ELS3 Test Yourself 1

September 23, 2017 | Author: Iqbal Ahmad | Category: Leisure, Business, Foods
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TEST YOURSELF 1 1-5O. sorularda, cümlede tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 1-





You ....... your own canoe in order to join the canoe club. They cost a lot of money. You ....... mine whenever you want to go canoeing. A) mustn't buy/had borrowed B) won't have bought/should borrow C) needn't buy/can borrow D) might not buy/would borrow E) can't buy/used to borrow



B) would drive D) has driven

Just as my daughter was about to leave the house on her wedding day, my son spilt some tea on her dress. Fortunately, we ....... the stain with some special soap before the wedding took place. A) were able to remove C) might be removing E) used to remove


B) must have removed D) could remove

A: Is Julian not visiting Aunt May with us today? B: Well, he's been called out to an emergency, but he ....... us there if he finishes early. A) has joined C) was joining E) would be joining



B) could have joined D) might join

A: What were you doing at the bank yesterday? B: I ........ my bank manager for a loan to repair our house, and luckily, I managed to get it. A) must have asked D) should have asked

B) used to ask E) ought to ask

C) had lo ask

A: I can't believe Jane isn't here to collect her award. B: She ......... the invitation. We definitely should have checked that she had got it. A) would rather not receive C) isn't supposed to receive E) must not have received

B) had better not receive D) needn't have received

7- A: Did you speak to Sam about the plans for the cake sale to raise money for charity? B: Yes, I did and she ........ bake some biscuits and cakes if she has time. A) might be able to D) had better 8-

B) was able to E) has had to


C) used to

Our plane ............. in Cairo hours ago, but we haven't even taken off from Heathrow yet. A) was supposed to land C) ought to be landing E) might be landing

B) must have landed D) will have landed

This steak is a little undercooked for my taste. .......... putting it back under the grill for another five minutes? A) Why don't you C) Would you like E) Do you mind if I

A) will be D) would be

B) has been E) could be

C) eair be

11- I ......... to the office to send e-mail any longer. The company has bought me a lap top computer and a mobile phone which can be used for electronic mail and the Internet.

He is so poor now it's hard to believe that when he was young, he ....... down the street in his Rolls Royce or sometimes his Jaguar car. A) has been driving C) should have driven E) may be driving

10- A: I wonder why Mary didn't want to come shopping in Oxford Street with us. B: I don't know. She ........ short of money these days because her new kitchen cost her a lot of money.

B) Would you mind D) Do you prefer

A) didn't use to return C) needn't have returned return E) must not have returned

B) may nol return D) don't have to

12- You .......... so envious of your brother. He is so successful because, unlike you, he works extremely hard. A) haven't been D) shouldn't be

B) won't be E) may not be

C) weren't

13- Oh dear, we seem to have run out of salt. I ........ to the corner shop before dinner. A) am able to go C) could have gone E) will have to go

B) needed to go D) must have gone

14- I can't understand why Dad is now so careful with his money. He ...... such a generous person. A) would be D) will be

B) has been E) must be

C) used to be

15- Trade is so poor these days! We ........ just two cars since I started working here a month ago. A) have been able to sell C) had to sell E) are supposed to sell

B) used to sell D) will have sold

16- A: ......... we drive to Sultan Ahmet in our new car? B: Well, I ........ take the ferry to avoid the traffic. A) May/must C) Must/prefer E) Would/had better

B) Can/would like D) Shall/would sooner

17- I was going to write my essay about the British nuclear tests in the Australian desert, but I ........ the topic when I ........ much information about them. A) have changed/wasn't able to find B) had to change/couldn't find C) must change/haven't found D) might have changed/don't find E) used to change/might not find 18- ........ you do me a favour please? ........ you ask Mrs Green if the interview room is available? A) Might/May D) Shall/Might

B) May/Could E) Could/Would

C) Would/Do

19- I was falling asleep while I was typing my speech last night. The only way I ......... awake was by drinking lots of strong coffee. A) ought to stay C) have stayed E) could stay

