ELTE2.3 DBS3900 LTE FDD Basic Feature Description

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eLTE2.3 V200R003C00

eLTE2.3 DBS3900 LTE FDD Basic Feature Description


Draft A





Copyright © Huawei Teh!o"ogies Co., Lt#. $%&'. A"" rights reser(e#. !o part of t"is #ocu$ent $a% &e repro#uce# or trans$itte# in an% for$ or &% an% $eans 'it"out prior  'ritten consent of (ua'ei Tec"no)o*ies Co.+ Lt#.

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Notie T"e purc"ase# pro#ucts+ ser-ices an# features are stipu)ate# &% t"e contract $a#e &et'een (ua'ei an# t"e custo$er. A)) or part of t"e pro#ucts+ ser-ices an# features #escri&e# in t"is #ocu$ent $a% not &e 'it"in t"e purc"ase scope or t"e usa*e scope. n)ess ot"er'ise specifie# in t"e contract+ a)) state$ents+ infor$ation+ an# reco$$en#ations in t"is #ocu$ent are pro-i#e# /AS S/ 'it"out 'arranties+ *uarantees or representations of an% ,in#+ eit"er epress or i$p)ie#. T"e infor$ation in t"is #ocu$ent is su&ect to c"an*e 'it"out notice. E-er% effort "as &een $a#e in t"e preparation of t"is #ocu$ent to ensure accurac% of t"e contents+ &ut a)) state$ents+ infor$ation+ an# reco$$en#ations in t"is #ocu$ent #o not constitute a 'arrant% of an% ,in#+ epress or i$p)ie#.

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Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription


Contents 1 Basic Features..............................................................................1 1#1 tandards Co,plian"e#################################################################################################################################################### Co,plian"e####################################################################################################################################################1 1 1#1#1 %+D-001001 'PP ./ pe"ifi"ations###################################################################################################################### pe"ifi"ations######################################################################################################################1 1 1#1#2 %+D-00100 'PP .* pe"ifi"ations###################################################################################################################### pe"ifi"ations######################################################################################################################2 2 1#1#' %+D-00100/ 'PP .10 pe"ifi"ations#################################################################################################################### pe"ifi"ations####################################################################################################################2 2 1#1#4 %+D-001002 +DD ,ode####################################################################### ,ode###########################################################################################################################################' ####################################################################' 1#1# %+D-00100' "alale andwidth############################################################################################################################4 1#1#3 %+D-001004 CP length############################################################################################################################################# 1#1#3#1 %+D-00100401 or,al CP################################################################################################################################### 1#1# %+D-00100 5odulation6 D%78% 9P:$ 9P:$ D%78% 139A5$ D% 349 349A5#################################################### A5############################################################# ###########3 ##3 1#1#/ %+D-001003 A5C#################################################################################################################################################### A5C#################################################################################################################################################### 1#2 .A Ar"hite"ture Ar"hite"ture ; +eatures##################################################################################################################################### +eatures########################################################################################################################################/ ###/ 1#2#1 %+D-002001 %ogi"al Channel 5anage,ent######################################################################################################### 5anage,ent############################################################################################################/ ###/ 1#2#2 %+D-002002 !ransport Channel 5anage,ent###################################################################################################### 5anage,ent#########################################################################################################* ###* 1#2#' %+D-00200' Physi"al Channel 5anage,ent#########################################################################################################10 1#2#4 %+D-002004 Integrity Prote"tion###########################################################################################################################11 1#2# %+D-00200 D% Asyn"hronous Asyn"hronous HA.9################################################################################################################# HA.9#################################################################################################################12 12 1#2#3 %+D-002003 8% yn"hronous HA.9################################################################################################################### HA.9###################################################################################################################1' 1' 1#2# %+D-00200 ..C Conne"tion 5anage,ent#########################################################################################################14 1#2#/ %+D-00200/ .adio earer 5anage,ent###############################################################################################################1 1#2#* %+D-00200* road"ast of syste, infor,ation################################################################################################## infor,ation######################################################################################################13 ####13 1#2#10 %+D-002010 .ando, A""ess Pro"edure##############################################################################################################1 Pro"edure##############################################################################################################1 1#2#11 %+D-002011 Paging##############################################################################################################################################1/ 1#2#12 %+D-002012 Cell A""ess .adius up to 1uen"y Intra-fre>uen"y Hando=er#############################################################################23 1#2#1/#2 %+D-00201/02 Co=erage ased Inter-fre>uen"y Inter-fre>uen"y Hando=er#############################################################################2

