Elfriede Jelinek - Dramas de Princesas (Completo)

December 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 M`lrfmam Cm`fomj

E NDYQM M E ADOSM@E F ‒  F ‒  \  \ Arenes am [rfobmses

Qreauçâd E`mxeoarm Jrug


E NDYQM M E ADOSM@E F (IYEOBE AM OM\M)  Aues lfgures gfgeotmsbes, gfgeotmsbes, smnm`heotms e mspeote`hds, mspeote`hds, fotmfrenmotm trfbdteaes mn `â m ldrreaes bdn mobhfnmotd, une bdnd Ireobe am Omvm, dutre bdnd Beçeadr bdn mspfogerae m bhepæu, bdovmrsen be`nenmotm, es vdzms vãn mn dll, `fgmfrenmotm afstdrbfaes.

IYEOBE AM OM\M 3 Cå lez une mtmrofaeam mt mrofaeam qum mstdu eoaeoad pdr tdaes es vd`tes m burves amssm  idsqum m d qum æ qum mu oâd mobdotrd4 Eoýms! Afzmn qum m`ms sâd permbfads bdn e gmotm oe eneif`faeam, pdræn aflmrmotms oe ldrne. D smohdr, pdr sue vmz, tmn e eperãobfe am e`guæn smnm`heotm e nfn oe ldrne, nes mstå nefs pere amsegreaåvm`. Qe`vmz pdr tdae e rmspdoseif`faeam qum d smohdr berrmge. Bdn bmrtmze amvm aer nuftd treie`hd smr equm`m qum b`ermfe b` ermfe d qum Æ m d qum æ custd pým mn pæ. Cå mu essund nefs d qum æ låbf`. [dr nuftd tmnpd bdosmguf tmr submssd greçes ë nfohe eperãobfe, motâd, od elâ am bdosmgufr efoae nefs submssd, beî od iurebd ae nfohe neareste, qum nm pmgdu am un `ead qum mu oâd mspmreve m `dgd mn smgufae nm movmomodu bdn une lrute. M`e bevdu e bdve pere dutre m oâd befu m`e nmsne amotrd. Amsam motâd sdu une  iusbeadre ae vmraeam, fob`usfvm mn essuotds `foguîstfbds. Quad fssd permbm smr mxtredrafoerfenmotm fotmrmsseotm pere e greoam nesse, pdfs e nfohe hfstòrfe cå mxfstm hå sæbu`ds, oâd leçd e nmodr famfe ad qum m`e tmn am tâd afvmrtfae du mxbfteotm. Æ bdnd sm mu tfvmssm fobmsseotmnmotm qum nm `mveoter m motâd befr am odvd, pm`e nâd am une nu`hmr. ]ne sfnpåtfbe mxbmçâd, d qum oâd æ d besd ae ndrtm. Msse smnprm vmn, mn gmre` bdnd hdnmn, m ebeie qum oâd æ hdnmn omohun. Ods msprmfte, vmn am neomfre foamsmceae, m custenmotm queoad tmnds submssd, bdnd od nmu besd, lfbe bdn fovmce m ods tfre ad benpd smn d nmodr bdosd`d.

BEÇEADY 3 Rmrå qum e smohdrfte pdrvmoture mstå sm amsmobenfoheoad4 [mrnfte sugmrfr qum e smohdrfte rmouobfm e sf nmsne moqueotd smu pròprfd rmlógfd. M fssd pere oâd sm amsmobdotrer ae vmraeam, e que`, pdr sue vmz, cå eoae ë prdbure ae smohdrfte d tmnpd tdad m e que` mu nuftes vmzms mobdotrmf pdr mstm idsqum oe ldrne am pmssde foamlmse ‒  foamlmse ‒  du  du teniæn bdnd tónu`ds smbrmtds pere  pmssdes m eofnefs. Ds tónu`ds am eofnefs oâd ssâd âd dire nfohe, elfoe` mu smnprm `mvd n nfohe fohe prmse  pre bese. M`e æ ide amnefs pre aer ë tmrre. E smohdrfte, bdnd oâd cdge oeae ad qum mobdotre pere e vmraeam bdnmr, omn pdssuf mxpmrfãobfe mn bd`mter prmses, pdfs e smohdrfte æ qum æ e prmse, vã e vmraeam `hm msbeper oeture`nmotm oe prfnmfre dpdrtuofaeam. Omsse sue vmrsâd ae hfstòrfe mu sfnp`msnmotm oâd ebrmaftd, smohdrfte. Oâd mxfstm mn pertm e`gune que`qumr eom` vfårfd, pdr doam m`e `hm pdamrfe mvfter, e pdirm vmraeam. Egdre, bd`dqum-sm od `uger am`e3 smrfe bdnd smr bmgeae  pm`ds leròfs am un ñofius, æ b`erd, sm am rmpmotm m`e sm amperessm bdn une nu`hmr bdnd e smohdrfte, vmstfoad ‒  vmstfoad  ‒  m   m afssd elfoe` mu motmoad ‒  motmoad  ‒  une   une rdupe bdnp`mtenmotm foeamqueae pere d  idsqum. [dfs imn, mste nu`hmr pmrguote egdre pdr une du nefs pmssdes qum msterfen vmstfoad bhepæus qum, oe nfohe eve`feçâd, omohune pmssde cenefs bd`dberfe oe beimçe. Uum espmbtd tmrfe fssd! [mgum nmu bhepæu bdnd ndam`d, un amssms æ qum e smohdrfte m equm`ms qum e smohdrfte  iusbe amvmrfen amvmrfen user! Bdn msse `foae pmoe mn ldrn ldrnee am ge`d-ad-ner pdr bfne, ldre am særfm, hmfo4 Bhepæu pdotuad oâd, ouobe, pdr levdr! M efoae pdr bfne prdvevm`nmotm smoad iefxfohe, m qumrmoad bdn equf`d permbmr nefs e`te! Re`tds e`tds, mobhfnmotds pdstfçds, pmotmeads pre bfne lmftd bfnmotd ernead! Oâd eanfre qum e vmraeam oâd qumfre sm famotflfber bdn une brfeture essfn. [dr qum elfoe` e vmraeam amvmrfe epermbmr bdnd smtm pmssdes, queoad oâd e amfxen pesser treoquf`e omn bdnd une sò4 Nmsnd qum e gmotm motâd puamssm lfoe`nmotm amfxer fssd pre trås m


bdoter bdotds am leaes odvenmotm4 Elfoe` m`e sm tdrodu tâd tînfae custenmotm pdrqum tdad nuoad qum pmger om`e. M egdre e smohdre efoae lfbe eî, pereae od benfohd am`e. Mu vdu `hm afzmr une bdfse3 sue im`mze, ods odssds bîrbu`ds, ads qum pmrbdrrmnds e oeturmze sm`vegmn, oâd bdote nuftd. ]ne vmz pdr smneoe od `egd bdogm`ead ebdotmbm un trmfod am petfoeçâd mn aup`es. E im`mze m e vmraeam teniæn pertfbfpen m essfn bdosmgumn sm bdohmbmr nm`hdr. Oâd gdsterfe am tdner pertm teniæn, smohdrfte4 Uumn seim mobdotrm nefs prezmr oe vmraeam ad qum oe im`mze4 Fssd sfn smrfe une afstreçâd pere e smohdrfte, pre verfer! Aå pre sdrvmr e im`mze mste`eoad e `îogue, bdnd une mxpmrfãobfe, nes eî e gmotm `dgd cå e amfxe pre trås cuotd bdn e vmraeam, elmrreae une ë dutre,  pere oâd sm mstetm`ermn od gm`d. [dr dutrd `ead smtm pmssdes pere e vmraeam, pmoseoad imn, oâd smrfe tâd rufn, pdfs smoad tâd pmqumoe bdnd æ, te`vmz m`e tfvmssm qum sm nu`tfp`fber pere pdamr ed nmods smr pmrbmifae bdnd vmraeam. Motâd m`e se`terfe eds d`hds ae gmotm bdn smu gdrrfohd. Eî sfn! E vmraeam bdnd un beifam tdad mspmtead am gdrrds. M motâd e im`mze, qum oâd qumr bd`dber omohun amssms bhepæus oe beimçe pre oâd lfber rfaîbu`e m essfn sm tdroer fofnfge am sf nmsne. E vmraeam bdnd d amsbenfohd ad Rmr. E`fås, smohdrfte, mstå sm amsmobenfoheoad sm pdr ebesd brã qum mstå nm vmoad. Mu sdu fovfsîvm`. M sm mu ldssm vfsîvm`, mu oâd mxfstfrfe m e smohdrfte tenpdubd  pdamrfe nm vmr. Essfn teotd lez sm e smohdrfte nm rmbdohmbm du oâd. [rdvevm`nmotm e smohdrfte sm amsmobenfohdu queoad nm tdndu pdr une am sues vmraeams, sò pdrqum oâd tfohe nm vfstd! Imn, am que`qumr neomfre mu oâd pmrtmoçd ës sues vmraeams! Leçe d levdr am d`her bdn nefs etmoçâd pere d nmu bhepæu eotms am oâd nm vmr m nmsnd essfn nm eidraer bdn i`å-i`å-i`å i`å -i`å-i`å fafdte! Mu sdu e ndrtm m prdotd. E ndrtm bdnd vmraeam ó`tfne. \moad amsse neomfre e smohdrfte etæ tfohe rezâd am nm prdburer. Gdstd afssd3 e ndrtm bdnd vmraeam mxtrmne, m qum pdr fssd oâd qumr seimr oeae am sf nmsne. Nes oâd æ vmraeam. E ndrtm bdnd e ouamz ad eofne` bmgd, mn bucd tdrpdr d smr huneod sm amfxer errester, pere pdr lfn oâd seimr nefs oeae am sf nmsnd. Epmser afssd m`m  prmbfse ndrrmr, nmsnd qum cå mstmce fobdosbfmotm. fobdosbfmotm. E ndrtm bdnd e bmgumfre afeotm ae sue ouamz, smohdrfte. Nes bufaead! Omn tuad qum e smohdrfte oâd vã cå æ e ndrtm, bdnd eotms mxp`fqumf. Uueotd e nfn, e smohdrfte pdrteotd ouobe pdamrå tmr bmrtmze. Beçeadr am letd oâd æ un afslerbm `å nuftd drfgfoe`. Nm errmpfd queoad vmcd sue læ am d`hds vezfds m efoae pdr bfne bmge. E smohdrfte oâd amvmrfe nm ldrçer e duvfr omohun am smus smgrmads, nes mu imn smf qum oâd pdssd fnpmaf-`e. Ebrmafte pdr ebesd qum sm ldssm pdssîvm` vmr e ndrtm e`guæn fe qumrmr treter bdn m`e, nmsnd qum, afgends, epmoes pm`e aureçâd am un ceoter lmftd am eofnefs oâd smpu`teads, qum am que`qumr neomfre m`e nmsne fe tmr qum prdvfamobfer4 Rfn, pdfs æ! Oâd qum pdr fssd mu puamssm elfrner qumoeae, qumrdetmr e vmr bdn vmraeam.oâd Oâd, rme`nmotm oâd. Enm`hdr vmraeamfotærprmtm oâd mstå omn eî pre oâde`gune smr prebdfse m`e nmsne. Odemoteotd mxfstm od ndnmotd  pere m`e ad qum mu. Am ndad qum, sm mu prmbfser bdotfouer lezmoad d pepm` am`e, omn smf nefs sm efoae mstdu rmprmsmoteoad. Lez tmnpd qum mu cå oâd qumrd nefs, nes prmbfsd. ]ne am`es, e amrreamfre am tdaes, mu neotfvm bdnd ndam`d, tdaes es dutres vmraeams eotmrfdrms oâd msbeperen e nfn m ë nfohe erne. Ofssd mu luf nmtfbu`dsd. E amrreamfre æ nuftd, nuftd pmqumoe. Epmser afssd mu lfbd smnprm d`heoad pere m`e pere seimr qumn mu sdu. Nefs du nmods tâd pmqumoe queotd amvmn smr mssms smus eoýmzfohds. Bdn momrgfe m amafbeçâd, od moteotd, treie`hmf nmu benfohd  pere d e`td bdnd un eutdafaete m egdre, smgurd am nfn, ams`fzd pere e vfae eldre bdnd sdirm d `egd bdogm`ead.

IYEOBE AM OM\M 3 Dh, e vfae qumr smr eanfreae m bdotmnp`eae pdr nuftds `eads, d smohdr oâd ebhe4 M`e æ nuftd im`e nmsnd. Nmsnd es bdfses fosfgoflfbeotms oâd amvmrfen ouobe smr  pmqumoes amnefs pere oòs. Rm mu oâd mobdotrer d [mqumod qum iusbd, pdamrfe nm vd`ter pere d


Greoam qum d smohdr afz moberoer. D qum mxfstm elfoe` am nefs ‐greoam„ qum e ndr tm, tm, qum oâd ods trez omohun prdvmftd suisteobfe`, m sfn greoam prmcuîzd. Nmsnd qum m`e smce gdstdse bdnd une neçâ Greooy Rnfth. [dfs e`f amotrd am`e mstå d vmrnm, lezmoad smu `eobm am eimrture, ampdsfter e ndrtm od bdlrm doam m`m pdam smgufr mosfnmsnead, amvdreoad treoquf`enmotm, m essfn d bmrom luoaenmote` æ ed nmsnd tmnpd eimrtd m odvenmotm lmbhead3 d pròprfd Rmr, d`å! Æ, un idn omgòbfd æ qum oâd ldf! Nfohe bdrae am trfpe amselfodu bdn e lrute ndleae. Essfn bdnd e tñofbe luoaenmote` ad nmu Rmr. M`m mstå supmrtmosfdoead, nes d tdn ouobe elfoe. ]n amstfod `enmotåvm`, unefolm`fznmotm am`fbeae bdostfpeçâd. M motâd3 afspdoîvmfs. d e`pfofsnd bdnd e greoam termle ae nm`hdr sdbfmaeam, sò qum mn gmre` oâd hå ndoteohes Mstes ndoteohes sâd oe aes hfpòtmsms ndrrds, d unire` am une smrrfohe qum sm pdamrfe etrevmsser smn sdlrmr prmcuîzds. Egdre vdu lezmr un rm`etòrfd am prmcuîzds pre smgureadre ad Rmr m ampdfs teniæn un pmafad am `dbe`fzeçâd pmssde`, pdfs mstfvm tdad mssm tmnpd fobdosbfmotm, f obdosbfmotm, d qum nfohe neareste pdr sue vmz fotmrprmtdu bdnd ndrtm m fnpdtãobfe. M`e msteve mogeoeae. E`æn afssd3 ofoguæn smotfrfe nefs le`te ad pdamr qum d pròprfd fnpdtmotm. Qe`vmz smce e rezâd pdrqum m`e qufs ebeier bdnfgd, pdfs amvfe bdoter bdn fssd3 qum mu nm `mveotm m smce od nmsnd fosteotm d smr nefs smamotd pdr pdamr qum mxfstm, du smce, pdohe mn afspute mssm trdçd qum m`e teotd gdste am endotder ed rmadr am sf. Quad iegu`hd! Nes eî surgm nmsnd une pmrue, omn am `dogm tâd bhfqum bdnd mu, un teotd nefs vm`he, d qum smn aóvfae e ròf pdr amotrd etæ ods sdohds, m qumr rme`nmotm rduier am nfn d nmu smr! M`e ebrmafte qum e im`mze motâd vef pesser pere m`e pdrqum ebhe nuftd moleadohd mster oune ndrte. [dfs e im`mze qumr smnprm mster sdirm d nuoad, am prmlmrãobfe oes ld`hes aes f`ustreaes, qum teotd smrmn ld`hmeaesbdn ebeien befoad nefs qum råpfad qum e ld`hegmn Nenâmm oâd am bdosmgum sm ebdndaer d ebdotmbfnmotd æ eetæ fnpdtãobfe afeotm odrne`. ae nfoheE im`mze tmote, essfn, smn nefs, erreober am nfohes nâds ds nmfds ad nmu pdamr, bdn oeae nmods qum une neçâ. ]ne neçâ bdotre es neçâs amstm rdstd! Fnegfoe sò. Oeturmze bdotre oeturmze. ]ne `ute am tftéofes. M oe vmraeam pdamrfe smr nuftd nefs sfnp`ms. Mre sò sm bd`dber oe nfohe lrmotm m  cå d nmu pdamr amsepermbmrfe, pdfs mu oâd smrfe nefs vfste! Rò un eoâd bdosmgufrfe sm msqufver afssd, pdrqum m`m æ nmodr qum mu, pdr fssd æ qum amsam equm`m ebdotmbfnmotd mu oâd prdburd dutre bdfse e oâd smr eoýms, m fssd oâd æ oeae sfnp`ms, pdssd `hm gereotfr. M pere ds eoýms mu vdu nm amfter bdn prezmr, pere qum m`ms teniæn pdssen tmr sues mgd trfps. Etæ pre frrfter e nenâmneareste, qum cå oes sues pmrguotes sdirm d amsbdohmbfad msteim`mbm une greaeçâd hfmrårqufbe am qumn pdam m qumn oâd pdam mxfstfr. M`e pdam. Mu oâd pdssd. [dr im`mze mxbmssfve m sue fovmce  pm`e bdobdrrãobfe. Ds eoýms sò pdamn mxfstfr pdrqum m`e efoae ouobe ds vfu. Od moteotd m`e nm evfse pre tmr bufaead bdn m`ms!

D BEÇEADY 3 Imn, bdnfgd am que`qumr neomfre e smohdrfte oâd vef mobdotrer ds smus eoýmzfohds. Rdu d dlfbfe` rmspdosåvm` pm`d mspeçd eimrtd, m oâd pm`ds mnereoheads qum om`m  pdssen surgfr. Mu pmrbmid, æ b`erd, queoad e`gd epermbm od nmu mspeçd eimrtd, un éogu`d, une bdosmquãobfe mssmobfe` Zsmquãobfe am brfetures 4^ mn ldrne am eofne` eofne` ‒   ‒  pdssd  pdssd `hm essmgurer qum,  cå lez ttmnpd, mnpd, oâd tmohd nef nefss teotd amsmcd pm`e bdosmquãobfe smgufotm bdnd nfohe mspfogerae, qum efoae erle, ieie m rmsld`mge ‒  rmsld`mge ‒  oâd,  oâd, ed bdotrårfd, oe vmraeam mu prmlmrfrfe ampdsfter mssm mspeçd eimrtd amotrd am nfn m bdosmrvå-`d imn, bdnd un tuppmrwerm. [dr fssd nm tdromf beçeadr. [dr fssd æ qum oâd mstdu fotmrmssead omssm eoâd ae vmraeam qum e smohdrfte vmn prdburer custenmotm equf, od idsqum. Mu sdu d gfgeotm ae fovmraeam. M`fnfod tuad qum mxfstm bdn nmu eireogmotm  prdgrene am m`fnfoeçâd. Bdnp`mtmf pdræn nmu nmu pmrîdad am eprmoafzead cuotd ë vmraeam m pdssd, pdssd, mn besd am ombmssfaeam, rmprmsmotå-`e teniæn. Am ndad qum oòs, e smohdrfte m etæ mu nmsnd, ebrmaftends qum mu smce e vmraeam, e`fås e ó`tfne qum efoae hå afspdoîvm` od nmrbead. Cå lez


tmnpd qum mu nm elfrnd bdn mste elfrneçâd. Es bfrbuostéobfes ae nfohe vfae3 ambmotm bd`dbeçâd am tdbefe, nm benul`er am beve`mtm oe pfbeae pere ds eofnefs, nd`aer e`guos gfgeotms, bdnd mu nmsnd sdu, puxer d getf`hd. Ebeieae e brfeture. \mce sò3 vfre bdnfae prdote prdbmsseae m oâd  prmbfse tmnmr prdbmssd omn cufz. E óofbe qum oâd prmbfse prmbfse tmnmr d cufz æ e ndrtm. Mu eoad pdr eî,  pdr tdae pertm m smnprm smnprm `mge`, nmsnd qum am vmz mn queoad mu ggdstm dstm am u`trepesser e vm`dbfaeam essfn bdnd sm ldssm e bdrrmotmze ae ndrtm, bdn un óofbd pessd am nfohes pmroes ldrreaes bdn nmfâd m beom`mfre.

IYEOBE AM OM\M 3 Motâd nm afge `å3 pdr qum mu efoae mxfstd mn vmz am oâd smr oeae, bdnd mre e fotmoçâd drfgfoe` ae nfohe neareste4 Nm idnieramer am vd`te ës nfohes drfgmos pdr nmfd am une neçâ, pdr mxmnp`d4 Ebhd qum pdrqum mu oâd tfohe nmsnd dutre pdssfif`faeam qum oâd sfnp`msnmotm mxfstfr, pre nfn nmsne, sdzfohe. Nfohe neareste qumrfe smnprm mxfstfr pere ds dutrds, pm`e sue im`mze, qum m`e mspm`heve d tmnpd fotmfrd, bdnd sm m`e ldssm aues, od nîofnd. Uum mu mxfstfssm mre un mspfohd ods d`hds am`e, qum qumrfen moxmrger epmoes e sf nmsnds. D Mspm`hd oâd mre d [dr Uuã. M`m mre d Uuã. M`m mre ‐D qum vdbãs efoae qumrmn elfoe`4 Bdnd mu fgue`nmotm nm mspm`heve, mu mxfstfe e`f, m efoae pdr bfne, eotms nmsnd am`e. E hfmrerqufe ae  im`mze mre Ireobe am Omvm prfnmfrd, neareste, e mtmroe smguoae. D mspm`hd sm eirfe bdnd un ernårfd, msbeobereve es aues ld`hes ae pdrte m lfbeve mstupmletd afeotm ad qum e`f motreve. Rmnprm mu prfnmfrd! Qâd reafeotm qum omn sm vfe d pepm` am cdroe` vm`hd ldrreoad d bhâd am`m. Rdirm d  cdroe`, amsidteaes eotms ad tmnpd, dutres bdnd mu. Oâd sm pdam mxfstfr m oâd mxfstfr ed nmsnd tmnpd. Imn, d smohdr te`vmz pdsse, nes mu oâd. [ere d mspm`hd m pre nenâm-neareste fssd cå sfgoflfbeve une bd`mçâd am pmrguotes, un betå`dgd rmbæn-eimrtd am pmrguotes bdn f`ustreçýms bd`drfaes, tdaes am nfn, sm fssd e amfxeve ezmae, omn `hm afgd! ]n betå`dgd bet å`dgd pdrteotd qum trezfe amotrd am sf sue rmspdste m d prãnfd pdr m`e. M es pmrguotes frrdnpfen pre ldre urreoad, sm `fvreven am sues bdrrmotms msgufes m sm mspe`heven mn tdaes es afrmçýms. Rfn smohdr. Es  pmrguotes amsse nu`hmr, qum mu ouobe amvmrfe amvmrfe bhener am nenâm, sfnp`msnmotm pesseven afrmtd  pdr sdirm e nfohe mxfstãobfe, smn e nmodr bdosfamreçâd pdr nfn nfn,, msodims, pmrguoteoad od vezfd. Rmoad qum m`e pdafe pm`d nmods mstmoamr nfohe mxfstãobfe bdnd un tepmtm m essfn lezmr idn usd am`e. Od bestm`d æ iesteotm lrfd pere ds pæs, d smohdr amvm seimr. Nes omn sfoe` afssd. Qdad m que`qumr sfoe` am nfn æ qum amvmrfe sunfr! Egdre oe vmraeam d pmosenmotd pdafe tmr motread mn eçâd bdn sues nmfges vdzfohes. Æ un `foad hdiiy nmsnd, sò rmqumr un pdubd am mspeotd. Nes que` nu`hmr vefadse, tâd bdovmobfae am sf nmsne qum oâd prmbfse oeae ad mspm`hd ‒  mspm`hd  ‒  mnidre  mnidre  pessm d tmnpd fotmfrd pmrguoteoad e m`m ‒  m`m  ‒  pdrqum  pdrqum am que`qumr neomfre seim qum æ e nefs idofte, qum ombmssfaeam msse nu`hmr nu`hmr tmn am pmomtrer d dbu`td4 Msse nu`hmr pmrguote ed smu mspm`hd mspm`hd d fnpmrguotåvm`, m motâd mstule d fomsgdtåvm` bdnd lerture m rmbhmfd pre amotrd ae rmspdste qum m`e am eotmnâd cå tfohe bdnd bmrte amsam smnprm, smn prmbfser lezmr omohune rml`mxâd. Mssm id`d oâd tmn bdnd aer bmrtd. Mu pdafe tmr aftd fssd `dgd am une vmz pre m`e. M qum famfe `hm dbdrrm4 Nmu movmomoenmotd bdn neçâ. Mxfstmn ldrnes am ndrrmr nefs egreaåvmfs, pdssd `hm gereotfr, nes omohune nefs drfgfoe`. E nfohe ldrne am ndrrmr æ qum oâd ldf. Fssd `å æ neomfre am neter e`guæn, essfn sfnp`msnmotm4 Motrmteotd, bdnd d smohdr cå vã, mu oâd mstdu mxetenmotm ndrte. D qum æ qum mstdu `hm mxp`fbeoad, d smohdr æ d mspmbfe`fste equf! Motâd tuad am vd`te ë pdsfçâd  iåsfbe. Foîbfd. D smohdr, ldre! ldre! Eoâd, pre bå! D BEÇEADY epdoteoad pere m`e 3 ]n bmrtd smohdr eoâd amvm pdamr lezmr d qum mu oâd pdssd4 M oâd fnpdrte nefs oeae4 D idsqum tmn `uger pre tdads, nes oe drfgmn ldf prmvfstd epmoes pere nfn m nfohes prmses. Mu etæ gdsterfe am trever bdohmbfnmotd bdn msses bdostruçýms tâd pmqumoes, sm mu tfvmssm un pdubd nefs am tmnpd. Nes tmnpd mu oâd tmohd omohun m pdr fssd nmsnd tdnd


 pre nfn d tmnpd amstfoead e dutres brfetures. Rdu mu qum afgd queoad d ebeidu tmnpd m `hms tdnd d rmstd qum efoae tfvmrmn. Uum aeî æ smnprm bdosunfad repfaenmotm. Reim smohdrfte, e ndrtm sm e`fnmote ad tmnpd e`hmfd m pdr fssd mstå smnprm lenfote. D tmnpd am beae un, elfoe`, ouobe æ sulfbfmotm. M d pessmfd bdn d tmnpd e`hmfd teniæn oâd aure nuftd. Ds smrms huneods ebeien oe bdnp`mte huneoflfbeçâd Z\mrnmosbhuog^. Nm rmlfrd mxetenmotm ed qum e smohdrfte elfrne am sue neareste. Qmohd e fnprmssâd qum d qum nefs `hm fobdndae omsse smohdre, qum tmotdu nmtmr e bd`hmr od nmu dlîbfd, æ qum m`e permbm odtdrfenmotm ebrmafter oe pdssm eotmrfdr m eisd`ute ampròprfe tdaes esrezâd. rmspdstes m teniænnmoeaerfe pdssfif`faeam am,smbdn d euxî`fd rezâd, tdroer smohdre ae Fssd teniæn ods omrvds, mu ds tfvmssm,ae pdfs smrfesmtâd smn smotfad bdnd un shdppfog bmotmr  qum  qum lmbhe od lfn ad afe, nes efoae qum sm bhene am shdppfog bmotmr  aureotm  aureotm e odftm. IYEOBE AM OM\M  prdtmgmoad ds d`hds d`hds bdn es nâds nâds 3 Nes lreobenmotm! Leçe-nm d levdr! D qum æ fssd qum d smohdr epdote bdotre nfn d tmnpd tdad4 ]ne `eotmroe4 Bdosfamrm qum nmus d`hds efoae mstâd amif`fteads, pdrqum mu vf e ndrtm, oequm`e vmrsâd mspmbfe` qum d smohdr bmrtenmotm bdohmbm, bdnd un tóom` b`erd m rmsp`eoambmotm. Mstdu etæ egdre bmge pdr beuse aequf`d. Oâd mstå vmoad bdnd mu tmohd qum epmrter ds d`hds4 Bhmgum un pdubd prd `ead, pdr levdr! Qe`vmz d smohdr mstmce eî hå hdres mobdirfoad un du nefs ads smrms am pmqumoe msteture bdn qumn nerqumf bdnprdnfssd. Du smrå qum vmfd equf custenmotm pere nm aer d moamrmçd mxetd m egdre rmterae am prdpòsftd d ndnmotd ae odsse amspmafae4 Rmrå qum d smohdr nm ldf movfead  pm`d nmu lead4 E óofbe bdfse qum smf æ3 ‐e`æn aes smtm ndoteohes„. Es pmssdes sâd tâd ams`mfxeaes queoad tmn qum after ed tm`mldom. Ouobe mspmren pre vmr sm e gmotm motmoamu. E`æn afssd, pdubd e pdubd vdu prmlmrfoad amfter ad qum lfber smoteae. Mstdu nuftd, nuftd beoseae pdr beuse ad vmomod. Nfohe ne`aeam amvm bdbhf`er. D pdvd amvm ndamrer un pdubd smus etds m e`beoçer smus dicmtfvds. [m`d nmods, m`m oâd amvmrfe lfber foqufmtd, sm `fae bdn qumstýms  prdluoaes. D fomxp`fbåvm` fomxp`fbåvm` amvm rmpduser mn smu bhâd am mxp`fb mxp`fbeçýms, eçýms, etæ qum d eveoçd eveoçd aes l`drms `hm bhutm e iuoae am iefxd pre bfne. Eî m`m hå am tmr e idoaeam am sm mrgumr m ods msb`ermbmr pere qum pdssends teniæn pdr lfn tmr une odçâd ad qum mxfstm. [dfs imn, mssm smrfe teniæn d lfn ads nmus amsmcds. Uueoad sm æ idofte, æ pdssîvm` sm vmstfr bdn e ndaæstfe. Uueoad tmnds `fimraeam am ndvfnmotd, tmnds e dirfgeçâd am dlmrmbmr `dgd une odçâd aes bdfses. Nmsnd qum efoae oâd tmohends e nmodr odçâd ad teneohd rme` aes bdfses. Eoýms mstâd nefs pre pmqumods. Motrmteotd, m`ms d`hen nfohe ndaæstfe bdn amsprmzd. Duvf bdoter qum m`ms oâd qumrmn oeae nmods ad qum e nu`hmr nefs idofte ad nuoad, sò pere bdosmgufr bdoldrtd m pdamr dlmrmbmr smu bdnpdrtenmotd amsmovd`td, e pmafads teniæn bese,se`ter od tepmtm benpfoe, bdnsòd nmnird `fimrtd m`ms eveoçerâd mn nfohe afrmçâdldre pereammotâd sdirmaenfn, m tdadsdoam am une vmz. Rm d smohdr sduimssm d queotd mu cå duvf bdoter fssd! Fssd ldf d qum nfohe neareste mogmoardu pere nfn, pdr eods e lfd m`e prdburdu nm fobutfr d nmad bdn msse bdfse! M`e elfrneve qum ds eoýms, ampdfs am bdosmgufr d qum qufsmssmn, smrfen fogretds bdnd tdads ds dutrds smrms. Uum mspæbfm am irf`hd amsbdohmbfad æ mssm qum d smohdr bdotfoue nm epdoteoad prd rdstd4 Msse bdfse bdnprfae m msgufe4 M bdnd æ qum sm ams`fge fssd4 D BEÇEADY 3 Mu oâd bhenerfe fssd ombmsserfenmotm am `eotmroe. M`e smrvm nefs imn pere epeger e `uz bdn un sdprd. Ae msburfaâd ad idsqum surgmn brfetures, qum ebrmaften brfer une vîvfae vfae fotm`mbtue`, nes fssd oâd æ eisd`utenmotm oeae pre nfn! Diståbu`d omohun! Oe pfste am bdrrfae ad eutòardnd `dbe`, e rezâd molrmote d bâd ae læ, qum smnprm tmn `fimraeam tdte` am sm ndvfnmotd, ufvd, imrrmfrd, rugfad, reobdr, gdrgdrmcd, mstmrtdr, rdsoead, æ une pmoe qum oâd pdsse `hm eprmsmoter fssd, oâd bdstund tmr bâd am beçe prmsmotm bdnfgd, oâd tmohd ombmssfaeam. Motâd, ds adfs sm lezmn trepd m lerrepd, m d mnpòrfd ae vfae fotm`mbtue` mstå eimrtd pre omgòbfd, `å e


smohdrfte mobdotre amsam beaerçds am sepetd m lerrepds am dreçâd, etæ un pmaeçd am bhâd od teneohd am bfoqumote pdr bfoqumote bmotînmtrds, æ d bhâd ae oâd-luoaenmoteçâd ae vmraeam, m`m egdre `hm pmrtmobm, nmsnd qum e smohdrfte qumn seim prmlfre rm-luoaenmoter tdte`nmotm sue vmraeam m oâd qumfre seimr ae nfohe, mnidre, bdnd cå afssm, m`e smce d ó`tfnd mxmnp`er mn mstdqum. Imn, m qumn smrå d vmobmadr oe `ute nmrbeadrfe vmrsus bhâd, læ vmrsus rezâd4 D EOFNE@. Uum bdosmgufu e`beoçer d nefs e`td bmrtflfbead am sue supdste betmgdrfe, etæ vmohe une nefs ldrtm. Efoae eramn es ireses oe `ermfre ad Rmr, od turvd moterambmr ad adnfogd, mfs qum surgm, bdnd amsestrm ad moterambmr am adnfogd, une nu`hmr oune mspæbfm benfsd`e,  pmradm sm oâdsmneoe` pdssd amsbrmvmr nm`hdr sues vmstms, oe vmraeam teo teotd td lez, e odftm tuadam pmomtre m mu mu egdre vmohd trezã-`e pere e smohdrfte.  Etfre mn Ireobe am Omvm. [ere d beaåvmr3  E smohdrfte mre teniæn une amsses nu`hmrms qum sò pýmn od nuoad lfgures ad bfomne, pdrqum qumrmn  permbmr bdnd une am`es4 Uum sm epevdren afeotm ae vfae4 Epevdrer-sm afeotm ae ndrtm oâd `hm smrvfu am oeae, m`e smgum d smu restrd erneae bdn nmu pmohdr. E smohdrfte oâd pesseve am une nmofoe qum amfxdu vmr smu pæ ou sdirm e grene, qum msteve lrfe amnefs pre fssd. Ofoguæn amvfe lfber eoaeoad pm`d idsqum bdn rdupe am befxâd. Od smu besd motrmteotd ldf pråtfbd, e smohdrfte cå  pdam lfber bdn mssm trdçd eî. eî. [re nfn teotd lez, bdnd mu afssm, oâd motmoad oeae aes aenes m ds hundrms ae sue ndae. Mn tdad besd, mste æ prmse qum mu amfxd pre trås. D tmnpd ldf tuad t uad qum `hm tdnmf, m amvm tmr iestead, elfoe` mre e bdfse nefs pmrfgdse om`e. Nefs bfobd nfoutds m te`vmz mu tfvmssm nm amfxead bdovmobmr e nm tdroer nmodr ad mu qum sdu. Egdre, æ b`erd, m`e mstå bdnp`mtenmotm amsenpereae pdfs, ed bdotrårfd, e im`mze oâd tmnm oeae nefs ad qum d tmnpd.  Oeae am tmrre pdr bfne. Rmrfe `mvm amnefs. amnefs. Bd`dbe e mspfogerae od dnird m sm vef. Ds Rmtm Eoýms epermbmn m rdamfen Ireobe am Omvm.

