Elemental Tarot - Desconhecido(a)

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Words and Images © Caroline Smith & John Astrop 2010 Published in 2012 by Sun Studios Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, without permission in writing from the Publisher. ISBN 978-1-908033-38-3


INTRODUCTION Where the tarot began is not known. Many have suggested that the cards, particularly the twentytwo Major Arcana, evolved from an ancient symbolic book that contained the prototype of a perfect spiritual life journey. Others see the tarot as a game that has an uncanny relevance to life and life e vents. Between the two extremes,

a lot has been written that serves the purposes of those who wish to keep the tarot only as an exclusive mystery to all but the initiated. The earliest known tarot decks originated in Italy in the fifteenth century. They were much as we see them today. At present, nothing stops us from assuming that perhaps a bright Italian artist and there were quite a few around Italy at that time - simply said to

himself, "Why don't I create a beautiful tarot deck today?" The assumption that all creative work has to be the result of a gradual evolution or series of fumbling improvements on an earlier, more primitive theme is to miss the spontaneous essence of creativity itself. Since the fifteenth century, hundreds of different decks have been designed, illustrated, copied,

and distributed. Their use was largely in the hands of fortunetellers and gypsies until the nineteenth century, when they became of great interest to the fashionable and exclusive esoteric societies of the period. Much of the mystery and occult "past" of the cards was invented at this time as a particularly apt metaphor for the initiate's journey along his spiritual path to enlightenment.

Why have the cards captured the imagination of so many for so long? However you wish to use them, they work! You can forget the magical hocus-pocus; it just isn't necessary. We all have an unconscious ability that we can tap. All we need are the tools with which to get our incredible imaginations working and we're in business. The tarot cards are those tools. Although we are swamped

by the written word from our very earliest years, most of us can, with a little practice, read and understand more from a picture than we can from paragraphs of text. The use of visual symbols is as old as time and certainly much older than any written language. Observing these symbols, and translating them in terms of past, present, and future events, has been a self-preserving instinct in

human life since our prehistoric ancestors. The written word has restricted our awareness. On many levels we still make predictions on the things we "see." We look at dark clouds and predict rain. We look at faces and predict their potential honesty or dishonesty. We make judgements on the basis of the clothes people wear, the way people talk, the cars they drive, and the houses in

which they live. In group situations most of us sense quite quickly the differences and similarities between ourselves and others. In advertising alone, huge amounts of money are spent in designing symbols, brand images, and logos that impart the message of trust, reliability, and value. Symbols in tarot, religion, astrology, philosophy, and so on,

serve one of two purposes: they make a complex idea or set of ideas easier to understand, or they keep an idea secret from all but those initiated. We take in the messages of graphic symbols everywhere every day, and yet we are amazed and overawed when someone can read and understand unfamiliar symbols on a deck of tarot cards. The truth is, anyone, with

practice, can read, understand, and attempt the tarot and develop and use their unique and innate awareness to make excellent and accurate readings for themselves as well as their friends. The tarot deck is traditionally divided into two sections, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana comprises twenty-two allegorical cards numbered 0 through 21. The

Minor Arcana comprises fifty-six cards divided into four suits, which in most decks are swords, wands, cups, and coins or pentacles. Each suit has ten cards numbered 1 through 10 and four court cards usually called king, queen, knight, and page. The suits and the "court" cards of the Elemental Tarot are different, as you will see later. Many people have resisted using

the tarot because learning the complicated and usually conflicting traditional meanings of the seventy-eight cards is a formidable long-term task. If you acquire half-a-dozen books on the subject and compare the interpretations of the Minor Arcana, you will find more disagreement and contradiction than clarity. It is for this reason that many of those who do venture

to use the tarot use only the cards of the Major Arcana. Books and books written on these twenty-two images have simply neglected the other fifty-six, the Minor Arcana. The term Major, however, is not without significance. To interpret everyday life situations solely in terms of the Major Arcana could be compared with trying to cure the common cold by open-heart surgery.

The Elemental Tarot is a synthesis of the best interpretations sifted from the plethora of obscure and sometimes almost incomprehensible decks and books of the past and present. The four suits in the deck are based directly on the four elements fire, earth, air, and water - that have served as keys to symbolic interpretations in astrology, tarot, and all early forms of divination,

philosophy, and religion. The fire suit, in most decks, is called wands, the earth suit is pentacles or coins, the air suit is swords and the water suit is cups. Some decks, however, attribute wands to air and swords to fire. By naming the suits by the elements, the Elemental Tarot cuts through unnecessary double symbolism and gets down to easyto-understand basics. Fire is

represented by a triangle, earth by a square, air by a circle, and water by a crescent. Sometimes in this book, a fifth element is mentioned; it is the element of spirit and is represented by an egg shape.

To get used to actually looking at the symbols on the cards is the

first priority. Most of us have lost the childhood ability of looking at things and really seeing them. We have become so familiar with language and the printed word that when we see an object, a quick glance is enough for us to translate that object into a word, file the word in our mind, and forget to look any further. Remember when you visited a foreign country for the first time?

You were once again taken back to the excitement of childhood. Everything you saw seemed new and you looked at places and things with an acute awareness that goes unused in familiar, everyday life. To recapture this spirit of awareness, look at each card and read its description in the book. This will enable you to view the various images and to store

quickly in your memory the meaning of the visual language of each card. The interpretations given are condensed meanings which you will, of course, expand with your own intuition. Tarot reading is a totally individualistic ability and eventually, with familiarity, the way in which you see each card will become the real meaning. It is then that the book will no longer be necessary.

THE MAJOR ARCANA The Major Arcana consists of twenty-two individual cards numbered 0-21 and can be easily identified by the spirit symbol at the foot of the cards. The term at the top of the card is the traditional name, and the term at the bottom of the card complements the meaning of this name. The symbols in the margin are amplifications of the hidden symbols within the art.

While the number cards of the Minor Arcana are events, and family cards are other people, the twenty-two Major cards represent inner qualities of the questioner’s own personality. For this reason they are termed Major and describe deeper issues than the Minor cards. It is in the reading of these Major cards and in the relevance and timing of their appearance that we can find the route to our own personal growth. Most of our dayto-day events are the indirect results

of inner thoughts, feelings, and ideas that we project on the outside world. If we have been conditioned to see ourselves in a negative way, we unconsciously signal this to the world at large and discover that far from contradicting our view, the world continually reinforces the idea in the things that happen to us.

THE THUNDER, PERFECT MIND” In 1945, near the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi, a jar was found

containing ancient papyruses which proved to be a series of Gnostic texts written and collected by early Christians. Among the texts is a strange and beautiful poem spoken through the mouth of the divine feminine power Sophia. Entitled “The Thunder, Perfect Mind,” it is in its fusing of opposites most apt with respect to the meaning of the Major Arcana of the tarot. On each of the twenty-two cards, a line or two from the poem, printed on the left and right margins, reflects

something of the essence of that particular card.

0 Fool Potential _________________________ On a tiny island, a carefree youth leans against a great tree. The island symbolizes individuality, safety, and isolation. The tree is life and knowledge. The trunk is the same color as the boy; they are one

entity. The boy gazes up into the rich foliage of the tree whose fruits are symbols of the five elements. The branches indicate the infinite choice of opportunities and directions. In the surrounding sea, there are similar islands, each supporting a tree. ______________________________ Uranus/Neptune - Idealism and inspiration ______________________________ I am the unlearned

and they can learn from me ______________________________ The roots of one’s abilities, talents, and potential. “I have made a decision to start afresh. I am open to new possibilities within myself that I have not as yet explored. I know I want to do something but I don’t know what it is.”

1 Trickster Confidence _________________________ A young man posed in an exhibitionist manner juggles with four of the elements. A yellow ape supported on a crystal goblet assists him. The young man’s red, clinging costume indicates virility, sexuality, and self-consciousness. His mask,

yellow, the color associated with the planet Mercury, suggests sharp awareness, adaptability, an eye for opportunity. A jagged pathway leads to dark hills of ambition and achievement. On either side of the path are ten young plants. ______________________________ Mercury/Ascendant - Versatility, adaptability ______________________________ I am knowledge and I am ignorance I am falsehood and I am truth

______________________________ The inexperienced male drive. “I am adaptable, flexible, versatile, and ambitious. I am confident that I can do it all. Just give me the opportunity and you’ll see.”

2 Virgin Receptivity _________________________ A pale, naked young girl dreams in a moonlit forest. Her hair flows across the ground like a stream of water. It is the symbol of the release of unconscious emotions. In her hand is a red rosebud. Its thorn pricks her finger and one drop of

blood falls. Ten great trees protect and shelter her. In the deep midnight sky the moon is full. The full face of womanhood is revealed but unseen by the young girl. Before her, the leaves of a book as yet unread blow in the breeze. ______________________________ Neptune/Ascendant - Sensitivity, vulnerability ______________________________ I am shame and I am boldness I am shameless and I am ashamed

______________________________ The inexperienced feminine drive. “I have strong, unfamiliar feelings that excite and frighten me. I know that I must accept and reveal them eventually, but at the moment I am not ready.”

