Elitefts Legacy Manual - 2014

January 22, 2017 | Author: DavidTate | Category: N/A
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Team elitefts™ Internal Document for staff, team members, suppliers and associates. http://www.elitefts.com...


Legacy Manual

This Is Who We Are—Our History, Our Mission, Our Passion.

Company Story

Live. Learn. Pass On. 1970s • Developing Values: The family, friends, community and personal experiences founder Dave Tate had when growing-up all helped shaped the values of our company today. “I was taught at a young age the importance of quality over quantity, and it was driven into me that if you start something, you finish it, and you do it with honesty and integrity.”It was during these formidable years, and as a direct result of several key events early in life, that Dave molded his own morals, ethics, and principles. Today, it is the values—courage, empowerment, integrity, attitude, execution, education, and quality—that serve as guideposts in every action and aspect of our daily business.

Live. Learn. Pass On.

1980s • Discovering A Passion For Strength: For Dave, his passion for strength is about breaking personal records and finding peace.“Growing-up, training was my biggest passion. It was my way to deal with all the adversity the world tossed my way. It was my haven. When I was a kid, the gym was the one place I could go to be in charge and decide whether I succeeded. It was my place to build and grow—mentally and physically.” It also meant standing out from the crowd and being great. When it comes to our business, it is this same passion for strength that fuels us in everything we do. It’s in our DNA. It’s who we are. It’s what we do.

Company Story

Live. Learn. Pass On.

1985-1996 • Feeding A Never Ending Desire For Knowledge: Education is how elitefts achieves competitive differentiation and drives market opportunities. For nearly an entire decade prior to our beginning, founder Dave did his own self-study of strength and conditioning. This included reading all the Russian training manuals he could find, consuming nearly everything available on strength and conditioning, attending countless seminars, and, networking with as many coaches and trainers as possible. Today, elitefts owns the greatest inventory of free strength training-related information in the industry and remains fully committed to leveraging the spirit of teaching, customer feedback and educational resources into new product categories to drive future growth. • “When it comes to educating and helping others reach their goals, premium training information is mostly marketed toward those who can afford to pay for it. From the beginning, elitefts has taken a different road—we decided to side with the masses. And that means responding to the needs and desires of people around the world: people who place training as a top priority in their life; people with different needs, dreams, and aspirations; people who want to increase their strength and improve their everyday lives. Our business is based on a partnership with the customer. elitefts is an education company that just happens to sell top-of-theline strength equipment and accessories — not a strength equipment company that happens to provide education.”

Company Story

Live. Learn. Pass On.

1997 • Shaping The Business: Immediately prior to the founding of elitefts, Dave worked for an organization entirely driven by a system of values. It was this experience—living and working by the company’s mission, vision, credo and values—that inspired many of the exact same structures found within our own company today. • “elitefts is what I define as a ‘value based company.’ Every action within the company is based on a set of defined values and beliefs.”

Live. Learn. Pass On.

1998 • Our Start—Elite Fitness Systems Is Born: Realizing there were thousands of coaches and athletes looking for quality training advice, Dave set-up a simple question and answer forum through a powerlifting website and began writing articles to help these athletes and coaches. It was at this moment, Elite Fitness Systems was born. “I could not believe the incredible amount of misinformation in regards to strength training.” elitefts was founded with one simple goal: to make average athletes elite and elite athletes great. • First of more than 250 educational seminars takes place. • Initial product is sold

Company Story

Live. Learn. Pass On.

1999 • Branding Our Name: During the first year of business, it was immediately realized that for the company to grow, it needed to be branded “EliteFTS.” Our name came from readers online who didn’t want to type out “Elite Fitness Systems,” so they shortened it. “I like that readers created it, so I trademarked it. They are just as much the company as anyone.”

Live. Learn. Pass On.

2000 • Educating And Outfitting: “Educating and outfitting the strongest athletes around the world.” To us, this means providing the education, motivation and empowerment to help athletes—those who place training as a top priority in their lives—get better. The business of elitefts is built on education, product innovation, a highly efficient global supply chain and strong strategic execution. “What sets us apart from everybody else is that we are in the PR business— • Personal Records.”elitefts.com website debuts • Q&A section appears on elitefts.com • Online store launched on elitefts.com

Company Story

2002 • elitefts brand equipment line introduced

2004 • First Team elitefts member appears on elitefts.com Q&A • elitefts brand mono-style squat stand introduced to market • Under The Bar first published, highlighting the values behind our company. Since then, more than 50,000 copies have been printed.

2005 • Sponsored athletes’ and coaches’ training logs make first appearance on EliteFTS.com • First Prowler sold and used at a major university

2006 • elitefts apparel appears

2007 • elitefts Collegiate line of equipment introduced • Strong(er) brand first appears

Company Story

2008 • First Underground Strength Session: Our transition from a brand to a culture began when a handful of sponsors converged at an old tractor dealership in the middle of Ohio farmland—also our second company gym and customer showroom. Three different generations of powerlifters trained, helped one another, learned, shared experience, told stories, laughed, and became one. This was living, learning, and passing on. • elitefts accessories added • elitefts reaches 2 million visitors per month

2009 • Video Exercise Index Introduced • Served 100,000 customer

Live. Learn. Pass On.

2010-present • Expanded in-house editorial and content staff • Learn To Train Seminars Conceived To Support The MakeA-Wish Foundation: elitefts has always been about helping others. But besides just strengthening athletes, our commitment has also grown to help strengthen our community. The Make-A-Wish Foundation has today become one of our flagship charitable endeavors. To date, we have had the honor of giving more than $250,000 to this organization.