B) would rather stay D) may stay

20- ......... you hold this shelf here while I go and get my hammer? A) May D) Will

B) Must E) Shall

C) Should

21- The tyres of my car ........... thin already. I only replaced them in January. I'll have to buy better quality ones next time. A) shouldn't have worn C) didn't wear E) haven't worn

B) needn't have worn D) aren't supposed to wear

22- According to their letter, we ........ them with a copy of our company's accounts before we can order any cars on contract hire. A) have supplied C) may have supplied E) had supplied

B) have to supply D) used to supply

23- I suppose I ........ to type his report for him, but, at the time, I didn't know how important it was. A) have had to offer C) could have offered E) was able to offir

B) may have offered D) would rather offer

24- A: Why is Mum still in hospital? She ........ home today. B: They wanted to do some more tests. A) must have come C) had better come E) may have come

B) was supposed to come D) used to come

25- I'd like to have some people for dinner tonight, but it is too late to ask anyone because they ....... their plans already. A) had better make C) are making E) can make

B) used to make D) may have made

26- George ....... better in the tennis tournament than I thought he ....... because he got through to the finals. A) must have played/could C) should be playing/did E) had better play/should

B) will have played/ought lo D) ought to play/can

27- Ever since he took on this part-time job, he ......... enough time on his studies. A) can't spend C) hasn't been able to spend E) couldn't spend

B) isn't able to spend D) wasn't able to spend

28- Now that they have raised the prices at the gym, I ....... going there, or I'll have difficulty paying it. A) must have stopped C) had better stop E) had stopped

B) used to stop D) might have slopped

29- My brother's eyesight is perfect, but I ....... glasses since I was seven years old. A) ought to wear C) have to wear E) have had to wear

B) must have worn D) had better wear

30- Would you mind if I .......... these trade magazines home to read? I never get time to read them in the office. A) to take B) took C) am taking D) taking E) have laken

31-I am really surprised that Robby hasn't signed up yet for the skiing holiday this year. He ....... the first to book every year. A) will be B) may have been C) would be D) could be E) used to be 32- Your mother ....... a restaurant. She is such a wonderful cook. If she opened a restaurant, I'm sure it would be full every night. A) must have opened C) should open E) was able to open

B) used to open D) would open

33- We ........ offices soon. I saw the boss this morning viewing the new office block next to the station. A) would rather be moving C) would have moved E) have been moving

B) had better move D) may be moving

34- A: Peter in the accounts department retired yesterday. B: He ....... permanently yesterday. I saw him at his desk only this morning. A: Oh, well, he had his retirement resentation yesterday, but perhaps that was because the Chairman was here. Maybe he is leaving on Friday. A) can't have left C) hasn't left E) had betler not leave

B) ought not to leave D) needn't have left

35- A: Did you have a busy day at the shop? If you did, you .......... rushed off your feet without me there. B: No, I wasn't. It was quite a quiet day. A) must have been C) used to be E) might be

B) have been D) would rather be

36- I was just about to buy a new pair when the police rang to say my handbag had been found with my glasses still inside, so I ........ a new pair after all. A) needn't have bought C) wasn't supposed to buy E) didn't need to buy

B) mustn't buy D) shouldn't have bought

37- A: Why is she still perspiring? She ........ too hot — I've taken her jumper off. B: In that case, she ........ a fever. You'd better take her temperature. A) can't be/must have C) wouldn't be/is having E) shouldn't be/had

B) isn't/would rather have D) needn't be/ought to have

38- Please Mum, ....... I watch the film tonight? I have finished all my homework. A) would B) may C) do D) should E) must 39- I really miss Istanbul, where I lived when I was younger. On summer evenings, we ....... along the coast by the Sea of Marmara when the Sun was setting behind Kinahada. A) ought to walk D) had walked

B) have walked E) might walk

C) would walk

40- A: Julester looks so slim. B: Has she been dieting? A: Not that I'm aware of. B: Well, she .......... very hard then. She goes horse-riding, doesn't she? A) must have been exercising C) had better exercise E) will have been exercising

