Emotional Mentalism by Luca Volpe .pdf

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To my wonderful wife Rebecca

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011



Copyright Luca Volpe 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this book, text or photo, may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, stored in a retrieval system, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. No part of this book may be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. The purchaser of this book owns full performance rights for private, TV and public performances.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Special thanks to: Titanas Magic, Kenton Knepper,Richard Webster, Neal Scryer, Scott Grossberg,Pablo Amirà, Jerome Finley, Anthony Jaquin Bryn Reynolds

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Foreword by Pablo Amirà I met Luca some years ago and I soon realized that he is a different kind of performer. He is a very busy person who is constantly performing, in many different styles, for all kinds of audiences. I own his previously published work and all of his ideas are very simple, as is all good mentalism, workable, clever and commercial, but one day I discovered that Luca was not only a “Mentalist” and a “Magician” but also an “Energy Worker” and that really caught my attention. Some time ago, Luca asked me to write the foreword for his new book about “Psychic Parties” and immediately two thoughts came to mind. The first one was “Why me?” and the second was “I want to read this”. When I started to read his ideas and insights into engineering psychic entertainment I understood why I should read this (and in the end, why everyone needs to read this) and why I’m here giving you the introduction to this book. Luca's ideas are so elegantly and wonderfully created that anyone (even a non expert like me) can understand the beauty of the moments that can be created with the information that you can find in here, you just need to read carefully and be open. Be open to understand that our craft is REALLY powerful and that we can create REAL events in people’s lives when our participants are open as well. Here you will find real life thoughts about the important factors enabling you to create emotional experiences in performance, which completely made sense with my own characteristics as a performer.

During performances I try not only to entertain but to also create mystery that can stir emotions and after reading Luca´s new book I can absolutely say that I have learnt new ideas to incorporate into my own work as a performer.

Maybe from here you will start to create Psychic Parties, maybe not, but the incredible thing is that in a conscious or unconscious way you will learn how to improve your connection with humans in the context of your performance. Prepare your mind for something completely different. Don’t expect to find new “effects”, rather how to take simple methods, add your own power as a performer and create “experiences”. Don't, by any means, think that in here you will find “tricks”, rather real moments that can be very profound and symbolic to your participants. These pages contain little pieces of gold that will open your mind to new possibilities concerning performance of Mentalism or as Luca calls it, “Emotional Mentalism”.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


EMOTIONAL MENTALISM I have been performing magic and mentalism for over 25 years now and more than anything, the experience has taught me how to deal with any kind of person, from all around the world. It has also taught me one very important thing: people in general want to be touched emotionally. What you are about to read are the results of lots of research, practice and study, which will give you the chance to be different to all the rest and deliver that special touch. In this book you will not find ‘magic tricks’ but ‘pure touches of emotions’ that will keep you remembered forever. My past works (books and DVD's) are completely different in nature from what you are going to read now. Here we will deal with energy, dreams, psychic visions and much, much more. I doubt that many of you are aware that I am a professional, certified crystal Therapist and Energy Worker and this knowledge has helped me a LOT to understand people and their behaviour. In this book, I will share with you my closest secrets to creating unforgettable moments of wonder. I have invested time and money in courses, specialization's and hundreds of hours of live performances and now my work is here, in your hands! One important point: I won’t try to make you believe in certain things. However, what we do know from our experience as "mystery performers" is that if WE believe in what we do, we will make it BELIEVABLE for spectators, so, please be open minded to the following studies and try to see beyond what they are. All of the routines explained in this book have to be presented as 100% REAL, especially as some of the things are real, and you will see how you can become a "memorable entertainer". Before we start, let me just say a big thank you to my mentors and friends Kenton Knepper and Jerome Finley, for their support and inspiration, and obviously, if you haven’t done so already, I highly suggest that you start to read their work, immediately! THE POWER OF CRYSTALS Most of the routines in this book will involve the use of crystals, which for me are the purest and most beautiful gifts we have from nature. Therefore, I want to give you a basic knowledge of the power of crystals, and their basic uses. Crystals were used for many purposes, which include: - Energy work/healing - Dowsing - Awakening and developing psychic abilities - Increasing mental capacity and clarity of thought - Meditation/connecting with source - Working with magnetic fields/forces - Storing records and other knowledge (much like a computer) - Huge crystal tower used as power generator - Communication : Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over great distance. Crystals received power from a variety of sources, including the sun, the Earth energy grid system, or from each other.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Energy medicine: is very relevant when it comes to healing power between mind and body. Energy medicine is based on the belief that the human body is composed of energy fields. when the energy is properly distributed and circulating freely, the body is healthy,. Imbalances or abnormal amounts of energy are believed to indicate an excess or deficiency. Medicine Bag: Put your crystals in a pouch and carry with you! This is one of the most interesting and oldest remedies. Usually 2-4 crystals are carried or worn on the person or placed in a certain area and can be used for anything, from healing to psychic awareness, healing an emotional wound as in discouragement or sorrow, or bringing about such aspects as love, money, protection, guidance, spiritual attunement, strength. Crystal Elixirs: It is recommended to place clean stones or crystals into clean, clear distilled water and place it in the morning sun through the day and into the night of a full moon for 24 hours. This allows the (male) sun energy and (female) moon energy to reflect through the water and into the crystals therefore charging the water with this vibrational force of light and color. Crystal Hydrotherapy: is the use of water in any form, in the treatment of disease. Hydrotherapy was used by the ancient Greek physicians. Hydrotherapy and crystals have a number of uses. Crystals salts with warm water will relax spasm; therefore, hydrotherapy has been useful in treating such conditions as muscular strains and sprains, muscular fatigue, and backache. If your crystal can tolerate water, then bathing with the crystal energy is a great way to work with your stone. Crystal Massage: Use some essential oil, massage oil or lotion on your stone and massage the areas which feel blocked or stuck. You will find this a great remedy. Incorporate hot stones for massage, energy soothing or combine this with crystals on the face for an etheric experience. Crystal Meditation: Place your crystal in your dominant hand or on the floor in front of you. Close your eyes and concentrate on the color of your stone. Slowly try to vibe with the crystal's energy. Remember: "Energy follows thought". The imagery of visualization is very powerful! As you breath, you may inhale and exhale through the Chakra points. This will charge the Chakra and surrounding organs with vital energy. You may utilize the vibrational power of sound or music during your session. The stones will enhance a positive, reconnecting flow of energy, which will allow you to bring up, recognize and clear emotional blocks. By "laying of the stones" on the Chakra points, (energy areas) you have begun the healing. While meditating, you may choose to have them visualize the corresponding color of each Chakra energy point saturating and balancing each part of their body. Below are the Chakra centers and their corresponding colors, complement colors and location.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Aura Cleansing: Is another way to effect our human energetics. The laying of stones to effect the Aura can be done in order to prevent, heal or cleanse our life force field. Crystal Gridding: is the "laying of the stones" around the body in order to work with the Aura and Auric fields. There are many ways to grid with crystals based on their color and properties. Cleansing Your Crystals Crystal cleansing can be done several ways: - Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours. - Bury it in the earth for 24 hours. - Place your crystal to be charged in a bowl of tumbled hematite stones or tumbled quartz crystal. - Run your crystal under room temperature or warm water. - Some crystals can be place in sea salt water. One teaspoon of Sea Salt in a glass bowl in cool water. Place the crystals in the water. Make sure the crystals are covered with water. Let them bathe in the water for 24 hours. This is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the power of your crystals. It washes away the negative energy it has absorbed and recharges it with the positive healing energy again. Not to be cleansed in Salt Water: - Alabaster - Calcite - Carnelian - Hematite - Labradorite (Spectrolite) - Lepidolite -Moldivate - Opal - Turquoise - Ulexite -Use caution only with the softer Mica and crystalline stones May fade in Sunlight: - Amethyst - Celestite -Opal - Turquoise Smudge your crystal with sweet grass, sage, cedar or incense. Pass the crystal several times through the wafting smoke. Crystal cluster make great chargers and can cleanse any crystal by placing it on top of the cluster for 24 hours. Soaking your crystal in flower water with the petals of the flowers such as rose, honeysuckle, orange blossoms for 24 hours will cleanse the crystal of all it's negative energy. If a particular crystal should not be placed in water, simply place them in a bowl of flower petals. Note: The information above is from my course (work book) "Gemstone Therapy Course".

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


CRYSTAL PSYCHOMETRY This routine has been close to me for a long time now and over the years, it has become a favourite to present at my private psychic parties. It is very strong and works wonders. As always, I try to combine well known methods with different ideas, and what I LOVE here is that this routine MAKES SENSE! In the past I have played with a few ideas involving psychometry routines (of which my signature "Psychometry Drawing Extended" is an example) but those routines were much more commercial and completely different. I always wanted to have something more intimate and "deep", and thanks to the love I have for crystals, this routine was born. In this routine there are no marked envelopes or anything of the kind, and what the spectators feel is a real connection with you and the crystals. Plus, the most important thing is that after the routine they will feel full of energy and revitalized! EFFECT: There are five chairs on stage, one in the center and two on either side. You are sitting center stage with a singing bowl on your lap which contains four crystals. Ask a spectator to come on stage and give him a black hood to check and prove that he can't see through it, ask him to blindfold you and when finished, to stand behind you and wait for further instructions. Tell the people that in a moment you are going to play a sound on the singing bowl and as the sound starts they need to feel the energy that surrounds them. When they feel a special sensation or urge to stand up, they need to come to you, reach in the bowl, take one of the crystals and sit on one of the chairs. This operation is repeated four times in order to find four spectators. Once all four spectators have a crystal, tell them to close their eyes and start to feel attuned to their crystal. After a few moments of concentration, give the singing bowl to your helper and ask him to go to the spectators, collect the crystals and give them back to you. When you have the bowl back, you will remove the blindfold and taking one crystal at a time you give a perfect personality reading of the owner of the crystal. You then, give them back their crystal. Before the explanation, let me point out a few important features: 1. This routine is very easy to do. 2. The idea to use the crystals and the singing bowl makes perfect sense as the people involved will transfer their energy to the crystals, which have been "charged" with the power of the sound. 3. The reading is very simple as the color they choose and the meaning of the crystal will tell you a LOT. 4. The idea that you feel their energy through the crystal will make them feel empowered and full of energy, they will perceive this as an "exchange of energy" between them and the crystal. 5. They will feel positive and revitalized.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


EXPLANATION: By mixing some well known methods I created something that, for me, is a pure piece of psychic entertainment. Please don't be afraid by the simplicity of the routine, this is something that if you ‘sell it’ well, it will keep you being remembered for a long time! Firstly, let me tell you what you will need: -Four large, beautiful, polished crystals of the following colors: Yellow, Red, Green, Black (check the “new age shops” section) -A Tibetan singing bowl and the mallet to play it. (check the “new age shops” section) -A blindfold ( I personally use the dark ‘Vision Hood’ from Osterlind as it gives me perfect vision straight ahead, however, as long as you are comfortable you can use any blindfold you like, even with a downward peek) -Five chairs PERFORMANCE I am going to explain to you the basic performance (handling, positions on stage, etc..) and then I will give you my full script, which will make this routine very believable. Prepare five chairs on stage, as shown in the diagram, you will be sitting on the center chair and the audience will be in front of you. To your right you have a table that has the singing bowl, with the crystals inside, and the blindfold. Choose a member of the audience as your helper (preferably a women) and ask her to check the blindfold (I put the hood on her head and I turn it around to show her that it is completely dark!). Sit on the chair and ask her to stand behind you and to follow your instruction.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Put the blindfold on (with the side you can see through) and ask her to take the singing bowl and the mallet from the table and give them to you (you need to act as though you can't see anything. I keep my eyes closed when she gives me the bowl so that it looks as genuine as possible). Tell her to put her hands on your shoulders as soon as the people are in front of you, this will be the signal to stop playing the bowl, give the spectator the time to put their hand inside and take one of the crystals. Start to play the bowl again and wait for a spectator to come on stage. You can have your eyes closed until your helper puts her hands on your shoulders. Tell the spectator in front of you to take a crystal from the bowl and make sure you do not refer to male or female when asking them to sit on a chair. Obviously, you are going to remember the person and which crystal they have taken. If you have a blindfold where you do a downward peek, you will need to remember their shoes or something particular of what they are wearing, as you have the bowl in your lap. However, I highly suggest that you use a blindfold where you can make a straightforward peek. I use a simple mnemonic system that connects the color of the stone to the chair in which they are sat. After that, you are ready to repeat the same operation three more times. Obviously, the last spectator will not have a chance to "choose" a crystal, but you can say that in this case it is the crystal that has chosen him! Once all of the spectators have a crystal, ask them to hold the crystal in their closed left fist, to concentrate on it and to be attuned with it (more of this later in the script). After a few moments of concentration, ask your helper to take the bowl from you and to collect the crystals from the spectators, once she has done this, ask her to give the bowl back to you. Remove the blindfold and start to take one crystal at a time, give a personality reading and hand the crystal back to the owner. I ALWAYS give the crystals to the spectators as a gift at the end of each reading because now they are attuned and energetically connected with them. It is also acceptable to only make the personality reading and then reveal who the crystal belongs to, however, from my experience, when they go back to their seats with an actual gift from their experience, I can tell you that they will remember that moment forever. Also the crystal is something that they can ALWAYS have with them...so think about how that can create HUGE advertising!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Now let me explain to you how I have split the different ways in which to give the crystals back to their owners. FIRST CRYSTAL: I take it from the bowl, I rub it in my hands and I start to receive impressions, after the reading I give it back to the owner. SECOND CRYSTAL: I hold the crystal in the palm of my left hand and I pass my right hand on top of it for a feeling of the energy. I start to give the reading, then I pass my hand over the heads of the other three spectators to feel the same energy (I repeatedly put my hand on the stone and then on their heads, back and forth) then, when I feel the same "energy attunement" I give the crystal back to the owner. THIRD AND FOURTH CRYSTAL: I hold the last two crystals on the open palm of my left hand and I tap both of the crystals with my crystal wand, then I point with the tip of the wand, to the third eye of the last two spectators. I start to give a reading of both of the crystals and again, I use the crystal wand to attune the energy with their third eye to finally reveal the owners. This is how I perform the different readings/revelations. I think the use of the crystal wand is a truly magical moment. I can tell you that 100% of the time when you point to their third eye with the crystal wand and you ask them if they feel a tingling sensation between their eyebrows, they really will feel something. This is a real physical sensation that happens if you concentrate you attention to the center of your eyebrows, you will feel a kind of heavy sensation or tingling. Please stop reading for a minute and try it now! After this routine, you can move straight to my HEALING PROGRAM SUGGESTION described in this book, which is a perfect link as you will be using the crystal wand again. Also, the guests will already be suggestion-able to the power of the wand, they will be more receptive in collaborating with you. THE CRYSTALS: For this routine you will need four large sized crystals, you can find these in any new age shop. I have included a list of links in the "new age shops" section, where you can purchase, at good prices, all of the items you need for the routines in this book. If you need a certain quantity of crystals, of medium quality, at good prices, please let me know and I will be happy to help you. The main thing is that the crystals you are going to use, need to be of the following colors: Yellow (Citrine Quartz or any yellow stone) Red (Red Jasper or any red stone) Green (Green Aventurine or any green stone) Black (Black Obsidian or any black stone) Why these colors? Well the answer is simple! Firstly, these are the colors of crystals that are easy to find, which means that if you can’t find a yellow citrine quarts you can easily substitute it for a number of different yellow crystals. Secondly, these colors are perfect for readings and they will reveal so much about the person that has chosen that particular color, you will find it so easy to expand the readings, you won’t believe it!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE MEANING OF THE CRYSTALS: Here you can find the basic meanings of the crystals and in the main script you will find a small example of readings for each one. It is essential that you expand the reading in base of the person that you have in front of you, the age, the sex and also on how he or she reacts to the things that you are telling them. When I perform readings I NEVER use stock lines, I ALWAYS say what that person makes me feel and honestly I NEVER! Just let your feelings and emotions take control and you will surprise yourself! YELLOW CRYSTAL: The color yellow is related to positive emotions/people. Whoever chooses this crystal has a great personality and a good sense of humor. They like to be with other people and have fun. These people are well connected with their own emotions and very sensitive to things that happen around them. They can easily become stressed and don't have a good way of controlling their actions. They have an artistic streak and are often musical or enjoy painting. They tend not to be very good to administer their money (they like shopping!) and fall in love very easily but have difficulties in forgiving. They are dreamers and love to see a bright future for themselves. They give 100% of themselves when they are in love. RED CRYSTAL: The color red is related to energy/passion. Whoever chooses this crystal is a person that likes to keep their feet on the ground. They are not dreamers and they like action! These people are very passionate but sometimes this passion can be shown in an aggressive way. They like to be with other people but can become irritated if someone enters their "private world". Very active and independent, often they are leaders. A little impatience and impulsive but very practical and they enjoy manual work. GREEN CRYSTAL: The color green is related to success/business. Whoever chooses this crystal is a person that is fully focused on work and business. They are a sensitive person and very close to their family. These people are very generous and loving but sometimes they can be jealous and possessive. They like to live a good life concerning health and money but are scared of any big changes. They can easily become tired as they are not big fans of physical work. They tend to be writers or their job/hobby is related to something scientific. BLACK CRYSTAL: The color black is related to deep feelings/dreaming. Whoever chooses this crystal is a dreamer but also very well grounded. They are very thoughtful people with a great ability to understand others as they are great listeners. Normally, those who like this color tend to be a little closer to material things. They are scared of the future and sometimes become a little negative. These people have innate psychic powers and occasionally they can sense things before they happen.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE SCRIPT This is the full script I use, it has been perfected after hundreds of hours worth of live performances. Please study it properly and once you have absorbed it, feel free to make it your own so that it is suitable to you and your personality. Good evening everyone, tonight I’m going to share with you the power of one of the most precious gifts from nature: crystals. It is widely known that if we are attuned to crystals, they can truly become part of us, giving us energy, and, in turn, our own personality can be transferred to them in a very unique way. Here I have four crystals, a yellow citrine quartz, a red jasper, a green aventurine and a black obsidian which I’m going to place in my singing bowl. Through the sound of the singing bowl, we can energize the crystals and also energetically clean them. In a moment, I will be blindfolded and I will sit on this chair, with the singing bowl on my lap, I will start to sound the bowl. I need that all of you listen to the sound and allow yourselves to feel relaxed. At some point a few of you will feel connected to the sound and have a strong urge to stand up or move from you chairs. Please, if you feel this, just let it happen, stand up from your chair and come to me, then take any crystal you prefer and sit on a chair. I will need four people to do this, so if you find that there are more than four of you, those that are closest to the stage can continue to be part of the experiment. I need one lady here to help me...please can you come on stage? Thank you very much! What's your name? Rebecca, great to meet you, I need you to be witness to what I’m going to do today and make sure that it is absolutely legitimate. Here I have a dark hood, I would like you to put it on so that you can check it is impossible to see anything, please turn it around to check the other side...is it dark?...good. (I am now sat on the chair). Please, tie the hood under my neck so that there is no way I can peek...thank you. Rebecca, on the table there is my singing bowl and inside there are some crystals, can you please put them in any order you want? Good, now please can you give me the bowl and the mallet? Thank you. Rebecca, please stand behind me and be ready to touch my shoulders as soon as there is someone in front of me, like this I know that I have to stop playing the bowl and allow the person to put their hand in the bowl. Let's start (I start to play the bowl), please can everybody close your eyes and relax, imagine that the crystals and the pure sound of the bowl starts to go inside you...deeper and deeper, the more you hear the sound of the bowl the deeper it enters inside of you. The feeling to stand up and move from your chair becomes stronger and stronger...let it happen and you will feel great, full of energy. (The first person comes to me and Rebecca touches my shoulders) Thanks Rebecca, so we have the first person here in front of me, please don't say anything as I don't want to be helped by the sound of your voice, please reach into the bowl and take one of the crystals, when you have done this, go to sit on a chair. Thanks. Ok, now again, I am going to play the sound, this time if someone is already stand up, they can come here without waiting. (I play the sound again)

