EMC Plan

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Industry Sector Mobility Division


PST Series 1000

EMC Plan

Power Supply and Traction (PST)





Released by:

Mr. Beismann, Helmut

I MO TK 1 R3


Signed Beismann

Reviewed by:

Mr. Altmann, Martin



signed Altmann

Prepared by:

Mr. Dietrich, Klaus



signed Dietrich

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Industry Sector Mobility Division Revision Log






Mr. Dietrich, Klaus

30.01.2009 All

Changes/Subject of revision First issue

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Industry Sector Mobility Division

1 Summary This document describes the EMC tasks of the Catenary and Medium Voltage Distribution Subsystem, the limit values to be met, the measures to be implemented and the proofing documents to be produced.

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Table of Contents


Summary ............................................................................................................... 3


Scope .................................................................................................................... 5


References ............................................................................................................ 6


Relevant Project Data .......................................................................................... 7


Abbreviations and definitions ............................................................................ 9 5.1

Table of abbreviations ............................................................................................. 9


Definitions .............................................................................................................. 10


Phenomena of electromagnetic disturbances ................................................ 12 6.1

Sources and sinks of Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem ..................... 12


EMC management, organisation and responsibility ...................................... 14


Requirements ..................................................................................................... 15 8.1

Tender requirements ............................................................................................. 15


Relevant international and European standards ................................................ 21

8.2.1 8.2.2



Compatibility of Equipment .......................................................................................... 21 Protection of passengers and staff with implants ......................................................... 21

Cable Categories.................................................................................................... 22

EMC Evaluation .................................................................................................. 24 9.1

Basic Measures ...................................................................................................... 24

9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.1.4

Requirements for equipment ....................................................................................... 24 Meshed earthing system ............................................................................................. 24 Cabling ........................................................................................................................ 24 Further Measures ........................................................................................................ 25


Calculations and Simulations ............................................................................... 25


Specific Issues ....................................................................................................... 25


EMC Documents .................................................................................................... 26


Annexes ........................................................................................................... 27


Emission limits of the Overall system .............................................................. 27


Immunity limits of cardiac pacemakers ........................................................... 28

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For the purpose of safe and punctual transport of passengers among others the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of all subsystems and components of the Delhi Metro Project is mandatory. This way EMC forms a feature of the system quality. EMC is the ability of an equipment or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment [IEC60050-161-01-07]. A typical railway system is a complex installation with static and moving sources of electromagnetic disturbance and also a wide range of electromagnetic susceptible equipment. There are also electromagnetic sources in the neighbourhood of the railway, such as radio transmitters, power distribution networks and other railways, and sinks like telecommunication networks and perhaps medical institutions. They may interfere with the railway system and therefore shall be part of the EMC analyses. Disturbances have to be limited to reasonable values and the equipment adjacent to sources of disturbances needs adequate level of immunity to get the system function satisfactorily in its environment. As far as safety relevant subsystems are the potential sinks, like signalling and automatic train protection system, immunity including a safety margin is essential to ensure a high availability of this type of subsystems. EMC is the preconditions for the system availability. Furthermore the system shall not influence its environment in an inadmissible manner. The EMC Management Plan [3] prepared on a system-wide level ensures that all aspects of EMC are adequately addressed at every stage during the system development. It describes the management rules and procedures how EMC will be achieved between subsystems and to the environment. The present document describes the technical and organisational measures to be implemented by the Catenary and Medium Voltage Distribution subsystems for their portion of works under the framework of the EMC management plan. In case a safety related subsystem gets interfered despite the preventive measures taken it has to reach a safe state. This issue is not scope of the present document; it will be handled in the Hazard Analysis of the project.

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3 References [1]

DAMEPL PST Series 1000, Delhi Airport Metro Express Line, Volume III, Employer Requirements: General Specification, October 2008


DAMEPL PST Series 1000, Delhi Airport Metro Express Line, Volume III, Employer Requirements: Technical Specification, October 2008


EMC Management Plan, Initial Engineering Submission, Version 3, September 2008


EN 50121-4 (2000-09), Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications, part 4: Emission and Immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus


EN 50121-5 (2000-09), Electromagnetic compatibility - Railway applications, part 5: Fixed power supply apparatus and installation


IEC 61000-6-2 (1999-01), Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environments


IEC 61000-6-4 (1997-01), Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic standards – Section 4: Emission standard for industrial environments


EN 50061/A1 (1988-07), Amendment A1 (1995-08), Safety of implantable cardiac pacemakers;


DIN V VDE V 0848-4/A3 (1995-07), Safety in electromagnetic fields – protection of persons in the frequency range 0 to 30 kHz; Amendment A3

[10] EN 55011 (2000-05), Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement

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4 Relevant Project Data The traction electrification system is configured as a simple rail return system with arial earth wires along the tunnel section and as booster transformer system along the viaduct sections. The traction power supply is provided from 66 / 25 kV receiving substations. The auxiliary substations (ASS), located at the stations are supplied by a 3phase cable ring along the line, fed also by these two receiving substations with 66 / 33 kV transformers. Length of the line:

