Emcee Script for Annual Dinner by Otago 2012

May 18, 2018 | Author: Neil Obrien Joseph | Category: Leisure, Further Education
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Complete script for emcees out there. Good Luck and feel free to edit wherever you think suits you. Our theme was Superh...



Arrival of guests

Dear guests, the banquet will begin shortly. Please be seated and kindly turn off or set your handphone to silent mode throughout the night. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you. Neil

Arrival of guests of honour 

 Announcing  Announcing the arrival arrival of: of: The honorable Mr Abdillah Adam, Director of Sarawak Education Department The honorable Tuan Haji Awang Hambali bin Haji Awang Hamdan, Director of IPGK Batu Lintang

Ladies and gentleman, please be seated.


Opening Speech

Bismilillahirrahmanirrahim.  Assalamualaikum  Assalamualaikum w.b.t, w.b.t, a very good evening evening and a warm welcome welcome to: The honorable Mr Abdillah bin Adam, Director of Sarawak Education Department, The honorable Tuan Haji Awang Hambali bin Haji Awang Hamdan, director of IPGK Batu Lintang, Mr Abdul Malek bin Mohd Tahir, head of the department for  Students’ Affair  Students’  Affair  Miss Fraulein Angking, head of the English Department, Madam Anis Alisya Abdullah, coordinator of B.Ed TESOL-Otago Programme, Sharon Young, coordinator of B.Ed TESOL programme from the University of Otago, our beloved lecturers and fellow friends. Welcome to “TESL GALA NIGHT 2012”!


Good evening ladies and gentleman. It is my delight to be your emcee for tonight I’m Neil, and I’m also very happy to be accompanied by my charming co-emcee Nasira. Good evening, Nasira.


Good evening, Neil. I’m very happy to be co -emceeing tonight’s event with you as well.


(Doa Recitation)



Without any further delay, we would like to invite Mohd Alif  Naqiduddin for the doa recitation. Amin-amin ya rabbal alamin, thank you Alif  for the doa’.

(Introduction of Theme & Last Dinner)

Ladies and gentleman, The theme for tonight’s dinner is – A Night with the Stars. Most of us have come dressed as our favourite movie characters. As you can see, there are several categories for movie characters including the princesses, villains, superheroes, and contemporary characters. This is the chance for us to dress as our movie heroes. Nasira


Ladies and gentleman, Tonight’s dinner is the final get together for the 57 of us with our  lecturers and staff. This is our chance to spend time with each other  and also to express our gratitude to our beloved lecturers who have been with us through thick and thin these 5 and a half years. Everyone is dressed up to the nines. Doesn’t everyone look absolutely stunning and handsome tonight?

Neil Nasira

Miss Nas, you look elegant tonight. Who are you dressed up as? Let me give you a clue. (British accent). Ow…I just got back from London. Went on honeymoon with Mr. Darcy.


How about you? You look more handsomer than usual. Let me give you a clue. He turns green when he is angry. I am

Professor Bruce Benner  – before turning green. Nasira

Ow…so you are Professor Bruce Benner. I must be careful not to make you angry then. Bob Marley once said “an angry man is a hungry man”. To make sure you do not turn green tonight, I think we should start dinner  now. You ar e getting hungry aren’t you?


You bet I am. Ladies and gentleman, Now, we would like to welcome the servers to serve tonight’s dinner. Dinner is now served. I would like to invite our honoured guesst to enjoy the mouth-watering dishes prepared for tonight’s event.


While we enjoy our meals, we will be entertained by talented performers from amongst us. The first performance is the Bollywood Dance, followed by Bonnie Edwin Maduin who will sing the song entitled “Marry You”. She will then perform a duet with our one and only Mr George for the song entitled “Unchained Melody”. The last performance for this segment will be by Mr Lai who will serenade us with his saxaphone. Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please?