3 Empress Mother _________________________ A beautiful pregnant woman rides a tiger through a field of ripe corn. Her dress is green, the color of spring, new life, and growth. In her left hand she holds an ankh, key to life knowledge. In her right, she holds an ear of corn. The tiger

traditionally represents the ambivalent qualities of both creator and destroyer and is a manifestation of the Earth Mother. In the sky, the knot of the girdle of Isis, cupped in a crescent moon, is a powerful amulet of protection. ______________________________ Moon/Ascendant - Feminine influence, caring ______________________________ I am the whore and the holy one I am the wife and the virgin

______________________________ The experienced feminine self. “I love and I protect that which I feel is my family. I accept the responsibility of my feelings, and my strength can nourish and sustain.”

4 Emperor Father _________________________ Seated on a black marble throne, a powerful man carries on his shoulders a happy child. The child represents the embodiment of the future, the self transmuted and reborn. In a glowing golden sky, two birds carry a garland,

indicating honor, distinction, binding, and linking together. Two mountains represent ambition, constancy, and the male principle. On the arm of the throne there is a green Serpent in an attitude of aggressive challenge its tail coiled in a symbol of eternity. ______________________________ Sun/Ascendant - Self-confidence and recognition ______________________________ I am the ruler of my offspring

and my power is from him ______________________________ The experienced masculine self. “I compete for, defend, provide for, and maintain that which I know is mine. I accept responsibility for my power, and my strength can create and build.”

5 Pope Belief _________________________ Against a purple sky, a pope in full ceremonial robes stands raised from the ground on two marble cubes. One hand points to the sky and one to earth informing us that he is the link between spiritual and material values. Before him a

yellow figure falls helpless, hands open, crying out in anguish. Around his headdress is a swarm of bees. They suggest industry, order, and purity. Behind the figure of the pope, on a pale flat field, five sheep wander in search of sustenance. ______________________________ Saturn/Ascendant - Conventional behaviour ______________________________ I am sinless and the root of all sin derives from

me ______________________________ The belief system that helps one deal most comfortably with the unknown and the unpleasant. “At the moment I need support in this situation. In the end, however, I will have to face up to things by myself.”

6 Choice Passion _________________________ A naked young man and woman stand facing each other and holding hands. Their faces express uncertainty and resistance. Between them is a tree, with twelve branches indicating the choices to be made, and twelve fruits showing the

potential results. The trunk of the tree is striped in black and green, symbolizing the ladder - ascent or descent. A red figure emerging from behind the tree is neither male nor female. It is the serpent, the tempter. ______________________________ Venus/Ascendant - Selectivity, choice, taste ______________________________

Whatever I will happens to me ______________________________ The individual as shown by the

choices that one makes. “I am in an unresolved situation as a result of choices made in the past. I can choose either to ignore it or to change it and take full responsibility for the consequences.”

7 Victory Ambition _________________________ A strong, handsome young man rides in the sky on a flying sphinx. His cloak, red, the color of the planet Mars, signifies enthusiasm, aggression, and energy. The sphinx, representing all elements and the combination of physical,

intellectual, and spiritual powers, bears a flaming torch of illumination and leadership. The sky changes from the green of youth to the deep gold of maturity. Below, waving flags and banners suggest victory, group identification, and celebration. ______________________________ Mars/Ascendant - Fighting spirit, will ______________________________ I am compassionate and I am cruel

I am the one who is praised and the one despised ______________________________ Will, aggression, and competitive instinct. “I will accept my aggression and anger and allow it healthy expression in my life. If I am honest with myself and others, they are free to be the same with me.”

8 Strength Health _________________________ A slim, athletic young woman carries on her shoulders a kid. In her left hand she holds the sa, an Egyptian token of protection. In her right hand is a goblet from which fall droplets - small ankhs quenching the thirst of a three-

headed serpent. The serpent symbolizes primitive animal nature, and the three heads, all triplicities such as birth, life, death; past, present, future. The tail is the figure-eight symbol of eternity. An obelisk radiating energy represents phallic generative power. ______________________________ Jupiter/Ascendant - Positive attitude to others ______________________________ What you see outside you - you see

inside you it is visible and it is your garment ______________________________ The self-image that one projects on to the world. “What I see outside is within me. The way that I present myself to the world will be the way in which I am received. What I give, I get. I recognize myself and become strong.”

9 Shaman Will _________________________ A powerful shaman or priest stands on a red mountain-top, with arms outstretched touching the sky. He is the instrument of communication between spiritual heaven and material earth. Around his neck hangs an ornament containing the

united symbols of the five elements. He is above the swirling black clouds and able to see clearly what is hidden from others. Below the figure is the Egyptian symbol ka, a spirit that is born with the person and stays beyond death, a preserver of life. ______________________________ Pluto/Ascendant - Willpower, enlightenment ______________________________ In my weakness do not forsake me

do not be afraid of my power ______________________________ The higher spiritual self. “I am alone in the universe; no one else can share this experience. For a brief moment, I can see everything clearly and my life is changed.”

10 Fate Change _________________________ In an evening sky is a great wheel whose spokes are formed by a blue, spread-eagled figure touching the rim at five points. Within the wheel is the Chinese symbol of yin-yang representing the inevitability of constant change. A multitude of

stars circles the wheel. From the faceless figure of fate, arms stretch out ready to spin the wheel faster or slower at will. Figures silhouetted on the horizon dance and gesture in a vain attempt to stop the spin. ______________________________ Uranus/Ascendant - Change and unrest ______________________________ I am control and the uncontrollable do not be ignorant of me - be on your guard

______________________________ Personal destiny. “No matter how much responsibility I take for my actions, some things are completely out of my control. This is one of them!”

11 Law System _________________________ A seated, stone-gray figure, blindfolded, clasps a double-edged sword. Dust swirls around her feet. On a yellow background float many red-lined eyes. These signify witness, belief in what one sees, detached observation, and also

revelation, having one’s eyes opened. Balanced scales hang from above the figure’s head. In one dish a blood-red jar symbolizes heart and humanity, in the other the plume of Maat represents truth and justice. The red cube on which the figure sits is security and stability. ______________________________ Saturn/Midheaven - What authority dictates ______________________________ I am the one who is called justice

and I am gross iniquity ______________________________ Conditioning through upbringing, and society. “The decision that I am making may be based on views of other people that I have accepted without considering whether they are really my own.”

12 Hanged Man Sacrifice _________________________ A gray figure is suspended by one foot from a cord stretched between two trees. His pose is relaxed and un concerned, his hands are free. Two small streams steadily fill a hollow between the rocks. The water approaches his head. Twelve

small, golden fish swim and jump in the streams. Water represents the flow of emotions and fish are life renewed and sustained. Below the thin cord that holds him, everything is in a misty gray haze. Above, the sun Shines in a rosy sky. ______________________________ Neptune/Midheaven - Idealism, insecurity ______________________________

I am the knowledge of my inquiry ______________________________

Self-sacrifice, or self-inflicted suffering. “I am making myself suffer in order to manipulate others. I am being passive about a situation from which I could extricate myself quite easily.”

13 Death Transformation _________________________ A black-shrouded figure takes a step forward. Its bony hand clasps an ankh, symbol of life and the key to hidden wisdom. A winged serpent hovers in midair, visible through the empty face of the figure. As the serpent sheds its old skin for

a new one, so it symbolizes destruction and renewal, death and rebirth. In the distance, against a sky heavy with mist, a small figure panics and runs. Thirteen tender green shoots burst through the cold, hard snow. They signify new life, hope, new beginnings. ______________________________ Pluto/Midheaven - Inner change, transformation ______________________________ I am the one whom they call life

and the one whom you call death ______________________________ Ability to regenerate. “I can only allow birth to new experience and new ways of being by letting go of that which is no longer necessary to my life.”

14 Peace Justice _________________________ From behind black mountains, a huge, white, bird-headed angel stretches out gentle hands to touch two kneeling gray figures. The angel is the angel of peace, and represents our higher spiritual values, truth, and enlightenment. The figures, a

man and a woman, are crying, bent with sorrow. On the barren desert earth, where their tears fall, seven spring flowers grow. The new flowers show that out of the expression of sorrow and despair can come peace and positive growth. ______________________________ Venus/Midheaven - Kindness, harmony, benevolence ______________________________ I am the judgement and I am the

acquittal ______________________________ Inner truth. “I need to express feelings based on what I experience in my heart rather than on what would be socially expected or demanded of me.