Our Guiding Principles

• E-Vault goes live with free access to all content. More than 200,000 downloads in first month. • Reach half millionth order • Team elitefts Expands To More Than 100: elitefts is rich in talent, comprising of team of more than 100 strength athletes, coaches, staff members, columnists, advisors, and other contributors. Members have held strength and conditioning coaches positions at major universities, positions within the NFL, launched their own product lines, authored books on training, owned training centers or gyms, squatted more than 1100 pounds, bench pressed more than 800 pounds, deadlifted more than 800 pounds, have set multiple all-time world records, been ranked in the top 10 for their weight class, and been published in major magazines, such as: Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Flex, Muscle and Fitness, Maxim, Powerlifting USA, Penthouse, Muscle and Fitness, Women’s Heath, Shape, Muscular Development, Planet Muscle, MMA publications, Boxing journals, and many others. • Tour De Force and Passion-For-Profit Seminars released online for free • elitefts Facebook page breaks 200,000 likes

Live. Learn. Pass On.

Mission Statement EliteFTS is driven to be the strength training industry’s number one online destination by providing readers the widest range of free educational resources, outfitting them with highest quality products and services, and supporting them with highest level of service and care.

Our Guiding Principles

Credo • We will provide an unforgettable experience for our readers by constantly striving to retain our position as the premier destination in the world for strength training-related resources • We will establish long-term relationships with others by spotting mutually rewarding opportunities, and trusting them to provide the essential shots needed for continued strength and growth • We will create and foster an environment for our staff and customers that is driven by knowledge and will empower them to be the best they can be • We will choose to bring our best attitude to each day and attempt to pass along something we have learned

Purpose With continuous improvement we provide strength coaches, athletes and trainers the highest quality equipment, personalized service and knowledge they need to advance their training programs.

Vision We have a passion for empowering success through personal achievement.

Motto Prepare – Perform – Prevail

Our Guiding Principles

Live. Learn. Pass On.

elitefts Core Values • People — Respect and care for their well-being and professional development. Maintain an atmosphere of trust, empowerment and teamwork, and have the best people in the right positions • Courage — To take risks, defy the odds and challenge the realm of possibility. Have the courage to make ourselves vulnerable, to listen to our harshest critics, and have the strength to take chances, innovate and experiment to help build the company • Education — Provide unique resources to build knowledge, skills, and motivation for people that place training at a high priority within their life. By providing strength training education, we inspire and empower our readers to maximize their own training and personal development • Empowerment — Empower people to acquire the knowledge, tools and information they need to achieve the best possible training results • Teamwork —We work together, sharing a common purpose, a common culture and common goals. We work together in pursuit of our Mission, and we work together to create an atmosphere in which everyone has the chance to contribute and achieve success

Our Guiding Principles

• Integrity — We say what we believe, and we do what we say. We strive for alignment in what we say and do and live and work with trust, honesty, caring, fairness, loyalty, and diversity. These values are essential for the growth of the individual and EliteFTS • Attitude — Our attitude is a reflection of what we value: team members that are enthusiastic, proactive and passionate about everything they do • Accountability — We earn the right to hold others to a higher level of accountability by being accountable to our customers, our partners and ourselves. The ability to put a plan into successful action and execute it thoroughly • Quality — Quality is achieved through passion, integrity, education, empowerment, attitude and accountability. Expect nothing but the best from yourself, your coworkers, Team EliteFTS and the company

Legacy elitefts will help educate and outfit the strongest athletes in the world by becoming “partners” not “spotters”. Training partners work together toward the goal of making each person better. Spotters are there only when asked or added trust is needed. Together will can and will create a legacy in the name of strength and conditioning.

Ever wonder what the logo stands for?

Elitefts Logo

The Shapes: Circle: connection, community, wholeness, endurance, movement, safety, and protection; suggests deeper focus on what’s inside the frame than what’s outside of it. Cross: trust, faith, honesty, target.

The Colors: Black: absorbs all light from the spectrum (we embrace all training ideas), power, rebirth, sophistication. We also use Red, Gray and Yellow with our branding: Red: strong emotion, comfort, excitement, intensity. Yellow: optimistic, uplifting, wisdom and logic Gray: intelligence and seriousness.

The Letters: It’s assumed the letters in the circle stand for elitefts™, and to some extent, this is true. What these letters really signify are the words Education, Friendship and Strength. The Squatter: The squatter is a symbol of strength for all sports, and it signifies our style of training. It’s the one movement that nearly everyone uses, and the one that demands – and gets – the highest respect. To stand with the heaviest loads on your back and prevail is a true sign of strength in any discipline of life. It is through our passion that we enhance our own lives and the lives of those around us.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Anderson Burgamy Elitefts is more than a site or a brand to me. It’s dedicated people and lifters who want to see powerlifting, strength training and fitness grow. I thank God it exists! Jim Harbourne Elitefts shows me I’m not the only one obsessed with being the strongest person on earth. It also shows me different views and ideas on how to reach my goals. David Frankovic Elitefts is what powerlifting is all about: helping others achieve their goals no matter how much of a beginner or advanced lifter you are. Scott MacDiarmid Elitefts is my answer in a void of information. My truth in a pack of lies. Experience, honesty and integrity, which are all so important when dealing with matters affecting my mental and physical health. Luke E Propst Elitefts is a place for motivation, education, and a little humility in this search to better ourselves. It’s also a place where we can see that no one is “right,” there are many ways to get the job done, and no one way is better than any other. Erik Dollman Thanks to Elitefts, I took YEARS off of my learning curve in the great sport of powerlifting – because of the hard work and thoughtful dedication of all the Q&A staff. It also probably saved me quite a few injuries. Ken Sanford Sure I can buy bands and chains from the best company of its kind. There’s that Elitefts. Then there what’s really behind Elitefts: the place I can go and be a part of a family. A family of people who think a lot like

