July 5, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Honorif Name
First Nam Surname
Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Ilse Ide Ciprian Diaconescu Antonio Ligi Rune Lysebo Thomas Schmidt Ruud Jaegers Anjena Chandoesing Dies Doner Anton !roene"elt #iels $arragher Joost Smaal Matthijs %ost Jan&' illem Stohuy(en Ste)art 'ade !illian Smyth Susan !on(ale( Joanne !iordano Matthe) Mcguinness !uy Cant)ell Justyna De"raj Jac Co)ell Rich %aglia James *unt Roy %aul Tre"or James #eil Slater Claire %airault +ric *aney Amy Acerman %hil 'atts Johanna !rijalba Da"id Camm Tami !ere Ste"e Ca"e #irmala Jain
Ilse Ciprian Antonio Rune Thomas Ruud Anjena Dies Anton #iels Joost Matthijs Jan&' illem Ste)art !illian Susan Joanne Matthe) !uy Justyna Jac Rich James Roy Tre"or #eil Claire +ric Amy %hil Johanna Da"id Tami Ste"e #irmala
Ide Diaconescu Ligi Lysebo Schmidt Jaegers Chandoesing Doner !roene"elt $arragher Smaal %ost Stohuy(en 'ade Smyth !on(ale( !iordano Mcguinness Cant)ell De"raj Co)ell %aglia *unt %aul James Slater %airault *aney Acerman 'atts !rijalba Camm !ere Ca"e Jain
M Mrs.. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr.
Jim M argSaorleotm*oondge Sarah ,o-ler Joseph Marc(ely !reg %epper Ro-anne Sil"a %er Inge Setre"i Ans %ot Jim ,ro)n Da"id ldham Dan Arthur Anna Taylor !arland +milio !alli&/ugaro +milio Christian 0roos
J Mim argaret Sarah Joseph !reg Ro-anne %er Inge Ans Jim Da"id Dan Anna Taylor +milio Christian
So * oldogmeon ,o-ler Marc(ely %epper Sil"a Setre"i %ot ,ro)n ldham Arthur !arland !alli&/ugaro 0roos
Ms. Mr. Mr.
Sabia Sch)ar(er Donald !er"ais Mar ,ishop
Sabia Donald Mar
Sch)ar(er !er"ais ,ishop
Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms.
Jonathan Tilburn Megan $ran Da"id 0eel Sarathurin Rollin Christine Rahard Se"erine !agneraug Agnes Reti1 Claude +laine 'est
Jonathan Megan Da"id Sarathurin Christine Se"erine Agnes 0ohler +laine
Tilburn $ran 0eel Rollin Rahard !agneraug Reti1 !ripon 'est
Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr.
Marie Claire Dubois Sue Scholes $ran Stoes Mar sborne 0ir ,arrell Jamie Moulle Mar Mcgrath Charlie ,ilberry Susan L. *ahn +ric 'ohlschlegel Carlton Carroll /achary Ciane Sabrina $ang Reid %orter
Marie Claire Sue $ran Mar 0ir Jamie Mar Charlie Susan +ric Carlton /achary Sabrina Reid
Dubois Scholes Stoes sborne ,arrell Moulle Mcgrath ,ilberry *ahn 'ohlschlegel Carroll Ciane $ang %orter
Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
,rian Straessle Michel ddouAmanda M. McMillian Donald Sinclair +rnest Leyendecer 2ittorio lcese Michael 0ennedy Da"e Smith Sara Mc#eill Tina 0itchingham 2anessa *yde Da"id ,ogg Da"id %rosperi Maurissa 0anter #icy Rogers Sarah ,ooer %hil *ayden 0arin ,right)ell 3"onne L. /appulla *enrietta %ereira Carl !. Drae %eter gil"ie ,ill Mendel ,is)ajit Sen !upta Clyde 0eaton Rob ,ruinsma 'ayne Acerman
,rian Michel Amanda Don +rnest 2ittorio Michael Da"e Sara Tina 2anessa Da"id Da"id Maurissa #icy Sarah %hil 0arin 3"onne *enrietta Carl %eter ,ill ,is)ajit Clyde Rob 'ayne
Straessle ddouMcMillian Sinclair Leyendecer lcese 0ennedy Smith Mc#eill 0itchingham *yde ,ogg %rosperi 0anter Rogers ,ooer *ayden ,right)ell /appulla %ereira Drae gil"ie Mendel Sen !upta 0eaton ,ruinsma Acerman
Mrr.. M Mr.
