Emails and Business Writing

December 11, 2016 | Author: muby27 | Category: N/A
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BE Written Level Check p. 1

Emails and business writings


BE Written Level Check p. 2

Part 1: Reading and Writing (10 Marks) You’ve just received this e-mail from your boss. Reply, giving the information requested.

From: To: Subject: cc:

[email protected] [email protected] Housing arrangements for Mike Morrison [email protected]

Dear _____________________ , As you are already aware, Mike Morrison will be arriving in September to take over as Regional VP. Headquarters has requested we look into and arrange accomodations for him and his family. Mike himself has written to ask whether we recommend living in the city or in a nearby suburb. Since I know you have quite a bit of experience in this area, having lived in several different areas both inside and outside the city, I thought you would be the best person to handle this question. You might want to bear in mind the amount of commuting and the traffic conditions whatever your recommendation. We will, of course, be supplying him with a company car. BTW, Mike has two children, 8 and 12 years old. His wife is planning to look for employment after they have settled in here. Please reply directly to Mike ASAP so that we can move forward with the housing arrangements. Thanks in advance, Paul

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


BE Written Level Check p. 3

Part 2:

1. What would be an appropriate subject line for the following email? (2 marks) From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Hi Joe, Mr. Watson has pushed-up the deadline for the completion of the prototype. August 15 is the new date. Do you think we can make it? Best, Doug 2. What would be an appropriate opening paragraphs and closing paragraphs for the following messages: (6 marks) a) I will be in your area all next week on personal business and would like to show you our newest line of professional golf equipment. Would you be able to meet with me sometime during the week? b) As you will see from my resume, I have over 12 years’ experience in sales and marketing. For some time now I have been looking for a challenging opportunity in sales and was delighted to hear about the opening for a Director of Sales at Hale & Hale.


BE Written Level Check p. 4

3. Write an e-mail for one of the following situations: 1-Michelle Levine arranges tour packages for Sunset Travel in Los Angeles. She recently arranged for 40 seats round-trip to Sydney with Transpacific Airlines. As part of the arrangement, Transpacific offered her a discount of 20% if she could book all 40 seats. However, after advertising the Australia tour, she has only been able to sign up 35 people. She would still like a discount, but needs to inform Transpacific that she hasn’t managed to fill all the seats. Write Michelle’s e-mail to Transpacific. 2-Dave Poulsen works at an advertising agency. A management position has recently opened up and Dave’s supervisor, Beverly Blake, asked him if he could recommend anyone. He knows someone who he thinks would be ideal. Her name is Regina Snyder, and she was a manager at an agency where Dave used to work. In Dave’s last message to Beverly, he wrote that Regina would be perfect, but that it might not be a good time for her to change jobs right now, as she has a difficult family situation at the moment. Beverly e-mails back and asks Dave what he means. Dave is unsure how to say that Regina takes care of her elderly mother. He really does think Regina would be great for the job and wants her to have the opportunity to be considered. Write Dave’s e-mail.


BE Written Level Check p. 5

4. How can you adapt the very formal messages below to make them more friendly and informal, but still appropriate for business? (6 marks) a) I would be pleased if you would be able to meet with me on Thursday next week to evaluate the bids on the mall project. b) Your valuable input regarding future directions for our company would be very much appreciated.


BE Written Level Check p. 6

5. How can you adapt the overly informal emails below, to make them appropriate for business? (6 marks) a) Dear Manager, I just heard about this really cool course called “Reaching the Hidden Customer” being offered at the local community college next semester. Does that sound great or what? What do you say I sign up for it? b) John!! I can’t believe you didn’t come to the group meeting yesterday. Why don’t you pay more attention to your memos? Everyone was there except you. Bob wasn’t too happy that you missed it.


BE Written Level Check p. 7

6. How can you change angry email below, to make it tactful, constructive and suitable for a business exchange? (3 marks) DEAR SIR, WHAT IS THIS NEW MARKETING STRATEGY? IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE. WHOSE GREAT IDEA WAS THIS ANYWAY? I REALLY DON’T FEEL LIKE TRYING TO CONVINCE THE TEAM THAT THIS IS THE WAY TO GO WHEN I DON’T BELIEVE IN IT AT ALL.


BE Written Level Check p. 8

7. What is the effect in email of writing ENTIRELY IN CAPITAL LETTERS? (2 marks) 8. Why is it preferable to use the active rather than the passive voice in e-mails? In which situations would you choose to use the passive voice? (2 marks) 9. What is the purpose of the subject line of an email message? (2 marks) 10. cc is one of the components of an email message, cc stands for: (2 marks) 11. If you dont want to blame someone directly you may use the (active, passive or third party referal). Choose one (2 marks) 12. Find and correct the errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling in the e-mail below: (3 marks) David

as you know its my responsibility to prepare the quarterly reports for our division however i cant complete the reports until i get all the monthly revenue and expense records from the sales managers youre records are now too weeks overdue could you please send them asap Roger


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