Ellen G. White's Pillar of Baal
Short Description
It is said that we are known by the company we keep. In death, Ellen G. White, founder and prophet of the Seventh-day...
ELLEN G. WHITE'S PILLAR OF BAAL Matthew 23:27,28 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."
Moldered to Dust Most born-again Christians in the position of choosing a headstone to mark their burial place as a permanent testimony to their expectation of a future glorious bodily resurrection, would tend towards a simple stone, perhaps inscribed with an encouraging scriptural text. Many choose a cross, and angelic figures abound in cemeteries. Others shun what they might see as idolatrous displays, and opt for an unobtrusive plaque. It might be thought that Ellen G. White, the prolific scribe and Pharisee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with her rumoured 2,000 heavenly visions where she was accompanied by her angelic Spirit Guide, would have chosen an angel to mark her last resting place. Surely no religious leader ever claimed so much personal contact with heavenly angels. However, like many if not all other leaders of 19th-century American religious cults, James and Ellen White chose to be memorialised by the forbidden Pillar of Baal, the detestable idol to the Egyptian sun-god. This phallic obelisk is capped by an Egyptian pyramid, sealing its identification with the pagan religion of the sun-worshipping Egyptians condemned by the Lord God of Israel for their idolatry. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, heir to the royal throne established by King David, the man close to God's heart, apostatised because of his foreign wives' introduction of pagan religions with their false gods symbolised by idols and pillars. Is this merely a harmless sign of the times in which the Whites lived? After all, the same monument can be seen towering over many a grave. Hardly. The 19 th century in the young nation of America was an era pervaded by the strongest influence of Freemasonry. Membership of this secret Lodge was virtually mandatory for any young man seeking to succeed in business and acquire personal status.
A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Ellen G. White's abominable image for Asherah, the phallic pillar of Baal, rises defiantly erect between two judiciously-placed, bewhiskered shrubby balls. Surely the White Estate must have noticed … ??? The engraved entrance to the White family tomb appears whitewashed. After her husband James White was buried here in 1881, Ellen White wrote, “I will look with pleasure upon his resting place.”
The Luciferian Ancestry of Seventh-day Adventism and numerous other cults WILLIAM MILLER:
Without the calculations of false prophet William Miller, none of these cults would ever have existed: • • • • • • • • • • •
Millerites Seventh-day Adventist Church First-day Adventists Samuel Snow's “Church of Mount Zion” Churches of God (Seventh Day) Radio Church of God (Herbert W. Armstrong) Many offshoots from WCOG Dawn Bible Students Jehovah's Witnesses Branch Davidians World's Last Chance (and many similar current SDA offshoots)
William Miller was a young man with aspirations and ambitions. He became a Captain in the army. He rose to the highest level of Freemasonry then available in the country. At this time of his life, he rejected the Bible doctrines and the Christian faith, but referred to himself as a “Deist;” that is, someone who acknowledges a god, a Higher Power, as all Freemasons are required to do. As Miller was a Royal Arch Mason who achieved the rank of Grand Master, there is no question that he was made aware of the name of the Freemasons' god – the tri-partite name JAH – BUL – ON. This blasphemous and mysterious name is a conglomeration of the names Yahweh, Baal and Osiris, thus associating the true God of Israel with the pagan gods of the nations. It is apparently the origin also of the name “DIABOLO.” One can hear the similarity with this name of the Devil when repeating the names “Jahbulon” and “Diabolo.” This should be no surprise, as every Freemason who achieves the higher degrees is introduced to the true identity of this god with whom he has already made a series of blood-curdling oaths or covenants on his upward path to the All-Seeing Eye of Horus at the top of the Egyptian Pyramid. This god is none other than Lucifer. If a man was unaware of this when he naïvely joined Freemasonry for fellowship with other men who could improve his prospects, he is left in no doubt after graduating from the lower degrees where this fact is concealed from him. So William Miller was well aware of the name of the god he served as a Deist. It is therefore more accurate to say that for much of his life,William Miller was a Luciferian who despised the Church, mocked the Bible and took the Lord's name in vain. In 1816, Miller was “converted” to Christianity. Always a keen student of books since his impoverished childhood, he rapidly became besotted with the Bible, almost exclusively with its chronological and prophetic aspects. He spent two years privately studying the Bible with the intention of deciphering its prophetic secrets, intending to determine the date of Christ’s Second Coming. Convinced that he had succeeded, he soon commenced on an exhaustive campaign of preaching his absurd message “Time Proved in 15 Different Ways” to the populace of New England. He had calculated that the Bible proved Jesus