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription


1#2#1/#' %+D-00201/0' Cell ele"tion and .e-sele"tion###############################################################################################2* 1#2#1/#4 %+D-00201/04 Distan"e ased Inter-fre>uen"y Hando=er########################################################################## Hando=er##############################################################################'0 ####'0 1#2#1/# %+D-00201/0 er=i"e ased Inter-fre>uen"y Hando=er############################################################################ Hando=er################################################################################'0 ####'0 1#2#1* %+D-002020 Antenna Configuration####################################################################################################################'1 1#2#1*#1 %+D-00202001 8% 2-Antenna .e"ei=e Di=ersity#############################################################################################'1 1#2#20 %+D-002021 .eliaility########################################################################################################################################'2 1#2#20#1 %+D-00202101 5ain Pro"essing and !ransport 8nit Cold a"uen"y ands are used for the uplin< and the downlinuire,ents "an e ,et#

Bene(ts !he A5C pro=ides the following enefits6 

5a?i,ies the syste, throughput y sele"ting the opti,al 5C#

5eets the 9o re>uire,ent (su"h as the pa"uest for data retrans,ission# Downlin< HA.9 is an asyn"hronous adapti=e trans,ission pro"ess$ whi"h ,eans that the s"heduler of the HA.9 trans,ission is not predeter,ined to the 8&# In addition$ the D% HA.9 infor,ation$ su"h as the lo"ation of the allo"ated resour"e lo"uires ,ore uffer spa"e and signaling o=erhead#

)nhancement  one

!ependency  one

1.2. BF!"00200 3 Synchronous 9A&4 Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary Co,pared with the downlin< HA.9$ uplin< retrans,ission is ased on a syn"hroniation s yn"hroniation  proto"ol# It o""urs at at a predefined ti,e ti,e after the initial trans,ission trans,ission and the nu,er of retrans,issions "an e i,pli"itly deri=ed#

Bene(ts !he 8% HA.9 fun"tionality is a fast retrans,ission proto"ol to ensure su""essful data trans,ission fro, the 8& to the eode at the physi"al layer and 5AC layer# A An n eode "an re>uest for retrans,issions of data that is in"orre"tly de"oded and soft-"o,ine the retrans,itted data with the pre=iously re"ei=ed data to i,pro=e the de"oding perfor,an"e# !his feature helps i,pro=e the user throughput and redu"e trans,ission laten"y in the uplinue "o,ining +&C and A.9 te"hnologies# Co,pared with the A.9$ the HA.9 "an pro=ide faster and ,ore effi"ient retrans,issions with lower trans,ission laten"y# In the uplinuen"y and intra-fre>uen"y intra-fre>uen" y neighoring "ells related to "ell re-sele"tion (in"luding "o,,on "ell resele"tion para,eters for a fre>uen"y and "ell-spe"ifi" re-sele"tion para,eters)L

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

yste,Infor,ationlo"uen"ies and inter-fre>uen"y neighoring "ells related to "ell re-sele"tion (in"luding "o,,on "ell re-sele"tion para,eters for a fre>uen"y and "ell-spe"ifi" re-sele"tion re-sele"tion  para,eters)L

yste,Infor,ationlo"uen"ies and 8!.A neighoring neighoring "ells related to "ell re-sele"tion (in"luding "o,,on "ell re-sele"tion  para,eters for for a fre>uen"y and and "ell-spe"ifi" re-sele"tion re-sele"tion para,eters)L para,eters)L

yste,Infor,ationlo"uen"ies related to "ell re-sele"tion (in"luding "ell re-sele"tion para,eters for ea"h fre>uen"y)L

yste,Infor,ationlo"uen"ies and CD5A2000 neighoring "ells related to "ell re-sele"tion (in"luding "o,,on "ell resele"tion para,eters for a fre>uen"y and "ell-spe"ifi" re-sele"tion para,eters)L

yste,Infor,ationlo"uest$ e"ause ad,ission "ontrol gi=es a preferen"e preferen"e to an e?isting "all (hando=er re>uest) o=er a new "all# !he Allo"ation7.etention Allo"ation7.etention Priority (A.P) "an e used to "lassify old$ il=er$ and rone "ategories with different ad,ission "ontrol thresholds# A.P is an attriute of ser=i"es and is inherited fro, &=ol=ed Pa"uest is highPriorityA""ess#

!ependency  one

1.2.1+ BF!"00202+ Congestion Control Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary !he "ongestion "ontrol feature is used to adGust the syste, loading when the syste, is in "ongestion or the 9o "annot e ,et# !he ,ain goal of "ongestion "ontrol feature is to guarantee the 9o for the ad,itted ser=i"es while a"hie=ing the ,a?i,u, radio resour"e utiliation#

Bene(ts !he "ongestion "ontrol feature pro=ides the following enefits6 Pre=ent syste, fro, eing unstale due to o=erloadL uarantee 9o satisfa"tion rate of ser=i"es in the syste, y effe"ti=ely redu"e the syste, loadingL

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

!escription !his feature is "riti"al to ,aintain the syste, staility and deli=er a""eptale 9uality of er=i"e (9o) when the syste, is in "ongestion# In eode$ "ongestion "ontrol is pro=ided in whi"h a ,ethod are introdu"ed6 !he ,ethod is to release low-priority ser=i"es to alle=iate the o=erloaded syste,$ where the  priority is deter,ined deter,ined ased on the A.P A.P assigned assigned to the ser=i"e#

