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Elements of Literature & Combined Arts Chapter 7
Literature Literature (from Latin word litterae) is the art of written work. The word literature literally means !thin"s made from letters!. Two T wo ma#or forms $%tion non$%tion Two ma#or te%hni'ues oetry prose
mportant Elements of Literature *.) Emotional Appeal +.) ntelle%tual Appeal ,.)-umanisti% Appeal
A writers ob#e%tie *.) To strie in raisin" the leel of the reader/s -umanity +) To a%%omplish the purpose of makin" one a better person0 "iin" him a hi"h sense of alue
Emotional Appeal Attained when the reader is emotionally moed or tou%hed by any literary lite rary work like1
T Toni"ht oni"ht %an write the saddest lines 2y ablo 3eruda (E4%erpt) Toni"ht T oni"ht %an write the saddest lines. lines. loed her0 and sometimes she loed me too. Throu"h ni"hts like Throu"h like this one held her in my arms kissed her a"ain and a"ain under the endless sky. 5he loed me sometimes0 and loed her too. -ow %ould one not hae loed her "reat still eyes.
-ow 6o Loe Thee 2y Eliabeth 2. 2rownin" -ow do loe thee8 Let me %ount the ways. loe thee to the depth and breadth breadth and hei"ht 9y soul %an rea%h0 when feelin" out of si"ht :or the ends of 2ein" and ideal ;ra%e.
ntelle%tual Appeal 2oth add E by ?ose by ?ose >ial >ial !9amamatay akon" hindi nakikita an" nin"nin" n" bukan"liwayway sa akin" 2ayan@
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