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

I do, feel a lot like I do and go though the same difficulties I do. A place where those with vast amounts of experience generously donate their own time to help those of us who ask for help. I think to most of us that means everything. I remember buying my Prowler last year, speaking with Saint Jim, thanking him, telling him what he and Dave do is great, and that it’s much appreciated. Jim thanked me back, but I’m sure he was thinking in his own sarcastic way (which we love) that I was just an ass-kisser. But I really meant it. The articles, the Q & A, the access to some of the top athletes and trainers in the world; I think I can safely speak for all of the regulars on the site that we do appreciate it more than we can show sometimes. That’s what makes Elitefts so special: the people. People that are always there to help, and who always keep it real. Jason Rees Elitefts provides you not just with knowledge, but wisdom and the means to achieve all your goals in the world of strength no matter who you are or where you come from. INSPIRATIONAL. Jimmy Benton Elitefts feels more like an extended family to me than a company providing the best strength equipment on the planet. Everyone, from Dave on down, seems to bend over backward to help customers with whatever they need. When I really think about it, there is nothing that comes to mind that is quite like Elitefts. Besides gmail, it’s the only site I keep open the entire day. If I need training advice - Elitefts. If I need a good laugh - Elitefts. Joey Waters When I see the Elitefts logo, I immediately think “authentic.” In the squat graphic, you can clearly see that the guy is squatting with proper form with an appreciable amount of weight. This is something, as a intermediate lifter, that I aspire to. I am automatically going to pay attention to the company that touts this logo. The font is great too. It has a professional look without being too blocky and in-your-face. It has an inviting look to it.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Aside from the purely visual aspect of the logo is the underlying meaning that Elitefts holds for me. The fact that I know that within the website sits an unbelievable amount of free information given from true professionals is a great feeling to someone like myself who has a lot to learn, but enjoys learning it. It’s like having a “big brother” that has all the answers. I know that if I have a lifting or nutrition issue, I can find it all on this site, and I might not even have to pay for it. Not to mention the fact that each of these professionals on staff at Elite posts their personal workouts, random thoughts, feelings, etc. This visibility of the staff only adds to the authentic quality that Elitefts possesses. In addition, there are plenty of websites that have hundreds of free articles written by great coaches and athletes, but I cannot think of one that makes the information so personal. I can search for my name in the Q&A and see what I have asked over the years to track my knowledge progression. Where else do you get that? Nowhere but Elitefts. This personal touch shows a real compassion for customers – something that makes me feel good about spending my cash there. Jon Hereth, Summit Rehab and Wellness Center Simply put, to many of us Elitefts allows us to interact with people that we look up to and admire…heroes, in a sense. It lets us take a share in a fraternity of sorts. When somebody I might not know mentions Elitefts, automatically I feel a connection or bond with this person. This fraternity is always there for you, whether there be a question on training, nutrition or life, someone always seems to have an answer that works. Although you, your staff and sponsored athletes might just consider yourselves one of the guys, to many you hold the great responsibility of INFLUENCE, which is a thing to be proud of. How many lives you all have touched might never be known, and the encouragement and advice that you offer freely to all can never be measured!! Thanks!! Dave Egan Quality, pride, strength, hardcore…and one kick-ass location to help me get stronger in every way.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Dale Weiman Elitefts is, to me, a marketplace of ideas, a community of like-minded individuals, and a great source for apparel and products. From the Iron Brothers section to the individual logs to the tee shirts, Elitefts has it all. Elitefts is the first website I check when surfing and oftentimes the last one I visit before signing back off. Dave, Jim, Matt, Harry, Chris, Hannah -- they’re all old friends to me, though we’ve never met and probably never will. Keep up the good work, Elitefts.

Dave Rogerson Elitefts as a product, brand, website and concept is simply something that normal people use/do/go-to to be extraordinary. It is the embodiment of self-improvement and physicality - through the development and furthering of strength and performance and the development and sharing of knowledge, passion and motivation.

Gabreil Naspinski Back in 2002 when I was first starting out in powerlifting, Elite was one of the pages I came across that educated me on the sport. I learned about Westside Barbell, methods of the Eastern Bloc, bands, chains, box squats and a lot of other methods I would have never thought of on my own. As I progressed through college and continued into powerlfiting, the site continued to grow and offer more information from sources in the strength and conditioning world as well as nutrition. In a way, this helped define my career path, as I am now a strength and conditioning coach and have interned under Tom Myslinski, Buddy Morris, and James Smith. Elite played a significant part in my development not just as an athlete, but as a coach and professional.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Jeremy Many It means that after a 7 year absence from competitive lifting, I have just found an indispensable resource in helping me catch up with all the gear advances, learn the new training philoshphies, and develop a program to make my comeback at the ripe old age of 32. I would not have been able to make this comeback nearly as effectively if it were not for Elitefts.

Riz Elitefts means doing everything and stopping at nothing to be the absolute best you can be, whether it’s in lifting or life. It’s a commitment to excellence; a way of life.

Will Kuenzel I’ve been following Elitefts for a long time. Don’t ask how long, ‘cause I don’t know, but for me it’s always been about the information. Sure, I’ve ordered some great stuff. I got my first power rack from Elite, all my gear is Metal, and half my shirts are signature wear. But really the whole reason I keep coming back, and look to Elite, is for the information. The logs are fantastic – great insight that has helped me feel weak and small but motivated. The Q&A has always been helpful because it’s just no nonsense information. When guys like Jim Wendler and The Thinker answer questions, there’s no fluff. I’m not wading through mounds of crap to get to the point. The information is readily available and given for free. These people spend extra time giving back to the community, and it inspires me to attempt to do the same. I guess going the long way around, Elitefts has always meant knowledge coming from those that have been there and done that. True, honest to goodness, experienced information. The stuff that works. That’s why I read the website and support it when given the opportunity. Thank you guys for your hard work and thanks for the information.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Tony Worldwide Online Strength and Conditioning Community. I hate that word “community” (CrossFit uses the shit out of it), but I cannot think of a better descriptive term.