22900 m

Number of stations:


Number of receiving substations:

2 (km 3.9 and km 17.1)


3.5 min


4 car train 4M2T

Max. Speed

135 km/h

OHLE nominal voltage

25 kV

Auxiliary power supply voltage

33 kV

The following table gives an approximate overview the different tunnel and viaduct sections for information only (actual locations may differ slightly): Track alignment

Track section

0 – 0.47

Cut & cover tunnel

0.47 – 3.0

Bored tunnel

3.0 – 3.9

Cut & cover tunnel

3.9 – 6.2

NATM tunnel

6.2 – 6.5

Cut & cover tunnel

6.5 – 14.1


14. 1 – 19.6

Cut & cover tunnel

19.6 – 21.1

Bored tunnel

21.1 - 23.0

Cut & cover tunnel

PST main components for traction supply: 27.5 kV Gas insulated switchgear incl. control and protection 25 kV power cables for line feeders Delhi Airport Metro Express Line


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Industry Sector Mobility Division 1 kV power cables for return feeders Along the viaduct section a flexible catenary transmits the power to the trains, consisting of 

catenary wire

contact wire

return conductor for booster transformers

pole mounted aerial earth wire (AEW)

buried earth cable (BEC) in the cable ducts.

Within the different tunnel sections a rigid overhead rail transmits the train power, consisting of 

rigid rail

contact wire

pole mounted aerial earth wire (AEW)

tunnel earth cable (BEC) installed at tunnel walls.

PST main compontens Auxiliary supply: 33 kV Gas insulated switchgear incl. control and protection 33 kV power cables, laying in thee-foil formation 33 / 0.4 kV transformers 415 V AC- low voltage distribution 110 V DC- distribution SCADA system Servers, workstations in OCC and RSS Remote Terminal Units (RTU) in the related stations (optical fiber communication cable is in scope of telecommunication contractor)

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5 Abbreviations and definitions 5.1

Table of abbreviations



Abbreviation AC or a.c.

Alternating Current


European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation

CISPR DC or d.c.

International Special Committee on Radio Interference (This is a committee of the IEC.) Direct Current


Deutsche Industrie-Norm (German Industrial Standards)


Earthing and Bonding


Electromagnetic Compatibility


Electromagnetic Interference


Electrical and Mechanical


Electrostatic Discharge


European Standard


International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection


International Electrotechnic Commission of ISO


International Standard Organisation


Lightning Protection System


Protective Conductor (or combination with Neutral Conductor)


Root Mean Square Value


Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker (Germans electrotechnic standardisation organisation)


World Healthy Organisation


Overhead Catenary System


Subsystem “Rail Electrification”


Subsystem “Traction Power Supply”


Traction Supply Substation

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For a common understanding of the technical requirements some definitions are essential. List of definitions:

3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.2.5. 3.2.6. 3.2.7. 3.2.8. 3.2.9. 3.2.10. 3.2.11. 3.2.12.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) [IEC 60050-161-01-07] ...................................... 10 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) [IEC 60050-161-01-06] ........................................ 10 (Electromagnetic) emission [IEC 60050-161-01-08] .................................................... 10 Inter-system interference [IEC 60050-161-01-15] ........................................................ 10 Intra-system interference [IEC 60050-161-01-16] ........................................................ 10 Immunity (to a disturbance) [IEC 60050-161-01-20] .................................................... 10 Emitter (of electromagnetic disturbance) [IEC 60050-161-01-23] ................................ 11 Susceptible device [IEC 60050-161-01-24] ................................................................. 11 Electromagnetic environment [IEC 60050-161-01-01] ................................................. 11 Environment (neighbourhood) [EN 50121-2] ............................................................... 11 Functional safety [IEC 61000-1-2] .............................................................................. 11 Railway system [EN 50121-1- excerpt annex A] .......................................................... 11


[IEC 60050-161-01-07]

The ability of an equipment or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment. Remark: EMC is a precondition for the system availability. 4.2.2. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (EMI)

[IEC 60050-161-01-06]

Degradation of the performance of an equipment, transmission channel or system caused by an electromagnetic disturbance. Note: In English, the terms “electromagnetic disturbance “ and “electromagnetic interference” designate respectively the cause and the effect, but they are often used indiscriminately. 4.2.3. (ELECTROMAGNETIC) EMISSION

[IEC 60050-161-01-08]

The phenomenon by which electromagnetic energy emanates from a source. 4.2.4. INTER-SYSTEM INTERFERENCE

[IEC 60050-161-01-15]

Electromagnetic interference in one system due to an electromagnetic disturbance produced by another system. 4.2.5. INTRA-SYSTEM INTERFERENCE

[IEC 60050-161-01-16]

Electromagnetic interference occurring in a system due to an electromagnetic disturbance produced within the same system. 4.2.6. IMMUNITY (TO A DISTURBANCE)

[IEC 60050-161-01-20]

The ability of a device, equipment or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.