)nhancement ie redu"tion on . ser=i"e is not a""epted y ,ost operators and is not re"o,,ended a""ording to 'PP# +un"tion of sie redu"tion on . ser=i"e is re,o=ed when "ell is in "ongestion#

!ependency  one

1.2.1, BF!"00202, Basic Scheduling Availability

!his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary !he asi" s"heduling feature pro=ides three "o,,on s"heduling algorith,s (5AK C7I and .. and P+)# !he operator "an sele"t either algorith,#

Bene(ts !his feature pro=ides the fle?iility for the operator to sele"t the s"heduling algorith,$ "onsidering the syste, "apa"ity and fairness a,ong the users#

!escription "heduling algorith, enales the syste, to de"ide the resour"e allo"ation for ea"h 8& during ea"h !!I# !his feature pro=ides different different s"heduling algorith,s$ "onsidering the tradeoff  etween syste, "apa"ity "apa"ity and fairness fairness a,ong the users# !here are three s"heduling algorith,s pro=ided and the operator "an de"ide whi"h algorith, to tauality# !he radio "hannel >uality is the only fa"tor to e "onsidered in this algorith, and therefore$ the fairness a,ong users "annot e guaranteed# Fith .ound .oin$ users are s"heduled on turn and negle"ts of their radio >uality# o all the users ha=e the sa,e "han"e to get the resour"e and the fairness a,ong uses is guaranteed# ut the syste, "apa"ity is lowest a,ong three s"heduling algorith,# Fith P+$ users are s"heduled a""ording to the =alue of .7r$ where . is the ,a?i,u, data rate "orresponding to the "hannel >uality$ and r is the a=erage data rate of the user# !he P+ s"heduler$ ased ased on the radio "hannel >uality of an indi=idual user$ pro=ides the user with an a=erage throughput proportional to its a=erage "hannel >uality# !his algorith, is typi"ally t ypi"ally used y a wireless syste, to a"hie=e a ,oderate "ell "apa"ity while to ensure fairness a,ong users#

)nhancement 

In e.A2#0 .ound .oin is added in this feature#

!ependency  one

1.2.1 BF!"00202 3plin; %o-er Control Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary 8plin< power "ontrol in %!& %!& syste, is essential to the "ontrol of the eode o=er the uplin< trans,itting power of 8&s# It also "ontrols the interferen"e to the neighoring "ells$ to i,pro=e the syste, throughput# 8plin< "ontrol power applies to Physi"al 8plin< hared Channel (P8CH)$ Physi"al 8plin< Control Channel (P8CCH)$ ounding .eferen"e ignal (.)$ and Physi"al .ando, A""ess Channel (P.ACH)#

Bene(ts !he uplin< power "ontrol "an redu"e the interferen"e etween neighoring "ells y "arefully "ontrolling the trans,itting power of 8&s y the eode and therefore$ in"rease the o=erall throughput in an %!& syste,# !he uplin< power "ontrol "an also ensure the >uality$ su"h as the lo"< error rate (%&.)$ of ser=i"e appli"ations# In addition$ uplin< power "ontrol "an redu"e the power "onsu,ption of 8&

!escription 8plin< power "ontrol is one of the ,ost i,portant features for an %!& %!& syste,# y "ontrolling the 8& trans,ission power "arefully$ the interferen"e to the neighoring "ells "an e redu"ed Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

and therefore the o=erall syste, throughput is i,pro=ed# !he uplin< power "ontrol in"ludes the ,e"hanis,s of P8CH power "ontrol$ P8CCH power "ontrol$ . power "ontrol$ and P.ACH power "ontrol# !he P8CH power "ontrol in"ludes power adGust,ent for oth Dyna,i" "heduling and e,i-persistent s"heduling# +or Dyna,i" "heduling6 

ased on the differen"e differen"e etween the esti,ated trans,ission power spe"tru, density (PD) and PD!arget$ PD!arget$ the trans,itting power of the P8CH is periodi"ally adGusted a""ording to the "hannel en=iron,ent "hange# If the th e esti,ated PD is g greater reater than PD!arg PD! arget$ et$ the eode sends a !PC "o,,and$ ordering a de"rease of the trans,itting  power# If the esti,ated PD PD is s,aller than PD!a PD!arget$ rget$ the eode eode sends a !PC !PC "o,,and$ ordering an in"rease of the trans,itting power#

+or e,i-persistent "heduling6 

In e,i-persistent "heduling$ ased on the differen"e etween the ,easured I%&. and I%&.!arget$ I%&.!arget$ the trans,itting power of the P8CH is periodi"ally adGusted a""ording to the "hannel en=iron,ent "hange# "hange# If the ,easured I%&. is greater th than an I%&.!arget$ the eode sends a !PC "o,,and to the 8&$ ordering an in"rease of the trans,itting power# If the ,easured I%&. is s,aller than I%&.!arge I%&.!arget$ t$ the eode sends a !PC "o,,and to the 8&$ ordering a de"rease of the trans,itting power#