#lie c" Moanth0eerit( A *ans M4nch
# c Alie *ans
M "oanth0eerit( M4nch
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr.
Ste"en Do)nie Stephen *olmes Andy S()eda Andre) Ste)art Matt !raydon Renee /emlja Caroline Toni Sirju&Ramnarine Moonilal Lalchan #igel Darlo)
Ste"en Stephen Andy Andre) Matt Renee Caroline Toni Moonilal #igel
Do)nie *olmes S()eda Ste)art !raydon /emlja Sirju&Ramnarine Lalchan Darlo)
Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr.
Da)n *acett Ale- !rant %etra Jacob Justin Rou$abien Du1renet Moran Tsur Corinne !arriga $abienne *orch +ste"e ,ernal Cheryl 0rauss Alan Reynolds Don $lessner Jaan 0eidel John 5,rien 0e"in 'aguespac Rob Donnell ,ill *o)ell !illian 'ard 0imberly ,roos Mie Cinelli Stephen *astings Archana Desus 0risten 0aus Selena Morris Tomos +d)ards Mar %ipitone #icole #astacie Diane 'agner TJ Cra)1ord ,ritney Sheehan Colleen *aggerty Matthe) Daily John Mci"or +li(abeth 'ood Saima $aroo6i Ale-andra %arry Megan n %earson Mar +lliott 0atia li"eira Alistair Smith %eter Truell
Da)n Ale%etra Justin $abien Moran Corinne $abienne +ste"e Cheryl Alan Don Jaan John 0e"in Rob ,ill !illian 0imberly Mie Stephen Archana 0risten Selena Tomos Mar #icole Diane TJ ,ritney Colleen Matthe) John +li(abeth Saima Ale-andra Megan Mar 0atia Alistair %eter
*acett !rant Jacob RouDu1renet Tsur !arriga *orch ,ernal 0rauss Reynolds $lessner 0eidel 5,rien 'aguespac Donnell *o)el 'ard ,roos Cinelli *astings Desus 0aus Morris +d)ards %ipitone #astacie 'agner Cra)1ord Sheehan *aggerty Daily Mci"or 'ood $aroo6i %arry %earson +lliott li"eira Smith Truell
M Mrr.. Mr.
S Lo oi1stusson %ihoib liphpaen , ,runo Dabouis
S %ihoib liphpaen ,runo
Loo1itsusson , Dabouis
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms.
Jean&,ernard Raoust Jean&%hilippe Roussard Tim Jones Justin *earn Catherine ,udash Jim Deno"a Margaret Martin Rose Mc0ee 0im Tieman
Jean&,ernard Jean&%hilippe Tim Justin Catherine Jim Margaret Rose 0im
Raoust Roussard Jones *earn ,udash Deno"a Martin Mc0ee Tieman
Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr.
Mary *unt Maureen 3oc Candace *ecman Christophe %oncelet Jim 0esseli Da"id 2ella Ryan Mosier Louis ,lae Camillo Catarci Claire Ascia Tre"or Siorsi Linda Robertson Richard Robinson Robert *umphries Mary MacClary 0laus 7llrich Anterro Jannes Dragos Ignatie" 0im /itny Cristina A"iles +rica +risdotter ,enjamin Cole Sergey ,elo" A. #arasimhan /ahrul *ussein +d)ard %ope #enad Milijo" Lue Morro) ' illy Ahourt +chard /anger Tom Retson 0ate Teasdale Stephen ,y1ield Susan Stephanie 'atters 0laus ,run Joni Andrio11
Mary Maureen Candace Christophe Jim Da"id Ryan Louis Camillo Claire Tre"or Robertson Robinson Robert Mary 0laus Anterro Dragos 0im Cristina +rica ,enjamin Sergey /ahrul +d)ard #enad Lue ' illy +chard Tom 0ate Stephen
*unt 3oc *ecman %oncelet 0esseli 2ella Mosier ,lae Catarci Ascia Siorsi Robertson Robinson *umphries MacClary 7llrich Jannes Ignatie" /itny A"iles +risdotter Cole ,elo" #arasimhan *ussein %ope Milijo" Morro) Ahourt /anger Retson Teasdale ,y1ield
Stephanie 0laus Joni
'atters ,run Andrio11
Mr. Mr. Mr.