15 Devil Desire _________________________ A red-winged devil squats in a pose of mocking vulgarity. Its angelic wings give the illusion of freedom. Partially concealed by its feet is a doorway of opportunity and escape. The devil holds by strings the two puppetlike figures of a man and a

woman. They dance erratically with no control over their limbs. Their expressions are blank, they have no will, and they are moved and manipulated by their own greed. In the glowing background are tokens and talismans of magical power and money. ______________________________ Mars/Midheaven - Personal desire, impulsiveness ______________________________ I am the slave of him who prepared

me ______________________________ The lower material self. “What I desire at the moment seems highly attractive, but there are strings attached and consequences to be faced.”

16 Tower Survival _________________________ Under a forbidding black and crimson sky, a golden tower crumbles. The tower represents achievement, authority, and protection now in a state of breakdown and dissolution. From the battlements a lone figure hangs,

precariously poised above the gaping jaws of a huge sea serpent. Black waves curl threateningly around the base of the falling tower. A blue figure falls from the oppressive scene, through a thick gray cloud, into a white calm space, and reaches toward three flowers in full bloom. ______________________________ Uranus/Midheaven - Sudden change of circumstance ______________________________

Hear me - learn from my word - you who know me I am the union and the dissolution ______________________________ Fear and the survival instinct. “In this crisis I am desperately hanging on to something that is collapsing. It is inevitable that despite my fear I must let go and face the unknown.”

17 Star Hope _________________________ In a clear blue sky is a six-pointed golden star formed by the masculine triangle of fire interlocking with the feminine triangle of water. It is the Seal of Solomon, traditionally the symbol of the harmonious uniting of heaven and earth. The outstretched

wings indicate divine protection, freedom, and the power to transcend the mundane world. Six rays containing twenty-two arrows of energy come from the star. Below, a smooth lake reflects the star, indicating “as above so below.” ______________________________ Mercury/Midheaven - Forming one’s own opinion ______________________________ I am the substance and one who has

no substance do not be ignorant of me ______________________________ The indefatigable human spirit. Optimism. “Despite all odds I know that what seems to be an impossible situation will get better, and therefore I have the enemy to carry on.”

18 Moon Illusion _________________________ The large, pale disc of the full moon lights up an indigo sky. The moon Is seen as full only when it is in exact opposition to the sun. It represents the feminine, feelings, and the unconscious. It is elusive and fluctuating. From a cool green lake,

three stone slabs inscribed with ancient signs form an arch. From the surface of the lake an arm holds a mask before the face of the moon. The mask is concealment, transformation, and illusion. Black reflections show in the water. ______________________________ Moon/Midheaven - Inner experience, Soul ______________________________ I am the one whose image is great and I am the one who has no image

______________________________ The unconscious self. “I am not able to see the whole of the picture; there are hidden things that cannot or will not be revealed. I am deceiving or being deceived.”

19 Sun Awareness _________________________ In a glowing golden sky, a brilliant orange sun radiates nineteen rays of heat and life energy. In the center of the sun is an ankh, the key to hidden wisdom. Five fingers containing nineteen golden discs reach earthwards from the sun. A garland

of red roses and young green leaves loops into the form of a symbol of eternity and happiness. A smiling cherub below represents youth, love, and the innocence of childhood. The outspread wings symbolize divine protection and freedom. ______________________________ Sun/Midheaven - Self-knowledge ______________________________ Come forward to me and establish great ones

among the small - come forward to childhood ______________________________ The conscious self. “I have the joy and pleasure of true consciousness. I am seeing things as I did when a child. I am vibrant, alive, and aware. “

20 Judgement Forgiveness _________________________ A great and powerful, pale, glowing figure stands with arms outstretched in an attitude of openness. He is totally exposed but invulnerable. Two wings from above brush his temples, indicating freedom and the power to transcend the mundane

world. Around his neck is the glyph of Pluto, the planet of transformation. Behind the figure is a wall of vertical bars. Two figures, red with passion, anger, and frustration, push against the bars and shout. Their prison is selfmade. ______________________________ Jupiter/Midheaven - Generosity and contentment ______________________________ I am the one who cries out and I

listen I am the knowledge of my name ______________________________ Self-value. “In order to move on and allow my life to grow, I must free myself from guilt, from things for which I have felt responsible. Just as I forgive others, I must forgive myself.”

21 Aeon Synthesis _________________________ In the center is a winged disc containing a square, the integration of heaven and earth. The face in the square represents humankind and the field of consciousness. Around the winged disc is the great symbol of the ouroboros. This is a serpent

swallowing its own tail, a symbol of the endless cycle of life and death, destruction and renewal. At the four corners are the four symbolic triangles of fire, earth, air, and water, with the ouroboros forming the fifth element of spirit. ______________________________ Ascendant/Midheaven - The individual synthesis ______________________________ I am the first and the last I am the utterance of my name

______________________________ Life assessment and philosophy. “I stand outside myself and objectively observe my life in order to decide whether this is what I want to be.”

THE MINOR ARCANA The Minor Arcana consists of fifty-six cards. The cards are divided into four suits (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water), and can be identified by the symbol at the foot of the card. Each suit has a family consisting of Daughter, Son, Mother, and Father. Each card

other than a family card has a name that relates to the element. The name of the representative god or goddess from ancient mythology appears above the element symbol. Along the margins are symbols which are amplifications of the true symbolic meaning of the art. The key to reading the Minor Arcana is a simple matter of combining the meanings of

the four elements with the basic meanings of the numbers. There is no necessity to perform difficult feats of memory; this system is logical and consistent. For example, the number 1 will always mean the beginning of something, so in the four suits the basic interpretation will be as follows: One of Fire = A creative beginning

One of Earth = A material beginning One of Air = A thought or idea beginning One of Water = An emotion beginning If you look at the descriptions and interpretations of these cards, later in the book, you will see that they are only elaborations on these simple meanings.



I WILL Creativity is not just concerned with artistic ability but it is much more the act of making things happen. It is creating something out of nothing, having the vision to see a possibility and being able to apply the necessary energy in order to turn that possibility into a reality. Everyone has creativity. The business man or woman sees a potential market and sets about the business of supplying the

commodity or service. A young child meets a group of friends and says, “Why don’t we all play ...” knowing it will be fun. The visionary quality of all creative acts indicates that fire represents intuition, knowing things before they happen. Other key words for the qualities of the element fire are vitality, enthusiasm, excitement, energy, exaggeration, game playing, passion, showing off, entertaining.

EARTH POSSESSIONS - I HAVE Earth describes all things that are physical and tangible. They include

home, money, property, possessions, and acquisitions. It also refers to the physical body, our looks, the clothes we wear, the food we eat and, of course, our health. To the extent that we “possess” other people and they are considered as “belonging,” earth is family, friends, children, colleagues. Earth represents all that has the potential for growth into something greater. It signifies our authority, social standing, skills, and achievements. Key words for

the qualities of the element earth are system, law, routine, shopping, insurance, mortgage, savings, legacy, tradition, background, building, gardening, farming, banking.

AIR - INTELLECT - I THINK Air is about what goes on in the mind. It encompasses ideas, logical or imaginative thought, teaching, learning, communicating with others, and all matters concerning writing, the media, contracts, and agreements. Air also describes the lighter forms of contact, such as parties, meetings with friends, social events, celebrations,

reunions, and so on. As air is concerned with communication it also covers phone calls, letters, and short trips. The idea of travel in the broader sense is involved with learning, meeting people, and social visits, so it also comes under the meaning of air. Key words for the qualities of the element air are ideas, mind, concept, explanation, rationale, discussion.

WATER EMOTIONS - I FEEL Water represents the emotional aspect of any question. Love, hate, desire, repulsion, pleasure, pain this element is purely about the way

you feel. Close emotional relationships, the family, lovers, rivals, even enemies are described by water. It represents premonitions, fears, memories, and nostalgia, but above all water is our unconscious. It will therefore be involved in questions relating to all of the other elements. Key words that fit the qualities of the element water are love, anger, sentiment, sympathy, caring, tenderness, frustration.

THE MEANING OF THE NUMBERS The numbers describe a cyclical sequence, each number anticipating the next, with meanings related in the form of a growing story. This culminates in the perfection of the number nine and dissolves through ten back to one.

1 The start or birth of something. Purely a beginning.

2 One comes together with a new factor. Could be a connection or opposition. Things in the balance.

3 The two combine successfully to bear fruit, a successful result.

4 Previous good results develop into a secure and comfortable situation.

5 Security and complacency is challenged by unexpected change from an outside source.

6 Challenges have been overcome

and a state of harmony and happiness comes into being.

7 There is now a need to move on to something new in order to avoid stagnation. Taking a risk becomes attractive, stimulating, and necessary.