!he P8CH !PCs of ,ultiple BoIP users are sent to the 8&s through DCI +or,at '7'A# y doing so$ signaling o=erheads o=er PDCCH are redu"ed#

+or P8CCH power "ontrol6 

ased on the differen"e etween the ,easured I. and I.!arget$ the trans,itting  power of the P8CCH P8CCH is periodi"ally adGusted adGusted a""ording to the "hannel "hannel en=iron,ent en=iron,ent "hange# If the ,easured I. is greater than I.!arget$ the eode sends a !PC "o,,and$ ordering a de"rease of the trans,itting power# If the ,easured I. is s,aller than I.!arget$ the eode sends a !PC "o,,and$ ordering an in"rease of the trans,itting power#

!he uplin< . power "ontrol also e,ploys the sa,e power "ontrol ,e"hanis, as the P8CH power "ontrol with identi"al para,eter settings# ote that the initial power is "al"ulated in the sa,e way as P8CH$ e?"ept that a power offset "onfigured y ..C is added# +or the P.ACH power "ontrol$ the 8& will "al"ulate the trans,itting power for the initial .ando, A""ess A""ess (.A) prea,le y esti,ating the downlin< path loss and ased on the afore,entioned e?pe"ted e?pe"ted re"ei=ed power fro, 8& at eode otained y ,onitoring the  road"ast "hannel# "hannel# If the .A prea,le atte,pt fails fails (e#g# no .A prea,le response response for the eode)$ the 8& "an in"rease the trans,itting power for the ne?t .A prea,le atte,pt a""ording to the settings "onfigured y the ..C layer#

)nhancement  one

!ependency  one

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

1.2.17 BF!"00201 !ynamic !o-nlin; %o-er Allocation Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary Dyna,i" Downlin< Power Allo"ation Allo"ation allows an eode to dyna,i"ally set the trans,itting  power at downlin< "hannels "hannels to redu"e power power "onsu,ption while ,aintaining ,aintaining the >uality of radio linuality and ,aintains a""eptale >uality of the downlin< "onne"tions# !herefore$ it "an i,pro=e the edge user throughput and trans,ission power usage#

!escription !he %!& %!& downlin< power allo"ation "onsists of se=eral parts "orresponding to different types of downlin< "hannels$ su"h as Physi"al Downlin< hared Channel (PDCH)$ Physi"al Downlin< Control Channel (PDCCH)$ Physi"al HA.9 Indi"ator Channel (PHICH)$ Physi"al road"ast Channel (PCH)$ and Physi"al Control +or,at Indi"ator Channel (PC+ICH)# 

A +i?ed power setting is perfor,ed for the "ell-spe"ifi" referen"e signal$ syn"hroniation signal$ PCH$ PC+ICH$ and "hannels "arrying "o,,on infor,ation of the "ell su"h as PDCCH and PDCHL sin"e the trans,itting power of those signals and "hannels are needed to ensure the downlin< "o=erage of the "ell#

I.. esti,ation is ased on the C9I report# ased on the differen"e differen"e etween the esti,ated I.. and I.!arget$ I.!arget$ the trans,itting power of the PHICH is periodi"ally adGusted a""ording to the path loss and shading# If I.. is s,aller than I.!arget$ I.!arget$ the trans,itting power is in"reased# @therwise$ the trans,itting power is de"reased#) O


Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

In dyna,i" s"heduling$ the power of the PDCH is deter,ined y PA$ PA$ and the power is adGusted y updating PA# Fhen the eode re"ei=es a reported C9I fro, the 8&$ it "o,pares it with that reported in the pre=ious ti,e# If there is a great differen"e  etween the two C9I =alues$ =alues$ the power adGust,ent is perfor,ed$ perfor,ed$ and a pro"ess of re"al"ulating the PA for the 8& is started# In se,i-stati" s"heduling$ ased on the differen"e etween the ,easured I%&. of BoIP pa"uen"y "ontinuously when it ,o=es a"ross different "ells that are operating at the sa,e fre>uen"y#

Bene(ts !he "o=erage-ased intra-fre>uen"y intra-fre>uen"y hando=er feature pro=ides supple,entary "o=erage in intra-fre>uen"y %!& syste,s to pre=ent "all drop$ enale sea,less "o=erage and therefore intra-fre>uen"y i,pro=e the networ< perfor,an"e and end user e?perien"e#

!escription !his feature is one of the funda,ental fun"tions of an %! %!& & syste,# !he purpose of hando=er is to ensure that a 8& in ..C-C@&C!&D ,ode is ser=ed "ontinuously when it ,o=es# Hando=er in %!& %!& is "hara"teried y the hando=er pro"edure in whi"h the original "onne"tion is released efore a new "onne"tion is set up# Intra-fre>uen"y hando=er refers to the hando=er etween "ells operating at the sa,e Intra-fre>uen"y fre>uen"y and# It "an e triggered y "o=erage or load# In e.A1#0$ the "o=erage-ased intra-fre>uen"y intra-fre>uen "y hando=er is supported# !he intra-fre>uen"y hando=er pro"edure pro"edure "an e di=ided into three phases6 hando=er ,easure,ent$ hando=er de"ision$ and hando=er e?e"ution#