DR RMQM EOÝMR 3 Bdnd smnprm. @å sm vef m`e, e idez idezfohe. fohe. M m`e tmrfe bdosmgufad ods mobdotrer e tmnpd, sm oâd tfvmssm smguread smu nepe turîstfbd am beimçe pre iefxd d tmnpd tdad. D qum e  im`mze pmosdu qum mren ve`ms, mren oe vmraeam ndoteohes. Rò e idoaea idoaeamm pdam ndvmr ndoteohes, e læ ës vmzms teniæn, nes e im`mze, mn tdad besd, oâd. M`e pdam mrrer es ndoteohes pdr nf`hes, nmsnd qum hece smtm am`es. Es ndoteohes msteven `å, doam smnprm mstfvmren, sò e im`mze folm`fznmotm msteve od `uger mrread. Qeotd lez. Rmce bdnd ldr d treie`hd tdad smnprm sdire pre oòs. Rdnds oòs smnprm qum amvmnds tdner une etftuam moærgfbe m rmndvmr e fnuoaîbfm ads dutrds. Ës vmzms pmosends essfn, qum oòs nmsnds teniæn gdsterîends am mster ndrtds, pere qum ds dutrds vfssmn e`gune vmz mn lfgures mogreçeaes bdnd oòs qum e ndrtm oe vmraeam oâd æ tâd mogreçeae bdnd permbmn tmr fnegfoead. Bd`dben Ireobe am Omvm od befxâd am vfard m semn berrmgeoad-d. 


E NDYQM M E ADOSM@E FF (IM@E EADYNMBFA EADYNMBFAE) E) [YFOBMRE 3 Nfohe mxfstãobfe æ sdod, pdrteotd e vfae æ nfohe lrdotmfre `ògfbe. Nes te`vmz nfohe mxfstãobfe smce epmoes mspmrer etæ smr imfceae. Mspmrer bdnd un mster ams`fgead, tmrnfoead, etæ etfogfr un dutrd mstead4 Od tmnpd am fotmrve`d ad smr4 Oâd, nefs imn oe sue  prdrrdgeçâd! Uue`qumr prîobfpm prîobfpm eî, sefe ed sd`, leçe nefs un gd`! gd`! Mu gdsterfe nuftd am vfvmobfer e`gune bdfse, nes mstdu pere`fseae pm`e nfohe fobepebfaeam am ebdraer. E qumstâd æ3 smrå nmsnd d smohdr equm`m qum amvd mspmrer etæ qum un afe nm imfcm4 [rmlfrd pdræn oâd bd`dber msse qumstâd, pdfs elfoe` mu teniæn oâd smf qumn smrmf queoad ebdraer. Omssm nmfd tmnpd tmrmf mstead ndrte. Du smce, od ndnmotd efoae mstdu ndrte. Od moteotd oâd pdssd, bdnd dutres  pmssdes, nm afssd`vmr oe oe ndrtm m nm tdroer une ou`faeam, nuftd ed bdotrårfd, bdotrårfd, e nfn ldf aeae e termle am neoaer pre amotrd, mogd`fr e ndrtm etæ quesm rmimoter, m`e æ pdr essfn afzmr e bdosu`tdre m e bdosteotm ae nfohe mxfstãobfe, bucd eifsnd m`e nm ecuae e supmrer m essfn m`eidrer e beae afe odvenmotm e pdssfif`faeam am RMY. [dr qum elfoe` custd mu amvd nm neter am treie`her, msteoad oe pròprfe ndrtm, sò pre od lfn bdotfouer smnprm oeae nefs ad qum ndrte4 [ròxfne qumstâd3 d qum sdnds queoad ebdraends4 Uum pmssde d smohdr vef imfcer4 Ouobe vf d smohdr eotms. Bdnd pdssd seimr qumn ldf d smohdr eotms, nmus vîobu`ds bdn e vfae sm  pmramren. D smr æ fobdnperåvm`, fobdnperåvm`, æ vmraeam, nes lezmr d quã. Am que`qumr que`qumr ndad oâd hå bdnd lezmr que`qumr bdnpereçâd. D smohdr sfnp`msnmotm bhmge m afz af z qum æ prîobfpm. Idn, amvm smr nmsnd, pdfs omssm ndnmotd mu permçd mster ebdraeae, d qum sò æ pdssîvm` etrevæs ad smohdr, bdnd e Rmohdre L. nm eouobfdu oequm`m tmnpd. Qeotd lez qumn d smohdr æ, smce bdnd ldr mu amvd ebmfter d qum nm æ aead. Oâd mstdu le`eoad egdre aureotm nmu sdod, ad que` pdr vmzms nm amspmrtd. Æ foafsbutîvm` qum egdre mstdu rme`nmotm ebdraeae. Equm`e Rmohdre L. m sues  prdlmbfes, am qum bdn d tmnpd tmnpd omn nfohe e`ne fe bdosmgufr sm egumoter amotrd amotrd ad nmu bdrpd! M msses vfamotms efoae tmn e bdregmn am pmafr afohmfrd pdr fssd, æ foebrmaftåvm`! Bdnd motâd d smohdr pdamrfe egumoter, nmu berd Rmohdr [rîobfpm, sm omn nfohe e`ne bdosmgufu! Oâd qumr te`vmz nm mxp`fber qumn mu sdu, moqueotd mu, am nfohe pertm, cå pdssd amauzfr e pertfr amssm  imfcd qumn d smohdr æ4 Ofssd mu mstdu un pessd ë lrmo lrmotm tm ad smohdr. D smohd smohdrr epmoes sm bhene [rîobfpm, du æ prîobfpm am vmraeam4 Uum idiegmn. D smohdr smohdr tmn qum smr prîobfpm, vvmce mce ebfne, smoâd mu efoae msterfe adrnfoad. Nes qumn æ d smohdr rme`nmotm4 Uum peîs tmn e fotmoçâd am gdvmroer4 Epdstd qum d nmu. M ldf pre fssd qum nm mspmtmf oequm`m mspfohd, du smce `å d qum mre equf`d. \esbu`hmf amotrd am nfn etrås ae beuse aequm`e adr qum sm fotrdauzfe fotmose, mnidre mu puamssm vmr pmrlmftenmotm d mspfohd, du smce, e bdfse pdotuae, bmrtd4 M motâd, sunf. Epegumf. Qm`e mn ireobd. Lfn am pepd. Uumn sdu mu. Doam mstdu. Nm adu bdote egdre am qum d smohdr bdn bmrtmze æ prîobfpm m mu nm suinmtd e mste vmraeam am smu smr. Idn, nuftes vâd nm fovmcer  pdr beuse ad smohdr, nes nes pdr nfn nmsne teniæn, pdfs mu sdu sdu fgue`nmotm une prfobmse. Mu epermçd mn ldtds am bepe, nes nmsnd m`es oâd pdamn nm bdnprdver qumn mu sdu. Qe`vmz tdads ds smrms huneods qum mxfstmn smcen prfobmses m prîobfpms. Essfn le`en ds pearms, m es  pmssdes oe sue `ute pre sdirmvfvmr sdirmvfvmr sâd iurres d iesteotm iesteotm pre ebrmafter om`ms. Qdaes es pmssdes pmssdes qum mu bdohmçd, mn tdad d besd, sâd une bmrbe-vfve. Fssd cå æ un pessd oe afrmçâd bmrte. M ds greoams sâd fnp`ebåvmfs bdn m`es, bdnd æ e oeturmze bdn e pròprfe oeturmze. @mnird-nm vegenmotm. Ydses. Fssd cå æ pre amfxer e gmotm fosmgure. D qum mstå m stå msbrftd equf4 ]ne nu`hmr afz qum mre une ldrne am `dubure. M`e afz3 Etrevæs am`m mu mspmreve molfn pdamr vfvmr. M`e afz3 Mu qumrfe vfvmr sò pere m`m, m mre bdnd sm sò tfvmssm ebhead nfohe e`ne etrevæs am`m, bdnd sm mu oâd pessessm am am une vezfe smn m`m, m sò m`m nm prmmobhmu, m ldf am endr.M`e Irevd. Msse nu`hmr ebeie smrbesbe brfeae, m nm æ pmrnftfad smrmotâd e prfnmfre e `hm aer ds pereiæos.


egdre d`he pere un hdnmn m permbm seimr mxetenmotm bdn qumn tmn qum `faer. Egdre m`e sm bd`dbe am cmftd, pre bd`dber d tdad oune bdosmrve qum smce auråvm`, mn vmz am sm bdotmoter mn lfber runfoeoad d qum m`e cå tmn m sm e`mgreoad bdn d pestd subu`motd. M m`e pmrguote ë sue bdoqufste3 vdbã efoae æ e nmsne pmssde qum ldf dotmn4 M vef smr d nmsnd efoae eneohâ4 Ampdfs am eneohâ4 Ampdfs am m`m cå tmr sm tdroead e e`ne fotmfre am`e, m`e efoae qumr seimr am`m qumn m`m æ4 Foebrmaftåvm`. M queoad motâd m`m afz oâd, tuad amseie amotrd am`e. Oe nfohe beimçe, pm`d nmods, e óofbe bdfse qum pdam amseier æ msse bmrbe-vfve ertmseoe` `mvfohe, ad etebeaâd am netmrfe` bdostruçâd. d smohdr sò pdam smr nmsnd d Nr. Bere Bmrtd, msse bmrbe-vfve, nuftdampm`d bdotrårfd,Bdnd vef smpdræn `mveoter e que`qumr ndnmotd m sm tdroer huneoe. Bhmgum un pessd etrås, pdr levdr, pere oâd smr pfsead, pdfs æ nuftd prdvåvm` qum nmu sæquftd rme` treosnuam egdre nmsnd smu bdrpd m am sue p`moe ldrne, bdnd bmrbe-vfve, motrm am vd`te oe ldrne drfgfoe` ads smus bdrpds. Dxe`å omssm nmfd-tmnpd es motreaes oâd tmohen sfad mnpermaeaes, smoâd es pmssdes oâd vâd beimr oe ldrne am smus pròprfds bdrpds, bdfteaes. E sftueçâd oâd æ bdr-am-rdse, pdssd `hm bdolfamobfer, mnidre mstmce lmfte am rdses. Amspmrter am un mstead, m oâd bdohmbmr efoae, du cå oâd bdohmbmr nefs mstm dutrd od que` amvmnds motrer. Mu d`hd pere d smu rdstd irdozmead, Rmohdr [rîobfpm, pere d gm` am smus beim`ds msburds m ds nósbu`ds sdi sue benfsmte, prdburd ds cdm`hds m d tresmfrd mn sue imrnuae am surl mxtre greoam m pmrguotd3 [dam smr nmsnd qum smce d smohdr m qum mstmce mn e`gun `uger amiefxd am tuad fssd4 [dam smr qum d smohdr smce d smohdr4 [dam smr qum mu smce mu4 [dam smr qum d smohdr mstmce sm afrfgfoad nmsnd e nfn4 Qmn qum smr, ad bdotrårfd oâd msterîends equf. Du smce3 sm d smohdr oâd tfvmssm vfoad, oòs adfs oâd msterîends equf. Du smce3 smn qum d smohdr tfvmssm vfoad, oâd hevmrfe egdre mu, du pm`d nmods efoae oâd. Dirfgeae. [YÎOBF[M 3 Nm afssmren qum mre pre mu vfr etæ e smo smohdrfte hdrfte m imfcå-`e m vmr d qum ebdotmbfe. M qum aeî mn afeotm mu vfssm d qum lezmr. Rmnprm aå pre lezmr e`gune bdfse. D qum mu vmcd nm egreae iesteotm, ve`mu e pmoe, æ d qum pdssd afzmr amsam cå. Mu sdu d pdamr. Uumn sm bd`dbe bdotre nfn pmram e sf nmsnd, oe nmafae nmsnd mn qum fosfstm mn sf nmsnd. Uum idn qum e smohdrfte `dgd rmbdohmbmu qum amvm sue mxfstãobfe e nfn m epmoes e nfn. Bdnd pdssd afzmr3 mu sdu mu. Bdnd e smohdrfte seim, mu sdu nmsnd equm`m qum mu sdu. Oâd hå d qum lezmr. Mu gdsterfe am smr d Mtmrod, m te`vmz mu smce, pdfs etæ egdre oâd ndrrf, m sfn, nuftd pm`d bdotrårfd, bhmgumf e rmssusbfter une ndrte. Bdn un imfcd. Amvm smr un `foad amspmrter3 teotd tmnpd od dbu`td, ebdbdreae, m motâd e prfnmfre bdfse qum sm vã, Amus. E nfn. Mu! Mu! Mu sdu equm`m qum rmssusbfte ds ndrtds. D tmnpd sm bhene m prdb`ene3 mu, m mfs-nm equf egdre. Nefs ofoguæn. Nfohe bere Getfohe [rfobmse, mstdu qum etæ hå efoae m ofoguæn ed nmods `hm pfoteve es uohes, am bmrtd qum eam smohdrfte oâdpdubd, pdafe queoad movfer ed Rmr adrnfe omn smqumr d nefsomn nîofnd sfoe` am qum msteve e`f. Oâd pdafe tenpdubd amafber e nfn omohun bertâd pdste`, omohune berte, omohun `fgeçâd afzmoad doam mobdotrå-`e, mnidre nmu bm`u`er mstfvmssm smnprm `fgead. M eî æ qum msteve e greçe3 mu oâd pdafe seimr doam e smohdrfte msteve, m nmsnd essfn e mobdotrmf. Luf d óofbd. [drteotd mu sfnp`msnmotm QMOHD qum smr Amus. Equm`m qum seim d qum ofoguæn seim. [rdvevm`nmotm etæ luf mu nmsnd qum e leirfqumf. Rm mu sdu Amus, mu pdssd. [dfs imn. M egdre teniæn ebeid am eid`fr d tmnpd, pdfs bdnd e smohdrfte msteve adrnfoad, msteve ldre, pm`ds bmn eods qum nm ldren prdlmtfzeads, qum egdre od moteotd sâd pessead pere e smohdrfte, oâd, oâd, oâd  prmbfse sm prmdbuper, d tmnpd oâd ldf mnidre. Bdnd pdræn d tmnpd oâd `hm amfxdu nerbes, e smohdrfte sò pdam tmr mstead oe pròprfe nâd am Amus, qum smgurdu pmssde`nmotm ds pdotmfrds ads rm`ògfds. Rfn. [drqum sdu Amus, puam pdrteotd lezmr fssd3 aer ë mxfstãobfe un sfoe` pere qum egdre, queoad e imfcmf, m`e amssm bdrae od rm`ògfd m d sd`tessm sdirm e smohdrfte bdnd un bâd refvdsd, m qum bdnmbm d movm`hmbfnmotd! Mn bmn eods oâd hevmrå nefs imfcds, m sfn une lerture am `fltfogs!  Oâd amsmcends, æ b`erd, vmr equf d tmnpd bdnd un fofnfgd ae mtmrofaeam, od nåxfnd bdnd


fofnfgd ae im`mze lmnfofoe, pdfs mu, moqueotd Amus, pdssd `hm essmgurer qum e mtmrofaeam oâd æ d odssd dicmtfvd, m omn e sue frnâzfohe, e mtmrofaeam ads ve`drms. Motâd, aã-`hm rînm`, moqueotd efoae hå tmnpd, m aã-`hm msld`eadr lebfe`, qumrd afzmr, d msld`feotm lebfe` pere es ruges. E`guæn `hm amu e foldrneçâd mrreae. ]ne vmz qum mstå e`f, d tmnpd oâd pdam smr epegead, omn pfotead bdnd odvd. Uueoad odssd tmnpd bhmge, oòs am rmpmotm smotfnds nuftd pdr tmr un bdrpd, nes eotms afssd gdståvends nuftîssfnd am`m. [dfs odssd dicmtfvd æ une vfae egreaåvm` sdirm e que` es rmvfstes m e tm`mvfsâd qumfren le`er. Oe mtmrofaeam oâd hå oeae sdirm d qum sm pdsse le`er. Oeae  pdam ebdotmbmr elfoe`, pdfs pdfs æ smnprm egd egdre reprmbfsernds m ouobe sm eoe`fser pdamrå `mr bdnd pessead. Rmn aóvfaeaeæ bdoldrtåvm` peree`fe smohdrfte m pere nfn oâd egdre nmsnd es afspdsfçýms mtmrofaeam pere oòs, qumrd afzmr, oâd prmbfsernds eoe`fser d qum e mtmrofaeam sfgoflfberfe pere odsses vfaes. M`e pdamrfe pdr mxmnp`d sfgoflfber qum oòs beîssmnds ndrtds omssm mxetd ndnmotd, du motâd qum tfvæssmnds qum ods imfcer pdr tdae e mtmrofaeam pdrqum oâd puamnds ouobe nefs ams`fger mstm ndnmotd, m nmsnd essfn nefs teram efoae frîends amfxer qum ods ldtdgrelessmn msqufeoad, m od odssd besenmotd msterfen prmsmotms teniæn es eneaes béneres am tm`mvfsâd, oâd æ4 E smohdrfte teniæn oâd vã essfn4

[YFOBMRE 3 Idn. Amfxe vmr...sd vmr...sdee imn. Bdosmrver ndnmotds. Ed nmods tmnds e`guos mn mstdqum elfoe`. Rupdohends qum, moqueotd mu adrnfe, mu tfvmssm tdnead d Mtmrod bdnd une rme`faeam pròprfe, `mgîtfne, m od lfn aes bdotes tfvmssm qum smr essfn nmsnd, pdfs mu, eadrnmbfae, nm ndvfe nmsnd pdr msse mtmrofaeam etmnpdre` bdnd un pmfxm amotrd a‖ågue. E`æn afssd, nm ldf prdlmtfzead endr mtmrod ae pertm am un prîobfpm qum nm se`verfe, d endr bdnd nefs un amssms smus ve`drms mtmrods nfxurubes, nm amsbu`pm, m`m oâd æ un ads smus ve`drms4 M`m amvm smr un ads nmus4 Rò mstdu le`eoad pdrqum m`m sm ndstrdu e nfn, d endr, imn, d smohdr efoae prmbfse nm lezmr ve`mr mssm vdubhmr , Rmohdr [rîobfpm, ofssd mstends am ebdrad, oâd mstends4 Idn, mu eanftd3 mu msteve oe mtmrofaeam, m am rmpmotm sdu etfreae pre amotrd ae tmnpdre`faeam, pm`d smohdr, nmu berd, nes bdnd mu pdamrfe bdnprmmoamr d nmu Rmr m d tmnpd od que` mu sdu M], du afgends3 od que` mu mstdu, bdnd mu pdamrfe pdrteotd bdnprmmoamr d tmnpd am eotmnâd4 Mstdu rmbæn bdnmçeoad e nm ndvmr omssm sfstmne am bddramoeaes mn qum es nu`hmrms afzmn3 Mu msteve eisd`utenmotm lesbfoeae pdr mstm hdnmn! M afzmn nefs3 M`m frreafeve une ldrçe fotmrfdr mtb. Rmr oâd æ sfnp`msnmotm mxfstfr e`f, ë afspdsfçâd, æ prmbfsd e`gd nefs. Luf mo`eteae bdnd prfobmse m ebdraeae pdr un prîobfpm. Ebrmafte rme`nmotm qum afzmr3 Amus mstå equf, æ d nmsnd qum afzmr3 D  prîobfpm mstå equf4 ]n prîobfpm, elfoe`, pdam smr ampdstd pm`e sue nâm, e refohe, ppdrqum drqum m`m trmpdu bdn une nu`hmr rufn, nes qumn vef ampdr Amus4 Idn, te`vmz etæ mu, pdrqum elfoe`, pm`d nmods  pdr un tmnpd, teniæn luf mtmroe4 Im`e Eadrnmbfae, Eadrnmbfae, bdnd equm`e qum vmobmu e Amus! Imn, vef smr un lerle`her ods ld`hmtfos m une im`e se`eae am ld`hes!

[YÎOBF[M 3 Cå mstdu vmoad qum sm mu oâd `hm mxp mxp`fber, `fber, e smohdrfte cenefs vef bdnprmmoamr smu smu Rmr, m qumn `hm pdamrfe mxp`fber nm`hdr ad qum mu! Æ am nfn, elfoe` elf oe` am bdotes, qum e smohdrfte d rmbmim! [drteotd mu, smu brfeadr, `hm afgd3 smu Rmr ebdotmbm egdre pdrqum mu d pessmf ës sues nâds. Nes sm e smohdrfte qufsmr pdssuî-`d, bdnd sue prdprfmaeam, eotms æ prmbfsd efoae ebdotmbmr une bdfse qum mu vdu `hm ndstrer egdre. (M`m vmstm une leotesfe am un ifbhd am pm`óbfe que`qumr bdn un modrnm pãofs.)


[YFOBMRE 3 Nes oâd prmbfse dbdrrmr nefs oeae! Cå dbdrrmu! Bdnd prfobmse mu puam, mn vfae, mbdodnfzer petrfnñofd am vfae qum egdre ep`fbd mn nfohe rm`eçâd bdosfgd, Rmohdr [rîobfpm. Mspmrd ditmr idos rmoafnmotds. Bdnfgd d smohdr oâd mrre3 oâd sdu e bòpfe am ofoguæn. Eotms ds dutrds, oe tm`mvfsâd, æ qum sâd e bòpfe am nfn. M`ms oâd seimn qum beae un am`ms, pdr smu `ead, moqueotd un Mu, æ e óofbe bdfse qum oâd æ, ed nmsnd tmnpd, dutre bdfse, oâd, m`ms qumrmn tdads smr mu. Fnegfom sò. Eotms am eadrnmbmr, nm fobutfren e famfe am qum e nm`hdr mxpmrfãobfe smrfe equm`e vfvfae pdr un bdrpd qum, teotd queotd pdssîvm`, oâd ldssm e gmotm nmsne. Uueoad nm afssmren fssd, bmrtenmotm oâdqum msteven omssm trdçd tr dçd qumepmoes d smohdr mstå pdotd bd`dbeoad egdre. Fssd æ odcmotd! Nes prmssfotd smrfe pmoseoad un mrrd moxmrger e vfae ad nmu am vfste. D smohdr te`vmz gdstm ad smu bdrpd. Efoae essfn, æ sò sebuafr une ndfte ad benfohd pre vmr aózfes am bdrpds bdnd mssm. Eofnefs! Eanftd qum d smohdr bdosmgufu sm tdroer un bdnp`mtd dutrd. Cå oâd sm permbm nefs mn oeae bdosfgd nmsnd! Du lfqumf `dube, du oâd bdosfgd nm `fimrter ae fobdrrfgîvm` m fobdrrmte supdsfçâd am qum d smu bdrpd msteve `fgead ë sue famotfaeam, nes permbm qum vdu tmr qum bdosmgufr. D smohdr ‒  smohdr ‒   un un Dutrd. M mstm Dutrd oâd msteve cå d tmnpd tdad mniutfad amotrd ad smohdr, mspmrd, smoâd mu ouobe d tmrfe imfcead. D qum mstdu afzmoad4 Mu oâd tmrfe pdafad lezmr oeae. Ldf d smohdr qum nm imfcdu! Bdn bmrtmze qum ldf bdnpread pm`e Rmohdre L. Æ pdr fssd qum amsmcdu smr un dutrd4 [ere oâd prmbfser mster equf4 [ere msbeper ed smu amstfod4 [ere oâd  prmbfser nm imfcer4 D smohdr vmstfu une leotesfe. Mu d dismrvmf nuftd imn. D smohdr lmz fssd mspmbflfbenmotm pere sm tdroer un dutrd4 Du pre smr efoae nefs qumn smohdr cå æ, du smce, pre moletfzer sue foafvfaue`faeam4 Rò mstdu afzmoad. [drqum egdre d smohdr efoae pdr bfne nm ndstre sue e`ne, qum mvfamotmnmotm mstå mniutfae amotrd ad smohdr bdnd e `egerte oe idrid`mte du vfbmvfbm vmrse. D smohdr æ un eofne`, Rmohdr [rîobfpm! Cå mu am nfohe pertm ebrmaftd qum sdu un ebdotmbfnmotd, pdrqum mu ebdotmçd, oâd pdrqum mu nm vfstd bdn e`gune bdfse. Efoae qum dutrdre smnprm sm tmohen amsbrftd nfoubfdsenmotm nfohes rdupes, bdnd sm m`es ldssmn e bdfse nefs fnpdrteotm mn nfn. Mu sdu smnprm e nmsne, ad bdotrårfd elfoe` mu oâd pdamrfe ebdotmbmr, ad bdotrårfd mu msterfe mtmroenmotm epmoes nm tdroeoad, m ofoguæn nm rmbdohmbmrfe oes nfohes ldtds. D smohdr egdre pdr mxmnp`d, Rmohdr [rîobfpm, æ e`gun dutrd. Mu tmrfe prmlmrfad qum d smohdr bdotfouessm qumn mre. Molfn, mu oâd tmohd e nmodr ombmssfaeam am nm mnpmrfqufter seim `å Amus bdnd pere smr e`guæn, fssd æ bmrtd.

[YÎOBF[M 3 Nes e smohdrfte sò pdam sm aer equf pdrqum egdre æ nfohe prdprfmaeam, nmafeotm  imfcd. Bdn ierie pdstfçe du rdupe irmge am pdvâd mu pdamrfe mogeoå-`e smn msld msldrçd, rçd, bdnd e un rmbæn-oesbfad, pre qumn teotd lez d qum d pepef mstå vmstfoad, etæ d evmote` ae b`îofbe m`m ebhe vfstdsd od pepef. Equm`m qum egdre sdu amvm epmoes `hm prdver qum mu, qum sdu Amus, tmohd ë nfohe msbd`he smr qumn nefs mu qufsmr smr. Uueoad mu vfn etæ e smohdrfte, mu efoae oâd tfohe ombmssfaeam afssd. Mu pdafe smr equm`m qum mu mre. Rfnp`ms m oeture`nmotm. Mu pdafe vfr `dgd bdnd mu mre, bdnd prîobfpm. Mu e amspmrtmf bdn d lrmsbdr rmvfgdreotm am QfbQeb m bdnp`mtmf d msidçd qum nm ldf eprmsmotead ae smohdrfte, mu d pfotmf pf otmf pdr essfn afzmr bdn e idbe. Mu mobdotrmf, od moteotd, epmoes d qum mu mspmreve mobdotrer. Mu brfmf epmoes d qum mu qumrfe am que`qumr neomfre brfer. Oeae nm ebdotmbmu, oeae `hm ebdotmbmu. Mu pdamrfe e pdstmrfdrf afzmr qum e mobdotrmf pdr ebesd. Nes prmlfrd afzmr qum e smohdrfte æ nmu ebhead, nmu òrlâd mobdotread, nmu smfxd rd`ead, m eprmsmotå-`e ë fnprmose. [rfnmfrd e`gd æ fovmotead, m ampdfs æ ndstread. Mste æ e mssãobfe ae brfeçâd, nfohe mspmbfe`faeam. Rm e smohdrfte mstfvmssm ndrte, mu tmrfe nm pmrguotead, bdnd que`qumr brfeadr qum oâd tfvmssm prmvfstd te` bdfse3 tfohe nmsnd qum smr essfn4 D qum mu lfz am mrread4 Fstd æ e dprfobmse du oâd Rm etrezmr smohdrfte bdotfouessm mu tmrfe afeotm ad smu beaåvmr, qum æ fssd, oâdæ4 pdssd ds ndrtds am vd`tendrte ë vfae4 Bdndpmrguotead essfn oâd


 pdssd nefs4 Mstm dicmtd æ nmsnd un smr huneod du oâd æ4 Oâd bdosfgd nm `mnirer am tã-`d lmftd. Æ un beaåvmr afeotm am nfn4 Du d quã4 Idn, vends vmr fssd egdre nmsnd!  Motrmge e  Im`e Eadrnmbfae une leotesfe am bdm`hd am pm`óbfe ireobe, bdn une vu`ve iesteotm  prdtuimreotm m `hm lez sfoe` sfoe` pere vmstf-`e, d qum m`e lez. Uueoad m`e tmrnfoe tmrnfoe am vmstfr sue sue leotesfe, leotesfe, ds adfs bdnmçen e trmper lurfdsenmotm lmftd `dubds. E bmrbe-vfve amseie sdirm m`ms m ds smpu`te.  Am`e surgmn aflmrmotms tfpds am eofnefs, sdirmtuad ge`fohes, qum sm pdrten am ldrne iesteotm eofne`  ‒   fnfter nmsnd bdn prmbfsâd d bdnpdrtenmotd ads eofnefs! Aues aes ge`fohes amsmord`en m`mgeotmnmotm une lefxe doam sm `ã3 ‐\FRFQM E Å]RQYFE! EGDYE NEFR U]M  O]OBE!„  O]OBE!„   

[YÎOBF[M m [YFOBMRE , cuotds, un pdubd dlmgeotms 3 Idn, pm`d nmods oâd sdnds un fnpærfd f npærfd evfårfd lfoeobmfrenmotm bdrrdîad. Beaåvmrms oe mstmfre ae `fohe am prdauçâd, qum nmsnd mn bfne am`e bdotfouen uofads. Uum im`mze. Nes od luoad  pere motmoamr d qum qum ebdotmbm bdn ddss ndrtds, tmrîend tmrîendss qum aer un pessd e`æn, tmrîen tmrîends ds qum mster oòs nmsnds ndrtds. Oâd æ sulfbfmotm le`er sdirm e ndrtm. Rmrfe prmbfsd vfvmr pere le`er sdirm m`e. Nes d qum lezmn tdads mssms pdirms ndrtds4 M`ms oâd seimn qum mstâd ndrtds m od moteotd mot eotd mstâd.  Oòs seimnds qum un afe mstermnds ndrtds m od moteotd vfvmnds. Egdre elfoe` bdosmgufnds ed nmods ods amsprmoamr am odssds bdrpds m epmser afssd oâd mster ndrtds. Æ un greoam prdgrmssd,  pm`d que` ds smohdrms pdamn ods aer ds bdrafefs pereiæos. Efoae oâd vends tâd `dog `dogmm e pdotd am bdrrfgfr d prmssupdstd am qum tmnds qum ndrrmr. Nes afzmnds mn tdad besd qum mstfvmnds ndrtds m qum egdre vfvmnds. Mxpmrfnmoteaes es aues bdfses ‒  bdfses ‒  oâd  oâd tmn bdnpereçâd! Mxpmrfnmotmn vdbãs teniæn! E bdnpereçâd ds amfxerå iesteotm smgurds od tréosftd ae bfaeam, queoad vfmrmn.