8 Past experience leads to recognition, establishment, and total commitment.

9 Finally the real values are found. The true path to quality of life and to contentment.

10 The passing of perfection. Collapse and disintegration lead to a completely new beginning. Ten becomes one.


The last four cards of each suit are the family cards: Daughter, Son, Mother, and Father. Whereas the numbered cards of the suits refer to events and possibilities, the family cards describe real people. Usually

they will be recognized as loved ones, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances of the questioner. However, if they are not recognizable then they may be interpreted as a quality or subpersonality of the questioner.


___________________________ All Daughters have the elemental quality of Water, so in combination with their suit element they are described as follows: DAUGHTER OF FIRE / FIRE + WATER Creative emotional DAUGHTER OF EARTH / EARTH + WATER Practical emotional DAUGHTER OF AIR / AIR + WATER Intellectual emotional DAUGHTER OF WATER / WATER + WATER Emotional emotional



All Sons have the elemental quality of Fire, so in combination with their suit element they are described as follows: SON OF FIRE / FIRE + FIRE Creative creative SON OF EARTH / EARTH + FIRE Practical creative SON OF AIR / AIR + FIRE Intellectual creative SON OF WATER / WATER + FIRE Emotional creative



All Mothers have the elemental quality of Earth, so in combination with their suit element they are described as follows: MOTHER OF FIRE / FIRE + EARTH Creative practical MOTHER OF EARTH / EARTH + EARTH Practical practical MOTHER OF AIR / AIR + EARTH Intellectual practical MOTHER OF WATER / WATER + EARTH Emotional practical



All Fathers have the elemental quality of Air, so in combination with their suit element they are described as follows FATHER OF FIRE / FIRE+ AIR Creative intellectual FATHER OF EARTH / EARTH+ AIR Practical intellectual FATHER OF AIR / AIR+ AIR Intellectual intellectual FATHER OF WATER / WATER+ AIR Emotional intellectual

Benten - Chinese goddess of good luck

The Gods and Goddesses The names of gods and goddesses appear at the bottom of each card of the minor arcana. They represent psychological archetypes from past civilizations and mirror the whole gamut of human

behavior. Our ancestors worshipped these deities as different representations of themselves, and these legends amplify the meanings of the cards. Abragini - Angel of the sun in autumn Abraym - Angel of the sun in spring Adad - Assyrian god of storms and floods Agusita - Angel of the moon in

spring Affeterim - Angel of the moon in winter Akka - Finnish goddes of harvest Amadai - Angel of the earth in spring Anu - Assyrian/Babylonian godof the heavens Armatus - Angel of the moon in summer Athemay - Angel of the sun in summer Atar - Persian god of fire Benten - Chinese goddess of good

luck Bochicha - Columbian creator god Bunjil - Aboriginal god of the sky Byelbog - Slavic god of day Caracasa - Angel of spring Cetarari - Angel of winter Chantico - Mexican goddess of fire Cheng-Huang - Chinese god of walls and ditches Chernobog - Slavic god of night Commutoff - Angel of the sun in winter Erzulie - Haitian goddess of love and dreams

Eshmun - Phoenician god of healing and health Fa - African god of destiny Festativi - Angel of the earth in summer Gaia - Greek mother goddess Geremiah - Angel of the earth in winter Hermes - Greek god of eloquence and travel Hino - Oroquois spirit of thunder Hurakan - Guatemalan god of the whirlwind Ishtar - Mesopotamian goddess of

love Jumala - Finnish god of thunder Kuei-Hsing - Chinese god of scholarship Matasignais - Angel of the moon in autumn Mot - Phoenician god of harvest and change Naaki - Finnish spirit of the waters Nanshe - Assyrian goddess of waters and springs Nike - Greek goddess of victory Njord - Nordic god of seas and ships

Notus - Greek, the south wind Odin - Scandanavian god of battle Ptah - Egyptian god of artisans Quetzalcoatl - Aztec god of wind and sea breezes Rabinarra - Angel of the earth in autumn Renpet - Sumerian goddess of youth and spring Savitri - Hindu king of heaven Sedna - Eskimo goddess of the seas Shamash - Mesopotamian sun god Sin - Babylonian moon god Tai-Yeuh-Ta-Ti - Chinese eastern

peak emperor Tariel - Angel of summer Tarquam - Angel of autumn Telepinu - Hittite god of vegetation Tien-Mu - Chinese goddess of lightning Ushas - Hindu goddess of the dawn Vesta - Roman goddess of domestic fire

ASTROLOGY If you are familiar with astrology you will know that the number of possible combinations of any pair of the eight planets, sun, moon, moon's node,

ascendant and midheaven is seventy-eight, exactly the same number as the cards in a tarot deck. The meanings of these planetary and angular combinations are as varied and embrace as wide a range of interpretations as the cards themselves. Each combination of two planetary/angular

astrological factors, whose symbols are found in the upper left margin of each card, is complementary to the essence of the card that it describes. This is an invaluable aid, in reading the cards, for any astrologer. Much good work has been written on this subject and The Combination of Stellar

Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin, has become an essential reference book in most astrologers' libraries. Key words for the meanings of the planetary pairs are given in the text of this book.The cards are divided into four suits (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water), and can be identified by the symbol at

the foot of the card. ELEMENTAL NAMES Each number card has an appropriate name related to its element. This is an additional aid to remembering the meaning of the card.

One of Fire Lightning _________________________ In a pale, golden sky, within a glowing orange disc is the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol of lightning. From the outline of the disc nineteen red arrowheads radiate, indicating the initiation and source of raw energy. A great red triangle,

representing the masculine principle and the element of fire, points towards the sun. Below, an open circle is ready to receive a flame from the sun. This is a symbol of conception. ______________________________ Mars/Jupiter - Harmonious willpower, enterprise ______________________________ Tien-Mu - Chinese goddess of lightning ______________________________

Creation, the beginning of an enterprise. Basic energy, vitality, the urge to succeed. Optimism, individuality, originality and enthusiasm. Negatively, rash and impulsive action. Bulldozing others with premature zeal.

Two of Fire Flame _________________________ In the foreground stands the red figure of a woman. She watches two blue figures run toward the image of a large, growing plant. The striped stem of the plant represents a ladder and is a symbol of ambitions and aspiration. At the top, two green leaves indicate potential creative growth in an enterprise or a sexual

relationship. In a blue panel below, two fire triangles contain separate immature seedlings, versions of the large plant image. ______________________________ Venus/Mars - Impulse to love, creativity ______________________________ Ishtar - Mesopotamian goddess of love ______________________________ Meeting or get-together that may or may not lead to something more important. Desire to develop and

establish a relationship. Sexual attraction. Brief affair. Negatively, the tendency to exaggerate.

Three of Fire Beacon _________________________ A glowing figure raises her arms in celebration. Her flowing hair absorbs and becomes a radiating sun in a deep scarlet landscape. Three triangles of fire are placed on her body. The sun is echoed in the two sunflowers below, forming a triangle of completion and the meaning of the number three. From

the black mountain range on the horizon grow six swaying palm trees indicating fertile and flexible growth from solid groundwork. ______________________________ Sun/Jupiter - Joy, health, recognition ______________________________ Shamash - Mesopotamian sun god ______________________________ Being able to show the world a successful achievement. Getting the appreciation hoped for in achievement. The positive power of

creative energy. Negatively, arrogance and conceit.

Four of Fire Hearth _________________________ Two figures, male and female, hold hands and each places a foot firmly on a platform. They are securely balanced and their features register harmony and calm. A warm red glow surrounds them. Between the figures is the Egyptian glyph meaning door. This signifies open opportunity or closed security. The

platform is stepped and on it is inscribed an eye. The eye is red and sees only what is selected and filtered by its lens. ______________________________ Sun/Venus - Beauty, harmony, the ideal ______________________________ Vesta - Roman goddess of domestic fire ______________________________ Security and confidence in creative abilities. Fulfilling work. Settled in one's ways with regard to matters of

selectivity and taste. Negatively, exclusivity and snobbishness.

Five of Fire Furnace _________________________ A suspended, yellow figure is contorted, back arched, feet almost reaching the head. One hand touches the ground signifying contact with the material world. The other hand stretches upward. Three hands point with thumb and forefinger as if to pinch or assist the acrobat. The figure is encompassing a pentacle

representing change. On the horizon two figures are locked in combat. Below, five triangles like jagged teeth form a hazard for the performer. ______________________________ Sun/Uranus - Excitement, upset, rebellion ______________________________ Ogoun - African god of iron and steel ______________________________ Unwillingly stirred into action or rebellion by a sudden turn in life. Being forced into a new situation in

one's work. Challenge from an unexpected source. Negatively, obstinately resisting change. Manipulation by circumstances.

