Embrology Mcqs

June 21, 2019 | Author: Nazia Wasim | Category: Kidney, Animal Anatomy, Organ (Anatomy), Medical Specialties, Genitourinary System
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Embryology Urinary System 1) The urinary system develops mainly from : a) Ectoderm  b) Paraxial mesoderm c) Intermediate mesoderm d) Lateral plate mesoderm e) Endoderm 2) Durin the pronephros period !"ee# $)% the first #idney develops in the &&&& reion' (y "ee#  this #idney deenerates' a) *ervical  b) Thoracic c) Lumbar d) +acral e) *loaca $) The mesonephros !embryoloic #idney) forms from "ee#s ,- in the &&&& reion' a) *ervical  b) Thoracic c) Lumbar d) +acral e) *loaca ) The metanephros !"ee#s . and on) ive rise ris e to the ureteric bud and form for m in the  &&&& reion' a) *ervical  b) Thoracic c) Lumbar 

 d) +acral e) *loaca .) The ureteric bud ives rise to the &&&& and the metanephric mesoderm !blastema) ives rise to the &&&&' a) /ephrons0 *ollectin system  b) *ollectin system0 /ephrons c) (o"mans capsule0 reter d) Loop of 3enle0 4enal pelvis e) Distal5proximal convoluted tubules0 6a7or5minor calyces 8) 9s the #idney ascends% it rotates from &&&&,facin to &&&&,facin !relatin to the hilum facin direction)' a) 9nterior0 Inferior  b) Posterior0 Lateral  c) 9nterior0 Lateral d) Posterior0 6edial e) 9nterior0 6edial ) The urorectal septum divides the &&&& from the &&&&' a) 9norectal canal0 roenital sinus  b) roenital sinus0 6esonephric duct c) rinary bladder0 9llantois d) rachus0 9llantois e) 6esonephric duct0 reteric bud -) The urachus forms the: a) 9llantois  b) 6edian umbilical liament c) 6edial umbilical liament

d) Lateral umbilical liament e) 4ound !umbilical) liament ;) The uroenital sinus is made from "hat type of tissue: a) 6uscle  b) /erve c) *onnective d) Epithelial 1 a) *eliac trun#  b) +uperior mesenteric artery c) Inferior mesenteric artery d) Left renal artery e) 4iht renal artery 1) =hich of the follo"in disorders "ould sho" an increased level of alpha fetoprotein!9?P) durin maternal @uad testin5screenin> a) 4enal aenesis  b) 3orseshoe #idney c) (ifid ureter d) Ectopic ureter e) Exstrophy of the bladder 1.) 9 ne"born baby presents "ith fluid drainin from the umbilicus onto the s#in' Testin of the fluid identifies it as urine' =hat is the most li#ely dianosis> a) rachal cyst  b) rachal fistula c) Exstrophy of the bladder d) (ifid ureter e) 3orseshoe #idney

Embryology Digestive System 1) The midut beins "ith &&&& and ends "ith &&&&' a) 152 7e7unum0 25$ transverse colon  b) 152 ileum0 25$ simoid colon c) 152 7e7unum0 25$ rectum 

d) 152 duodenum0 25$ transverse colon

e) 152 duodenum0 15$ simoid colon 2) The middle of the duodenum "ould receive blood from: a) +uperior mesenteric artery only  b) Inferior mesenteric artery only c) *eliac artery only d) *eliac and inferior mesenteric artery 

e) *eliac and superior mesenteric artery

$) The first stomach rotation causes the &&&& and &&&& vaus nerves to become the  &&&& and &&&& vaal trun#s% respectively' a) Left0 4iht0 +uperior0 Inferior  b) 4iht0 Left0 Lateral0 6edial c) Left0 4iht0 Lateral0 6edial d) 4iht0 Left0 9nterior0 Posterior 

e) Left0 4iht0 9nterior0 Posterior

) +tomach rotation causes the duodenum to ta#e on a &&&& shape' Durin the second month% the duodenal lumen closes but is recanaliAed by &&&&  

'a) *0 9poptosis

 b) +0 9poptosis c) *0 *ell corrosion d) +0 *ell corrosion

e) *0 Duodenal ro"th .) =hat t"o structures only form on the ventral side of the bile duct> a) Liver0 Pancreas 

 b) Liver0 Ballbladder

c) Pancreas0 Ballbladder d) 3eart0 Liver e) 3eart0 Pancreas 8) =hich of the follo"in is /CT a part of the developin pancreas> a) Dorsal bud  b) entral bud 

c) entral bile duct

d) 6ain pancreatic duct e) 9ccessory duct ) 6ec#els diverticulum is a conenital connection from the umbilicus via a vitelline liament to the &&&&' If affects 2 of the population% is typically 2 inches lon% is 2 times more li#ely in males% and typically presents at 2 years of ae' a) Duodenum  b) e7unum 

c) Ileum

d) Transverse colon e) +imoid colon

-) Durin "ee# six% the midut herniates throuh the umbilical rin% rotatin  &&&& derees countercloc#"ise' /ear "ee# ten% the midut returns% rotatin &&&& derees for an overall rotation of &&&& derees' a) 1-
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