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Industry Sector Mobility Division 4.2.7. EMITTER (OF ELECTROMAGNETIC DISTURBANCE) [IEC 60050-161-01-23] Device, equipment or system which gives rise to voltages, currents or electromagnetic fields that can act as electromagnetic disturbances. Remark: In literature dealing with EMC often the term “source (of electromagnetic disturbance)” instead of “emitter” is used. Often the term “emitter” is used for radiated disturbances. In this document the term “source” will be used, because it is more common. 4.2.8. SUSCEPTIBLE DEVICE

[IEC 60050-161-01-24]

Device, equipment or system whose performance can be degraded by an electromagnetic disturbance. 4.2.9. ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT

[IEC 60050-161-01-01]

The totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location. Note: In general, the electromagnetic environment is time dependent and its description may need a statistical approach. 4.2.10. ENVIRONMENT (NEIGHBOURHOOD)

[EN 50121-2]

The surrounding objects or region which may influence the behaviour of the system and may be influenced by the system. 4.2.11. FUNCTIONAL SAFETY

[IEC 61000-1-2]

Freedom from an unacceptable risk of harm due to the malfunctioning of the equipment or a system including that resulting from reasonably foreseeable misuse. Remark: The target of functional safety is avoiding of dangerous failures. The safety relevant functions of a system, e.g. vehicle operations must be kept independent of electromagnetic impacts. That means that devices or components of a system could be disturbed or destroyed but a safe state must be achieved. Increased EMC requirements improve the availability of safety related devices. All functional safety aspects are dealt with in the related documents of safety, e.g. Safety Plan. 4.2.12. RAILWAY SYSTEM


The railway is an integrated system in which electricity has many uses in addition to train propulsion including: -

heating, air conditioning, catering and lighting of passengers coaches with converters on the vehicles. Separate conductors feed this power along the train;


signalling and telecommunication systems along the track and between control centres, concerned with the movement of trains;


computer installations in control centres, linked via trackside routes;


passenger information systems on vehicles, stations and depots;

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6 Phenomena of electromagnetic disturbances Electromagnetic disturbance will be found in general, where electromagnetic energy finds a way of undesirable coupling from a source to any other sink. The Figure 6-1 shows the general interference model with its 3 parts source of disturbance, coupling path and sink of disturbance including some examples.

Source of disturbance e.g.

Lightning Switching voltage (motor, drives)

Magnetic field (traction power contact line)


Sink of disturbance Coupling path Conductive coupling Inductive coupling Capacitive coupling Radiation

(radar, mobile phone)


Device (mobile phone, PC, monitor, radio)

Equipment (automatic door, lift)  System: e.g. Building services with cabling

(ventilation, heating)

Figure 6-1 Interference model

According to the level of disturbance generated by a source and the characteristic of the coupling path a certain level of disturbance occurs at the location of the sink. To achieve EMC according to its definition the disturbance level has to be below the immunity level of the sink including a specified margin. Any particular device may be source of disturbance and also sink of disturbance at the same time As a general approach to achieve EMC in typical situations different levels of acceptable disturbance levels have been defined for domestic/light industrial locations, industrial locations and railway corridors. These general disturbance levels are called electromagnetic environments. The immunity level of each equipment must be according to the electromagnetic environment in which it will be placed or higher, while the disturbance level must be according to the environment or lower.


Sources and sinks of Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem

Even if the catenary system is only the provider and not the originator of electrical power and the current is generated by the consumer the catenary system will act as an emitter of electrical disturbance. These disturbances are: - Magnetic fields built by the electric current generated by the vehicles, including harmonics. - Conducted emission of harmonic disturbances mainly produced by the vehicles to the substation. - Radiated emissions of high frequency disturbance generated by arcing of the pantograph. Magnetic fields may be reduced by reducing the currents and by the geometric arrangement of contact wire, reinforcing wire and return wire(s). As the power consumption of the vehicle is determined by the required traction effort currents may only be reduced by increasing the nominal voltage of the traction power. The geometric arrangement of wires has to consider the interface Delhi Airport Metro Express Line


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Industry Sector Mobility Division of the contact wire to the pantograph and the kinematic envelope of the vehicle including safety distance. The arrangement will be optimised within the given restrictions. The arcing of the pantograph is determined by a couple of parameters whereas most of them may not be influenced by the Catenary System. The correct adjustment of the height of the contact wire above the top of rail is he main influence of the Catenary System on the arcing and will be adjusted within the specified limits to ensure a constant contact pressure of the pantograph. Both types of disturbance will superimpose with other disturbance and represent the overall emissions of the railway system in the track area. They will be included in the overall emission test of the system according to EN 50121-2 to be conducted on a system wide level by others. The only susceptible equipment of the Catenary and Medium Voltage Distribution Subsystem is the control and protection equipment in the switchgear room. The equipment is designed and tested to comply with the industrial environment’s disturbance level. No interference is foreseen fort his type of equipment on the intended location of installation.