Six of Fire Torch _________________________ An heroic male head is crowned and wreathed in the laurels of victory. His face is covered with a mask of protection, concealment, and transformation. Above is the Egyptian pictograph symbolizing wisdom. The two columns on either side are decorated with six laurel leaves and six lotus flowers

representing the balance of masculine and feminine qualities. Below the head is a seated lion representing courage, fortitude, and power, but also cruelty and ferocity. ______________________________ Jupiter/Pluto - Attainment of power, leadership ______________________________ Nike - Greek goddess of victory ______________________________ The pleasure of receiving recognition for one's achievements. Satisfaction and confidence in one's

abilities. Promotion or qualification after dedicated work. Negatively, using one's reputation to bully and domineer others.

Seven of Fire Meteor _________________________ Against a fiery red sky, a cool and deliberate figure makes a stylish but eccentric dive into the still, blue waters below. Framed in the diamond shape made by the figure's legs is an Egyptian symbol meaning sudden movement and aggression. On either side of the diving figure, two angry golden faces shout at

each other across the water. The faces symbolize the expression of shock, disapproval, and green-eyed envy. ______________________________ Mars/Uranus - Sudden extraordinary effort ______________________________ Hino - Iroquois spirit of thunder ______________________________

The pleasure of receiving recognition for one's achievements. Satisfaction and

confidence in one's abilities. Promotion or qualification after dedicated work. Negatively, using one's reputation to bully and domineer others.

Eight of Fire Volcano _________________________ A giant, statuesque, nude female figure is posed dramatically on a platform. Although she is confident, her position is uncomfortable and hard to maintain for any length of time. Her expression is studiedly coy and inviting. Her open palm reveals the disc of the Sun, indicating energy and creativity.

She is holding a double cube containing the triangles of fire and earth. Three small figures show adoration and acclaim for the performance. ______________________________ Sun/Neptune - Active imagination, enthusiasm ______________________________ Chantico - Mexican goddess of fire ______________________________ Enjoying a position of prominence, fame, and esteem through hard work. The achievement of top

professional status. Negatively, being trapped by your own reputation and constantly at the mercy of followers or admirers.

Nine of Fire Radiance _________________________ A beautiful, pale, golden face, serene and majestic, has eyes fixed, unseeing, and is unaware of the figure before him. The middle section of his crown is the uraeus, a serpent surrounding a solar disc, meaning sovereignty, power, and

light. Two rams' heads face outwards, signifying virility and masculine creative energy. Left and right profiles represent the completeness and detachment of the psyche. A small red figure shields his eyes from the glowing image above. ______________________________ Sun/Mars - Will to live, vigor, vitality ______________________________ Atar - Persian god of fire ______________________________

The happiness and joy of being honest to oneself. Finding through experience one's true mode of expression. Ability to inspire others. Negatively, unthinking cruelty through extreme egotistical self-detachment.

Ten of Fire Flare _________________________ An angry, red figure, holding a stick, cruelly attacks a frightened and yielding blue figure. The figures are set against a fiercely hot background studded with arrowheads. Above the antagonists is the ancient Chinese symbol yin-yang, indicating all dualities and opposites. It represents the

primordial darkness before the light of creation. Below, a paler blue female figure kneels, burying her head to avoid witnessing the brutality. ______________________________ Mars/Pluto - Superhuman force, excessive effort ______________________________ Odin - Scandinavian god of battle ______________________________ A violent outburst needed to bring about the end of an intolerable situation. The revelation that one

has to use unfamiliar drastic action to make a transformation. Negatively, resisting the inevitable can lead to becoming a victim.

Daughter of Fire

_________________________ A young woman emerges from a doorway. She holds a large sheet of paper, a communication or contract. Behind her the sky is bright blue. On the right, there are three palms in progressive stages of development. The striped trunks symbolize ladders and creative ambition. To the left a blue pigeon

carries a letter. Two figures dance with joy and excitement. The mouth and ear symbol means beneficial communication and cooperation. ______________________________ Mars/Node - Working to a common end, cooperation ______________________________ Armatus - The moon in summer ______________________________ A young woman with creative ideas and energy to devote to organizing projects. Good at getting a team going and handling the practical

side of any venture. A message bringer. Negatively, a pushy and exhausting workaholic.

Son of Fire

_________________________ Mounted on a leaping golden stallion, the lithe figure of a winged young man soars upwards. The horse symbolizes animal nature, virility, and swiftness of movement. The wings show flight, freedom or escape. In a deep red sky above the rider's head is a globe showing wide travel, and far-reaching

ambitions. On the horizon two triangles of fire contain other ambitious fire figures. Below, a young man and woman make love. ______________________________ Uranus/Node - Lively, restless associations ______________________________ Athemay - The sun in summer ______________________________ A young man, charismatic, lively, and active, always restless and on the move. Loves challenge and constantly seeks new stimulation. A

lover unready for commitment. Negatively, a person who loves them and leaves them. A fly-bynight.

Father of Fire

_________________________ A majestic, golden male figure sits on a throne. His robe is decorated with suns and his hair is drawn back into the pigtail of a warrior. In his left hand he clasps a scepter, whose head is an open lotus flower. From the lotus flows a golden stream containing discs of concentrated creative energy. The

man's presence suggests wealth, generosity, and health. Within the cube on which he sits is the plume of Maat signifying truth and justice. Three shadows, arms outstretched, show gratitude. ______________________________ Sun/Node - Relationship with the public ______________________________ Tariel - The angel of summer ______________________________ A mature, successful, and self-made businessman. An influential and

creative entrepreneur Helpful to those he believes have talent and ability. Negatively, may dominate or crush unwittingly those he helps.

One of Earth Seed _________________________ In the sky a large golden sun sends down three rays of energy, sustenance, light, and life. Ten golden coins, representing material gain, shower earthward. The green symbol of the awaiting earth receives with open arms the sun's

gifts. Beneath the earth a bulb breaks open and a single shoot forces its way to the sun. Six seeds that have waited dormant through winter are now stirring into life. ______________________________ Jupiter/Uranus - Optimism, good fortune ______________________________ Benten - Chinese goddess of good luck ______________________________ The beginning of a venture. The chance of a fresh start. A stroke of

good fortune. A basic charge of physical energy is available. Money from an unexpected source. A financial breakthrough. Negatively, a sudden impulse to extravagance.

Two of Earth Plant _________________________ An excited, running figure clasps a letter in his hand. A proposition that has been made stimulates activity. The empty scales he holds suggest that nothing is settled on either side. Two heads within a lemniscate show two parties linked in

discussion before the final outcome. Nine young plants spread double leaves toward potential success. An upside down face shows the danger of losing one's head through naivety or greed for financial gain. ______________________________ Venus/Uranus - Impulsive, excitable ______________________________ Renpet - Sumerian goddess of youth and spring ______________________________ Someone is making an offer that

could later bear fruit. Weighing up one thing against another. Getting excited with the possibility of a material project. Negatively, counting your chickens before they're hatched. Premature reaction.

Three of Earth Fruits _________________________ The greatest of three triangles, an earth triangle, forms the rich fruit of a plant. Contained within is a crown indicating achievement and authority. Seeds burst from the top of the fruit, leading to potential further growth. Two hands divide equally the rewards of a successful

enterprise. The faces look contentedly at the fruit of their labors. Below, two open doors lead to new opportunities that occur as a result of present achievements. ______________________________ Jupiter/Saturn - Success due to perseverance ______________________________ Ptah - Egyptian god of artisans ______________________________ The successful outcome of a material or financial venture. Reaping some of the benefits of

hard physical work before moving to the next stage. First successes on the road of material ambitions. Celebration. Negatively, overindulgence and conceit.

Four of Earth Clay _________________________ A figure sits securely on the solar throne, powerful and confident. Four gold discs show financial security and comfort. Each hand grasps a disc possessively. The skirt forms two fertile hills representing ownership, territory,

and ambition. Symbols on either arm of the throne signify house and property. The throne is based on a square built on sweat and hardship. The figure in the square represents the trap of success - rigidity, a state where no movement is possible. ______________________________ Sun/Saturn - Maintaining one's position in life ______________________________ Bochicha - Columbian creator god ______________________________ Achievement of financial and

material security. Being established and successful in one's career or ambitions. The manifestation of self-worth through material values. Negatively, stagnation, being in a rut, "keeping up with the Joneses".

Five of Earth Quake _________________________ A lonely woman sorrows over a dying flower. She holds on to it, unwilling to turn and see the strong, healthy palm tree behind her. The five leaves of the tree reach out to the sun, source of physical energy and growth. The woman sits on the

square of security that encloses the five-pointed star of change. Underlying all is the world, indicating movement and opportunity. Two happy moving figures show that once a change is made one is not alone. ______________________________ Neptune/Node - Strange conduct, disappointment ______________________________ Ushas - Hindu goddess of the dawn ______________________________ Forced material change of direction

through unexpected events. Big change with regard to property or finance must be faced. The necessity to move from a position of security to the unknown. Negatively, resisting inevitable change puts one at the mercy of events.

