Chapter 8: The Enhanced Entity-Relationship Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
CHAPTER 8: THE ENHANCED ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP (EER) MODEL Answers to Selected Eerc!ses 8"#$ – 8"#$ – No solution provided.
8"#% 8"#% - Consider the BN! ER sche"a o# $i%ure &.' and suppose that it is necessary to *eep trac* o# di##erent types o# CC+,NT ( (/N01CCT /N01CCT C2EC!/N01CCT ...) and 3+N (CR13+N 2+ME13+N ...). uppose that it is also desira4le to *eep trac* o# each account5s TRNCT/+Ns (deposits 6ithdra6als chec*s ...) and each loan5s 7MENTs 7MENTs99 4oth o# these include the a"ount date ti"e ... Modi#y the BN! sche"a usin% ER and EER concepts o# specialiation and %eneraliation. tate any assu"ptions you "a*e a4out the additional re;uire"ents. Answer:
Chapter 8: The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
person entities in the data4ase have data *ept on their social security nu"4er ?snA na"e ?Na"eA address ?ddressA and telephone nu"4er ?7honeA. $or corporation entities the data *ept includes na"e ?Na"eA address ?ddressA and telephone nu"4er ?7honeA. The data4ase also *eeps trac* o# the types o# planes each pilot is authoried to #ly ?$liesA and the types o# planes each e"ployee can do "aintenance 6or* on ?or*s1onA. ho6 ho6 the s"all airport EER sche"a o# $i%ure 8.' "ay 4e represented in ,M3 notation. (Note: e have not discussed ho6 to represent cate%ories (union types) in ,M3 so you do not have to "ap the cate%ories in this and the #ollo6in% ;uestion.) Answer:
8"'' 8"'* – No solutions provided.
8"'+ - >ra6 a ,M3 dia%ra" #or storin% a played %a"e o# chess in a data4ase. ou "ay loo* at http:
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