Steve Fredine About 5 years ago, my training partner’s wife was hanging out during a ME bench session. Three quarters of the way through, she looked at us funny and said, “Normal people don’t get you guys.” She’s right. My non-lifter brother asked me to explain my “workouts.” I tried to simplify as much as possible while giving enough real information in the answer. I explained that I was using a personalized version of Louie’s conjugate periodization as represented in Vinnie Dizenzo’s raw bench template. I have also tossed in some 5/3/1 stuff similar to how Scott Yard interpreted it. I believe my brother was snoring by the time I said Dizenzo. He once told me that when he “made the time” to go to the gym, he liked doing pulldowns. To him, the gym is a chore – something to get out of the way. My brother doesn’t “get” me. Training for me, good bad or otherwise, is part of who I am. Elitefts is about and for people like me. Elite is my online Cheers. Not that everybody knows my name, but the site feels like home. I don’t have to explain myself to anyone at Elite. Dave has never met me, but his article Where Trials Never End seemed written to me, for me and about me. I am unemployed and busting my butt to get employed. I can’t control a lot out there on a job hunt, but I can control tons and get a reprieve in the gym. I know there are many people who feel the same way. The gym/training is a sanctuary for us like-minded individuals. Elitefts is a place for people who feel this way to gather, share, learn and purchase the necessities of the sport. The people at Elite don’t care if I’m top 10 or a brand new rookie. I have always been treated well. The products are good and the service is better. I have a wish list put together for when I’m employed again. I appreciate the thought and effort that has gone into the site/business. Thanks to all who make Elitefts the positive place that it is.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Scott Umberger It’s a place where I can go for products and info that pertain to my personal passion for getting stronger. As an S/C coach, there is also a ton of information (from various sources) and products which can be applied to athletes which helps me in my livelihood. In a way, it’s like a secret society of like-minded people whose beliefs center around strength as a foundation for performance and life. Jesse Rosenberger Elitefts means to me: “Don’t be a Pussy!” I wrote that in my article on this site in November. Brendan Knowledge - I haven’t found a better resource for information online than your site. Add in the books you sell and it’s a done deal. Camaraderie - Not many people I speak to on a daily basis can hold even a basic conversation about the things I’m passionate about. Being able to read the thoughts, advice, and findings of a large number of highly qualified individuals all in one place is pretty awesome. Transparency - Very rare in business. I feel as though the Elite crew are very transparent with regard to who they are, how they feel, how they train, etc. I appreciate that more than anything. When I think about training, you and the people associated with Elite are always the first that come to mind. Ron Dykstra To me personally, Elitefts represents or signifies passion in the truest sense of the definition. Passion is defined as feeling very strongly about a subject or person, usually referring to feelings of intense desire and attraction, to be very passionate about something

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Elitefts means: Honest information. A willingness to revisit that same information and revise opinions. Access to a community of like-minded individuals, and to hard-to-find products. Refusal to blindly accept dogmatic approaches to exercise. An “open market” approach to different training systems, where no particular system is crowned king. Entertaining anecdotes. Educational and inspirational videos. Thanks Elite! Scott Northuis It means a great source of info that my two training partners and I have been using to get stronger. It’s also a great break in my day to read Dave’s twitter updates about kids (I have two young girls around the same age) and Jim W’s replies to questions. Jim’s responses are usually pretty damn funny and truthful!

Kyle Elitefts is a trustworthy brand built on values. As a loyal reader and customer, I feel like I belong to a community of like minded individuals. Although each coach, athlete and/or meathead (a term of endearment) has different views and backgrounds on aspects of strength and conditioning, there is a common bond of providing honest and top notch information. As a business, and more importantly as a person, I view Elitefts as a role model. Thank you for your hard work. Charles Elitefts means action in search of gain. Anonymous To me, Elitefts means kindred spirits. I’ve been reading and buying from you guys for five years now, and I’m not stopping anytime soon. I’ve seen the makeup of the site - in terms of readers and those answering change and evolve. While we may not all have precisely the same goals, we’ve all got a similar screw loose in a similar way.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Ryan Gregory Whenever I see Elitefts, I immediately think dedication and passion. Dedication and passion about becoming a stronger, more well rounded individual, both physically and mentally. Elite combines all different kinds of athletes, males and females, young and old, with the goal of bettering themselves at something. This something is different for us all. Dave is sitting in on his son’s classes and posting his experiences and thoughts on it. That is so freakin’ cool! Others are prepping for powerlifting meets (Jeremy, Kroc, Hannah and Eric to name a few), bodybuilding shows (Shelby), or just to be allaround badass (Selkow comes to mind!), or to help others be all-around badass (Angry Coach, Joe D, Jim, Rhodes, Chris...shoot, everyone!). I mean, it’s so cool to see how things spread, such as how a couple of pullup questions led to all sorts of them now. Its just stinky cool. I check the site just about every day, and I love the fact that it’s one group of guys and gals that really try to help people, and have an honest passion for doing so. Elitefts is a common meeting ground for fitness-minded individuals who have a passion for spreading their knowledge and power of not only fitness, but life experiences on to others. Keep it up everyone! Keylea The Word: Elite = The finest and the best. Nothing greater. Epitome of sport. Epitome of performance. The Logo: Squat-Guy within a circle = Classic ‘hourglass’ symbolism (i.e. funneling mass, multitude and/or chaos into controlled power and pinpoint focus) within a classic symbol of control, finality and completion… the circle.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Ron To me, Elitefts represents the number one “go to” place for anything and everything powerlifting. No countless hours searching the internet seeking answers to questions, no wasting of time scrolling through a multitude of sites looking for what powerlifting books, gear, or accessories are worth purchasing, and most of all, NO BULLSHIT! Plus, Jim Wendler’s log cracks me the hell up! Collin To be honest, it means my dreams. This is the first site I check every day. Why? Because, well, in many ways, its my life, or at least what I wish my life was. I was a fat kid growing up who developed no athletic talent. Lifting and being strong is the only athletic thing really left for me to do, so I do it. And I work pretty hard, although I’m sure I could work harder. But its all for the dream that I can be as strong as some of the guys on here I really admire. It goes beyond that, really. I want my own gym some day, so Elitefts is, well, like porn for that part of my imagination – all the best and most decked out shit I could put in my gym. And maybe more importantly, I don’t only want to be strong and own a gym, but I want the knowledge that goes with it. I want the knowledge that all the guys on the site give out on how to get like them. Knowledge about lifting, eating, recovering. Now, that would be something special. Not only would I be making the impact I want in my own life, but I could make a similar impact in others’ lives.