B) was exercising D) was able to exercise

41- You ........ a tie on Friday. They don't let men into the restaurant unless they are wearing a tie. A) would wear B) must wear C) can wear D) may wear E) could wear 42- Jennifer ......... the promotion that she is expecting as she hasn't reached her sales target yet. A) shouldn't have got C) didn't use to get E) may not get

B) hadn't got D) wasn't getting

43- Mum, according to what the doctor instructed you to do, you ....... any salt on your food, you know! If you insist on eating that much salt, you're bound to have another heart attack! A) needn't have put C) haven't put E) aren't supposed to put

B) didn't use to put D) don't have to put

44- Alfred ......... his ankle badly as we ........ in the mountains last Saturday. A) used to sprain/hiked B) has sprained/could be hiking C) must have sprained/have hiked D) sprained/were hiking E) may sprain/have been hiking 45- ........ I look after Katie for a couple of hours so that you and Kevin can go to the cinema? A) Would B) Let C) Do D) Did E) Shall 46- During the strike of the railway workers, many commuters ....... a taxi to and from work by coming three or four people together so that they could afford it. A) have been hiring C) ought to hire E) might hire

B) had to hire D) will be hiring

47- We .... by the river, but unfortunately, the riverside car park was full. A) should be parking C) had better park E) are supposed to park

B) had parked D) were going to park

48- You ........ some more appointments to get some more business. You're never going to achieve your sales target at this rate. A) used to make C) should make E) would make

B) were making D) have made

49- You haven't got time to do the gardening. gardener, don't you think so? A) ought to employ C) are employing E) employed

I think you ....... a

B) have employed D) must have employed

50- I'm glad that you ........ your father to let you come on this trip with us. It wouldn't be so enjoyable without you! A) must have persuaded C) might be persuading E) used to persuade

B) could have persuaded D) were able to persuade

51-55. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz. 51- Bana daha fazla ayrıntı vermeyi reddettiğiniz için sizi mahkemede savunamayacağımı üzülerek bildiriyorum. A) Your refusal to give me further information was the reason why I had to inform you that it was impossible for me to defend you. B) I'm sorry that I can't defend you in court because you haven't given me all the particulars required. C) Your refusal to provide further particulars, regrettably, led to my refusal to agree to defend you in court. D) Since you refuse to give me further particulars I regret to inform you that I won’t be able to defend you in court. E) Regrettably I cannot agree to defend you in court unless you give me further particulars. 52- Mutfak penceresinin önündeki çam ağacını kesmek zorunda kaldılar çünkü binanın temeline zarar veriyordu. A) If they hadn't cut down the old pine tree from in front of the kitchen window, it might have damaged the foundations of the building. B) They were forced to cut down the pine tree in front of the kitchen window for fear that it would damage the foundations of the building. C) Basically, they had to cut down the pine tree in front of the building because it was blocking the kitchen window completely. D) They only cut down the old pine tree, which stood in front of the kitchen window, when it started to damage the foundations of the building. E) They had to cut down the pine tree in front of the kitchen window as it was damaging the foundations of the building. 53- Bir ev hanımının dünyası sadece mutfak ve çocuk odasıyla sınırlı olmamalıdır. A) She shouldn't restrict her world to that of a housewife, merely working in the kitchen and the nursery. B) A housewife's world should not be restricted to just the kitchen and the nursery. C) A housewife's life should also include experiences outside the kitchen and the nursery. D) As a housewife, her world has been restricted to the kitchen and the nursery. E) A large part of a housewife's life is limited to working in the kitchen and the nursery. 54- Her şeyi tek başına yapmaya çalışmak yerine, bizden ya da profesyonel birinden yardım isteyebilirdin. A) You didn't need to ask for a professional's help as, with our help, you were able to manage everything without it. B) It would have been better if you had asked for our or a professional's help, but you tried to do everything yourself. C) You could have asked for our or a professional's help instead of trying to do everything on your own. D) Instead of doing everything all alone, you should have asked for our help, or even a professional's. E) You needn't have asked for our or a professional's help as you could have easily managed everything by yourself. 55- Birkaç emlakçıya uğrayıp kiralarla ilgili genel bir fikir edinince, o bölgede oturmaya gücümüzün yetmeyeceğini anladık. A) When we'd called at a few estate agents' and got a general opinion of the rents, we realised that we couldn't afford to live in that area. B) After we'd asked several estate agents for their opinion, it became obvious that we couldn't afford to live around there. C) Though we were aware that the area was unaffordable for us, we still visited a few estate agents in order to get a general idea of the rents there. D) If we had spoken to a few estate agents and grasped the general level of rent charged there, we wouldn't have decided to move to that part of town. E) Most of the estate agents we visited held the opinion that the rents charged in the area were too high for us to afford.