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7 EMC management, organisation and responsibility The EMC Management rules, the organisation of required resources and the limits of responsibility are defined in [3] on a system level. The Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem will participate in the management process and provide necessary resources as far as reasonable to achieve the EMC goal of the project. A competent person will be named to represent the subsystem regarding EMC related issues.

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8 Requirements 8.1

Tender requirements



EMC Management Plan

considered for subsystem in the present document

Quotation from Employers Requirements, General Specificatio

part of EMC Mgmnt. Plan on system level

The tender documents [1] and [2] make requests regarding EMC activities. The following table informs which of these tasks have to be considered on the subsystem level for the Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem. The symbols used are explained below the table.

2.3.1 The Contractor shall ensure that all electrical and electronic apparatus are designed and installed to operate without degradation of quality, performance or loss of function and data in the electromagnetic environment of the Project.


2.3.2 The design shall ensure that any electromagnetic interference emissions introduced into the environment do not exceed those detailed in the Specification. The Contractor shall ensure that his equipment is designed with the required immunity levels given in the Specification. In addition, the works shall be designed to limit the electromagnetic interface (EMI) to the nearby sensitive installations within the specified limits.


2.3.3 The Contractor shall develop and submit to the Employer for approval within the specified schedule, an EMC Management Plan which shall: (i)

describe EMC philosophy, activities, means of control on the EMC design;

(ii) define and describe the process and methods used for verification and validation of compliance with the required EMC parameters in all respects; (iii) provide an EMC submission list which entails all relevant design documentations, test specifications and test reports for the demonstration of compliance, with a single paragraph description for each document; (iv)


entail a programme which shall identify all EMC submission dates.

(v) identify and provide details of a designate person nominated as the point of contact to deal with EMC matters for review without objection by the Employer. The same should apply to any subsequent change of this designated person. 5



General Requirements

5.1.1 All Works provided by the Contractor shall be electromagnetically compatible with each other and shall also be electromagnetically compatible with all electrical and mechanical systems provided by the Rolling Stock Contractor, the Civil Infrastructure Contractors and/or all Designated Contractors and existing external systems which may affect or be afDelhi Airport Metro Express Line


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Industry Sector Mobility Division fected by the works including radio systems, television systems, the telephone network, medical installations (fixed and mobile units such as heart pacemakers) and the power distribution network. 5.1.2 The electromagnetic compatibility of the works shall, as a minimum, comply with the requirements of European standard EN 50121.


5.1.3 The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Employer, the compliance of the works with the requirements of European standard EN 50121 as part of the design, type testing, testing on site and final commissioning.


5.1.4 All equipment provided by the Contractor shall be adequately designed to be immune to all electromagnetic interference that could arise, according to the requirements of European standard EN 50121.


5.1.5 Failure of any electromagnetic suppression components fitted to safety critical systems provided by the Contractor shall not cause that equipment to fail and cause an unsafe condition on the DAMEL, when it is subjected to interference that is within the bounds of the EN 50121.


5.1.6 The Contractor shall identify all systems and equipment to be tested, define the test procedure and provide acceptance criteria that must be achieved. The Contractor shall carry out EMC compliance testing in the FAT stage and verification testing in the commissioning stage of the project on these systems and equipment.

n.a. 1)

5.1.7 For theoretical analysis, the Contractor shall detail the process and methods used for verification and validation of any simulation models used in support of the analysis, where applicable. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer for review reports of the verification and validation of the models. The Contractor shall verify all results by one or more of the following means, (i)

use of certified simulation models; and


on-site verification tests.


5.1.8 The Contractor shall interface, liaise, co-ordinate and exchange EMC data with all relevant Project Contractors to ensure EMC integrity in the design stage, and to appropriately demonstrate compatibility in the testing and commissioning stage of the project in conjunction with these Project Contractors. The Contractor shall send a copy of all EMC related information exchange to the Employer for review.


5.1.9 The Employer may request, at his discretion, attendance at the EMC tests prior to delivery, to ensure that the EMC requirements are met. However, this will not result in design acceptance which can only be given after successful completion of the testing and commissioning.

n.a. 1)

5.1.10 The Contractor shall implement corrective measures and actions to rectify any EMC problems identified during design, on-site tests, trial operations and within the Defects Liability Period.