would return to rescue His saints (that is, only those who accepted Miller's dated message) and consume the earth with fire in 1843 / 1844. The proper course of action for any man converted to Christ from the darkness of the demonic religion of Freemasonry, is for the light of the Holy Spirit to bring true heartsearching repentance. This must precede the utter renunciation and repudiation of each one of the earlier blood oaths made to this god Lucifer as he passed through every degree of his former covenant with death and Hell, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who shed His own precious blood to make His covenant of life and peace with sinners. Then should follow a prolonged period of humble study of the true Christian doctrines under the tutelage of an experienced mentor who is able to disentangle the grip of false religious precepts from his mind. This was not the path taken by William Miller. We have reliable testimony to his continued passionate affinity with Freemasonry for many years after his “conversion.” Nor did he submit himself to the oversight of godly men in the evangelical church, meekly learning from their wisdom and experience. He set out precipitately on his reckless course as a selfmade false prophet, railing against all who disagreed with his didactic conclusions, pronouncing them fallen and lost if they did not believe in his strange new doctrines. Such a defiant course could only result in Miller's crashing downfall. That Miller was three times Greatly Disappointed, is a testimony to the corrupt foundation on which his “conversion” was based. 1798: Young William Miller attended his first Masonic meeting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Miller "It was here [Poultney, Vermont] that Mr. Miller became a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which his perseverance, if nothing else, was manifested; for he advanced to the highest degree which the lodges then in the country, or in that region, could confer." p. 21, Para. 5, [MEMOIRS]. Sylvester Bliss. “Whitney R. Cross specifies that Miller was a ROYAL ARCH MASON but gives no further details or sources. “Similarly, H. Y. Smith and W. S. Rann, editors of the 1886 book History of Rutland County Vermont with Illustrations & Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men & Pioneers show "Rev. William Miller" as one of fifty-one individuals listed by a Mr Clarke as "those who have been prominent in the Order in this county (Rutland).” Miller (listed as Capt. Miller) is later given as one of the early masters of Morning Star Lodge, No. 27. This lodge is said to have been "organized in Poultney prior to 1800, though the exact date is not known." David L. Rowe's recent Miller biography God's Strange Work: William Miller and the End of the World, gives extensive documentation of Miller's Masonic connections, noting that he attended a meeting as a youth on March 4, 1798; joined the Morning Star Lodge in Poultney and eventually rose to the rank of Grand Master. Furthermore Rowe points out that even after Miller's resignation from his lodge in 1831, "Masonic imagery continued to suffuse Miller's writing." 1815: Miller was discharged from active service in the Army. The vices he there witnessed
had sickened him and set him searching for a higher morality. 1816: As an Army Captain dealing with the deaths of his men, William Miller had become increasingly appalled at the prospect of annihilation after death which his Deistic religion taught him. He preferred the Christian option of heaven or eternal hell, and was “converted” in a Baptist Church. He soon began studying the Bible prophecies according to his own method of interpretation. 1818 – 1823: He spent 5 years developing his prophetic doctrines, and convinced himself that his mission was to share the imminence of the Second Coming with the world. In his area, a strong swell of feeling against Freemasonry, known as “Anti-Masonry,” gained momentum. However, far from repudiating his former Luciferian religion, the new convert Miller continued to side with the Freemasons against what he despised as a loathsome movement to eradicate the religion of Masonry. 