Six of Earth Harvest _________________________ A pale, golden figure, earth mother, corn goddess is a symbol of fertility, health, and abundance. Her hair flowing upward draws energy and precious life force from above. Both hands, marked with symbols of the sun, stretch out in welcome.

Between the hands, ripened corn is ready for harvest. Sustenance, like manna from heaven, showers in droplets from the goddess, nourishing flowers and fruits. The earth glows with the summer sun. ______________________________ Venus/Jupiter - Easy popularity, harmony ______________________________ Akka - Finnish goddess of harvest ______________________________ Physical well-being. Enjoying the sensual pleasures of life. Being in

generous, sharing company. Plenty. Celebration of one's good fortune. Feeling healthy. Negatively, overindulgence, exaggerated bonhomie.

Seven of Earth Avalanche _________________________ An eccentric figure hangs upsidedown, quite comfortable in his unusual position. His hair flowing downward indicates contact with real and material values. Four dice, symbolizing risk, luck, chance, and fate, tumble around him. He holds a

bar from which a small globe of the world hangs. The double head below looks to the past and the future. The concentric curves show the reverberations that follow an initiated change. ______________________________ Moon/Jupiter Large-scale enterprise, gamble ______________________________ Mot - Phoenician god of harvest and change ______________________________ Taking a considered risk with

property or finance. Urge to break out and try something new where the outcome is not guaranteed. Being in a position that changes one's world view. Negatively, unorthodox behavior for effect.

Eight of Earth Mountain _________________________ An androgynous figure stands inside the double cube of earth. Raised hands receive energy from above. The collar has the dual meaning of power/servitude. The legs are rooted in a posture of security. Eight orderly golden coins are the

manifestation of material success and achievement. The double cube is built into a solid foundation of hard rock through which two young palms grow, indicating rewards after hard work. ______________________________ Saturn/Pluto - Tenacity and high achievement ______________________________ Tai-Yueh-Ta-Ti - Chinese emperor of the eastern peak ______________________________ Achievement and material rewards

after extreme selfdiscipline and hard work. Self-recognition for hard-won skills and abilities. A stage where one is confident and secure. Negatively, isolation through being in a position of power.

Nine of Earth Forest _________________________ A pink, sensual figure, hair flowing loose and free, floats above a carefully mown, striped lawn, holding a musical instrument in one hand and scattering nine golden coins with the other. Behind a rich dark forest and silhouetted by the

evening sun is the city skyline. Two youthful figures dance with pleasure and admiration. Their arms are outstretched toward the floating figure, indicating a need to touch in order to be part of the experience. ______________________________ Venus/Pluto - Pleasure, power of attraction ______________________________ Savitri - Hindu king of heaven ______________________________ To be "on a high". Realizing true pleasure and satisfaction with what

one has. Sharing the magnetic power of one's wealth or abilities. To be in a position to enthuse and excite others. Negatively, attracting "hangers on."

Ten of Earth Desert _________________________ In a barren and dull landscape, a pale figure, blindfolded, walks uncertainly toward the unknown. He clasps a sapling, pliant, healthy, alive. Nine new leaves indicate the potential for future growth. A gray figure turned on his head clutches a

box from which escapes a shower of golden coins. A mask hides his true face. In the distance is the symbol of sand or desert. Nothing else is visible on the horizon. ______________________________ Venus/Saturn - Inhibition, sense of reality ______________________________ Telepinu - Hittite god of vegetation ______________________________ A deteriorating situation impossible to pull out of without loss. Showing a brave face when one's world is

upside-down. Disintegration necessary for afresh start. Negatively, hanging on to what is already lost, because of fear of the unknown.

Daughter of Earth

_________________________ A golden young girl, sensual, vital, and energetic, enjoys with her strong young male partner the warmth of the sun. The atmosphere is pleasure-loving and physical. A strong, upright palm grows by clear water. The water indicates

emotions, feelings, and travel. On the horizon are two separate buildings. They are square, indicating security, background, stability, and individuality. A green bird carries a message. ______________________________ Mercury/Venus - Sense of form, artistic success ______________________________ Affaterim - The moon in winter ______________________________ A physical young woman who enjoys luxury, the arts, and good

living. Organized and helpful. Handles finance and practical matters with ease and good humor. Sometimes a message is indicated. Negatively, interfering and overorganizing.

Son of Earth

_________________________ A strong, athletic young man swiftly ascends the staircase of attainment and ambition. His flaming red hair signifies virility and strength. The winged headdress shows speed of thought, intuition, and perception where his own aims are concerned. A torch in his left hand lights the

way ahead. He is unaware of the discomfort of the figure below the stairs. The figure wears a selfeffacing mask and supports the staircase. Black seeds lie dormant below. ______________________________ Mars/Saturn - Concentrated energy, endurance ______________________________ Commutoff - The sun in winter ______________________________ A single-minded young man, energetic, ambitious, extremely

disciplined. Practical and helpful if it serves his own purpose. Motivated by money or promotion. He has good taste and style. Negatively, a ruthless and heartless achiever

Mother of Earth

_________________________ A mature woman, an earth mother, holds in each hand a scepter, a lotus in full bloom. Above are the square of earth and the crescent of water. Before her is the large lotus, container and giver of life. Eight lines radiate from the vesica pisces, a symbol of receptivity, spreading

procreative power. Two children dance happily and securely within the mother's protection. Around her neck is the collar of power, authority, also of slavery. Her red hair is stylized and controlled. ______________________________ Node/Ascendant - Harmonious contacts with others ______________________________ Geremiah - The earth in winter ______________________________ A mature woman who organizes a comfortable, homey and loving

family. Contributes greatly to community life. Takes responsibility willingly. Happiest giving material help in demanding situations. Negatively, a slave to her own generosity.

Father of Earth

_________________________ Within a yellow square of earth is the head of a serious, mature man. He is a figurehead contained within the system. Above is the symbol of property and a radiating sun, source of energy and creativity. Outside the square two chimneys give off black smoke, polluting the atmosphere.

Below, in the background, the black shadow of Set represents corruption. A red figure shows to the world a pink mask of innocence. The crocodile signifies the devouring quality of big business. ______________________________ Saturn/Node - Mature and influential people ______________________________ Cetarari - The angel of winter ______________________________ A mature, successful businessman. He has a respected position in the

community and is reliable and predictable. A man of great influence. Negatively, narrow, bigoted, and chauvinist man.

One of Air Breath _________________________ Centered, floating in an azure sky, is a vesica pisces, an almond-shaped opening, signifying receptivity. It is the creative source of the power of air and intelligence. Clouds flow through the aureole, visible breath,

the conception of an idea. On the distant horizon, a dark mountain range indicates unexplored potential. Before the mountains is a flat stony field. The Egyptian hieroglyph in the foreground represents movement and aggressive action. ______________________________ Mercury/Mars - Power of thought ______________________________ Notus - Greek. The south wind ______________________________ The start of a completely new

concept. Intellectual power. Saying what one thinks immediately. Mind over matter. Negatively, a deliberate lie, a verbal outburst that one regrets.

Mother of Fire

_________________________ A mature woman sits in a pose of tranquillity and comfort. Her expression is intense but confident. She wears the solar collar of authority and power. Behind her is a giant pyramid forming a triangle of fire. Four palms wave before a golden sky. Two children carry to the woman a box. Inside is a red

crescent moon within the sun, the harmonious combination of masculine and feminine. Superimposed is the three-pronged symbol of birth and creation. ______________________________ Pluto/Node - Desire to become a public figure ______________________________ Festativi - The earth in summer ______________________________ A mature woman who successfully manages both a family and a creative career. Has a good feeling

for public taste. Positive, direct, and caring in her actions and choices. Negatively, can be domineering and overpowering..

Two of Air Zephyr _________________________ It is not certain whether the two figures, male and female, are moving from or turning toward each other. Their eyes meet and their hands almost touch. Each wears an identical yellow mask. An animated

eye dashes across the sky, symbolizing excitement, interest, and uncertainty. Small blue clouds could disperse, or they could gather to become a storm. Below, two figures lie motionless. The red ground representing life and energy is, as yet, unable to stimulate the desired movement. ______________________________ Mercury/Node - Exchange of ideas ______________________________ Notus - Greek. The south wind


The start of a completely new concept. Intellectual power. Saying what one thinks immediately. Mind over matter. Negatively, a deliberate lie, a verbal outburst that one regrets.

Three of Air Breeze _________________________ A large, intelligent head with piercing eyes and winged brows indicates intellectual achievement, speed of thought, clarity, and perceptiveness. On the forehead is the Egyptian symbol of knowledge.