Neil  Are we missing something Nas? I don’t think we have heard our  cohort leader speak tonight. Now I would like to invite our  cohort’s leader , Azman Salleh to deliver  his speech. Nasira

Thank you Azman for that wonderful speech. That will mark Azman's last speech ...... as the cohort leader. The next time we hear his speech, it would probably in the capacity of a Yang Berhormat perhaps? Let us give him another round of applause.


(Video Presentation) **What are you going to say here, Neil**


Ladies and gentleman, Now, we would like to invite the head of Language Department, Miss

Fraulein Angking, to give her speech.


Thank you Miss Fraulein for that wonderful speech. Our next speech will be from someone who flew all the way from New Zealand – Sharon Young our "mama" while we were in Dunedin. Thank you Sharon for that great speech.


Ladies and gentleman, Next we would like to call upon the Director of IPGK Batu Lintang, Tuan Haji Awang Hambali bin Haji Awang Hamdan to deliver his speech.

Thank you very much Tuan Haji Awang Hambali bin Haji Awang Hamdan for your words of wisdom and encouragement.


Now let us move to our next agenda. So Miss Nas, are you feeling lucky tonight?

Nasira Neil

I don’t know, maybe. Why? Because we are having our first Lucky Draw for tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to invite Mdm Anis to the stage to pick five lucky names. P/S Mdm, please pick my name. I have never won anything of some sort ever.


Thank you to our beloved coordinator, Madam Anis for giving away the prizes. So Mr. Neil, I guess we are not that lucky tonight, aye? Well, don’t be sad yet, because we are going to have 6 more lucky draws after this.

Neil "Looking forward to that, Nasira. By the way, you can speak Mandarin, right Miss Nas?"


(Neil speaks mandarin) (Speak mandarin) Enough of me talking. For the next two performances, we will have Shirley and Mr. Sanjan to entertain us.


Thank you Shirley and Mr Sanjan. By the way Nas, can you understand what the Chinese song is all about?


Wo ming bai. The song is about …


Yes, you are right. Okay now, let’s move forward to our next Lucky Draw session! Who shall we invite this time, Miss Nas?


This time, we would like to invite Miss Fraulein Angking to sing a song...eh I mean to draw 3 more lucky names. One of the hampers is sponsored by IPGK Batu Lintang’s cafeteria and the other two hampers are sponsored by Kem Alapong, Lundu.

Introduce Bunyi Gitar 


I guess I am not as lucky.. I think I am not born to win this thing..


It’s okay Mr. Neil, or should I say, Professor Bruce Banner. We still have one more slot to go for that, remember?




Chill mate! Let’s enjoy our next performance!


Yeah! (Sing a bit of Bunyi Guitar)


Err.. Dancers, let’s get started!! After Bunyi Gitar 


 As far as I can recall, that dance was also performed when we were in Dunedin, right?


Yup! It’s true! From Malaysia to New Zealand, our dancers have always made us proud!


What else do we have for the next Segment, Miss Nas?


For our next performance, we will have Abang Kamaruddin performing!  As we all know, Abang was one of the singers in our Musical Night recently...a superstar in the making I shall say!


Without further ado, let’s us give him a big round of applause an d invite  Abang to come on stage!

After Abang Kamaruddin’s Solo


 Absolutely great performance from Abang! (Applause)


You know, I can sing too...


I know that. But right now, the centre of the stage belongs to Abang Kamaruddin with his duet partner, Miss Yusmariza. Together they are going to sing ______________________. After AK and Miss Yus Duet


I didn’t know that Miss Yus could sing! I guess it shows that each and every one of us has hidden talent that waits to be unleashed.


I know you are going to say that you can sing, Mr Neil.


Nayh.. Why would I do that?


Lucky Draw 3 Yeah, right.. So let’s move on to our third Lucky draw of the night. With this, I would like to invite Ms Sharon to pick our last three lucky winners. Mr. Neil, I hope you’ll win something.

Karaoke Session Neil:

It doesn’t matter if I didn’t win. I guess I am used to it. Right, now, we shall open the session for any volunteers to sing us some songs tonight. C’mon ya lads!!