56-60. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz. 56- Since my sister was very shy as a child, whenever she was invited to a party, she would make up an excuse and not want to go. A) Kardeşim çok çekingen bir çocuk olduğu için bir partiye davet edildiğinde hemen bir mazeret uydurur ve gitmezdi. B) Kardeşim çocukken çok çekingen olduğu için ne zaman bir partiye davet edilse, bir mazeret uydurur gitmek istemezdi. C) Çocukluğundan beri çok çekingen olan kardeşim ne zaman bir partiye davet edilse hemen bir mazeret uydurur ve gitmek istemez. D) Çocukken çok çekingen olan kardeşim istemediği partilere katılmamak için mutlaka bir mazeret bulurdu. E) Kardeşim çocukken çok çekingen olduğu için hiçbir partiye katılmaz, davet edildiği zaman da bir mazeret uydururdu. 57- Parents should not be too permissive with their children, or they may lose their control over them completely when the children grow up. A) Çocukları büyüdüğünde onlar üzerindeki kontrollerini tamamen yitirmiş olan ebeveynler küçükken onlara karşı çok tavizkar davranmış olmalılar. B) Ebeveynlerin çocuklarına karşı fazla tavizkar olmaması gerekir yoksa çocuklar büyüdüklerinde onları kontrol etmek zor olur. C) Çocuklarına karşı fazla tavizkar olan ebeveynler çocukları büyüdüğünde onların üzerindeki kontrollerini tamamen yitirirler. D) Çocukları büyüdüğünde onların üzerindeki kontrollerini yitirmek istemiyorlarsa ebeveynlerin, çocuklarına karşı fazla tavizkar olmaması gerekir. E) Ebeveynler çocuklarına karşı fazla tavizkar olmamalılar yoksa çocuklar büyüdüğünde onlar üzerindeki kontrollerini tamamen yitirebilirler. 58- Even the owners of the houses not damaged during the earthquake could not return to their houses for days due to fear. A) Evleri hasar görmediği halde bazı insanlar depremden sonra günlerce içeri girmekten korktu. B) İnsanlar, depremden günler sonra, hiç hasar görmemiş evlere bile korkarak girebildiler. C) Depremden günler sonra, yıkılmayan evlerin sahipleri bile korkudan evlerine giremiyorlardı. D) Depremde hasar görmemiş evlerin sahipleri bile, korkudan günlerce evlerine giremediler. E) İnsanlar depremden o kadar korkmuştu ki evleri hasar görmemiş olanlar bile günlerce içeri giremedi. 59- In an effort to sabotage others computers, some users, called hackers, create software that can damage a computer's programs or data. A) Başkalarının bilgisayarlarını sabote etmek amacıyla, hacker adı verilen bazı kullanıcılar, bilgisayarın programlarına ya da verilerine zarar verebilen programlar üretiyorlar. B) Başka bilgisayarları sabote etmek için, bilgisayarın programlarına ya da verilerine /.arar veren programlar üreten kişilere hacker denir. C) Hacker adı verilen bazı kullanıcılar, bilgisayarların hem programlarına hem de verilerine zarar verebilen programlar üreterek başkalarının bilgisayarlarını sabote etmektedir. D) Hacker diye adlandırılan bazı sabotajcılar, bilgisayar programları üreterek başkalarının bilgisayarlarına ya da verilerine zarar vermeye çalışmaktadır. E) Hackerlar, bilgisayarın sadece programlarına değil verilerine de zarar verebilen programları, başkalarının bilgisayarlarını sabote etmek amacıyla üretirler.