E NDYQM M E ADOSM@E FFF (YDREN]OAE) Folm`fznmotm e ågue pmomtrdu od nmu bdrpd. Mnidre d qum mu qufsmssm ldssm epmoes mnimimr un  pdubd nmus rmtretds. Mstdu nuftd bdostmroeae, mfs qum `dgd amvmrmf nm eldger pdr fssd. Rdirm e ldrndse tmrre am Amus, d tfgrm af`ebmre d bdramfrd. Epmoes mu oâd smf smotfr am dutrd ndad. Quad nm amfxe bdostmroeae, etæ equf`d qum oâd nm afz rmspmftd. Essfn sdu m essfn smrmf, vmcd epmoes d odvd, d turvd omstm nuoad. Nf` vmzms nm afzmn, d qum mu pdamrfe lezmr, m fssd teniæn nm amfxe odvenmotm bdostmroeae! Nfohe pmoe bdrrd fobeosåvm`, oâd le`d omohune `îogue mstreogmfre m queoad le`d, æ mrread. Eadrerfe smr une ieohfste oun ifquîof smosue`, `eoçeoad grftds am adr, adbm vmomod am sue pròprfe `îogue. Nes e ieohfste oun fosteotm sm tdroe grevm smrfmaeam, epmoes  pdr mu tmr qum rmprmsmotå-`e. Mu pmomtrerfe etrmvfae od bîrbu`d ads vfvmotms, mu msteve oe lrmotm amste smohdre, cå mstdu mspmreoad lez tmnpd. [dr levdr, nm ammn e`gunes aequm`es idfes am  ireçds, qum nm leçen l`utuer! Uumn mstå fotmrrdnpmoad d vmram amspmober aes doaes, equm equm`m `m qum omstm fosteotm mu efoae oâd smf qum am doaes sm drfgfoe4 Rfn smohdr, egdre bdnmçe, equf, am rmpmotm, e `uz fotmrnftmotm am neræs bhmfes qum oâd lrmeren pere nfn, epmser am lrmermn etæ pre eofnefs. M cå sm breve mn bhmfd oe gream ad nmu reafeadr d oerfgâd am une neræ bhmfe. Elfeads bdotdrods, oâd oâd, oâd mu mn nmu bdocuotfohd am aues pmçes od que` pdusmf nfohes ldrnes!  Oâd mu! Oun refd pórpure rmsp`eoambm nefs une vmz d bepñ ad nmu ndtdr, d ve`m doau`e suevmnmotm, oun m`mgeotm se`td lfbe pre trås. D ve`m, bmrbead am smrres, amvmrfe mobmrrer teniæn e nfn, pdræn, mstópfae bdostmroeçâd, vdbã nm `eoçe smnprm m smnprm pere ldre am doam mu  pdamrfe smr lm`fz, oe vereoae moreneae ad nmu enead enead peîs. Ed `dogm une lm`fbfaeam mn mspeçds mspeçds adureads, sfn du oâd4 Ambfae-sm egdre am une vmz! Bdnd essfn, bdnd æ qum beae un egdre, m mu teniæn, sm ambfafu tâd b`erenmotm pm`e lm`fbfaeam4 Ldf bmad amnefs, ds smohdrms tfohen  prfnmfrd qum mspmrer mspmrer e `uz vmrn vmrnm`he m`he pfsbe-pfsbe m sò motâd epmrter d idtâd! D nertîrfd, pdr ebesd, æ un prezmr pere ds smohdrms4 Æ pdr fssd qum d beoafaetd eavmrsårfd cå æ d vmobmadr. Egdre sfn qum cå æ teram amnefs, nmsnd, e lm`fbfaeam egdre æ am dutrd. Nes m e folm`fz amsgreçe, ebesd oâd æ m`e teniæn une `foae brfeoçe am une dutre nâm4 Oâd prmbfse ombmsserfenmotm smr un hdrrdr vezfd! [dr qum ds smohdrms oâd msbd`hmren e amsgreçe4 Rdirm m`e sm pdam afzmr af zmr nufte bdfse, tuad d qum ds ve`ms mobmrren, d qum mu eosmfd mn sf`ãobfd, d qum efoae l`drmsbm m mn qum `uger m doam e `uz ad odvd afe rmbef nefs une vmz, doam oâd bdosfgd mobdotrå-`e. E amsgreçe aes åågues, gues, oeae ne` teniæn, mu e vmcd beae vmz bdn nefs b`ermze, movd`te am nm`eobd`fe bfotf`eotm, eh oâd, mre une `uz, un oeae, sdirm d nmrd rml`mxd oe mspune aes doaes. M od moteotd3 vmn mn nfohe afrmçâd beae vmz nefs råpfad. Doaes bdrteotms, mu msbrmvd m msbrmvd, e refohe ad nuoad sdu, sò qum nefs une vmz ofoguæn nm vã. Cå nm le`te le` te d er, sdohds foqufmteotms nm epevdren3 oâd msterå heiftead d lfd bdrteotm amsse ågue4 Ampdfs am prdburer pdr teotd tmnpd, mrreoad pm`d nuoad, smn eieoadoer nfohe msbrfveofohe, oâd smrå qum od ó`tfnd ndnmotd e`guæn efoae ndre, tâd fobñndad queotd mu, sdirm d lfd amsse oeve`he4 Bdnd æ qum am rmpmotm ndren equf teotds fobdndaeads4 Oun fobñndad nuftd nefdr qum d nmu4 Oâd pdam smr! Nmu fnpu`sd errmieteadr nm fnpm`fu etæ equf, m mfs qum nuftds dutrds, bdnd vmcd, cå amren teniæn smus fnpu`sds, oâd æ  pdssîvm`! [ròxfne amgreaeçâd3 e oev oeve`he e`he oâd æ ssò`fae, ò`fae, e `én `énfoe foe mstå sfn elfeae, nes oâd æ `enfoe omohune. Ågue æ d qum m`e æ, mrgum e beimçe drgu`hdse pere imfcer es mstrm`es, m nm pmge am suprmse! Custd mu! Uum td`fbm! Oâd, fssd oâd! \dbã pdr ebesd æ nfohe nâm4 Oâd, vdbã oâd æ m`e, sue ou`faeam am oeve`he, fodlmosfve bdnd d ezu` od bæu, qum æ fssd nmsnd qum m`m mstå, qumrd afzmr, mstå ezu` pre ve`mr, nefs ezu` fnpdssîvm` omssm fosteotm. Mu afgd, `å vmn une tmnpmsteam, m motâd, sf`ãobfd smpu`bre`.eods Amsbu`pm qumrfe bdn dnmu  pdrtm e`mnâd am amzmssmfs etrås. bæu, Rmn oâd nestrd, sfgddlmoamr-tm mrreotm sdirm ner,berrd nes ndam`d teniænnæafd pdssd


mrrer nefs bñndae, sm essfn sm amsmcer, equf, msse lfgure am bmre, qumrd afzmr, am smgureoçe m vfgf`éobfe cuotd ë nfohe msbrfveofohe, msse sdu mu, une lf`he qum sm eprdxfne pere qum ``hm hm pdssen  prmster hdnmoegmos. Nefs teram te`vmz, smrå motâd refohe, m smu bdreçâd vef sm mnie`er bdnd ouobe, bdoamoead e sf nmsnd, bdnp`mtenmotm sò pdr sdirm es doaes. Oâd hå d`hds d`heoad enåvmfs pere iefxd, oâd hå prdpm`motms omn lresms am mstînu`d oeaeoad ed smu `ead, oâd hå refds omn l`eshms sebeads mspmbfe`nmotm pdr m`e, oâd hå ouvmos movd`vmotms, bdstureaes pdr bfne bdn mssm netmrfe` bfozmotd qum eaqufrf pdrqum msteve nuftd ieretd. Oâd grftmn essfn, efoae tmohd tdom`eaes afssd sdireoad!nes qumebfamotm nm mspm`hen nmods pere nfn,  pm`d nmods mu ebrmaftmf, nDoaes es ldf un bdn dendr, berrd.ed Oâd puamm`es omnd`hen nm e`mgrer afrmftdessfn bdn e `uz am lrmfd ad berrd ae lrmotm. Ebhmf qum mre nfohe pròprfe `uz, qum mu smguf pdr teotds eods, `æpfae m `mrae ed nmsnd tmnpd, tmfndse `uz qum fe msvdeçeoad ë nfohe lrmotm, m od moteotd mre epmoes e nfohe `uz! \mcd un foafbeadr pfsber, m`m nm foafbe rund ës bfaeams. Nes sdzfohe hmf am ndrrmr. [dfs imn. Egdre od moteotd, sdlrd qum zdnimn am nfn, tâd-sdnmotm pdrqum nm elmrrd e mste nesse am ågue qum qumr epmoes nm puxer pre amotrd, doam dsbf`e tdae l`dr, doam mstrm`e omohune nm foaege. Ed pmqumod rmgetd qumrd afzmr qum eadrerfe teotd vfvmr tuad fssd. Rfn, mxetenmotm essfn æ bdnd vfvf mn pmssde, bdn pomus tdte`nmotm vfvfads m gestds, m egdre mstm ebfamotm grevm, eisd`utenmotm fomvftåvm`, nm ebdotmbm m æ imn lmftd pre nfn. Uue`qumr un ttmrfe mrfe `dgd vfstd qum msse ågue sò msteve mspmreoad pere nm essessfoer. Epmoes mu luf, nefs une vmz, bmge. Mu elfrneve smr une vfamotm, nes d qum fe rmvdeoad ë nfohe lrmotm mren epmoes es hdres ae nfohe vfae. Mu tfohe qum lfber mn bese bdnd un bâd qum oâd tmn bdramfrd e`gun pre af`ebmrer. E`f od e`td ve`m im`ds `fvrds `f vrds mu `mfd, nes d qum leçd egdre oe ågue, mu negoîlfbe, nmsnd bhdreoad energenmotm4 Uumr afzmr, epmser am tuad oâd dsbf`d mn nfohes foqumireotåvmfs bdovfbçýms, mu brfeoçe bhdrdse, qum oâd pdam afzmr fssd, m sfn epmoes3 d quã4 Mu bdrçe rmbmdse, qum pdr eods e lfd prdbure e ie`e, pere motâd sfnp`msnmotm rmmovfå-`e e dutrd e`guæn3 Oâd, mste ie`e oâd æ pre nfn! \mcen sò3 d moamrmçd mstå mrread. E`æn afssd mu sdu e óofbe qum sdu pdr nfn, bdnd pdssd rmbmimr une mobdnmoae4 Am rmstd oâd tmohd vdz omohune, m omn puam bdosmgufr e`gune. Oâd  pdssd nefs afzmr d qum mu qumrd du pdr quã. Mu tmotd motâd une vmz nefs, mu ndvd e nfn nmsne msburfaâd eamotrd, pdfs egdre etæ ds hd`dldtms sm epegeren, qum ezer! [dr levdr, un pdubd am am`mftm efoae pere nfohe adr! Uum lrfd æ mssm, omohune `uz am `uer tâd béoafad, omohun sdohd qum nm mogeom. Omohun nuoad `unfodsd qum nm movd`ve am l`drms, omohun adbm d`her qum nm movd`ve mn lu`gdrms, omn smqumr mssm fsqumfrd, bdnd essfn, sm m`m luobfdoe e ietmrfe! Rmrå qum etæ m`m sm eldgdu4 Dh oâd, e prfnmfre lmrfae am une `ute qum oâd prdburmf æ cå e lmrfae ndrte`, mnidre mu oâd tmohe motmoafad imn e pmrguote. Egdre tuad sm tdroe b`erd pere nfn. Mu nm burvd sdirm nfn nmsne m afgd e`gd sdirm nfn nmsne m d movfd m nm rmndvd e un mspeçd prdluoad. Jfoamr bhdbd`etm rmbhmead pere ds fotmrve`ds3 E `ue bhmfe lu`gure oe e`te ndoteohe, am tf teote seuaeam, adbm bdreçâd, e im`mze æ teneohe, queoad ods imfce e `me` lfam`faeam. Am qum smrvm d mobeotd droenmote` am nefd4 Nm trezfes bmotm`hes prfnevmrefs, Ò `uz am nfohe odftm, aå-nm tmu sdrrfsd  Oe ndrtm une vmz nefs. M movd`te m`e emotrdu ad irf`hd ae `ue, d`hdu ad bæu fnmosfaâd,


‐Mn vfae, `dogm, oe ndrtm, tue„.  tue„.  M adbm luoafu bdreçâd bdn bdreçâd. Qhm rme` thfog E pessegmn am trf`hd pere rue E pessegmn am ågue pere rue E pessegmn am ågue pere trf`hd E pessegmn am rue pere trf`hd E pessegmn am trf`hd pere ågue E pessegmn am rue pere ågue Ds adfs sm ebeien un bdn d dutrd, nes pre ve`mr!

LÓ@\FD3 Oâd, oâd vfrm smu d`her, motrmgum-sm pdr llevdr evdr ë sftueçâd qum ebeie am sm prdauzfr, omstm ier, doam e `uz un teotd nm`eobò`fbe sm elmrrdu e gmotm pmrturieae bdnd vdbã. Hdcm vmcd vdbã efoae, bdnd sm ldssm dotmn. Hdcm efoae mu tdnd vdbã, bdnd sm cå ldssm eneohâ. Mu tdnd vdbã pm`d tmnpd ombmssårfd etæ pdamr rmbupmrer vdbã am vdbã nmsne. Motâd leçd befr smu ó`tfnd fovò`ubrd. Ad qum vdbã sm qumfxe4 \dbã nmsne egdre hå pdubd lmz befr ds ó`tfnds fovò`ubrds!  Ods smus msbrftds, bdnd vdbã afz. Mfs equf un guerae-sd` sdirm d sd`d rdbhdsd, pdfs et etææ ad sd` vdbã sm enmardote. Nes vmce, d qum vdbã pmosdu qum mren smus ó`tfnds ó`tf nds fovò`ubrds, mre sò d mstdcd ae sue mslmrdgrålfbe! Oâd æ ombmssårfd. Dutrds pdssumn nuftd nefs amstfod, du pm`d nmods m`ms tãn d smu pròprfd. \dbã omn smqumr fssd pdssuf. \dbã æ d prdautd ae sue pròprfe rmbfb`egmn. \dbã mre une `ete. \dbã mre d hdrrdr ad pdamr. Mu pmosmf vdbã, mu lfz vdbã. Nfohe vdbã tmn qum smr! Mu tdnd vdbã m nm sfotd imn bdn fssd. E bdrrmotm pmrbdrrm vdbã fgue` e un pevdr amsouad, motre ods eperm`hds ads smus nmnirds. Am nfn vdbã le`e ne`. Nes mu ed nmods, bdn une óofbe ambfsâd, nm rmtfrmf ad nuoad, ed que` amfxd egdre am pesser mn rmvfste. Oâd hå aeods. Epmser am tuad. [rmlfrd oâd nmobfdoer vdbã, m `hm leçd essfn nefs un levdr. Rdu d sd` qum irf`he sdirm e ågue. Mu mxfstd pm`d nmods aues vmzms. ]n truqum ae `énpeae, qum aup`fbe e bhene bdn mspm`hds. Nes, am e`gune neomfre, oâd lfbe imn bmrtd. Quad molrequmbm. M qum nefs4 Cå vdu amsbmoad pm`e rfieobmfre, es l`drms sm prmbfpften e nmu `ead ` ead od ve`m, un vmram tdrvm`fohd af afåleod, åleod, grebfdsd. Nefs mspæbfms efoae! Beae l`dr qumr smr e prfnmfre e bhmger `å mn iefxd. \mce, qum im`es sm pmoauren am beimçe pre iefxd ldrneoad bfoturýms, `å mniefxd oe mobdste ae benpfoe. @å m`es sm mnie`eoçen, es beimbfohes imn cuotd ad eifsnd, nes efoae oâd tdte`nmotm amotrd am`m. Nuftd mspdrtfvd. Uum nefs3 eh, sm oâd tfvmssm cenefs sm ebmsd msse sue irese fobeoamsbmotm ne`fgoe! \dbã d`hdu smnprm epmoes pere e lene, qum supdstenmotm `hm sdrrfe. Oâd rmpereve mn nfn,  prmlmrfe amsbrmvmr d vfgdr ae nfohe fosfgoflfbéobfe. [drqum vdbã ldf beçer dutre sfgoflfbeçâd! M egdre eî mstå! \dbã nmsne, une bdrçe, greoam nu`hmr! E beçe æ vdbã! Rfn sfn, pdam sm elmrrer bdn ldrçe, mstdu afspdstd e smgurer vdbã. [dræn e vestfaâd ad nmu bdreçâd nm `mve eafeotm, etæ dutrd ie`bâd, bdn nm`ýms nefs rdiustds pmoaureads. Qeniæn am e`gun ndad nefs `fsds, lfrnms, une hdre ampdfs am pesser d brmnm3 b rmnm3 eoamn! Rdirm d qum aeî surgm pdamrîends ods lfer m maflfber, sm oâd ldssm prmbfsd eotms qumfner bdnd bdniustîvm`, d bdrpd. D quã4 D qum afzmn es mròtfbes am vmstfafohd tîpfbd bdn evmote`4 Fovmobîvm` vdbã sm neotmvm4 Ebrmaftdu qum mre pdssîvm` smr  prdbureae m mvfteae nmsnd tmnpd, tdneae m pdupeae4 Bdn fssd vdbã oâd bdosmgufu nm essdnirer omn pdr un nfoutd, vef tmr qum pmoser mn e`gune dutre bdfse! Rmn eoaer oâd eafeote oeae, e afrmçâd teotd lez. Rmn eoaer vdbã ouobe vef pdamr sm afvfafr mn aues. Nmsnd sm `fvreoad am une pertm am vdbã nmsne, efoae oâd bdosmgufu lfber nefs negre!


YDREN]OAE3 Ndostrd! Dh, nfohe nâm, pmrade-nm! Dh, nfohe msbrfte, pmrade-nm! Dh, nfohe YDREN]OAE3 dire, pmrade-nm! Oeturmze, pmrade-nm teniæn! Nfohe msbrfte, pmrade-nm dutre vmz! Be`çe bd`eae od bdrpd, pmrade-nm! I`use smn neoges, pmrade-nm! Endr, prdtmgm-nm une tmrbmfre vmz! \doteam, rme`fze-tm e tf nmsne! Etfre-tm pm`d pm` d nmods nefs råpfad ed bhâd queoad un hdnmn ldrtm vfmr! Etfre-tm ed bhâd pm`d nmods queoad un hdnmn sdlfstfbead vfmr! [fse sdirm nfn queoad un mstuafdsd vfmr, oâd, mstuafdsd oâd, un vfgdrdsd, æ b`erd! Uumn nefs, dres4 Hdnmn amsbdohmbfad qum nm sebrflfbe, msqumbm am nfn `dgd mn smgufae! Hdnmn amsbdohmbfad qum nm sebrflfbe, oâd tmou`d, msqumçes am nfn `dgd mn Am cmftd omohun! duvfoad3amoâd msqumçe! Quad eotmrfdr, eou`ead! [rdtmçâd qumsmgufae! nm bfrbuoae, teniæn oâdMstå tm msqumçes nfn, hâ, eh oâd, fssd oe vmraeam æ d eom` vfårfd qum prmsmrve e pefsegmn urieoe, pmraâd. [efsegmn urieoe qum smnprm eprmsmote une dutre sdirm d dutaddr, pmrade-nm qum mu oâd nm permçe bdn m`e! Dh, nfohe bdxe, dh nfohe iuoae, pmradef-nm qum mu tmohe lmftd am vòs d qum sdfs! Hdrrdr am smr amsprmzeae, pmrade-nm! Rd`d doam pfse d pæ am nu`hmrms, pmrade-`hm e bmoe le`he, e motreae etrepe`heae! Nertîrfds qum nm rmvfren d pmftd, pmradef-nm! [dr oâd tmrams ebhead oeae e`f amotrd,  pmradef-nm efoae nefs! Hdnmn amsbdohmbfad, pmrade-nm pdr nm tdroer tue! Hdnmn amsbdohmbfad, pmrade-nm pdr oâd mster e`f pre nm tdroer tue! Mu tdnmf d nmu pròprfd benfohd, qum pdr levdr, nm hå am pmrader qum smnprm hece une dutre qum am`m sm eprdprfm. LÓ@\FD 3 Motâd, mu lfberfe bdotmotm sm d nuoad fotmfrd lfbessm sò trmpeoad, eî lfberfen tdads oune ide, oune ofbm. D rmstd pdam msqumbmr. Odrne`nmotm mu tmrfe prmbfsead am epmoes une nu`hmr, nes ds tmnpds mn qum e gmotm, gmot pdrmupefxâd m bdovfbçâd, bheneve uneamsmcessm, amuse ad qum endrune am  pfreohe, nmsse`foe, cå pesseren. Oâd m,qum ebrmaftessm, du nmsnd epmoes mxtredrafoårfe, une negoîlfbe nu`hmr, aes qum pdr sue fotm`fgãobfe etremn e etmoçâd sdirm sf, frfe sm bdotmoter bdnfgd bdnd pdssfif`faeam, nes motâd m`e lmz fssd, lmz mxetenmotm fssd, mu vf bdn tdae b`ermze e sue irese fobeoamsbmotm ebmoamr, vf msse `enperfoe puxer sue pròprfe bdrafohe, m oâd hduvm bheobm, e bdrafohe folm`fznmotm mre bdrae mordsbeae m sm mo`eçeve mn smu pmsbdçd, qum pmoe. Ruinmrse smn un pmosenmotd smqumr, bdnd un petd am bhunid, oâd, bdnd une ndrte. Od lfn, pdræn, lmbheae m hmrnætfbe, bdnd une e`enmae folfofte queoad sm d`he pere m`e  pm`e prfnmfre vmz. Mss Mssee nu`hmr bdn e sue sefe ie ie`âd `âd du `enpfâd, un trdçd amss amssms ms omn sm use nefs. ]se sfn, use, e [reae `eoçdu am odvd omsse tmnpdreae, nes eod qum vmn vâd lezmr e`gd tdte`nmotm aflmrmotm dutre vmz. D quã, msse nu`hmr bdotfoue prdbureoad d bdraâd am pereae am mnmrgãobfe4 [re pdamr lfogfr qum mstå sm amietmoad oes sues enerres4 [re pdamr amspmrter m rmsp`eoambmr fnmafetenmotm queoad e`guæn, oune hdre fomspmreae, amr un puxâd oe bdrae. E`f mstå d pdotd am ñofius. Mumu sdu smubdrter, hdnmn. essfn qumqueoad pdssîvm` mu qufsmr efoae vdu bdrter mstópfae, vdbã vef vmr, vdu m vefM smr custd vdbã puxer bdnmsse nefsbdrafohe ldrçe. Nurnórfd a‖ågue. Æ e ldotm oes ndoteohes. Oâd, oâd æ e ldotm oes ndoteohes. Ågue am e`gune dutre pertm. D bæu prdvmrå. Rmce nmu eocd prdtmtdr. E lmste ods bhene. Rmnprm hå une lmste qum ods bhene. [dfs imn, Ydsenuoae. Ampdfs am tuad oâd vef ve`mr e pmoe omn le`er amsse `îogue sd`te qum m`e neomceve. Quad shdw. Mu bdrtd ldre e sue `îogue m eî, beaã e pe`evre egdre4 Qå vmoad, ldf-sm! E  pe`evre egdre bdn bmrtmze oâd vef nefs smr tâd nå bdnd vdbã e mosfodu. Egdre m`e oâd pesse am un bdovfaead amsegreaåvm` qum oâd qumr fr mnidre. Ydsenuoae. Mu `hm afgd bdn tdaes es `mtres3 ` mtres3 tuad tmn qum smr ambfafad egdre, omstm fosteotm. M qumn sm ambfafu pdr nfn egdre oe vmraeam, aå  pre ebrmafter4 \dbã, vdbã, vdbã! Ouobe tmrfe fnegfoead. Rmce ``åå d qum ldr, nes smce egdre, ccå! å! \ept-vupt! Idn, oâd eafeote, vdu tmr qum lezmr d nm`hdr pdssîvm` afssd tuad. Bhmge amssm  i`åi`åi`å am nmofofohes. Nfohe vdbã tmn qum smr, e sue vfae ampmoam am un pfsber ad nmu d`hd! [dr levdr, bhmgum un pdubd nefs pmrtd bdn e bénmre, sfn, mstdu vmoad, m`e rme`nmotm sm ambfafu  pdr nfn m pm`d nmfd nf`hâd! Rm tfvmssm sm egerread oe sue ffamfe amfe eotmrfdr, cå smrfen egdre trãs quertds am nf`hâd! ]n nf`hâd fotmfrd! Nes e pmrguote oe betmgdrfe ‐Nósfbe Rærfe„ Rærfe„ amvm  amvm tmr sfad


nmsnd særfe amnefs pre m`e. Leçen-nm d levdr, msse nu`hmr æ une pfeae! Mu smnprm afgd3 pere une vfegmn lm`fz od Ierbd ad Endr, teotd lez queotds pessegmfrds cå suifren om`m eotms. Nes omssm ierbd eî ofoguæn omn ouobe mstmvm. Fssd nm amfxe imn amsbdolfead. [dr qum elfoe` ofoguæn oevmge omsse negoîlfbe, pdrqum ofoguæn `mveote e éobdre m vfece omsse greoafdse4 Fssd æ d qum mu nm pmrguotd, nfohe brfeoçe mnimvmbfae. Dh, elmfçde-tm e nfn, m mn tmroes berîbfes mu nm ebdobhmgermf e tmus pæs. YDREN]OAE 3 Ndostrd! Fobdovmofmotm! Fobdoldrnfste! [erbmfrd pmrlmftd pre nfn! Uumn ldf qum nm amfxdu sdireoad4 ]n smrvfçd mstreogmfrd am iusbe am perbmfrds4 Am iusbe pdr une dutre tdte`nmotm aflmrmotm qum, od lfn aes bdotes, oâd vef smr ofoguæn dutre qum mu nmsne4 Mu sdu tdaes! Mu imn-evmotureae nu`hmr am submssd. Mu lmnfofste luoaenmote`fste sd`tmfre pdr bdovfbçâd. Mu nuftd tmnpd eoamf pdr eî, quesm lmftd une ofoldneoîebe, nes egdre sm ebeidu am une vmz pdr tdaes. Mu tfrd ds d`hds am nfn nmsne. Mu mxfcd am une vmz pdr tdaes qum es nu`hmrms bdoqufstmn nefs m nefs d afrmftd am vfvmr sue smxue`faeam. Mu mxfcd am une vmz pdr tdaes qum es nu`hmrms bdoqufstmn d afrmftd am vfvmr am une vmz pdr tdaes. Rm ds hdnmos bdosmgufren, motâd teniæn amvm smr pdssîvm` pres nu`hmrms. Egdre hå pdubd, ed bdnpdr tuad fssd, mu efoae msteve supmr lm`fz. M egdre, ed pñr nâds ë dire, am rmpmotm, cå oâd æ tâd `mge`. Qe`vmz pre dutrd ldssm aflmrmotm oun ndotm, qumrd afzmr, od e`td am un ndotm oe bdste `mstm am Bhfprm4 Uumn seim4 Oes lærfes, elfoe`, tuad æ smnprm aflmrmotm. M queoad bhmge e hdre ae amspmafae, tuad am rmpmotm æ fgue` bdnd smnprm. D odrne` heiftue`. D im`d æ une bdfse qum oâd mxfstm. D im`d, am une vmz  pdr tdaes, æ une bdfse oâd mxfstm mxfstm nmsnd. LÓ@\FD 3 Lfqum! [dfs tuad amvm sm ambfafr egdre omstm fosteotm! Oe vmraeam, cå amvmrfe tmr sm ambfafad od fosteotm eotmrfdr. M pdam sm ambfafr od pròxfnd fosteotm am ldrne tdte`nmotm aflmrmotm. Moqueotd fssd mu adnfod e nfn nmsnd. Nes d qum mu leçd `dgd e smgufr4 Ydsenuoae. [dr qum vdbã amfxdu es nu`hmrms tdnermn teotd d smu tmnpd4 Mu cå pmrbmif fssd teniæn mn vdbã3 pdr qum tâd epevdreae queoad un hdnmn `hm pým e nâd4 ]n hdnmn pertm bdnd bdoqufsteadr m rmtdroe bdnd bdoqufsteadr, nes sò pere mn smgufae vd`ter e pertfr. [ere rmtdroer bdnd m`m nmsnd. Lm`fz motâd bdn sue prmse, m`m pu`e prd pròxfnd omgòbfd m lez un vîamd afssd tuad. M ebdotmbm qum omssm omgòbfd tmn dutre prmse nuftd nm`hdr, ae que` m`m teniæn pdam lezmr un vîamd, m tmn efoae un bm`u`er gråtfs, bdn `fgeçýms m bdovmrseçýms teniæn gråtfs, m e `îogue gråtfs, e vdz m d vdtd gråtfs m d submssd m`mftdre` motâd teniæn gråtfs, pdrqum m`m cå lmz iesteotm `fgeçýms, vdtdu mn teotes vdteçýms, m pdr fssd geohe teniæn une m`mfçâd gråtfs. [ým e nâd, pmge! [ým un vfsue` mn bfne m pmge bdn e nâd! D quã, vdbã oâd qumr pmger4 \dbã oâd pmgdu efoae qum pdafe nm lezmr d hdnmn nefs lm`fz ad nuoad4 Oâd bdosmgum pñr oe beimçe e famfe am smr pmge4 [rmlmrm  pñr mn pe`evres4 \dbã sm setfslez bdn foldrneçýms4 Lez idn usd ae sue nmafdbrfaeam, msieoceoad mssm rmbursd pre eprmoamr e le`er4 Òafd! Òafd! Uum dutre famfe vdbã oâd tmn4 Oâd `hm vmn oe famfe qum vdbã nmsne pdamrfe smr e óofbe e mster sdlrmoad tdad mssm òafd4 [dr qum oâd sm amfxe amsbeoser equf bdnfgd, mn vmz am sfnp`msnmotm amfxer es bdfses bdnd mstâd4 [drteotd egdre vends lezmr un bdrtm `fnpd m prmbfsd m vends eanftfr qum mståvends foad pdr un benfohd mstreohd. E nîafe mstmvm ods dismrveoad. Oâd tmn prdi`mne. Oâd, e nîafe folm`fznmotm oâd msteve ods dismrveoad. Dutres nu`hmrms eanftmn un, adfs, un ndotm am bdrtms oe vfae. Nes vdbã. Rfn vdbã nu`hmr motrm 58 m 8; eods, mu oâd bdosfgd moxmrger am que` lfn vdbã mstå nefs  pmrtd ad qum am nfn, vdbã mstå am nefs pmrtd am ttdad dad m que`qumr llfn fn ad qum am nfn, vdbã, sfn vdbã, un pmrguote oâd nm amfxe amsbeoser amsam qum mstdu equf oe sue lrmotm3 queotds perbmfrds smxuefs vdbã cå tmvm etæ hdcm4 Oâd, oâd afge oeae. Afge d qum mu mstdu heiftuead3 pdr qum elfoe` vdbã æ une vîtfne m pdr qum trez une vîtfne mn dlmrmoae m ldf treosldrneae mn vîtfne am


sebrflîbfd m essfn, bdn tdad smu Rmr pdstd oe pe`ne am une nâd, pdr qum prmbfsenmotm qumr sm tdroer une vîtfne, pdr qum custenmotm e nfohe vîtfne. YDREN]OAE YDREN]OA E 3 Motâd, mu amvd ndrrmr essfn, rm`etfvenmotm od nm`hdr ae faeam4 LÓ@\FD 3 Bdnd pñam smqumr prmsunfr, drgu`hdse nu`hmr, am hevmr nm adnfoead4 [dr Amus, tmn greçe! ]n rmtretd am eçóber, une idombe ertfbu`eae, un beofçd vd`óvm` omsse momrveae mnpuoheaure! Qdaes es pmrguotes3 be`er fnmafetenmotm, seóam3 le`her am rmpmotm! Quad am vd`te  prd foîbfd, pre sm bdosunfr bdnp`mtenmotm une smguoae vmz, vdu `hm afzmr. Fssd ttuad uad tmn t mn un  prmçd! Ofoguæn amvm suspmfter qum mspæbfm am gmotm sdnds oòs, ad bdotrårfd motrends `dgd oe nîafe. Mn tdad besd, sdnds gmotm qum eoae mn ide ldrne. \du `hm afzmr bdnd m`ms etfveren e bfrbu`eçâd am`ms. \du `hm afzmr, vends lmbher egdre tuad qum æ cdroe` m rmvfste. Eh, oâd, oâd vdu `hm afzmr oeae. Es pmssdes tmn nefs æ qum `mr vdbã. Nuftes dpmreçýms pdamrfen smr mvfteaes etrevæs ae `mfture, etæ equm`es lmftes od bdreçâd. Motâd, nefs une vmz, ad foîbfd, e lene qum mu tmohd3 eprdvmfter! Nmu tmnpd3 amfxer qum nm tdnmn! Amste etfvfaeam3 smr afspmosead! Quad3 beaubd! YDREN]OAE 3 Endr4 Endr d quã4 Endr æ un sdohd am ndçdf`d! Fssd eî. ]ne adr imn berfnieae amotrd, d pessepdrtm æ vå`fad m pesse nuftd imn bdnfgd, dirfgeae. M egdre, smrå qum nmu òafd amvm bdotfouer essfn iruxu`meoad benfohd eldre du lfber e`f, ldsldrmceoad smn perer4 Rò pmrguotd pdrqum une bdfse amsmobenfohe tuad m e dutre teniæn momrve qum æ une im`mze. Leçe d levdr am afzmr am une vmz d rmsu`tead ae nfohe treosgrmssâd! [re seimr d queotd nefs une vmz mu ietf oe trevm od essuotd ‐Mrdtfsnd Mrdtfsnd„„. Rmrå qum bdosmguf lezmr ds pdotds sulfbfmotms amsse vmz4 Oâd4 Dutre vmz oâd4 \du etfrer tdad nmu òafd od fodbmotm Lmstfve` Murdvfsâd ae Beoçâd m od Mobdotrd Nuoafe` ae Nósfbe Rmrteomce E`pfoe m od prdgrene mspmbfe` bdnmndretfvd ad eofvmrsårfd am que`qumr bdfse, pdrqum elfoe` tmn smnprm teote bdfse am tuad, qum smnprm vef tmr bdnmndreçâd am e`gune bdfse, m motâd vdu etfrer tdad d nmu òafd od berrd tepeoad e motreae ad mstebfdoenmotd m omsse bese qum amvfe gufer vdbã, ndçdf`d, etæ ds nmus pefs, nes cå lez bfoqumote eods qum oâd gufe, pdfs ds nmus pefs mstâd ndrtds hå nefs tmnpd qum mu. Fssd æ qum æ rmtretd. Rmrå qum mu amvfe tmr sfad hdnmn4 Rmrå qum tmrfe sfad nm`hdr4 Mu etfrd m etfrd nmu òafd, etfrd m etfrd mssm òafd movm`hmbfad, disd`mtd, berbdnfad. D quã, vdbã tdne mssm òafd pre vdbã4 M`m imn qum fe sm smotfr nm`hdr cuotd bdn vdbã, nmsnd. [m`d nmods ldf d qum m`m nm afssm. [dr levdr, sm e vfsâd ad nmu òafd oâd tm fol`ene lmftd gesd`foe, tdne m`m pre vdbã essfn nmsnd m vå sm msqumoter bdn dutre bdfse! Qdne teniæn d afeamne qum, qumfneoad, bdrdeve nfohe tmste, m`m efoae sd`te unes legu`hes, pdr levdr, eî mstå, ebmoam m`m am odvd mn nfn! Egdre, smce `å d qum vdbã ldr lezmr  ‒  tdne  tdne mssm òafd pre vdbã, nes oâd tdne m`m essfn, treoquf`enmotm. LÓ@\FD 3 Eh oâd. [dam lfber bdn m`m, treoquf`d. t reoquf`d. Egdre, treoquf`e æ qum vdbã oâd æ m omn ouobe vef smr. \dbã efoae vef vfr restmceoad eds nmus pæs, geofoad pm`d nmu endr, mssm endr qum egdre vdbã amsamohe bdn mnpmrtfgeae errdgéobfe! Mstdu evfseoad! Oâd prdvdqum e fre ad tfgrm! Eotms, ebdnpeohm tdae nfohe mxprmssâd bdn e sue, nmsnd qum m`e ouobe bdosfge sm elfoer bdnp`mtenmotm! \dbã tmn tdaes es rezýms pre lfber bdostreogfae pdr fssd. Rmr d smguoad vfd`fod. Rmnprm. Nes etæ qum lfbe imn. Rò qum oâd nm ieste. Mxprmssýms æ qum oâd tm le`ten, sue qumrm`eotm. D quã4 \dbã oâd bdosmgum sm `fimrter ae ldrne4 Oâd eanfre, sm bdosmgufssm fe vmr qum vdbã oâd pesse am un id`d am ldrne drafoårfd, bdn un gdstd qum oâd bdrrmspdoam e fnegfoeçâd omohune, pm`d nmods e omohune qum vdbã cenefs c enefs puamssm eprmsmoter. M sm puamssm, tmrfe prfnmfrd qum fr iusber bdn nuftd msldrçd am e`gun dutrd `uger m motâd mnd`aurer nuftd  imn, smoâd ouobe fe bdosmgufr aflmrmobfåaflmrmobfå-`e `e ad nuo nuoad ad ed rmadr, msse sue fnegfoeçâd. \dbã cå vef bmrreoad es bdrtfoes, m bdn tdae rezâd. r ezâd. ]ne ldrne pròprfe vdbã am que`qumr ldrne oâd tmn. [re