Dragos Tal"escu *an Ale-ander Je11 Shields
Dragos *an Je11
Tal"escu Ale-ander Shields
Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms.
Ingrid 0au1mann Jon 0ruljac Mar ,arber Anna %atterson Ra"i *allhi Danton To)nsend Mie Smith Michael Treemarci Martha Lynn *o11man
Ingrid Jon Mar Anna Ra"i Danton Mie Michael Martha Lynn
0au1mann 0ruljac ,arber %atterson *allhi To)nsend Smith Treemarci *o11man
Mr. Mr.
,randi Roberts Ale- Suare(
,randi Ale-
Roberts Suare(
Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. #8A Mr. #8A Mr. #8A Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. #8A Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr.
Jean&Luc Laloe Laurence ,ric6 %hillip Co0irsten Douglas Matthe) #etsch Len Cra)1ord Adam Micun Jason Reed 0en !od)in Ste"e Deater ,ucy $innegan Doug Myers Sha)n Johnson Chris ,onson +ri ,ish 0elly Leap ,randon Stephens Tim ,outilier Amye McDearmon Linda *ol"ec Casey #ioloric #8A & Company email Magnus #ordin #8A & Company email Morgan Sadarangani #8A & Company email %eter !ibson ,rian ' ilson Julian Crossley Lance ,iele #8A & Company email Craig Carter Christoph 0ahlen ,rent ' illey Ting 'ang Maria Luisa ,erlose Jac6ueline $rachon $ranlin ,oitier
Jean&Luc Laurence %hillip 0irsten Matthe) Len Adam Jason 0en Ste"e ,ucy Doug Sha)n Chris +ri 0elly ,randon Tim Amye Linda Casey #8A Magnus #8A Morgan #8A %eter ,rian Julian Lance #8A Craig Christoph ,rent Ting Maria Luisa Jac6ueline $ranlin
Laloe ,ric6 CoDouglas #etsch Cra)1ord Micun Reed !od)in Deater $innegan Myers Johnson ,onson ,ish Leap Stephens ,outilier McDearmon *ol"ec #ioloric #8A #ordin #8A Sadarangani #8A !ibson ' ilson Crossley ,iele #8A Carter 0ahlen ' illey 'ang ,erlose $rachon ,oitier
# #88A A Mr.
# #88A A && C Co om mp pa an ny ye em ma aiill )en ,licsil"er
# #88A A )en
# #88A A ,licsil"er
Ms. Mr. Mr. #8A Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Lisa ,aer Scott 0ronic Tim %ayne #8A & Company email %ooja Sabhar)a Jochen Lege)ie Mami 0ato Charlie *arrison 2ladimir Melnio"
Lisa Scott Tim #8A %ooja Jochen Mami Charlie 2ladimir
,aer 0ronic %ayne #8A Sabhar)a Lege)ie 0ato *arrison Melnio"
Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. #8A #8A Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms.
Julie 2ite #icola *atton 0atja Damman #icola La)rie Jeremy !illam *eie *er(ig #8A & Company email #8A & Company email Todd Schneider Tricia Ingraham Doug Cola1ella Diane $rancis Ron Morano Todd Meyers Scott Surgeoner Mar Durbin Stephanie 'alton Sherry 0onin 0urt 0adat( Jenni1er 2arey Chris Mostyn Isobel Ro)ley Rebecca 'atson Mar Malbas Laura 0enny Michelle Smedley !illian 'est ' illiam 0uebler Ste)art Lar6ue Stephanie 2a 2an&Rosse Sara ' ilcoJane Taylor Jeanette 7ns)orth Antony 9uarrell Da"id !ra"es Jae #a"arro Stephen ,rady %atric Stella 2irginia Limmiatis 0aren 3oung 'endy Ladd
Julie #icola 0atja #icola Jeremy *eie #8A #8A Todd Tricia Doug Diane Ron Todd Scott Mar Stephanie Sherry 0urt Jenni1er Chris Isobel Rebecca Mar Laura Michelle !illian ' illiam Ste)art Stephanie Sara Jane Jeanette Antony Da"id Jae Stephen %atric 2irginia 0aren 'endy
2ite *atton Damman La)rie !illam *er(ig #8A #8A Schneider Ingraham Cola1ella $rancis Morano Meyers Surgeoner Durbin 'alton 0onin 0adat( 2arey Mostyn Ro)ley 'atson Malbas 0enny Smedley 'est 0uebler Lar6ue 2an&Rosse ' ilcoTaylor 7ns)orth 9uarrell !ra"es #a"arro ,rady Stella Limmiatis 3oung Ladd
M Ms r.. Mr.