A shaven head symbolizes concentration and dedication. Around the head small red discs float - symbols of the sun's creative power - to be drawn into the mind and processed. Below, on a yellow background, within a red triangle, is a scroll tied with a cord. ______________________________ Sun/Mercury - Mind and common sense ______________________________ Kuei-Hsing - Chinese god of scholarship

______________________________ Popularity. The recognition and acceptance of a good idea. Enjoying the successful results of imaginative thinking. Being shad and quickwitted, "on the ball". Negatively, acting the unbearable "know it all"

Four of Air Ozone _________________________ A head floats against a gray background. The features are in the form of a mask. The top of the head is a square, symbolizing rigidity and conformity of mind. Partially enclosed within the square, a dove with wings outstretched indicates potential freedom of thought, peace

of mind, liberation. Beneath the head a figure lies unmoving, resting on a bed. Two ears of corn on either side of a scroll represent physical evidence of intellectual success. ______________________________ Saturn/Neptune - Conventional thinking ______________________________ Quetzalcoatl - Aztec god of wind and sea breezes ______________________________ Secure in one's knowledge and

understanding. Conventional ideas about life. Being confident that one's traditional approach will resolve all demanding situations. Negatively, inflexible views and ideas. Bigotry.

Five of Air Storm _________________________ A red, upside-down figure is suspended, fingertips barely touching the ground. His only garment is a five-pointed star or pentacle, symbol of the essence of mankind in all five elements. Behind, heavy, swirling storm clouds rend the sky. On the dark,

silhouetted horizon, five palm trees sway with the wind. Between the arms of the red figure a smaller figure swathed like an Egyptian mummy rests lifeless on a bed, symbolizing death and transformation. ______________________________ Mercury/Uranus - Sudden perception ______________________________ Adad - Assyrian god of storms and floods ______________________________

Change of ideas or plans becomes unavoidable. Being forced by circumstances to see things from a different angle. A brainstorm. Negatively, mental panic, refusal to face the inevitable.

Six of Air Open Air _________________________ A figure sits, arms outstretched in a gesture of openness, on top of the world. Above is a narrow, starry banner. From the world, ten arrowed lines of energy carry their message to all corners of the universe. Beneath, three pens symbolize learning, intellect, and

communication. A blue panel echoes with a receptive curve the globe's shape. Below is a mouth with a jagged line joining it to an ear, representing scandal, propaganda, and information. ______________________________ Mercury/Jupiter - Successful mental activity ______________________________ Hermes - Greek god of eloquence and travellers ______________________________ The pleasure of travel, of

broadening horizons both mentally and physically. The confidence that what one says will be listened to and respected. Having the power to persuade others. Negatively, using smooth talk to deceive and manipulate.

Seven of Air Wind _________________________ In a hazy cloud, a pale gray figure rests with fixed and unseeing gaze, as if in a trance. A carefree figure confidently risks putting his head into a tiger's mouth. One hand touches the earth and the other the sky, elements of earth and air within his reach, the possibility of making

a crazy idea practical. The tiger, creative or destructive power, is traditionally the emblem of gamblers. On the ground many small symbols indicate scattered opportunities. ______________________________ Mercury/Neptune - Imaginative faculty ______________________________ Bunjil - Aboriginal god of the sky ______________________________ Deliberately shifting one's views to force a change. Deciding to take a

risk in order to get out of a boring situation, regardless of the consequences. Negatively, opposing convention just to draw attention to oneself.

Eight of Air Cloud _________________________ A double of the element air, containing two faces, is suspended before a distant, undulating landscape. The face above, red, bright-eyed with a sun on the forehead, symbolizes mental brilliance, optimism, an intellectual high. The one below, surrounded by

gray clouds, is reversed and pale and from the forehead an inverted crescent moon loses drops of liquid. This face signifies dullness, pessimism, melancholy, and low self-esteem. ______________________________ Mercury/Saturn - Logical thinking, thoroughness ______________________________ Byelbog/Chernobog - Slavic gods of day and night ______________________________ Respect gained for sound and

mature thought. Reaching a position of authority through intellect. Being on a mental high. Negatively, becoming obscure and detached. A manic-depressive.

Nine of Air Thunder _________________________ Above a dark thundercloud a brilliant rainbow surrounds a glowing face. The mouth is parted, and in the center of the forehead a red triangle of fire indicates creative intellect. Beneath, a

Utopian golden city like a Tibetan temple emerges from the jagged peaks of the dark mountains. Four figures reach up in admiration or worship toward the city. On the spattered ground a blood-red deer, a sacrifice, twists in agony. ______________________________ Uranus/Pluto - Transforming thinking ______________________________ Jumala - Finnish god of thunder ______________________________ Ability to present a meaningful

philosophy. Great enlightenment, through life experience, which communicates itself to others. People want to share your thoughts. Negatively, the sacrifice of privacy.

Ten of Air Cyclone _________________________ A naked, dark gray figure screams and writhes in discomfort. He is out of control; his limbs flail in all directions. Superimposed on the figure is a wheel of fate, its five segments representing the five

elements related to mankind. The Egyptian symbol of black hills indicates darkness and depression. In contrast, a pale profile below expresses tranquillity and transformation. The face is separated from the rest of the background by a thin, red outline representing new blood, life. ______________________________ Saturn/Uranus - Limitation of freedom ______________________________ Hurukan - Guatemalan god of the

whirlwind ______________________________ A complete breakdown of an idea or concept. Mental desperation through being trapped in a system in which one can no longer believe. Inevitable change. Negatively, resisting change of ideas, to one's own detriment.

Daughter of Air

_________________________ Two identical young women face each other. A wavy line between their mouths indicates communication, exchange of ideas, friendship. The stork, traditionally, is the herald of good news, spring,

new life, and travel. The bird touches both heads, forming a spiritual link. An open book before a rising sun indicates optimism and knowledge. On the pages of the book is the Egyptian symbol meaning to write, paint, create. ______________________________ Moon/Mercury - An active mind ______________________________ Agusita - The moon in spring ______________________________ A bright, intelligent young woman, good talker, a mine of information.

Needs company and loves everyday chatter. Has a wide circle of useful friends. Negatively, can be critical, tactless, and over-talkative.

Son of Air

_________________________ A winged young man stands on a globe of the world. His arms are outstretched in a gesture of vulnerability and openness. There are two red figures on either side. One kneels in despair and the other reaches up in hope. Beyond a Stretch of blue water are two

triangular mountains. One mountain contains a sword indicating aggression, power, masculinity, fighting for justice. The other contains eleven graves, representing sacrifice for a cause. ______________________________ Mercury/Pluto - Persuasive talking ______________________________ Abraym - The sun in spring ______________________________ A young man, intelligent, persuasive and devoted to campaigning for

causes in which he believes. Compassionate and generous. Gets into action when he sees injustice. Negatively, a fanatic or extremist.

Mother of Air

_________________________ A mature woman is seated on a throne. Behind her head is a winged sun, for masculine energy. Her hair is flowing but confined, indicating controlled emotions. Her dress is patterned with mouths and ears. The base of her throne is a cube, within which sixteen smaller cubes

surround a face cupped in a crescent moon. This indicates secrets, things locked in or repressed. In front of the woman are small blue clouds; behind her are six yellow, wagging tongues. ______________________________ Node/Midheaven - Shared views and ideas ______________________________ Amadai - The earth in spring ______________________________ A mature woman, unmarried, widowed, or divorced. A

successful career woman, articulate and intelligent. She is strong and competitive. Independent. Negatively, vulnerable to malicious gossip and envy.

Father of Air

_________________________ A masklike face of a man is set against a deep blue sky. From his mouth issues the triangle of air, the power of the spoken word. The top of his head is merged with the sky where two figures tumble helplessly. Staircases of black and blue cubes, on either side, indicate

ambition, attainment both positive and negative. With the triangle of air touching both their heads, two disciples gaze up at the face in wonder and admiration. ______________________________ Sun/Pluto - The power of attainment ______________________________ Caracasa - The angel of spring ______________________________ A mature man, powerful and magnetic. A persuasive speaker, cool, detached, and logical. He is

ambitious to dominate others through his own ideas and words. Negatively, manipulates others for his own gain. A fraud.

One of Water Fountain

_________________________ From a single source, a fountain spurts two jets that divide, curve upward, and cross, forming a vesica pisces, the symbol of receptivity. After reaching its peak the water flows earthward, representing feelings and emotions. Ten

scattered droplets of water nourish the dry earth. Below, a white dove with outstretched wings bathes. The red outline of the dove indicates earthly passion combined with spiritual purity. ______________________________ Moon/Mars - Excitement, impulsive emotion ______________________________ Sin - Babylonian moon god ______________________________ Excitement at the sudden birth of new feelings. Love awakening. A

great release of emotional energy after a period of control. Overwhelming desire to express deep feelings. Love at first sight. Negatively, gullibility, one-sided love.