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Ok, I feel your arm on my shoulders Rebecca, we have the second person here. Please take any crystal and sit on the chair. We have two crystals left, the last person will obviously not have a chance to choose a crystal and this means that it is the crystal that chooses the person, which is even better! Let's repeat this process. Feel relaxed as you hear the sound, for those of you that don't feel the urge to stand up, please concentrate on the sound and let all stresses and fears travel out and away through the bottom on your feet...breathe deeply and relax...good. Thanks Rebecca, here is the third person. Please reach inside and choose one of the last two crystals and sit on a chair, thanks. For the final time I will strike the bowl three times, if you feel a strong sensation to move or stand up, please do so. I need just one more person, so whoever stands up and is closest to me is the one to come here (I strike the bowl three times). Here we have the final person, Rebecca thanks again. In front of me is the last person, before you take the remaining crystal, I have to tell you that what has happened is something very special as it is you that has been chosen by the crystal. Please take the crystal and sit on the last chair. Now is the time to become attuned to your crystals. Please sit comfortably on your chairs and keep your crystal between the palm of your hands. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, imagine projecting yourself in the crystal, imagine that you and the crystal start to become just one thing. The crystal starts to take on your personality and becomes a part of you....very good, now take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Rebecca, please take this bowl and collect their crystals for me, once you have finished, please hand the bowl back to me. (Once I have the bowl, I will remove the dark hood) Hello, nice to see you! A big thank you for coming on stage, I promise that you will never forget this moment and I also promise, that afterwards, you will feel wonderfully revitalized! (Now I stand up and I give Rebecca the bowl to hold, she will be on my right side and the people will be sat on either side of me, two on the left and two on the right, the rest of the audience is in front obliviously!) Ok, so now the crystals I have in this bowl represent you and your personalities. Let me see if I can pick up some information from them, please don't give me any clues as to who the owners are. (I pick the yellow stone and I start to rub it) Whoever chose this stone is a positive person, they have a great personality and sense of humour, they like to be surrounded by other people and have lots of friends. I can see that in the last few days you have been a little stressed, something is worrying you at the moment, probably something relating to your career. I feel that this stone is yours, right? What’s your name? John! You chose a beautiful crystal and this tells me a lot about you, I can see that great things will happen to you in your future. You will have great chances in your life but you need to believe more in your potential. I can see some big changes for you in the next 2 years. This crystal is for you, please keep it with you always, as it will give you energy and motivation for when you need it.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


(I take the red stone, put it in my left palm and I start to feel the energy) The color of this stone means energy and passion, so someone here has a lot to do in their life. Let me try to feel who is attuned with this crystal. Please don't help me (I start to move my hand from the crystal to the heads of the last three spectators, feeling the energy). This is a person that has their feet on the ground, very practical and very straight talking, they like action! I feel that this is yours? Am I correct? What is your name? Carol! Carol, you have a great energy in all that you do and when you decide to do something, there is nothing that can stop you! I can see that you are moving abroad in the next few years, probably for work and I feel that you will be involved in a business partnership, I can see you as a leader in the future! Try to be less impulsive because sometimes it is better to think before act. You are a great person Carol! This is for you! (I put the last two stones in my left palm and I start to tap them with the crystal wand) For the last two crystals I want to use this beautiful crystal wand which will help me become attuned to your energy with the crystals. (I tap one of the stones and point to the third eye of the last two spectators) I feel energy from the green crystal, one of you has to be a good business person, very sensitive and also close to the family. This is a person that can sometimes become a little possessive and can tire easily. I can see a very bright future for this person, especially in the work area, probably a promotion or something similar, very positive! Now, for the black crystal (I’m still tapping with the wand while I speak and then pointing to the third eye of the last two spectators) oh, we have a dreamer here, but at the same time this is a person well grounded and practical. This person has a special ability to understand others, he also has a kind of psychic power... he can sense the things before they happen. I feel that this person will have some changes in their life, over the next 10 months, something relating to travel. (Again I tap the crystals with the wand) I feel the energy from your third eye is attuned with the green crystal, and your third eye is attuned with the black crystal, am I right? Great! What are your names? Adam and Sarah, please keep these crystals with you always! And let's make a big round of applause for all of our special participants (I ask all of them to stand up, including my helper, and to take a bow) and thanks again for joining me here on stage!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


TO CONCLUDE: Here you have my crystal psychometry act! Like all of the routines in this book, it is something to perform in intimate situations like psychic parties etc, somewhere that requires you to put all of your belief into it. For years now, I have been performing at psychic parties where I ONLY do routines of this kind and NEVER mix other classic mentalism routines with it. When you perform this type of routine, you need to convince the people that what you do and believe is real, even if you are "entertaining"! If you learn all of the routines in this book you will have a psychic parties show ready to go, that will fit in a suitcase! Plus, thanks to the basic knowledge I give you on the crystals, you will have the chance to sell "chakra sets" and various crystals after the show, but more information about that in the section "STRUCTURE OF MY PSYCHIC PARTIES".

Please, take care of this routine and make it yours, with your personality! I know that this routine will pay you back, many times over, the price of this whole book! Enjoy!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


How to play Tibetan Singing Bowls 1. Hold the singing bowl on the palm of the left hand. 2. Grasp the mallet about mid-length, with all the fingertips pointing downwards and touching the wood. Palm downward. 3. Gently tap the mallet against the side of the bowl to "warm-up" the bell. 4. With an even pressure, rub the mallet clockwise around the outside edge of the rim of the bowl. Use a full arm movement (not a wrist movement), and keep the mallet straight up and down.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE SOUND OF DREAMS Q & A I have always had a fascination with Q & A acts, but a full routine has always seemed too long for me. My personal performing style is direct and to the point, to be on stage answering 10-15 questions really doesn't fit a dynamic style of performance. I was looking for a short routine (maximum 6 minutes) that can incorporate Q & A, dreams and a few props that I use in my energy work sessions. After a long time researching and experimenting, THE SOUND OF DREAMS was born. I have been inspired by Annemann's "4th dimensional telepathy" and Bob Cassidy’s "Three envelopes Test", however, the method I use is completely different. This act has served me well for a long time now and I am very pleased to be able to share it with you! The method is very BOLD, but I can tell you that witnesses to this routine will keep on talking about it! So, sit back and enjoy, THE SOUND OF DREAMS! EFFECT You give three spectators from the audience a piece of paper each, ask them to write a question, concerning their dreams for the future, that they would like to know the answer to. Once they have completed that small task, you tell them to hold the pieces of paper face down, meanwhile, you collect the three pieces of paper in three opaque envelopes. You show the audience the singing bowl and tell them it will enable you to hear the sound of their dreams. Then you put the three envelopes in the singing bowl and start to sound the bowl with the mallet. After a little concentration, you start to pick up images and feelings about what is written in each of the envelopes, you are also able to identify who wrote the dreams and give a reading for their future. METHOD AND EXPLANATION Also here I have tried to combine an easy method with subtle nuances, it makes this routine absolute gold! Let me explain the method and the routine step by step, following this I have given you the full script. Firstly, to perform this routine, you will need the following props: 1. A medium sized Tibetan singing bowl (which can contain three small manilla envelopes spread out) and the mallet to play it. (See photo example for what it looks like with the envelopes inside) 2. Three manilla envelopes that can contain a business card size piece of paper. 3. Three pieces of thick, opaque paper, business card size. 4. Three sharpie markers in black. 5. An Exacto knife.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Before you start, you need to prepare TWO of the manilla envelopes in the following way: Cut a window into the back of two of the envelopes, big enough to allow you to see everything that is written on the piece of paper once it is inside the envelope (See photo example). With a pencil, mark these two envelopes at the side of the window (on the frame) with the numbers 1 and 2 (don't worry as nobody will ever see the back of these envelopes).

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


On the table or in your pocket, prepare the envelopes in the following order: From the top: Envelope no. 1 (window cut into the back) flap on top (as you will need to insert the piece of paper face down into the envelope and close the flap). Envelope no. 2 (window cut into the back) flap on top (as above). Envelope no. 3 (this is the normal envelope and the only one not numbered!) flap on top. Put an elastic band around them to hold it tightly and keep it in your pocket. Put the table to your right side. On the table will be the bowl, the mallet, the three piece of paper and the sharpies. ROUTINE Here is the basic steps and handling, without the script : After the introduction, take the three pieces of paper and the sharpies, give them to three spectators, ideally with distance between each. Ask them to write the question/dream onto the paper. Meanwhile, take the envelopes from your pocket, remove the elastic band and keep them in your right hand, in the order detailed above (see photo). Once the spectators have finished, go to the first one, take the piece of paper face down and slide it, still face down, into the first envelope. Close the envelope and place it at the bottom of the stack (always remember to keep you right hand open to avoid the window of the envelopes being seen from the bottom). Go to the second spectator and repeat the same process. You will now have the two "window" envelopes on the bottom and the normal envelope on top. Use this "psychological convincer" when taking this envelope and handing it to the last spectator, ask him to put his piece of paper inside, take the envelope back and place this one on the bottom of the envelopes that you already have in your hand. Now you have the envelopes in the starting position and you are free to show both sides while you are speaking. To do this you have to choose the last spectator from someone on the back row, where you have difficulties to reach, so that it creates the perfect excuse to give him the envelope. Psychologically this will be very effective because you indirectly show them that the envelopes are normal. Concerning a smaller situation like private parties, where the audience is in close proximity to each other, take the last piece of paper and slide it face down into the normal envelope. Slide this one underneath the other envelopes and again you are in the starting position. Put the envelopes onto the table in the same order you had them in your hand. Take the singing bowl and explain what you are about to do. Take the envelopes from the table, fan them out in your hands and put them face down in the singing bowl, the side of the windows facing you! The sides of a singing bowl turn inwards, which is perfect as it means that nobody can see what is inside. How beautiful is that?! (see photo to understand what it looks like from your point of view) Now, take the bowl and hold it on the palm of your left hand and take the mallet in your right hand, start to play. When playing the bowl you will hold it naturally just in front of you, which will be the perfect position to take a very natural peek, you can read straight into the window of the envelopes and nobody will notice it! WOW!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Now you know what is written in envelopes 1 and 2 (you are also able to see the numbers on them), but to be able to know what is written in the normal envelope you have to complete another step. Here is how: When you start to play the singing bowl, you state that you are feeling the energy of the dreams and you mention something related to envelope number 2. Then after a pause, you place the singing bowl on the table and take the normal envelope, which corresponds to spectator number 3, in your hand and start to rub it. You pass your hand in front of the three spectators so you can feel where the energy is coming from. After a moment of concentration, you find the owner (spectator number 2) and you start to do a reading about his dream (relating to the contents of envelope number 2).

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Then to confirm what you said is true, you open the envelope and miss-read the question with the one you previously read in the bowl from envelope number 2, at the same time memorizing what is written on the envelope that is from person number 3. Once you have finished and taken the applause, put the envelope and paper back in the bowl and pick up the bowl, holding it in front of you like before. Begin to play the bowl, again feeling the energy of the dreams but this time you say that you will not touch the envelopes, you will try to connect your feeling directly with the sound. So now you know all the information needed and you can start to do the readings and answer the questions for the last two dreams. Normally, after completing the reading for person number 2, I make a reading for person number 3 and then I finish with person number 1. Once you have finished the act, put the bowl back on the table with the envelopes inside, remove the papers from the envelopes (leaving the envelopes in the bowl) and give the pieces of paper back to the spectators. Ask them to fold the paper, sign it and keep it in their wallets as this will be positive help to reach their dreams! For special occasions I create a lucky bag, on the spot, which contains a small quartz crystal, a little coin, some incenses and the participant’s signed piece of paper. When I hand it to them, I tell them to hold the bag in their hands, each night, before going to sleep and to concentrate on their desires. This will help them to reach their dreams in a positive way and will be a good link between you and your clients.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE SCRIPT How many of you here, have a dream that you want to fulfil? I think most of you do...me included! Well tonight I would like to try to see, and answer, some of your dreams by using my inner vision. Here I have three pieces of paper, I would like to give one to you (I go to the first person and hand them a piece of paper and a sharpie) and also one piece of paper for you (same for the second person) and another for you (same for the third person), thank you. Now, (directed to the three spectators) I would like you to write, in the form of a question, the dream that you want to achieve. For example, you can ask: "Will I get that job?" or maybe "Will I move house?" but please don’t ask if you will win the lottery or anything of that kind, that would be truly impossible to predict, I would be somewhere else tonight if I could do that! Have you done that? Good, now keep the piece of paper face down, like this, so that I can’t see it. Now we are going to isolate your dreams in these envelopes. Please pass me your paper, thanks (I put this one in the first window envelope and then slide it to the bottom of the stack), please hand me your dream (I put this one in the second window envelope and slide it to the bottom of the stack) and please can you do this for me as I can't reach you, can you please put your piece of paper inside and close the flap for me? Great! (Now I take back his envelope, I put it on the bottom and I place the entire stack on the table) This (showing the singing bowl) ladies and gentlemen is a wonderful instrument for meditation, it helps to stimulate inner visions and tonight I will use it to feel the sound of your dreams. I am going to energetically charge your dreams with the sound of the singing bowl (I put the envelopes face down, in the bowl and I spread them for a better view through the windows. I start to sound the bowl with the mallet). I want everybody to relax and just concentrate on your dreams. For those that are not directly involved with the experiment, please concentrate on your own goals. Try to visualize, in your mind, achieving that goal, imagine yourself in the moment and think positively about the future (I peek the contents of envelope number 2). (I put the bowl on the table and take the normal envelope, which corresponds to spectator number 3 and I start to rub it with my right hand) I feel that this is something relating to love, something important, probably a wedding...is this dream related to you? (pointing to spectator number 2) good. I see that you have had some complicated relationships in the past and you were afraid to start a new relationship, but I feel that you believe and trust in this person and I am sure that if you both continue this way, you will have a beautiful life together! What's your name? Scarlett! Is the dream about your wedding, right? Let me check (now I open envelope number 3 and I miss-read the question with the one I previously peeked from number 2 and in the same time, I memorize what is written on this envelope)

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


"Will I get married soon?" Scarlett you have a great future in front of you! Be positive and everything will be great! (now I put the envelope and paper back in the bowl and I pick the bowl back up, holding it like before, and again, I start to play). Again, let's play the sound of your dreams and let me see if I can receive some more impressions... now I just want to concentrate on the sound and feel the energy that comes from your dreams.... (still holding the bowl in my hands, I start to receive an impression, because I now know the last two questions, I don't need to pick up the envelopes). One of you two, has some kind of problem finding a job, I think it is you, right? What's your name? Craig! (directed to spectator number 3). I can see that you have suffered through a very difficult period of your life, in which you were looking for the right job, and I can also see many unfulfilled promises, but now I see a new energy coming from you. You have the power to do what you want, if you keep on persisting, you will see, that you can get what you desire. (I play the bowl once more and I look into the eyes of spectator number 1) Now please concentrate on your dream, try to project yourself into the future and see yourself living this dream... perfect... just like that. I’m receiving an impression to do with travelling to a far away place, you want to move to Australia, right? Perfect! You want to move your business to Australia? Am I correct? I received a very strong energy from the sound and also from looking into your eyes. I see that you want to be a leader in the future and I see that you are making great plans for your business. I think you will be working in a partnership, which will help get you there, and I see that you have all the ability to do what you want. I know that you are the kind of person that once you have decided to do something, you will do it, no matter what it is you need to overcome. I see very good things for your future. (I remove the three pieces of paper from the envelopes that are still in the bowl, I give the papers back to their owners and I ask them to sign them and fold it into four). So, now is the moment to give energy to these dreams and make them happen! Here I have a little gift for each of you, (I give each participant a little drawstring bag which contains a little coin, some incense and a quartz crystal) it is a lucky bag. This bag contains a pure quartz crystal that will make your dreams crystal clear in your mind and will always give you good thoughts, the bag also contains incense and a lucky coin. Please put you folded piece of paper in the bag and tie it up. Now, if you really want to concentrate on your dreams you need to do something very simple, every night, before you go to sleep. Take this lucky bag in your hand and focus on your dream and you will feel more motivated and positive for the future. Good luck!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


TO CONCLUDE I would like you to imagine yourself at a private psychic party, performing this routine, imagine the atmosphere that you can create from the sound of the singing bowl, speaking about dreams and giving readings and tips on how to achieve those dreams. This is a rare beauty that will make your act unforgettable. Don't be afraid to do this routine with just three questions (even if you can use more questions, just take it one more step by using a bigger singing bowl!) I can tell you that this is the right amount of wonder to give your audience with this routine, as we say "less is more"! Take your time when performing, receive the impression from the sound and give them a beautiful reading of what you genuinely feel. Take time to look at them and in base of the question, try to expand as much as you can. Always look the person in the eyes but keep everyone involved and project a positive feeling to all. This is what it is about, not just answering questions or reading through opaque envelopes, it is giving people hope and positive suggestions for their dreams. The method will be secondary, what they remember will be the energy they felt during this act, a pure sense of deep connection between you and them. After this routine you can do anything, they will be "yours"!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


eMOTIONal ENERGY I LOVE this routine! The psychological impact is so strong and I have had so many bookings solely from this routine that it makes it a favorite. Like the majority of routines in this book, this is designed for intimate performances like psychic parties and lounge theaters, a maximum of 50/60 people, but it can easily be adapted for bigger venues. The entire act is based on "energy" and is built in such a way that it keeps a constant link between you and the guests for an entire week before and after the show. This is something to present to VIP’s and on special occasions, in fact, I only perform this act when I have bookings for psychic parties from high end guests, when I know that they will be helpful in my line of work or to create repeat bookings. EFFECT The week before the psychic party you ask the host to tell each guest to take a close up photo of their face and to bring it with them to the show. At one point, during your show, you ask the host to choose five people from those that have brought photos with them, then you give each person an envelope in which they are to put the photo inside. The host helps you by taking all of the envelopes from the spectators, mixing them and choosing just one. You ask the chosen people to come on stage and to form a line in front of you and the host, then you ask the host to hold, with you, the envelope that she chose. Tell her to feel the energy that radiates from it and to try to become attuned to the energy that she feels with one of the people in the line. After testing the energy from the line of people she will be able to give the envelope to the owner of the photo! Once that is completed, all of the other spectators go back to their seats, leaving the chosen spectator and photo on stage. You hold a crystal wand to the photo between the eyebrows (third eye) and make small movements, the spectator starts to feel the energy moving and a strange feeling of pressure. Then you make a reading and conclude the routine by giving her a special memento that she can keep with her forever.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