L nrdra ue Dia enDD obson Craig Ryan
Lia nrdra D en Craig
Do ub eson D Ryan
Mr. #8A Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. #8A
Ted McIntyre #8A & Company email ,ettina $rey 0arine De ,aets Michael La)son Sarah Cassella Courtney ,oone Rudol1 Leemann #8A & Company email
Ted #8A ,ettina 0arine Michael Sarah Courtney Rudol1 #8A
McIntyre #8A $rey De ,aets La)son Cassella ,oone Leemann #8A
Ms. Mr. Mr. #8A #8A Mr. #8A Ms. #8A Ms. Mr. #8A #8A Mr. #8A Mr. Ms. #8A Mr. Mr. Mr. #8A Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. #8A #8A Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr.
0ate Sticel ' illiam Ruthrau11 Joseph S)ope #8A & Company email #8A & Company email li"er Taylor #8A & Company email Jenny %antelis #8A & Company email Inessa Chrysou Sergey Terehi #8A & Company email #8A & Company email Anstein Sorensen #8A & Company email !ary Suss)ein Sandra /arago(a #8A & Company email Da"e Andre)s Michel Monier #icolas Domerc #8A & Company email %eter Reilly Tony Lobban Irina ,ojeno John ,onn #8A & Company email #8A & Company email $riedrich $ischer !abriella Scho11 Mar Stoes Marit *olmlund Matthe) Coleman 0athy Ro)e Jac Leslie %aul Massey Jon McLeod James ,ethell Sandra %ham Ian ,u-ton Ruben Rodrigue(
0ate ' illiam Joseph #8A #8A li"er #8A Jenny #8A Inessa Sergey #8A #8A Anstein #8A !ary Sandra #8A Da"e Michel #icolas #8A %eter Tony Irina John #8A #8A $riedrich !abriella Mar Marit Matthe) 0athy Jac %aul Jon James Sandra Ian Ruben
Sticel Ruthrau11 S)ope #8A #8A Taylor #8A %antelis #8A Chrysou Terehi #8A #8A Sorensen #8A Suss)ein /arago(a #8A Andre)s Monier Domerc #8A Reilly Lobban ,ojeno ,onn #8A #8A $ischer Scho11 Stoes *olmlund Coleman Ro)e Leslie Massey McLeod ,ethel %ham ,u-ton Rodrigue(
M Mrr.. Mr.
A iru3lloi"uanng %laisutlaS %"ersluijs ' hessoe
Aa lisutlair % %"ersluijs
3ouullin"gan S ' hessoe
Mr. Mr. Mr. #8A #8A Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms.