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part of EMC Mgmnt. Plan on system level

Quotation from Employers Requirements, Technical Specification

Description of the Works

h) Protective Measures to minimise EMI/EMC effects 25kV single phase ac system may cause electromagnetic interference in the adjacent installations such as signalling and telecommunication lines, Airport installations, military R&R Hospital etc. The Contractor shall carry out EMI/EMC simulation study to access the impact and adopt mitigation measures accordingly. If the induced voltage exceeds the maximum permissible limits specified in the International standards (ITU-T), the arrangement for minimising these EMI/EMC effects, such as provision of Booster Transformer and Return Conductor shall be part of scope of work for elevated section. As this will affect the OHLE design, the Contractor shall submit a proposal for this booster transformer option for review and approval from the Employer and should include a price for such option in the Tender. i) Earthing & Bonding System Earthing & Bonding shall be provided along the viaduct to ensure a safe low resistance path for the return current flow from the rail track back to Railway Substations. This will be done to ensure that the touch & step potentials are within permissible limits in normal as well as short circuit conditions as specified in this Specification. The scope of work includes provision of the Arial Earth Wire (AEW), two number of tunnel earth wire (TEW in tunnel) / one number of buried earth conductor (BEC on viaduct) interconnected with each other and all metallic equipment/structure/reinforcements provided along the DAMEL by the Contractor as well as Designated Contractors. 4.7

considered for subsystem in the present document

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X 2)


Electro-Magnetic Compatibility:

General 4.7.1 The Contractor shall identify all likely sources of EMI that are pertinent to and prevailing in the electromagnetic environment of AMEL. Appropriate mitigation measures shall be provided to ensure correct operation of the System in its intended operating environment.


4.7.2 The Contractor shall interface with all relevant contractors by liaising, coordinating and exchanging of EMC data to ensure EMC integrity in the design stage, and shall demonstrate compatibility in the testing and commissioning stage of the project in conjunction with these interfacing Contractors timely and appropriately. The Contractor shall submit a copy of all EMC related information exchange to the Engineer for review.

S 1)

4.7.3 An EMC Management Plan shall be submitted by the Contractor as specified in the Employer’s Requirements: General Specification, for review by the Employer.


4.7.4 The EMC Management Plan shall include measures to reduce conducted, induced and radiated emissions to acceptable levels as specified by EN50121:2006 or by an equivalent relevant international standard. The plan shall specify measures to increase immunity of the System and all its subsystems.


4.7.5 The Plan shall specify basic protective measures proposed for all electrical and electronic subsystems and components and specific measures to be adopted for selected subsystems and components.


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Industry Sector Mobility Division 4.7.6 The Plan shall analyse EMI and EMC impacts on the design of the System, all other train-borne equipment and track-side equipment as well as the general environment. Particular attention should also be paid to additional requirements in grounding, bonding, shielding, filtering and cabling arrangements.


4.7.7 The Contractor is required to conduct full EMI tests at locations adjacent to television and radio transmission stations, airport, and other transmitting commercial stations to be agreed with the Employer. These tests shall include simulated fault conditions.



Radiated emissions shall not exceed the levels permitted by the relevant standards.


4.7.9 Conductive emissions shall be below the levels deemed by the signalling equipment to the satisfaction of the Employer. This condition shall be met by each individual piece of equipment.

n.a. 3)

4.7.10 Power cables and data cables shall be physically separated from each other. Power cables shall be located and arranged such as to minimise electrical induction or interference to train control and communication circuits as a result of traction, auxiliary or other currents, both static or transient


4.7.11 All limits for Signalling and Telecommunication should be identified in interface documents. 4.8


Intra-system EMI

4.8.1 The Contractor must ensure that all intra-system EMI are taken care of through proper design and other special measures. All major subsystems must be tested for emissions and immunities in accordance with the appropriate international standards for equipment operating in MRTS/Railway or similar industrial environment. 4.9

X 1)

Inter-system EMI

4.9.1 The Contractor shall ensure that all equipment are designed and constructed in accordance with the latest issues or version of internationally recognised EMC standards, including but not limited to CISPR, EN50082, EN50121, EN50123, EN50155, IEC60571-1, IEC61000, or equivalents, to ensure proper functioning. 4.10

X 4)

Safety-related Systems Interference

4.10.1 Special attention must be given to the interference with safety-related operations and equipment such as the signalling and telecommunication systems. Special tests must be designed to ensure that the full range of emissions, whether conducted, induced, or radiated, individually or in combination with one another, conform with the specific requirements of these safety-related systems. Adequate safety margins must be ensured between the immunity levels of these safety-related systems and the emission levels of the System specified by prevailing international standards.


4.10.2 The subsystems and components which could possibly give rise to the level of emissions under both normal and fault conditions (conducted, induced or radiated) that may affect the safety-related systems must be identified. The quantified risk assessment must be carried out as part of the Hazard Analysis to determine the probabilities and effects of such interference. Measures must be taken to reduce such emissions. The reliability of subsystems as well as the additional measures, e.g., filter, must be investigated.


4.10.3 The probabilities of various conditions which could lead to an unsafe operation must be determined. An appropriate technical construction file suitable for safety audit must be developed to demonstrate EMC compliance to the Employer.