David Poetter A peer reviewed journal for the regular person.

Kevin Kuzia Excellence and a commitment to its customers as being more than just customers and part of a larger brotherhood. That last piece is, to me, what sets you guys apart and why I continue to give you my business. Also, the support you gave liftStrong is something I will never forget as someone whose girlfriend has fought leukemia the past 6+ years.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Damien Eyre Elitefts means giving WAY more than you receive. It’s an amazing FREE resource for anyone looking for training information. Elitefts provides the expertise to help ANYONE achieve their goals in either sports or business. Elitefts sets the standard for online customer service.

Zack Elitefts to me is a teacher and a training partner that is always there when I need it. I am from Wyoming, and I don’t have a lot of lifting resources around me. There are no good lifting clubs or private gyms. When I need advice or a lesson, I turn to Elite.

Matt “Paying it forward,” as Woody Hayes used to say. That’s what I associate with Elitefts.

Mike Elite means toughness, strength, and a low tolerance for bullshit. We don’t need treadmills. We don’t need curls or the Smith Machine, damn it. We need a group of strong bastards who are some of the best and brightest in their respective fields. Whether that’s training athletes or washed-up meatheads, or breaking PR’s, or coming back from a shitload of surgeries and still having the balls to train and kick ass, we are that. Not only does Elite sell the best products (I have The Thinker’s Hi/Low manual and that badass neck harness) and give the best training advice period, they even show you what the hell to do with their training logs. Elite is simply the friggin’ best.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Dave Fryers What does Elitefts mean to me? It’s THE source of knowledge about PL training. It’s science-based as well as based on the experience of the guys who ‘have been there’ (or who are still there). There’s little dogma, not everyone agrees on methods (DE bench?), but all agree you need to figure out how to train you as an individual. There’s friendly advice from people who want you to improve, and humour.

Nick Elitefts is like a club or even a family of people who are interested in the same thing as me: lifting. Most people in my life think spending large amounts of time and money trying to reach a high level of strength is just a waste of time. The people at Elite do not. Elitefts is where I gain knowledge, seek help and purchase everything I need to reach my goals. My goals in powerlifting are very important to me, and the team at Elite understands that better than anyone. Having Elite on the web means I’m able to do what I want to do: make my way to the top. Elitefts means progress. This is the first time I’ve written anything like this, and I think that shows just how much the site means to me. I’ve been asking for advice on the Q&A for the last 2 1/2 years, and in that time, my total has gone from class 4 to class 1. My bench was 240-250, but now I’m chasing 500. Thanks, team.

Dana Herrs What does Elitefts mean to me? This cannot be answered with one sentence. It means there are better ways to train than reading Muscle & Fitness articles. It means that there is a company, a person and a group of individuals who provide a free service that shows beginners and elite powerlifters how to become better, as powerlifters and as people. It means there is a company that sells tested equipment, books, videos, and accessories to ensure that what they sell is the best you can pur-

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

chase. It means that you can follow along in the logs with some of the strongest powerlifters in the world and see how they struggle with life and workouts. It means so much that I can’t put it all into writing. When my son passed away, there were things that I felt that I needed to do. One of these was to write an article for Elitefts. I honestly did not expect the article to be put on the website, and I was thrilled when I saw it listed next to other articles. What does Elitefts mean to me? It means everything. Keep up the good work. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Greg Hale Bradford High School What does Elitefts mean to me? Elitefts means the best information about training, the best equipment in the industry, and the best customer service, bar none. Martin Elitefts means hardcore dedication to the strength sports. It represents the camaraderie we as powerlifters share – something you will not find in any other sport. There are no other companies that dedicate themselves entirely to the betterment of an individual the way Elitefts does. You have taken the strongest and most dedicated powerlifters, and brought them together to share their knowledge and years of experience with anyone who might log on to the site seeking advice on anything from squat technique to hardships in their daily life. This is all offered free of charge. These guys give their free time to explain, critique, describe, teach, instruct, encourage, and motivate the people who come to them asking for their help and NOTHING is asked for in return. This is known as being selfless – a virtue not found too often these days in a “me, me, me” society. That common bond, that unique camaraderie, shows through again and again. Powerlifting is the only sport I have ever been involved in where I’ve had a competitor help me with gear, technique, encouragement, etc. I am trying to beat this guy, and he’s HELPING me and vise versa. To me, Elitefts is as hardcore as it gets. I say

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

hardcore in the sense that it is a state of mind – not the clothes you wear or the music you listen to, but whether an individual has the dedication and the inner drive to succeed at the task in front of them regardless of any obstacles. This has also been described as being Strong(er). To me, Elitefts means brotherhood, camaraderie, and a hardcore way of life that few understand. You have offered me the resources to be a successful powerlifter, and you’ve set the standard for how I perceive a true strength athlete should represent this sport. To all of you who give their time to helping others in whatever way it may be, you are appreciated, and you have my respect. Thank you Dave, and all of the Q&A staff, for all you’ve done for sport of powerlifting through Elitefts.