+ri *endricson Colin 9uinney %aul Ro)llings #8A & Company email #8A & Company email $ran Sa"age Richard ' illiams Cathy Lyttle 0elly S)an
+ri Colin %aul #8A #8A $ran Richard Cathy 0elly
*endricson 9uinney Ro)llings #8A #8A Sa"age ' illiams Lyttle S)an
Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. #8A Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Rachel Mair +iri *auge 0ari Mitchell Maaie !oinga Doris Capurro John +. %aisie 0e"in *iggins Richard A. +ichler #8A & Company email Doyle Arnold *arris Simmons James Abbott Joe Reilly
Rachel +iri 0ari Maaie Doris John 0e"in Richard #8A Doyle *arris James Joe
Mair *auge Mitchell !oinga Capurro %aisie *iggins +ichler #8A Arnold Simmons Abbott Reilly
Posit Pos ition ion iin n the c com ompan pany y Ema Email il Sa Sale les s : Mar Maret etin ing g Mana Manage geme ment nt Il Ilse se.I .Ide de;< ;u >u.c .com om $ounder ioanela.simeono";> Spoesperson media.relations; 2ice %resident Sales rune.lysebo; *ead o1 o1 ,usiness ,usiness Media Media Relati Relations ons an media.relations; Depu De puty ty * *ea ead d In In"e "est stor or R Rel elat atio ions ns ruud ruud.j .jae aege gers rs;n ;nl. l.ab abna namr mro. com m !raduate R Re ecruiter anjena.chandoesing; *ead o1 In"estor Relations Dies.Doner; In"estor Relations anton.groene"elt; In"estor Relations #iels.$arragher; +-ecuti"e Director joost.smaal; In"estor Relations Matthijs.%ost; In"estor Re Relations jan.)illem.stohuy(en; 2ice % %rresiden entt ++-terna nall A11a 1aiirs s)ade;eagl agle.o Manager?? Mareting : Communicationgsmyth; Manager Manager?? Corporate Communications sgon(ale(; Manager Comm Co mmun unic icat atio ions ns Seni Senior or Man Manag ager er jo joan anne. ne.b. gior ordan dano; o;ac acce cent ntur ure. com m Director?? Media and Analyst Relations matthe) Director matthe).mcguinness; .mcguinness; Se Seni nior or Mana Manage gerr? Re Reso sour urce ces s !l !lob obal al M guy.cant)ell; !lobal Media : Industry Analyst Relat"raj; Director o1 Mareting;global& 2ice %resident rmpaglia; 2ice 2ic e %re %resident sident 1or Regulat Regulatory ory A11airs A11airs james. james.hunt; hunt; Associate !eneral Manager? Manager? Corpora roy roy.paul; .paul; Managing Director tre"or.jones;ad" Sales : Mareting Manager neil.slater;ad" Communications Director claire.pairault; %ublic Sa1ety Subject Matter +-pert haney;a" Manager? In"estor Relations amy.acerman; Mareting Director phil.)atts; !roup %R Manager johanna.grijalba; Mareting Manager #orthern +urope da"id.camm; Di Direc rector tor?? +-ter +-ternal nal Comm Communi unicat cation ions s tgere tgere;ag ;aglr lresou esource rces.c om Seniorr 2i Senio 2ice ce %re %resident sident and Treasur Treasurer er sca"e; sca"e;aglr aglresourc m Manager Manag er Media Media and Communicat Communication ion nirmala.j nirmala.jain;a ain;agni& gni&inc.c om Director Chairr o1 the %ublic Account Chai Accounts s Committ Communications Manager Manager? In"estor Relations 2% ,u ,usiness De De"elopment +ditorial ,o ,oard 2ice %redsident %redsident ,usiness De"elopme De"elopme %rogram Manager Mare arett De De" "elop elopm ment ent Manag anager er Technical Director Managing %artner Media Coordinator *ead o1 !roup Communications *ead *ea d o1 ++-ter ternal nal Com Commun munica icatio tions ns
solomonj; hodgemi hodgemi;apci ; .com; joseph.marc(ely; !reg.%epper;aer" Ro-anne.Sil"a;Aer0" per&inge.setre"i; per&inge.setre"i;aer"aerner aer" .com ans.pot;a( ji jim. bro) o)n; n;u u..a( a(onob onobel el.c .com om doldham; darthur;all& tgarland; emilio.galli& emilio.galli&(ugaro;allian(.com (ugaro;allian(.com chr christ istian ian.r .roos oos;al ;allia lian(. n(.com com