(Introduce those who will come forward) Presenting Souvenirs


I guess each and every one of us have been entertained by the performances from our singers just now! Now we are going to proceed on with our next agenda which is to present souvenirs to our guests of  honour today. With that, I would like to invite our Vice President, Miss Rhenu Balachandran to accompany our President, Mr. Azman (British slang) to come onstage to present the souvenirs.


Our first recipient tonight is the person who is always busy handling our  matters in our institute. He is none other than the Head of Students’  Affair Department, Mr. Abdul Malek bin Mohd. Tahir. Thank You Mr. Abdul Malek. Miss Nas, who shall be our second recipient?


Our second recipient would be the lovely and charming lecturer in the Language Department as well as our Coordinator of B.Ed TESOL Otago in our institute. Let’s invit e Mdm. Anis Alisya Abdullah to come onstage to receive the souvenir of gratitude and appreciation Thank you Mdm. Anis


Our next recipient is a lecturer who has been very supportive of us. She has always been there for us, providing guidance and help whenever  we need it. We are honoured to present the next souvenir to Miss Fraulein Angking, the Head of the Language Dpartment.

Thank you Miss Fraulein.


Our next recipient has always been a mother-figure to us especially during our time in Dunedin. She was like our mother and we really miss her when we left. She was always around whenever we needed her. We are very grateful to have you with us, Sharon. With this, we would like to invite Sharon Young, the Coordinator of B.Ed TESOL Otago from Otago University, to come on stage to receive the souvenir. Thank you, Sharon.


Now, the next recipient of our souvenir tonight is none other than the Director of IPGMKBL, Tuan Haji Hambali bin Haji Hamdan. We are honoured and blessed to have you as our Director. We would also like to thank you for all your support to our programme. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s invite our Director to come on stage to receive the souvenir.


Finally, we would like to show our appreciation to our former director  and the current Sarawak Director of Sarawak Education Department , Mr. Abdillah bin Adam for all his support and words of encouragement before we left for Dunedin. With this, we would like to invite Mr. Abdillah  Adam to come on stage to receive the souvenir. Thank you, Mr. Abdillah Adam.  Also thank you to our lovely Vice President and President too! Special Segment


Biodata first

- 35 years in the teaching field - a total of 15 years as a teacher educator out of which 10 years are in BL - vast experience in module writing - been with us since our foundation years - add on your own ideas....


This is a special segment to appreciate our retiring lecturer, Mdm. Tan Phaik Lee. We would love to show our appreciation for all her hard work and dedication in teaching not only us, but all her students. She has modelled what a teacher should always do in this profession.

With that, we would like to invite Mr. Azman bin Salleh, accompanied by Miss Rhenu Balachandran to present the special present. We would also like to invite Mdm. Tan Phaik Lee to come on stage to receive a special present from B.Ed TESOL Otago Cohort 1.

Thank you, Mdm. Tan. Mdm. Tan, would you please remain standing there as Language Department also has a gift for you.

With that, we would like to invite the Head of the Language Department, Miss Fraulein Angking, accompanied by Mdm. Anis Alisya Abdullah, to present a special token of appreciation from Language Department to Mdm. Tan Phaik Lee. Thank you, Mdm. Tan.

 Also a big thank you to Miss Fraulein Angking and Mdm. Anis Alisya  Abdullah. Not to forget our President and his Vice President.


Next would be our last performance as a whole group. We are going to sing a song from Vitamin C called “Graduation”. We would like to invite our coursemates to come on stage to sing this song.


Everyone, please remain on the stage as we would like to invite our  honourable guests to the stage for the photo-taking session.

After photo-taking session


It has been a marvellous evening, don’t you think, Miss Nas?


Yes, Mr. Neil. It has also been an enjoyable and hopefully a memorable one for each and every one of us.


With that, we would like to express our gratitude to all of our honourable guests for their presence here tonight. Not to forget, a big thank you to our lecturers and every one of you here. Good night and have a safe  journey back. Cheers everyone.

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