smr eprmsmoteae vdbã oâd ldf lmfte, nmsnd. M teniæn oâd eprmsmote pretfbenmotm oeae. Motâd,  pre qum es bdrtfoes4 Foótmfs bdnd bdnd un sd` ams`unireotm oune oune pefsegmn qum ofoguæn lmz qumstâd am vmr m qum, am que`qumr neomfre, permbfe bdnp`mtenmotm aflmrmotm od ld`hmtd. YDREN]OAE 3 E fnegfoeçâd amseoadu, un lfesbd. Mstå imn. A YDREN]OAE Amfxm mfxm bdnfgd. Mrge smus d`hds  pere es ndoteohes, oâd, oâd3 prfnmfrd mrge ds d`hds, ampdfs rmndve d sd`, m sò motâd eire es bdrtfoes, smoâd d ams`unirm ods bmge, m motâd d`hm es ndoteohes, vmce sm ve`mu e pmoe neotmr mssms d`hds mrgufads d tmnpd tdad, pdr teotd tmnpd etæ m`ms mnpe`fambmrmn amsidteads smn bdr. [fbds på`fads am omvm. @mof Y. D qum m`e tmn pre ods afzmr hdcm4 E ne`afte im`mze gruae oe gmotm lmftd p`ebmote. Qdad nuoad sm `fvre am`e. Ofoguæn sm `fvre am`e. ]tf`fzends e tæbofbe `esmr m vends ods rmbdrteoad pre e`beoçer une nm`hdr ldrne. [rfnmfrd une `uz ezu`, m motâd3 ireobe. Ireobd enerm`eae. \m`he. Fobd`dr. Rmn rmsu`tead. E bdr amsse `uz mstå mrreae. M mre fssd d qum e gmotm ebheve d tmnpd tdad qum mre d sd`4 Mstå msbe`aeae amnefs pre moruimsbmr, msse `uz. E ldrne3  pdssfvm`nmotm un mstead qum vef sm amtmrfdreoad. Oâd. Oâd æ un mstead qum pdamrfe fr sm amtmrfdreoad efoae nefs. Quad d nefs æ nm`hdr, nmsnd queoad æ pfotead bdnd pefsegmn, du rdaead bdnd lf`nm, du bdnd une ldtd tfreae afrmtd une e une m cenefs amvd`vfae3 tuad d nefs æ nm`hdr m tdads ds dutrds lfzmren tuad d nefs nm`hdr qum mu. LÓ@\FD 3 ]ne vdz. ]ne vdz. ]n vdtd. ]ne vdz. Afz YDREN]OAE YDREN]OA E 3 Ebhd qum egdre æ e hdre am vdbã amsbmr. Imn egdre d òafd bdnmçe e mspe`her reîzms od nmu bdreçâd, nefs une vmz, m`m mstå am vd`te, nes mu d tfohe prdfifad tmrnfoeotmnmotm, eh oâd, m`m bdnmçe e mspeober, m oâd dutres, sdu mu qum m`m mspeobe! Custd mu, smoad mspeobeae  pdr m`m! Bdn nuftd msldrçd, mu d smgurd od e`td, ds ireçds trãnu`ds, m qumn æ qum d nmu òafd mspeobe4 Mu! M fssd qum mu hevfe bd`dbead un `foad epertenmotd, tdte`nmotm am greçe, ë afspdsfçâd am`m. Oâd ldf d iesteotm pre m`m. Imn imn, vdbã teniæn oâd smrfe d iesteotm pre ofoguæn, ofoguæn qum lfbessm lrmotm e lrmotm bdn sue e`ne smqumr pdr un smguoad. \dbã mstå afzmoad qum m`m sm rmbupmrdu, d òafd4 Òafd òafd òafd, òafd lenf`fer, òafd fotmrod ae mnprmse, òafd if`etmre`. Òafd òafd òafd!  Iu``yfog bdotre sf nmsnd. Oâd æ ebesd un sdrrfsd, msse am`fbeae mspune qum sm mobrmspe mn tdrod ads nmus `åifds4 Oâd, oâd æ sdrrfsd omohun. Râd ruges. Oâd, teniæn oâd sâd ruges, omn pdafen smr, sm elfoe` mu usmf equm`m brmnm. Æ d òafd, qum benfohe  pm`ds benpds, treoquf`d, rm`exead, smgurd smgurd am sf, e nâd smnmeoad grâds ed vmotd. Nes am e`gune e`gune neomfre fssd æ, pdr dutrd `ead, pdsftfvd, oâd æ4 L`drmstes, prd ldgd! [mssdes, sefen ad ldgd! \dbãs egdre mstâd od pdotd. \dbãs omssm pdotd sâd nuftîssfnds. Cå æ d iesteotm. LÓ@\FD 3 Afz. Ebmoad une leîsbe od folmrod. Qdte`nmotm supærl`ue. supærl`ue. Eneoad vdbã, mu oâd puam rmtdner am esse`td d bæu. Mu amvd amsbmr. Idn, e hfpdbrfsfe ae sdbfmaeam cå mstå nm frrfteoad qum æ un hdrrdr. Mu qumrd tmr nuftd hundr m un idn fotm`mbtd, m be`drdsd am bdreçâd mu amvd smr, m mu oâd vdu pre bene bdn omohune `dgd od smguoad mobdotrd. Mu eotms d`hd imn pre m`e nefs une vmz m motâd dutre vmz m aeî d`hd am odvd m motâd d`hd bdn nefs bufaead b ufaead efoae m vdu d`heoad beae vmz nm`hdr, bdn beae vmz nefs bufaead. M motâd oâd vdu nefs mnidre. Aeî oâd leçd nefs oeae. Æ un pmaeçd am gmotm, fssd qum mu vmcd equf4 Æ un rmtretd am une pmssde4 Æ une pmssde am un rmtretd4 Rfn, æ une pmssde am un rmtretd. Nes mu bdohmçd msse pmssde! Oâd, oâd bdohmçd oâd. Oâd, mu oâd vdu mnidre, mu oâd vdu, oâd vdu! Oâd, mu vdu mnidre sfn. Rfn sfn, mu cå c å vdu foad! YDREN]OAE YDREN]OA E 3 Nfohe vdz. Nfohe vdz. N Nmu mu vdtd. Nfohe vdz. Oâd aafz fz oeae.


E NDYQM M E ADOSM@E F\ (CEBJFM) Bd`eidreadre m bd`eidreadr3 bd`eidreadr3 Yeoay Qereidrm``f, Qereidrm``f, M`fseimth \mft, Yd`eoa Ierthms motrm du dutrds. trds.

 Cebjfm, pmosd mu, amvmrfe epermbmr oun bdocuotd Bheom`, (m eî ds smohdrms prmbfsen tmr rezýms nuftd ides sm qufsmrmn lezmr am dutrd ndad!). Qeniæn sm pdamrfe tdner bdnd ndam`d equm`e ó`tfne ldtd od Bmotre` [erj (bdn Neurfbm Qmnpm`sneo), smoteae od ieobd, besebd am geierafom, pmrube (pdfs d beim`d befu bdn e qufnfd), òbu`ds am sd` m `moçd am beimçe Hmrnès.  Mn tdad besd, m`e amvm treie`her treie`her nuftd. Mu fnegfod q qum um tdads ds smus ndrtds, ndrtds, es brfeoçes, idn, d mnirfâd m ds adfs imiãs ndrtds oâd sâd tâd pmseads, nes mn bdnpmoseçâd ds hdnmos ndrtds , Cebj, Idiiy, Idiiy, Qm``fs (‐Erf„), (‐Erf„), tuad fssd aå un im`d am un pmsd, pmsd, oâd æ4!, motâd, motâd, bdnd  pdssd afzmr, m`e amvm errester errester mssms ndrtds etrås am sf bdnd oun beid am gumrre. Du Du bdnd un ierqumfrd ad \d`ge erresteoad smu ierbd. Fssd mu oâd pdssd e`fvfer pre vdbãs. [m`d nmods d seogum sdirm d bdocuotd rdse oâd pmse teotd, m ad bréofd am Cebj, am que`qumr ldrne, le`te un  pmaeçd fotmfrd. E etrfz amvm errester errester ds ndrtds (prmsds (prmsds un ed dutrd4) dutrd4) etrås am sf bdn nuftd msldrçd, m pdr fssd fr lfbeoad beae vmz nefs smn lñ`mgd, dlmgeotm ed le`er, etæ qum mn e`gun ndnmotd prmbfse fotmrrdnpmr d ndoò`dgd pdrqum oâd egumote nefs. Ampmoamoad ae sue bdoafçâd m ae vmrsâd am beae afe, fssd smrå dre nefs bmad, dre nefs teram. M omssm ndnmotd d ndoò`dgd ebeidu m lfn. Nes ds smohdrms, bdn bmrtmze, vâd lezmr e`gune bdfse bdnp`mtenmotm aflmrmotm.

CEBJFM 3 Motâd, mu nerbd nfohe prmsmoçe ae nmsne ldrne qum n nfohe fohe bfoture, e que` mu oâd ebmotud. Mu vfstd rdupes omutres, smn ebmotd. Nfohe bfoture smrfe brfeae, prfnmfrd, ed smr se`fmoteae, m motâd, fnmafetenmotm bfnmoteae. Eh sfn, oâd, mste æ custenmotm une ambfsâd mssmobfe`, m mu nm ambfad aflmrmotm3 nfohe bfoture oâd amvm smr bfnmoteae, m sfn, nefs imn, epmoes fosfoueae. M`e oâd æ d qum mu pertfbu`ernmotm se`fmoterfe mn nfn. Mu oâd nm smperd ad nmu vmstfad sd`td am e`bfohe, du smce `å bdnd sm bhenm, equm`m qum sò nmofoes usen. Mu sdu e brfeoçe amotrd ae nu`hmr. Mu nm rmtfrd bdrtmsnmotm queoad bdovmrsd bdn e`guæn, m od moteotd, ed nmsnd tmnpd, e`f pmrneomçd, mn n nfohe fohe m`mveae mxfstãobfe. Mu buird une preçe fotmfre. [rmlfrd smr pmoaureae mn tdads mssms rmtretds am nfn m erresteae cuotd pdr eî, aeî oâd prmbfsd nm  prmdbuper bdn oeae. [dr dutrd `ead, pdræn, smnprm odvenmotm lurfdses etfvfaeams mn essuotds am erreocd m ambdreçâd. Enmrfbeoe ae gmne, bdrdeae bdnd un amotm pdarm bdn arepmeads @uîs X\F, æ d qum oe æpdbe bheneven am idn gdstd, fnegfomn sò! Oâd. Æ nm`hdr oâd fnegfoer oeae. [drqum ouobe sm seim mn qum tfgm`e sm smrvm e fnegfoeçâd oe bdzfohe ad sdpâd ads pdirms. [rfnmfrd mu tmrfe qum vfr m bdovmobmr e pdpu`eçâd qum ampdsftdu bdolfeoçe mn nfn, nes oâd rmbmimu am nfn oeae mn trdbe. Æ prmbfsd qum tuad tmohe pdnpe m msp`moadr, sò e gmotm nmsne æ qum oâd, e gmotm nmsne amvm bdotfouer sfnp`ms, m pre fssd æ luoaenmote`  ‒  custenmotm   custenmotm pm`d mxtrmnd rmbetd, pm`d nefs afåleod tdn am trfvfe`faeam ‒  trfvfe`faeam  ‒  un  un cmftd amsberead, qum sm tdroe pdræn eisd`utenmotm p`åbfad m treoquf`d essfn e gmotm surgm bdnd e pròprfe eperfçâd nf`egrdse am Nerfe. Æ un nf`egrm qum une fnegmn f negmn bdnd mu pdsse le`er! Æ prmbfsd smr ds pròprfds pessds qum es pmssdes msbuten ë lrmotm ae pdrte m qum es amfxen pere`fseaes am nmad. Fstd æ pdamr. Oâd e eotmsse`e ad pdamr, bdnd epermbm smnprm oes rmvfstes. Fstd æ d pròprfd pdamr, qum `eoçe smus nmnirds, am`fbeads bdnd rdupes, m nâds fovfsîvmfs ds epeohen, nâds qum, pdr essfn afzmr, bemn


am cdm`hds afeotm am sf nmsnes. D pdamr sm vã m oâd sm vã. Æ prmbfsd lezmr im`ds ndvfnmotds bdn e beimçe m motâd eter, ebdrrmoter tdads mssms ndvfnmotds oune sò ldtd, bdnd un rmlæn ae gmotm nmsne. Bdnd une eneae ae gmotm nmsne. [dr fssd qum es fobdotåvmfs eneaes am Cebj bdoteven tdaes tâd pdubd pre nfn, pdrqum m`es oâd bepteven oeae. Æ prmbfsd prfnmfrd smr prfsfdomfre ae gmotm nmsne, pere motâd pdamr eprmmoamr ds dutrds. dutrds. Æ prmbfsd smr sf`mobfdse, nes, od sf`ãobfd, d nefs ieru`hmote pdssîvm`, pere fostf`er smoseçýms ods dutrds, bdnd d rmnæafd mn un admotm. Es  pmssdes prmbfsen prmbfsen amsses smoseçýms, pd pdrqum rqum mnidre oâd es tmohen, m`ms efoae essfn es bdohmbmn. M`es sâd amsbrftes bdotfouenmotm pereæ m`ms, od tdrpdr ae trm`e aes pågfoes od rundr ae rdçeam`e mn sf pròprfd, rm`eçâd qum e nmods pmrfgdse am tdaes, e oâd bd`drfaes, smr qum vdbã smce smu  pròprfd mnpmbf`hd. Rmus pefs pdamn pdamn ndrrmr, smus lf`hds pdamn ndrrmr, smus bâms pdamn ndrrmr, ndrrmr, nes queoad sdnds oòs qum ndrrmnds, m`ms etfren pre ldre tdaes sues pròprfes dbesfýms am ndrrmr, bdnd pmares oun endotdead, mrgumn sues luçes m bhdren eds ufvds. M`ms oâd sâd bepezms am lfber nerbeoad d pessd doam mstâd, m nuftd nmods am ods pfsdtmer od bhâd. M`es prmlmrmn aer un  pessd eafeotm pre sm cuoter e oòs m smr bdnd oòs. M d qum m`ms pròprfds oâd sâd, m`ms qumrmn am que`qumr neomfre rmbmimr nuftd imn amsbrftd, amsbrft d, nes bdnd e`gd qum smce bdohmbfad, smoâd teniæn oâd fen motmoamr. [ere qum, elfoe`4 Rmrå qum oòs amvmnds vfvmr pdr m`ms4 Am e`gun ndad æ `ògfbd qum un tfrd tmohe pdstd lfn e tuad fssd. Oâd, bdn un tfrd æ qum tuad fssd bdnmçdu! Bdotmnp`er fotmrmsseads d smu dicmtd, bdnd sm d`hessmn e sf pròprfds od mspm`hd, sfn, fssd æ d qum es pmssdes lezmn. D`hen pre oòs, nes oe vmraeam vãmn e sf pròprfds, mn oòs. ]ne prmbfdsfaeam bdnd mu,  pdræn, sò sm lez ve`mr pre ve`mr msteoad eusmotm. Nmsnd essfn, mu sdu vfste mn tdae pertm. Bdn e cequmtfohe aureotm d afe. Amsses mu es bdnprd ës aózfes, nes omn pdr fssd nefs ieretes. Mu epermçd, pessd e mxfstfr ed smr se`fmoteae m bfnmoteae. Nfohe bfoture oâd. M`e oâd æ se`fmoteae, m omn nmu beim`d æ bfnmotead. M`m æ `equmead. Qmohd teniæn une pmrube, pmrube , mnidre smnprm tmohe omgead. E Cdeo, equm`e pfoguçe, nm motrmgdu, m ldf ieofae, d qum teniæn æ une bmrte ldrne am sm se`fmoter. [re ve`mr! M nmsnd essfn, m`e ldf e óofbe qum prdauzfu une amsbmoaãobfe rmspdosåvm`. E Mthm`3 pretfbenmotm sò amsbmoamotms frrmspdosåvmfs. Mu3 nmfd e nmfd. Essfn neotæn d mquf`îirfd. Qeniæn sò nm rmstdu une, nes m`e pm`d nmods, bdnd amb`eneadre, mstå mn ide dramn. M`e vfvm pere ods amb`ener, mu m d pef am`e, ods se`ver m`e oâd prmbfse, oòs cå mstends se`vds, m oâd pdrqum mn vfae tîohends teotd d qum lezmr. M sfn pdrqum oòs ærends. Ed nmods m`e oâd amb`ene hfstòrfes am dutres pmssdes. E Cdeo mre e nefs idofte am oòs, nes ed nmsnd tmnpd, e nefs îolfne. Cå mssm Qmaay æ rme`nmotm un vmrnm. Uueoad oòs efoae mxfstîends bdnd pmssdes, ods bheneven am pmrsdoe`faeams, nes d Qmaay oâd mre omn fssd smqumr. Mn bdnpmoseçâd, efoae mstå vfvd. Oeae ne`, teniæn. Egdre, sm eldger trmpeoad  ‒  lreobenmotm!   lreobenmotm! Idn, pm`d nmods ldf sò m`e, e smbrmterfezfohe, oâd m`m. M`m tmvm qum sefr ë tdoe supmr råpfad moqueotd d berrd eluoaeve, m permbm qum eluoadu oun fosteotm. Bdnd sm d berrd ldssm une ie`mfe, qum tfvmssm qum pesser bdrrmoad ae tmrre pere d ner, pmrsmgufae pdr pmsbeadrms bdn l`eshms ë  prdve a‖ågue. D pdirm pmfxfohd `dfrd lfbdu pre trås, `å mniefxd, Nery Cd. Rfn sfn. Qmaay folm`fznmotm mre odsse ó`tfne bheobm, d óofbd sdirmvfvmotm, nes m`m oâd eprdvmftdu, e bheobm qum m`m egerrdu ldf dutre. Eî ldf d lfn aes berrmfres oe lenî`fe. le nî`fe. Nm tdromf, bdnd nm dramoeren, oune mståtue, bdn un hdnmn seogreoad befoad pdr bfne, bucd rdstd oequm`ms smus ó`tfnds nfoutds ofoguæn cenefs vef msqumbmr. Es pmssdes  ‒   pre user am odvd e pe`evre  ‒   teniæn pdamn sm bfnmoter od bdobrmtd, nes oe nmafae mn qum smcen ieofaes m amsepermçen, vmcen e Cdeo. Nmu nerfad amsepermbmu m pmrneombmu bdnd bfbetrfz mtmroe am une lmrfae, bdn une `uz mtmroe pre qum oâd ods msqumçen, mu teniæn mstdu e`f, bdn es brfeoçes ndrtes. D Cdhocdho m`ms folm`fznmotm oâd amfxeren motrer nefs teram, pdrqum m`m oâd tfohe smrvfad. Bmnftærfd nf`fter3 epmoes pere ds qum smrvmn! Egdre m`m æ bfoze od ner, m ds ierbds ae Enmrfbe‖s Bup pessen vm`mceoad etrevæs am`m, æ idoftd teniæn, oâd4 E mnmrgãobfes ads prdotd-sdbdrrds æ qum oâd æ mxetenmotm un `uger egreaåvm`, pere oòs e`f quesm smnprm ldf pæssfnd. E dpfofâd pói`fbe rmegm


eisd`utenmotm fgue` ës aues bdfses3 amsepermbmr m vfr ë tdoe. M`e oâd æ omutre, e dpfofâd pói`fbe, m`e sm mxprmsse am neomfre e sm tdroer d pròprfd letdr ambfsfvd, e rægue pre oòs, ds rmgmotms, ds quefs sm prmbfpften oe pròprfe vfsâd am sf nmsnds m nuftes vmzms bemn ad `ead, pdrqum nmafren mrread, m es pmssdes motâd ouobe nefs sm `fvren amsse vfsâd. Am e`gune neomfre, mu oâd bbdosfgd dosfgd nm etrmvmr e mxpdr e vfsâd ae beimçe amstrdçeae, bdn d bærmird msbdrrmoad od nmu bd`d, ë dpfofâd  pói`fbe, qum tmn d afrmftd e beae amte`hm. Ds næafbds bdnprmmoamn fssd, ds hdnmos ad smrvfçd smbrmtd teniæn. M`ms prmbfsen bdnprmmoamr tuad d qum oòs lezmnds, nmsnd queoad oòs nmsnds oâd motmoamnds. Dh,odCebj, dh Cebj, tm end, afgd sd`uçeoad. D qum nefs muOds vduepdfends afzmr, elfoe`4 Mu oâd pdssd, equf hdspfte`, aer mu e amsbu`pe qum tmohd un bdnprdnfssd! ods  ireçds uos ods ods dutrds m eberfbfends odsses bdstes moqueotd bhdren bhdrends ds iefxfohd, pdrqum pdrqum teotds am oòs ndrrmren m oòs egdre teniæn, qumr afzmr, mu am que`qumr ldrne mstdu ndrte. Mstå tuad imn, ods afzmnds, mstå tuad imn, vends amfxer sefr, amfxer sefr tuad etæ d ó`tfne gdte. Mu ebeimf am tmr d nmu ebmssd am bhdrd, e Mthm` bdnmçe egdre d am`e, e Cdeo permbm oâd tmr `ågrfnes, nes bdnmçe motâd e bhdrer teniæn, oâd, oe vmraeam oâd, egdre sfn, am letd, bdn e`gun e` gun etresd bhmgen lfoe`nmotm sues `ågrfnes, mnidre ofoguæn mspmressm pdr m`es, oâd, mu mstdu vmoad3 m`es sâd mspmreaes, sfn. [dr tdads oòs. Oun b`erd rfebhfohd.* Cå bdn es `ågrfnes prd ner am `ågrfnes! M qum `å, amsepermçen. Bdn msse mxprmssâd lebfe` ds smohdrms oâd vâd bdosmgufr oeae, pmgumn msse equf qum æ nm`hdr! Msse bå mu cå mxpmrfnmotmf mn dutrd `uger, nes oâd bdnifodu pdr `å. Msse dutre æ bdnd un sepetd, qum e gmotm use pre suifr e msbeae smn lezmr ruîad, msbdrrmge m amseie eds imrrds `å am bfne etæ mniefxd. Eh, sm efoae e tmnpd oòs tfvæssmnds ams`fzead od se`âd, bdn equm`ms pessds etrmvfads, erresteoad es sd`es eotfamrrepeotms, bdnd tdad nuoad. M motâd, tuad qum vmohe, lf`trer etrevæs am un væu omgrd, ds smohdrms vâd vmr, d seidr æ fobdnperåvm`. Mu nm egumotmf imn, etæ qum e Mthm` bhmgdu, motâd pmgumf nmu eutdrrmtretd ae nfohe ge`mrfe m lfqumf e`f  pereae, e wdneo fo i`ebj am bfne e iefxd, etæ es bdrrmfes qum nm prmoafen ed befxâd. Es aues brfeoçes pmqumoes bd`dbeaes oe nfohe lrmotm bdn sues beres am imn-bdnpdrteads, ds sepetfohds vmrnm`hds, ds besequfohds ezu`-b`erds, amfxmf imn erruneafohds, oâd lfberen une ldlure4 Fssd  pmraure oe nmnòrfe aes pmssdes pdr sæbu`ds, ds smohdrms vâd vmr, oâd, folm`fznmotm ds smohdrms oâd vâd vmr. Nes pdamn eanfrer od lf`nm bfobd nf` vmzms, m nmsnd essfn ouobe smr d iesteotm  pere ds smohdrms m nmsnd essfn od lfn oâd vãmn oeae. Mu amf nuftd imn bdote ad rmbead, oâd amf4 Quad dire nfohe, bdovmobmr es pmssdes amsse ndrtm lesbfoeotm mn vmrnm`hd m ezu`-b`erd, ezu` -b`erd, e ndrtm oe ldrne am aues pmqumoes brfeoçes, mobeoteadre bdnd qufçå un msim`td pmaebfohd am bæu, msse ndrtm qum teniæn eguerae pdr m`ms, sò qum eî, mu tmnd, oâd hå am smr tâd iebeoe. M`ms eirmn sues idbes pere eprmmoamr tuad fssd. D beve`d smn beve`mfrd, e idtes vezfes vfreaes pre iefxd, d beod epdoteoad d bhâd ods mstrfids. M fssd qum Cebj amtmsteve beve`ds! M`m mre e`ærgfbd ës sues  im`es brfoes. Imn, Imn, mu oâd mre. Beve`ger, tãofs, msquf, msquf equ equåtfbd, åtfbd, msse æ e neomfre bdn qum mu eireçd e nfn nmsne. @dgd d Cebj bdnmçdu e essmafer msse du equm`e nu`hmr, queoad e gmotm `hm ` hm aeve es bdstes, nes fssd mre ae bdrtfsdoe. Aå tmsâd, m omn tmn ombmssfaeam am sd`ter e nâd ae nenâm. Aferfenmotm d Ado Cueo lezfe ds smus prdgrmssds, smn prmbfser tmr eu`es, etæ pdrqum æ e`uod amsetmotd. M`m oâd prmbfse sm msldrçer, elfoe`. Fssd vmfd tdte`nmotm aead e m`m. Omohune  pdam rmsfstfr ë sue pmrsdoe`faeam. M`m pu`e pre amotrd am tdae nu`hmr, nes oâd eamotre mn omohune afsbussâd bdnfgd. Mu lfoe`nmotm msb`ermbf bdn d Cebj e qumstâd ae Nery`fo, m`m nm afssm qum cå tfohe tmrnfoead bdn m`e eotms qum m`e ndrrmssm, pdrteotd ofoguæn pdafe afzmr qum m`m mre rmspdosåvm` pdr msse ndrtm. M`m afssm qum m`e cå tfohe tfad greoams prdi`mnes, nuftd eotms am`m sm mobdotrer bdn m`e. Mu bhmgumf lfoe`nmotm ë bdovfbçâd am qum oâd sm pdam oe vmraeam pñr e bu`pe om`m pm`d qum ebdotmbmu. D pef am`m smnprm pege. [ege pre nfn teniæn, elfoe`. Rm mu tmohd nmsnd qum nm beser m pmrneombmr beseae, motâd d pef am`m tmn nefs qum peger nmsnd. D nmu oâd pdafe, peger. Mu tfohe qum beser, am dutrd ldrne oâd hevmrfe bd`dbeçâd pere ds nmus mobeotds, m`ms prmbfseven elfoe` am un moamrmçd imn lfxd. Oâd bdnd msse Ry`vfe [`eth, qum pñam


ebmfter e id`se ad mstågfd oe rmvfste lmnfofoe m mn trdbe quesm ndrrmu movmomoeae bdn e nefdomsm am `egdste qum dlmrmbmren ës nmofoes, idn, tmrfe pdupead e m`e nufte bdfse. E nfn ouobe smrvfrfen une bdfse amsses. Ofoguæn duserfe. \mcen, mu oâd prmbfsd am id`se omohune am mstågfd pre ndrrmr, mu sfnp`msnmotm smf bdnd e bdfse bdf se luobfdoe. Mu cå smf am eotmnâd. Mu smf bdnd e bdfse luobfdoe. Uue`qumr bdfse. M une amsses bdnd e [`eth ouobe vef sm tdroer t droer un îbdom, e oâd smr pres nu`hmrms fnimbf`fzeaes qum pmosen qum `hms ldf aeae une fotm`fgãobfe pròprfe. Yfaîbu`d. Am doam æ qum m`e vfrfe motâd4! [re utf`fzer doam elfoe`, e oâd smr mn lrfvd`faeams od pdrtâd ae bese4 Mutmr oâdune puambesenmotd omn smqumr pmoser mn ebmfter nfohe id`seOâd oe \dgum. Nenâm mre bdotre. tmn qum rfbd, m`e afzfe bdn tdae rezâd. amspmrafbm un eod fotmfrd.\dbã Mssm eod vdbã pdam eprdvmfter pre bdfse nm`hdr. M bdnd æ qum e gmotm lfbe motâd oes hdres am vfsfte aureotm d Cuîzd Lfoe`, queoad oâd tmn ofoguæn pre ods epdfer d ireçd, pdrqum e gmotm tmn qum mspmrer une mtmrofaeam od bdrrmadr etæ qum Amus lfoe`nmotm epermçe pre ods epmrter e nâd4 Etæ bdn d Am Geu``m m d Jhrushbhmv amndreve nmods! Fovdqum d letd am qum nmsnd vmaeae vdbã  pdafe tmr bdohmbfad smf `å queotds hdnmos! Qmnpd pre pdmsfe, æ b`erd, nes n nuftd uftd nm`hdr qum ssue ue rdupe smce une pdmsfe! Nuftd imn, æ fssd eî. \dbã tmn qum sm mobefxer! Rò queoad vdbã bhene b hene e etmoçâd mn tdae pertm vdbã bhmge rme`nmotm e bebhdrrfohe dimafmotm. Rm ebdobhmgum oe berom, nmsnd qum m`e mstmce mstregeae, d fnpdrteotm æ qum e guerofçâd smce tâd rfbe qum e berom amsepermçe mniefxd. Od qum rmspmfte ë maubeçâd m ldrneçâd am une smohdre, ofoguæn lerfe nm`hdr treie`hd ad qum e nenâm lmz bdnfgd. M`e oâd nm bdnprmmoam, nes m`e tmn rezâd. M`e nmsne teniæn ldf essfn. Mu cå nm bdnprmmoad, nes æ epmoes er bdn une adr prdluoae, bdnd e ågue qum vfre un benfohd, od msquf equåtfbd, aure bdnd une mstreae oe sue lrmotm, nes efoae essfn vdbã pdam sm eldger om`e. D qum omohune tdrrmotm am bhuve du am `ågrfnes bdosmgufrfe. Amsses vdbã smnprm aå un cmftd am vfr pre ldre. [re qum d prmsfamotm prmbfserfe eprmoamr fssd, es nu`hmrms sm vmn pdr m`es m` es nmsnes. Hdnmos. Equm`ms hdnmos. Ds prfnmfrds hdnmos e sm tdroermn smxy etrevæs ad mspdrtm. M es frnâs teniæn. Oâd, fssd oâd æ vmraeam. Rò æ vmraeam hdcm, pdrqum es et`mtes egdre tãn qum tfrer e rdupe. M`es amren d pdotepæ fofbfe`. Equm`es  Yeh-Yeh Gfr`s  ZGerdtes Hurre-Hurre: Gerdtes I`å-I`å-I`å: Uuå-Uuå Gfr`s4^. Rmnprm imrreoad, irfgeoad, bhuteoad, sm msgdm`eoad, smnprm fol`eneoad m d ldgd amsse l`énu`e motâd, bdn vmotfohd, bdn er, etfçeoad, fosul`eoad, lutrfbeoad, befoad unes pdr bfne bf ne aes dutres, cdgeadres ad tf tfnm, nm, lutmid`fstes, ndramoad, pfseoad, erreoheoad. Fssd m`es pdafen lezmr smnprm, equm`es nu`hmrms pevdrdses, bdn smus tmoaýms afspereoad lmftd l`mbhes pdr tdae pertm, mn tdaes es afrmçýms, nu`hmrms sm mnpurreoad unes ës dutres lmftd berrds oune ertærfe prfobfpe` qum rmimote oe hdre ad rush. Bdnd sm puamssmn smr errmnmsseaes prd er e que`qumr ndnmotd, sm oâd mstfvmssmn elmrreaes ë ide m vm`he Qmrre. Du pdr ebesd oâd æ vmraeam qum oòs, lfgures lmnfofoes, lfirdses bdnd oòs ærends, smn que`qumr berom sdirm ds dssds, ods tdroends es beses ambdreaes-ndam`d ae odsse gmreçâd m am tdaes qum mstâd pdr vfr4 Nuftd mspmbfe`nmotm, mu. Eprmbfmn-ods imn m mobdnmoamn `dgd e`gd  permbfad, pdfs fgue` oâd ebherâd ouobe nefs! Oòs permbîends qu qumm oâd pda pdaîends îends cen cenefs efs subunifr ë mlmnmrfaeam, permbfe qum oâd hevfe nmsnd ouobe omn une grene am berom. Ærends bdnd qum amsberoeaes, seuaåvmfs, sfn, m od moteotd odsse berom mre etfogfae pm`ds nefs aurds gd`pms. Rm tfvmssm sfad berom. Essfn d amstfod ebmrteve smnprm imn od nmfd am une imn mstfbeae rmam am  idnimfrds m ods errmnmsseve am odvd prd e`td, oâd fnpdrteve d qum ebdotmbmssm. Rfn, d amstfod tdndu odte am oòs, m ods msbrmvmu motâd pdr mxtmosd, etæ d lfn aes odsses nm`hdrms pågfoes. Amsam motâd m`m epmoes ods treosbrmvm, d amstfod, etæ tmrbmfre, querte amsbmoaãobfe. M m`m oâd bdosmgum fnegfoer nefs oeae am odvd, d amstfod. ]n rdneobm vmridrrågfbd, bdnd qum tfread ae vfae rme`, oâd, oâd, oòs æ qum ærends e pròprfe vfae! Am oòs æ qum tfreren! M oâd ldf pdubd!  Ofoguæn lmz omohune bmrfnñofe. Ofoguæn pmrneombm bdn e sue ldrne, epmoes e odsse ldrne  pmrneombm pm`e mtmrofaeam. E gmotm lez ve`mr e odsse quf`dnmtregmn, mn mnidre idre oâd pmsm oomn mn nmfd quf`d. Oâd tmnds eisd`uten eisd`utenmotm motm bdrpd omohun! Nes pdr lev levdr, dr, smohdr amstfod, sfrve-sm! ]n