John Gray When I think of Elitefts, I think of a vital and quality source of information for all of my training and conditioning needs. I have purchased products from Elitefts, and I am always confident that the products that I have ordered will be of superior quality at a fair and reasonable price. In reading posts from Dave and other members of the staff, I truly believe that they are customer oriented and they have the ethical and business values that are not always easy to find in today’s day and age. I trust Elitefts one hundred percent, which is why I have been a frequent reader and customer for somewhere in the neighborhood of five or six years. I have called with questions for Jim and other members of the staff even when I am not making a purchase, and I have always been met with a willingness to answer all of my questions. I guess I would sum if all up by saying that to me, Elitefts means honesty, integrity, quality, and most importantly a true willingness to help their customers in any way that they can. Elitefts is the kind of company that, even in difficult financial times, you want to support just out of pure loyalty alone. I feel that I owe Elitefts for all of the FREE information that has been provided to me over the past five or six years. Elitefts is much more than a powerlifting website. It’s a community that I trust and respect completely. Thanks for everything you do

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Kelly Elite is my daily stop for my motivational fix. I live in a small town that barely has a gym, and where few folks push themselves to extremes. So, I use Elite as my motivational source. I have recommended it to folks who are in need of equipment and gear. Also, Elite is typically the first place to go if I have a powerlifting question. The archive articles/logs almost always have the answers. David Muro, DC What does Elitefts mean to me as a brand? The first thing I think of is the circular squat logo. The image makes me think of developing strength and using all methods outside of the conventional to attain it. I have been powerlifting since 1992 and I will always associate Dave/Elite with Louie/Westside. The articles Louie wrote for PLUSA heavily influenced how I train and I remember seeing Dave as a lifter and a contributor to those articles. Their articles really made me have to question my own training dogma and grow beyond what I could accept as real. Elitefts gives you the opportunity to expand your mind along with your athletic performance. I also know that I can find quality equipment that has been thoughtfully considered before being offered for sale. Anyone can say product X is great and will offer it for sale, but I get the sense that Elite tests their products out in the gym before they put their seal of approval on it. I really appreciate seeing the videos of them using the products in their own gym. Thanks

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Pete L Elitefts serves as a staple of knowledge, growth, and accountability. Elite is about maintaining high standards, lifting heavy weight, and approaching training as though you were preparing to go to war. Orjan Leirheim Bergen, Norway For me, Elitefts means the best (free) source of information on strength training and improving athletic performance on the internet. I have learned more from reading the articles and Q&A sections here than any other place I have tried. One of the things that continues to impress me is the fact that Elitefts is not dogmatic. There’s no “best way” – only people constantly trying to improve however they can. The fact that you have athletes using classic Westside methods and Russian volume programs like Sheiko proves you are not narrow-minded fanatics, but rather that you are intelligent and open-minded people who will try anything once if it can give you the results you desire. My hat’s off to you. Russell Hall What Elite fts means to me! Trust : In that you guys live what you are talking about. In That while you are operating a business you still are here for the athlete and take their needs seriously. Friendship: There is a real friendship component to Elitefts. Everyone is likeable and friendly. Honesty: There is no BS. Everyone here tells it like it is, with a little friendly ribbing from time to time. Quality: I have not bought a ton of stuff from Elite, but what I have has always been quality. Hardcore: Dedication to all things strength. Dave and the guys are doing a great job – keep it up, and don’t change a thing. I don’t think there is a way to make it any better for us on this side. I know that I would not be at the level I am without this site. I am

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

42 (started powerlifting some four years ago), and my squat went from 455 in a suit to 735 in the gym and 660 in competition, and I hope to break the 700 barrier on the platform in two weeks. It all started with Elitefts.

Dale Alleshouse Elitefts is a no-nonsense source for real training information. They cater to people who understand that getting strong isn’t easy and that there is no such thing as a magic workout or supplement. Real information for real people who have real goals. Elitefts exhibits integrity in business by putting the needs of the customer first. Dave recently sent out letters of apology for the backorder of items, even though the backordered items arrived faster than most online vendors ship regularly.

James Elitefts means a place where a variety of lifters and other athletes post training, give advice and exchange ideas. The personal touches to the training logs indicate that most posters are fairly normal people who have various ways to overcome the challenge of fitting training time into a busy life. Personally, I find it very informative to see that: 1. There are as many ways to get strong as there are lifters 2. Even the strongest don’t train heavy all the time 3. My thoughts are often in alignment with the expert advice, which means either we’re all wrong (!) or that I know more than I thought I did about lifting. Chad Rother 1. The Logo – When I see the Elitefts logo, or when I put on one of my Elitefts shirts, it’s immediate pride, a since of accomplishment, it’s heart and it’s desire. Elitefts screams dedication and giving all that you have for yourself and for others.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

2. Site and Staff – Elitefts in itself is a tremendous honor to read – each and every employee and sponsored lifter, and all the members of the Q&A Team take extreme pride in the strength training world. The time and effort spent educating guys like me for FREE is unprecedented. Even though I may not agree with every single article, or every single answer on the Q & A. I do know one thing for sure: that the people answering the questions and writing the articles are proven in some way shape or form. I have the utmost respect for everyone on the site and value their opinion. It’s very easy to just type www.EliteFts.com and read the FREE Q&A and read the FREE articles, then act like you’re the Jedi Master and rip off everything you guys spend hours upon hours, years upon years, doing and researching. and then talking shit on some other forum. I choose a different route. 3. My Story- I am a younger guy, 25 to be exact. I was a highly recruited football player out of Brookville, Ohio. (about an hour southwest of you guys) but unfortunately, well maybe not unfortunately, that’s where all of my time and effort went. And being a C and D student doesn’t cut it. I lost all of my scholarship offers because of bad grades and several embarrassing ACT scores. So when football didn’t work out, and since I hated school, I had to get a job. I started working for the Montgomery County Sheriffs Department in the Jail as a corrections officer. Though it was new and exciting to see things I had only seen in movies (I grew up in a small town), after working long hours and getting bitched out and fighting every day, I slowly went from being a 225 pound linebacker with all kinds of opportunities to a depressed 280 pound tub of bullshit. I started hating my job, my long term girlfriend told me to piss off, and since I don’t play sports, why lift, right? About two years ago I was talking to my uncle who trains bodybuilders in Miami, Florida. He suggested I check you guys out, and you guys changed my life forever. I discovered a new passion for lifting heavy weights and got back into one aspect of football I could still do and loved: the weights! After two years, I am somewhere between shit and suck on your scale (actually I’m probably at the top rung of shit, but working on it). You guys are phenomenal when it comes to training, tips, techniques, ideas and so much more. For me it’s about persistence, rising up and never giving up, and that, in my opinion, is Elitefts. I had the opportunity to go to your VIP seminar last year, and I must say that you guys did not disappoint. I was once again motivated, and every day I strive to be a better person not only in