PROPS As you can see, this routine contains many moments of wonder! Firstly, those that are involved are expecting something great as the build up begins the week before, then a psychometry routine performed by the host (with no pre-show at all!), an "invisible touch" routine (inspired by courses in Energy Work and Crystal Medicine Therapy) follows and to conclude, a perfect reading with a special gift that you give to the participant! Let me first explain what you need in order to perform this routine: -5 opaque envelopes that you mark in the following ways: N.1 a small dot on the left side (on the flap) N.2 a small dot on the right side (on the flap) N.3 a small dot on the bottom left side N.4 a small dot on the bottom right side N.5 no mark -A Crystal wand (check the "new age shops" section) -A Yellow Crystal to give to the spectator at the end of the routine

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


DETAILED ROUTINE AND EXPLANATION Let's analyze the routine step by step, following this there is the full script. The first thing you need to do is contact the host that is organizing the psychic party and tell her that you are going to do an experiment during the show which requires the collaboration of the guests. Tell the host that it is an important element of the show and will partly determine the success of the evening. Explain that you need at least 10 people to make a close-up photo of their faces, they need to print the photo and bring it with them to the show. Don't be concerned about this, if it is your first time organizing a psychic party let me reassure you that people turn up to witness strange happenings, so they will be more than happy to collaborate, trust me! On the night of the show, prepare the five marked envelopes in order, starting from the top with no. 1 to 5 and put them on the table. Ask those that made the photos to raise their hands (let's say that 15 people out of 30 guests have photos with them). Call the host on stage and tell her to choose 5 people from those with photos, the chosen guests are to stand up at this point. Once the five people have been selected, take the envelopes, hand them out from left to right in order (so that person No.1 will be on the far left and person No. 5 will be on the far right) and tell them to put their photos inside, to seal the envelope and to check that it is impossible to see through. Ask the host to take all of the envelopes from the spectators (notice that the spectators are still standing up in their places) and to mix them, then ask her to choose just one. At this point try to peek the mark that is on the envelope, if you can't do it in her hands just take the envelope and peek the mark! Now YOU KNOW who this envelope belongs to, thanks to the fact that the spectators are still stood up in their places, all you have to do is count from left to right! Once you have identified the owner of the envelope/photo, ask the five people to come on stage and to make a line in front of you and the host, make sure that the owner of the photo is second in line. The participants make a line, standing shoulder to shoulder (but with a little space between each), from downstage to up stage, while you and the host stand, shoulder to shoulder, facing them (see the diagram).

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Ask the host to hold the envelope flat in her left hand and you then place your right hand on top (fingers on top to hold the envelope and thumb underneath, so it is touching the back of her hand). Here you need to play a little with double speaking and psychology so that the host stops in front of the right person. Firstly, you need to say some important, key sentences that I will give you here and repeat in the full performance/script. The key sentences are: "I want you to relax and to try to feel an impression from this envelope, but I want you to think with your subconscious. Let your intuition go and at one point you will feel to stop, but keep in mind that we are going to connect our energy together, so we will move together and we will stop together, this is important, just allow yourself to be transported by the movement, Let our energy move at the same time". When you say the words "you will feel to stop", stay between participants numbers 4 and 5, thus psychologically removing these two people from the choice. When you say the words "we will stop together", stay in front of person number 3 and this will potentially remove this person from the choice. Obviously, these are just psychological aspects that we need to incorporate into the routine, in order to make it work. However, we need to be 100% sure fire, so how can we do this? Well, the answer is very simple: YOU GUIDE THE HOST TO STOP IN FRONT OF THE RIGHT PERSON! I know that it sounds bold, but I can tell you that NOBODY will understand how it works, including the host! You need to move back and forth, left to right and NEVER STOP, creating confusion! At one point, during the movements, I start to eliminate people (see script), often eliminating numbers 1 and 5 first. Then, continuing to hold the hand of the host, I NEVER let her hand go throughout the process, I go to numbers 3 and 4, back and forth, until I eliminate number 4. Then, I move to the last two remaining people and I start to move again. Imagine to do a routine of contact mind reading, in which you move with your participant without stopping, this has the same feeling that you need to give the audience here, the only difference is that you already know where to go but you need to give the audience the sensation that it is the host that is transporting you! At this point you will stop in front of the right person (number 2) and ask the host to give the envelope to this person, when the chosen participant opens the envelope they will find their own photo inside. You have just ended the first section of the routine, you take the opportunity to thank all of the people that were involved and the host for her help. The chosen participant remains on stage for the second part of the routine. The following section is much more relaxed, so you need to completely change the atmosphere. Ask her (let’s assume we have a lady) to sit on a chair that you have prepared for her on stage and tell her to relax. Ask her to give you the photo. Hold her photo on the palm of your left hand and with your right hand start to move the crystal wand, on the photo, in circles between the eyebrows on her "third eye". In the same time, tell her to look at the photo and the wand and to concentrate all her attention to the centre of the eyebrows.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


At one point, (this is a psychological element that ALWAYS happens) she will start to feel the sensation of pressure between her eyebrows (you can try this now... concentrate your attention between your eyebrows and you will feel it!), the more you ask her to concentrate, the more the pressure builds up. Once she has successfully felt this sensation, tell her to change her focus and look at your third eye, you are now looking at each other. Now you ask her to keep feeling this sensation, to imagine a beam of light that connects her third eye with yours and to send all of her feelings to you. You keep looking into her eyes and give her a reading about her past and future. Once you have finished the reading, you proceed with the "long term third eye positive suggestion" (more details in the script) and give her a yellow crystal that she is to keep with her every time she feels her energy levels are low. Take her back to the chair and thank everybody for their efforts in making the picture. Normally, after the show, I ask for ALL of the photos of the audience members and their email addresses, I tell them that I will send each of them a personal reading based on the photos of their faces and expression (for more info on "face reading", check the available publications on this topic). This is another tip on how to create repeat bookings!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE SCRIPT Ladies and Gentlemen, a week ago, I told our host to ask you all to bring close-up photos of your faces, does anyone have their photo here with them? Perfect. How many of you have photos? Fifteen? Excellent thank you for taking the time to do that! Please (directed to the host) can you choose 5 of these people for me. (While she is choosing the people to participate, you can ask her if she would like to change her mind). I would like the five chosen people to stand up for me please. Here I have some envelopes, please put your picture inside, seal it and check that you can't see through, thank you. Now "host" please can you collect the envelopes, give them a good mix and choose anyone you prefer... perfect! I would like to invite the five chosen people on stage... can you all come here? Thank you! Please stay in a line, like that in front of us...thanks! Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to do an experiment that is based on "energy" and how we can attune our feelings together. Before we start, I want to remind you that no one, including me and the "host", know which photo is inside each envelope, please can I have maximum attention and concentration from everyone. Now (directed to the host), I want you to relax and to try to feel an impression from this envelope, but I want you to think with your subconscious. Let your intuition go and at one point you will feel to stop, but keep in mind that we are going to connect our energy together, so we will move together and we will stop together, this is important, just allow yourself to be transported by the movement, Let our energy move at the same time. Very good, keep moving, I feel the energy a little lower on this side... and this side too...can you feel it, right? Good, please can you take a step back (directed to participants numbers 1 and 5). Ok, you are doing a really good job! Continue like that, you have understood perfectly what you need to feel! Again, keep moving, yes I feel that your energy is a little lower here...did you feel that? Good, please can you step back too? Thanks (directed to participant number 4). We now have the last two participants here in front of you, please concentrate and keep your intuition flowing, just as before, perfect. Yes, I definitely feel that you are more attuned to this person than the other participant, do you feel how your body is more rigid here and more relaxed here? (relaxed in front of number 3 and rigid in front of number 2, which in this case is the owner of the photo). So now you can give her the envelope and let's hope that your feelings were right! Please can you open the envelope and check if your photo is inside? PERFECT! Ladies and Gentlemen, let's make a big round of applause to the psychic powers of our host! Now, please can you stay here with me on stage (speaking to the owner of the photo), everybody else may go back to their seats, thank you! Please sit down on this chair and take a deep breath for me, perfect, another one and another one, that’s perfect. I would like to try something special with you, I know that you are a very talented and receptive person, so you will make this experiment work perfectly.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


This photo is attuned with you, in some way you have transmitted your energy to the photo, so if I’m going to do something to this photo you should feel an invisible touch or a feeling of pressure. Here I have my crystal wand and I’m going to move the energy field of the wand around your third eye, here, between your eyebrows. Please look at the photo and direct all your attention to the middle of the eyes...perfect...like that...keep looking at the wand and the photo and keep your attention in the middle of your eyebrows. In a moment you will feel a strange sensation, a feeling of touch and pressure in the middle of your eyes...perfect, keep concentrating, your are doing really well! What do you feel now? (she will say she feels pressure) perfect...you are doing great! Please keep concentrating, the more you concentrate and the more I move the wand on the photo, the pressure sensation will increase more and more, do you feel it? (sometimes the feeling is so strong that they will ask you to stop moving the wand!) Ok, now I want that you look between my eyes and try to transmit your feelings to me, from your third eye to my third eye, let your feelings go and your thoughts moving. Your emotions are a little down at the moment, recently you had a difficult period to overcome but I see that something good will happen to you soon, you have a lot of things planned for your future! Now I’m projecting all my positive thought to you, please imagine a beam of yellow bright light that connects your third eye with mine. Keep looking at this light, imagine to project yourself forward, two months from now and see yourself, finally, relaxed and full of happiness, do you feel this? Good, now please imagine that this energy is condensed into one sphere of light, there, in the center of your eyes, THIS will be your "fuel", your reserve of positive thoughts and happiness. EVERY TIME you feel down or stressed, just close your eyes, focus your attention on your third eye, RELEASE some of the energy and let this expand through your body. In a moment I will release this pressure and you will feel fully relaxed and full of positive energy...take a deep breathe...my positive energy is IN YOU, ready to be released any time you need it. Please take this (I give here a yellow crystal). As you know, crystals are known to store energy and this will be your reserve of positive energy. Every time you need to "recharge" your energy fields, lay down and put this crystal on your third eye. Always keep this with you. I thank you for sharing your feelings with us. Let's make a big round of applause for our friend! Thanks to all of you for the effort in making the photos, I will do something special for you. At the end of the show, please leave your photos on my table with your email addresses on the back. I will prepare a reading for each of you and I will send them out via email in a week or so.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


CONCLUSION This routine has so many moments of wonder that can easily be a solo act! You will see how strong the emotional reaction will be! And thanks to the readings that you give to the people via email and the stone that you give to the participant, you have a link that connects you to your clients. Just with this routine I can get 6 psychic parties a week, created by the people I gave the readings to via email and every time they call me for a booking, they ALWAYS request this act. At a recent psychic party I had ALL the guests (43 people) bring photos with them, so I made 43 different readings during the week after the party, a lot of work but very much worth it!! Even if different in nature and routine, I want to give credit to Jerome Finley for a method in his beautiful book Full Contact Mind Reading, he uses a similar psychological approach in the action of guiding a person to find an object. I came up with this method a long time ago for another routine published in the Mind Reading Lessons with Kenton Knepper and I believe that this is the case of an independent creation. If you want to seriously expand your knowledge of how to control actions and people, I highly suggest you contact Jerome through his website at www.sangomahealer.com Another idea that you can use for a "random" way to give the envelope to the right person is the "QUINTA FORCE", published in the book MITOX by my good friend PHILL SMIFF, in this case you need to change the position of the people accordingly. http://mitox.phillsmiff.com/

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


BACK IN TIME (PAST LIFE REGRESSION) Amongst the mentalism community I am well known for giving "twists" to old concepts, thus creating something different and this being is a perfect example. Here I have transformed a famous concept into something emotional, mixing psychological subtleties with hypnosis inductions. With this routine, you will be able to go deep into the emotions of your clients, creating a wonderful and emotional atmosphere during your psychic parties. EFFECT A spectator is called on stage and asked to sit on a chair and after a deep relaxation exercise, he will start to go back in time to remember early years of his life. You write something down on several pieces of paper that you put inside his jacket pocket and then you ask him a few questions. Once finished, after an awakening exercise, he reaches into his pocket to take out the pieces of paper and upon opening the papers it is revealed how you have predicted all of his answers. PROPS For this simple, but incredible routine, you will need the following props: - A spiral notepad with thick paper - A blue mini sharpie marker (I use the mini sharpies as they are easier to hide behind the notepad) - A red mini sharpie marker - A green mini sharpie marker - Any two-ways transparent changing bag - A mixture of LEGO brick pieces in different colors - 20 LEGO brick pieces, all of the same color

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


PREPARATION OF THE PROPS Most sharpie markers have just the part of the cap colored to indicate the color of the ink but the body of the pen is grey and thanks to this design feature we have a nice addition to the "one ahead" routine. In fact, for this routine, you mix two principles in the same time, which I will explain in detail in the explanation section, but for now, prepare the sharpie markers in the following way: -Take the GREEN sharpie marker and put the cap of the BLUE sharpie marker on it (which the audience will think corresponds to the first answer but in reality you write the third answer in green, which obviously you will force). -Take the BLUE sharpie marker and put the cap of the RED sharpie marker on it (which the audience will think corresponds to the second answer but in reality you write the first answer in blue). -Take the RED sharpie marker and put the cap of the GREEN sharpie marker on it (which the audience will think corresponds to the third answer but in reality you write the second answer in red). Put all the different colored LEGO brick pieces in the front section of the changing bag, and in the forcing section put the LEGO brick pieces of all the same color. Prepare the markers, the changing bag and the notepad on the table. One chair will be on stage.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


ROUTINE/EXPLANATION Call a spectator on stage and ask him to sit on the chair. Tell him that you are going to try an experiment of past life regression but without the use of hypnosis, instead you will use a special relaxation technique which will leave him conscious enough to collaborate with you (more in the script later). Show him the three sharpie markers and tell him that the three colors will represent three different stage of his life: The blue represents childhood, the red will be friendship and the green will represent creativity. Take the crystal wand and tell him that this will be his key to open the door to the "time space" and ask him to hold the wand in his cupped hands and to look at it. (during the script, you ask him to stare at the crystal wand and the reflective properties of the crystal, which will create a natural hypnotic induction. It is very easy to feel your eyes getting heavy if you keep looking at an object. If you can use a crystal ball or a scrying mirror, this will enhance the "psychic vision"). Ask him to go back in time and to think of when he was a child, ask him what age he sees himself, but tell him just to think of it and not to tell you yet. Take the marker with the blue cap (which in reality will write in green ink), open the pad and remove the cap behind the open pad, so that nobody can see the tip (and the lower part near the tip) which will reveal the true color (see photo of the position of the marker and the pad in your hand). Write the color of the brick that you are going to force for the last question, fold the page in two on the pad, put the cap back on the marker and put it back on the table far away from the other markers (this will reinforce the idea that you wrote in blue ink, but NEVER point out that you are going to write in different colors, you already told the audience what they represent!). Tear off the folded page, fold it again and PUT IT IN HIS JACKET POCKET. Ask him to tell you what age he was thinking of and make a brief comment about it. (I usually place the paper in his right jacket pocket. You need to choose a lady or a man that wears a jacket because when they are seated the pockets of the jacket are easily accessible. He is sat on stage, facing the audience and you are stood up on his right side, the table will be to your right). Now ask him to imagine playing with a friend and tell him to think of the name of this child but not to tell you yet. Take the marker with the red cap (which in reality writes in blue ink) and using the same handling with the notepad as before, write the answer which corresponds to the "age" question. Fold the page in two on the pad, put the cap back on the marker and put it back on the table close to the "blue" marker. Tear off the folded page, fold it again and put it in the same jacket pocket as the other paper. Ask him to tell you the name of this child and make a brief comment about it. Tell him that now you are going to use another sense other than the visualization process and that this will make him feel as if he is living in that very moment. Ask him to imagine that he is playing with his friend and that they are building a house with LEGO bricks and to complete the house, he needs to put on the last colored brick. In this visualization, he needs to choose from many different colored bricks but he can't decide himself, as the other child would like to choose a colored brick too, but there is space for just one brick only, so they leave the decision to a random choice. Take the green marker (which in reality writes with red ink) and write the answer to the "name question". Fold the page in two on the pad, put the cap back on the marker and put it back on the table close to the "red" marker. Tear off the page, fold it again and put it in the same jacket pocket as the other pieces.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Ask him to put his left hand (he needs to hold the crystal wand with his right hand) into the change bag and, without looking, take one of the colored bricks (in reality you let him put his hand in the force section of the bag where all the bricks are of the same color) and to keep it in his closed fist. Reverse the relaxation process and bring him "back to normality". Recap all that has happened until now, creating a kind of false memory (check the script!). Ask him to take out the pieces of paper from his pocket and to open them (this is the beauty of the method, as the pieces of paper are in his pocket, they will be muddled and in no particular order, PLUS it is the spectator himself that takes them). Tell him to read, in order of stages, and to check if all your predictions are right. Let him receive a big round of applause and send him to his seat with the three pieces of paper and the brick as a souvenir!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE SCRIPT And now, ladies and gentleman, we are going to make an experiment of past life regression, but don't be scared, this is not hypnosis, we are going to travel into the “time space” through a visualization process. Can you please join me on stage? Thank you. What's your name? Mark. Great to meet you Mark. You are going to experience an incredible journey into your past, into the early years of your life. Please sit comfortably on this chair, place your feet flat on the floor and rest your hands in your lap, perfect! I have three marker pens here and each one will represent one of three stages of your life. BLUE represents your childhood from 5 to 15 years old, then we have the color RED that represents friendship and GREEN which is related to creativity and expression. In a moment, I’m going to use these marker pens in relation to a few questions that I will ask you. Here I have my crystal wand, it is known that crystals are powerful tools of meditation, so I would like you to hold the wand in your cupped hands like that, good. Start to concentrate your attention on to the wand, look at all the inclusions and the texture, the more you look at it, the more your mind relaxes. Clear all thoughts from your mind and let go of all the stress and fear. Relax and start to feel your eyes getting heavy and relaxed, slowly let your eyes close, perfect, just like that. I want you to think of a period in which you were very happy as a child, go back in time, in your mind, and try to see yourself projected into that time...can you see it? Good. Now just think, don't tell me yet, how old are you...I’m going to write something here...ok. I am putting this in your jacket pocket for now, please tell us how old you are (as you can see, I speak in the present tense giving the feeling of a pseudo hypnosis)...7? Perfect. Continue to project yourself to that age, take in the smells, look at all the colors around you and imagine to be in your room with a friend, he is there playing with you. In a moment I’m going to ask you his name, but first I need to write something down...ok, I put also this piece of paper in your pocket and now you can tell us the name of the child your are playing with...Sebastian? Good. So now Mark, you and Sebastian are at your home, playing together and having fun, then both of you decide to open the box of LEGO and start to build a house, there are pieces of LEGO everywhere, lots of colors and you are building a lovely little house, can you see it? Very good. You are almost finished but there is one brick missing, but both you and Sebastian are undecided as to which color to choose. So now you need to make a random choice...but before you do this I need to write something else. I put the last piece of paper in your pocket. Mark, I want to bring this experience closer to reality for you, I want that you feel to be there. Please keep holding the crystal wand with your right hand only and put your left hand into this bag which is full of different colored LEGO bricks, grab just one and keep it in your closed fist, perfect. Now Mark, it is time to come back, please take a deep breath. In a moment, when you open your eyes, you will feel fully relaxed and full of positive energy. Mark, very slowly open your eyes...Ok, you did very good Mark, how do you feel? It was really nice to see yourself as a little kid again, wasn’t it? Now Mark, before we continue, I would like you to tell all the people here that we haven’t prearranged anything and I don’t know anything about your life, right? Good.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


