Elements of Music

March 6, 2017 | Author: jrteweehi | Category: N/A
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Elements of Music Contains definition of all the musical elements then puts certain musical features under their rele...


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Tempo Metre







Definition: Notes of different durations organised into groups and placed in time often in relation to a pulse

Rhythm Keywords: Pulse, Beat, Time Signature, Metre, Bar, Barlines, Simple TIme, Compound Time, Tempo

Cross Rhythm: Cross rhythm – A rhythmic arrangement which contradicts expected metrical accents by introducing a different pattern of groupings.


An unaccented note or a group of notes which precede the first strong beat in a phrase of music. music.

Syncopation: The use of accents on weak beats or between beats, creating tension between the accents of the pulse and the accents of the rhythm.


A specific form of syncopation, often used in Baroque music, particularly at important cadences. The most usual form occurs when a piece in triple time places accents on alternate beats, giving a temporary duple feel to the music.


Definition: Scale(s) that the melody and harmony are derived from. Major Scale


Minor Scale: Harmonic, Natural, melodic

Whole tone scale - A scale consisting of six whole tones. All intervals are equal so there is no feeling of a key note. Blues Scale:

Modes: Aeolian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Ionian,

Chromatic Scale - A scale of twelve notes

Modulation: Change of key within a composition

Pentatonic: A scale of 5 notes.

Atonal: Having no tonal centre

Diatonic: Notes used a derived from a particular scale


Definition: Melody is a sequence of single notes; the main, most prominent line or voice in a piece of music, the line that the listener follows most closely. When accompanied, the melody is often the highest line in the piece and stands out. Melody is often the most memorable aspect of a piece.

Melody Contour: Shape of a melody, pointed, smooth

Range:Distance between the lowest note and highest note.

Phrasing: length of a melody, normally related to a human taking a breath.

Sequence: Repetition of a phrase at a higher or lower pitch. The rhythm amd melodic pattern are the same in each phrase

Melisma: Ornamentation of a syllable when singing.


Definition: Texture is the relationships between the different ‘lines’ (instruments) within a piece.

Adjectives: Thick Thin

Texture Homophonic: Melody with accompanying chords (Harmony)

Monophonic: One solo line or voice, may have multiple instruments but all will be in unison.

Solo Vs Tutti

Scoring: Division of music between instruments or how they are arranged.

Polyphonic: Music with independent lines playing simultaneously.


Definition: A series of chords or progression.


Pedal Note: A sustained note, normally in the bass with the harmony changing above it

Chord: Two or more notes played together. Harmonic Rhythm: Speed at which the chords change. Triad: A three note Chord

Cadences: Perfect, plagal, Imperfect, Interrupted


Definition: Volume changes from soft to loud in Music. Terraced Dynamics : Blocks of loud and soft sound with movement between. From baroque music.


Diminuendo - Get softer over time

Decrescendo - Get softer over time Forte: Loud Crescendo - Get louder over time Piano: Soft



A sound; normally an instrument. Also means all the different sounds an instrument can make

Range: How high or low and instrument can play.


Envelope - Entire sound consisting of attack through to decay Decay - Dying away os a Sound

Tessitura: The area within a range of a voice or instrument where a piece mainly lies; A piece with a high tessitura means its average pitch towards the top of its range

Attack - Beginning of a Sound

Technique: The skill used by a player or singer performing. Idiomatic: Refers to the capabilities of an instrument; Also what sets it apart from other instruments: E.g a Trombone can glissando because of how its made. 10

Definition: A sound; normally an instrument. Also means all the different sounds an instrument can make

Sonata Form: An expansion of binary form. A

Binary: Two distinct sections. normally each section repeats AABB


Rondo: Multiple sections with the main section returning between contrasting sections. ABACADA 12 Bar Blues: Chord progressions follows something similar to this 12

first section (exposition) introduces two or more themes, the first in the tonic, the second in the dominant or a closely related key. The next section (the development section) develops the themes in new keys, and the final section (the recapitulation) restates the themes, but ends in the original key. Sonata form emerged in the Classical period, and was often used for the first movement of solo sonatas, symphonies, chamber music and concertos.

Ternary: Three sections where the third is a repeat of the first. ABA

Strophic: Song form; Verse/chorus/Verse/ Chorus/Bridge/Verse/Chorus/Chorus







Through Composed - Music where there are no repeats and ideas change and develop from beginning to end.


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