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

the weight room, but in life in general. It does get hard at times, though. I basically train alone, except from time to time when a friend stops by to dumbbell bench, do some curls, and of course hit the abs – all while looking at me like I’m a freak doing board presses with chalk on my hands listening to something Wendler suggested, all while telling me to “stop living in the past…football is over…you don’t have to run or lift heavy anymore…you’re going to get hurt…blah, blah, blah.” He just doesn’t get it, but that’s fine with me. I’ll keep on trying to become Strong(er). Thanks for all you do, and I know I’m just one of many you, as a person, businessman and friend, have inspired. John E. Ziobro, Esq. Elitefts helps give me the motivation to train like a powerlifter. I receive great info from you, but more importantly, it has gotten me off of my lazy ass and helped me train in a fun and constructive manner. I train completely alone, and you folks are my de facto training partners. Robb Elitefts means information to me. Tried and true, in-the-dungeon information from people who have been there. I’ve added big numbers to all three of my lifts following the different articles, training logs and Q&A’s. Dave Tate has been an inspiration to me even before I attended one of his seminars in Albany, NY approximately ten years ago. I have directed many people to the Elitefts website for this very same reason. Not only powerlifters, but trainers and strength coaches as well. I have always gotten great feedback like “Awesome website!” and “What great information!” So, needless to say, what does Elitefts mean to me? Once again, tried and true, no BS, real life, from-the-ranks information you can trust and count on! Tom For Information: Elitefts is a neutral, bipartisan, mutual format within the powerlifting community. Most styles, programs, etc. are independently measured and assessed and the resulting feedback is published. Results are the key factor – not alliances with any federation or lifting club.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

For Products: Elitefts is the best source to find equipment that will stand up to the rigors of the powerlifting/hardcore gym environment. If a piece of equipment is listed on the website, I am confident that it has been tested and will provide great results. For Community: At the last powerlifting seminar I went to, many of the lifters were wearing Elitefts gear, as was I. This is due to the fact that wearing Elitefts gear shows a particular solidarity to a very large and worthwhile community without spurning any smaller factions or promoting personal politics. CC One-stop shopping for everything I need having to do with powerlifting. Scott What does Elitefts mean to me? Elitefts is a trusted advisor that I can always count on for the best in strength and conditioning education and equipment. Paul Strong(er): Great campaign and what Elitefts always has and always will convey to me. Personal story: My fiancée underwent open heart surgery right about the time the Strong(er) campaign began. They had to replace her aortic valve. I almost lost her (and myself in the process). The day she came home from the hospital, she had many gifts waiting for her, of course. The one gift she still has and still cherishes more than any other is the pink Strong(er) tee shirt I purchased from Elitefts. That shirt is only worn on very special occasions, and has come to symbolize her fight for survival. It has been worn under navy blue business suits and flannel pj’s as well. She wears it with pride and with great grace and humility. She will undoubtedly have many more surgeries to endure (these valves don’t last forever), but she will do so valiantly and with confidence. She is, after all, Strong(er) than anyone I know.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Jeff Elitefts means SANITY to me. Robert Honesty. Achoi What Elitefts means to me: Elitefts is my solid ground. In such a hectic world with the maelstrom of pressures and stresses that originate from countless sources, Elitefts is where I can finally stand firm. Joe Elitefts, to me, means toys for grownups. As a kid, you have shops like Toys R Us, where you buy cool toys. Elitefts is like that for adults. Even when I don’t have any money, I look on the site and think, “Wow, that would be cool to have! That would be cool to wear! Everyone would think I was a badass if I came to the gym with that bar!” The other day I was showing off my travel stick and my foam roller to my friends. This seems lame, but even adults like to have things that aren’t necessary. Elitefts is a cool place to window shop, make a wish list, and every once in a while splurge on something cool. I collect ideas over a few months, and I buy every four months or so. I really like the signature clothing and the logo apparel. Tonny The greatest source of information and powerlifting products on the web. Melvin What does Elitefts mean to me? I don’t know where to start with this question. I’m 38 years old, and I’ve never really had any athletic ability, but through Elitefts, I’ve competed for several years in track and field, grappling, MMA and powerlifting. I haven’t achieved elite status in any of these sports, but through the knowledge I’ve gotten from Elitefts, I’ve

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

been in my best shape, and my strength has been at a level where it allowed me to compete and do well against competition with much more experience. I’ve also gained enough knowledge through Elitefts to help others not make the same mistakes I did. I’ve also been asked to help the local youth teams, which has led to people wanting me to train their children. I’m now hoping to own my own small private training facility. Through the knowledge I’ve gained from Elitefts’ articles, books, DVD’s and Q&A, and my time under the bar, I know I’m capable of doing this. I’ve been given a blueprint by Elitefts to start training individuals, understanding that I can train them with the bare minimum – sandbags, farmers walk handles, tires, and other objects. I can also grow my business by putting money back into it. I’m also reaping the benefits of being a volunteer in the Strong(er) program by making progress in my fat reduction, flexibility and strength. Peter To me, Elitefts is a place where I can get great training info and products from guys who’ve been around big weights. I also love hearing the stories, the BS and the trash talk. Mike Pratt I view Elitefts as the leaders in sports performance and injury prevention. Basically guys who have been around the block and can give advice so we don’t make mistakes that have been made in the past. Ashiem Quality, whether it’s quality information, quality gear, quality equipment – anything. QUALITY. Ralph Trust. I trust the information on the website, I trust the advice of the sponsored Elitefts lifters, and I trust the products that Elitefts sells.