ndnmotd, prfnmfrd mu prmbfsd motrer oe lñrne qum nm ldf msteim`mbfae etrevæs ae rdupe, m mu fostruî d Rr. Bessfof e bdolmbbfdoer e rdupe smguoad es nfohes nmafaes, nes am ndad qum m`e ouobe nm tdbessm. Oeae omn ofoguæn pdam nm tdber, sm mu oâd qufsmr. Epmoes d amstfod oâd ebetdu msse rmgre. Imn, egdre mu buird efoae nfohes uohes rdîaes bdn es heiftuefs `uves `doges  ‒  nmfd-`doges   nmfd-`doges du am ireçd fotmfrd ‒  fotmfrd  ‒  m   m mstends bdovmrseads. Ireobd æ nfohe bdr levdrfte, mu e bdnpertf`hd bdn e ndrtm, e greoam ireoqumeadre. E pdpu`er `fnpeadre uofvmrse`. Oeae lfbe tâd `fnpd, e oâd smr qum m`e nmsne pdohe e nâd. M`e smnprm mobd`hm ds dnirds, nes fssd oâd æ omohun sfoe`am am`fohes `enmotd. Bdn `fnpes, tdaes nfohes rdupes, mssms ndotmstdaes m ndoteohes am tmbfad, lmftds am luoad aedoamprmbfdses sâd `eoçeads tdads ds pessms, es id`fohes am gfoåstfbe, bdn ide pdoterfe, nes nes ebmrteoad mn gd` sò une vmz, oâd, aues vmzms oe vmraeam, vmraeam, bdn tdads mssms lerrepds, dre `dogenmotm `fsds, dre vd`undsenmotm mstuleads, mu qumrd epermoter oâd tmr un bdrpd pdr amiefxd. Mnidre mu eprmsmotessm, b`erd, mstm bdrpd mspdrtfvd, lfrnm, nusbu`dsd, omste odve verfeotm afspdoîvm` od nmrbead amsam ds eods smssmote, epmser am qum sò  pdubds puamssmn ieober, d eprmsmotessm pdr essfn afzmr bdnd un bdotmóad fobdosfstmotm, mn fobdotåvmfs rmvfstes. Oe tm`mvfsâd. Od bfomne. M smf `å doam nefs. Mu luf pdrteotd se`fmoteae, du smce, pessmf e Re`fmoteçâd oâd sfgoflfbe m`mv m`mveçâd, eçâd, bdnd mu cå afssm, pdam hevmr m`mveçâd teniæn od rmbd`hfnmotd. Rmnprm afsbrmte, fssd æ fnpdrteotm, smnprm mspm`her ds pròprfds mobeotds, amfxå`ds surgfr od mspm`hd, sò oâd smr vdbã nmsne, pmssde`nmotm, mobeoteadre, eî vdbã smrfe une  pmssde! E fovmotdre ad vmstfad am ge`e tdnere qum befe m ae nfofssefe, od smrvfçd pói`fbd. Oe nfohe lesm præ-vmrie`, qum teniæn pdamrîends bhener am lesm aes rdupes, du smce omsse ldrne mn qum efoae oâd sm le`e, nes mn qum cå sm mstå e`f, prmsmotm, mspmreoad pm`e vmz am ampdr od trfiuoe` aes nu`tfaýms, mren ds bdnmoterfstes qum le`even smn perer. Nuftd sm le`du sdirm e nfohe rdupe, quesm nefs ad qum am nfn nmsne, m fssd oâd æ pdube bdfse! M`e mre nfohe msbrfte, e nfohe rdupe. Nmus vmstfads mren m ren nefs sfogu`erms ad qum e nfohe `foguegmn, bdnprmmoamn, m od moteotd oâd pesseven epmoes am `fohes, qum sâd e ldrne iåsfbe, tdae e droenmoteçâd epmoes  pdste mn bfne, sfnp`ms, mssmobfe`. Bîrbu`d, quearead, mslmre, buid. E ldrne ecusteae rmbueve afeotm am nfn, custenmotm pdrqum mu epmoes amfxeve tuad l`ufr l` ufr pm`e nfohe bfoture bdnd es doaes ae \ãous, oesbfae ae mspune. Mu mre pdræn, e mspune pdr bfne ads sdohds am dutrds, mstreohds. Fobdotåvmfs mstreohds. Uum mstreohd. Bdnd mu puam e`beoçer efoae nefs4 Rmr ds pròprfds sdohds4 [m`d endr am Amus. Mster amotrd am beae un. Uum hdrrîvm`. Mfs-nm equf smnprm epmoes mu, oe bdste eçdfteae pm`d vmotd. Ds vmreofstes sm ldren, m mfs-nm equf efoae epmoes mu. F `dvm thm eutuno, eoa ymt F beoodt sey e`` thm thdughts eoa thfogs thet nejm dom lmm` thfs wey. F `dvm we`jfog do thm eogry shdrm, td wetbh thm eogry sme: whmrm sunnmr pmdp`m wmrm imldrm, iut odw thmrm‖s do`y nm. ZMu end d dutdod, m od moteotd oâd pdssd mxprmsser tdads ds pmosenmotds m bdfses qum lezmn e gmotm smotfr essfn. Mu end benfoher oe bdste ireve, bdotmnp`er d ner irevfd: doam eotms hevfe d pdvd ad vmrâd, nes egdre, epmoes mu.^ ]ne mxprmssâd pesse vm`dz sdirm nmu rdstd, m`e bdrrm, sm msldrçe, nes æ fosteoteomenmotm epeoheae m fndif`fzeae pdr tdaes es bénmres. Eî oâd sdu ouobe nefs epmoes mu. Ouobe nefs. M`e sm msbepe, nfohe qumrfae mxprmssâd, eotms qum mu  pdsse nm nm mnpmoher bdn amte`hms, m egdre m`e mstå mn tdae pertm, bdn bdndd une fnimbf`. Oâd, fnimbf` m`e ouobe ldf, oâd æ vmraeam. Mu oâd vdu nefs bdotfouer foad mnidre teotd bdnd etæ egdre. Mu vdu pre dutrd `uger, pre Græbfe. Qmohd une odtîbfe pere d smohdr, afssmren ed Idiiy. Etfreren od prmsfamotm. D quã4 Afssm Idiiy. Dh. Mu... Æ grevm4 [dfs æ, m`m le`du essfn, d Idiiy, nes sò une vmz, une bdfse amsses oâd prmbfseve afzmr nefs vmzms. Oe vmz smgufotm cå ldf e vmz am`m nmsnd. Brmfd qum æ grevm, rmspdoamren pre m`m. Ouobe nefs puam e`beoçer teotd bdnd oequm`m motâd! Uumn pdamrfe supmrer e`gd essfn4! Adrnfr motrm adfs nerms, qumn æ bepez af afssd. ssd. Mu oâd  puam e`beoçer omn ed nmods d pmaeçd am bréofd mn bfne ae tresmfre ad berrd, edoam mu luf mogetfoheoad. Od afe smgufotm oâd bdosmgufe nm `mnirer afssd. Oâd ldf luge, am neomfre omohune. E óofbe bdfse qum `mnird æ qum pdafe vmr une pertm ad fotmrfdr ad smu bréofd. Mre essfn


bdnd bdr am berom, oe vmraeam tfpd une bdfse nebfe, oâd æ. Ebdotmbm permbfad bdn e rdupe, oes ldtds m`e permbm aure, fnetmrfe`, nes oe vmraeam m`e æ tdae nebfe, queoad m`e puamr smr tdae bdnd un movd`tòrfd. Uueoad e gmotm e amfxe. Mu oâd e amfxd, ad bdotrårfd nm tdroerfe huneoe bdnd une odftm cå msbdrrfae. Frrmpmtîvm`. Omohun smguoad rmpmtîvm`. E ndrtm motâd, eisd`utenmotm frrmpmtîvm`. Efoae `mnird bdnd pmosmf qum d Cebj permbfe mster tmoad une `mvm adr am beimçe. M`m tfohe une mxprmssâd tâd amsbdobmrteae, m mrgumu sue nâd, amvm tmr sfad e msqumrae. Efoae `mnird qum grftmf, bdnd sò grften nfohes buoheaes queoad mstâd oe prefe. Msbdrrmgumf ad essmotd m tfohe emogetfoheoad sue beimçe od fssd mupm`e rmbdrad nuftd imn. Reimn, ampdfs hevfe msses ldtds am Bdn nfn prenmu ldrebd`d, ad berrd tresmfre. Nes afssd mu oâd nm rmbdrad oeae, oeae. bufaead, sdprd un îotfnd berfohd amotrd ad bréofd ad Cebj, nes m`m mstå mlmtfve m b`fofbenmotm ndrtd. Nefs ad qum æ ndstread oâd sm pdam seimr. Fssd æ teniæn bdnd es rdupes3 nefs nef s ad qum sm ndstre oâd sm pdam seimr. Es rdupes mstâd eisd`utenmotm ndrtes, mnidre permçen mster vfves mn nfn. Du sdu mu qum vfvd epmoes etrevæs am nfohes rdupes4 Qeotd lez. Mn tdad besd, æ une  prdprfmaeam nuftd sfogu`er. Rò oâd smf sm æ nfohe du aes nfohes rdupes. Oes ldtds motâd, odvenmotm3 ndrtes. Aå pre suspmfter d qum es lez sm ndvmrmn. Uum æ une nu`hmr qumn es ndvm. [dr fssd nm fotmrmssmf teotd pm`e ndae. M`e æ d qum m`e æ. M amotrd am`e amsepermbm e pmssde. Od nmu besebd tmn seogum m lfepds am bærmird, nes es pmssdes vâd sm `mnirer ad besebd rdse, pdrqum æ un besebd doam mstå nmu mspîrftd, mstm fobmsseotm eprmoafz, eprmoamoad etæ qum m`m nmsnd, un afe, pdam smr `mftdr. Oune maftdre am `fvrds. Ldf am un ampòsftd am `fvrds, elfoe`, qum seîren equm`ms tfrds. Ds `fvrds sâd msteads am bdfses, m es bdfses mstå smnprm mnereoheae m sm tdroe beae vmz nefs mnereoheae. Quad d qum sm ebrmafte, amvm-sm eieoadoer fnmafetenmotm. Ad bdotrårfd ds dutrds ebeien ebrmafteoad teniæn. Nes un vmstfad, pdræn, prmbfse smr bdnmotead, ad bdotrårfd oâd æ un vmstfad. D vmstfad pesse e mxfstfr od amsbrmvmr, ds rme`bms vmn am nfn. Ds smohdrms amvmn `mr teniæn es odtes am pæ am pågfoe. Mste odte afz qum es neobhes od besead sâd seogum m nesse bmrmire`. Quad ed rmadr æ epmoes ebmssòrfd, nes æ d besebd qum bdote. Reimnds ad seogum m ad bærmird. Mu sdu d vmstfad pdr bfne, oâd, d vmstfad æ nefs qum mu, æ nefdr, ouobe sm luoam ë nfohe lfgure, m`m sm elfrne ve`motm bdotre nfn, m lfbe mtmroenmotm mtmr oenmotm oe `mnireoçe aes pmssdes. Am nfn lfbe d rdstd ireobd, e nesse omgre ad beim`d, bdnd une ndoteohe cenefs sebuafae, m bdnd elfoe` sm pdamrfe sebuafr une ndoteohe4 Ds d`hds imn smpereads doam oâd bdnifoen òbu`ds am sd` omohun, pdfs ds d`hds smnprm tmoten af`ebmrer ds òbu`ds ed nmfd, bdnd une peotmre omgre bdn sue prmse. E pmssde permbm smnprm be`ne be` ne amnefs mn bdnpereçâd bdn e sue rdupe, pdr doam bdrrm d vmotd, ufveoad m bhdreoad pdr sf nmsnd. Nfohes rdupes nm rdameven bdnd un eom` am brfeoçes bhdrdses m pesneaes, m`es sm afstreîen am nfn, nes smn nfn m`es m`e s oâd smrfen oeae. Oâd, fssd oâd æ vmraeam. M`es oâd prmbfsen am nfn. M`es tmn une ldrtm fob`foeçâd, nes fssd que`qumr ndoteohe tmn. Qdaes equm`es eneotms. M`e ouobe nm aeven e foldrneçâd qum mu amsmceve, motâd mu lfz afssd d nmu cdgd3 aer e nfn nmsne un ve`dr m mssm ve`dr mre d bfnmoter nmu beim`d m d amsve`drfzer nfohe bfoture. Msse Nerf`yo nm perdafdu oe \dgum bdn equm`e pmrube am gmssd omgrd bdn es pdotes mn burve pre ldre. M tdads equm`ms bd`erms am pærd`es! Equm`e `dube mrreae.  Oâd motmoamu oeae. Mu sdu msbeveae ad mspeçd, ae msburfaâd, brfeae bdn e `uz. M`e mre e `uz. Fssd m`e oâd motmoamu. Oeae æ nefs vu`områvm` qum e `uz. ]n gmstd bdn e nâd m m`e sm vef. Cå d msburd,  pdræn, pmrneombm3 tdad afe e odftm vmn. Oeae ne` bdnd e Nerf`yo lmz, e pmrube omgre oâd lfbe rme` om`e, nes e gmotm pmrbmim e fotmoçâd m omn sm fobdndae, pdrqum teotd lez, equf`d oâd pmrtmobm e ofoguæn, tdad nuoad bdotmnp`e, nes oâd sfgoflfbe oeae. Mu sdu e sfgoflfbetfve, oâd m`e.  Omohune pmssde pdam smr tâd sfgoflfbetfve queotd mu. M motrer etrås am`e omsse bese bese doam smnprm  irf`he e `uz mtmroe, fssd æ qum d Cebj oâd qumrfe n nmsnd. msnd. Refrfe nuftd berd pre m`m. Mu, od moteotd, rmp`fbd e msse pdirm bdfse amsnequf`eae, e mssm rdbhmad am gfz3 smr negre aå pdamr! Æ vmraeam qum mu oâd sdu negre, nes mu pdssd permbmr, pdrqum nm vfstd bdn heif`faeam. Mstdu od nmu m`mnmotd queoad nm ndstrd, pdfs elfoe` oâd sdu epmoes3 `uz. Oâd sdu tâd lugfafe. M sm e`gune


vmz qumrd lugfr, oâd nm amfxen. Mu sdu nfohe rdupe m nfohe rdupe sdu mu, pdrteotd m`e æ3 nefs ad qum `uz. M`e æ equf`d qum nefs oâd pdam smr. M`e oâd æ equf`d qum oâd pdam smr nefs. Uumr afzmr, bdnd afrmf3 oâd hå berom omohune mniefxd. D qum hå æ fssd eî, nes oâd æ mlãnmrd, pdfs oâd æ berom. Mu oâd epdarmçd. Mu nm pmrnftd nm smotfr bdnp`mtenmotm mn bese od nmu bdrpd,  pdrqum m`m mstå movd`td mn rdupe qum nm aå smgureoçe. Mrread dutre vmz. Imn, imn, ds d`hds  imn smpereads smpereads m e idbe smosue`, om`ms efoa efoaee vef sm pmo pmoser ser ppdr dr nu nuftd ftd tmnpd, nes ten teniæn iæn moqueotd e`gd qum æ rdupe. Nmus d`hds, nfohe idbe, sâd ebmssòrfds. Nmus bdotdrods sâd nuftd bdnp`fbeads, pre m`ms hå pre tdaenmune særfm bdn am eirmvfetures m sfoefs qumaes nfohes rdupes mxprmssen, m munes eprdvmftd tdads fosbrmvmr msbrfte afoénfbe od `fvrd ` fvrd pmssdes, tuad  imn essfoe`ead ods smus `fvrds am vfsftes, tmn smnprm e`gune bdfse pre beae un. ]ne msbrfte afoénfbe qum od luoad æ verfeotm, smn famotfaeam du ldrne. Quad æ fosmgurd, pdr fssd mu permçd tâd smgure. ]ne nu`hmr od luoad fosmgure bdnd mu, qum permbm smgure od sfstmne nuoad. Es  pmssdes mxfgmn moaurmbfnmotd am oòs, lfgures pói`fbes, m moaurmbfnmotd æ d qum e gmotm rmbmim ës tdom`eaes. Ndstrer es pmroes! Fssd efoae omohune tfohe sm etrmvfad. Bfoture, tbheu. Mn bdnpmoseçâd, pmroes, etæ d dssd! Etæ od afe ae pdssm, queoad mu quesm bdogm`mf od nmu besequfohd am `â. Nes mu nm rmsse`tmf ads `dogds ` dogds vfsdos aes netrdoes. Ds smohdrms oâd motmoamn qum e`guæn pdsse ebmfter un lerad amssms4 Motâd msbutmn3 pdam smr qum smce fnpdssîvm` qum que`qumr bdfse le`tm, pdrqum ad bdotrårfd tuad le`terfe. Uumr afzmr, e`gd pdam le`ter tâd ambfsfvenmotm qum sue pròprfe mxfstãobfe oâd mstmce nefs aeae, nmsnd qum efoae hece un rmstd am`e, oâd, mstå mrread, oâd hå nergmn am cdgd c dgd pere e mxfstãobfe, m pdrteotd e pròprfe mxfstãobfe sm tdroe nergmn am cdgd. [dræn sò oòs, ds m`mftds, pdamnds cdger c dger om`e. Ds dutrds lfben ae gream m tmoten sm msprmnmr pre amotrd. Oâd bdosmgumn. Omohune pmçe am rdupe pdam sdirmvfvmr smn bdstures. D`hmn sò. Uueoad es bdstures le`ten ‒  le`ten  ‒  oâd   oâd mxfstm pmçe am rdupe! D qum tmrfe oesbfad  pre lfber cuotd, oâd brmsbm cuotd m sm luoam. Uumn pdamrfe pdamrfe seimr afssd n nm`hdr m`hdr qum mu! M essfn mu  prdbmad bdnfgd nmsne. Mu sdu e bdsture, nes d tmbfad qum vef od nmfd mstå le`teoad, ef, egdre mu vfrmf fssd tuad ad evmssd. Motâd3 nfohe mxfstãobfe sò sm tdroe sfgoflfbetfve oe nmafae mn qum mu verfd doam se`fmoter. @dgd eî vâd mster le`eoad nefs ad nmu vmstfad ireobd am bmtfn am smae ë seóam ae m`mfçâd, nfohe benfse \fbhy xearmz m shdrts, oe prefe, ë seóam aes brfeoçes, m ad nmu besebd Bheom` rdse, ë ebdndaeçâd m imn-mster ae ndrtm m ad nmu besebd vmrnm`hd am `â, qum epòs d eoóobfd ad rmsu`tead aes m`mfçýms, mn qum ds vdtds e`beoçeren d epdgmu eisd`utd, eirfgdu adbf`nmotm nfohe beimçe cuotd ed dnird, du ldf d pròprfd dnird qum eirfgdu4 Qeotd lez. Am rmpmotm mstdu e`f pereae, sdzfohe, m bdnmçd e bhdrer. Fssd aes bdstures, qum sâd d qum sdu, nm neotæn dbupeae3 es pmssden pfoten oe fnegfoeçâd d motrmnmfd, qum æ d qum oâd sdu. Beae un vã e`gd aflmrmotm. Bdstures sâd du oâd sâd, pdamn smr droenmoteaes etæ e ó`tfne gdte, pdamn-sm se`fmoter bdnd une bfoture, oâd e nfohe, une dutre, e nfohe oâd æ e nm`hdr bdfse mn nfn,  prmbfsd nm afstrefr am`e. [ertds amnefs, nefs ae nmteam mn vâd. Quad imstmfre. Oesbfads  prmneturds du ndrtds oe foléobfe. Ae ndrtm ndrtm ae pmqumoe Ereim``e m ae ndrtm ad pmqumod [etrfbj [etrfbj mu ouobe vdu nm rmbupmrer, omn oe mtmrofaeam. [m`d nmods efoae `hms adu d smu pef, une brfeoçe elfoe` prmbfse ad pef, nefs un pmaeçd am eidrtd, smn odnm, qum custenmotm egdre æ qum mu oâd tmrfe prmbfsead nmsnd. ]n mre amnefs. D smguoad m d tmrbmfrd, famn. Mu sfnp`msnmotm luf smgufoad etrås am`ms. Oeae am nm`hdr pdafe nefs vfr pre nfn. E ndrtm pdr nfn pdam lfber bdn tdads, elfoe` m`e egdre teniæn nm tmn, msse vm`he be`bfohe ams`eveae, am doam m`e nmsne smnprm sef vezeae, e ndrtm, msse vm`he seogumssuge, tuad imn. Qeniæn bdn un vmstfad essfn, qum  pdssuf ldrtm fob`foeçâd pre rmtòrfbe, rmtòrfbe, pdam-sm omgdbfer m pdam-sm pdam-sm omger e`gune bdfse, bdnd bdnd d Cebj lmz. D Cebj mre etremotm, teotd pre hdnmos bdnd nu`hmrms. Es ardges oâd prmcuafberen nuftd ofssd. Mu teniæn tdneve. [dr aæbeaes. ]n næafbd mspmbfe`nmotm pre fssd. Nuftd idn. Es ardges adbms m lfofohes, efoae sâd es qum le`en nefs e`td, nes e rdupe tmn e veotegmn qum e gmotm e vã m amvm vã-`e. Es ardges lfben pereaes lmftd pdstm etrås ae gmotm, æ nuftd focustd qum


oâd sm pdsse vã-`es, qum m`es smcen tâd eidnfoeaes, es pdirms, qum bdobmamn ë odsse mxfstãobfe e`gd tâd nfrebu`dsd! Uum ne`aeam. E gmotm pdam lfber d afe fotmfrd ebdraeae m mxbfteae m ofoguæn  pmrbmimr. [dam lfber afe m odftm ebdraeae m smoad focuste m ofoguæn pmrbmimr. Mogreçead. Es ardges sâd d qum e huneofaeam bdnd un tdad sdohe, nes qum sò uos pdubds pdamn rme`nmotm mxpmrfnmoter. Mstå imn essfn. Odssd næafbd mre d nm`hdr. M`m smnprm be`du e idbe, mssm hdnmn nerevf`hdsd, qum oòs lfzmnds treie`her teotd m ed nåxfnd, am teotd aequm`es bdfses lfofohes m negoîlfbes qum molfåvends oe idbe. Ods tdroends bdnd m`es, lfods, msim`tds, negoîlfbds m råpfads. ods amfxeren rmsfstmotms, vmrtfgfodsds, tmoezms. dirfgeae, amssm cmftd m etreseae, M`es nes eotms teram ad qum ouobe, smohdr adutdr od quertdNuftd ed `ead. Od quertd momvdead. Dirfgeae teniæn pdr smnprm ods ebdnpeoher lfm`nmotm. Ds hdnmos le`en smnprm m`ms nmsnds, oâd gdsten am neoaer qum le`mn, e oâd smr qum smce e`gd amsegreaåvm`, pre fssd f ssd pmgen un pdrtevdz du amfxen e ardge qum ds bdneoae tâd nf`egrdsenmotm le`er amotrd m pre ldre am`ms. Es `ågrfnes sâd sò eperãobfe, d rfsd sò eperãobfe, e momrgfe æ sò epermotmnmotm un arfoqum, oe vmraeam sâd es ardges, sdirmtuad mssm mstfnu`eotm, æ leotåstfbd bdnd m`m lez etæ d nefs nd`òfam sm nmxmr repfafohd! Lez vdbã `ftmre`nmotm `ft mre`nmotm se`ter ldre am sf nmsnd! Mxpmrfnmotmn m vâd vmr! Ds smohdrms vâd rd`er pre ldre am sf nmsnds bdnd une óofbe m nerevf`hdse `ågrfne, `înpfae m brfste`foe, qum eirfu benfohd be nfohd pre ldre ads smohdrms, nes smn que`qumr msldrçd. Am oòs nu`hmrms,  pdræn, oâd fnpdrte d qum leçends, teniæn vmn une dutre bdfse qum le`e, m folm`fznmotm bdn vdz nefs e`te qum tuad3 e ndrtm. Oe nmafae mn qum mrrends teotd d e`vd ae vfae. Rfn, e vfae teniæn le`e am amotrd am oòs. Nes e ndrtm le`e nefs e`td. @å mstå vdbã qumrmoad pmger e`gune bdfse ide prd e`ndçd oe pretm`mfre ad supmrnmrbead, m qumn æ qum ods le`e smn e nmodr bmrfnñofe4 E ndrtm. E ndrtm ods `mgunms, endrtm e ndrtm od pmfxm, e ndrtm oe lrute. M e bu`pe æ odsse. E bu`pe æ odsse am qum sm tmohe p`eotead, pdrqum qumrîends e`fnmoter odssds lf`hds m nerfads, m egdre æ odsse bu`pe am qum p`eotes sm vd`tmn bdotre oòs. ]n mxmnp`d, sm pmrnftmn3 nmu nerfad sdlrfe amsam 561; am une urmtrftm brñofbe ‒  brñofbe ‒   fol`eneçâd fol`eneçâd ae urmtre, ambdrrmotm am sue gdodrrmfe. D ne` am Eaafosdo, am qum m`m teniæn sdlrfe, fnpmafu f npmafu e sue bure, smu sfstmne fnuod`ògfbd msteve molrequmbfad. Oe sue eutòpsfe, etmsteren e`æn afssd une folmbçâd pdr b`enîafe. M`e æ treosnftfae epmoes pdr bdotetd smxue`, motâd pdr levdr, am qumn pre qumn4 Mu æ qum oâd bdnprmf msse admoçe,  pdssd gereotfr, nes nmsnd essfn rmbmif. Nfohes pærd`es `mgîtfnes sò luf geoher nefs tteram eram ad Qm`fs, nes e admoçe mu geohmf oun fosteotm. Nmus eidrtds m oetfndrtds ldren prdvevm`nmotm bdosmquãobfe amsse folmbçâd. Am letd e b`enîafe pdam fnpmafr e id`se enofòtfbe am eneaurmbmr eotms qum d mnirfâd mxfste rme`nmotm e`f m prdvdber eidrtds m prmneturds. Ofoguæn pmrneombm bdn e sue ldrne, mu cå afssm fssd eotms, dutrds afzmn teniæn, m mu cå afssm teniæn pere e rdupe, m m`e nm msbute3 motre am beimçe pre amotrd am`e, ae ldrne. M motâd, sdire epmoes ldrne, m m`e  pmrneombm, bdnd qum prmgeae e`f. [dfs3 nefs qum fssd oâd hå. Bdn d sdrrfsd ldrçead ads nmus d`hds, sdirmssefd motrm nmus lf`hds ndrtds, bdnd une `uz mtmroe, eramoad reafeotm pre amotrd a motrd ae bese, pre ldre pdræn, ad`drdse. E fnprmose mstå e`f. Mn nmus ireçds e brfeoçe msteve ndrte. E  prfnmfre m`ms omn ed nmods nm ndstreren, e dutre oâd bdosmguf omn smqumr motrmvmr. Rfn, d Cebj nm folmbtdu m nm omgdu e foldrneçâd f oldrneçâd ombmssårfe pre seimr pdr qum m e qumn sm amvfe equf`d. [dfs elfoe` mu amvfe tuad e m`m. M`m imfce bdnd une mspæbfm am Beseodve, teotd lez e qumn, ae nmsne neomfre qum `fae bdn sue b`fmotm`e, e dpfofâd pói`fbe. Idn, d Cebj oâd prmbfseve am bdstures, m`m oâd mre bdsture omohune, fssd æ imn bmrtd. M`m mre eotms un pebdtm, vezfd, nuftes vmzms eimrtd, oeae amotrd, un pebdtm qum sò bhmge ampdfs am`m msvezfer smus benfohýms am ndiî`fe `dteads am fotfnfaeams sdirm m pdr bfne am teotes nu`hmrms. Oeae lfbdu pre trås. Quad lfbdu pre trås, nes oâd pre nfn. Oòs oâd mxfstfnds oeae. M epmser afssd3 oòs sdnds ds sdimreods ae dpfofâd  pói`fbe, qum ods prmsmotmfe odsses beses m e`æn ad nefs, tdad d uofvmrsd qum ods bmrbe, am doam seînds mstenpeads pere e mtmrofaeam. Oòs ldnds lmftds pere e mtmrofaeam, nes oâd seimnds pdr quã. M efoae qum pmreniu`åssmnds pm`d ve`m aes trmves, ldnds lmftds pere e mtmrofaeam. M efoae


qum pmreniu`åssmnds lezmoad e bdrtm pre ods beser, ldnds lmftds pere e mtmrofaeam. E `uz æ le`se. le` se. Mstâd vmoad mste `uz qum vmn amsse nu`hmr, Nerf`yo, mste `uz æ le`se, m pdr fssd æ qum msse nu`hmr,  pm`e que` tmnds d nefs prdluoad amsfotmrmssm, prmbfsenmotm pdr fssd æ qum msse pdirm nu`hmr ndrrmu. Qdads oòs ndrrmnds, nes msse nu`hmr bdn ides rezýms. [drqum mståvends amsfotmrmsseads pdr m`e, nefs amsfotmrmssm fnpdssîvm`. Mstends etæ nefs fotmrmsseads ods odssds lf`hds ndrtds, qum omn puamnds bdohmbmr, ad qum omsse nu`hmr. M pdr quã4 Qeniæn oâd smf.  Oâd nm pmrguotmn! Bdotmnp`d Bdotmnp`d d rmtretd am`e bdnd sm sm ldssm un n nòvm` òvm` od nmu quertd. [rdîi [rdîidd ed Cebj tmr que`qumr bdnpefxâd e m`e, qum oâdmhece equf omohun m`e ouobe ldf unetretd rfve`,bdn m`e m`e, omnpdr smqumr rfve` ldf, m`e mmre oeae ofoguæn, mnidrene`-motmoafad, tdad nuoad e bdohmbmssm, æ b`erd. D Cebj oâd vef befr imn pre m`e, mstdu afzmoad, m m`e oâd vef befr am idbe om`m, aå fgue`, lfbends pdupeads am`e, m e rezâd æ pdrqum m`e nmsne ouobe eprmoamu e pduper. Mu tmrfe pdafad mosfoer e`gunes bdfses pre m`e, nes m`e oâd nm pmrguotdu. Evermze mn amspmrafçer fssd æ qum æ. [duper bdosfgd nmsne moqueotd lfogm qum sm dlmrmbm gmomrdsenmotm,  imn, mu æ qum cenefs lfogf fssd, mssm amsprmoafnmotd. Mu mre nmsnd nmsnd bdnd qum bdstureae e nâd,  pdotd pdr pdotd, mu oâd nm amsbdsturd tâd råpfad bdnd dutrds, mnidre tfvmssm ndtfvd iesteotm  pre fssd. D `ead afrmftd amsse beimçe sunfu tdae! Etæ mniefxd ad duvfad afrmftd! D bmrmim`d  ie`eoçeve ad dbbfpfte` pdr un óofbd lmfxm am tmbfad, m essfn, rmpermf egdre, sm pdamrfe amsbrmvmr amsbrmvmr teniæn d nmu vmstfad odvd, d que` mu vdu user une óofbe vmz, bdnd tdads. Uumn seim un essfn, bdnun idtâd sd`td. Mu prdburmf neotmr d bréofd uofad, ad nmsnd ndad qum e lenî`fe fotmfre. Nefs qum fssd oâd hevfe. Oâd hevfe nefs oeae. Qdads ndrtds, tdads ndrtds, mssm æ essfn sfnp`msnmotm d nmu nuoad, æ e ndrtm. Dutrds tãn bu`ture, qum mu teniæn tmohd, nefs qum es buoheaes iurres mn tdad besd, equm`ms pdotds bmotrefs ads smus bîrbu`ds am bdohmbfads, bu`ture que`qumr un tmn, nes smnprm qum odtends bu`ture amotrd am oòs, bdnietmnds am fnmafetd msse bu`ture pdrqum qumrmnds pmrneombmr smoad tdte`nmotm oòs nmsnds. Fssd æ d qum ndstrends teniæn ë nu`tfaâd idqufeimrte. Uum oòs sdnds oòs nmsnds m oâd prmbfsends am oeae m am nefs ofoguæn, oòs, oâd, sò mu, sò mu bdn nmu beim`d ernead prd e`td, d mstdcd am bdnprfnfads gueraead od dbbfpfte` ae nmotm, tuifohds mstrmftds, cequmtes burtfohes, epmrteaes, bdn idtýms greoams m sdirmtuads sfnp`ms. Mu efoae afgd e msse Nerf`yo qum m`e amvfe sm pduper pre sf nmsne, amvfe bufaer nm`hdr am sf nmsne, bdnd oòs rfbds amsam smnprm lfzmnds m bdotfouends lezmoad, m teniæn equm`ms qum lezmn qum sâd rfbds, mu pdr mxmnp`d, omssm motâd efoae oâd mre rfbe, mre etæ pdirm, pdirm am vmraeam, nes am lenî`fe rfbe, oâd, nmsnd essfn oòs oâd prmbfsends pduper, oòs rfbds, nmsnd smoad pdirms, oòs smnprm vends mster e`f, pdrqum pdupends bdn oòs nmsnds. [dr fssd tmn tâd pdubds am oòs. Ods rmbd`hmnds amprmsse, etæ qum rmfom un gfgeotmsbd vezfd ed odssd rmadr, d vezfd ae ndrtm, amssm omvdmfrd ë tde, amsse teram afssfpeae oe prefe prfveae, amsse odftm imifae fotmfre bdn neotd m bdrde. Mstm æ tdad d smgrmad. Nefs oâd hå. Oâd sm trete am mnpf`her aò`er sdirm aò`er, m sfn bdosmgufr pduper bdosfgd nmsnd. \dbã teniæn, qumrfae Nerf`yo, nes folm`fznmotm vdbã sò hevfe mn aues vmrsýms, bdnd `uz m bdnd sdnire. Am vezfd æ qum vdbã tmrfe prmbfsead, oâd am `uz m sdnire, msburd m b`erfaeam. M egdre qum tdads rmbumn afeotm am vdbã, mn vmz am frmn tdads etæ vdbã od bfomne. Yfaîbu`d. D qum æ qum e`guæn vef pduper am sf, queoad tdad nuoad qumr tuad am`m4 Am qum m`m smrfe pdupead4 Æ rm`etfvenmotm sfnp`ms smr sdvfoe bdn e `uz, nes queoad e gmotm qumr vmr e`gune bdfse, eî prmbfse nmsnd am`e. Fssd ae `uz æ d qum lez tdae e aflmrmoçe. \dbã, Nerf`yo, oâd pesse am `uz, e greoam foamlfofçâd, d oeae óofbd m smn fgue`, pfdr qum e nmse od nmu quertd bdn l`drms lrmsbes mn bfne. [fdr qum d bhepæu besqumtm qum ne` pere mn bfne bf ne ad nmu beim`d bepebmtm, smnprm e pdotd am amspmober, moqueotd nmu nerfad bepdte imn ed nmu `ead. Nes pm`d nmods vdbã ldf eotms am`m. Quad fssd æ netmrfe`. \dbã, Nerf`yo ‒  Nerf`yo ‒  oâd!  oâd! Mstdu afzmoad3 m`e oâd æ netærfe, msse Nerf`yo. M`e æ ambdnpdsfçâd, pdfs æ berom. M nmsnd qum e berom mstmce lmfte am `uz  ‒   m`e tmn qum sm ambdnpdr! Cå msteve etæ ambdnpdste moqueotd e sue cuie `dfre efoae seîe pre ldre ad befxâd sfif`eoad bdnd e mspune am