4.10.4 The Contractor shall note that the Signalling Contractor shall be responsible for determining the limits of interference for both the trackside and on-board Signalling equipment, to ensure safe operation of the trains.


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Industry Sector Mobility Division 4.10.5 The Contractor shall take into account the specific requirements of Airport Authority, Army Hospital, Indian Airforce etc. for determining the limits of interference. 4.11


Non-Safety-Related System Interference

4.11.1 The Contractor shall take appropriate measures to ensure that EMC is achieved between the equipment and all train-borne and track-side equipment. Particular attention must be given to:


a) Telecommunications Equipment The equipment shall not produce significant interference affecting proper operation of telephone, public address system, and passenger information systems due to influence arising from radiation, conduction, inductive, capacitive or electrostatic coupling. The limits in ITU T directives must be complied with at all times.


b) Supervisory & Control Equipment The Contractor must ensure that electromagnetic compatibility is achieved with the supervisory & control equipment. These shall include induced or radiated coupling to sensors and in-built test equipment including VDU and computer systems, low frequency induced and high-frequency radiated coupling through common-mode, differential-mode, or ground-loop mechanisms. 4.12


Environmental EMC

4.12.1 The equipment shall not produce significant interference with radio, television, tape recorders or players, heart pace-makers, radar, computer systems, magnetic media, portable and cellular telephones, pagers, etc., in the train or externally as per International Standard EN 50121. This includes action by static electricity, magnetic fields and electric fields.


4.12.2 Effect of emission on explosive or volatile/flammable material must be considered. BS6656:2002 (Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio- frequency radiation-guide) and other related standards shall be adhered to.


4.12.3 Effect of the low-frequency magnetic field produced by traction currents on AMEL MRTS grounding system as well as electrolytic weakening of structures should be considered wherever applicable. 4.13


Electromagnetic Compatibility Submissions

4.13.1 EMC Management Plan – The requirements of the EMC Management Plan shall be as set out in GS paragraph 2.3 and Annexure 1 section 5 and TS paragraphs 4.7.3 – 4.7.6 above.


4.13.2 Electromagnetic Interference Hazard Analysis – The Contractor shall conduct a preliminary EMI Hazard analysis in the early design stage, identifying sources of EMI likely to affect the Signalling system or other 3rd party sensitive system / equipment to be affected by the system; highlighting all possible consequences in the event of failure, and proposing EMC protective measures. Results shall be detailed in EMI Hazard Analysis Report which shall be submitted to the Engineer for review.

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i) Electromagnetic Compatibility Specification and Test Plan – The Contractor shall submit an EMC Specification and Test Plan to the Engineer for review. In this submission, the Contractor shall a) define all EMC issues for each type of equipment for both immunity and emission interference and include a list of interference sources and mechanisms applicable to each affected equipment with quantitative analysis to define the worst case values of interference signals; b) outline the extent of testing both before and after the installation of equipment. It shall include test requirements, test specifications, and procedures to demonstrate that the System is suitably immune to the predicted levels of interference, and its emissions do not Delhi Airport Metro Express Line


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Industry Sector Mobility Division exceed the specified levels. 4.13.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Review Report – The Contractor shall carry out EMC design review to address all related issues and submit the outcome in an EMC design review report for the Engineer to review. The EMC design review report shall: a) demonstrate that all EMC issues have been fully addressed by the design and design techniques; b) provide calculation and theoretical analysis to demonstrate electromagnetic compatibility among intra- and inter- systems, where applicable ; c) conclude whether the worst case interference signals will disrupt normal operation of the System. Disruption shall be analysed from safety, reliability, and operational view points; and d) propose remedial measures to mitigate any problems that will cause the Signalling system to fail to meet safety, reliability and operational requirements.


4.13.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Reports and Certificates – a) The Contractor shall carry out all EMC tests to verify compliance with EMC requirements in accordance with the test plan. The Contractor shall demonstrate the System is electromagnetically compatible with its operating environment. b) The Contractor shall submit relevant test reports and certificates upon completion of the tests. The certificate shall include a declaration of conformity, signed by the Contractor, declaring that the Signalling system is in conformity with the standards specified in this TS and that the system is suitable for operation in the electromagnetic environment of DAMEL. Relevant EMC test certificates of any standard off-the-shelf products shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. c) The Engineer may witness all or certain EMC tests. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 14 days prior to the commencement of any EMC test. The Contractor shall make available all premises and equipment used for EMC testing when required by the Engineer for witnessing.

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4.13.6 EMC Audit The Employer, the Engineer or his delegates, may conduct EMC audit on the EMC management process and undertake technical review on both the system and its component parts in various phase of the Project. Access to all relevant design and production information will be required. The Contractor shall make available all relevant documents for the EMC auditor to review.


4.13.7 Defects Liability Period Prior to any modification to the System and equipment in the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor shall submit a EMC study document to verify that the change will not detriment the immunity and emission characteristics of the installed system to affect the operation of DAMEL. No modification work may commence without prior approval of the Engineer.