1831: Miller was esteemed as a man “possessing considerable influence” in the church, who was “hard on ministers who differed with him.” p. 93, Para. 2, [MEMOIRS, Sylvester Bliss]. Miller begrudgingly resigned his Masonic membership to “conciliate the feelings of my Brethren in Christ” and to “avoid fellowship with any practice that may be incompatible with the Word of God among Masons.” So he maintained his membership of this bastion of Satan for 15 years after his conversion. 1832: November 17: In a letter to his friend Elder Truman Hendryx (apparently also a church member and Freemasonry sympathiser or member), Miller rejoiced when Antimasonry died out in his locality. 1833: Miller published a 64-page pamphlet giving his views on the timing and nature of the Second Coming. He soon began travelling and preaching the same ideas. He was awarded a License to Preach by the Baptist Church. 1834: February 25: In another letter to Elder Hendryx, Miller denounced Abolitionism as “worse if possible than Anti-Masonry.” Thus as late as 1834, Reverend Miller was not only a Masonic sympathiser, but a racist proponent of slavery. Apparently, Miller still believed that there was no worse scourge than Anti-Masonry. Even the emancipation of black slaves was slightly less offensive. Therefore, all those Bible studies which led to the prophetic conclusions which William Miller preached until 1844, had been conducted by a man deeply devoted to black slavery, and the Luciferian religion of Freemasonry. Is it any wonder that every one of Miller's “15 Proofs” was proven false? His lecturing itinerary was packed with dates in New York. His ministry expanded from here on, until the heady days of 1843 / 44, when all his preaching and prophesying was brought to nothing by the failure of Christ to appear on cue. In 1844, all his prophetic dates were proven false, and his condemnation of all who disbelieved those dates was exposed as spurious. Although a tiny core of Millerites fanned the wan flames and maintained at least some of his doctrines and dates, the truth is that Miller was mistaken. He had conclusively proven
himself to be a false prophet. God will not be mocked. Truth never comes out of error. Surely this is a bitter lesson that no man can serve two masters – he cannot be devoted to both Christ and Lucifer. Satan had the last laugh in the end, when his influence infiltrated Miller's sympathies and thinking, ending in a false religious frenzy and catastrophe for 50,000 Millerites.
Enter Ellen G. Harmon Ellen White's father was a hat-maker when she was born in Gorham, Maine. At this stage I have seen no evidence linking him with Freemasonry; but the possibility exists that as a businessman, he may have had some connection with it. Mr Harmon and his family were devout Methodists who became caught up in the Millerite frenzy. The impressionable young Ellen Harmon was raised in this atmosphere of fanaticism, false prophecy, spiritual manifestations and condemnation of all the churches of the world as “fallen Babylon” destined for eternal torment in the Lake of Fire. The Harmons attended many Millerite meetings over several years, and were close friends, neighbours and relatives of several prominent Millerite preachers and “prophets.” The spiritual climate was very similar to what is seen today in the false “Signs and Wonders” movement, with many claiming visions, prophecies, healing powers, and various other spiritual shenanigans. Preposterous doctrines, false prophets and lying visions abounded. The teenage girl Ellen Harmon was uneducated and physically emaciated, quite unfitted to discern spiritual truth from error. The book of her early life, “Life Sketches,” tells how deeply depressed, theologically uninformed and emotionally disturbed she was; and how fearful of being condemned for ever, of death, of Hell, of failing to be good enough to attain heaven. This is not the testimony of a person saved by grace, secure in the promise of eternal salvation, and solidly grounded in the true doctrines of the Christian faith. Yet this vacillating, naïve, rather hysterical girl was very ambitious (as she admits) and pronounced herself a visionary, chosen as God's special Messenger to the world. She esteemed William Miller and other preachers highly. She aped the antics of other “prophets” around her, and copied words from many sources (the Bible; the Apocrypha; Milton's poem Paradise Lost; Millerite false prophets Samuel Snow, Joseph Turner; visionaries Hazen Foss and William Foy, etc) in writing “MY FIRST VISION.” Her long and lucrative career was under way. Certainly it is a fact that later in her career, Ellen G. White often used terms and concepts lifted from Freemasonry, and also demonstrated familiarity with its secret