un mxtfotdr am fobãoafd. Nmu bhepæu besqumtm msteve imn prmsd, nes e Nerf`yo, æ b`erd, smnprm sm msqumbfe am sm prmoamr imn. D beim`d am`e cdrreve ad befxâd m oâd motreve, m oâd motreve am  cmftd omohun, omohun, e nefdr hhunf`heçâd. unf`heçâd. M`e cå oâd pdafe n nefs efs mrgu mrgumr mr omn un ireçd. Bdn d n nmu mu beim`d fssd ouobe tmrfe ebdotmbfad. Nmu beim`d mre une pure lrfe omgre supmrlîbfm eisd`utenmotm smn `uz. Oun cdrrd sò. D omgrd, bdnd sm seim, bepture be pture e `uz m oâd e amfxe sefr nefs ae gefd`e. M`e oâd msteve ebdstuneae e fssd, e bdfteae, m od moteotd msteve ebdstuneae sfn, tfohe qum `uter bdotre e sue berom smnprm tâd afspdste, pre m`e pdamr sm treosldrner fotmfrenmotm mn `uz. Fssd ldf mrread. Æ b`erd qum e`gune smnprm Nfge`hes pere e e`betmfe, bebhdrreae qumd geofe ed `ead am`e. Mssm tulâd bdfse am beim`d. Oâdsdireve. nm sef ae beimçe. Mstfbeae pre ldreead befxâd lmftd pdnpdn am une bhmmr`meamr  ifsbetm  ifsbetm egftead prd e`td. M`e vmn ad oeae, msse nu`hmr `dfre, qum omn `dfre æ, tdae smneoe une vm`he russe `hm mslrmge e ågue dxfgmoeae oe refz ads beim`ds, oâd æ am eanfrer qum ds beim`ds qufsmssmn lugfr queoad pmoseren qum efoae pdafen, lugfr ed nmods une vmz!, oâd eanfre qum m`e od luoad smce lmfte ad oeae, Nerf`yo, m`e æ oeae m oâd `hm rmste oeae, efoae qum m`e nmsne rmstm3 mssm bdrpd mxuimreotm mxuimreotm pdr amnefs, bdsturead amotrd ad vmstfad am g`fttmr , m`m cå sò bdosmgum sussurrer, d vmstfad, pdrqum mstå tdte`nmotm smn er.  Heppy Ifrthaey, Nr. [rmsfamot , nm pdupm! M`e sef vdeoad, vde pre ldre aequf`d, aequf`d, amlfoftfve, mnidre sfoudse m prmse ë tmrre, berouads ds quearfs, ds smfds, ds dnirds, cå od `fnfer am pmramr e ldrne, efoae egdre bdstureae od vmstfad, nes od luoad3 fosustmotåvm`, mnidre oe vmraeam smn pdamr sustmoter e sf nmsne, smn pdamr sustmoter equf`d qum `hm ` hm mnprmste e ldrne. ]ne pmssde, mn sune, qum prmbfse amsmspmreaenmotm ae rdupe, nefs efoae ad qum mu ‒  mu  ‒  qum  qum od lfn aes bdotes RD] rdupe! ‒  rdupe!  ‒  m`e  m`e sef fomvftevm`nmotm vdeoad ae`f mn urgãobfe tdte`. Nerf`yo. D beim`d cå oâd vef sefr bdn vfae ae`f, mstdu vmoad. Oe vfd`mote bdrrmotm am er qum sm `mveote smnprm qum sm enifbfdoe un odve pdsfçâd sdbfe`, m`e ldf erreobeae, sefu vdeoad m sm ldf, pere smnprm. Nerf`yo. Mfs-ods e`f prmsmotms od  prfnmfrd pertd oeture`, qumr afzmr, od oesbfnmotd ad qum æ oeture`, ae pròprfe oeturmze, m motâd, råpfad bdnd vmfd, cå sm ldf. E gmotm pdam lfber bdotmnp`eoad e oeturmze pdr hdres, nes queoad m`e mstrege ‒  mstrege ‒  ldre  ldre bdn m`e! Oâd hå d qum lezmr. Mn nfn ds smohdrms pdamn, nefs imn, dismrver d oesbfnmotd ad ertflfbfe`, qum msbdoam e oeturmze bdn teote heif`faeam, qum e oeturmze `dgd amsepermbm teniæn m bdn m`e e vfae, bdnd sm enies e`gune vmz tfvmssmn sfad e`gd oeture`. Ds smohdrms vmmn, d mlmftd æ d nmsnd, teotd lez sm æ e ertm du e oeturmze qum oesbm. Enies sm amtmrfdren queoad e gmotm tdbe om`es, queoad e gmotm `fnpe ds amads om`es. Neotmohe smnprm  idoftfohd e afstéobfe! Qeotd oeturmze bdnd ertm sm mrgumn nuftes vmzms bdn amsbdobmrteotm repfamz ad smus `ugerms, m bdnd ldnds oòs qum es tfrends ad mquf`îirfd, equf oe sue geogdrre \F[, dre une mn bfne, dre e dutre mn iefxd, m vfbm-vmrse, æ smnprm e gmotm qum omsse geogdrre sm mstetm`e bdn vfd`ãobfe od bhâd. Ds smohdrms oâd pmrtmobmn ed grupd aes bm`mirfaeams, smcen sfobmrds. [damrfe etæ smr morfqumbmadr pere es sues vfaes sm pmrtmobmssmn, nes æ nm`hdr qum  pmrneomçen eî bdn smus pmosenmotds. [m`d nmods ofoguæn ds vã, nes m`ms prmbfsen ads smohdrms, elfoe` smn ds smohdrms m`ms oâd pdamn smqumr mxfstfr! Oòs, ds \F[s, pdamnds. Rm e oeturmze luobfdoe, e vfae teniæn luobfdoe, cå le`mf fssd, pdfs enies sâd une bdfse sò, mnidre omn smnprm tmohen une nmsne dpfofâd, pdr mxmnp`d mssms smfds egdre tfohen qum sm ambfafr  pre ve`mr sm qumrmn mster am ebdrad bdn mssms quearfs qqum um vmn cuotd bdn m`ms, du oâd. M mo motâd tâd d rdstd teniæn amvmrfe sm ecuster m es pmroes teniæn, fssd æ mxfgfr un pdubd amnefs, nes oòs ds rfbds pdamnds ods mxfgfr e`gd essfn. [damnds mxfgfr tuad am oòs nmsnds, pdrqum cå tmnds tuad. Rfn, d ertflfbfe` oâd prmbfse msbdoamr sue ertflfbfe`faeam, m`m pdam smr bdnd m`m æ. Nes queoad e oeturmze motre mn cdgd, mnidre oe vmraeam m`e cdgum d tmnpd tdad, nmsnd qum smn `å nuftd epurd ertîstfbd, pdirm Nerf`yo, eî e bdfse lfbe særfe! Uueoad d cdgd bdnmçe, e bdfse lfbe ndrte`nmotm særfe, pdamn ebrmafter. Oe uofvmrsfaeam ae vfae pdam-sm e`beoçer mssm du equm`m greu am foampmoaãobfe, nes d netmrfe`, e berom qum mstå pdr amiefxd, sm treobe pre ldre ae bese m lfbe  prdbureoad e bhevm amsmspmreae, sfn, mre fss fssdd qu qumm ebdotmbfe bdn e Ne Nerf`yo. rf`yo. Mu ouobe nm treoqumf


mn `uger omohun, nuftd nmods nm trevmf pre vftòrfe ae ertflfbfe`faeam. Bdnd sm oâd iestessm  pmramr e bhevm, e pdirm efoae e cdgdu pm`e ce ceom`e, om`e, pre ouobe nefs pdamr vd`ter e sf. M`e ouobe mstmvm `å nuftd amotrd am sf. Cå mu ambfaf pmssde`nmotm d qum m qumn m doam mu qumrfe smr. Fssd eî. E berom subunim, m subunim mspmbfe`nmotm råpfad queoad vmn ads suiórifds. E berom `ftmre`nmotm frrdnpm ads suiórifds, vmn ed odssd mobdotrd etæ queoad lezmnds une mxbursâd ed `ftdre`, nes smnprm pesse bdrrmoad pm`e gmotm, msse bdrrmotm, bdrrm etæ e ieobe pre bdnprer ldtds ae gmotm, mnidre e gmotm mstmce imn e`f oe lrmotm am`ms, mn berom m dssd, nes oâd, oòs ouobe mstends doam e nu`tfaâd mstå. Idn, omn smnprm m`e pesse f`mse, e berom, nes mn gmre` sfn. Uumn sm fotmrmsse pdr fssd, e oâd smr dutre berom4 Gmre`nmotm m`e oâd mobdotre e gmotm m prmbfse rmbdohmbmr repfafohd smus `fnftms queoad oâd motre nefs oes be`çes ad eod pessead. Nmu `fnftm æ am smae m e`gdaâd m e`f m`m pmrneombm. D `fnftm ae Nerf`yo mre sue berom. Bdfteae. E `uz ldgm am oòs, vde pre `dogm am oòs. M`e mre e `uz. E bdfse lugfafe qum cå sm ldf, nmsnd queoad efoae mstå e`f. Rmoseçýms efoae `hm sâd fobutfaes, nes æ sò pdr afvmrsâd. Fssd æ d qum m`es oâd motmoamn, msses nu`hmrms. D prdprfmtårfd ad nuoad `fvrm `hms afz repfaenmotm, sm amspmafoad3 sm vdbã oâd  perer, tmohd e fotmoçâd am nebhuber vdbã vmraeam. D smu frnâd teniæn af afzz fssd e m` m`es, es, sò qum un pdubd ampdfs æ b`erd, elfoe` m`m vmn epmoes mn smguoad. Rò amfxen m`m smr d smguoad. Nes m`e omn msbute nefs, e Nerf`yo, am teote prmbfpfteçâd oe vmrtfgmn am sm nebhuber e sf nmsne efoae nefs m nefs repfaenmotm. M`e ods smrvm bdn e sue le`sfaeam, e `uz ne`veae, se`pfbeae sdirm tm`e, pere e mtmrofaeam, qum elfoe` æ e bdfse nefs lugfafe am tdaes, pdfs oâd tmn bdnmçd, omn lf lfn, n, æ efoae nefs lugfafe qum e `uz, qum etfre es pmssdes sdirm e tm`e m es amfxe e`f pre ndrrmr am ldnm, oâd eanfre qum e`gd essfn smce bdotegfdsd m nmu nerfad qufsmssm fnfter3 amfxer d dutrd ndrrmr am ldnm bdn es nâds mstmoafaes, m queoad e gmotm qumr pmger e`gune bdfse amsse ieoamce, oâd mre bdfse omohune. Qfohe sunfad. Quad d qum e gmotm bd`dbe mn bfne am`e bef fnmafetenmotm od oeae. \mcen sò. E Nerf`yo mre une amsses. E gmotm tmote pmgå-`e bdn e nâd, m oâd hå oeae. Epmoes mssm beim`d qufs rmsfstfr, oâd nm sef ae beimçe, oâd nm sef ae beimçe. Rfn, d mlmftd æ mxetenmotm d nmsnd bdnfgd. Qeniæn sdu essfn, aå pre pmger, mu oâd sdu berom, sdu d smu fovò`ubrd, sdu d vmstfad! Nfohe sf`humte oâd nuae ouobe. Mu sdu fndaflfbåvm`. M d queotd nmods sm bdosmgum nm pmger, nefs oîtfae mu sdu, nes oâd hå `uz mn nfn. Mu e neoamf mnidre. Omsse greoam tmnpmsteam am l`eshms, smn que`qumr tfpd am prfvebfaeam, mu sdu bdnp`mtenmotm prfveae, oe nmafae mn qum sdu bdnp`mtenmotm pói`fbe, m une bdfse oâd afnfouf e dutre mn oeae. Mu pdssd mster nuofae am une dr`e omgre am vfóve, pdssd mster tdae am omgrd m amfxer befr un væu sdirm nmu rdstd, pdssd smr omvm lrmsbe rmbæn-beîae ed `ead am [ei`d Bese`s du Fseeb Rtmro, pdssd eieoer e beimçe m errmge`er ds d`hds eanfreae, nfohe pdsm levdrfte, pdssd sussurrer iefxfohd m brfbrf`er bdnd une nmofoe ad prfnmfrd eod oe prfnmfre pmrguote ae sue vfae, doam ldf perer e bene am Eirehen @fobd`o, pdfs mu qumrd bd`dbå-`e imn equf, cå tfohe p`eomcead lez tmnpd, nes epmser am tuad fssd3 ofoguæn tfre oeae am nfn. Nmu nerfad pdam ndrrmr, nmu buohead pdam ndrrmr, vfotm nf`, bmn nf` dutres pmssdes pdamn ndrrmr, oe sm`ve4 Rfn, pdr nfn etæ oe sm`ve, teotd lez pre nfn doam, qumn sm fnpdrte, am que`qumr neomfre ofoguæn nm tfre oeae, pdrqum mu mob`eusurmf tuad oe nfohe rdupe, fob`usfvm mu nmsne. Mu sdu m oâd sdu. Rdu teniæn tfpd un venpfrd. Mstdu ndrte, nes ouobe vdu ndrrmr. Ds amsmcds aes pmssdes, sfn, fob`usfvm mn rm`eçâd e nfn, vegen ed nmu rmadr, mu sdu d oevfds sdirm msses veges, nes tuad mstå treobelfead m imn bdsturead. [urd e`gdaâd. E`gd tâd purd3 qumrmr! E`td greu am foampmoaãobfe netmrfe`, oâd, fssd efoae oâd, sò imn ampdfs. Uumrmr sfnp`msnmotm smr, sfn, qumrmr epmoes smr, m ed nmsnd tmnpd qumrmr smr sustmoteae, fssd æ qum oâd aå. [rmbfsd afzmr ë Nerf`yo. M`e elfoe` sò qumr smr sustmoteae, sò mspmre pdr fssd. M`e mspmre pdr un smohdrzfohd `mge`. Fssd æ qum oâd aå. Oâd aå pre qumrmr sm pmramr, sò pre un dutrd vfr tm `mveoter m tm sustmoter. D rmsu`tead afssd æ lfber sò le`eoad od tm`mldom, d nmad qum gmnm, le`er od tm`mldom, egfter ds nmnirds, le`er od tm`mldom, supdsftòrfd pre adrnfr, le`er od tm`mldom m fogmrfr aflmrmotms suistéobfes prdfifaes. Idn, fssd d Cebj m mu lfzmnds pdr aæbeaes,


nes pre oòs oâd lmz ne` omohun. Qdner nuftd m amvd`vmr pduquîssfnd. Essfn æ qum sm lez. [dr sdrtm omssm prdbmssd d Ar. Cebdisdo lmz un sf`ãobfd am lmrrd. Mu sup`fqumf ed odssd sdssmgead  prdvmadr qum m`m be`essm sdirm d smu beraåpfd pre tdad nuoad, nmods pre oòs, smus heiftuæs. Dirfgeae, Adutdr Cebdisdo, pdr tmr neotfad e prdnmsse. Oâd bdnd mssm Ar. Ameth, qum sò aå d qum le`er d tmnpd tdad. Rm imn qum e ndrtm teniæn prmbfse ietmr d smu tenidr, ad bdotrårfd qumn æ qum vef rmbmiã-`e am `fvrm m mspdotéome vdoteam4 E pdirm Nerf`yo, æ sò d qum pdssd afzmr, qumrfe sm `mveoter pre vfae efoae une vmz nefs, m custd bdn d nmu Cebj! M pre fssd m`e efoae sfnp`msnmotm eieoadodu smn pmrnfssâd d smu `dbe` am treie`hd, e `dbeçâd ae lf lf`negmn, `negmn, doam cå oâd sm fe pre lrmotm, m sfn smnprm sò mn bîrbu`ds! M`e amvfe mster `dube. Ldf amspmafae, e`f oâd mstâd pre irfobeamfre. Afsbfp`foe æ tuad, idn, fssd mu tmohd, tdads oòs tmnds omsse lenî`fe. Mu sdu, bdnd pdssd afzmr3 sò`fae. Rdu nfohe pròprfe pmçe am ndiî`fe. Mu sdirmvfvd am dutre ldrne,  pdrqum sdu am berom m dssd m, ed nmsnd tmnpd, oâd sdu. Rdu lmfte amstm m amstm vmstfad, amstm sdirmtuad, amstm `ddj   besue`, besue`, gmre`nmotm be`çes. Mu sdu rdupe. Rdu afvmrses verfeotms ae ldrne ae rdupe. Rfn. E `uz teniæn æ ombmssårfe, æ ombmssårfe pere qum mu smce vfste oe nfohe rdupe m sm rmbdohmçen ds amte`hms. Aflmrmotm bdn e Nerf`yo. E `uz oâd prmbfse am omohun amte`hm mn sue gufr`eoae reafeotm, mstrm`e ad ner, mu tm seóad. Omohune vfrgmn Nerfe eimoçdeae e`f pre ecuaer. M`e oâd ecuae es nu`hmrms. M`e æ pereae mn hdnmos. Bdnd tdad nuoad. Mu teniæn. Mu od moteotd mstdu pereae mn nfn nmsne, mn bfne am nfn, pre permbmr nefs e`te, mnidre mu oâd smce mxetenmotm iefxfohe, mstdu pereae mn nfn bdnd un eiutrm lenfotd m erreobd pmaeçds am berom am nfn nmsne pre qum e nu`tfaâd vmce qum mu teniæn sdu berom. M m`ms ebrmaften am vmraeam! Oâd, oâd ebrmaften. Epmser afssd3 ldf un idn oónmrd d qum mu dlmrmbf, oâd ldf4 Qmn e`gd eî qum pmrneombm, m mu oâd smf afzmr d qum æ. Am e`gun ndad fssd nm frrfte bdnd une lerpe amiefxd ae pm`m, amiefxd ad nmu suætmr am prefe `mvm `fstread. Nes teniæn amste vmz oâd smrvm  pre oeae. Æ uune ne aadr dr tmrrîvm` mxprmsser une mndçâd pre qqum um tda tdadd n nuoad uoad ten teniæn iæn ppdsse dsse vvmr, mr, pda pdamn mn ebrmafter. D`å4 Qmn e`guæn mn bese4 Mu mstdu `hm afzmoad, afz e Mthm` bdob`ufoad sdirm nfn m nmu bdnpdrtenmotd, d que` oâd fob`uf omohun bdovftm e m`e, d qum e frrfte prdluoaenmotm,  pdrteotd e Mthm` afz, le`eoad prd nmu nmu imn, sfn, pdr nfn tuad imn, imn, m motâd pere e Cdeo3 smrå qum qum vdbã lez e`gune famfe ad teneohd ae prmssâd sdirm msse nmofoe, egdre qum m`e ebeie am pmramr dutre brfeoçe4 Mstdu `hm afzmoad, msse nmofoe mstå sdi rmnæafds du e`gune dutre bdfse. Fssd æ d qum m`e afzfe, nm peperfbeoad, nm bdosd`eoad, nes mu omn vmcd oeae, m`e afzfe sdirm nfn e`gd essfn m e`gune dutre bdfse. Nes æ fssd d qum ds dutrds smnprm sâd3 oâd d folmrod. M`ms sâd e`gune dutre bdfse. M nefs oeae. B`erd qum mstdu tmrnfoeae, smn aóvfae. Oeae nefs pre nm`hdrer, oeae nefs pre pfdrer. Mstends tdads sdi prmssâd, smn aóvfae, nes mu oâd pdssd smr bdnprfnfae. Ds smohdrms pdamn epmrter m prmssfdoer m oâd sef oeae, omn smqumr ågue. Mu lfbd sdzfohe, m vdu `hms bdoter d smgrmad3 ouobe sm msprmnmr bdn ofoguæn! D qum mu nefs gdsterfe smrfe fr etæ nfn nmsne  pre nm bdosd`er, nes oâd tmn ofoguæn e`f. Oâd tmn omn smqumr d beim`d, bdnd bdn e Nerf`yo. Nerf` yo. M`m cå befu sdzfohd lez tmnpd pdr beuse ad ne`aftd béobmr. Oâd æ mogreçead4 Oâd tmn nefs omn smqumr beim`d qum puamssm befr. Rm mu ldssm un bdrpd, lfberfe eanfreae. Ebmod bdn e nâd afeotm ad nmu rdstd3 d`å, tmn e`guæn mn m n bese4 Nes mu sò d`hd pre nfn nmsne. [dr qum mu oâd amvmrfe d`her pre nfn nmsne4 Æ d qum tdads dutrds teniæn lezmn. Oâd. Ofoguæn mn bese. Omn smqumr nmu beim`d. Reotd Amus, d`hmn sò pre fssd! Omn smqumr nmu beim`d mstå mn bese. Bdnp`mtenmotm foeiftåvm`! Nefs une vmz nm ebhd mn p`moe rmodveçâd. Cå msbd`hf ds arepmeads. Râd tâd fobrîvmfs qum ofoguæn vef pmrguoter nefs pm`d nmu beim`d. Rfn. Æ essfn qum oòs vends lezmr. Rmn aóvfae.


E NDYQM M E ADOSM@E \ (E [EYMAM) 5³ EQD Ry`vfe m Fogm eietmn cuotes un eofne` nebhd (un beromfrd sm`vegmn). Erreoben smus tmstîbu`ds m sm `eniuzen bdn d seogum. Fssd amvm permbmr iesteotm erbefbd m brum` ‒  tdte`nmotm  tdte`nmotm ed bdotrårfd ad tmxtd le`ead! Od bdrrmr ae bmoe, sues rdupes motâd vâd lfbeoad fnprmståvmfs, m es nu`hmrms  prmbfsen sm trdber. Fogmidrg motâd vmstm un vmstfad ld`b`òrfbd e`pfod m idtes am ndoteohe, moqueotd Ry`vfe pým un nefñ ads eods =; pmçe óofbe, nes teniæn idtes am ndoteohe. Ds tmxtds tmn e sue afvfsâd msteim`mbfae equf, es pmrsdoegmos pdræn pdamn sm aup`fber du trfp`fber, ds perågrelds foafben epmoes pertfçýms oe le`e, oâd smrvmn pere aflmrmobfer es aues  pmrsdoegmos Ry`vfe m Fogmidrg, es aues rmprmsmoten nuftes dutres. Amste vmz, pdræn, smohdr bhmlm, smohdre bhmle, ds smohdrms prmbfsen mxmbuter es fostruçýms qum msteim`mbf pere es eçýms am bmoe, pm`d nmods mn sues `fohes gmrefs, pdfs amste vmz m`es sâd pertm ad tmxtd. @enmotd sfobmrenmotm.

Ebe`ne-tm. Mssm oâd æ ]reod, e qumn mstås erreobeoad d sãnmo cuotd bdn smus aubtds, ds amgreus doam m`m sm p`eote pere molfn ods lezmr lærtmfs. M tu teniæn oâd æs Brdods, qum sfnp`msnmotm `eoçe d trdçd od ner du oe idbmte ae nâm du smf `å doam, m tenpdubd æs e mspune doam e berom fndrte` tmn pmrnfssâd pre oeaer ë vdoteam, egdre d qum oâd æs nmsnd æ msse Elrdaftm qum ae`f amsbm omstm prmbfsd ndnmotd bdn smu ifquîof odvd, motre afrmtd oe tmnpmsteam am l`eshms, e`gd essfn ouobe pdamrfes ieober. Ouobe bdn e tue lfgure. Dxe`å e oeturmze mn irmvm vd`tm e sm ebe`ner. Oâd leçd famfe am pdr qum odvenmotm sm frrftdu teotd. Elfoe` que`qumr un pdafe vfr etrevmsseoad d dbmeod etæ equf m mspe`her d sãnmo d queotd qufsmssm, essfn, sfnp`msnmotm, smn e odsse ecuae. Oòs æ qum oâd ldnds. Ouobe aå mn oeae queoad oòs bd`dbends es nâds mn e`gd.  Omn queoad usends une ldfbm, aå mn e`gune bdfse. Yeçâd pere ds bdm`hds, te`vmz, nes nefs oeae. M e`æn ad nefs teniæn oâd hå brfeoçes pre amvdrer, omn unezfohe. Rm oòs ed nmods lñssmnds eneotms ad smxd, nes pdr qum hevmrîends smr4 Rò pdrqum seînds am amotrd am un smxd4 Doam qumr qum pfsmnds, hå epmoes pmares. M mssm m ssm equf qum mstås treie`heoad m end`mbmoad æ sò d odssd nmofofohd. Rues beirfohes mstâd mspmreoad pdr m`m. Efoae oâd seimn d qum ebdotmbmu. M oe ndreae am Amnætmr teniæn egueraen pdr m`m. Oe vmraeam amvmrîends lezmr e motrmge hdcm. Amste vmz m`ms vâd mspmrer mn vâd. Es pretm`mfres ad Ieretmfrd mstâd m pmrneombmrâd egdre vezfes. [ere smnprm. Rfn, æ b`erd. Æ b`erd. Ad cmftd qum m`m permbm egdre oâd vâd nefs qumrmr rmbmiã-`d. Ad cmftd qum oòs d ecmftends. Ad cmftd qum oòs amnds un cmftd om`m. Æ d qum smnprm afz e Yfte, qumr afzmr, e Ymfe. Nes e qumstâd luoaenmote` oe vmraeam pmrneombm smnprm m smnprm epmoes e qumstâd ae bdfse. Oòs e tmnds egdre elfoe` du oâd tmnds4


Egdre oòs e tmnds, nes æ e mrreae. Rmce que` ldr3 ouobe æ d nuoad qum rmimote m msgufbhe sues motreohes afeotm am odssd d`her mniesiebead bdnd une nm`eobfe mstdureae. Dre ae smnmotm am une nm`eobfe etæ hdcm ouobe surgfu oeae. Od moteotd d`he sò tuad d qum d sãnmo am ]reod pdr sue vmz prdauzfu! Fnpdrteotms pmrsdoe`faeams. Bdfse fgue` tu ouobe tfohes vfstd! ]ne bmotmoe am ireçds amsbdnuoefs pmoaureads oes exf`es m bfoqumote beimçes, b eimçes, pdr pmssde, mn bfne ads dnirds! Qdads sm tdroeren aui`ãs. Oâd geohen oeae ne`. Quad qum prmbfseren ldf sfnp`msnmotm afssmnfoer fssd, d sãnmo, m lfn. Ds rmpòrtmrms sò tfvmren qum mspmrer efoae etæ qum ds rmsp`eoambmotms, ds amusms, am adfs mn adfs, eamotressmn sd`moms d se`âd ad lmstfve` ae bdosegreçâd wegomrfeoe bdn smus trecms l`eneotms rmpugoeotms. L`mxîvmfs sues idbhmbhes,  puogmotms sues idbes, qumrd qumrd afzmr, focmteads smus `åifds. [mrsdoe`faeams hmrdfbes4 Oòs oâd. ]ne gumrre veotecdse4 Oâd tmnds bdnd. Epmser afssd, mstends mn tdads ds smotfads mn p`moe esbmosâd, nes efoae oâd bdnprmmoamnds p`moenmotm msse odsse esbmosâd. Oòs qumrmnds e bdfse msse sò pere se`ter pdr bfne am`e, æ d qum smnprm ebrmaftends. Nes oe vmraeam oòs e qumrmnds pdrqum sdnds im`es amnefs pre ndrrmr. Motâd vends `å. Amspmafae ae lesm ae bdfse prfdrfdtårfe. Foafbeadr ae bdfse evfseoad e bdfse ae bdfse msse. ]n l`fb-l`eb pdr sdirm e bmrbe, bm rbe, permam ebfne, befoad motâd, bdnd am bdstunm, m d besd æ qum tuad d qum e qumae æ, oâd æ pre nefs ofoguæn une rmbeîae, e oâd smr pere e psfqufetrfe, un besd, sfnp`ms essfn. E bdfse qum iusbends pdr teotd tmnpd, lez sæbu`ds sm tdrodu supærl`ue, essfn bdnd d bdohmbfnmotd mn sf lez sæbu`ds sm tdrodu supærl`ud, eotms nmsnd am ebdotmbmr. Oe odsse msbrfte prdlmrfnds smotmoçes, une `dubure, un cu`genmotd, un lfrnenmotd am oòs nmsnes, nes mfs qum iuuun, `å mstends oòs am odvd beîaes ae odsse permam. Eotms am bhmger `å ` å mn bfne. Eotms am pdamr bdotrefr un netrfnñofd du rmbd`hmr e pdrte. M od nefs teniæn oâd puamnds bdob`ufr oeae. [drqum oâd bdnmçends oeae. Ae pdrte ae bese ods msqumbmnds bdnp`mtenmotm. E`guæn ebeidu am ods pmoaurer e`f m cå mstends am odvd equf mniefxd. E permam cå mstå ttdae dae mstf`heçeae aes odsses tmotetfves am pmoaurer odssds rmtretds om`e. Msse permam æ nfohe! \ef tm lezmr am fnpdrteotm mn dutre lrmgumsfe! Egdre le`d mu, m mu le`d mn lerrepds m lfepds am pepm` seogrmotds3 teotd lez bdnd mu tmotd bdostrufr nfohe msbrfte mn bfne ads nmus bdohmbfnmotds m e quefs dicmtds, vmam3 permam, mu nm rmlfrd, tuad e qum mu pdssd nm rmlmrfr æ sdnmotm equf`d qum mu vmcd. Folm`fznmotm efoae oâd bdosmguf vmr nufte bdfse. Mu gdsterfe am smgufr eafeotm m lfoe`nmotm vmr e`gune bdfse aflmrmotm. Gdsterfe am vfecer, bdohmbmr  peîsms m pmssdes mstreogmfrds. mstreogmfrds. Msbute equf, hduvm une dutre nu`hmr, qum oâd oòs, qum sfnp`msnmotm tfrdu ae vmomte une permam, une qum smrfe bdnp`mtenmotm fovfsîvm`! Eî vdbã tmrfe elfoe` d smu idn ndtfvd pre oâd prmbfser vfecer. [damrfe lfber pdr equf, pdrqum oâd pdamrfe am cmftd c mftd omohun fr mnidre. \dbã oâd tmrfe qum sefr pere e vfae! Ie`m`e. E bdotmnp`eçâd, d pdotd am vfste, sò pdam ebdotmbmr queoad ods æ aead un dicmtd pere fssd. M oâd pdam smr smnprm d nmsnd! Du smce, sò queoad mu puamr amsbrmvmr d dicmtd, e permam, bdnd sm m`e am letd mxfstfssm m mstfvmssm ë afspdsfçâd bdnd un fostrunmotd pere sm erreober une lerpe am pmosenmotd pre dutrd prdpòsftd, bdnd une nmte, oâd, bdnd `esbe, oâd, pre nmtmr oune `ete. Aeî pdamnds oòs nmsnes tdaes ods nmtmr oune `ete pre ods bdosmrver.


\dbã qumr afzmr, prdvevm`nmotm, ebdraer4 Oâd, Ebdraer æ smn prdpòsftd. [re quã, elfoe`. Bdn qum nmte. Ebdraer e `ete bdn une `esbe, æ d qum aerfe egdre oe vmomte am e`gun cdvmn pdmte sdirm fssd, nes pre oòs nefs vm`hds m`m oâd tmrfe oeae e afzmr. Rfn, aeî pdrteotd e gmotm sm bdolfe e une  permam, m motâd m`e æ e pròprfe lmoae mn sf m sm mogd`m e sf nmsne, m qu queoad eoad e gmotm sm gge`ge e`ge om`e oâd tmn ofoguæn qum tm mogecm, qumrd afzmr qum tm mogetm du tm amfxm mogeobheae du pmoaurm pm`e gergeote du smf `å d quã. [rdvevm`nmotm epmoes une amsetmoçâd ae permam. Oeae nefs. Oòs teniæn oâd eveoçends nefs oeae. ]ne permam bdn une lmoae mu etæ e tæ bdosfgd fnegfoer nm`hdr, pdr nfn fob`usfvm, une permam mn qum vdbã amsepermçe, nes une permam fovfsîvm`, mn qum e vfae oâd eveoçe oeae, e oâd smr qum e gmotm sm elestm ae vfae, fssd mu oâd bdosfgd fnegfoer nuftd imn. Oâd ldf vdbã qumn afssm qum une vmz amsepermbmu amotrd am une amsses lmoaes4 \dbã nmotfu. E permam efoae mstå e`f m tu vdbã teniæn efoae mstå equf. Qdnm bufaead, pdfs egdre vdbã mstå tmoteoad bdrrmr am beimçe bdotre e permam etæ rmvm`er tdad smu bréofd. \ef ndrrmr od amsmrtd, ietmr es idtes oe ermfe qum ed `dogd ads nf`ãofds sm mslerm`du ae permam fovfsîvm` etæ sm amslezmr oune lerfohe grdsse. Qmn bube, nmstrm bube. Nes e permam efoae oâd æ omohune bdfse b`ere m aeae, m`e æ m bdotfoue smoad fovfsîvm`. \dbã bepftu`e m sdnm pdr vdbã nmsne. Bdn smu amsepermbfnmotd bdosmgufu efoae etæ dbuper une odve pdsfçâd iåsfbe, e`fås une pdsfçâd iåsfbe pre tuad qum mxfstm, nmods qum fssd vdbã omn ebmfteve. Nmods qum fssd oâd `hm ieste, nmsnd qum nmods ldssm nefs, oâd `hm iesterfe. E pdsfçâd iåsfbe æ e óofbe pdsfçâd qum vdbã pdam eadter. Bdosfstm am une fotmrfdrfaeam fotmrf drfaeam ams`dbeae  pere amotrd. Rm vdbã nm pmrguote, m`e æ tâd vfsîvm` queotd e permam. Fnpdrteotm smrfe nmobfdoer efoae qum sm trete am un bdohmbfnmotd huneod. Nes fssd oâd aerfe bmrtd sm d dicmtd ad bdohmbfnmotd ldssm un dutrd smr huneod. [dræn, sm trete am une permam. Ed `ead am`e e sue beimçe rebheae, qumn ldf qum e bd`dbdu eî, vdbã efoae oâd æ omohune hmrdîoe beîae! Hå teote bdfse pere bdohmbmr, m vdbã sò qumr smnprm bdohmbmr msse permam, m sò qumr bdohmbã-`e pre sm bd`dber e`f e sf nmsne. E gmotm msbe`e pmodsenmotm e permam oun pdotd que`qumr, sò pre vmr    qum od lfn d qum ods mspmre æ e sue beimçe amgd`eae sdrrfoad frñofbe, qumn seim efoae bdn une beimçe am e`hd amotrd ae idbe. Du une `fste am bdnpres. Bdn tdads smus ftmos, qum sm neotæn lfrnms bdnd smotfom`es etæ qum d pepm` sm movmrgum sdi d pmsd am nmrae am bebhdrrd, dssds am ge`fohe m bdreçýms am neçâ. Ampdfs afssd vdbã nmsne tmn qum lfber am vfgfe. Rmce fovfsîvm` e permam, am que`qumr ndad vdbã mståqum smnprm bd`eae amnefs M oevdbã lrmotmbef am`e m oâd bdosmgumdu vmroâd, oeae. M ebrmafte, sò pdrqum oâd e vã, m`e smrfe fovfsîvm`. ldre am neosfohd. Dlusbeae pm`e sue adr. Nes queoad e gmotm amsepermbm, eî, b`erd, æ qum e gmotm lfbe mspmbfe`nmotm vfsîvm`, vdbã seim. M cå sò pdr fssd, pm`d sfnp`ms letd am qum e`gd essfn ouobe ebdotmbmu eotms m egdre, æ b`erd, mstå mn tdads t dads ds cdroefs. Mu ebhd qum æ sfnp`msnmotm e eusãobfe am bdotrerfmaeams amsse permam qum etrefu vdbã m lmz vdbã sm molfer custd equf, doam oâd hå oeae. M motâd am rmpmotm lfbe epmrtead. Etæ msse permam tmn qum ener vdbã! [ere qum vdbã pdsse RMY! \dbã æ fosebfåvm`. Æ imn lmftd qum vdbã ldf amvdreae pdr m`e. Bdnd æ qum sm pdam bdohmbmr e`gune bdfse, sm sò mxfstm permam e`f4 Cå mstdu vmoad bdnd. Rm vdbã sm nmtmr ë ldrçe amotrd ae  permam m `dgd motâd sm td tdroer roer permam vdbã nmsn nmsne. e. \dbã prmbfse e tdad bus bustd td motrer ddoam oam vdbã oâd  pmrtmobm, sò pdrqum e`f efoae oâd tfohe ofoguæn. D qum æ qum vdbã gdste teotd ofssd4 Mu duçd bdnd m`e buste e mogd`fr vdbã. Fssd oâd pdam smr oeae egreaåvm`. Mu duçd bdnd m`e erreobe  pmaeçds am vdbã, ròf vdbã vdbã bdn smus amotms, e pe permam rmam ad bdohmbfnmotd. Æ un unee trmnmoae ne`aeam amsse permam. Nm amfxm mxpmrfnmoter teniæn! Mu oâd pdssd lfber equf mspmreoad etæ qum nm aftmn une smotmoçe! \dbã oâd supdrterfe fssd.


