must use close ended questions so as to control the conversation. Angry clients- marketer should know or enquire why the client is angry. If it is about a product, he or she must offer compensation or replacement and assure the client that the problem has been take n care of. Passive clients- the marketer must always ask open-ended questions to such clients that will probe that will probe them and allow them to talk freely and he or she should constantly ask if there is anything else the client need but try to remain within the business conversation. Talkative client-the marketer control the conversation, remain friendly and always be in line with the business context. Marketers should make their service seem very pleasurable ad essential so they make the clients free guilt free of making a purchase. Customer research in the form of open customer observations

Analyse the non-verbal cues given by customers i.e. mood boards, open ended interview

Use of buyer language

As marketers we should try very hard to cope with the different emotions of customers. Emotions can be defined by http//:www.variety.com as psychological, physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person or event that create a state of readiness. This definition can be grouped into four components which marketers try to deal with.   

Episodes- are brief events that rarely last a few minutes i.e. irritation with a client. Direction- towards an object, person or something They are experiences-which show changes in a person’s psychological condition such as increased blood pressure, perspiration and facial expression changes. Such emotional experiences can be involuntary and usually occur without awareness. The awareness of such experiences will result into feelings such a worry and boredom Readiness-this is due to the emotional experience i.e. when we get angry our blood pressure increase. Such…….Emotions cab also is defined as communication to our conscious senses. They influence our behaviour and attitudes toward something

There are various types of emotions but these can be put into 2 or three dimensions which are mostly recognised in the Circumplex model of emotions by …In a business environment, people experience a variety of emotions that shape the long term feeling that they are going to have toward that product, person or company. The more the consumer experiences positive emotions, the more they form positive attitudes and feelings towers that object as per the definition above. Emotional labour can be a way to manage emotions in a workplace. It refers to the effort, planning and control needed to express organizational desired emotions during interpersonal 2

interactions. People are expected to abide by such rules. For example the catch phrase “smile we are on stage’ is an example of emotional labour… in area lie Korea, people are expected to display a neutral behavior that subdues their emotions and minimize contact with the customer…. In Spain, people are expected to be transparent when it comes to expressing their emotion. According to Robert Plutchik (2001) there are 8 primary emotions which are anticipation, anger ,trust, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust and fear. There are also various theories that surround the evolution of emotions. According to K, D, Forest and M, Lee (2004) emotions are a stae of arousal involving facial and body changes, brain activation, cognitive appraisal, subjective feelings and tendencies toward action shaped by cultural rules. They can be grouped into primary emotions which are considered to be universal and biologically based such as joy, surprise and fear whilst secondary emotions are those that develop with cognitive maturity and vary across individual cultures.


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