signs. This is recorded in her writings, although her explanation was that an angel of God showed her those forbidden secret signs from Satan's synagogue. The more logical explanation is that she learned these signs and terms and concepts from some Freemason within her family. Possibly from her husband James. Again, I am unaware at this time of any proof that James White was a Freemason – but for any avaricious young commercial publisher, it is likely that membership of the Lodge would appear to be a wise career-enhancing move. There is the documented fact of Ellen Harmon's and James White's close association with another young Millerite preacher, Israel Dammon. White and Dammon travelled New England together, preaching the Millerite message. Disobeying her horrified mother's written appeals for her to come home and cease making a scandal, the 17-year-old Ellen Harmon defiantly accompanied them, producing visions and prophecies of very questionable provenance. Shortly after the Great Disappointment of 1844, these three conducted numerous meetings
together, where raucous behaviour abounded. At the height 0f peace-disturbing fanaticism, Israel Dammon was arrested by the police, jailed (15 February, 1845) and tried in court. James White and Ellen Harmon managed to flee the rowdy scene. (INCIDENT IN ATKINSON: The Arrest and Trial of Israel Dammon by Bruce Weaver, Adventist Currents, Vol. 3, Number 1, 1988). This very public court case was recorded in detail in the local newspaper (Piscataquis Farmer). The evidence of dozens of witnesses both for and against the prosecution, is damning for the reputations of Israel Dammon, James White and Ellen Harmon. Dammon was acquitted through the efforts of an influential Freemason lawyer, J. S. Holmes. This is documented evidence of possible Freemasonic association of the Whites. Perhaps we will never know exactly how Ellen White was connected with Freemasonry, but her published writings, her recorded knowledge of its secret signs, and the stone obelisk which stands guard over her mouldering remains, are a testimony to the fact of it.
Above is a photo taken at the burial site of Elder and Mrs James White and their family, on July 24, 1915 on the day of Ellen G. White's funeral, already 8 days after her death. Curiously, her remains remained unburied for another 33 days after her funeral. On March 22, 1999, William Fagal of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office at Andrews University, emailed D. Fischer: "Her funeral took place on Sabbath, July 24, 1915. She was not actually interred, however, until Thursday, August 26." Was this unusual delay somehow connected with the significant Freemasonic number 33? The floral tribute to Ellen from Revelation 22:12, reads: “Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me.” Of course, Jesus' reward or recompense is not merely the prize of eternal life to the faithful. It also encompasses His everlasting punishment to be meted out upon the unfaithful, as the previous verse states: Revelation 22:11 “Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy." Ellen's memorial stone is a perpetual testimony to her alliance with filthy, evil pagan religion rather than with the holy, righteous truth of the Lord God.
The WHITES' PILLAR of BAAL TODAY: The entire White family is buried around this pagan obelisk. OAK HILL CEMETERY, 255 South Avenue, Battle Creek, MICHIGAN. http://image1.findagrave.com/photos/2009/204/39602243_124848126947.jpg Inscription reads: ELLEN G. WHITE GORHAM, ME NOV. 26, 1827 ST. HELENA, CAL. JULY 16, 1915
What the LORD has to say about pillars: Deu 16:21 "You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the LORD your God that you shall make. Deu 16:22 And you shall not set up a pillar, which the LORD your God hates." 1Ki 15:11 And Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as David his father had done. 1Ki 15:13 He also removed Maacah his mother from being queen mother because she had made an abominable image for Asherah. And Asa cut down her image and burned it at the brook Kidron. 1Ki 16:32 (Ahab) erected an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he built in Samaria. 1Ki 16:33 And Ahab made an Asherah. Ahab did more to provoke the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him. Mic 5:10 “And in that day, declares the LORD … Mic 5:12 I will cut off sorceries from your hand, and you shall have no more tellers of fortunes; Mic 5:13 and I will cut off your carved images and your pillars from among you, and you shall bow down no more to the work of your hands; Mic 5:14 and I will root out your Asherah images from among you and destroy your cities." Mat 23:27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. Mat 23:28 So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."