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

&-8!.A "onfigures the hando=er-related ,easure,ent through the RRC the  RRC Connection  Reconfiguration ,essage#  Reconfiguration  ,essage# !he 8& "ould ,easure either .eferen"e ignal .e"ei=ed Power (..P) or .eferen"e ignal .e"ei=ed 9uality (..9) for intra-fre>uen"y intra-fre>uen"y hando=er# 8pon re"ei=ing a ,easure,ent report fro, the 8&$ the eode ,auen"y hando=er pro"edures spe"ified in 'PP ! '3#'00# !he following s"enarios are "onsidered in the intra-fre>uen"y hando=er hando=er66 

Hando=er etween two "ells "onfigured in the sa,e eode# o e?ternal neighor "ell is needed# !his s"enario is not appli"ale to 5i"ro eode e"ause 5i"ro eode only supports one "ell#

Hando=er etween two "ells "onfigured in different eodes with an K2 interfa"e a=ailale# In this "ase$ the sour"e eode sends a HAD@B&. .&98&! ,essage o=er the K2 interfa"e#

Hando=er etween two "ells "onfigured in different eodes with no K2 interfa"e a=ailale# In this "ase$ the sour"e eode sends a HAD@B&. .&98I.&D ,essage o=er the 1 interfa"e#

)nhancement 

In e.A2#2 &a"h P%5 id of eode will ha=e its own P%5 listL ea"h P%5 list "an "ontain at ,ost / P%5 IdentitiesL P%5 list is used as an a""ess list for ser=ing "ell to Gudge whether 8& "ould hando=er to target "ell in Inter-P%5 hando=erL @ther "ell$ whose P%5 ids are all different with ser=ing "ell P%5 id in whi"h 8& is lo"ated and at sa,e ti,e are not in its P%5 list$ will not e "onsidered as target "ell in hando=er  pro"ess for this 8&#

!ependency  one

1.2.1'.2 BF!"00201'02 Coverage Based 8nter":reuen"y hando=er pro=ides supple,entary "o=erage in interfre>uen"y %!& %!& syste,s to pre=ent "all drop$ enale sea,less "o=erage$ and therefore i,pro=e the networ< perfor,an"e and end user e?perien"e#

!escription !his feature is one of the funda,ental fun"tions for an %! %!& & syste,# !he purpose of interfre>uen"y hando=er is to ensure that a 8& in ..C-C@&C!&D ,ode is ser=ed "ontinuously when it ,o=es a"ross different "ells operating at different fre>uen"ies# !he inter-fre>uen"y inter-fre>uen"y hando=er pro"edure "an e di=ided into four phases6 ,easure,ent triggering$ hando=er ,easure,ent$ hando=er de"ision$ and hando=er e?e"ution# In inter-fre>uen"y hando=er$ neighoring "ell ,easure,ents are inter-fre>uen"y ,easure,ents# !he ,easure,ent ,easure,ent is gap assisted for 8&s with one .+ re"ei=er# re"ei=er# !he ,easure,ent is triggered y an e=ent A2 and stopped y an e=ent A1$ ased on the ,onitoring on the =alue of ..P or ..9# In inter-fre>uen"y hando=er$ hando=er$ the 8& sends ,easure,ent reports to the eode when the ..P or ..9 ,eets the "riteria set in the ,easure,ent "onfiguration# 8pon re"ei=ing a ,easure,ent report fro, the 8&$ the eode ,auen"y hando=er s"enarios are appli"ale6 

Hando=er etween two "ells "onfigured in the sa,e eode# In this "ase$ the 8&  perfor,s the hando=er hando=er etween two two "ells "onfigured in the sa,e eode and and no e?ternal interfa"e is re>uired# !his s"enario is not appli"ale to 5i"ro eode e"ause 5i"ro eode only supports one "ell#

Hando=er etween two "ells "onfigured in different eodes with an K2 interfa"e a=ailale# In this "ase$ the sour"e eode sends a HAD@B&. .&98&! ,essage o=er the K2 interfa"e#

Hando=er etween two "ells "onfigured in different eodes with no K2 interfa"e a=ailale# In this "ase$ the sour"e eode sends a HAD@B&. .&98I.&D ,essage o=er the 1 interfa"e#