Mspmrm eî! ]n ndnmotd! ]ne vmz, oun aequm`ms afes mn qum mu tdroeve e lugfr am nfn nmsne, d idsqum, qum etæ motâd smnprm msteve e`f, custd amsse vmz oâd msteve. [dr fssd d mxmnp`d bdn e  permam. Mu oâd vfe d idsqum, am teote årvdrm qum tfohe. Mu ebrmafteve vmr, bdnd smnprm, smnprm , epmoes årvdrms, nes am rmpmotm e`f msteve msse permam, treospermotm. Rò nu`hmrms pdamn amsbrmvmr e`gd essfn. Râd m`es teniæn qum ndrrmn am nmad ad åtdnd. Hdnmos oâd pmramrfen smu tmnpd bdn e`gd essfn qum oâd sm vã. E qumstâd æ smnprm sdirm oòs, nes oe vmraeam oâd sdnds oòs! M`ms be`bu`erfen am eotmnâd d e`beobm am que`qumr bdfse, m e sue bdob`usâd3 fssd oâd tmn greoam e`beobm! D refd am eçâd æ iesteotm `fnftead, epmser ad odssd bdohmbfnmotd sm rmlmrfr mxprmssenmotm ed dicmtd mn qumstâd. [dræn, bdnd bdohmbmr e`gune bdfse queoad mssm dicmtd æ treos`óbfad, nes supdstenmotm mstå e`f4 lfber b`erenmotm idfeoad b`ere bdnd Nes pdr levdr, vdbã ebhe qum mu mstdu idfeoad, ceom`es essfn imn `fnpfohes sâd, æ b`erd, smnprm tâd b`eres queotd fovfsîvmfs. Fssd æ nuftd nm`hdr ad qum e sdpe b`ere am neberrâd doam e gmotm lfbe idfeoad tdad afe, lezmoad nefs gdstdsd oe rmssebe lmrvf`heotm ae mspune am Neggf! Oâd aå  pre sm eldger om`e. Odssd amstfod mstå oune bd`hmr, sm d gdstd oâd mstfvmr idn d iesteotm prd hdnmn. Amssm rfsbead e gmotm motmoam imn, `mnirm imn afssd! @mnirm qum pm`d nmods pre oòs, smrms huneods, e negfe æ mster imn b`erd qum es bdfses pdamn sfn smr fovfsîvmfs. [moser sfgoflfbe rmbdohmbmr un dicmtd. Oâd, oâd sfgoflfbe. D dicmtd, sue bdotmnp`eçâd, vmn eotms ae gmotm pdamr prdpeger odssds pdotds am vfste afeotm ads dutrds. Nes sm e`guæn brfe un nurd treospermotm, æ pdr ndtfvds nuftd treospermotms3 pre oâd prmbfser lfber mspmreoad m pdamr prdpeger `dgd smu ndad am vmr, pdfs am que`qumr neomfre oâd mstå vmoad oeae. Oâd aå pre aer e vd`te pdr bfne afssd, smce `å d qum ldr fssd, m smce `å idam qum hduvmr od benfohd. Æ d qum m`ms fnegfoen. E gmotm oâd bdosmgum vmr, nes teniæn oâd bdosmgum aer e vd`te pdr bfne, d qum prdvdbe tdrnmotds pevdrdsds, fssd æ nuftd fnpdrteotm. Hevmr un tdrnmotd æ e bdfse nefs fnpdrteotm. Nuftds hmròfs sâd pmssdes sfnpetfbîssfnes oe vfae prfveae. [dr qum m`ms sm etdrnmoten etdrnmoten ‒   ‒  oâd  oâd leçd e nmodr famfe. D endr beote, bd`drm m bdosd`e, sm ldr bdrrmspdoafad, ad bdotrårfd3 æ ndtfvd am odvds amsessdssmgds m aflfbu`aeams pere msbrmvmr, m aeî d endr æ vmridrregfbenmotm qumstfdoead, elfoe` e qumstâd æ fovmoter pdr doam geoher e vfae, efoae nefs queoad m`e oâd æ afvmrtfae. Uumstfdoead, fob`usfvm, etæ pdr une permam sm ldr prmbfsd, une permam qum oâd aå oeae mn trdbe. Rdirmtuad queoad m`e æ treospermotm. Bdnd sm pdam user e nmafae ad odssds bdohmbfnmotds huneods, qum amlfomn e mssãobfe aes bdfses, pre nmafr sm d hdnmn æ huneod, qumr afzmr, sm e nu`hmr æ huneoe, oâd, d hdnmnænmsnd. hdnmn oâd. D hdnmn æ sfnp`msnmotm amsuneod. E nu`hmr, ed bdotrårfd, huneoe.Oâd. M`e æDe óofbe bdfse huneoe. E permam æ un ndad am vfsâd pdssîvm`, qumr afzmr, m`e smrfe sm puaæssmnds vã-`e. Rò qum m`e æ treospermotm. Omohun mbd, omohun oeae. E nu`hmr mstå amotrd, tdad d rmstd mstå ldre. Essfn æ qum fnegfoen ds qum msbrmvmn, qum iusben bdohmbfnmotd, mxenfoen sue bepebfaeam am pmosenmotd bdn tdndgrelfe bdnputeadrfzeae pre sm pmrnftfr ebrmafter qum am letd m`e mxfstm. D qum æ qum mu vmcd equf od ndoftdr am fnegmos am prdbmafnmotd4 ]ne permam. E fnegmn ebeie am ietmr m vd`ter om`e, smn mlmftd omohun. Uum pmoe. ]ne permam smn bdohmbfnmotd am sf pròprfe, smn eperãobfe, smn ldrne, nes nmsnd essfn e gmotm tmn qum tmr ds bdohmbfnmotds am`e! M e fafdtfbm ad omgòbfd æ qum vdbã omn smqumr rmbdohmbmu e permam. M bdnd mu pdamrfe! Rm mu omn pdssd vã-`e! \dbã msqumbm qum oâd ldf msse permam qum mu tfohe  pmosead, m sfn equm`e dutre permam e`f, bdn e rebhe oe bube, ooâd, âd, oe buniube, e óóofbe ofbe qum mu nm etrmvd e nmtmr e nâd, oâd, equm`e ae nebebe vm`he bdn d pu`d ad getd, tmoad d msbrópu`d am bd`dber e buniube e`f bdn perelusd e nmods pre etrepe`her nmu pu`d, pu` d, pre ofoguæn vmr bdnd mu


se`td e`td, oâd, pre ofoguæn vmr d pròprfd nfd`d nd`m ad pu`d. [re ofoguæn seimr nefs am doam e gmotm pu`e ldre. Mu qumrd smr hdomste. Nefs qum fssd3 smr e`guæn qum prmste, rm`mveotm! Fnpdrteotm! M mfs eî e permam, treospermotm. M`e omn smqumr æ un lregnmotd, fssd efoae smrvfrfe, m`e m` e æ d sucmftd ne`vead ae odsse bdotmnp`eçâd, d sucmftd bdstunead ae odsse bdotmnp`eçâd. Nes bdnd æ  pdssîvm` aflmrmobfer d Bdotmnp`er m d [moser4 Fnpdssîvm`, queoad oâd sm vã oeae, oâd aå. Fssd qumr afzmr qum e nu`hmr, pertfbu`ernmotm, oâd vã oeae4 [rdvevm`nmotm. Elfoe` m`e `ustrdu m `fnpdu msse permam pdr teotd tmnpd, etæ m`e oâd sm vmr nefs. @fnpimn smn d`her e qumn. M teniæn Repò`fd Yeafun bdn rezâd, Dnd lete` reafeotm, æ Béoafae m \mce3 eamus ë beoafaîesm, neotmohe d [fohd Irf`, eutd irf`hd eiresfvd oe iresf`mfre, le`mf [d`fl`dr, oâd pd`fendr! Nes oòs smnprm pdamnds msbrmvmr sdirm m`e. Oâd prmbfsends seimr oeae. Oâd prmbfsends mxpmrfnmoter oeae. Nes msbrmvmr oòs pdamnds. Oòs f`unfoends d odvd bdohmbfnmotd bdn e odvd `ustrm qum oòs bdnprends, permbm nefs berd ad qum sefu, mssm bdohmbfnmotd. D `ustrm teniæn. Bdnd odssds vmrmaftds pdamn smr `fvrms am bdotreafçâd m odssds bdohmbfnmotds oâd, oâd, ed bdotrårfd, oâd, oâd, fssd nmsnd, du smce, bdnd pdamnds bhmger e un vmrmaftd smn bdotreafçýms pere e`beoçer un bdohmbfnmotd am vmraeam, queoad oe vmraeam oâd pdamnds rmbdohmbmr eisd`utenmotm oeae e`æn amsse permam4 Dre pdr levdr, oâd vmohe nm rduier nfohe permam, mu pmgumf prfnmfrd! Mu oâd e vf prfnmfrd! M egdre cå mstdu hå une hdre `fnpeoad ed rmadr am`e, m sò pmrbmid egdre qum m`e æ un mspm`hd. Rm mu tfvmssm `fad eotms es fostruçýms am usd od lresbd ad sprey tmrfe pmrbmifad qum mssm sprey æ sò  pre vfard m mspm`hd. [re une permam tmn qum user dutre bdfse bdnp`mtenmotm aaflmrmotm. flmrmotm. Nes elfoe` sm ldssm un mspm`hd, mu pdamrfe nm vmr. Od vfard sò sm mu ldssm e bdfse msbure etrås am`m, du sm hduvmssm e`gd msburd pdr trås. Nes oâd tmn oeae etrås. Oâd tmn prdi`mne. D venpfrd egdre ebrmaftdu pdr teotd tmnpd qum oâd tfohe rml`mxd, m oe vmraeam oâd hevfe mre mspm`hd omohun! Qe`vmz ldssm sò e permam ezu`mceae ae bdzfohe. E gmotm oâd bdosmgufr sm bdotmnp`er mn e`gune bdfse qum omn æ mspm`hd, oâd qumr, omn am `dogm, afzmr qum e gmotm pmose. Folm`fznmotm. E gmotm  pdam bdotmnp`er e`gune bdfse, m e ggmotm motm pdam teniæn pmoser, ad nmu pdotd am vfste, ë msq msqumrae, umrae, sò qum od mspm`hd mstå ed bdotrårfd, pdrteotd oe vmraeam, æ ë afrmfte, idn, oâd smrå elfoe` un queard, amssms pre msbrmvmr m te`, fssd eî qum vdbã ebhdu qum mre une permam4 E f`unfoeçâd rmbef sdirm m`e tfogfoad m nebu`eoad, eh oâd, mre mu, m d`he qum omohune `uz ebmoamu efoae oe nfohe beimçe. Du smce qum fssd qum mu mstdu `fnpeoad bdotfoue treospermotm bdnd eotms, du motâd sfnp`msnmotm omn mstå e`f. E`guæn nefs fotm`fgmotm qum e`guæn qum ldssm une nu`hmr cå tmrfe pmrbmifad fssd.  Oâd, m`e æ nfohe, msse msse permam. Mu cå amsep amsepermbf ermbf amotrd am`e. Mu e vmcd pdr ess essfn fn afzmr afzmr ‒   ‒  oâd,  oâd, smn afzmr ‒  afzmr  ‒   am am amotrd. E`f sm vã tuad nefs b`erd. E nu`hmr `fnpdu pdr teotd tmnpd, etæ smu dicmtd amsepermbmr. [dam-sm afzmr fssd am oòs4 E nu`hmr `fnpdu e bdfse qum msteve aeae, m motâd m`e `hm ldf tfreae. Oâd `hm hevfe sfad aeae, folm`fznmotm. Ldf une mxpmrfãobfe m teotd, pdssd `hm afzmr, queoad un afe mu tfvm msse sebeae! Xñ, xñ, pesserfohd, oâd nm bdne mssm errdz, mssm errdz æ am Fefå, qum nm neoadu epeoher. \dbã sò mstå lezmoad tuad fssd pre rmsse`ter sue pròprfe amtmrnfoeçâd bdnd nu`hmr msbrftdre ebfne ae am dutres amtmrnfoeaes nu`hmrms. D qum vdbã gdsterfe nmsnd mre moe`tmbmrMxb`uîae motrm es nu`hmrms amstfoeaes mxb`usfvenmotm ë im`mze. Afssd vdbã oeture`nmotm mståsmmxb`uîae. am pmrtmobmr ed grupd am`es. Qdaes oòs elfoe` mstends amstfoeaes ë im`mze, sò qum omn tdaes


smgumn e sue amstfoeçâd. Qeotd lez. \dbã sm bd`dbe ebfne am tdaes. \dbã bd`dbe d smu eperm`hd eutdmxenfoeadr, e `uz vmrnm`he ad beid ebmoam, mstå `fgead oe bdrrmotm, tuad bmrtd, m egdre vdbã amtmrnfoe d vd`unm ae sue bepebfaeam am eutdmxenm m vdbã mxenfoe m mxenfoe e sf nmsne. Mfs motâd qum un treosldrneadr æ `fgead m d qum rmsu`te motâd amssm prdbmafnmotd am eutdmxenm, sfnp`òrfd, bdnd vdbã nmsne, nmsne, rmsu`te d quã, eh, ssmf mf `å, teotd lez, bdohmbfnmotd4 Oâd. \mrmaf \mrmaftd. td. Am bere, vmrmaftd. Epmser ad qum sm afz, am qum ds vmrmaftds oâd amvmn sm bdotreafzmr, b dotreafzmr, æ sò essfn qum surgm d bdohmbfnmotd. Mfs equf d bdohmbfnmotd, sdirm quefs aes bfoqumote tdp ndam`s sâd es nefs idoftes m mn qum dramn. Nes vdbã oâd aå omohun tmnpd eds vmrmaftds pere m`ms sm bdotreafzmrmn. \dbã prdlmrm ds vmrmaftds, smnprm prmbfpfteaenmotm, nes ouobe urgmotm. M`ms oâd sâd une bdoafçâd, m`ms sâd d qum mstå prdlmrfad m essfn sâd d smu pròprfd lfn. Mssms vmrmaftds sm  prdlmrmn e sf nmsnds, oe nmafae mn qu qumm custenmotm vdbã ds prdlmrm. Uumrd afzmr, oe nmafae mn qum vdbã ds prdlmrm custenmotm egdre. Nes queoad vdbã ds prdlmrm, m`ms cå oâd sâd nefs vmrmaftds. Ds nmus vmrmaftds teniæn sò nm dbdrrmn smnprm ampdfs. Eh, smf `å. Uum æ qum mu pdssd tm afzmr3 sm vdbã tdne bdnd eisd`ute e mssãobfe ad bdohmbfnmotd, ae rmvm`eçâd am qum vdbã pdam amsepermbmr amotrd ae permam, motâd æ pròprfd qum msse bdotreafçâd, vdbã motmoam, permam, amsepermbmr, permam, amsepermbmr, sm tdrom un pereadxd, du smce, qum msse bdotreafçâd sm tdrom d vmraeamfrd bdohmbfnmotd. Rmoâd vdbã cå tmrfe errmimotead e beimçe bdotre e permam lez tmnpd. \dbã cå lmz fssd teniæn, mu smf, mu smf. \dbã permbm msnegeae am bmrtd ndad nmsnd. Motrmteotd, vdbã æ idofte am un cmftd tdte`nmotm tdte` nmotm aflmrmotm am nfn, nes am bmrtd ndad vdbã teniæn æ idofte. Æ b`erd qum mu sdu e nefs idofte am tdaes. [re seimr afssd oâd prmbfsd am neareste omn am mspm`hd. D quã4 Motâd mu oâd sdu idofte4 Æ sfn, vdbã teniæn æ idofte, idof te, nes vdbã æ aflmrmotm. Mu sdu idofte bdnd sm amvm smr. \dbã oâd æ tâd idofte bdnd ebrmafte qum æ. Nefs un bdohmbfnmotd qum oâd pdam sm rmlmrfr e omohun dicmtd,  pdfs vdbã am letd oâd mstå equf. \dbã mstå amotrd ae permam m lfn. Du motâd oe lrmotm am`e m ndrte. Bdnd mssm frnâd aequm`m e`pfofste nuoafe`nmotm lendsd. Du motâd mniefxd am`e m msbepdu pdr  pdubd. Nes æ omohune hmrdîoe, bdnd cå ldf aftd. \dbã bdn bmrtmze vef ods mxp`eoer tuad fssd bdn d nåxfnd am amte`hms. B`erd qum sfn, vdbã teniæn æ idofte, moqueotd un Mu. \dbã æ aflmrmotm, nes æ bdnd mu. Mstdu le`eoad ad ndvfnmotd ad smu bdrpd bdotre msse permam. Nes queoad oòs suifrnds omsse permam, mspmrm sò etæ qum smu bdrpd cå oâd mstmce sm ndvmoad uofldrnm m bdosteotm oun p`eod hdrfzdote`. Eî vdbã vef msqumbmr repfafohd e permam, queoad mstfvmr pmoaureae om`e. \dbã efoae vef tmr seuaeam am oâd tmr vfstd d idsqum am teote årvdrm qum hevfe. [dfs equf`d qum vdbã oâd vef mster vmoad oâd vef smr omohun idsqum m nmsnd essfn vdbã vef errmimoter e luçe bdotre m`m. Bdn d  ietdn odvd m tuad. Aeî m`m vef gruaer od nurd m vvef ef bdnprmmoamr tdae e bdfse aeae, oâd, e bdfse aeae æ qum vef bdobmimr d ietdn, m`m sm bhene Qmrrebdtte ae særfm netm ae B`fofqum, qumr afzmr, ae særfm xmqum-netm ae B`fofqum. Refe ae lrmotm ad sd` am une vmz! Oâd pmrbmim qum mu cå mstdu e`f amfteae, cezfae4 [dr ebesd mu sdu treospermotm4 Mu cezd equf dres, smrå qum vdbã oâd mstå vmoad, mstdu equf mstmoafae sdirm e rdbhe, tmosfdod m rm`exd nmu bdrpd sdirm d e`ter m pmrbmid bdnd d Rd` nm prdleoe nerevf`hdsenmotm, nm mobhmoad bdn e irese ad gfgeotmsbd m fnpmssde` amus ae oeturmze.  Omn tdad d `uger doam vdbã mstå, qumrd afzmr, cez, æ fgue` e un e`ter! Rm egdre efoae qumrms elfrner qum d trdobd ad tmu enead cez qumotm m pmrvmrsd mniefxd am tf m qum e smoseçâd ad smu


bdrpd msbu`ture` smrfe fobdnperåvm`, oâd nd`m, omn l`mxîvm`, omn ónfad am sudr, nes sfn smbd, aurd, `fsd, `fnpd m purd, sm afssmrms fssd sò nefs une óofbe vmz, mu vdu mnidre. \du mnidre cå! Æ fssd eî! Mstdu evfseoad3 vdu `mver d Epd`d bdnfgd! M eî vdbã vef mster `fvrm ad smbd, ad aurd, ad `fsd, `fnpd m purd am une vmz pdr tdaes. M eî teniæn oâd vef nefs pdamr msbrmvmr omohune  ieidsmfre e rmspmftd. E Ehh oâd, amsbu`pm, d Epd`d omn ms mstå tå nefs equf. Rm tfvmssm e`g e`gune une vmz mstead,  cå tmrfe fad lez tmnpd. Oâd eanfre. Rm efoae mstfvmssm equf oòs msterîends supmr`dteaes, mxp`dafrîends mn gerge`heae pre ldre ae permam, elfoe` oâd pdamnds sfnp`msnmotm ods be`er, m e  permam teniæn tmrfe tdaes eess rezýms pre smr treospermotm. M`e frfe smrv smrvfr fr pre aer pesseg pessegmn mn ed aamus mus sd` mn smu odvd [drsbhm. Nm amsbu`pm. Nes d sd`, oeture`nmotm, sdu mu nmsne. Fssd qum vdbã mstå vmoad oâd æ ofoguæn nefs qum mu. \dbã mstå vmoad e nfn! M nmsnd qum vdbã mxp`dae3 vdbã mstå nm vmoad sdirm d nmu e`ter! Nes vdbã prmlmrfu, ebhdu nm`hdr vmr une permam fovfsîvm`. M fssd `å ve`m e pmoe4 Oâoâ nuftd dirfgeae. \dbã fnegfodu tuad fssd am un cmftd nuftd gmre`, nes oâd bdnprmmoamu d bdobmftd ae bdfse. M vdbã oâd bdosmgufu ebher e pe`evre mxete prd bdobmftd m oâd bdosmgufu fr etæ d pdotd ad bdobmftd, m egdre d pdotd sm tdrodu une permam oe lrmotm ae sue beimçe m omn smqumr m`e vdbã bdosmgum vmr! Æ fssd qum aå smr smnprm tâd brum` bdn hdnmos qum, od moteotd, pmrtmobmn ed odssd `ead. E`f mstâd m`ms, bdnd ds bdobmftds bdstunmfrds afeotm am vdbã, vdbã sò prmbfse mstfber e nâd m pmger, nes vdbã oâd lez fssd, prmlmrm lezmr vdbã nmsne un bdobmftd am e`gune dutre bdfse. Idn, afvfrte-sm! D bdobmftd te`vmz efoae ldssm un dicmtd, d hdnmn smrfe un dicmtd  pere un rdneobm du une odvm`e reafdlñofbe, e permam te`vmz efoae ldssm teniæn, nes sò sm bdotmnp`eae etrevæs ae oævde amssm sprey `fnpeadr qum vdbã use, m bdn errdgéobfe ad e`td supmrfdr ad smu sprey am `equã, idn, nmsnd essfn, mn vfrtuam ad sprey, aå pre vmr tuad vfrtue`nmotm etæ d luoad, am ndad qum, vfstd etrevæs afssd, omn d qum æ smotfad omn d qum æ  pmrbmifad mqufve`mn e un dicmtd od smotfad mstrftd. Qâd pdubd queotd d sd`. \dbã oâd pdam msbrmvmr pdrqum oâd bdosmgum amsbrmvmr omn e bdfse qum odnmfe omn e qum sm rmlmrm bdnd dicmtd ad bdohmbfnmotd. Nes vdbã am eotmnâd cå odnmfe mrread m cå sm rmlmrm mrread. Mstå tuad mrread bdn vdbã. \dbã epdote pere d hdnmn pre eofquf`er bdn m`m, m sò motâd pmrbmim3 m`m mstå etrås ae  permam treospermotm, qum vdbã `fnpdu tâd `fn `fnpfohe pfohe pdr hdres e lfd, sò pre pdamr vã-`d pmrtfohd ed e`beobm ae nâd, d hdnmn, smu pepefzfohd qumrfad, nes vdbã oâd bdosmgum pmger om`m. Omn bepter. M`m oâd aå pre eprmmoamr, omn bepturer, omn bdobmimr. M`m. Mn tdad besd, pre vdbã oâd aå. Beptdu4 Oâd aå pre bdnprmmoamr.

9³ Etd m Lfoe`  Es aues nu`hmrms tdrbmn d beaåvmr ad beromfrd sdirm une tfoe, d seogum bef pfogeoad pf ogeoad amotrd am`e, une im`e termle adnæstfbe bdnd ides adoes am bese. Omssm nmfd-tmnpd m`es sm trdberen m bufaen mxp`fbftenmotm pere qum oâd pfogum nefs omohun seogum oes sues rdupes. Rò od rdstd efoae mstâd `eniuzeaes.  Es aues gmnmn m suspfren un pdubd pm`d msldrçd, nes treie`hen smgures, bdn amstrmze ods gmstds, m`es seimn d qum mstâd lezmoad. Bdohmbmn d dlîbfd.


5) Mu nm ambfad pdr une rm`eçâd bdrpdre`, qum fob`ue rm`eçâd smxue`, bdnd une pertm eofne` m `fimrteadre ae vfae. 9) Mu oâd pdssd nm setfslezmr prdnfsbuenmotm m ed nmsnd tmnpd neotmr d rmspmftd m d epdfd ae sdbfmaeam (msse prege pmotm`he)  ‒   pdr smr une nu`hmr3 `dgd3 mfs equf une refz ae fovmce ae `fimraeam ads hdnmos. 2) ]ne vmz qum sdu nu`hmr, prmbfsd smr segez m eogerfer e ogerfer teote smgureoçe queotd pdssîvm` pere ds fosupdrtåvmfs eods ae faeam, queoad mu  ‒   bdn e`te prdieif`faeam  ‒   oâd vdu nefs bdosmgufr bdoqufster omohun perbmfrd. [drteotd mstå ambfafad3 Lermf tuad qum ldr prmbfsd pere bdosmgufr tmr un perbmfrd pm`d benfohd bdstunmfrd, `mfe-sm3 beser. Fssd brfe une folfofaeam am prdi`mnes. ]ne vmz qum sdu eau`te d iesteotm pere tmr nm ambfafad pm`d besenmotd, prmbfsd egdre tdner nuftd bufaead. [rmbfsd bdnietmr es cå nmobfdoeaes lrequmzes  ‒  endr-pròprfd,   endr-pròprfd, bfónm m drgu`hd ‒  drgu`hd  ‒   ae ldrne nefs fotm`fgmotm pdssîvm`. Oâd, nm mogeoer oâd, fssd mu oâd pdssd!

 Oâd aå pre rmspdoamr bdn un pmrguote amsses. Oâd aå pre pmrguoter bdn une rmspdste amsses. Ds hmròfs mstâd tdads ndrtds. D rmstd sm `enim nutuenmotm. Qeniæn d qum nefs `hms rmste. \ends `hms aer e`gd qum lezmr, pdr mxmnp`d aeoad e`gd pre m`ms bdnmrmn! \ends molfer e`gune bdfse oe idbe am`ms qum oâd smcen ds pròprfds reids! Oâd æ une ide famfe4 Fssd vef eunmoter e afgmstfif`faeam ad rmfod ads ndrtds, d qum æ idn pre tdads oòs, m elfoe` qumrmnds qum smce egreaåvm` pre oòs m pre m`ms, æ du oâd æ4 Od rmfod aes sdnires, qum æ d qum m`ms sâd. Rdnires evesse`eadres aes quefs m`ms nmsnds epermbmn am un se`td, sm epdfeoad od beve`d-am-peu, qum oe vmraeam æ un idam, m ie`eoçeoad sues b`eves sm mrgumn od er, nes sò qum mssm idam tmrrîvm` mstå ndrtd! M`ms sò pmrbmimn queoad cå mstâd pmoaureads od er bdn es pmroes eimrtes pdr bfne am`m. M essfn sm ebeie repfaenmotm d pu`d sdirm e berofçe ad beve`d amssm idam. E nu`hmr oâd  pdam sm epd epdfer fer mn nefs oeae. D Dss hmròfs pdamn lfoe`nmotm sm `eo `eoçer çer pd pdrr ssff n nmsnds msnds ad ssmu mu eeperm`hd perm`hd e`f p`eotead, nes sò ampdfs am bdnmren ae odsse sdpe rmvfgdreotm, sdpfohe ide, hnn hnn, sde bdnd endr sdi d eprunead, brmpfteotm væu ad pe`eaer, msse sdpe. Fssd, essfn. Egdre m`ms `enimren seogum! Mf, qumrfads ndrtds, vmohen equf. D`he qum msse sdpe pdam ebdraer ds ndrtds, mu ebhd, sò tmnds egdre qum mxpmrfnmoter. (Bhene3 ) Qhmrmsm! Ner`mo! Nu`hmr, egdre mu oâd smf nefs, vdbã æ e Qhmrmsm du qumn æ, eh teotd lez, bdnd m`e sm bhene, mstdu le`eoad ae bmgufohe, le`e pre m`e vfr teniæn! Ds e`mfceads mstâd oe lf`e etæ egdre, nes oâd vâd mspmrer nefs. Etæ m`ms mstâd sm eramoad pre befr mn bfne amsse sdpe. Nes prfnmfrd æ e vmz ae Qhmrmsm, m`e sò tmn qum ods bdoter sfnp`msnmotm e vmraeam pre gmotm pdamr vmrflfber sm m`e, sdi bdoafçýms e`tmreaes, æ rme`nmotm m`e. [re qum e gmotm pdsse motâd bunprfr teniæn e nmte am tres`eaer nmtåstesm, afgd nmteam amssms rmlugfeads, msses pdirms f`usýms am vfae, d`he sò, cå vâd m`ms `å bdrrmoad. Motâd,  prmbfsends prfnmfre mxenfoå-`e, e vmraeam. Oòs sdnds essfn nmsnd. Le`ses næafbes. Bureoamfres bdoluses. Bdolfeoad mn rmbursds qum od luoad mrreren d bursd eotms nmsnd am bdnmçer d benfohd. M sm oòs elfoe` oâd pdamnds e`beoçer omohun bdohmbfnmotd pdrqum oâd  pdamnds tmr omohune mxpmrfãobfe m pdrqum sò nuftd rerenmotm pdamnds mstuaer llîsfbe îsfbe m nuftd rerenmotm mstuaer netmnåtfbe m tâd rerenmotm pdamnds motmoamr e bfãobfe, sò ods rmste pdrteotd d bdohmbfnmotd huneod gmre`. M e oeturmze. Omssms adfs oòs sdnds vmraeamfres mspmbfe`fstes (tdrbm bdn momrgfe d bdrpd ad beromfrd). D seogum vef msbdrrmoad oe tfoe.


Mu egdre bdob`end es sdnires ë rme`faeam. Cå pre nmse, pdr levdr! Ecdm`hmn m afgen e dreçâd am greçes, motâd mobhen e peoçe. Rm mnimimamn bdn seogum. Amfxmn msbdrrmr d seogum teniæn mn eisdrvmotms m diãs, sm prmbfsd od nmfd am e`gune elfrneçâd fnpdrteotm. Fssd vef amsvfer es beimçes qum æ une im`mze, bdnd une ndsbe oe ceom`e. E elfrneçâd motâd vfre e`fmoeçâd ae nu`hmr bdn sues adbms foqufmtuams. Cå sm eprmssen mn ebuafr, es hmrdîoes ndrtes, sò qum od ndnmotd efoae oâd es vmcd. M`es qum amsmobeameren tuad fssd m egdre e gmotm omn smqumr es vã. [re qum tdad d msldrçd4 Cå lez hdres qum mstends cuotd ed ldgâd, nes sò queotd tfvmrnds tfread e nmse, æ qum m`es vfrâd sm smoter, hmsfteotms, d`heoad ad e`td ad smu beve`d amsnf`fogufad, Greom, du smce `å bdnd sm bhenm, Rf`vmr, eh oâd, mssm oâd, mssm oâd æ am ve`quîrfe, enezdoe, d`heoad `å mniefxd  prd ve`m ae amsd`eçâd amsd`eçâd fofnegfoåvm`, doam es sdnires ef efoae oae sm mrgumn m sm lezmn am fnp fnpdrteotms, drteotms,  pre qum sm vmce am fnmafetd smu gãomrd, sue mstfrpm, es sdnires, qum sâd m`es nmsnes m qum teniæn pdamn vmr e sf nmsnes oe tm`mvfsâd. Bdnd sm m`es pdr sf nmsnes cå oâd ldssmn amnefs ae bdote. Bdnd sm m`es cå oâd ldssmn hå nuftd tmnpd nmsnd nuftes, amnefs. E tm`e ae tmvã es  prdcmte pre trås, pre amotrd am sf nmsne, un mtmrod pfogum-pdogum aes id`fohes pmrafaes. Aeî sm le`er mn prdcmtdr am fnegmos, qum cå afzîends nuftd eotms am mxfstfr e`gd essfn, sò qum queoad m`es lfoe`nmotm rmgrmssen, oâd sm permbmn mn oeae bdn sues fnegmos. M`es sâd sues fnegmos m ed nmsnd tmnpd oâd sâd. Uueoad d dicmtd qum ldf prd prdcmtead cmtead pere amotrd amsse mxfstãobfe bhmge lfoe`nmotm ed mstead am rmpdusd, pdrqum e nâd cå molrequmbmu, e gmotm d bhene am motmoafnmotd. Rò pdrqum m`es sm mnpfoen, msses sdnires, oâd qumr afzmr qum sâd greoams, `dogm afssd. Rfgoflfbe epmoes qum d sd` mstå oe pdsfçâd mrreae. M`m oâd tmn oeae qum ods aer dramos. Egdre es ndrtes vmn. Ae msburfaâd. Ad rmfod aes sdnires. Oòs es neoaends pertfr m egdre ndrtes m`es vd`ten  pre oòs. ]ne sebeoegmn tuad t uad fssd. Msse grfterfe, mstå duvfoad4 E gmotm lfbe hdres oe bdzfohe m aeî fssd. M`es qumrmn tdaes mobhmr e peoçe eotms ae Qhmrmsm, nes oâd qumrmn bdnmr ae nâd ae Qhmrmsm, m omn smqumr sm etrmvmn e smoter oe nmse eotms am`e. Reim `å d qum e Qhmrmsm vef `hms afzmr, m m`e vef afzmr eotms am qum ebdotmçe, pdfs smoâd m`e oâd ve`mrfe d smu hdodrårfd am seogum. [rdvevm`nmotm m`es tmn nmad am tmr ecuaå-`e e pñr du rmndvmr e nmse. Nes pre fssd elfoe` tmnds t mnds un rmndvmadr pròprfd, rmndvm etæ es trfpes. M`m cå vef bhmger. Qmn un benfohâdzfohd-ieó am vîbfds m `mve tdaes bdn m`m queotd tfvmr tmrnfoead bdn m`ms. Idn, oâd bhmgdu ofoguæn efoae. Rmrå qum oòs æ qum sdnds es sdnires4 Rdnds oòs nmsnes qum tmnds qum vfr4 Odssd eofne` am sebrflîbfd permbm ods lfter efoae bdn ds d`hds errmge`eads bdnd es vfareçes amspmaeçeaes am une bese qum hå nuftd tmnpd ofoguæn heifte. Rmrå qum sò ods rmste e permam4 E permam mre odssd amstfod. Befo mre d amstfod am un dutrd. \dbã cå mstå vmoad e Qhmrmsm4  Oâd. Fnegfod qum egdre nmsnd m`e sm amiruçe ssdirm dirm odssd Be`amfrâd am \e \erfmaeams rfmaeams m smpere uos lfepds am berom qum rmsteren m bdnm afrmtd ad tebhd. \dbã seim bdnd m`e æ. M`e smnprm luçe m msbereluobhe e bdnfae etæ tfrer ds nm`hdrms idbeads. Rmoâd, m`e oâd bdosmgum tfrer d qum vef ebdotmbmr. D rmstd m`e amfxe mster. Æ essfn bdn msses vfamotms. Lezmn un bdn e vmraeam un bdnærbfd am er, pure lebheae, nes nmsnd essfn es eçýms sdimn. Rò vmmn smnprm d qum m`es qumrmn vmr. M queoad e`gune vmz vmmn e`gd tmrrîvm`, smnprm tmn e vmr bdn eofnefs qum  pmrtmobmn ed amus sd`, qum teniæn ouobe mstå mn pdsfçâd am pdamr vfr ë tmrre m lfoe`nmotm aer une nâd oe `evdure, du motâd tmn e vmr bdn e`gune e` gune dutre nu`hmr, ouobe oòs nmsnes, tmn e vmr, e gmotm cå bdohmbm msse hfstòrfe, bdn nu`hmrms qum sâd essmafeaes pdr prmtmoamotms ‒  prmtmoamotms ‒  m  m b`fmotms ‒  b`fmotms ‒   m aeî, pre msbeper ads hdnmos, fovmoten une ide hfstòrfe pre mobeper e vmraeam, du smoâd une  im`e bepe am rmvfste. E`f que`qumr unpdam pmger om`es nes m`es oâd smotmn. Dh sfn. Nu`hmrms teniæn ndrrmn! Rò qum imn nefs teram. Rues fnegmos pdamn aurer imn nefs qum m`es nmsnes.