Surely God's true prophet should have known and understood these scriptures? Couldn't Ellen White's Pillar of Baal be just an innocent or coincidental choice of tombstone? Not really. The first of 3 ancient Egyptian obelisks, all dubbed “Cleopatra's Needle,” was erected in Paris in 1833. The second obelisk was erected in London, England in August 1878, after an almost
catastrophic voyage from Egypt. The thrilling account of the transportation of the London obelisk was reported in the New York newspapers in 1877, which set in motion the acquisition of an obelisk for America. Doubtless this was an exciting prospect for all Americans at that time, and a popular topic of conversation. The papers would have been full of information about those Egyptian monuments, and the hieroglyphics covering their four faces. It would have been common knowledge that they were built by Pharaoh Thutmose in about 1450 BC; and that Pharaoh Ramses later had them inscribed with tributes portraying himself as the son of the Sun-god Ra, the golden Horus, “Glorified of Osiris, Like the Sun life-giving forever,” and many similar blasphemous statements. There could have been no doubt about the pagan origin of these obelisks, the idolatrous connotations of their phallic shape, and their association with Egyptian religion forbidden by the God of the Bible. The Egyptian obelisk donated to America (the matched pair to the London obelisk) was erected in Central Park, New York, on February 22 1881. The public's interest in the erection of the obelisks was at its height in this year. James White died six months after this, on August 6, 1881. Obviously, James and Ellen White cannot have been insensible to the interest in the obelisks over the preceding years. They cannot have been ignorant of the clear symbolism of the Egyptian obelisk. Yet this was the monument deliberately chosen to mark the graves of themselves and their family.
Erected 1833.
LONDON, ENGLAND This 3,500 year old Obelisk was presented to England by Egypt and Sudan in honour of Lord Nelson's and Sir Ralph Abercrombie's victories on Egypt's behalf in 1801. It was finally erected on the Victoria Embankment on 12 September 1878. It is a pair with the Obelisk erected in New York.
Both examples are made of red granite, stand about 21 metres (68 ft) high, weigh about 224 tons and are inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs. They were originally erected in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis on the orders of Thutmose III, around 1450 BC. The inscriptions were added about 200 years later by Ramses II to commemorate his military victories. {Wikipedia.} This ancient obelisk in London, like its pair in New York, bears the blasphemous inscriptions of the Pharaohs Ramses II and Thutmose III, claiming to be the sons of the gods Ra, On, Horus, Osiris etc.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK Jesse B. Anthony, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, presided as the cornerstone for the obelisk was laid in place with full Masonic ceremony on October 2, 1880. Over 9,000 Masons paraded up Fifth Avenue from 14th Street to 82nd Street ... {Wikipedia.}
The Obelisk in Central Park, New York.
An example of the blasphemous inscriptions on the London and New York Obelisks: The crowned Horus, Bull of Victory Son of Kheper-ra. The king of Upper and Lower Egypt User-ma-ra {Ramses II}, The chosen of Ra, the golden Horus Rich in years, great in victory, Son of the Sun, Ramses II, Who came forth from the womb To receive the crowns of Ra; Fashioned was he to be the sole ruler, The lord of the Two Lands, User-ma-ra {Ramses II}, The chosen of Ra, son of the Sun, Ramessu Meismum {Ramses II}, Glorified of Osiris Like the Sun life-giving forever.