The people here have seen me writing something before I asked you each question and I put the three pieces of paper into your pocket. Then you gave me three answers, one was related to your age and was 7 years old, another one was the name of your friend Sebastian and then you chose a random LEGO brick from all of the colored pieces in this bag, and the piece is still in your right fist, please don't show it us yet, keep your hand close. Ok Mark, take the pieces of paper from your pocket, I don't want to touch anything. Open them all up and let's see if my predictions were right. So we have the age 7 years old! Spot on Mark! Then we have the name and YES! Sebastian! Perfect! And to conclude, we have the colored brick, that nobody has seen until now so before you open your hand Mark, please read what I wrote on the piece of paper. I wrote YELLOW, ok now Mark, can you show all of us what color is the brick you chose, YELLOW, FANTASTIC. Ladies and gentlemen, let's give Mark a big round of applause! Mark, please keep the predictions and the LEGO brick with you as a memento of your time space travel! SPECIAL TIP FROM TITANAS My dear friend Titanas suggested a good tip to me in which you can avoid the use of the forcing bag. It is a little “risky” but if you use the right psychological forces it will work wonders! In fact, he says, there is no need to force the YELLOW piece of LEGO as this color is highly likely to be chosen as the psychological suggestion that comes from the color of the sharpie marker. In fact, after BLUE, RED and GREEN it is almost natural that the color YELLOW comes to mind. In this case, you can just ask which color brick he chose in his imagination. You can say something like: “Imagine that in front of you there are the LEGO bricks and just one SHINES in front of you, this is the one you will pick, imagine a BRIGHT light around that piece of brick...what color is it?” and then you proceed as always. I think it is a really great tip and will appear to be a little miracle! TO CONCLUDE Here you have a wonderful routine! Easy to do and it makes perfect sense! The script and everything you do has a meaning, a story, and it is also emotional, not only for the person involved, but for the audience. I have had so many people, at the end of the show, ask me to travel back in time! As you can see, I don't speak about hypnosis because sometimes the people can be scared from this kind of thing, but if you present it as a relaxation and visualization process it will be widely accepted. The idea to put the piece of paper in the spectator’s pocket is a very old idea of mine and in the beginning it was used for another routine called THE CASINO DREAM, it has never been published before, and this method has been highly praised by Kenton Knepper. The swapping of the caps on different markers is an idea that I am not sure has been published before or used for the one ahead principle, so if you have any more information on this, it would be very helpful and interesting to know. I am sure you will enjoy performing this routine as much as I do, especially when you see how great the reaction is from your audience!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


BODY AND SPIRIT HEALING PROGRAMMING AND SUGGESTION (BSHPS) (how to heal body and spirit) What I’m going to tip here is a little exercise that I always do after my private energy work sessions. It is a "psychological exercise" that I give to my clients which will help them heal minor physical and psychological problems, such as stress and muscle pains. I was speaking about this idea with Kenton Knepper a few years ago and we agreed that this "ritual" can be very helpful, at the very least, in a psychological aspect. If presented in the correct circumstances and in the right place this can be a mini miracle. When I show this technique, during my private psychic parties, I usually have a line of people that want to try it! I discovered part of this technique through the use of the ZERO POINT ENERGY PEN (also called AMEGA WAND) which works, they say, by creating an "energy vortex". This is a special pen with a sealed tip, which contains powder of crystals and minerals that are fused at a high temperature, so when this pen is moved in circular motions, it should heal the effected area. You can see videos on youtube concerning this "miraculous" pen and also peoples reaction to it. If I said that I honestly believe the pen can heal the body I would probably be crazy, but let's look at this from a different point of view. The human mind is very rational but when we are presented with something that changes our perception of the reality the mind starts to be confused and in some ways we start to accept this new reality. I have people that come to my energy work sessions, who in the beginning are quite skeptical but as soon as they start to feel relaxed and energetically empowered they begin to accept my work, so ANYTHING you present to them, from then on, they will accept without question. So, I have created these two individual, but similar in nature, beautiful pieces of "psychological healing". I also decided to substitute the ENERGY PEN with my CRYSTAL WAND as the crystals are real energy conductors and hold more credibility when presented as they are. EXERCISE ONE : THE VISUALIZATION PROCESS EXERCISE This is the main visualization process and it is perfect for headaches or muscle pains. I teach this to my clients, which they can easily do at home, in there own time. In the stage version I use a crystal wand and two crystals and the technique is slightly elaborated in order to gain an immediate and visual result. I tell the client to complete the following process: Lay down or sit comfortably on a chair and close your eyes. Test your pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Hold the area where you feel pain, make light pressure with both hands on the pain and imagine that your pain is contained in a bubble. Now release the pressure slowly and imagine that the bubble begins to slowly deflate, releasing the pain in the form of black smoke (which symbolizes the pain/ negativity). Complete this three times in total, breathing IN when you make pressure and breathing OUT when the bubble deflates. Now test the scale of your pain, it will be at least 50% less than before.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


EXERCISE TWO: THE STAGE PERFORMANCE As I mentioned before, this is something that you can also present during a stage psychic party, rather than private sessions, as it is very effective in front of spectators because having an audience will help the empowering process. Here is the full script with the use of a few props: Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure that you have heard about the mind being able to control the body, well tonight I’m going to teach you how it is possible, just with the power of the imagination, to heal body and spirit. Obviously, this is something that does not have an effect on serious ailments, they must be checked and treated by specialists. I need someone that normally suffers with some kind of muscle pain or someone that has a light headache, something like that. (I know that this sounds funny, but you wouldn’t believe how many people start to raise their hands when I ask this!) Hello and welcome on stage, what's your name? Janet, great. Nice to meet you Janet, now is the time to help you feel better and totally empowered! Are you ready for that? Perfect! Can you tell me where you feel the pain? Your shoulder, and for how long have you had this pain? Two weeks. Well now we are going to work with your mind, on the pain, and through the power of the crystals we will try to scale down the level of your pain. From 1 to 10, what level would you say your pain is right now? 9. Ok, let's see what we can do about that. Please sit on this chair, feet flat on the floor and rest your hands in your lap. Here I have two green aventurine crystals which are used in crystal therapy to cure inflammation, please hold one in each hand, close tightly so that you absorb all of their energy and keep your fists closed until the end of this exercise. I also have a crystal wand, which we will use to create a "energy vortex" around the effected area and it will clean away all of the negative energy. Now, please close you eyes and concentrate on the pain, direct ALL your attention to your shoulder, can you feel it? Good. I want that you feel the energy from the stones moving from the palms of your hands directly to your shoulder. Imagine a stream of energy that comes from your hands and moves to you shoulder. Imagine waves of energy moving from your palms and slowly travelling, going up your arms until they reach your shoulder...can you feel that? Good, now please imagine that your pain is condensed inside a bubble and imagine that this bubble is full of black smoke. I’m going to move the tip of my crystal wand in circular motions on this bubble and the more I move the wand, the more the bubble starts to change shape, becoming smaller and smaller. I’m going to keep moving the wand over your shoulder (it will not touch the shoulder but it is moving from a distance of 10 centimeters from the area), feel and look how the smoke disappears from the bubble. The bubble is now empty and clear, and slowly, slowly the actual bubble starts to disappear. Feel and see with your minds eye a pure stream of white light cleaning your shoulder, feel relaxed and completely empowered. Slowly open your hands and let the energy from the crystals move around all of your body.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


(Until now she has had her hands closed tightly around the stones. If you try to keep your hands closed around a stone for a few seconds and then you open your hands, you can feel a kind of relaxation process, this is because the blood begins to pump normally again). Now slowly take a deep breath and open your eyes Janet, good. Janet you did a great job, are you feeling more relaxed now? Great! Janet, from 1 to 10 what level is your pain now? 2, perfect. Janet I’m very happy, as you can see, with the power of our imagination we can do amazing things. At the end of the show, for all of you that are interested in learning a basic visualization exercise, that you can do at home, feel free to ask me and I will personally teach you. Let's make a big round of applause for Janet! TO CONCLUDE This is something very powerful and it fits perfectly in a series of routines during a psychic party. I think it is important to always perform something "real" besides "routines" and it also gives you credentials on your knowledge of energy work and crystal therapies. It is very important that you show your clients you are a professional in what you do, so, you need to give them real information about what you tell them. This is why this book, for me, has great value, because besides teaching routines, I will tip you with notions of relevant importance that will help you to be 100% credible. Here is the list of crystal that are used in MEDICINE CRYSTAL THERAPY that are related to physical problems. This list comes from professional courses and is invaluable! You can use these crystals in the hands of your clients, depending on what problems they have. If you have trouble finding these crystals, you can use two quartz crystals, also known as "universal cleaners" as they are appropriate for any kind of energy work.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE CRYSTALS AND THEIR USES IN "MEDICINE CRYSTAL THERAPY" The following is a list of common crystals which are used in "Medicine Crystal Therapy". Obviously these stones are used for psychological "help" and are not supposed to substitute medical advice. I have also included their "metaphysical proprieties". Agate: Endows the wearer with calmness, courage, eloquence, health, longevity, virtue, and wealth. Agates are grounding stones. They help to obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self confidence. Gaze into for meditation. Left/right brain balance. Pineal, pituitary; coordination. Patience, peace. Cools. Amber: Love, beauty, past life issues, protection, personal power illumination. Great for past life work and weight gain. Opens solar plexus chakra form mental clarity. Moods balance and confidence. Stomach anxiety, spine, central nervous system, brain, memory loss. Aligns mental and emotional bodies via orange and yellow. Excellent detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-ray, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies. Amethyst: symbolize deep love, happiness, humility, sincerity and wealth. peace, insight, psychic awareness, calmness, spirituality. Helps you fee less scattered and more in control of your faculties. Memory skills and motivation improve. Goals are clearer, more realistic, and easier to achieve. Can benefit people with insomnia or troubled sleep. Ideal for those who meditate. Useful in dispelling rage, anger, fear, and anxiety and is a good stone for clarifying and remembering dreams. Helps to relieve physical and emotional pain. Aquamarine: Believed to ensure continual happiness and constancy in love, symbolizes health, hope, and youth. Helps reduce fears. Has an affinity with sensitive and mystical people. Increase creativity and sharpens intuition. excellent stone for meditation. Helps one attune to nature. Recommended as purifier of the throat and helps sore throat. Clears blocked communication and aids the user in verbal expression. Aventurine: Luck, a change for the better, growth, healing. Has concentrated ability to dissolve blockages. It's particularly effective crystal for emotional healing and is especially helpful when worn for this purpose or placed on the heart center for chakra balancing. It helps to balance the emotions, and is one of the best stones to wear or carry during stressful periods. it can also be used in crystal layouts when stress is internalized in the solar plexus and heart areas. Carnelian: Symbolize courage, joy, friendship, peace. Believed to disperse evil thoughts and sorrow. confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, outgoingness. Precision, analysis, appetite, awareness of feelings.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Citrine: communication, thought, memory, learning, travel. They are invigorating and positive. Can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of the life. Increase motivation and promote physical abilities. Person involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us to analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feeling and help us to accept the flow of events. Clear Quartz: Symbolize purity and simplicity. seeing things as they are, crystal clear, the light shining down on you. It is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can be use in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person. Diamond: Symbolize brilliance, constancy, excellence, innocence, invulnerable faith, joy, life, love and purity. Powerful absorbs and amplifies thoughts/attitudes of user, other gems, and wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Used with loving, clear intent, clear blocks, opens Crown Chakra. spiritual love, peace. Hematite: One of the most grounding stones (Root Chakra). Mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, detail work, sound sleep. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem, also used for astral projection. Moonstone: Honours the Goddess in all women. Dieting, psychic awareness, meditation, soothes stress, anxiety. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. Connects 2nd and 6th Chakra and pineal for emotional balance, gracefulness. Helps all to be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water sign. May help all parts of the lower torso which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs. Quartz: Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store info/energy in, program or amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy. Powerful clear ones open Brown, Crown and Transpersonal Chakra for meditation, sending/receiving guidance. Stimulate natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. Works with all chakras and master gland. Natural tendency of quartz is for harmony and is considered the "stone of power". Quartz can be used to facilitate both speaking and receiving information from the spiritual world, master, teachers and healers. Stimulate positive thought and healing. Rose Quartz: Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love, emotional balance. Gently soothes and warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment, anger. slowly eases childhood traumas/neglect/lack of love, low self-esteem. Cleanse and recharge often. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things. Advantageous for the hear and circulatory system.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE STONES OF DESTINY Here I am with my take on the 'which hand' routine! Like many mentalists I have always been fascinated with the idea of locating the object in the spectator's hand without the use of an electronic system, magnets or anything like that. Great ideas and books surround this topic like Thought Channel by Jerome Finley, Prevaricator by Patrick Redford and obviously the classic of Banachek and many others. All of these wonderful concepts have one thing in common: Finding which hand contains the object. I was playing with the idea with a friend of mine when he asked me: ''Luca, if I hide two objects in both the hands can you tell me where they are respectively?'' WOW, at that point I saw the light! A new world came to me and I started to play with this idea until finally I found a method, which like all routines based on psychology and body language it is not 100% sure fire BUT I can tell you that works 85% of the time, PLUS with this routine you will have the perfect excuse in case the outcome doesn't work. EFFECT You show a velvet bag from which you take 5 stones; A quartz, a rose quartz, an obsidian snow flake, an amethyst and a yellow citrine quartz. Here you explain that each of this stones represents our personality and how we see ourselves at the moment and what we desire for our future. Ask the spectator to put the stones back in the bag, to mix them and to remove two of them. Once he has done this (you will not look while this is happening) ask him to take one stone in each hand, close the hands tightly and to REMEMBER which stone is in which hand. Tell him to put his right arm behind his back and hold the left arm straight in front of him. Now you will turn to face him and ask him to tell you only the color of the stones he chose (NOT IN WHICH HAND THEY ARE) so that you can tell him what is going on in his life through the color of the stone, as one stone represents the present and the other will represent the future. Once he tells you the colors of the stones and before you start with the reading, ask him to put both arms in front of him and to concentrate on the stones that he has in each of his hands. After a few moments of concentration you will tell him exactly which stone is in which hand and then you will proceed with the readings on the meanings of the stones which also relates to which hand he holds each of the stones in.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


METHOD As you can see this is a very powerful routine which involves two main aspects: The revelation and The reading. Firstly I will explain how the main concept works and then it will all come together. Find a friend (or wife, girlfriend, lover... anyone is good) and give him two different coins (a penny and quarter, one euro and 50 cent and so on.) Ask him to take one coin in his left hand and one in his right hand and tell him to put his right arm behind his back and the left arm straight in front of him. Now ask him to tell you just the value of the coins, without revealing in which hand they are. 85% OF THE TIME THEY WILL TELL YOU FIRST THE COIN THEY HAVE IN THE HAND BEHIND THEIR BACK! I know it sounds impossible but please try it and let me know! Remember you need to pay attention to different cues as obviously we have the 15% of chance left! In photo 1 you can see the position that you ask him to assume during the performance. When you ask him to tell you the value of the coin look in his eyes. If he looks to the right up, or straight up these are the main cues (also if he breaks eye contact and looks somewhere else) this means that the first coin he says is the one that is behind his back. If he looks straight at you this means that the first coin he says is the one in his left hand (the arm straight in front of him) Often when they tell you the name of the coin they will move their arm with subtle oscillation, especially the arm straight in front of them. Also when they tell you the coin they have in the arm behind their back, watch the shoulder, this will have a little oscillation too! There you have it! This is the basic method to understand in which hand they have both of the coins. When I discovered this method, I was amazed at how many times it worked. If you think about it, using two different objects (they can even choose any two small objects they want) it is much better than one, as you have more cues to help you to identify where it is. Now you can use the routine as it is using any two small objects presenting this as a "warm up" before a mind reading routine (that obviously has to be sure fire!) as I often do. OR You can use this in a more complex routine incorporating this method in a crystal/color reading as described above. This is great because the reading is a perfect "out" in case you miss the location of the stone. And now...let's put it all together!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


To start you will need 5 crystal stones that you can find online or in any new age shop. The ones I use are shown in photo 2. Also you will need a velvet bag to carry the crystals in. Plus you need a good resource on color reading. I can suggest (and excuse me for the "auto advertising") SQUARE COLOR READING SYSTEM by Kenton Knepper and Luca Volpe where you will find all the meanings you need for each color and obviously it is also another great tool for a perfect reading. In this manuscript I have included the basic meaning of the crystals (relating to their colors) and the stones I use. I like to put together both the readings (crystal and color) to give as much information possible, but you can also use just one of the two. Start the routine by telling the spectator that you are going to read about his life through the colors and the gemstones. Show him the stones and tell him their names and colors. Don't tell him the meaning yet. Now proceed as described in the routine above...