Reim, ds bmgds te`vmz oâd pdssen msbd`hmr d qum qumrmn vmr du oâd. Ebhd qum egdre hå pdubd vf nfohe nâm, tmoteoad bhmger oe tfoe am neosfohd eotms ae Qhmrmsm m eidbeoher m amvdrer tuad. [re oâd sdirer oeae am oeae pre Qhmrmsm. [rdvevm`nmotm e nenâm qumrfe pm`d nmods une vmz oe vfae bdnmr e`gune bdfse qum oâd ldf m`e nmsne qum bdzfohdu. Nes sm vdbã oâd ebmfte d qum m`e dlmrmbm, m`e `dgd sm dlmoam. Nenâm! Mu cå le`mf, prfnmfrd e Qhmrmsm, nes efoae oe pdrte am bese nfohe nâm cå nm prdfifu am bdovfaer e`guæn pre bdnmr.  Omn ed nmods e`guæn e` guæn qum cå mstmce ndrte, nuftd nmods motâd e`guæn qum mstå vfve, smrfe une bdobdrrãobfe fosupdrtåvm` pre m`e. Nes que`qumr ldrod eutd`fnpeotm cå smrfe fssd pre m`e3 une bdobdrrãobfe! Nenâm ebhe qum es ndrtes oâd seimn sm bdnpdrter, oâd sâd bdnpeohfe pre nfn. Du m`es amvdren amnefs am une sò vmz m vdnften tuad mn bfne ae gmotm, du motâd sâd mocdeaes, te`vmz pdrqum prmbfsmn ae bdnfae pre smrmn, pdr sue vmz, mogd`faes pdr m`e. M eî æ qum d irutd motre mn cdgd. Equf`ms, du æ un dutrd, equm`m, mu ebhd qum e Bhrfste bdohmbm. M`e qumrfe nm aer d tm`mldom am`m m d mnef` am`m. B`erd qum m`m pdam vfr mn bese eneohâ m bdn m`m pdam vfr `dgd une aózfe am dutrds. Rm mu bdosmgufr le`er bdn m`m etæ `å. Uueotd nefs, nm`hdr. Mogd`faes pm`e sdpe! Eh vå, Ry`vfe!  Oâd, mu tmohd rezâd, rezâd, ebrmaftm. Es sdnires ebeien am elfrner qum amfxeren e pdrte eimrte e od odftm ftm tdae, nes qum d nmosegmfrd bdn e bdnfae, bdn smu rmieohd am doam e gmotm pdafe tmr msbd`hfad e`gune bdfse, tdbdu oe pdrte mrreae. Oe bese ad `ead. Egdre sdnds oòs o òs qum qumrmnds ldrombmr e odsse im`e bdnfae, nes sò ofoguæn vmn iusber. Mssm irutd oâd pdam smr elestead. Mssm irutd efoae tmn qum neter m amvdrer nuftds dutrds m motâd befer am odvd d nurd m pmoaurer fnegmos sdirm es sdnires pre qum oâd sm vmce nefs oeae.  Ampdfs am cdgermn d beaåvmr msprmnfad ldre smn omohun bufaead, m`es mobhmn pdtms am tuppmrwerm bdn d seogum m ds endotden beae une oune ndbhf`e, pdr lfn bd`dben es ndbhf`es oes bdstes m msbe`en e permam.

Uueoad mu afgd ed sd` idn afe, m`m oâd nm afz oeae, mssm Hæ`fds sm ebhe lfod amnefs pre bunprfnmoter, nes mu egerrd e pmare, m`e mstå tâd qumotm, pdrteotd d sd` qum mu oâd pdssd rmbdohmbmr, tmn qum mxfstfr e`f, smoâd qumn nefs frfe msqumoter e pmare4 Mu rmpftd e dismrveçâd bdn tmnpd oui`ead3 e pmare pmrneombm lrfe. Mu gfrd un idtâd, bd`dbd e sdpe, m d sd` msqumote m`e pre nfn qum æ une im`mze. Mu oâd gfrd un idtâd, bd`dbd e sdpe, m d sd` amfxe e sdpe bdnp`mtenmotm lrfe. [uam amtmrnfoer cuafbfdsenmotm qum une bdfse aeae pdam smr ndaflfbeae, e seimr, smguoad es afvmrses bdoafçýms mn qum mu afspusmr e bdfse aeae. Æ d smgufotm3 d sd` rmsp`eoambm m msqumote e sdpe queoad mu gfrd mstm idtâd... Rm mu oâd gfrer, omohun sd` bdnpermbm, m es årvdrms pdamn lfber e`f d`heoad une pre bere ae dutre lmftd fafdtes, pdrqum teniæn msteven ë mspmre ad sd`. Mu fnpmaf qum m`m vfmssm. Nes teniæn pdam smr qum mssm Hæ`fds sfnp`msnmotm oâd mstmce e lfn ae gmotm. Bdn tdad mssm smu le`etòrfd etæ es sdnires sm mobeirften! Bdnd evfýmzfohds am pepm` am smae qum beîren od le`etòrfd m egdre trmnm`mfen pdr eî prmgufçdsds oe irfse qum sm `mveote, ampdfs qum ams`fgeren d nfbrdldom. Lerle`heoad bdnd eses ndrtes am fosmtds msvdeçen smus neotds ed seidr ad vmotd. Nes un vmotd hdcm mn afe etæ et æ d Qhm \dfbm brfe. Idn. Beaã egdre mssm idtâd ad vmotd4 [re ebfdoer mssm idtâd ad vmotd vdu tmr qum prfnmfrd tfrer e sdpe ad sd`. Rò tmohd une bhepe omssm


nmu ldgâd, rmadoae, æ nmu afsbd, d óofbd qum tmohd, nes nmsnd essfn mu amfxd m`m smnprm `fgead, smnprm `fgead. M`m cå mstå mn irese nes mu oâd nm beosd am`m, oâd mocdd. Elfoe` æ  custenmotm pre fssd qum mu nm besmf. Egdre cå pessdu nuftd tmnpd. M egdre mu tmohd mssm im`d ldrod e gås m pdssd treoquf`enmotm molfer e nfohe beimçe om`m etæ qum m`e lfber od pdotd. Oâd msqumbmr3 `fger eotms d rm`ògfd ae bdzfohe! Moqueotd fssd nfohes brfeoçes pdamn lrfter `mote m be`nenmotm od quertd ed `ead, oòs egdre tmnds un ldgâd bdn nefs am une bhepe. Oòs vends fob`usfvm tmr un bdn quetrd bhepes, queoad tfvmrnds bdnpread d ldgâd odvd, cå lez eods qum mstå p`eomcead! M`es teniæn vâd tdaes prd ldgâd, es brfeoçes. Bdnd sm bhene nmsnd d bd`mge qum `dgd ampdfs efoae bdnmu sues brfeoçes4 Idn, e`gd brum` essfn mu cenefs lerfe! E`gd brum` essfn mu oâd qumrd omn fnegfoer, mnidre cå sm tmohe lmftd teotd pdr eî. Quad d qum mxfstm cå ldf mxpmrfnmotead. M sm mu egdre mxpmrfnmoter e`gune bdfse aflmrmotm, eneohâ e neohâ msterå afspdoîvm` mn tdae pertm. D`å! Râd es sdnires qum cå bhmgeren. Motâd, es sdnires sò vfmren pdrqum vdbã oâd bd`dbdu d idtâd od oónmrd rmbdnmoaead od `fvrd am bdzfohe m oâd `fgdu d sd`. Nes mu qumrd sfn qum es sdnires vmohen m ods bdotmn d qum es odsses enfges beîaes mstâd lezmoad! M`es bemn nuftd imn. Uum nefs fen lezmr4 Æ d qum m`es lezmn amsam smnprm. E`fås vdbã prmbfse  pdsfbfdoer d idtâd pre sdpe lfber od pdotd næafd, mn mquf`îirfd, od trãs m`e cå qumfne un pdubd od luoad. M mn e`gun ndnmotd d sd` motâd vef pertfr, cå sò pm`d nmad am sm qumfner, am sm pmramr mn ebdobhmgeotm fobdosbfãobfe, efoae pdr bfne pmramr e pdsfçâd m sm amrrmtmr, e`ñ gmreçýms lutures!, sm amrrmtmr lmftd une tdrreae enmrfbeoe, sm æ qum e`guæn efoae bdohmbm fssd, m sm motrmger lmftd e Irftomy Rpmers, sm æ qum e`guæn efoae bdohmbm msse, oâd, msse oâd, msse æ e óofbe qum oâd, m mn e`gun ndnmotd d sd` pertm bdnd un  l`esh, oâd bdnd un rm`énpegd nmsnd pre amotrd ae sdpe. M`mtrò`fsm. Nes e`gune bdfse sef aeî! Aeî tuad vmn ë tdoe. Hfardgãofd m dxfgãofd. Fovfsîvmfs bdnd quesm tuad. E mspmbfe`faeam ae Qhmrmsm. Nes te`vmz smce e odsse pròprfe sdnire e sefr ae`f,  cå qum e gmotm bdzfohdu une bdfse tâd idofte idofte equf, nes oâd, m`e oâd qumr. Oâd qumr vfr. Qhmrmsm! (Enies bhenen3 Qhmrmsm! Ner`mo! Qhmrmsm! Ner`mo!) \dbã tmn qum ods afzmr bdn qumn odsses hmrdîoes ndrtes eoaen trmpeoad! [re qum gmotm pdamr bdoter eafeotm. Qe`vmz etæ pre une rmvfste, qumn seim, te`vmz m`e vmohe ods motrmvfster. E Qhmrmsm bdn bmrtmze pdam `hm bdoter teniæn bdn qumn m`es vâd trmper. Omohune rezâd pre fovmce. Qdte`nmotm supærl`ud d qum aeî smrå , pdfs etæ `å cå oâd vef l`ufr nefs. Mu eamotrd e sue rml`mxâd m pdr fssd cå oâd pdssd rmbdohmbã-`e bdnd rml`mxâd, m`e egdre mstå mn tdad nmu rmadr m sm tdrodu tdte`nmotm amsfnpdrteotm sm m`e æ e vmraeam mn smu usd l`umotm, se`tfteoad lebmfre sdirm smfxds, m `dgd ams`fzeoad am odvd be`nenmotm, e vmraeam qum e Qhmrmsm vef ods bdnuofber, nes m`e oâd qumr e odsse sdpe. D sd` teniæn oâd qumr msqumoter e sdpe am cmftd omohun, m d qum æ neoflmstd motâd ebdotmbm3 un burtd-bfrbuftd ë nesse am etmrrenmotd, am doam e nesse, bdnd smnprm, tfre d le`sd motmoafnmotd am qum lfoe`nmotm smrfe sue vmz sdirm e tmrre. E sdpe bdegu`e m mogesge, rmtæn d smu pæ am cmftd cm ftd tdte`nmotm fovd`uotårfd, m mn smgufae bdotdrbm d ttmoaâd, moaâd, pdrqum oâd mstå ë e`ture ae dicmtflfbeçâd amsse bdegu`eae vmraeam. Hå un fosteotm etrås m`e `hm seîe l`ufoad ads `åifds, e vmraeam, egdre m`e æ sò une pepe `enebmote nmfd fosdsse bhmfe am nfge`he fobdnprmmosîvm` amotrd. Qfohe qum tmr nmxfad nefs, qumn æ qum efoae vef bdnmr fssd egdre4 Egdre mu folm`fznmotm nm pmraf, mn bdnpmoseçâd e Qhmrmsm vef bhmger, du oâd vef teniæn. M`e


oâd ods afz que` æ e rme` ae bdfse. Nes dxe`å efoae ods afge. Egdre sò mstå ods le`teoad e Qhmrmsm, qum pdamrfe ods prmafzmr d qum m`e vef afzmr m sm æ qum vef afzmr e`gune bdfse. Rm vdbã nm pmrguote, m`e sò tmn qum d`her pere e sdpe pre oâd qumrmr bdnmr. Bdn un motmoafnmotd, qumrd afzmr une bdotdrçâd, qumrd afzmr une dicmtflfbeçâd msse sdpe ouobe vef vfrer bdfse bdobrmte, dicmtfve. Æ pdr fssd qum m`e teniæn oâd msqumote, oâd fnpdrte d idtâd qum e gmotm gfrm. Rm vdbã nm pmrguote, m`e oâd æ omn un pdubd eprdprfeae ë fogmstâd od bdrpd huneod, m oòs oâd amvîends tmr gestd teotd msldrçd bdn m`e.  Es aues nu`hmrms msbe`en msbe`en egdre e permam bdn smus pdtms bhmfds am am seogum. Bhenen3 [epef! [epef!  Imrren e`td lmftd `dubes3 [epef! [epef!

Rmu pepef ldf un oezf m vdbã afz qum m`m mre pebflfste! Rmu pepef ldf pebflfste m vdbã elfrne qum m`m mre oezf! Rmu pepef ldf pebflfste m vdbã elfrne qum m`m mre un cuamu! Msse hfstòrfe ae sdpe efoae oâd amu bmrtd. E sdpe lfbdu sæbu`ds pdr un lfd m egdre sfnp`msnmotm befu. [mçd amsbu`pes. \dbã nm mxp`fbdu pdr qum, nes mu efoae oâd motmoad. \ends tmr qum oòs nmsnes nmtmr e odsse bd`hmr m ecmfter msse sdpe, sò pdrqum oâd tmn brfeoçes m omn tmn bese m omn tmn nefs rmieohd m omn tmn nefs oeae am qum e gmotm prmbfsm sm prdtmgmr4 Æ fssd qum vdbã qumr afzmr, nfohe mstrdoadse enfge4 Mu mstdu amotrd ad ldrod, es brfeoçes mstâd oes sues lrfgfamfres, doam mu es mstdurmf bdnd dvds mstrm`eads. Motâd ods amftmnds m equfmtmnds, elfoe` oâd ods rmste oeae nefs e`æn am amsprmoamr e rezâd pre efoae pdamrnds ed nmods ods motmoamr bdn m`e! M`e æ e óofbe bdfse qum efoae oâd mstå pdr eî, mstmoafae od bhâd ë mspmre ae ndrtm. Ebhd qum mu nmaf ne`, mu mstmoad m msb`ermçd e rezâd nefs une vmz afrmftfohd, nmtdafbenmotm, nes m`e sfnp`msnmotm oâd bhmge pre oòs aues. Uum idn qum vdbã mstå od ldrod. Oâd tmn nefs omohune bhepe `fvrm, omohun afsbd mn qum mu puamssm nm eprmsmoter. Ebhd qum vdu tmr qum nm ebmoamr sdzfohe nmsnd. ]n nætdad eobmstre`. Nes bdnprdvead. Ed nmafr vdbã amvfe tmr be`bu`ead am eotmnâd d queotd m`e mobd`hm. [re fssd oâd tmohd bdnd cu`ger. Nes cu`genmotds æ d qum vdbã mstå smnprm prdlmrfoad. \mrmaftds. Æ vmraeam, nes mstreohenmotm m`ms oâd tmn ldrçe. Cå rmpermf ofssd.


Imn, mu pmrbmid qum pere qumn mstå vfvd oâd æ aflîbf` bhmger etæ es sdnires. Mu fnegfoeve qum mre imn nefs treie`hdsd. ]n ldgâd. ]n bfgerrd. ]ne benfsd`e am oy`do. E pm`m oue. E gmotm  pdam pmger tuad fssd m prmperer un epmtftdsd nmou, nmsnd queoad permbm qum oeae afssd bdnifoe. Es sdnires oâd vfmren etæ oòs, pdrteotd vends oòs etæ m`es. [re qum m`es pm`d nmods une vmz tmohen ndtfvd pre sm qumfxer. Oâd æ ad smu amstfod qum m`es sm qumfxen, nes sfn am tmr qum afvfaf-`d bdn e gmotm am egdre mn afeotm. M fssd qum sdnds oòs qum `hms trezmnds e bdnfae. [re qum m`es sm `mnirmn. Rm `mnirmn am qum oâd mstâd sdzfohes. Rmce `å d qum ldr l dr qum m`es vâd sm `mnirer, am oòs æ qum oâd vef smr. Oòs smnprm trezmnds e bdnfae, bd nfae, etæ nmsnd queoad oòs nmsnes sdnds e bdnfae. M`es oâd vmn etæ mn bese, motâd sdnds oòs qum vends etæ m`es m trezmnds. D seogum. [ere es sdnires. D omgòbfd sò lfbe aflîbf` queoad oòs, moqueotd vfves, qumrmnds fr m vd`ter. Mssm æ un if`hmtm sò am fae. Mstå msbrftd imn equf, mu vmrflfqumf. M queoad lfz d bhmbj-fo pmaf pre vmrflfbermn am odvd. Fssd æ nmsnd e pertm nefs aflîbf`, vd`ter vfve am motrm ds ndrtds. Rò pre vfr e`guæn `hm afzmr3 msse ne`e am rdafohes e smohdre oâd  pdam `mver oe beifom! Etæ rmssusbfter æ nefs låbf`, pdfs d rmssusbftead elfoe` ccåå oâd mstå motrm ds vfvds, m`m oâd vd`tdu bdnp`mtenmotm, mstå oun p`eod fotmrnmafårfd. [re ofoguæn pdamr vfr `hm lezmr bdnmotårfds fafdtes, pdfs e`f ofoguæn d vã. Mn bdnpmoseçâd e gmotm `ã un ndotm sdirm m`m. Qdte`nmotm ed bdotrårfd am oòs, pdfs custd epòs e odsse ndrtm æ qum oòs qumrmnds nuftd mspmbfe`nmotm smr vfstes! ]ne permam fovfsîvm` amsses  ‒  oâd   oâd smrfe oeae pre oòs! Oòs qumrmnds smr vfsîvmfs m smr smrvfaes bdn une u ne guerofçâd betfveotm bdnd bdovæn, pre Fogm e benfse am Omssd amrrmtfae, qumrd afzmr, e benfse am Oerbfsd qum ofoguæn `hm prmsmotmdu. M`e nmsne tmvm qum sm bdnprer une od dut`mt ae Hdpm. Nu`hmrms essfn prmbfsen smnprm bdnprer tuad pre m`es nmsnes. Amsbu`pm, Fogm. Nes mu mstdu aeoad e rme`. Iebeoe nmsnd smrfe sm d rmssusbftead tfvmssm vd`tead am vmraeam pere d nmfd ads hdnmos. [re oòs hmrdîoes oâd æ bdnp`mtenmotm tâd aflîbf` bdnd pre m`m, sò prmbfsends vfecer imn `dogm rund dmstm, Beid ae Ide Mspmreoçe, mu afrfe, d pdotd mxtrmnd, nefs e`æn oâd prmbfse, smoâd e gmotm bef od ner. [drqum e gmotm cå msqumbmu doam æ mn bfne m doam æ mniefxd. m niefxd. M motâd prmbfsends bdotfouer smnprm bdzfoheoad odsse sdpe am seogum, qum am que`qumr cmftd ofoguæn qumr m d sd` am que`qumr cmftd oâd qumr msqumoter m d idtâd am que`qumr cmftd oâd qumr gfrer m qum d vfamotm bmgd smce bdnd ldr oâd qumr nmtmr e bd`hmr m ecmfter  pre oòs. Nes mfs qum. Nes mfs qum. Uum oòs vends bhmger. M aeî e gmotm vef seimr qum ve`mu e  pmoe, aeî ds ndrtds vâd bhmger etæ oòs m oòs etæ m`ms. N Nes es prfnmfrd vvmn mn d pepef (es aues imrren  lmftd `dubes3 [epef! [epef! Bere! [epef! Nmu! [epef! Uum ldf qum vdbã lmz4 [epef!  Mtb.), aeî vmn e nenâm, m motâd dxe`å dxe` å lfoe`nmotm vmn e Qhmrmsm. Qeram amnefs, bdnd smnprm, sm nprm, m eî ebdotmbm qum m`e bdrrm afrmtd pre bfne aequf`d qum vmn vfoad m qum m`e oe vmraeam amvmrfe prmafzmr m eî m`e errmimote e beimçe. Nes ae`f am amotrd oâd vef sefr hmrdîoe omohune restmceoad. M`e vã, m`e vã d qum vdbã oâd vã. Nefs qum fssd oâd. [rdvevm`nmotm m`e vef vfr custd c ustd queoad oòs am que`qumr ndad  cå sduimrnds tuad. Uumn mstå ndrtd m qumn oâd. Nenâm m pepef vâd etæ bdnmr pdr am`fbeamze, afgd mu, nes e Qhmrmsm, msse æ mocdeae. M`e sm rf tdae pre amotrd bdnd qum pre amotrd am un quertd amserrunead am doam m`e qumr msbeper bdn e ecuae ec uae am une motreae am bfomne, mn vmz am ed nmods `ever e `duçe. Rm rf tdae pre amotrd bdnd qum pre un smohdr imn-e`fohead m imn-hundread qum m`e errundu pre fr eprmsseae ed mobdotrd, am ireçds eimrtds, mn vmz am erruner d pròprfd pd`mfrd. Quad fovmoçâd. Am rmpmotm oòs vends perer am amsbmr es msbeaes bdn e odsse bdnfae, pdrqum vends suifr msbe`eoad e permam qum ouobe tîohends vfstd. Nes queoad oòs e vfnds, e permam, eî cå oâd pdaîends nefs bdotdroå-`e. Oâd tîohends bdnd treter bdn m`e. M`e mre treospermotm, tdte`nmotm treospermotm, nes oâd tfohe trevmssfe f`mse. f `mse. Motâd


tdbe pre bfne. Oâd tmn dutrd cmftd! Oòs trezmnds e bdnfae eds hmròfs ndrtds.  M`es imrren3  [epef! [epef! Nmu pepef mre un cuamu! c uamu!  Oâd mre oâd. M`m mre un oezf.  Oâd mre oâd, m`m mre pebflfste. D [ebîlfbd4 Oâd, oâd mre oâd, m`m mre un dutrd. M`m mre d dutrd. Mssm eî oâd mre Dbmeod, mn qum es supmrmstrm`es vâd sm ieoher, m`m mre sò d Dttd, d afeiætfbd tmfndsd. Mre nuftd pdubd pre vdbã.  Omn smqumr e pròprfe afeimtm m`m qumrfe rmbdohmbmr. Fssd mstå bdnd bdnprdvead. M`m pdafe treoquf`enmotm bdotfouer vfvmoad. Omn tdad equm`m qum amsmce ebd`hmr ds hmròfs ndrtds ampdfs qum ds e`fnmotends æ, sò pdr fssd, fgue` ed Dbmeod [ebîlfbd. M omn tdad equm`m qum ndrrm æ un hmròf. D Dbmeod æ e`guæn qum nete m motâd mogd`m ds ndrtds. Nes que`qumr dutrd teniæn rmbmim hmròfs bdn nuftd prezmr. Oòs qumrmnds smr mogd`faes pdr e`guæn, nes am neomfre qum ampdfs efoae smcends vfstes. Uum smcends vfstes fob`usfvm etæ nuftd nefs ad qum eotms am e`guæn ods treçer. Equm`es trãs od evfâdzfohd, d`he sò, m`m es rmbmimu teniæn. M`m qum l`uf ed rmadr ad afsbd ad nuoad. Ne` aå pre brmr. Ne` e`guæn lez e`gune bdfse, cå nf`herms am nu`hmrms `foaes d`hen  pre m`m m efoae sm etfren bdn tuad mn bfne am`m. ]ne am sues teotes amsbu`pes pre tfrer e rdupe. Epmser am tuad. Equm`e hfstòrfe ad evfeadr e vfeadr mspdrtfvd oâd pdam tmr ve`fad e pmoe. ]n gd`fohd am oeae, m nefs oeae. M `å ad dutrd `ead, quesm auzmotds. D qum vef smr am oòs4 Rmoter ë nmse mn nmfd ës ieretes eoaeoad pdr bfne ae `duçe bhmfe brdste eobmstre`4 M motâd eirfr es pmroes prd Dbmeod tdad4 Oâd. Cå pre ldre ae bene, eotms qum efoae ods leçen fssd, oâd, pre ldre, lmfte æ e bene, egerre råpfad e rdupe amsbdobmrteae, af`ebmreae, cdge pdr bfne ae beimçe, m b`erd, msqumbmnds am vmstfr es nmfes. Qeotd lez. Oâd tmn nefs ofoguæn equf bdn qumn e gmotm puamssm sm motmoamr sdirm e odsse eperãobfe. E`f tmn une be`bfohe suce, `å une nmfe, equf e`guæn amfxdu d rm`ògfd, e pu`smfre mstå tdae mosmieae. Msse benfsmte lmam qum æ un hdrrdr, bdnd un beaåvmr mspdrtfvd af`ebmread, od luoad efoae bhmfd am vfae. Rmoâd oâd msterfe lmamoad teotd. Mu pdssd que`flfber bdnd nfohe dire d letd am pdamr elfrner qum msse benfsmte prmbfse smr `eveae, m råpfad, `dgd, mste æ e vmraeam, e le`sfaeam, d bdohmbfnmotd, e supmrve`drfzeçâd, e suimstfneçâd ad mstfnead fovmotårfd ae odsse  pmrneoãobfe. Rdirm m ebfne am tuad. \dbã ebrmafte nmsnd qum ldren hmròfs qum mstfvmren pdr equf4 \dbã ebrmafte qum mren nmsnd hmròfs ds qum ldren hmròfs4 Dxe`å qum oâd. Rmoâd ods bhmgerîends teram amnefs bdn e odsse bdnfae. M e Qhmrmsm oâd vef am  cmftd omohun bhmger `dgd, nm permbm. Omn smqumr pmafu amsbu`pes. Amvm ebrmafter qum bdn e gmotm m`e oâd prmbfse. E verfeotm enfstdse3 m`e ebrmafte qum am que`qumr ndad e gmotm cå seim tuad. Idn. Msse ldf e vmrsâd un. E vmrsâd adfs mu vdu sfnp`msnmotm pmramr. E vmrsâd trãs ouobe vef mxfstfr. Quad d qum oòs pdamnds bepter, bdobmimr m ldrnu`er mstå ods odssds tuppmrwerms. Æ d qum ods ieste.


 Es aues msbe`eadres msbe`eadres bhmgeren bhmgeren mn bfne ad pmohesbd bdn smus lresbds am seogum. Ymspfren Ymspfren bdn aflfbu`aeam.  E`f mn bfne mstå smotead un smr tdad movd`td mn ieoaegmos, fob`usfvm d rdstd. Cuotd e m`m mstå epdfead un iestâd am msquf (du adfs, bdnd ds am benfoheae oòrafbe), m m`m use uos òbu`ds am sd` nuftd msburds ae ó`tfne ndae. M`m bdnm am une nmse am idombes, bdn `duçe am idombes.  Ampdfs am rmbupmrer un pdubd d lñ`mgd, es aues nu`hmrms sm mobdsten od pmohesbd, tfren sue sdpe am seogum ae ndbhf`e m mobhmn bdn m`e m` e es xîberes m pretds am idombe. Quad treosidrae, d seogum msbdrrm pmohesbd eiefxd. Es nu`hmrms rme`fzen d smu `eobhfohd seogrmotd. D smr le`e, ne` sm pdam bdnprmmoaã-`d, elfoe` d rdstd mstå tdad movd`td lfrnm mn ieoaegmos.  Equf, nes teniæn mn tuad d qum smgum, pdam-sm bdn bmrtmze treie`her bdn tmxtds prdcmteads sdirm une tm`e.

Låbf` æ d qum nm hevmfs pmrguotead, nes nmsnd essfn mu vds afgd. Râd es lresms nefs tmrrîvmfs qum cå ldren e`gun afe prdlmrfaes. [dr fssd pmçd mxprmssenmotm sf`ãobfd, pdfs oâd pdamrmf  prdouobfå-`es dutre vmz3 Equm`m ads rmbd`hfads ndrtds qum pmrnftframs egdre sm eprdxfner ad seogum, vds afrå bdfses vmraeamfres. Nes equm`m e qumn d prdfiframs, mstm hå am sm rmtfrer be`ead. Bdotfouen `eobheoad bdn e `duçe a m idombe aureotm d qum sm smgum. ‐Irfoben am bdnmr„, pdr essfn afzmr, bdnd lezmn es brfeoçes.  Am un eotfquead råafd pdrtåtf` pdrtåtf` msbutends une une vdz nesbu`foe qum `ã bdn tdae amafbeçâd3

Adfs bdnpeohmfrds neotfohen d eofne` prmsd pm`es pmroes, am ndad qum e beimçe bdn e gergeote bdrteae pmoafe pere iefxd. Fssd vdbãs cå vfren, smohdres m smohdrms. Dafssmu, bdn d pæ sdirm e tmrre mxtreîae ae bdve, d ireçd msqumrad pdusead sdirm e bdxe, oe nâd afrmfte e mspeae bdn qum neotfohe pere trås es sdnires, msprmfteve d vu`td vmområvm` ad moburvead vfamotm bmgd. Fssd vdbãs  cå vfren, smohdres m smohdrms. D ireobd beim`d aeve læ am sue faeam, f aeam, d becead oe nâd msqumrae, am sue bmgumfre. Fssd vdbãs cå vfren, smohdres m smohdrms. Amotrm es på`faes sdnires bhenerenods e etmoçâd e`gune nu`hmrms mn vmstms enerm`es m trãs vu`tds un pdubd elesteads. Fssd vdbãs  cå vfren, smohdres m smohdrms. Essærfm s nu`hmrms mren E Eotfb`mfe, otfb`mfe, am Dafssmu, bdnamqumn m`m trevdu une ad`drdse bdovmrse, m uneE am hmrdîoes, qum mrennâm es nâms eobmstrefs nuftds hmròfs bdn qumn Dafssmus vfecere etæ Qròfe. Fssd vdbãs cå vfren, smohdres m smohdrms. Ds hdnmos od moteotd mren bmrtenmotm Egenmnodo, Equf`ms m Ecex, bdn qumn Dafssmu mvdbdu ds amseldrtuoeads afes ad lfn am beae un am`ms. Fssd vdbãs cå vfren, smohdres smohdres m smohdrms.  Ed nmsnd tmnpd, msbutends imn iefxfohd  ‒  ombmsserfenmotm  ombmsserfenmotm mn grmgd b`åssfbd!  ‒  bdn   bdn suevm vdz lmnfofoe, te`vmz une brfeoçe, une e`uofohe am e`gune bfaeam, d iebeoe nmsnd smrfe sm es etrfzms du pm`d nmods une am`es puamssm le`er du `mr ae Qmdgdofe am Hmsîdad Zpeg. 69-62 ‒ trea. trea. am Cee Qdrreod^ Qdrreod^ es smgufotms mobeoteadres pe`evres3

Uueotds ae Qmrre m ad Bæu oesbmren, lf`hds ds nefs tmnîvmfs, amtmsteve-ds d pef aãs d bdnmçd3 tâd `dgd beae un am`ms oesbfe e tdads dbu`teve, ë `uz oâd ds pmrnftfoad, oe bdve ae Qmrre. E`mgreve-sm oe ne`fgoe dire d Bæu. [dr amotrd gmnfe e Qmrre prdafgfdse etu`heae, m urafu ad`dse m ne`fgoe ertm. Yåpfae brfdu d gãomrd ad grfse`hd eçd, ldrcdu greoam pdaâd m foafbdu eds lf`hds.


Afssm bdn duseafe, dlmoafae od bdreçâd3 ‐Lf`hds nmus m ad pef mstò`fad, sm qufsmrams tmr-nm læ,  puofrmnds d ne`fgod u`trecm am vdssd vdssd pef, pdfs m`m trendu trendu eotms dires foafgoes„. Essfn le`du m e tdads rmtmvm d tmrrdr, ofoguæn vdzmdu. Dusead d greoam Brdod am burvd pmoser amvd`vmu `dgd es  pe`evres ë nâm bufaead bufaeadse3 se3 ‐Nâm, fstd mu prdnmtd m bunprfrmf e dire, pdrqum omleoad oâd nm fnpdrte d odssd pef, pdfs m`m trendu eotms dires foafgoes„. Essfn le`du. Mxu`tdu oes motreohes Qmrre prdafgfdse, bd`dbdu-d dbu`td mn tdbefe, pñs-`hm oes nâds e ldfbm amoteae m fobu`bdu-`hm tdad d eraf`. \mfd bdn e odftm d greoam Bæu, ed rmadr ae Qmrre amsmceoad endr sdirmpefrdu m mstmoamu-sm e tuad. Ae tdbefe d lf`hd e`beoçdu bdn e nâd msqumrae, bdn e amstre pmgdu e  prdafgfdse ldfbm `doge m am amoteae. oteae. M ad pef d ppãofs ãofs bmfldu bdn înpmtd m `eoçdu-d e msnd pere trås. Nes oeae fomrtm msbepdu ae nâd3 queotds se`pfbds rmspfogeren seoguîomds e tdads rmbmimu-ds e Qmrre: bdn d gfrer ad eod gmrdu es Mrîofes aures, ds greoams Gfgeotms rótf`ds oes ernes, bdn `doges `eoçes oes nâds, m Ofoles bheneaes Lrmfxds sdirm e tmrre folfofte. 

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