Elements of Literature & Combined Arts

September 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Elements of Literature & Combined Arts Chapter 7


Literature Literature (from Latin word litterae) is the art of written work. The word literature literally means !thin"s made from letters!.  Two  T wo ma#or forms $%tion non$%tion  Two ma#or te%hni'ues oetry prose


mportant Elements of Literature *.) Emotional Appeal +.) ntelle%tual Appeal ,.)-umanisti% Appeal


A writers ob#e%tie *.) To strie in raisin" the leel of the reader/s -umanity +) To a%%omplish the purpose of makin" one a better person0 "iin" him a hi"h sense of alue


Emotional Appeal Attained when the reader is emotionally moed or tou%hed by any literary lite rary work like1


 T  Toni"ht oni"ht  %an write the saddest lines 2y ablo 3eruda (E4%erpt)  Toni"ht  T oni"ht  %an write the saddest lines. lines.  loed her0 and sometimes she loed me too.  Throu"h ni"hts like  Throu"h like this one  held her in my arms  kissed her a"ain and a"ain under the endless sky. 5he loed me sometimes0 and  loed her too. -ow %ould one not hae loed her "reat still eyes.


-ow 6o  Loe Thee 2y Eliabeth 2. 2rownin" -ow do  loe thee8 Let me %ount the ways.  loe thee to the depth and breadth breadth and hei"ht 9y soul %an rea%h0 when feelin" out of si"ht :or the ends of 2ein" and ideal ;ra%e.


ntelle%tual Appeal 2oth add E by ?ose by ?ose >ial >ial !9amamatay akon" hindi nakikita an" nin"nin" n" bukan"liwayway sa akin" 2ayan@
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