)nhancement 

e.A2#2 &a"h P%5 id of eode will ha=e its own P%5 listL ea"h P%5 list "an "ontain at ,ost / P%5 IdentitiesL P%5 list is used as an a""ess list for ser=ing "ell to Gudge whether 8& "ould hando=er to target "ell in Inter-P%5 hando=erL @ther "ell$ whose P%5 ids are all different with ser=ing "ell P%5 id in whi"h 8& is lo"ated and at sa,e ti,e are not in its P%5 list$ will not e "onsidered as target "ell in hando=er  pro"ess for this 8&#

e.A'#0 !he inter-fre>uen"y hando=er ased on 8% power is supported# It guarantees ser=i"e "ontinuity in uplin< li,ited power when a 8& ,o=es to the "ell edge#

e.A3#0 !he redire"tion fun"tion hasofeen pro=ided y this feature# a 8& a "ell$ urgent the eode deli=ers two sets e=ent A2 "onfigurations# @neAfter is used fora""esses triggering

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

,easure,ents$ and the other is used for triggering urgent redire"tion# !he triggering of e=ent A2 for urgent redire"tion indi"ates that the signal >uality in the ser=ing "ell has  e"o,e too poor to pro=ide pro=ide ser=i"es for the 8&# In this "ase$ the the eode lindly redire"ts the 8& to a neighoring &.A$ 8!.A$ or &-8!.A "ell#

!ependency  one

1.2.1'.# BF!"00201'0# Cell Selection and &e"selection Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary Cell sele"tion7resele"tion is a ,e"hanis, for 8& in idle ,ode to sele"t7resele"t a "ell to "a,p on and to re"ei=e the ,ost appropriate ser=i"e support upon session a"ti=ation in %!& syste,s#

Bene(ts !his feature pro=ides a ,e"hanis, for 8& in idle ,ode to sele"t7resele"t a "ell to "a,p on y supple,entary "o=erage in %!& syste,s# !his feature fa"ilitates the auto,ati" sele"tion of the networ< for 8& in idle ,ode and a=oids the "o,ple?ity of ,anual operations# !he 8& is always ound to a relati=ely good "ell to otain etter ser=i"e >uality#

!escription Fhen 8& sele"ts a P%5 or transition fro, ..C-C@&C!&D to ..C-ID%&$ "ell sele"tion is re>uired# !he on-A""ess tratu, (A) "an deter,ine the .A!(s) .A!(s) in whi"h the "ell sele"tion should e perfor,ed$ p erfor,ed$ for instan"e$ y indi"ating the .A!(s) .A!(s) asso"iated with the sele"ted P%5 and y ,aintaining a list of foridden registration areas and a list of e>ui=alent P%5# !he 8& shall sele"t a suitale "ell ased on idle ,ode ,easure,ents and "ell sele"tion "riteria# 8& in ..CJID%& "an perfor, "ell resele"tion if 8& find a "ell with a etter radio en=iron,ent# Fhen "a,ping on a "ell$ 8& shall regularly sear"h for a etter "ell a""ording to the "ell resele"tion "riteria# If a etter "ell is found$ that "ell is resele"ted# Asolute priorities of different &-8!.A fre>uen"ies fre>uen"ies "an e pro=ided to the 8& in the syste, infor,ation and optionally in the ..C ,essage releasing the ..C "onne"tion# Co,pared with 5a"ro eodes$ higher priorities will e set for fre>uen"ies of 5i"ro eodes so that the 8& prefers to "a,p on 5i"ro eode "ells# In "ase a 5i"ro "ellsele"tion is on the or sa,e fre>uen"y with5i"ro a 5a"ro thethan eode also ,auen"y#

Bene(ts er=i"e ased Inter-fre>uen"y Inter-fre>uen"y Hando=er is used to i,pro=e effi"ien"y and "apa"ity of whole syste,#

!escription !he operator "ould "onfigure spe"ifi" group of poli"ies for ser=i"e-ased inter-fre>uen"y hando=ers# &a"h group will e asso"iated with a 9CI# !he default poli"y is to prohiit hando=ers# A earer of 9CI  and 9CIs of default earers are not re"o,,ended to e "onfigured to allow hando=ers# Fhen ser=i"e ased Inter-fre>uen"y Inter-fre>uen"y hando=er algorith, is used$ eode should "ontinuously ,onitor the 8& ser=i"e state# If 9CI (ea"h type of ser=i"e is ,apping to a 9CI inde?) is "hanged$ inter-fre>uen"y inter-fre>uen"y ,easure,ents of "onfigured group will e triggered to find an opti,al hando=er "andidate#

)nhancement  one

!ependency 

8& 8& should support for inter-fre>uen"y inter-fre>uen"y ap ,easure,ents

1.2.1* BF!"002020 Antenna Con(guration 1.2.1*.1 BF!"00202001 3 2"Antenna &eceive !iversity Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription 

1 asi" +eatures

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary .e"ei=e di=ersity is a "o,,on type of ,ultiple antennas te"hnology to i,pro=e signal re"eption and to "o,at signal fading and interferen"e# It i,pro=es networ< "apa"ity and data rates# Huawei eode supports oth .K di=ersity ,ode and no .K di=ersity ,ode#

