Chapter 5: More SQL: Complex Queries, Triggers, Views, Views, and Schema Modification
CHAPTER 5: More SQL: Complex Queries, Triggers, Views, and S!ema Modi"ia#ion Answers #o Sele#ed Exerises
5$5 - Specif the following additional !ueries on the data"ase of #igure $%5 in SQL% Show
the !uer results if applied to the data"ase of #igure $%&% 'a( #or each department whose a)erage emploee salar is more than *$+,+++, retrie)e the department name and the num"er of emploees woring for that department% '"( Suppose we want the num"er of male emploees in each department rather than all emploees 'as in xercise 5%.a(% Can we specif this !uer in SQL/ 0h 0 h or wh not/ Answers:
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