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Now for the main point: As you read from the routine I say to him to tell me which color he chose (so which crystal) as this represents what is going on in his life...so at this point the MAIN THING in his mind is the meaning of the stones he chose. Then I say: "BEFORE I TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR FUTURE LET ME TRY SOMETHING FIRST, JUST TO WARM UP OUR MINDS TOGETHER." As you can see I don't pay too much attention to what I am going to do, at this moment he just wants to know about his future. Then I do the revelation! As 85% of the time this works, it is a great "WOW" moment as the spectator is absolutely speechless! Think about this: THE READING HE IS GOING TO HAVE WILL DISTRACT HIS ATTENTION FROM HIS BODY LANGUAGE SO IT WILL BE EASIER TO CATCH THE BODY CUES. Then you proceed with the reading and then you can do a mind reading routine. I often do a number revelation using Nail Writing. This little act is perfect, especially one to one, as in one routine you advertise your reading skills and your mind reading show. It is also the perfect moment to give them your business card! WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY IF YOU MISS THE REVELATION? Well, as explained before, in both of the routines you present this as "warm up" before a mind reading demonstration, so you don't give too much importance to this. Obviously if you get it right, you will mark the perfect outcome on how the connection is good between you and the spectator's mind. Usually when I miss (and this happens maybe once every 50 performances!) I say: "It is really interesting that you decided to put the copper coin (if you work with the coins) in your right hand, this means that you are a very logical person with a great intuition. This will make the experiment that we are going to do in a moment more difficult, but it will be great to try it with you!" As you can see the out gives a lot of credit to the spectator, which makes him feel that he has great intuition. It is also perfect as a "peace" moment and prepares very well for any mind reading routine. Obviously this out can be adapted to any object you are using (crystals, coins, etc..) READINGS EXPLANATION - The hand in which they hold the stone can be related to the past (left hand) and present (right hand). If, for example, they put the black stone in their left hand you can tell them that their past has not been easy as they have been through some difficulties (financially, love etc...) If, for example, in the right hand there is the yellow quartz, which is a positive stone (the color yellow is a positive color) you can tell them that you can see a bright future for them and you can see that they are confident about projects that they are involved in (work, etc). (The citrine quarts is also related to the chakra of the solar plexus in which all our nervous centre is located and is known as a calming and positive stone). Obviously the other meanings are up to you once you know the meaning of the stones and their uses in new age/energy works. Online you can find many resources on this subject.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


CRYSTALS Here is a brief description on how I use the crystals during the readings. QUARTZ CRYSTAL: Related to the 7th chakra (crown chakra) and is the purest crystal. Whoever chooses this crystal is generally a person who likes to speak clearly with others and mainly a truth teller even if by being honest it means getting into trouble. He gives a lot of importance to the family and relationships in general. He loves to help other people. If he puts this stone in his right hand it means that he has a clear vision of his future. If he puts this stone in his left hand it means that he has to make some choices. ROSE QUARTZ: The stone of love. Related to the 4th chakra (heart chakra). Whoever chooses this stone is a dreamer. Sometimes he dreams too much and takes no action. He needs to be with someone that takes care of him. He is a strong believer of friendship. If he puts this stone in his right hand it means that he has an important relationship coming (if single). If he is already with someone this means that the relationship will have a positive outcome. If he puts this stone in his left hand it means that he has not had a positive experience with an old relationship in the past. CITRINE QUARTZ: Related to the 3rd chakra (solar plexus). Whoever chooses this stone is mainly a positive person but gets stressed easily when things are not going as he wants. He sees life in a positive way. He is a funny person and he likes to be the centre of attention when surrounded with other people. If he puts this stone in his right hand it means that he has a positive vision of his future. If he puts this stone in his left hand it means that he needs to be more focused on himself. AMETHYST: Related to the 6th chakra (brow chakra, between the eyes). Whoever chooses this stone is a person that is very focused on their job , it is the most important thing in his life. He is a very intuitive person and likes to have everything (and everyone) under control. He has the ability to feel the things before they happen. A very sensible person. If he puts this stone in his right hand it means that he is going to plan a new business (or something important related to his job). If he puts this stone in his left hand it means that he is having some trouble financially speaking (or he is thinking of changing his job, working with other people, new partnership, etc...) OBSIDIAN SNOWFLAKE: Related to the 1st chakra (base chakra). Whoever chooses this stone is a down to earth person, practical and orientated to manual labour. When he decides that he wants something he will do everything to get it. He likes to collect things and he hates anything out of place. He loves good food and is a very sensual person too. If he puts this stone in his right hand it means that he is going to achieve great results on something that he has been working on for a long time. If he put this stone in his left hand it means that he has had a difficult past.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Obviously, you need to pay attention to the combination of crystals in both the hands, which will give you more opportunity for readings. Honestly, the readings I do are "real", which means that I say what I feel when I am in front of the person. You need a good system to start with but it is also nice to go with your instinct and you will see how the readings will be more appreciated by your clients. BONUS 1 A great idea from Pablo Amirà is to use just two stones and a prediction as an "out" inside the pouch. In this case, if you miss the position of the stones in the hands you can say that you made a prediction. For example, you can write: Yellow stone in the left. Green stone in the right. If you get it right, fine, don't show the prediction. If you miss, take the piece of paper from the pouch and you have a 100% sure fire method! BONUS 2 Pablo Amirà also suggested to gimmick the velvet bag in a way that one layer of the velvet is transparent, thus creating a peek device. The participant takes 2 stones out of the 5 and puts the other 3 in the bag. You peek the 3 remaining stones (so you know the other 2) and you continue with the "Stone of Destiny" psychology part to know which hand. BONUS 2 Another great idea is to make a little experiment with just one of the stones at the end of the routine, to show how crystals can pass energy on to us. Once you have finished the routine, ask him to relax his arms and to keep his left arm (palm face up) stretched out, in front of him and parallel to the floor. Then, you push down on his open palm with your open palm, showing him how weak it is. Now, ask him to hold a crystal in his closed fist. You push down again and he will see how much stronger he is. The reason why this happens is because when we make a fist, the whole of our arm becomes stronger. It is nice to use this physical stunt to prove the power of crystals at the end of the routine.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Following, there is a routine/idea from my good friend Scott Grossberg, which you can use with THE STONE OF DESTINY. I want to say thank you to Scott for his precious contribution to my book. FINDINGS by Scott Grossberg The Which Hand Is It In/Choose A Hand theme in combination with giving a reading is a concept near and dear to me. In fact, most of the time, I start a demonstration – of any kind – with some variation of this motif. It creates a personal and stirring connection with my participants. For those who might be interested, there is a description of my personal handling of this idea in the book The Seven Keys and there I also refer you to others who have skilfully created formulas for you to make this type of effect a thrilling success: Karl Fulves, Jerome Finley, Patrick Redford, Banachek, and Bryn Reynolds. Simply put, not only does a Which Hand Is It In routine offer impactful entertainment in and of itself, it affords me a spectacular opportunity to view someone’s palms/hands and move into a full-blown reading. As I have written about before, my Which Hand Is It In handling is built around Tim Holtz’s idea-ology product line of items that he beguilingly calls findings. I have specifically discussed the use of Tim’s Word Keys in a mentalism setting. However, in addition to the keys, Tim has produced many more wonderments that can readily be used by cutting-edge performers; products that instantly conjure up and stir various memories in your audience. These include his Muse Tokens, Trinket Pins, and Philosophy Tags. Tim’s line of products offers a decidedly new look to venerable reading techniques. More importantly, they tie-in perfectly with the handling that Luca has put forward. For example, Tim’s Muse Tokens consist of 12 metal tokens with cut out letters. The words on them are: 1. Wonderful 2. Unique 3. Genuine 4. Courageous 5. Moments 6. Lifetime 7. Thoughts 8. Journey 9. Excellence 10. Significant 11. Forevermore 12. Knowledge Imagine handing all 12 coins to a subject and having her toss them gently onto the table or reading surface and then using them in a modified I-Ching style analysis. I happen to personally use them in conjunction with my Vitruvian Square divination style and throw them on a Casting Cloth that includes The Vitruvian Square image. You can display the 12 coins and then have a participant select 9 of the 12 coins.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Those 9 coins are then each placed in one of the Places of Power within The Vitruvian Square matrix. From the way the coins are placed, you can instantly provide a very detailed and deep reading. From here, you can then have someone select two of the 9 coins from the Casting Cloth, and immediately move into Luca’s routine. By the way, I must underscore that it doesn’t matter whether you are precise or accurate in your reveal of which hand which items is in or not. Because you immediately move into a far deeper analysis of which hand was selected for which object. For example, if someone places Journey in their right hand, and Moments in their left hand, I can move into and expand upon a discussion of how making their way in the world is the active theme for them at the moment. I will also tell them that, while they like to give importance and create interest in things and places and people. However, that is something that happens after-the-fact; their moments are something they remember, not something that takes up their present thinking. Rather, they are currently caught up in the need to explore the world around them. Tim’s Trinket Pins are fascinating little devils, indeed. These are 15 safety pins that you can attach to the tokens or the keys. They also contain words and numbers on them: Trinkets - 25 Memoirs - 87 Thoughts - 17 Secrets - 74 Fragile - 67 Treasure - 54 Ideas - 26 Elements - 46 Memento - 65 Stuff - 84 Vintage - 98 Keepsake - 47 Tidbits - 32 Findings – 53 Snippets - 13 By attaching the pins to either the tokens or the keys, you add to your reading options. Further, the numbers provide you with a plethora of prediction and forcing possibilities. When you reduce the two digit numbers down to a single digit, you find that you have all the numbers from 1 though 9 to work with. Of course, the numbers just beg themselves to be used as mnemonics, don’t they?

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Finally, the Philosophy Tags consist of 12 round color-coded, emblems that contain the following words and numbers: Journey – 2167 Simplify – 7526 Wander – 6839 Imagine – 9731 Altered – 1187 Inspire – 3197 Breathe – 4462 Destiny – 5890 Artful – 1375 Cherish – 2240 Listen – 7451 Believe – 8230 The coins are divided into nickel, brass, and copper colors (4 coins in each color). For those of you who are overachievers, you can take these innate properties of the items and use them for further reading opportunities or prediction options. You will note that, when the numbers are reduced down to a single digit, you get the following repeated numbers: Journey – 7 Simplify – 2 Wander – 8 Imagine – 2 Altered – 8 Inspire – 2 Breathe – 7 Destiny – 4 Artful – 7 Cherish – 8 Listen – 8 Believe – 4 Now you have some further forcing or prediction options available to you. Another thought for you to consider: for all of these items, you can place them so that the writing/word side is up and then simply ask your participant to think of a question or topic for which they would like a reading. Then have them choose the two items that most closely fit what they are thinking about. You can then move into your Which Hand Is It In routine, and instantly move into a very personal analysis of what they are thinking about. Alternatively, the method I prefer follows the analysis outline I gave in my book, Bauta. Place the objects writing side down and have the participant choose the item that calls out to them the most. Then your participant is directed to select the item that calls out to them the least. And finally, they are to select a third item, the one from the remaining set that now calls out to them the most. The first item represents the mask your participant wears. In other words, this is what they want to show to the world and what they believe they are best known for.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


The second item represents who your participant really is. In other words, this is what people remember about them (as opposed to what the participant thinks they is know for). The third item represents what your subject believes they have left behind or no longer needs to learn about. Finally, as with all of Tim’s findings and in keeping with my style of presentation, you can lay them all out, writing side down, and have your participant place them in any order they prefer. The items are then turned writing side up and read as a sentence or story. You can find out more about Tim Holtz’s products here: http://www.timholtz.com/findings.htm You can discover my The Seven Keys book here: http://www.vinnymarini.com/sevenkeys The Vitruvian Square and The Masks of Tarot (the soft back version of Bauta) can be found at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


I am a huge fan of Bryn Raynolds, the creator, of what I think, is one of the most intelligent methods (along with Jerome Finley "Thought Channel") of detecting a hidden object. This is one of the strongest improptu "which hand" routines you can find and is easily adaptable to my "Stone of Destiny". He very kindly gave the permission to include this routine in the book. Enjoy! The routine is from his book "THE SAFWAN PAPERS", which you can purchase through this link: http://www.outlaw-effects.com/store/the-arsenal/e-books/safwan.html BOHT The “which hand” effect is only a 50/50 proposition, but for some reason it plays extremely well., especially if performed multiple times…and perhaps ending with a prediction of what had just occurred. What follows is not a complete effect. It is a method, that when performed with complete confidence, enables the performer to appear to be able to divine in which hand a spectator has hidden an object. I will tell you up front that BOHT requires the performer to appear that he has complete confidence in what he just accomplished. When first reading this you may think that it is just a scam and that it will never work. I assure you it does work, (and magnificently) and at the conclusion I am going to point out how a very famous mentalist uses a similar technique in a routine that most of you have at least seen, if not perform a variation of yourself. I have been performing BOHT long before I ever saw that said famous routine, and it was nice to see someone of such high regard using a similar principle. Many will say “It is too bold!” Those that will try it out, with the confident air required, will drop the “too” from their description. This will not work perfectly for some of you the first few times you try it; for others it will work right away. I mean no disrespect to those whom I mention that it will not work well the first couple of tries. The only reason that it may not play as strongly as you may like is that you will be giving off an air of feeling guilty that may be picked up by the spectator. Let you inner, emotionless, psychopath out to play for a minute and this will be an out that will serve you well. Before we begin, I am going to take a couple of pages to describe the genesis of this and describe one of my best performances of mentalism….and I wasn’t even aware of what I had just done! The reason I succeeded in the final phase of BOHT, described below, was due to me not KNOWING what I was doing so therefore had no guilt at all to telegraph. I will try to be brief, but this is a great example of how other cultures view magic and those that perform it. I was also deployed with the Army to the Middle East during Operations Desert Shield & Storm in 1990/1. After the short ground war was over, we had taken literally tens of thousands of Iraqi prisoners. We set up prison camps in the middle of the desert by making “compounds” in the sand with several rolls of razor wire forming squares that would each contain several hundred prisoners. We divided our unit into shifts, and then spent the next few months simply sitting at the entrance to each compound to “guard” them. (Where were they going to go in the middle of the Arabian Desert?)

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Most simply surrendered upon seeing us. While some were hardcore Republican Guard soldiers, the vast majority were just regular citizens that were given a rifle and sent to the front lines. Many would come up to the wire and want to talk to us. Of course, most did not speak good English, but there is one universal language that everyone seems to understand: making a coin completely vanish before their eyes. They would tell their fellow captives of what I could do, who would in turn come up and hand me a coin to vanish. (I had a whole bag of coins to bring home that were either sleeved, pocketed, or simply dropped into the sand!) I had some of the best reactions to a simple coin vanish that I had ever seen. I came to find out why the reactions were so strong: they thought what I was doing was real. I truly believe that from their frame of reference regarding cultures, that they thought I would not pull an Ali-Baba and set up what I was doing as a trick. I told them I would make their coin vanish; it did indeed vanish according to their eyes, so therefore I used what inner-magic I had to accomplish this. Once one of our interpreters informed me of this I was dumbfounded. He also told me that many now referred to me with an Arabic word that loosely translated into “MagicMan.” Being a 20 year old kid, the Gulf War taught me a lot of life’s lessons. This was a big one. My experience with what I refer to as BHAT (and no, not Khat, that leaf you chew that gets you high!) taught me even more. This beautiful experience I am about to describe truly left an indelible mark on my mind every bit as potent as some of the terrible things I had seen and done. It was what probably got me more into mentalism and further away from magic. I worked the 6pm to 6am shift. Usually the prisoners were in their tents and sleeping around midnight, but during one of their holiday periods I recall them being up all night. I was asked by one of the English-speaking prisoners if I would come into the compound to watch some sort of ceremony. Grabbing “a ‘terp” (one of our interpreters,) we went inside. There were about 60 prisoners sitting cross-legged on the ground. There were two rows of about 30 each, facing each other and creating an isle about three feet wide which one could walk down. The generator-powered floodlights lit up the place. I watched as one of the prisoners I recognized as being more “senior in social stature” walked up and down the isle, stopping at each sitting person randomly and showing those he stopped at something wrapped in cloth. Each would reach in and come out with a closed fist. Keeping security in mind, I asked my terp what was happening. He told me it was a “game” and explained the significance of it. He also described it as being called, what sounded like to me, to the best of my recollection now: BOHT. If I had known what was about to transpire I would have written it down. The guy that had the cloth said something to the interpreter. “He wants you to try,” he told me. Try what? Apparently, this game entailed him presenting a single stone from the cloth to quite a few of the people that were sitting. One would actually take it, but all had to pretend they did by coming out with closed fists. Apparently the job to discern who actually had it was now mine, and since I was “The MagicMan” they wanted to see me do it. And I did…..and how. I didn’t want to spend all night guessing sixty guys, and I certainly did not want to get caught playing a game with the prisoners by someone higher ranking then me. This was well before Abu Ghraib, but we still had our concerns.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Declining wasn’t an option from the uproar, so I decided to take a quick guess, apologize, and get back to my post. I simply walked up to one of the guys sitting and pointed at him. I looked at the “terp” with a “can we go now?” look, and his look back to me is one I will not forget. Ever. That guy stood up, and the cloth-holding “elder” and he started dancing! Uhoh….what just happened? Yep. I got it right. He had the damn stone. Sixty guys causing an uproar. One of the luckiest guesses of my life. I had to get out of there. Apparently there is a “Part II” to BOHT, though. “YEA! Now try the HAND!” is as close as I recall to what was said next. I didn’t have anywhere the experience in body language “tells” that I have now. Hell, I hadn’t even started my career in law enforcement yet, let alone have attended The Reid School of Interview and Interrogation. From the result, it is probably better that I hadn’t. I didn’t overthink anything. The stone-holder held out both hands. I simply grabbed one and covered his fist with my fingers. I cannot remember if this was his left or his right. I simply thought that was the hand with the stone. Honestly, I didn’t care…this was getting surreal, and I didn’t want to get in trouble. With me holding his one fist closed, he had no choice but to open the other hand. It contained the stone. Two for two. I had to get out NOW. Terp and I left, I recall more dancing and hollering, and my fondest memory from that episode is remembering my superior officers thinking “why does Reynolds never seem to have any discipline problems in his compound?” My oncein-a-lifetime version of walking on water. For obvious sentimental reason, I am a huge fan of the impromptu “which hand” type of effects. Through various courses in psychology, gambling, and Jack Bauer-like interrogation over the last 15 years I am in a better place research-wise to make an informed decision as to which hand presented to me holds a hidden object. (However, I will never be more lucky than I was in 1991 – and to be lucky is better than to be good!) While most of the time I can control a performance setting while setting up this “which hand” premise, and have time to get my much cherished and needed “tells,” there are others where honestly I cannot. It may be a very crowded bar where I cannot devote my full attention to the participant. Or, quite honestly, it may be a participant which I simply cannot read. Those that claim definite, 100%, accuracy rates with their purely psychological methods are lying to you….. Humans are very individual creatures, and unless you have spent a lot of intimate time with a particular one, there will be times when your purely psychological tells are off, as much as I love these methods. BOHT resurrects my lucky, ancient, Arabic method of old, and can pull your a** out of the gutter when one of the “pure” psychological methods fail…..and they will (BOHT is a “pure” technique also: pure B.S.) A simple reread, above, of how I pulled this off accidentally will tell you what I base my “hand grab” technique on. When presented both closed hands by the prisoner, I grabbed the one that I thought had the coin and thought that by grabbing his hand I was indicating such. However, to his mind, apparently, I was eliminating that hand,: since he could not open it he had no choice but to open the one I was not holding. He brought the whole thing to a successful conclusion in his mind. WOW! I could either be indicating the closed fist I grabbed as being indicative of where I thought the coin was, or I could be eliminating it by not allowing it to open.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Thinking about this later opened up a whole new way of thinking and structuring of effects for me. Again, as mentioned elsewhere in this book, we have two different paths to lead us to the same desired result. To the spectator, either path we take looks like it was the only logical choice. The routine and famous mentalist I refer to at the beginning of this is Max Maven and his excellent Kurotsuke routine. He has a clever handling that allows him to narrow down who is holding the stone to two final spectators. From there it is all audacity and bluff, similar to how I am going to describe my BOHT handling. I am certainly not going to tip it here, but most of you have seen the clever way in which he manages the ending. I was SO happy when I saw him perform this routine. To see a well-known mentalist perform something very similar to what I had been performing for quite some time made it feel “justified” in my mind. In the above paragraphs I have sprinkled how I employ my BOHT handling. I am going to put it all together here now. We will assume that the spectator is holding an object in one of two closed outstretched fists. You simply are not confident that you got your tell(s) correctly and want to appear to bring this to a successful conclusion. While I am all for the occasional miss in mentalism, this is a technique to employ when you simply have to appear to get it right. I simply look back and forth at each hand while softly, but loud enough for the participant to hear, mutter to myself: “If I am going to figure out which hand the ****** is in I need to eliminate the one that it isn’t in…..” I say this almost as if I am talking to myself and am giving myself direction and guidance on what I need to do to be successful. I try to conjure up a look like a light just went on inside my mind & I immediately do two things simultaneously: I grab hold of one of their fists with my hand, holding it shut, and with my other hand I point to their other fist and command “Open that hand!” No matter what I see I loudly give a selfcongratulatory “YES!!” OUTCOME # 1: If the hand they open contains the object I immediately let go of their closed fist, gently pushing it down to their side, and take hold of their open hand, with the object on it, with one of my hands. I raise it up a little into the air, almost as if I am displaying the object on their open hand and using that hand as a “display tray” to proudly display my prize. I told them to open their hand, they did, and there is the object for all to see. Arguably the most desirable of the two possible outcomes, but here is how we still bring this to a very successful conclusion when the object is not there. OUTCOME # 2: If the hand they open does not contain the object I still give the “YES!” verbally and do two things: I nonchalantly, softly, brush their open hand down to their side while at the same time my fist that is holding their closed hand raises both of our hands high into the air, much like a referee does for a winning boxer after he has delivered the knockout punch! The combination of this gesture that symbolizes winning and success in our culture, coupled with a confident “YES!” on your part will ensure that in the mind of the participant that you succeeded what you were trying to accomplish. They don’t even need to open their hand to show the object to confirm this success!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