4.14 Installation and Mitigation Guidelines IEC61000-5 Installation and Mitigation Guidelines must be observed wherever applicable.


Legend X – Fully applicable. S - The requirement is defined for the system as a whole, it is considered in the extent the subsystem contributes to the overall requirement. n.a. – The requirement is defined on a subsystem level, anyway it is not applicable for the subsystem Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem for technical reasons. 1) Testing of passive electrical equipment like cables, transformers and switches is not foreseen in EMC standards; for the control and protection equipment all equipment is type-tested, no on-site testing is required. Delhi Airport Metro Express Line


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Industry Sector Mobility Division 2) Along the viaduct section a total of three booster transformers per track will be installed. However, booster transformers are not the preferred solution to mitigate induced voltages. 3) Conductive emissions coupling path only provided to the public grid, dealt with by Harmonics Study. 4) Considered as far as applicable for the related equipment. 5) EMC issues shall be included in the overall Hazard Analysis. Functional safety is a design property of equipment and is independent of a reason for a failure or malfunction. That means equipment used for safety related functions has to come to a safe state whether a component fails, a connection gets lost or a signal gets disturbed. To increase the availability of safety related equipment the margin between the accepted disturbance level for an electromagnetic environment and the immunity of the related equipment will be increased.


Relevant international and European standards

8.2.1 Compatibility of Equipment Generally for all equipment in a railway system the standard series EN 50121 applies. This series provides common rules in part 1, system wide rules in part 2, rules for rolling stock in part 31 and 3-2, rules for control and communication equipment in part 4 and rules for power supply equipment in part 5. For the Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem the parts 4 [4] and part 5 [5] apply. The EN 50121 series provides increased limit values for the track corridor up to 3m from the centre line of the outer track. For all other locations this standard series refers to the generic standards of the industrial environment or even the domestic and light industrial environment. All Equipment of the Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem outside of the track area applies the standards for the industrial environment IEC 61000-6-2 [6] and IEC 61000-6-4 [7].

8.2.2 Protection of passengers and staff with implants Limits values for cardiac pacemakers will be taken as most critical aspect for the safety of persons with regard to safety in electromagnetic field. The limits are shown in the chart in chapter 10.2 in the frequency range between 0 Hz to 30 kHz. These limits apply to all areas accessible by the public, passengers, drivers and non-technical service staff who are not aware of the potential risk of exposure. For technical equipment rooms the relevant rules of the health and safety plan must be followed. Staff with EMI susceptible implants shall be forbidden to enter such rooms.

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Cable Categories

Cable categories are a method of classifying cables in order to minimise electromagnetic interference between them. The criteria for the classification of cables are ● their effect as source for electromagnetic disturbance ● the sensitivity of cable and connected equipment as sink The table below shows a typical classification based on VG 95375-3 standard. Category


EMC Behaviour


Power cable of low voltage power supply, control signal cables 1kV, leaky feeder cable

Source, small sink

Applicable for TPD Y

Small sink


Sink Big sink Big source Very small sink


Very big source


2 3 4 5 a: Fibre optic cable b: Specific cable

Table 8-1, Cable categories based on VG 95375-3

The cables used in the Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystems of Delhi Metro can be classified in the following cable categories: ●

Power Cables (category b) -

150 kV cables of the three-phase TSS feeders


25 kV Feeder cables from TSS or ATS to OCS


Return cables from the return circuit to TSS or ATS

Because of high currents these cables may be a source for high electromagnetic disturbance. Their sensitivity as sink is low. ● Control Cables (category 1) -

Connections from measuring equipment (current or potential transformers) to the related control or protection equipment.


Connections from control or protection equipment to the related switching devices.

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Industry Sector Mobility Division Control cables and connected equipment have to be considered as sink of electromagnetic disturbance, when laid in parallel to OCS or feeder cables. Power supply cables for motor operated switches may also act as small source, as long as they are powered for switch operation. Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem has no own communication cables along the line or from the line to the OCC.

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9 EMC Evaluation 9.1

Basic Measures


Requirements for equipment

In order to function within the railway environment all Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem equipment has to fulfil the requirements of EN 50121-5. SCADA computers and related equipment have to be designed and tested in accordance with EN 50121-4. Sub-suppliers shall certify that their components fulfil these requirements.


Meshed earthing system

Shielding is the most efficient and therefore most common method to achieve EMC. Shielding itself relies on an efficient earthing and bonding system. Reliable earthing and bonding is a precondition for EMC-compliant installation. The goal is to achieve bonding connections with low impedance between any two earthing connections with a subsystem and at the same time low impedance to earth. This is achieved by a meshed earthing and bonding system which provides multiple parallel paths for disturbances and acts similar to a ground plane. The most efficient method to implement a meshed earthing system is to utilise the existing structural reinforcement as an earthing system. A mesh of about 10m x 10m meters shall be welded at the nods and attached to the other reinforcing rods by wire-tying the usual way.