*ead o1 Communications #orth Ameri sabia@sch)ar(er;a( Managing Director Donald.!er"ais;allian( !roup !roup Co Comm mmuni unica cati tion ons s Mana Manage gerr ma mar r.b .bis ishop hop;a ;all llia ian( n(.c .co. o.u u
Communications 11icer Media Relations *ead o1 o1 Co Communications Director o1 +-ternal Communications? S2% S2 %? Co Corp rpor orat ate e Co Comm mmuni unica cati tion on %ress Relations In Inte tern rnat atio iona nall Me Medi dia a Co Coor ordi dina nato torr Sales Ma M anager *ead o1 ,rand
jonathan.tilburn;allian(.com Megan.$ran;allian( da"id.eel;allian(.co.u sarathurin.rollin;allian( chri ch rist stin ine. e.ra raha hard rd;c ;ch6 h6.a .als lsto tom. com m se"erine.gagneraug; Agnes Agnes.R .Ret eti1 i1;( ;(en enit itho hopt ptim imed edia ia1r 1ranc ance. e.c c claude.ohler;po)ercon" elaine.)est;po)ercon"
*R %roject Manager marie&claire.dubois;po)ercon".alsto Director o o11 Co Communications sue.scholes; Media Relations Manager 1ran.stoes; Manager o1 Technology mar.osborne; %resident abarrell; Communications Rep II jamie.moulle; Seni Senior or 2 2ic ice e %r %res esid ident ent?? per perat atio ions ns MM MMc! c!ra rath th;e ;eag agle le.o .org rg Director %r %roducer Se Ser"ices cbilberry; A%I Media Relations Relations Representati"e hahns; #e)s e)s Med Mediia C Con onttacts acts.. D Diirec ecto torr )ohl ohlschl schleg egel ele; e;ap apii.or .org Media Relations 11icer carrollc; Media Relations 11icer ciane(; Media Relations 11icer 1angs; Media Relations 11icer porterr; Media Re Relations 11icer straessleb; Communication 11icer michel.oddou-; 2ice %resident? Deputy !eneral Coun amanda.mcmillian; Senior 2ice %resident don.sinclair; Senior 2ice %resident %resident o1 !ul1 o1 Me-ic ernest.leyendecer; *ead ead o1 $ina $inana naci cial al Con ontr trol olller 2itt ttor oriio. o.lces lcese; e;ae aen. ansa sald ldo. o.iit 2% $inance mennedy; ,u ,usi sine ness ss De"e De"elo lopm pmen entt Mana Manage gerr sm smit ithd hd>; >;an an(. (.co com m Mareting Manager chrissu(y; 8 ,u ,usi sine ness ss De De"e "elo lopm pmen entt Mana Manage gerr Tin ina. a.0i 0itc tchi hing ngha ham; m;an an(. (.co com m Senior ,usiness De"elopment Manag 2anessa.*yde;an(.com !lobal *ead o1 Mareting da"id.bogg; 2ice %resident? !lobal !lobal %ublic Relation da"id.prosperi; Senior Director ? !lobal %ublic Relatio Relatio maurissa.anter; *ead o1 Mareting; *ead o1 %R sarah.booer; Director phil; Mareting Mar eting Communication Communications s Manager Manager brigh bright)el t)elll; ll;a6uate Managing Director y"onne; *R : Administration pereirah; Managing Director8*ead o1 %ublic %ublic In" cdrae; 2ice %resident ogil"ie; Media Coordinator bill; 2% & Asia Region ,Sen!upta; %resident : C+ ceaton; %resident? A AT TC Ae Aerospace rbruinsma; Sen enio iorr 2% o1 $ina $inanc nce ea and nd C$ )ace acerrma man; n;ar arg gotur oturbo bo.c .com om Chie1 +-ecuti"e 11icer 2ice %resident Consultant L La atin America
nmather; a"eit(;arta& hmunch;
Senior +ngineer ste"; #on trading? Director holmprese; Media Relations Manager Andy.S()eda; %artner Andre).Ste)art; !roup %R director matt.graydon; +-ecuti"e 2ice&%resident Renee./emlja; 2ice %resident? Corporate perations csirjuramnarine;atlanti csirjuramnarine; 2ice %resident? $inance and Administrmlalchan; Administr mlalchan; Chie1 +-ecuti"e 11icer ndarlo); 2ice 2ic e %res %resident ident?? %rocuremen %rocurementt and Su dhacet dhacett;atl t;atlantic anticlng lng %roduct Line Manager ale-.grant; Mareting Mar eting Communicati Communication on Manager Manager