This works because we implanted the suggestion of an elimination process, by seeding the idea of elimination in our mutterings to our self. We successfully eliminated the hand NOT containing the object, just as we muttered to ourselves that we HAD to do that in order to locate the hand that DID have the object. We have primed the participant to accept either outcome as logical by our verbal utterances and, just as importantly, how we then react to the situation. Any reaction other than an air of complete success on your part, for either outcome, will result in less than stellar reactions. Please give BOHT a few trial runs in real-world settings. I hope it is an effective “out” for you as it has been for me. We, as performers, define what success is... I hope you go forth and always find the correctly colored stone in all aspects of your life……

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


ASTRAL PROJECTION (Out of Body Experience) I LOVE this routine, it is so simple but SO strong and your audience will remember it for a long, long time! I am a great fan of the nail writer (thumb writer, boon writer etc...) and I was looking at creating a routine in which I could use "my friend NW" in an emotional sense. After some researching and experimentation, the Astral Projection was born! A simple idea, direct, to the point and easy to do with just a NW and a notepad BUT with a great script which will help sell the effect/routine! EFFECT Call a spectator on stage and tell him that you are going to do an experiment of Astral Projection, better known as an Out of Body Experience, in which he will be able to separate his conscious from his physical body and look for a specific target that you prepare for him. You proceed to relax the spectator with light hypnotic suggestion and tell him that he can open the "gateway of the other dimension". Once he has become relaxed, you start to draw something on a notepad, paying attention that nobody can see it so as to avoid your spectator receiving any help from the audience. You ask him to imagine separating his conscious mind from his body and to look all around him, paying extra attention to what is drawn on the notepad and to try to see it with his “mind's eyes”. Once the process has finished, you proceed to wake him and he will discover that what he saw with his “mind's eyes” is exactly the same as what you drew before! EXPLANATION AND PROPS Ok, I am sure that you know how this works BUT what makes this routine so different is the atmosphere that you can create in the act. The idea that the spectator will see with his “mind's eyes” goes beyond any other routine with NW. Here we are not dealing with "intuitive feelings","predictions" or "psychic powers", this is travel into another dimension, which makes sense with what you do in this routine. The other consideration is that the focal point will NOT be you but the spectator, he does everything and you are just a "guide" for his astral projection experience. The most important factor is that you need to be CREDIBLE in what you do. For this reason, these kind of presentations are JUST for psychic performers and specific types of shows (psychic parties, mentalism/hypnosis shows etc..), you don't want to do an egg bag and follow it with this routine! The only items you need for this routine are; a Nail Writer (I use the Grease Marker Thumb Writer by Vernet as it is visible from a distance), which you prepare in your right jacket pocket along with a pencil which writes in the same way as the NW (I use the pencil PITT PASTEL by FABER CASTELL 1122-199 which writes identically to my thumb writer, you can find this kind of pencil in art or stationary shops), you also need a spiral bound notepad and a chair.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


ROUTINE Call the spectator on stage, ask him to take a seat and make himself comfortable. Usually, before I choose the spectator, I use a tip from my good friend Jerome Finley and I ASK the audience who believes in this kind of experience or if anyone has ever had an out of body experience during sleep. This tip is very important as the spectator that you choose will already be prepared and receptive for the experiment. Once the spectator is sat on the chair, proceed with the first part of the script "THE BEGINNING" (the sleep/hypnotic process). Take the notepad from your table and the pencil from your pocket and, paying attention that nobody can see what is written on the pad, start to fake draw something (using your nail to make a noise). Usually I do a LOT of lines in different position on the page as it is important to cover any type of drawing that he can say. Using the famous principle of the "universal drawing" draw straight lines, circles and waves, so that even if the audience are watching the movements of your hand, they will not be able to understand what has been drawn. Once you have finished the fake drawing, put the pencil back in your right jacket pocket and in the same time wear the NW so that you are ready to draw what he is about to tell you. Proceed with the second part of the script, "THE MIND VISION", ask him to see with his “mind's eyes” what you drew on the pad and TELL him that you drew a simple shape with some OTHER shapes around it. The way in which I ask him what shapes he sees is always "piece by piece", I NEVER directly ask him "what drawing did you see?". I pretend to make this process REAL by telling him to BELIEVE that he really is seeing something, to make the shapes "fade in" slowly on the pad and as the shapes appear in front of his “mind's eyes”, he will need to tell me one shape at a time. This method has two important features; firstly it makes it more realistic and it creates a great atmosphere, secondly it allows you to draw, one shape at a time enabling you to control the thumb movements. If you were to ask him directly, what he sees, the movement of your thumb would be rushed and exaggerated, you would be making the drawing in a matter of a seconds and it would also destroying the "timing" of the routine in the process. Keep the level of "suspense" high and do not rush, this is the key to making this simple routine a piece of art! Once you have finished the thumb writing, leave the notepad closed on the table and proceed with the final part of the script, "THE COMING BACK". When he has awoken, ask him what he saw during his out of body experience. Tell him to take the pad from the table and open it, with great surprise he will see that the drawing he saw with his “mind's eyes” corresponds with what you drew! Put your right hand in your right jacket pocket, remove the NW and take the pencil which you use to sign the piece of paper and give to your helper.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE SCRIPT I have divided the main "spectator script" into three sections so that it is easier to follow. This is a fully tested performance script that will NEVER go wrong! So, please read and study it carefully. Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure that some of you have heard of an "out of body experience" before and I’m also quite sure that at least one person here tonight has had some kind of experience of this type, am I right? Good, I knew that! How many of you believe in "astral travels"? Wow, several of you! That's great! Tonight, I will give one of you the chance to open the “gateway of the other dimension”, travel trough time and space and learn the secret of the higher dimension! Sounds great doesn't it? Before we start, I want to say that you don't need to be worry about this process, it will not affect you negatively and there will be no collateral effects, it is just a guided relaxation process which will enable you to see with your “mind's eyes”, without being hypnotized at all. It is a deep and incredible experience that will also empower you! I see that this gentleman here looks interested, can you come on stage please? Let's make a big round of applause. What's your name? Gary, please sit comfortably on this chair and relax your muscles. FIRST PART: THE BEGINNING Gary, you are about to experience something wonderful and I promise that at the end of it, you will feel more relaxed and empowered, are you ready to start? Very good... Gary, I want that you look into my eyes, please don't move your attention from my eyes, keep looking. The more you look into my eyes the more you will feel your eyes getting heavy and the more you feel your eyes getting heavy the more you will feel relaxed. Let go of all your thoughts, good... like that... slowly, slowly, take a deep breath... good... take another deep breath and close your eyes and relax, perfect. Keep relaxed Gary and just listen to my voice... Gary I’m drawing something on a piece of paper, something that you will not be able to see right now but in a moment (I start to fake draw) you will be able to see it with you “mind’s eyes” (while I speak, I fake draw), Gary take another deep breath and relax more and more....perfect Gary, you are doing great! SECOND PART: THE MIND VISION Gary I want you to feel your body becoming lighter, concentrate all your attention on your mind and imagine that you body starts to become lighter and lighter...almost as if your body is sleeping but your mind is still awake and ready to move from you body. Your body is lighter now, more and more...your body is ever so light now, you feel that deep relaxation and a great sense of peace....please keep relaxing and let you body become lighter and lighter. In a moment Gary, I want you to imagine moving from your body, imagine leaving your physical body on the chair and to stand up, just with your ethereal body. Imagine this: you are moving, you see yourself moving around this room, you see yourself sat on the chair, you can see me speaking with you, your physical body is on the chair but you can move around, you can see everything around us with your “mind’s eyes”.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


I want you to imagine coming close to me and to see what I drew on the pad...you are moving close to me, you see yourself close to me...here you are...the pad is in front of you Gary. You can see something on this piece of paper, please imagine seeing it, believe that you are seeing the simple lines that form the drawing...you can see it clearly now... imagine one shape at a time, fading into your mind now, try to see the drawing line by line...piece by piece....what are you seeing now Gary? A long vertical line? Perfect...keep looking at the pad Gary, what do you see other then the line, is there something around it? A few circles around the line? That's great Gary! Do you see something else on the paper? No, ok (I close the pad and put it on the table). You did perfectly Gary, now please take a deep breath for me... perfect... like that. THIRD PART: THE COMING BACK Gary, I want you to imagine coming back to your physical body, slowly, slowly, move back to the chair and feel yourself going back to your body... perfect like that... take a deep breath, feel your body again, your hands, your feet on the floor... Ok, Gary... please take another deep breath, in a moment you will open your eyes and feel full of energy and with an increased sense of empowerment from this wonderful experience. Feel waves of energy that start from your feet and slowly move through your body, feel the energy flowing through you...now very slowly open your eyes... Hi Gary! Welcome back! How do you feel? Great! Gary, I know that for some of the people here, it may seem impossible what has just happened to you, so I would like you tell everyone how you felt during this experience (usually they say that it has been really strange and that they felt an "empty" and very light head). Now Gary, I asked you to see a drawing with your “mind's eyes”, a drawing that I made while you had your eyes closed. I know that this should be impossible but you really did imagine to see a drawing on the pad, right? You really felt to be close to me and see what was on the pad, right? So you said you saw a long vertical line with some circles around it, right? Well, I know that in a moment when you open that pad you will see something a little strange...please open the pad... (when they open the pad they are completely shocked to see the same image that they saw in their imagination!) This is what you saw during your astral projection Gary, so, sometimes when we are asleep we can still live and feel real experiences, it could be that we are traveling with our astral body, into the higher dimension! Please let me sign the drawing for you and you can keep it as a memento of your experience! Thank you!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


TO CONCLUDE This is the classic routine which bridges the line of what is real and what is not. The fact that he sees the drawing on the pad which he has previously seen on his "astral travel" will create a strange sensation as he will not realize if he has really been out of his body. Don't underestimate this routine, even if the method is really very simple. The effect, for everyone present, is very strong and powerful, but if you still want to take it a step further you could use a deeper hypnotic induction. If you are considering study hypnosis seriously, I highly suggest that you check out all of the works from my good friend Anthony Jaquin, visit http://www.headhacking.com/ A LITTLE TIP If you want to "risk it", you can even do this routine without the use of a NW but you need to influence the spectator verbally as to what he sees. The use of the script and the correct words would be vital for this to work. As you can see in the script, I say “believe that you are seeing the simple lines that form the drawing”, the use of the words simple lines is used because it is related and connected to straight lines. Then I say "imagine one shape at a time, fading into your mind now, try to see the drawing line by line", I use the words SHAPE and LINE BY LINE, again to reinforce the image of straight lines. Towards the end of this section I also say “Perfect...keep looking at the pad Gary, what do you see other then the line, is there something around it?" which I use to force the participant to think of circular images by using the word AROUND. To conclude, I ask him if he sees something else in the drawing and for the majority of the time (this is a psychological concept) they say that they don't see anything else. I have personally tested the routine in this way for small performances and small groups of people and it works 65% of the time. Obviously, you always want to have your NW ready in case something happens!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


DREAM PREDICTION If you are looking for something that your clients will talk about forever, this routine is for you. I have always been fascinated by using readings as predictions and my previous work "PSYCHIC VISION" with Kenton Knepper is a perfect example of this, I have many people that are receiving great feedback from this routine. The following routine is another example on how to “label” a reading as a prediction, but this time it is completely different from my previous work. Another beautiful element of this routine is that it uses a great prop that you can find in shops all around the world, the famous "MOLESKINE" notebook (see photo and check the link at the end of the book). I have always liked these little black notebooks and for a long time now I have wanted to create something special using them. I often perform this routine with the host of the psychic party when they contact me for a booking, this will create the right anticipation for your show, making the people speak about you way before you begin the actual show! EFFECT Hand a MOLESKINE notebook to your client, show him that there is a sealed envelope inside the back pocket and tell him not to open it. Then ask him to use the book to write down everything that he dreams of, over the next seven days. Then when you meet him, you read what he wrote down, giving an explanation of what his dreams mean, and when he opens the envelope, there is the explanation that corresponds to the dreams that he has had during the past seven days. PROPS -For the following routine you need a pocket sized MOLESKINE NOTEBOOK which you can find in stationery shops all around the world and also online. The great characteristic of this notebook is that they have a little pocket inside the back page which is perfect to fit a small manilla envelope inside (see photo). -You also need a small manilla envelope that can fit in the back pocket of your MOLESKINE NOTEBOOK. -A piece of paper on which you write the prediction. -Tape to seal the envelope. -A pen.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


ROUTINE EXPLANATION Let's start with the ending and then proceed to the step by step routine. The basic (and bold!) idea behind this routine is that you predict the meanings of what he dreamt and not the actual dreams, this is what makes this routine 100% sure fire! I am writing this with a smile on my face and you are probably going to read this and hate me for being so bold, but as you know, everything I write has been tested during my private and public performances over many years of working on land and on cruise ships for many different kinds of people, from all around the world. Therefore, if you have any doubts as to whether this will work, I can only advise you to TRY IT!! You will see how strong it is from the reaction! When you and your client read about the dreams that he has had, you explain the general meanings of the dreams. The general meanings that you will give him will obviously be what you wrote in the manilla envelope the week before, along with some standard "dream visions". In simple terms, you are going to match the meanings of his dreams with what you wrote in your prediction. In effect, you are "guiding" the dreams he has had, in the direction you want for the prediction. You read his dreams, give an explanation to what they mean and he will automatically accept what you say. He has booked you as a psychic entertainer and he knows that you are a professional, so with this fact, he will believe that what you are saying to him is correct! No questions asked! Plus, he doesn't know what is inside the envelope, so there is no way you can be wrong! I have included the basic reading/prediction, written in bold, in the script and you can also find an alternative script for a women, later on in the routine. It is possible, and a good idea, to adapt the script in base of what your client does for work and the lifestyle of this person. A simple example maybe that of a person who is extremely busy or has a job in which they have a high level of pressure, they are more prone to disturbed sleep and negative dreams/nightmares. One of the best pieces of advise I can give you, and this is what I personally do, is to write down your own dreams for one week and then proceed to write a general meaning based on this.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


In just one week, it is easy to have many different kinds of dreams; scary, happy, sexy, work related, etc...you can find a list of the most common dreams later in the routine. Accumulate all of those emotions and give a general explanation to them. It is easier than what you think! But let's come back to the basic routine now. The week before the party/event, you tell the host that you want to try something special and ask if you can meet together. Prepare your reading/prediction on a piece of paper and seal it in the manilla envelope with tape. Put the envelope in the pocket of the MOLESKINE and you will be ready to go. During the meeting with your client, give him the notebook and show him the envelope inside. Put your signature on the seal along with the signature of your client, so that he can't open it, and tell him not to open the envelope as it is something very important that you want to try with him. Tell him that he has to write all of his dreams in the book, using a page for each night of the seven days and even if the dreams are not complete or clear, tell him to write anything that he remembers, but he must use a separate page for each night. Contact him after seven days (or if your party/event is after one week, you can tell him to bring the notebook to the show. Remember that this is private to your client so you will not read his dreams out in front of the audience, instead, you can do the routine before the show, which can be even better as it is likely that he will explain that you "predicted" his dreams to everybody! Think how powerful it can be this way and it is also great for radio performances) asking him to read aloud the dreams he had. You then proceed with a general explanation on the meanings of the dreams. Once you have finished, ask him to take the envelope from the pocket in the notepad and to open it, and with great surprise he will read that the meanings you wrote one week before, correspond to the meanings of the dreams he had. At the end of the routine, I give him an amethyst crystal which is known as an energy cleaner and to help aid sleep.