60- Although they seem to offer an escape from problems for a few hours, in fact, drugs create more problems than solutions. A) Sorunlardan sadece birkaç saatliğine kaçış sağlamaya yarayan uyuşturucular aslında sorunları daha da büyütürler. B) Uyuşturucular sorunları gerçek anlamda çözmez, sadece kişiyi birkaç saatliğine sorunlardan uzaklaştırır. C) Birkaç saatliğine sorunlardan kaçış sağlıyor gibi görünseler de aslında uyuşturucular çözümden daha çok sorun yaratırlar. D) Sorunlarından sadece birkaç saatliğine uzaklaşmak için uyuşturuculara baş vuran biri, gerçekte kendine daha büyük bir sorun yaratmıştır. E) Birkaç saatliğine sorunlardan kaçmada yararı görülmüşse de uyuşturucular sorunları çözmez, daha çok sorun yaratırlar. 61-75. sorularda; verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz 61- Everyone should save water as it is not only economical but also resourceful. A) All of us must have used less water as we have saved a lot of money on our water bill. B) Every person must try to use less water not in order to save money but to save valuable resources. C) Everybody ought to save water because by doing so, they will save both money and this resource. D) Using less water should be everybody's concern as it saves valuable resources. E) Someone must have used a lot of water as our water has cost more than usual. 62- I will let you take the dog for a walk, but you are not to take off its lead at any time. A) I will allow you to walk the dog however, you must not take his lead offal all. B) Our dog should not be let off his lead at any time, so you can't take it for a walk. C) We used to take off the dog's lead during walks, but now I find it dangerous. D) You were supposed to take the dog's lead off while you were walking it. E) I won't let you take the dog for a walk until you promise not to let it loose. 63- You might have difficulty finding the files for some of these customers on the list, so ask me if you need any help. A) Perhaps you would have found it easier to work on these customer files if you had asked for my assistance. B) I could have helped you find the files on these customers, but I didn't know you were having trouble. C) You were supposed to find the files on all of these customers on your own, but you needed my help when you had trouble. D) Ask me if you require assistance as it is possible that you won't find all these customers' files easily. E) You must have had difficulty finding the files on some of these customers, but you should have asked for help. 64- If you would prefer us not to supply an alarm with the vehicle, we can provide a cheaper price. A) I'm afraid we cannot supply an alarm with the vehicle at such a cheap price. B) We would much rather supply an alarm with the vehicle, but this, of course, increases the price. C) Would you like us to supply an alarm with the vehicle, which we will be able to include in our price? D) As you've asked us to supply an alarm with the vehicle, you'll have to pay extra money for that. E) We can give you a better price if you would rather we didn't supply the vehicle with an alarm.

65- If we can get a baby-sitter on Saturday, let's go for a meal at that Italian restaurant by the river. A) We should have got a baby-sitter on Saturday, so we could have gone for an Italian meal by the river. B) Why don't we eat at that Italian restaurant by the river on Saturday if we can find someone to look after the baby? C) Shall we ask our baby-sitter to stay up for Saturday night so that we can go to that Italian restaurant by the river? D) We needn't have hired someone to look after the baby on Saturday, as we didn't go to the Italian restaurant by the river after all. E) We were able to get someone to look after the baby on Saturday, so we went to the Italian restaurant by the river.

71- He had better hand me his report today, or I'll inform the manager. A) The manager ought to deal with employees who fail to give me their reports. B) He was supposed to hand me his report today, but he didn't, so I've told the manager. C) I had no alternative but to tell the manager because he failed to give me his report again. D) I would rather not inform the manager, but I think I have to because he won't give me his report today. E) I'll let the manager know if he fails to give me his report today. 72- Would you mind if I picked you up half an hour later?