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

Andre Hernandez In my life, I have always been independent and thought about things differently than everyone else. I have always gone against the trends, searching for my own path. To me this is what Elitefts is. Elitefts is more than a company. It’s a community of different people. Different from those who are false in our society, the staff of Elitefts are real people who don’t bullshit around and avoid telling you the truth. Elitefts, to me, has been a driving force in my passion. Elitefts has shown me that what I believe can come true only through hard work, dedication and having high integrity. In high school I was asked use one word that describes you. My word was integrity, so to find a business and a man (Dave Tate) that were centered around this quality was a breath of fresh air. Elitefts offers information that you cannot pay for. I believe I truly have gotten a $100,000 education for free from the articles, Q&A’s, videos and training logs that are held open for free on this website. Elitefts is a real community where there is nothing fake or hidden. Elitefts, I believe, is only for those who truly want to become Strong(er), not just in the weight room or the competitive field, but as a person as well. I read Elitefts daily and I learn something new every time I visit the website and I attribute much of my personal success to Elitefts being there 24 hours a day. Thank you Elitefts. Your services, equipment and all that you do are second to none. For the first time in five years I will be meeting some of the Elitefts staff this week when I attend the nutrition seminar. I am both anxious and excited, and prepared to be extremely humble as well, but I am open to listening and have about a billion questions to ask. To me, Elitefts is my guide, my light to look to when there is no none else. Thank You.

Coach L What does it truly mean to be Strong(er)? For me this has been a saying that has greatly helped me through my life for the past year, both inside and outside the weight room In a nutshell, strength coaches are typically some of the most arrogant and egotistical coaches out there. You have those who think they know it all but really don’t know shit, and who have no desire to share what they think they know. Then you have those who do know their shit, but

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

don’t want to share any of the information, as though they thought of it all on their own. Then you have the ones who don’t know shit, but want to share their f’ed up philosophies with anyone and everyone who will listen. Finally, you have the staff at Elitefts. They know their shit, mostly because they know there is more shit they can learn and are willing to share their shit. Anyway, if you can decipher all of that, you guys are a lot smarter than I could ever give you credit for. Thanks for all that you do for us idiots in the trenches. Paul Vaillancourt Off the top of my head, Elite means quality – the resource that I trust 100% of the time, and it’s also almost like a special club you belong to if you are a customer and regular reader. I’m always pumped to find other people that have become customers of the company and students of the Q&A. Thanks for asking. Jack I’m not sure where to begin. I found Elitefts years ago at a time in my life where I no longer wanted to live. I had just lost my job, I was going through a divorce, and I was realizing I was about to become a part-time dad. I had not trained since high school, but I happened upon an article written by Dave Tate called The Education of a Powerlifter. I’m not sure what it was, but something in that article struck me and I became a regular reader of the site, joined a gym and started training again. Training helped me get my life back. In the year that followed, I lost 72 pounds, patched up my relationship with my wife and started reading everything I could about training. Five years later, I have my own training center that is kicking ass and making a big difference in my community. Elitefts not only gave me my life back, you made it 100 times better. Sean Sparandero, Powerlifter Elitefts is a solution – something that I use on a daily basis to confront, motivate and, quite honestly, keep myself in check. The weight is not the means to an end – the plates are life itself. What does it take to add 5 more pounds? What does it take to raise a family, succeed in school,

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

face a horrible economy, stay focused and have a happy marriage? My answers are desire, humility, and above all, confidence in myself. Failure is an opportunity to improve, and the mind is our greatest obstacle. It’s about how strong are you are, really. In my darkest days, I read the motivational logs and articles on Elite as well as other websites, but Elite is where it all began. From Wendler’s quips to the various lifters’ devastating injuries, I look for their solutions, their mental solutions, how they time and time again face failure in the gym as well as their personal lives, and one way or another find that focus to come out ahead. Relentless is what I like to call success. How can I improve myself if I can’t be honest with my shortcomings? Elitefts provides me with the answers – most of which are suggestions to come up with my own. This sport has opened my mind to a thought process with exceptional results, and it’s taught me how to think for myself. Thanks is not enough. My lessons are learned under the bar.

Scott Elitefts.com is the place to go for someone who has trained for 18 years for no other reasons than to get bigger and stronger. It’s where I go for good information from people who have dedicated their lives to lifting heavy and being strong. It’s where I go for information on my quest to continue to get stronger, whether my name ever ends up in a magazine or not. It’s a place where other people can understand why. It’s where any lifter can ask questions, and get answers. It’s where the great training ideas are born, and where quality product are sold to help us all get better. Dave Tate is to powerlifting as Jesse James is to choppers. Dave and the staff are where I can get new pieces to the puzzle of getting strong(er).

Mike Golden Dave, I think that is a great question. I am the director of strength and conditioning at East Carolina University. Elitefts is a company that our whole weight staff respects. The number one reason is that you are a guy who found a way to make a living loving what you do. Your products are not some cheap t-shirts with bad logos and horrible customer service. We have spoken either to you directly or people on your staff

What Does Elitefts Mean To You?

and they are always extremely helpful. We ordered one of your e-books and being a computer novice (idiot) I screwed it up. I called and with no questions asked one of your employees (a lady) walked me through the whole thing. As we say in all the time, it is the little things that make you win-and your company really has a handle on that. I also respect the way of your training advice-we have been saying the same thing for years and most people just don’t get it-find what works for you and/ or your athletes and go do it. There is no cookie cutter program. Just be consistent, work hard and it will happen. Even your sales (pitches/ gimmicks) work for both sides-a fair deal for the customer and a higher volume for you. The web site is excellent, and the information is raw and unhindered-not just some study after study. Just trial and error on a lot of peoples part. Thanks for giving us a product we can trust.

Nick Raaum Forget all the world class weightlifting advice, what Elitefts means to me is the desire to always go further and the class and integrity to share the lessons learned from breaking the limit. I think that in a world were sometimes things are so easily obtained by not being true or honest weightlifting is the exact opposite. There is no foolling a hunk of iron to move if you haven’t done your work and have the desire to accomplish it. Thanks for the great site and the examples to draw from both in and out of the gym!

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