IMPORTANT POINT In the moment that he opens the envelope, you need to present it as a PSYCHIC PREDICTION of his dreams. NEVER say that the envelope contains a meaning, even if it does. In his mind, he will see what you wrote as a prediction because the meanings correspond to his dreams! It is important that you implant in his mind that you have predicted his dreams because this is what you want the audience to know. There is a type of double reality in play here.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE MAIN SCRIPT This is the main script for this routine which includes a reading/prediction aimed at a male in the age range 25 to 45 years old. Keep in mind that the majority of dreams are almost always related to the same or similar topics from those of all ages and both sexes, however, sometimes you will need to make a few changes for women or if your client has a very complicated life or is very stressed (but you want to avoid using these people!). What matters is that you give a general meaning so you don’t need to be specific on the actual dreams. THE FIRST MEETING Hello Mike, here I have a black notebook and as you can see, it has a little pocket with an envelope inside, please put your signature on the seal and I will sign it too. I will put the envelope back in the pocket and please don't open it as I want to try a special experiment with you. I want you to write down your dreams, starting from today, for the next seven days, so that at the end of the week you will have seven pages, each one containing information about your dreams. Don't worry if you don't remember exactly what you dreamt, just write down emotions or images that come to your mind. I will see you next week and thank you for taking part in this experiment. THE SECOND MEETING: READING THE PREDICTION Hello Mike, hope everything went well in the past week, do you have the notebook with you? Perfect. Let's start to read about the dreams you had, one by one, and then we will see what it all means. (You read what he wrote on the seven pages and I suggest you make some comments in base of what he wrote, just let your instincts guide you). Ok, well I can see that you had a mixture of different emotions from your dreams. As a psychic entertainer, I have been trained to explain what these mean and the first thing that I notice is that recently you have been feeling a little stressed. You are going through some changes in your life, especially concerning your business. (Note: if you want to approach the subject of relationships, to be accurate, you need to know if he is married or have a basic idea of his relationship status. It is best to try and get this information as soon he contacts you to book the party). You are not completely satisfied with your life at the moment, you are a little concerned, but you also know that you have great potential and energy to be able to achieve what you want (reefer to images or specific dreams that he had. Always remember to connect what your saying to some of the things you are reading from his book, this way you can guide the meanings to what you want to say). You well know that this is the moment to act and make important decisions. All of your dreams are really the representation of a new period of your life that is going to come to you, I can see good things happening for you soon. Now Mike, I would like you to take the envelope that has been inside the notebook pocket for all the week. Before I gave this envelope to you, I had a kind of feeling about you and your emotions, so I wrote a psychic prediction about your dreams. Can you open and read it please... (he opens the envelope and reads)

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


"Dear Mike, I have a strong feeling that the dreams you will have over the next week will denote a period of stress that you are experiencing in your life. The person in your dreams is someone very close to you, and you can count on this person when you need to. The feelings of falling, sadness and sometimes that strange image that you dream about is because you are feeling a bit worried and not completely satisfied with your life at the moment. The images of running away from something is not what you need to do right now. The water, the female figures and the open spaces all represent a new period of your life that you are going to enter soon, a new period that you know is the right one to take action and for making new decisions." As you can see Mike, my prediction matches perfectly with the dreams you had over the last week. When we spoke, I knew you were someone special to try this experiment with, so I’m very happy that I had all of these positive feelings about you. Please take this prediction with you on the day of the show and, without talking about your personal dreams obviously, we can tell the guests about this incredible experience you had. Please take this amethyst stone and keep it close to your bed, this will help you relax and to have peaceful dreams. ALTERNATIVE SCRIPT This is another script that can be adapted for a women of age 25 to 45 years old. As you can see, it is very similar and contains just a few minor changes. Again, you need to have some information concerning this person like her work and personal life to make your "prediction" as accurate as possible. If you are doing this routine for a women that is in the higher range of the age bracket, you can refer to the arrival of a new member of the family (grandchild, child-in-law etc..). It is also worth checking social networks to see if you can find out a little more about their life and to gain some extra information, however, it isn’t essential as the script easily covers the basic meanings. Also, the reference I make to the person in their dreams is purposefully vague, I have not specified if it is a man or a woman, dead or alive, so it really could be anyone that is close to her and you will find that she will link this accordingly. I always ask what this person represents for them and THEN I repeat what they say to make the prediction match. "Dear Sandra, I have a strong feeling that the dreams you will have over the next week will denote a period of stress that you are experiencing in your life. The person in your dreams is someone very close to you and you can count on this person when you need to. The feelings of falling, sadness and sometimes that strange image that you dream about is because you are feeling a bit worried and not completely satisfied with your life at the moment. The images of running away from something is not what you need to do right now. The argument with male figures and the frightening images represent something that you want to remove from your life. The water and open spaces represent a new period that you are going to enter soon, a new period that you know is the right one to take action and for making new decisions."

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


DIFFERENT MEANINGS AND TOPICS In the script, I always enter key words which are quite commonly linked to the majority of dreams. Here is a list that you can expand in base of what you dream. It is a good idea to keep the list updated with anything you dream of. Don't be afraid to ask your friends and family what they dream about, it will be very helpful when making new scripts/predictions. Here are some of the basic topics people dream about: -Eating excessive amounts of food (periods of stress or depression) -Falling from a cliff (unstable period of life) -Flying (represents freedom and also has some connection with sex) -Driving fast/car accident (trying to escape from something) -Running away from something or someone (scared about change) -Difficulties to run, feeling to be stuck to the floor (to be scared to make a decision and to look forward) -Sadness -Crying -Vision of a person (connection to someone, can be man, woman, dead or alive) -Argument with a member of the family (feeling of fear that they keep inside) -Frightening images (fear of something) -Being trapped (the need to change or to reveal something) -Sex images (desires in general) -Animals, in particular rats and snakes (friendship problems or fear of ourselves) -Travelling (change) -Open spaces (the need for freedom) -Diving into water (removing embarrassment or happiness) -Money (realizing desires)

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


TO CONCLUDE This is a beautiful routine, please try it as soon as you can and you will see just how great the reactions of your clients are. The idea that he has to write his dreams on a beautiful black notebook is very emotional and will keep him linked to you for a long time. It is not important to give him the crystal at the end of the routine, but if you can, I suggest you do give him this small gift as it will add something special to the connection between you and your client. To use the notebook again, I usually cut the first seven pages out and keep them. It is interesting to see how strange peoples dreams are and, most importantly, it will be very helpful for expanding your prediction/scripts. I know that there are a few routines concerning this topic, however, I have researched and haven't been able to find anything similar to this concept. I highly suggest you purchase the manuscript "THE BRIDGE" from my good friend Bill Montana, which is a beautiful idea about what people can experience during their dreams. I also think that it can be a nice addition to this routine. You can find this book at http://www.stevensmagic.com/product/mentalism-magic--the-bridge---the-mentalismof-dreams--bill-montana----bk__112687.htm For better understanding and information on dreams and their meanings I suggest you pick up some of the many books on the topic that you can find in any library or online.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE ENERGY PORTAL What can be more wonderful than ending the show with an empowering demonstration for all the guests? Imagine the strong impact you can create when the people leave your show feeling great and full of positive thoughts! This is what you want and this is what you will achieve, thanks to this simple routine. It is not a magic trick but psychological help that is connected with visual props. Totally different in nature from the previous routine in this book, THE SOUND OF DREAMS, this involves each one of your guests. Plus this routine gives you the chance to get contact details from all of the guests present at the show, which is excellent for your mailing list! EFFECT Before starting the show, each one of your guests is invited to take a piece of paper on which they need to write their name, contact information and a positive affirmation regarding their life. They fold their piece of paper, which they then put underneath a beautiful pyramid that is set on a table. At the end of the show, you put the table, that holds the pyramid, centre stage and ask all of the guests to concentrate on their positive thoughts, meanwhile you begin to move a pendulum around the tip of the pyramid. After a few moments, you start to receive some impressions regarding a few of the affirmations, giving brief readings about them. To conclude, you ask all of the guests to close their eyes and you proceed with the final empowering exercise. I can guarantee that once the show has finished, each guest will leave the show with positive feelings and a big smile on their face! PROPS For this wonderful routine you need to purchase a few props, it is a small investment that will be worth every cent! You need a copper pyramid with or without a wooden base. Mine is the one shown in the photo, which has a beautiful base with a symbol engraved on a copper plate. Please refer to the “new age” section where you can find links of places where you can purchase pyramids. Plus you need a pendulum, a specially designed piece of paper which is included with this book and pencils to give to the guests. I also suggest you have a speaker and an MP3 ready with some relaxing music that you can play during the empowering process at the end of the show.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


ROUTINE/EXPLANATION Prepare a table with the pyramid on stage, this table is to be used only for this routine. Before you begin the show, ask the host to go into the audience, to give each person a piece of paper, a pencil and tell them to wait further instructions from you (you can also prepare a container/box on stage and ask them to take a piece of paper from inside). Go on stage, welcome your guests to the party and tell them that before you start the actual show, they need to write on the piece of paper a positive affirmation regarding an area of their life. It is important that they think positively about what they are going to write. What they write shouldn't be in the form of a question but a positive thought of what they want for their future life or for someone they love. For example, they shouldn’t write "Will I get that job?", they need to write a positive statement for something that they want to happen, like "I am sure that I will get that job" (these are called "positive affirmations"). Once they have finished writing, tell them to fold their piece of paper with the writing inside and to put it underneath the pyramid because at the end of the show you will make a general empowering demonstration which will involve everyone. They will a have few minutes before the show starts to complete this task (I usually do this 30 minutes before the show starts, as the host has often prepared or offered the guests drinks and something to eat). Once they have finished putting their pieces of paper under the pyramid and amongst the preparations before the show starts (your host will be asking the guests to arrange their seats and to be prepared for the show), you steal a couple of pieces of paper! (Please don't be afraid to do this. Great minds like Bob Cassidy and others will tell you that the more natural you do the ‘dirty work’ the less obvious and noticeable it will be!). To do this, I personally use the “excuse” that I am moving the table, let’s say from left to right, to put it in the correct position for the end of the show, I then palm a couple of pieces of paper. Put the flat of your hand on the border of the pyramid (as the papers will be all mixed up) and I steal two of them, believe me, it is easier than you think! Take these two pieces of paper, go somewhere private, read and memorize the affirmations and the names of these two people. Once everything is prepared, you begin the show as normal. When you arrive at the end of the show, you tell the guests that you are going to do an empowering exercise that will make all of them think positively. Take the pendulum and begin to move it around the tip of the pyramid while you ask them to concentrate on their positive affirmations. After a few moments you start to receive some impressions, telling them of the topics you secretly read before. Don't be over accurate, if you read about something specific like "I am sure I will get the journalist job at the daily mail" and the name is Robert, say something like " I am receiving an impression coming from the energy of the pyramid, someone is thinking about working in the field of communication in a famous place in England, this persons name is something like Bob or Robbie or something like that...". By using this technique you will be encouraging the guest to speak up and announce himself. Then you will "throw in” some general lines of reading, covering different areas of life, love, work, travel etc... (more in the script later) and then you will proceed with the reading of the second piece of paper that you stole before.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Once you have finished the second reading, the relaxation music should start and you can proceed with the empowering process. Ask everybody to close their eyes, to concentrate on their positive affirmations and to see themselves projected into that positive reality. At the end of the show, thank all of your guests and tell them that from now on they will live their lives in a positive way. THE SCRIPT And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the end of the show, but before I go, I would like to do something for all of you as a thank you for such a beautiful evening together. If you remember, before the show I asked each of you to write a positive affirmation about your life on a piece of paper and to put them under this pyramid, which is known as an energy accumulator. These pieces of paper have been in full view throughout the show, under your control and at the same time they have been charged with the power from this pyramid. We are going to do an empowering exercise all together, so please concentrate with me and follow my instructions. I have a crystal pendulum here which I’m going to move around the tip of the pyramid. I would like all of you to look at the pendulum and concentrate on the movement (the pendulum starts to move in circular motions around the tip of the pyramid), now imagine that a beam of light comes from the tip of the pendulum and enters the tip of the pyramid...see this light with your “mind's eyes”. Please keep looking... like that... I am receiving some of your thoughts from the pyramid...one of you is thinking of working in the field of communication, in a famous place in England, this persons name is something like Bob or Robbie or something similar (the person raises his hand) Hi, are you Bob? (he will say his name is Robert) ok Robert, is your positive affirmation something to do with the field of communication in England? (he says his positive affirmation) Perfect Robert. If you are thinking positively, I am sure you will reach your desires. Everybody keep looking at the pendulum...(Pause for a few seconds but continue to move the pendulum, then begin to approach general topics) I see more positive affirmations concerning work and money...someone is going to travel to other countries... and for the person that is hoping to find the love of their life, yes you will...your doing well, just keep believing and see all of your thoughts becoming reality (the pendulum keeps moving, even when you speak. It never stops) I am receiving some other thoughts now...I can see a new house...someone wants to make an investment... it is a women... Jessy...is it you? (she tells you her name, for this example Jessica). Hi Jessica, I can see that you are quite positive about this, continue doing what you need to in order to reach your goal and you will get it soon! Now ladies and gentlemen, it is time to concentrate all of our energy on our thoughts, please can everybody close their eyes and imagine that the beam of light starts to cover all of your positive affirmations.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Imagine that this light, as a vortex, starts to spin around your positive thoughts, energizing them...imagine that the light from the pyramid starts to move to you...imagine that all around you there is a vortex of light. This light cleans your energy, empowering you, making you stronger and stronger...you feel more positive and you know that you will reach your goals in life...project yourself inside that positive situation... see yourself projected into that positive reality...take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. From now on, every time you think of your future, you will see how beautiful and bright it will be. I want to say a big thank you to all of you and good night! TO CONCLUDE Here you have the final act from my psychic parties. Simple, empowering, positive, direct, to the point and most importantly it will leave your audience feeling HAPPY! It’s overwhelming when guests thank me at the end of the show, each one telling me how they feel more positive about their future and life in general. This kind of collective empowering exercise has a very strong psychological impact and it really can change their lives. Also, you can collect all of their contact information, making it easy to add them to your mailing list and promote special offer on shows, private energy work sessions and readings. Plus, you have all of your guests positive affirmations, which means you know what area of their life they are concentrating on, so imagine the miracles you can create if you were to come into contact with one of them again...the only limit is your imagination. Please give this routine the respect that it deserves and don't be fooled by the simplicity of the act. This is gold, pure gold...

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Pendulum Psychic Baby Pablo Amirá This is a simple idea that you can use in psychic parties or just for any woman who is pregnant. A popular baby gender prediction method is to use a pendulum over the mom's belly and see which way it swings. If the pendulum moves in a circular motion, the baby is a girl but it moves back and forth m, the baby is a boy. This is based in the idea that the mother unconsciously already knows that information and the pendulum allows her to know that information. If you found a lady how is pregnant during your party or anywhere, take your pendulum and let her do this test. This alone is a remarkable moment, but we will enhance all her psychic experience with a prediction. After the test give her a envelope and told her to DON’T open it after a future meeting. Give her your card and told her that she needs to call you a few days after the baby born. The envelope contains a dummy billet inside that has a message like this “ I told you that you don’t open this envelope. You need to learn to keep things secret” She will get this all envelope thing just as “learning” about keeping surprises. Now, if she doesn't’t open the envelope, you have a great opportunity to create an apparent prediction about the name and the future of her new child. Before she contacts you need to find out the name of the baby in a secret way. You need to simply load in a thumb tip a correct prediction that reads like this: “I predict that all will be fine with your dear Natalie (or whatever name the baby has) and she will have a lovely future with you if all your actions are done with love and patience. If you need to know more about your present and future just contact me. Pablo Amirá (In there put your name, of course) “ Met the lady after the baby born and comment the possible success that she has with the pendulum test and remind her about the envelope. Now just open the envelope, show her casually the dummy billet from inside and just put your thumb tip inside, loading the billet and taking it out. Give her the paper while you pocket the envelope. Let her amaze and be prepared to book a lot of readings and psychic parties. Credits to classic pendulum work and Corinda. Pablo Amirá

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


I can't conclude my book without a bonus routine which has been given to me by one of the most influential psychic entertainers today: Neal Scryer. With his two books "The Practical Psychic’s Little Black Book" and "The Practical Psychic’s Little White Book" he caused a sensation in the psychic world and has changed the view of many performers on how to present mentalism. These two books are pure gold and I highly suggest that you purchase them (if you still find some copies left!). You can find all of his work through the following link: http://www.deceptionary.com/webster.html The following routine is from his book "The Practical Psychic’s Little Black Book" and he says that this is one of the strongest routines he performs and for me it is an honour to have the permission to include this beauty in my book. Enjoy!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


SYNCHRONISTIC DREAMS Neal was reluctant to share this effect, as it is one of the strongest things he does. Originally, he wanted to take this effect with him to the grave, but fortunately he relented, and allowed it to be included in this book. You should save this one-on one effect for special occasions when you wish to impress someone. Ted Karmilovich said this effect was “brilliant.” I agree. It's one of the most powerful effects in this book, and will be an absolute miracle for the people you do it for. All you need is an impression device, an envelope and some flower petals. Neal uses John Riggs' Hornet as impression device. You approach your selected person and ask him or her to write down a dream, they'd like to experience. It is preferable if this dream is something he or she has always wanted, but it could be something he or she imagined just before writing it down. Walk away while this is being done. You return when the person has finished, and hand him or her an envelope containing flower petals. “These petals provide good energy for both of us,” you explain. “They help make your dream come true. Fold up the paper and put your dream inside the envelope. Seal it, and keep it with you overnight.” As the person is doing this, explain that you will see him or her tomorrow to discuss their dreams. Ted Karmilovich came up with a good idea for this stage. He suggests saying, “I'll be tapping into your dream tonight while you're asleep.” If anything unusual occurs in the person's house during the evening, such as flickering lights, he or she will credit you with causing it, thinking that you were tapping into his or her energies.