The Company She Keeps 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals." Of course it is too late for Ellen White to change her choice of companions since 1915. She has made her dusty bed and she is lying in it. Her religious affinities are set in stone for the world to see, and that permanent memorial is more eloquent than the 100,000 sanctimonious pages she is said to have written. She has allied herself in death with the false prophets of many other cults. “Birds of a feather flock together.” Although it is far too late for Ellen G. White to repent from her pagan religious connections and delusions, she has left this indelible record for us, demonstrating from exactly where her spiritual influences truly emanated. She is permanently enshrined among a procession of kindred false prophets, all marked in death as in life, by their alliance with idolatrous Luciferian spirituality. How can Joseph Smith, Charles T. Russell, Mary Baker Eddy, the Roman Catholic Church, William Branham – all be recognised as false prophets, each identified by the same idolatrous stone monuments – yet Seventh-day Adventists Ellen G. White, James White, John N. Andrews and Joseph Waggoner be excused although they are all buried beneath the same Egyptian pyramids and Pillars of Baal? Matthew 12:33 "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit.” Those false prophets' followers are all blind to the pagan religious teachings of their own leaders, while able to clearly distinguish the cultic nature of all other prophets (no matter how similar their claims and doctrines). However in their deaths, every one of these false prophets has been entombed under the identical symbols of the Egyptian religion of Lucifer – that is, of Satan. This is more than a coincidence. It is a perpetual warning to all wise souls to abandon their association with any idolatrous religion. Isaiah 28:15 Because you have said, "We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we have an agreement, when the overwhelming whip passes through it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter"; Isaiah 28:16 therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: 'Whoever believes will not be in haste.' Isaiah 28:17 And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plumb line; and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the shelter."
Isaiah 28:18 Then your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be beaten down by it. Isaiah 28:19 As often as it passes through it will take you; for morning by morning it will pass through, by day and by night; and it will be sheer terror to understand the message.”
Below is a very brief list of false prophets and prominent people, either buried beneath pagan monuments similar to that chosen by James and Ellen White, or positively associated with Freemasonry or its idolatrous symbols. The affiliation of many of these significant people with the Luciferian religion of Freemasonry, is particularly disturbing. GEORGE WASHINGTON
33rd Degree Freemason
33rd Degree Freemason Initiator of Seventh-day Adventist chronology
Founders of Seventh-day Adventist Church
First Seventh-day Adventist missionary; SDAism's foremost theologian
Seventh-day Adventist missionary
33rd degree Freemason Treasurer of SDA Publishing house, Australia
33rd Degree Freemason Founder of Mormon Church
33rd Degree Freemason
Associate of 33rd Degree Freemason Founder of Christian Science
20th century False Prophet
How interesting that Joseph Smith, Ellen G. White, Charles Taze Russell, and William Branham – all buried beneath Egyptian pyramids – all pronounced themselves God's Messenger to the final Laodicean church!
John Nevins Andrews, Seventh-day Adventism's first international missionary and foremost theologian, shares a pyramid-capped Pillar of Baal with another early SDA missionary, Joseph H. Waggoner, as the memorial to their deaths in Switzerland. The Swiss do not keep permanent memorials in cemeteries, and at that time they did not choose tall gravestones; but this 7-foot pagan monument to the two eminent SDA missionaries was erected in 1889 by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is almost identical to that already erected for James White. Ellen White had lived in Basel, Switzerland, from 1885 – 1887.
An Egyptian Pillar of Baal, topped with the pyramid, stands in the centre of the circle in St Peter's Basilica. A depiction of the sex act. The Pope prays towards this pagan idol every day.
The Broken Cross : a Satanic Symbol used daily by the Popes in their celebration of the Mass (death of Christ).
The POPE holds up the Crooked Cross as he prays towards the OBELISK, the Egyptian Pillar of Baal, erected to the Sun-God in St Peter's Square. The newest pope, Pope Francis I, a Jesuit, has also adopted the Crooked Cross of his predecessors. This witchcraft symbol should be recognised by everyone. Turn the cross
upside down ... extend the arc of the curved cross-member so that it becomes a circle – and you have what is known as the “PEACE” symbol universally adopted in the 1960's. In fact, this is nothing else but the Cross of Christ, inverted, its arms broken down to symbolise failure, and placed within a circle – as witchcraft symbols are.
Invert the Broken Cross, and it becomes a segment of the circular witchcraft “Peace” sign.