Bene(ts !his feature "an i,pro=e the re"ei=er sensiti=ity and uplin< "o=erage#

!escription .e"ei=e di=ersity is a te"hni>ue to ,onitor signals at ,ultiple fre>uen"ies fro, the sa,e signal sour"e$ or to ,onitor ti,e di=ision signals at the sa,e fre>uen"y fro, the sa,e signal sour"e$ in order to "o,at signal fading and interferen"e# .e"ei=e di=ersity is one way to enhan"e the re"eption o=er uplin< "hannels$ in"luding P8CH$ P8CCH$ P.ACH$ and .# Huawei eode supports oth .K di=ersity ,ode and no .K di=ersity ,ode# In .K di=ersity ,ode$ the eode "an e "onfigured with 2 antennas (2-way)# In .K di=ersity ,ode$ the eode does not re>uire additional de=i"es and woruires the eode to pro=ide enough .+ "hannels and de,odulation resour"es that "an ,at"h the nu,er of di=ersity antennas#

1.2.20 BF!"002021 &eliability BF!"00202101 ain %rocessing and Transport Transport 3nit Cold Bac;up Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A2#0

not appli"ale to 5i"ro

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

Summary !he feature pro=ides "old a"uipped with at least two %P oards#

1.2.20.# BF!"0020210# SCT% ulti"homing Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary trea, Control !rans,ission !rans,ission Proto"ol (C!P) is the signaling earer proto"ol of the 17K2 interfa"e# It pro=ides the si,ilar ser=i"e features of !CP and 8DP$ ut ensures reliaility$ inse>uen"e transport of ,essages with "ongestion "ontrol$ and offers ,ulti-ho,ing support for fault re"o=ery y failo=er etween redundant networ< paths#

Bene(ts !his feature pro=ides reliaility of signaling earers#

!escription Figure 1.1 trea, Control !rans,ission Proto"ol

C!P is the signaling earer proto"ol of the 17K2 interfa"e# Fith this fun"tion$ one C!P asso"iation has two paths (IP-"ouple)# An C!P asso"iation is the logi"al "hannel etween two C!P ends# !he two paths in one C!P asso"iation are a ,aster path and a sla=e path# enerally$$ the ,aster path is a"ti=e# Fhen the ,aster path fails$ the sla=e path is a"ti=ated# enerally

)nhancement  one

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

!ependency  one

1.2.20.+ BF!"0020210+ 8ntra"baseband Card &esource %ool =user levelcell level> Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A2#0

not appli"ale to 5i"ro

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary In this feature$ the pro"essing resour"es in a aseand pro"essing oard of Huawei eode are aggregated into a aseand resour"e pool in whi"h all they are shared for the load  pro"essing#

Bene(ts !his feature ensures the staility and roustness of eode$ in whi"h the pro"essing resour"es are aggregated into a pool to share all load and thus to pre=ent indi=idual resour"e fro, outage due to o=erload# !he feature also i,pro=es i,pro=es the a=erage "ell "apa"ity of e eode# ode#

!escription !he aseand pro"essing oard of Huawei eode "onsists of se=eral pro"essing resour"es# A aseand pro"essing pro"essing oard is "apale of supporting ,ultiple "ells depending on the  andwidths# In this feature$ feature$ the pro"essing pro"essing resour"es are aggregated into a resour"e resour"e pool to e shared for user data pro"essing y ,ultiple "ells# A new user will e assigned to a resour"e whi"h has the least load# In an o""asional situation$ if a resour"e should e o=erloaded or in outage$ the eode "an redu"e the load of the indi=idual resour"e or ,o=e its e?isting users to other resour"es#

)nhancement  one

!ependency 

eode !his feature is only appli"ale to %P"#

1.2.21 BF!"002027 Support o: 3) Category 1 Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary &-8!.A needs to respe"t the signaled 8& radio a""ess "apaility para,eters when "onfiguring the 8& and when s"heduling the 8&# !here are fi=e "ategories defined in the  proto"ol# !his feature feature "an enale enale ase station to support 8& 8& "ategory 1#

Bene(ts !his feature "an enale ase station to support 8& "ategory 1#

!escription &-8!.A needs to respe"t the signaled 8& radio a""ess "apaility para,eters when "onfiguring the 8& and when s"heduling the 8&# !here are fi=e "ategories defined in the  proto"ol# !his feature feature "an enale enale ase station to support 8& 8& "ategory 1# Table 1.1 Downlin< physi"al layer para,eter =alues set y the field UE-Category

8& Ca Category

5a?i,u, nu,er of D%CH transport  lo"uired

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

1.#.+., BF!"00#00,0, SynchroniDation -ith 1%%S Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A2#0

not appli"ale to 5i"ro

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary !he eode "an wor< in ,ultiple "lo"< syn"hroniation ,odes to suit different "lo"< topologies# 1PPU!@D "an e one of the syn"hroniation sour"es#