petra. petra.jacob; jacob;de.atl de.atlascopc *ead o1 Mareting and %R justin.rou-;a"e" 2% Regional Regional Sales C+S +ur +urope? ope? )n 1abien.du1renet;a"e" In"estor Relations Manager moran(; Communications Manager corinne.garriga; Mareting 8 Sa Sales Ma Manager 1abienne@horch;babcoc&ser" CC este"e;bac"al" 'orld)ide Senior Director? Director? %ublic Rel cheryl.rauss; Senior 2ice %resident alan.reynolds; %resident don.1lessner; Chie1 $inancial 11icer jaan.eidel; +-ecuti"e C Ch hairman john.obrien; +-ecuti"e 2ice %resident? ,usiness e"in.)aguespac; e"in.)aguespac; Chie1 + +-ecuti"e 1 11icer Rob.Donnell; %artner bill.ho)ell; Chie1 Mareting 11icer gillian.)ard; gillian.)ard; Media Relations Manager imberly.broos; Associate Director? Director? %ublic Relati Relations ons mie.cinelli;baerbott mie.cinelli; Director o1 Communicati Communications ons : Media stephen.hastings; Chie1 In1ormation 11icer : 2ice %resi %resi archana.desus; archana.desus; Senior 2ice %resident? !lobal ,aning risten.aus; *ead o1 Communications? Communications? !lobal Res selena.morris; *ead o1 !lobal Research Communica Communica tomos.ed)ards; S2% S2 %? C Cor orpo pora rate te Com Commu muni nica cati tion ons? s? !lo !lo mar.pipitone; Media Re Relations nicole.nastacie; S2% Media Relations diane.)agner; Senior 2ice 2ice %resident? %resident? !l !lobal obal Mareti tj.cra)1ord; S2%?? Regional Media Relations Mana britney.) S2% britney.).sheehan; .sheehan; Senior 2ice %resident colleen.haggerty; 2i 2ice ce %res %resid ident ent?? Me Medi dia a Re Rela lati tions ons ma matt tthe he) ).dai .daily ly;b ;ban ano o1a 1amer meric ica. com m *ead o1 International Communication john.mci"or; Seniorr 2ice %re Senio %resident sident?? Corporate Corporate Co eli(abeth. eli(abeth.)ood; )ood;bano1a bano1americ 2ice %resident? !lobal Marets Commsaima.1aroo6i; Assistant 2ice 2ice %resident? Communica ale-andra.parry; 2ice % %rresident megan.n.pearson; Managing Director mar.elliott; S2% & *ead o1 Latin America !lobal Matia.oli"eira; Managing Director? Corporate Commu alistair.smith; Director?? corporate communications Director peter.truell;barclayscapital uell; .com *ead o1 o1 Corporate Corporate Commu Communicat nications ions Legal ad"isor Directo ectorr? sa salles and and ma marreti eting ng
siobha siobhan.lo1t n.lo1tus;bar us;barclay clayscapit m philippe.boisson;bureau" brun bruno. o.da dabo boui uis; s;bu burreau" eau"er eriitas. com m
*onorary Chairman Chie1 p perating 111icer %resident In Indu dust stry ry Mana Manage gerr & #atu #atura rall !as !as Assistant to Director Director o1 In"estments a 2ice %resident !rants Ad Administrator Secretary and Dir Director ector o1 Administrati %rogram 11icer
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mhunt; myoc; candace..hecman; C%oncelet;bo)manpo) esseli; dugan@jim; Ryan.Mosier;due&energy Ryan.Mosier;due& .com Louis.blae; camillo.catarci; da"id.d."ella; tre"or.siorsi;energy tre"or.siorsi; lrobertson; richard.robinson; rhumphries; mmacclary;1ootprintpo) u ull llrrich;1 ch;1ce ces. de antero.jannes;gasum.1i d.ignatie";ga( (itny; ca"iles; +rica.+risdotter; bcole; belo"; naras narasim imhan han;l ;lan anco cogr group oup.c .com om (ahrul.hussien; ed; nmiljo";MIT.+D7 Lue;Morro) Lue;Morro) )illy;mtt& +chard./anger; tomretson; ate.teasdale; stephen.by1ield; susan; stephanie.)atters;rolls& brun;s) jandrio11;
Analyst 2ice %resident Communications Ma Manager
dragos; dragos; hjale-ander;sunocologistics. hjale-ander; com jpshields;
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brandi; ale-;
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