JOSEPH SMITH: 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON FOUNDER of MORMONISM The Mormon Church was inaugurated just a few short years before Ellen Harmon had her first "vision" in 1844. The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith appears to have strongly influenced the SDA prophet in many ways. • • • • • • • • • • • •
They used similar imagery, phrases and descriptions. They had both come from religious backgrounds and been influenced by fanatical movements in the churches in the early 1800's. They both claimed to have visions and angelic Guides. They both wrote about their youthfulness when chosen to bear God's messages to the world. They both describe their feelings of deep darkness and fear before receiving visions of angels. They both claimed to have been struck dumb for a time during a vision. They both claimed that the Apocryphal books were of God. They both claimed to have the Spirit of Prophecy. They both claimed to have been taken to heaven where many things were revealed to them by angels. They both claimed to be God's only true messenger. They both claimed to have been instructed to share their visions and prophecies and writings with the world as the only hope of salvation. They both claimed that their writings alone correctly interpreted the Bible, and were given to them directly from God.
This massive Pillar of Baal was erected as a memorial to 33rd Degree Freemason Joseph Smith at his birthplace, Vermont, after his death. The similarity to the obelisks marking the graves of Seventh-day Adventists James White, Ellen White, John Andrews and Joseph Waggoner, is striking. Joseph Smith's affiliation with Freemasonry is well-known, hence it is not surprising that he should be associated with such a pagan monument. But what does this say about the founders of Seventh-day Adventism?
The ongoing Luciferian influence on the government and economy of the USA today is evident in the Egyptian obelisk erected in the nation's seat of government, and in the occult imagery on every $1 bill. Adorning the American currency is a 13-level Egyptian pyramid, topped by a capstone bearing the illuminated All-Seeing Eye of Horus – that is, of Satan himself. The number 13 also abounds in the count of olive leaves, the eagle's tail feathers (actually a Phoenix), arrows, stars, stripes, letters in “Annuit Coeptis,” and so on. The Egyptian pyramid cannot be dismissed as an innocuous symbol ingenuously selected to mark a true prophet's grave. The pyramid was constructed as the resting-place of the greatest Pharaohs, a witness to their worship of the sun-god. God's people are sternly commanded not to do as the nations do. Seventh-day Adventism (rightly or wrongly) identifies the United States of America as “the Image for the Beast” (Revelation 13:14,15; 15:2; 20:4). So its members are bound to agree that these pagan symbols truly witness to the false religion that controls this country. How can an Egyptian idolatrous phallic Pillar of Baal be both a witness against the “Image to the Beast” and also a fitting memorial to a true prophet of God?
The Washington Monument. Why the necessity for this pagan Egyptian Pillar of Baal towering over the capital of the nation of America?
CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL: 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON FOUNDER of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES The Jehovah's Witnesses were originally founded by Charles Taze Russell, a charlatan who financed his early false-prophet career by the sale of “miracle wheat” at ten times the price of ordinary seed wheat; a sexual pervert, paedophile and a 33 rd Degree Freemason who was deeply fascinated and obsessed by the Egyptian pyramids. Russell became interested in Bible prophecy through a common source of early Seventh-day Adventism. This false prophet wrote books interpreting the Bible's time prophecies according to the internal measurements in imperial inches, of the Great Pyramid at Giza. His religious books were decorated not only by inappropriate images of naked women, but stamped with various symbols which he borrowed from Freemasonry – the Cross and Crown within a wreath of the 32nd Degree Freemasonry and the Knights Templar Symbol for the York Rite of Freemasonry; the winged sun-disc with opposing snakes of the 33 rd Degree of Freemasonry. These old books and symbols are now anathema to today's Jehovah's Witnesses, although they still revere Russell as the father of their cult. Russell dared to accuse the Lord Jesus Christ of being the Grand Master of the Freemasons, and of a “grand secret Order” which is supposedly Christianity. "Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our Order ... he took in the aid of Religion ... and, in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion ... and they have been handed down to us ... by the Free Masons." Russell was divorced by his wife for adultery and his perverted habit of having his evil way with small girls. When he died, Russell was travelling on a train, draped in flowing white robes which he imagined were Egyptian. Like Ellen White, Joseph Smith and other false prophets, Charles Taze Russell claimed to be God's final Messenger to the Church in the Last days.