When you contact the person the next day, you start telling him or her about your dream, which amazingly enough, is the same dream the person had written down. When you finish, you ask the person what he or she dreamt about. Most of the time, the person will say that he or she dreamt the same dream as you. “That's wonderful,” you say. “That means your dream will come true. I've already attended to it.” When Neal sees the person the next day, he has already written down the essentials of “his” dream on the back of his business card. He gives them the card, as he knows they'll keep it forever, and will always remember him.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


CENTER TEAR VERSION This is a different twist on the same effect. Instead of using a clipboard, you use the center tear and place all the torn pieces into an envelope. Depending on which center tear you use, you glimpse the information in the process of tearing the paper, or as you place the pieces into the envelope. Seal the envelope and hand it to the person who has recorded her dream. “Tonight in your dreams, you'll visualize these pieces of paper melding together again, and we'll both work on making this dream become a reality.” When you see the person the next day, hand her your business card with your thoughts about the dream you had experienced the previous night written on the back. She'll be amazed to discover you dreamt the same dream as her. HOW TO GAIN EXTRA BUSINESS AS AN INTERPRETER OF DREAMS Neal has shared this idea with a handful of people, and none of them have used it. This is because it doesn't bring in immediate money. However, Neal has found it a powerful way to gain clients who will pay for consultations on a regular basis, and talk about you with others. “I sense that tonight or tomorrow night you'll have a unique dream,” Neal tells someone. He might say this during the course of a reading, or he might even say it to someone he's just met. “I don't know why I'm getting this feeling, but it's going to be a dream that could be important to you. Please give me a call if you have any problems in interpreting it. It could be complicated and I'd be happy to discuss it with you. Here's my card.” As Neal gives them the card, he adds, “I won't charge you for this. It's my pleasure.” Obviously, Neal could set up an appointment and charge the person for the dream interpretation. He doesn't do this, as he believes offering something for nothing puts the potential client at ease. It also makes him unforgettable, and the client will see him as someone who is passionate and sympathetic. The client also knows that Neal is not greedy, unlike many fortune tellers. Neal believes his generosity will be rewarded in time, even i f he has to do a few free dream interpretations first. In addition to this, even if the person never contacts him, she will have one of his business cards. Neal Scryer

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE STRUCTURE OF MY PSYCHIC PARTIES There are many books relating to this topic (of which Richard Webster has written one of my favorites), however, I feel that I can contribute to these and I have decided to share with you the complete structure of my psychic parties. I hope that, at the very least, some of you will find it inspirational and helpful. I have been performing this show for over 5 years (during the months that I am not working on cruise ships) and occasionally I add some different routines depending on where I am working and who I am performing to. I perform the majority of my psychic parties at private houses or small lounges and the maximum number of people attending is around sixty. As these parties are designed for small numbers, I want to create the most intimate atmosphere possible. The first thing I do is work on promoting through flyers and advertising online, sometimes purchasing advertising space at new age shops online is a good idea. Also, small adverts/classifieds in your local magazine or newspapers can considerably help. With this type of advertising I can easily book three psychic parties a week plus private energy work sessions (I have more than 3 people a day coming to my studio for chakra balancing and crystal therapies) and private readings. I also have bookings for private dinners, ONLY as a reader, which involves moving from table to table (similar to close up magic) and making readings using many different tools. These tools range from my three square reading system, to the beautiful Vitruvian square cloth from my dear friend Scott Grossberg. Sometimes I use just a pendulum or a scryng crystal (black obsidian) which I place in the hand of my client and I ask him to project his thought to the stone, I then proceed with a reading, making it a technique that is easy, direct and to the point! Over the years I have created a long mailing list of people that have attended my psychic parties and once a month I send them information on special offers, deals on shows, private energy work sessions and readings. For example, in the winter period (from October to the end of December) if they book two shows during the same month they will receive 30% discount. This is often popular with hosts because by doing this they can make more money with two nights. When contacted by the person that is interested in arranging the party, I ask her to let me know how many people will be attending the party and in base of this I can decide on my asking price. I have different price brackets for the parties; from 10 to 30 people and 30 to 60 people. When she calls me back to give me the exact number attending, I will tell her the price and she can charge each person with a fee that includes food and drinks (normally they add a little extra, like 1$ more, which she takes as a personal fee!) This is the moment I choose to ask her if it is possible to meet, so that I can perform my routine THE BLACK BOOK OF DREAMS for her. I also ask her to tell the guests to prepare photos for the eMOTIONal ENERGY routine, she should be very excited to do this as she will start to understand how the show will directly involve the guests.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


As I need to get private clients interested, during the show I HAVE to "advertise" my knowledge of crystals and energy work in general (Aura Soma, Tuning Forks, Light Therapy etc...) so, as you see from my routine, I try to utilize as many props as possible that are connected with what I do. You can decide to use the same style for your shows OR just keep the show as it is and advertise your "psychic" reading abilities to gain private clients. I open the show by telling the guests that I am an energy worker and that all of the show is based on energy and intuitions (remember that 30 minutes before, the guests filled in the piece of paper and put them under the pyramid for the routine THE ENERGY PORTAL). Then I proceed to give a brief explanation of the crystals and their uses in energy work therapies, it is at this point I tell them that if they are interested they can come to see me after the show for a free "energy consultation" where I will check their energy levels with my Aura Soma Light Energy Pen or sometimes I use just a pendulum on their hands. Also I have prepared special flyers that I give to each of the guests before they leave, which contains descriptions of all services that I offer in my energy work sessions. Then I continue my show, proceeding in the following way: - I call the host on stage to speak about how I predict her dreams with my routine THE BLACK BOOK OF DREAMS, this will implant in the minds of the guests that I have already performed something amazing, from now on they should be more receptive to what I do. -CRYSTAL PSYCHOMETRY ROUTINE -THE SOUND OF DREAM -BODY AND SPIRIT HEALING PROGRAMMING AND SUGGESTION (BSHPS) -BACK IN TIME -eMOTIONal ENERGY -ASTRAL PROJECTION -THE ENERGY PORTAL

The host has prepared a table for me where, at the end of the show, I sell a few "new age" items. In the past I have tried selling many different items, but I now know the things that sell successfully are: CRYSTALS! Everybody has a little knowledge, even if it is very vague, concerning the energy of crystals, so generally each person will buy at least one crystal to always keep with them. There are places in Europe where I purchase several new age products at wholesale, recently I purchased 500 crystal pendants for a great price and I have already sold almost all of them! When you buy wholesale, you need to invest a small sum of money before, however, when you sell them you can see how you can get the money you have spent back very soon!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


For example, I paid 1$ each pendant (500$ in total), normally these pendants are sold in new age shops for 5$ each, I will sell these for 3$ at the psychic parties and I get 1,500$ back! Then I will invest another 500$ to purchase more items to sell. Another popular item are the chakra sets in red drawstring pouches which I sell for 15$. It is not easy to find chakra sets in wholesale but sometimes I make an agreement with the providers to give me a good price if I buy at a high quantity. I also have flyers of the SHAMBHALA HEALING TOOLS (which I use in my energy work sessions) and some flyers of the ACUPRESSURE MATS (again something I use in my private work) I don't make very much money from this, but I think it is nice to invite guests to use a few of these items in their everyday life. On the table will be the flyers, business cards and my promo material. I NEVER say that these items will make miracles, but that they help energy levels. One very important piece of information I must share with you, is that the best advertising is vocally, through your clients. I am continually busy and when I am unavailable, because I am performing my show on cruise ships, I have clients desperately waiting my return for an energy therapy session! This type of energy work will create a kind of "dependence" because the feeling of being completely relaxed and empowered is something that everyone craves, therefore when you begin to make them feel better they will start to come to you again and again. Remember to always be honest and "crystal" clear with your clients, I never say that I can cure physical and psychological problems, I always present myself as an intuitive psychic performer and energy worker. At the end of the day we need to entertain, but if we can do this while making emotions and making them feel better, then our work will be invaluable!

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Here are some photos of the props I use during my private energy work session:

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


THE AURA SOMA CONCEPT AND BEAMER LIGHT PEN One of my favorite techniques, that I use during my private energy work sessions, is AURA SOMA therapy. It was a concept created by Vicky Wall, the idea behind Aura Soma is to "cure" the soul through the use of colors, crystal energy and essential oils. The client is asked to choose four colored bottles, each of which will correspond to a different stage of the clients life, then you proceed with a reading, this is why Aura Soma says: You are the color you choose! I will not explain all of the reading process here, there are many books available on the market and also online which are a great source of information on this area. What I believe is very important for our work as mentalists/ psychic entertainers is a prop created by Aura Soma: THE BEAMER LIGHT PEN. This is a wonderful tool that consists of a type of LED torch with a special tip where you can insert the special vials that contain the Aura Soma essences (oils, crystals and colors). Energy work is used to energize the chakra points or the meridians of the body (hands, feet and so on) but how can we relate this pen to our work? Well, it could be easier than what you think. I have discovered that when you point a light onto any part of your client’s body they will start to feel something in that area. It is purely a psychological sensation but works very strongly at a physical level too. Also this pen can hold a vial at the tip which is filled with oils and water, so as you move the torch, the light will start to change color, thus casting beautiful shapes from the light and it’s this "visual" effect that will enhance the feeling of "touch"! So, I use this Beamer Light Pen as it is perfect for any invisible touch routine. Imagine having your spectator sit on a chair and ask him to open the palm of his hand, you point the light in the centre of his palm and ask him to tell you what he feels. After a few moments and with thanks to the visual effect of the light, he feels a touch/tingling sensation on his hand. Once he has tested the power of the pen, point it onto the crown of his head and again, after a few moments he will feel a sense of touch. I regularly use this pen in my private energy work sessions when the client lies down on the massage bed. Firstly I check with a pendulum which of the chakras have low energy and then I will energize those chakras with the light pen. You won’t believe how powerful it is, they always feel something when you point the light! It is a great tool but it is quite expensive, the price for the full package which includes the light pen, 14 vials, the crystal tip and the wooden storage box is around 450$. However, I can tell you that your clients, even if it’s only psychological, will feel the difference after a light therapy session. We all know the power of color and light for relaxation purposes and this is the perfect tool to work with, PLUS you can easily use it for an invisible touch routine based around the energy work theme. I am sure that if you start to play with this light pen you will come up with many uses for it. Available on the market are other types of light pens which are completely different from this one, they come with a few colored disks that you put in the tip of the light. The effect is not the same with these pens because what makes the real difference is seeing the liquid move and give the sensation of being touched.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


HOW TO SET UP A BASIC ENERGY WORK SESSION In this chapter I am going to tell you how to set up a basic energy work session. Even if you don’t have a great passion for this genera, it is always good to have a basic knowledge just in case one day you want to give it a try. In my full energy work session I use many tools combined together but in this case we are going to use a simple chakra crystal set, a chart and a crystal wand. The basic principle behind any energy work session is to energize, balance, relax and empower the energy centers (called chakras) of our clients. The very first thing to do is create the right atmosphere in your studio or the place where you meet your client. Normally, I have relaxing music playing in the background and I light a very delicate fragrance of incense (Aura Soma has great fragrances with the theme of colors. I use the blue one). Once the client has arrived in the studio I will ask him what is the main reason he has decided to come visit me for (the usual answer for 90% of clients is stress!). Then I explain what we are about to do while giving him some basic notions about energy work and crystals. I tell him that, when he lies down I will put crystals on the chakras points and I show him where, with the use of a chart. At this point I ask him to lie down on the massage bed (you can even use a soft mat on the floor with some comfortable pillows placed under his feet and neck). I proceed with breathing exercises which will help him relax, ask him to breath deeply in and out three times with his eyes closed. Now I place the 7 crystals, starting with the lowest one moving up to the crown chakra (see chart) and I start to energize the chakra points with my crystal. I rotate the tip on each crystal wand (the number of rotations is up to you and will depend on how much you want to energize the chakras) and imagine seeing the sphere of that color resonate and glow with that chakra. While I am doing this, I ask him to visualize each color of the chakras (this is a typical visualization process which all energy workers are familiar with) and at the same time I ask him to breathe and imagine that, when he breathes out, all of his stresses will go out through the bottom of his feet.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


It is essential that all of this process is done calmly, do not rush! This usually takes from three to five minutes for each chakra. Once you have finished the last chakra, which is the crown chakra, ask him to open his eyes very slowly and offer him a glass of water (if this is infused with quartz crystal it is even better). Ask him how he feels, which in 100% of cases they will tell you that they feel more relaxed and empowered. You can now proceed to do a reading using THE STONE OF DESTINY, but in this case, PLEASE do not present this as mind reading. I introduce the routine by saying that I will proceed to attune his energy with mine, I ask him to choose the crystal and to hide it in his hands, explaining that the color he chooses will be related to what he needs and feels at the moment, then I continue with the ‘which hand routine’ and immediately I start the reading. After that, I give him a crystal pendant as a gift. This is a very basic crystal therapy session but as you can see, it contains everything and provides excellent results for your clients. The duration of this session is around 30 minutes which includes a reading and initial consultation. Once you have become well practiced in this exercise you can expand the session using more tools. If you are really interested in giving a professional service to your clients then you should have a qualification on the subject, please check courses/stages that are offered in your country. A quality distance learning (or online) course with final exam and qualification can cost from 500$ to 2000$ depending on what specifications you choose. If you decide to take stage courses the prices start from 2000$ to 7000$ which will include accommodation and meals. If you are interested in working with colors and in the Aura Soma concept, you can check online as they have teachers in most countries and often organize great courses and stages. The tools that I use for a private energy session are: -Crystals -Tuning Forks -Aura Soma Oils and Pomander -Orgone Therapy -Acupressure Mat -Shambhala Pendulums Set and Metraton Mat -Aura Soma Beamer Light Pen -Aura Soma Tarots (for a reading based on the "equilibrium" bottle of Aura Soma) -Crystal Healing Disc -Singing Bowls -Reflexology Massage Wands The duration of my private session is usually one hour long and involves the use of different tools at the same time. Obviously, I will not use all of the tools in just one session, I choose the right tools to use in base of the needs of the client. Energy work sessions create a great opportunity to gain rapport with your clients, they will "need" you to relax and feel empowered, which in turn will make them feel good. You have the power to transfer your positive thoughts and energy to them! This is not just business but a way to use our knowledge and passion for this genera of work to help people feel positive and happy! The ability to help people is much more fulfilling than making money.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


Here is some basic information on chakras and the positions of the crystals. THE ELEMENT OF CHAKRAS 1st: Element: Earth. Physical body, survival, past impressions 2nd: Element: Water. Physical vitality, sex desire, earthly emotions 3rd: Element: Fire. Will, personal power, perseverance, emotions 4th: Element: Air. Love, surrender, balance, acceptance, devotion 5th: Element: Ether. Communication, expression, higher will 6th: Subtle element: Mind. Seeing, inner vision, intuition, comprehension 7th:Subtleelement: Intelligence. God consciousness, spiritual intelligence. THE CHAKRA,CRYSTALS,COLOR CORRISPONDENCE (note: the information below are not supposed to cure or substitute medical advices) First/Base: red, black - Black Tourmaline Second/Sacral: orange - Carnelian Third/Solar Plexus: yellow - Citrine Fourth/Heart: green, pink - Rose Quartz Fifth/Throat: light blue - Blue Lace Agate Sixth/Third Eye: indigo/dark blue - Blue tiger eye Seventh/Crown: white, violet - Amethyst Red stones: protection, courage, energy. Pink stones: calm, sooth, stop distress, help with love. They smooth difficulties in relationship, help with self-love and are good for group rituals. Yellow stones: communication, inspiration, protection, visualization, travel, digestion, skin problems. Orange stones: for personal power, self esteem. They are connected to the sun, attract luck and success, assists in positive outcomes. Green stones: These are for healing. eyes, stomach. Help with money, luck, prosperity, grounding and balance. Blue stones: calm emotions, sleep, healing. Use them in the bath for purification. Purple stones: mysticism, purification, meditation, psychic work, subconscious, health, obedience. White stones: These are ruled with the Moon. sleep, psychism, protection after dark. Black stones: self control, grounding, resilience, quiet power, invisibility, peace, anxiety.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011



"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


FINGER DOWSING This is a great technique to add to the end of a palm reading. You don’t need any props, just the use of your client’s hands. After a reading, ask your client to think of a question regarding his life and tell him to proceed with the finger dowsing as explained below. If the answer he receives is NO, don’t be negative, tell him that he needs to be more sure and focused on what he want. This is usually the perfect occasion to give him a small crystal for empowering benefits.

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


NEW AGE SHOPS LINKS Here are some links where you can purchase crystals and new age products. You can also purchase in wholesale. 1. "Pelham-Grayson" USA, they ship international. Very good for crystals and singing bowls. http://www.pelhamgrayson.com/ 2. My friend Rich Hennessey at Mental Craft (beautiful hand made pendulums) http://www.mental-craft.com/ 3. "Blue Banian" UK, they have almost everything for energy work. Nice crystal wands at good price. http://www.bluebanyan.co.uk/ 4. "Yak Yak" UK, they ship international. The best singing bowls you can find at this price. http://www.yakyak.org.uk/ 5. "Mystic Charm" UK, wholesale only. Everything from dowsing to energy work stuff. http://mysticcharmsnewagestore.co.uk/ 6. "Free the wand" USA, healing pen and zero point energy. http://www.freethewand.com/ 7. "Lucky Mojo" the best hoodoo products you can find. http://www.luckymojo.com/ 8. "Aura Soma" all the information you need are in this website. http://www.aura-soma.net/ 9. "Aura Soma Products" UK, they ship international, You can find also the Aura Soma beamer light pen. http://www.dolphins-angels.com/ 10. "Aristia" this is the pyramid I use for my Energy Portal routine. http://aristia.co.uk/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=414Y You can check also this website in the USA: http://merupyramids.com/pyramid_info.html 11. "Shambhala Healing Tools" the best products for energy workers, a little expansive but really nice. http://www.shambhalahealingtools.com/ 12. "Moleskine" http://store.moleskine.com

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


LINKS TO SUGGESTED READINGS Richard Webster : http://www.deceptionary.com/webster.html Titanas Magic: http://www.titanasmagic.com/ Pablo Amirà: http://www.amirasideas.com/ Kenton Knepper: http://wonderwizards.com/ Jerome Finley: http://www.sangomahealer.com/performersonly.html Anthony Jaquin: http://www.headhacking.com/ Bob Cassidy: http://www.lybrary.com/bob-cassidy-m41.html?osCsid=340e8b93b5581f2b763238db9a622649 Bill Montana: http://www.mentalistlab.com/ Scott Grossberg: http://thinkingmagically.com/ Magick Bascom Jones: http://www.vikingmagic.com/?key=1723&html=full Corinda: http://www.13-steps-to-mentalism.com/ Annemann/The Jinx: http://www.lybrary.com/ted-annemann-m-20.html

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011


AVAILABLE PRODUCTS FROM LUCA VOLPE - "Emotional Mentalism" book deluxe edition, pdf and book soft cover edition - "The ultimate Chair Test Routine Act" Booklet, pdf and Deluxe Set - "Horus" booklet and pdf - "Nephthys" booklet and pdf - "The Stone of Destiny" booklet and pdf - "Psychometry Drawing Extended" booklet - "Thought of card in balloon" DVD - "In My Mind" DVD -"Psychic Vision" pdf available from http://wonderwizards.com/ - "Symbol Reading and Programming" pdf available from http://wonderwizards.com/ -"Color Square Reading System" pdf available from http://wonderwizards.com/ For more information and updates please send email to: [email protected]

"Emotional Mentalism" Copyright Luca Volpe 2011

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