Bene(ts !his feature pro=ides 1PPU!@D 1PPU!@D as one of the syn"hroniation syn"hroniation sour"es# !he eode internal "lo"< "an e syn"hronied with the transport networ< and no au?iliary "lo"< e>uip,ent is needed$ in order to redu"e the "ost# !he syn"hronied "lo"< is of the re>uired a""ura"y to ,eet oth radio fre>uen"y and trans,ission networ< re>uire,ents#

!escription In "o,plian"e with 'PP$ the eode "lo"< ,ust ha=e a higher "lo"< pre"ision# !he fre>uen"y staility of the 10-5H ,aster "lo"< of the eode should e lower than V0#0  pp,# !his feature pro=ides 1PPU!@D as one of the syn"hroniation sour"es#

)nhancement  one

!ependency 

eode 8C8(8ni=ersall atellite Card and Clo 8C8(8ni=ersa Clo"< "< 8nit) "ard is re>uired

1.#., BF!"00#00 8%v+8%v !ual Stac;  Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A2#2

not appli"ale to 5i"ro

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary A funda,ental funda,ental IP=4-to-IP=3 transition te"hnology in=ol=es the presen"e of two Internet Proto"ol software i,ple,entations in an operating syste,$ one o ne for IP=4 and another for IP=3# Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei !e"hnologies Co#$ %td#



e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

!his feature pro=ides support for IP=3 proto"ol sta"ui"< installation$ e?pansion and "onfiguration of the networuality

us"rier-le=el running infor,ation ,onitoring6 in=ol=ing I. ,easure,ent and 8& us"rier-le=el !K power 

Cell-le=el running infor,ation ,onitoring6 in=ol=ing the nu,er of "ell users$ throughput$ and resour"e lo"< usage

!ransportt lin< running infor,ation ,onitoring6 in=ol=ing C!P linuired#

1.+.12 BF!"00+012 )nvironment onitoring Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei


!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#


e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

Summary !his feature pro=ides en=iron,ent fault alar,ing and "usto,ied en=iron,ent alar,s fun"tions#

Bene(ts !his feature enales "entralied en=iron,ent ,onitoring of Huawei eode e>uip,ent#

!escription !his feature enales "entralied en=iron,ent ,onitoring of Huawei eode e>uip,ent in ter,s of$ for e?a,ple$ the te,perature$ hu,idity$ hu,idity$ s,ouired#

1.+.1# BF!"00+01# 8nventory anagement Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A1#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary !he Huawei i5anager 82000 retrie=es in=entory infor,ation auto,ati"ally fro, the eode after "o,,issioning and syn"hronie the infor,ation on the eode e=ery day#

Bene(ts Fith this fun"tion$ operators "an otain the ti,ely and a""urate in=entory data of the e?isting networ< for de"ision ,aui"uired#

1.+.1+ BF!"00+01+ icense anagement Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A2#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary !his feature in=ol=es the eode li"ense "ontrol#

Bene(ts Fith this feature$ the operators "an pur"hase the li"ense ased on the networ< de=elop,ent$ thus redu"ing the initial "ost of the networ< deploy,ent#

!escription !he li"ense file is used to deter,ine whether the optional features are a=ailale and how ,any optional features are a=ailale# !he li"ense file "an e downloaded re,otely to the eode# !he operators "an ,anage and >uery the "ontents in the li"ense file through the %5! or the 82000 "lient# !he li"ense file is stored in the eode#

Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)

Huawei Pr Proprietary and Co Confidential   Copyright  Huawei


!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#


e%!&2#' e%!&2#' D'*00 %!& +DD asi" +eature Des"ription

1 asi" +eatures

Figure 1.1 %i"ense file ,anage,ent

 ew or upgraded upgraded li"ense files "an e e ordered fro, fro, Huawei#

)nhancement  one

!ependency  one

1.+.1, BF!"00+01, icense Control :or 3rgency Availability !his feature is 

appli"ale to 5a"ro fro, e.A'#0

appli"ale to 5i"ro for, e.A'#0

appli"ale to %a,psite fro, e.A3#0

Summary Fith this feature$ the li"ense li,itation is withdrawn in e,ergen"ies$ so the operator "an handle the sudden in"rease of networ< "apa"ity "apa"ity##

Bene(ts !his feature helps operator to fa"e the situations where there is an unusual in"rease of traffi" (sport e=ents$ ew RearW) RearW) y enaling a te,porary in"rease of .A resour"e$ a=oiding  per,anent o=er-di,ensioning o=er-di,ensioning and thus adapting adapting the "apa"ity "osts to the real usage# usage#

!escription !he li"ense li,itation is withdrawn through ,anual e?e"ution of the 55% "o,,ands on the %5! or 82000# !hus$ the e>uip,ent "an e used effe"ti=ely to opti,u, "apa"ity "apa"ity## +or ea"h . =ersion$ the operation personnel ha=e three "han"es to withdraw the li"ense li,itation through the 55% "o,,ands# !he operation tauest


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