In order to minimize the magnetic field of power cable circuits and in consequence the induced voltage in cables of other categories laid nearby, the loops formed by the power circuits shall be as small as possible: ●

The three phase conductors of three-phase circuits shall be arranged close to each other, optimum is trefoil formation.

The distance between feeding and return conductors between TPS or ATS and OCS shall be small, where feeder and return are connected at different locations one of the both shall run parallel to the track to the adjacent location, than the feeder and return shall run both in parallel to each other to the substation.

Generally, cables of different cable categories shall not be laid close parallel to each other. As described in chapter 8.3 magnetic fields generated by disturbing cable categories can cause interference in susceptible cables and also can induce dangerous voltages in cable armours and shields. Delhi Airport Metro Express Line


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Industry Sector Mobility Division It is recommended to separate the control cables from the feeding and return cables as far as possible, e.g. by laying them on separate cable trays or in individual duct layers of a duct bank. The following minimum distances along parallel sections longer than 10 m shall be used as basis for cable route planning: ●

category 1 – other categories: 300 mm

category b – other categories: 600 mm

For shorter section smaller distances are possible but have to be co-ordinated by the involved parties. Based on the real distance and length of parallel run calculations will ensure the absence of dangerous induced voltage.


Further Measures

A field survey shall be conducted on the system level by others to identify any unusual source of disturbance or potential sink of unusual susceptibility. Based on the results of the field survey it may be necessary to define further measures to ensure EMC between the Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem and its environment.


Calculations and Simulations

The traction current flowing in the conductors of the OCS and in the Feeding cables induces voltages in neighbouring conductors. Calculations are carried out in order to assess the electromagnetic impact on these conductors. The calculation results are documented in the following reports: ●

Magnetic field strength along the track corridor (selected locations representing worst case conditions and/or near to potential sinks)

Induced Voltage in Signalling or Telecommunication Cables parallel to OCS; including the effect of induced voltage in signalling or telecommunication cables parallel to Feeder Cables

These documents also form the basis for the assessment of the influence of Catenary installations on installations of other subsystems. These investigations have to be carried out by the related subsystems, as they know their installations in detail.


Specific Issues

I) Airport Installations An airport is a very complex installation of communication and surveillance equipment. At the same time an airport includes sources of disturbances like radar and radio transmitters.

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Industry Sector Mobility Division Airport operators focus on a high availability of the airport operation also under adverse conditions like thunderstorms. Therefore all susceptible equipment operated in an airport environment can be expected to have an immunity level according to the industrial environment standard, or are operated at locations providing additional shielding effect to external sources. By experience with similar projects interference from the railway system on airport installations will not be an issue. Anyway Catenary and MV Distribution Subsystem will evaluate the data provided by a field survey for potential issues. Radar devices are a typical source of severe disturbance at airports. Experience shows that there is no reason of concern if the radar is located in a distance of 1km and above. Below this distance the field survey shall provide data of the radar device which enable an evaluation of the disturbance level for all subsystems. II) R&R Hospital The calculation of magnetic fields along the line will enable the evaluation of potential interference with the medical equipment of the hospital. With a distance of the line from the equipment of 100m and above by experience with similar projects interference is not expected. III) BSNL telecom line parallel to the track Based on the magnetic fields calculation the induced voltage in the parallel running telecom line operated by BSNL will be evaluated, see also 9.2 and 9.4.


EMC Documents

According to the mayor sources and sinks identified in chapter 6.1 and the EMC evaluation principle described above the following documents will be submitted: -

Study of magnetic field along the line Magnetic field strength at selected locations along the line representing worst case conditions or located at adjacent susceptible sinks identified by the field survey.


Study on induced voltages in cables running parallel to the line Scope of the study is to ensure that no dangerous induced voltages may remain.


EMC type test report (short version) of Control and Protection equipment documents stating that the equipment under consideration has been tested successfully according to appropriate standards.


Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Review Report Report to ensure all issues identified by the field survey have been addressed.

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10 Annexes 10.1 Emission limits of the Overall system


The discontinuities of the curves are due to changing of the bandwidth of the measurement receiver:

Bw1 = 200 Hz; bw2 = 9 kHz; bw3 = 120 kHz. NOTE 2: NOTE 3:

80/80: The value, which would not be exceeded on 80% of train passages with 80% certainty. Values are 10 m from the centrelines of the outer railway track

20 dB µV (µA) / m equals to 10 µV (µA) / m 100 dB µV (µA) / m equals to 100 mV (mA) / m.

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10.2 Immunity limits of cardiac pacemakers Limit (peak) magnetic field emissions 1000


Field strength H Magnetic flux B

H [A/m] ; B [  T] 10

1 1






Frequency [Hz]

This limit graph results from calculations based on the values from the DIN V VDE V 0848-4/A3 in conjunction with EN 50061/A1.

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