66- I've just learned from the doctor that Peter has to stay in hospital until they remove his stitches. A) According to what the doctor has just told me, Peter can only leave the hospital after they have taken his stitches out. B) The doctor has just informed me that Peter wants to leave the hospital as soon as they have taken his stitches out. C) According to the doctor, they might allow Peter to go home from the hospital when they have taken his stitches out. D) As far as I know, the doctors ought to have taken his stitches out before they allowed Peter to leave the hospital. E) I know that Peter has to stay in hospital a little longer because the doctors still haven't taken his stitches out. 67- Rather than buying curtains, why don't we make them ourselves? A) I would rather buy some curtains than make my own. B) Would you rather buy curtains or make them yourself? C) Let's make our own curtains instead of buying some readymade ones. D) I wouldn't mind making our own curtains, if you don't want to buy any. E) Do you think we can manage to make our own curtains or should we buy them?

A) I won't be able to get there to pick you up for halfan hour. B) Would you pick me up thirty minutes later than usual, if you don't mind? C) If that's all right with you, can I pick you up thirty minutes later? D) Can I collect you in half an hour if that won't make you late for work? E) Do you want me to pick you up in half an hour? 73- He must have been on his way to class; otherwise, he would have stopped to chat. A) I'm pretty sure he was on his way to his lesson and couldn't stop to talk. B) I saw him on his way to his lesson, but he still had time to stop and talk. C) I saw him going to his lesson, but, instead of stopping to chat, he ignored me. D) If he had been on his way to class, he wouldn't have stopped for a chat. E) He is always late for his lessons and never has time to stop to chat. 74- It's possible that he hurt your feelings unintentionally.

68- We used to walk around the shopping-centre for ages doing nothing but window-shopping when we were teenagers. A) When we were teenagers, we went to the shopping-centre very often but rarely bought anything. B) It used to take us hours to decide what to buy at the shopping-centre when we were teenagers. C) For ages, window-shopping at big centres has always been quite exciting for teenagers. D) As teenagers, we would spend hours at the shopping-centre just looking in the shop windows. E) I shouldn't have spent so many hours window-shopping when I was a teenager. 69- It is impossible for us to give you a further discount on this price. A) We can only offer you another small discount on this price, and that's all. B) There is no way we can reduce this price further. C) We shouldn't have reduced the price so much. D) Seeing as you can't afford it. we'll have to drop our price. E) I can assure you that our price is the lowest you will find anywhere. 70- You ought to have asked for the departure times of the trains yesterday. A) You shouldn't have left home yesterday without knowing the departure times for trains. B) It was a mistake on your part not to have found out departure times for trains yesterday. C) You were supposed to find out the departure times for trains yesterday, not today. D) You couldn't have learned the depart tire times for trains yesterday even if you'd tried to. E) They ought to have told you the train times yesterday when you asked them.

A) You may not have heard him properly. B) He might not have meant to hurt your feelings. C) He should have told you about that without hurting your feelings. D) He couldn't have explained this without hurting your feelings. E) As far as I can see he hurt your feelings deeply, though not on purpose. 75- However worthless they may seem to most of us, antique handcrafted buttons are avidly collected by enthusiasts. A) In the opinion of many, collecting antique hand-crafted buttons is a complete waste of time, B) Most of us may not be aware of the value of hand-crafted buttons; however, enthusiasts spend a fortune on them. C) It's surprising how many people are enthusiastically taking up the hobby of hand-crafled antique button collecting. D) Collectors enthusiastically make antique hand-crafted button collections despite their apparent worthlessness to most of us. E) I think most people would agree that making a worthwhile collection of hand-crafted buttons takes enthusiasm. TEST YOURSELF 1 l.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.E 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.E ll.D 12.D 13.E 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.E 19.E 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.C 28.C 29.E 30.B 31.E 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.A 36.E 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.A 41.B 42.E 43.E 44.D 45.E 46.B 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.D 51.D 52.E 53.B 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.E 58.D 59.A 60.C 61.C 62.A 63.D 64.E 65.B 66.A 67.C 68.D 69.B 70.B 71.E 72.C 73.A 74.B 75.D

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