Charles Taze Russell's Tombstone in Alleghenny, PA. Notice that the Cross and Crown within a Wreath, the 32nd Degree Masonic symbol, adorns his Egyptian pyramid. At its peak is the All-Seeing Eye of Horus (Lucifer) as depicted on the US $1 bill.
MARY BAKER EDDY: ASSOCIATE of 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON MARRIED to a FREEMASON HER WRITINGS PUBLISHED in FREEMASONRY MAGAZINES FOUNDER of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was an associate of 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Steele Olcott who founded the Satan worshipping cult called the "Theosophical Society" with evil female Freemason, mother of the New Age Movement and Hitler's spiritual guide, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Several Eddy brothers held séances and it was at one of these séances that Blavatsky met Col. Henry Steele Olcott. Mary Baker Eddy even married a Freemason and this became the ONLY secret society which she allowed other Christian Science members to join. Also she had her own material published in the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine. Several people connected with Christian Science; such as, directors and board members and a number of the editors of The Christian Science Monitor were Freemasons. Even the presidents of the Mother Church in 1922-23 and 1923-1924 were Masons. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/jws_christian_science.htm Freemasons Donate Illuminati Pyramid as Gift for Grave of Mary Baker Eddy 1921 – On the 100th anniversary of Mary Baker Eddy's birth, an exact replica of the Great Pyramid, made from a single piece of granite and weighing over 100 tons and 11 feet on each side, was carved and placed near the house where Eddy had been born, in New Hampshire. It was a gift from Freemasons. In the "Mary Baker Eddy Letter," December 25, 1997, we learn that when "the Board of Directors noted that too many Christian Scientists were visiting the grand granite marker at Bow ... that marked Mary Baker Eddy's birthplace, they had it destroyed, dynamited to bits!"
The 100-ton carved granite pyramid donated by the Freemasons as a monument to Mary Baker Eddy after her death.
WILLIAM BRANHAM A False Prophet of the 20th Century William Branham was an uneducated, bitterly misogynistic, self-styled prophet and miracle-worker who (like Ellen G. White, Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, etc) proclaimed himself to be God's Final Messenger to the Laodicean Church. Also like Ellen White, Joseph Smith, Charles Russell etc., he denied the doctrine of the tri-unity of the Godhead, albeit in a different form. In death, his true spiritual alliance was memorialised with an Egyptian Pyramid portraying a forbidden mixture of pagan religion and biblical testimony. In this, his monument closely followed Charles Taze Russell's. William Branham was born in April 1906, the first of nine children born to Charles and Ella Branham. It is claimed that there were many supernatural signs and angelic visitations and a halo over his crib at birth.
Inscribed on a pyramid-shaped tombstone in a Jeffersonville, Indiana cemetery, are the names of the seven churches of Revelation, "Ephesian" at the base representing the beginning of the Church Age, "Laodicean" near the top the end of the Church Age. On the opposite face are the names of seven men whose impact on the Church throughout its history has been significant. Were the two faces of the pyramid juxtaposed one over the other, we would see the names of the churches superimposed over the men's names in the following order, from bottom to top: Laodicean Philadelphian Sardisean Thyatirean Pergamean Smyrnean Ephesian
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Branham Wesley Luther Columba Martin Irenaeus Paul
To many Kingdom Theology proponents William Branham was perhaps the greatest "prophet" for the Church's final age. Branham claimed that the angels (messengers) to
the churches were men who appeared at various times throughout Church history to usher in revelations that would lead the Church in new directions according to the purpose of God. As indicated on his tombstone, Branham was thought to be the angel to the Church of Laodicea – the end-time Church … Branham also believed that the Word of God was given in three forms: the Zodiac, the Egyptian pyramids, and the written Scriptures. The idea that the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was constructed by God (possibly through Enoch) is at least as old as the Zodiac theory, and is popular with the Dawn Bible Students, an offshoot of the Jehovah's Witnesses. http://www.gospelassemblyfree.com/facts/branham.htm
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