Two of Water Spring

_________________________ A young man and young woman caress; they are attracted to each other and have made the first contact. Their whiteness shows a relationship as yet uncolored by passion or commitment. Their

nudity represents a desire for openness and honesty. Two flowers opening indicate receptivity on the earthly plane and two birds symbolize two separate souls on the spiritual level. Young trees on the horizon signify the sweetness of youth and all its potential. ______________________________ Sun/Moon - Vitality and feeling ______________________________ Nanshe - Assyrian goddess of waters and springs ______________________________

An emotional connection with another. Early stages of a love affair. A show of affection, flirtation, lovemaking. An extramarital love affair. A holiday romance with no commitments. Negatively, a regretted one-night stand.

Three of Water Spa

_________________________ Two columns with fountains join, creating a third fountain. Each column is a living, growing lotus flower whose shape traditionally signifies the female principle and giver of life. Healing waters flow

continuously from the three fountains. Between the columns, an open hand of healing is marked with the symbol of the moon. Light and energy emanate from the hand and touch the fountains. Solid steps form a firm base for the spa. ______________________________ Moon/Node - A spiritual union with another ______________________________ Eshmun - Phoenician god of healing and health ______________________________

Emotional well-being. Feelings expressed, accepted and shared. Healthy emotions, the power of sympathetic understanding. The healing power of true unselfish love. A good marriage. Negatively, receiving envy.

Four of Water Moat

_________________________ Out of a square of security emerges the serene face of a woman. She is confident, secure, and conventional. In the center of her forehead is an eye in a pink square, indicating an ability to sense sympathetically

other people's feelings. Her placid expression is the image that is seen by the world. Around the walls, seven waves disturb the stillness of the deep moat. Inside, the square is slowly filling with water. A small face shows panic, screams, but is unheard. ______________________________ Mars/Neptune - Control of feelings ______________________________ Cheng-Huang - Chinese god of walls and ditches

______________________________ Conventional emotional security within a long-term relationship. Confidence to deal with everyday emotional situations. Experience to sympathize with others' problems. Negatively, trapped, drowning in unexpressed feelings.

Five of Water Sudden Rain

_________________________ Two identical men step on to a platform, toward each other. They stretch their arms forward but do not touch. Between them a red woman balances upside down. Although she appears secure in this

odd position, her face shows discomfort. Sharp, stabbing arrowheads surround all of the figures. Below the platform, a large, open eye floats on the rippled surface of a deep pink lake, suggesting sudden awareness, disruptive emotions. ______________________________ Moon/Pluto - Extreme expression of feelings ______________________________ Fa - African god of destiny ______________________________

An unexpected emotional experience. Being forced through outside circumstances to reassess one's feelings. An awkward emotional situation that must be faced. Negatively, giving up to fate by refusing to deal with reality.

Six of Water Oasis

_________________________ The face of the sun looks through a warm haze at his reflection in the cool waters. The face of the moon looks back at him. Together they symbolize the harmonious uniting of the conscious and the unconscious,

the masculine and the feminine. Each give out their particular rays, one of initiating energy, the other of receptivity. Two palms symmetrically curve and frame a disc signifying evolution, birth, life, death. In the background, sands undulate in flowing, changing dunes. ______________________________ Moon/Neptune - Relaxation, sensitivity ______________________________ Erzulie - Haitian goddess of love and dreams

______________________________ The happiness that comes with complete emotional well-being. The relief of emotional calm after a tense period. The ability to look back and see things in emotional perspective. Negatively, escapism, living in a dream.

Seven of Water Ocean

_________________________ A naked man is alone on a small island. In his right hand he holds an opened rose, a love token. In his left hand he catches the smallest of seven falling coins. He turns his head back in order to watch the

coins as he walks forward. A pale, half-concealed sun shines in a pink sky. The small waves on the dark ocean suggest constant movement, travel, and endless repetition. On the sand lies a disc with five segments, symbolizing humanity and corruption. ______________________________ Jupiter/Neptune -Speculation, idealism ______________________________ Sedna - Eskimo goddess of the seas ______________________________

The desire to play the field. Making oneself available. Taking an emotional risk for the sake of new excitement. Charmer/femme fatale. Negatively, using and manipulating the emotions of others for personal gain.

Eight of Water Well

_________________________ A pale saffron figure kneels, his head bowed in meditation. His left hand reaches into the well, the circle of the triad, birth, life, death. The checkered panels show the duality of day, night, love, hate, and

so on. The waning moon indicates slowing down, decrease, withdrawal. The door symbol on the hillside offers entry to new emotional expression. The double cube is discipline and control of feelings. The hills represent distance and higher aspirations. ______________________________ Moon/Saturn - Self-control, consideration ______________________________ Naaki - Finnish spirit of the waters ______________________________

Having the emotional strength to withdraw and fin inner truth. Spiritual enlightenment. To have good feelings about oneself and one's values. Negatively, cold selfinterest and detachment.

Nine of Water Lake

_________________________ A female figure the color of a midsummer sky rises from the deep waters of a red lake. Her hair spreads upward, drawing creative power from above. The symbols of sun and moon on her breasts denote

the uniting of male and female principles. Her arms curve in a gesture of protection and love towards a ripening ear of corn. Enclosed within her arms is the moon, representing the great mother in all her aspects. A three-pronged symbol of birth is held by the crescent. ______________________________ Moon/Venus - Love and tenderness ______________________________ Gaia - Greek mother goddess

______________________________ The happiness of being immersed in unconditional love. The support that a close, loving family can give and share. Unselfish and caring love. Negatively, to smother or be smothered by over-possessive love.

Daughter of Water

_________________________ An adolescent girl stands naked, in an attitude of partial concealment. Above her head is a large eye in a circle. A light beams down beyond the horizon, symbolizing receptivity, fantasy, clairvoyance. The girl's hair appears as curved

rays drawing energies from above. Wings on either side of her head signify imagination, speed of thought, flights of fancy. Below, drops of water and blood show initiation and the awakening of sexuality. ______________________________ Moon/Uranus Emotional excitability ______________________________ Matasignais - The moon in autumn ______________________________ A very young woman or adolescent.

Highly impressionable and still subject to crazes, crushes, and passions. Emotionally naive and vulnerable. Intuitive, even clairvoyant. Negatively, lonely and/or exploited.

Son of Water

_________________________ A young man embraces a beautiful young woman. They look straight into each other's eyes. Above, a waxing crescent moon shows gathering emotions, the shadowy area indicating the unconscious aspects of the feminine principle.

Below the moon is a symbol of love. A hill behind the couple is lit by the pale light of the moon. The young girl's hair curls upward into an exaggerated helmet. A garland of five open, red roses indicates the awakening of love. ______________________________ Venus/Node Attractive personality, lover ______________________________ Abragini - The sun in autumn ______________________________ A young man, a "heart-throb",

attractive, seductive. Strong and caring, with great sensitivity to the feelings of others. A young lover. Negatively, could use his charms for selfish ends.

Mother of Water

_________________________ A mature and dignified woman sits on a throne. In her left hand is a scepter, at the top of which blooms a triangular lotus flower and a cupped crescent moon. In her other hand is a scepter crowned with an orb of crystal. From her right breast

nourishment flows to the earth. The throne is based on a square, within which a crescent moon empties out water, representing emotions. Drops of the water are caught in a silver goblet. ______________________________ Venus/Neptune - Sensitivity, high ideals ______________________________ Rabinnara - The earth in autumn ______________________________ A mature woman, caring and loving. Has experienced an eventful and

emotional life and is consequently sympathetic to the problems of others. Negatively, can live her life through others and neglect her own reality.

Father of Water

_________________________ In the moonlight, a crowned, handsome man stands holding a scepter. His nakedness indicates reality, truth, and freedom. At the top of the scepter, a large pearl encloses a dove, both symbols of enlightenment. His crown of

masculine authority is harmoniously balanced by the female principle, a flowing stream of water, in which are small golden fish. There are ten fish, for ten is the number of the cycle of change. ______________________________ Jupiter/Node Harmonious relationships with others ______________________________ Tarquam - The angel of autumn ______________________________ A mature man, a caring and understanding friend, a good

psychologist. Relates well to and is trusted by women. Highly imaginative, and sensitive to the thoughts of others. Negatively, can manipulate people through their emotions.

Ten of Water Coastal Water

_________________________ It is the uncertain time of twilight. A female-headed sphinx rests on a dark beach. Though flesh-colored, she is unmoving, rigid as if frozen. The black sea's tides relentlessly and rhythmically erode the

coastline. A serpent coils, ready to strike. Its venom has the dual potential of poison and healing. Above the head of the sphinx is the disc of the moon containing an eye. It reflects self-knowledge, enlightenment, inner vision, and second sight. ______________________________ Neptune/Pluto - Inner revelation of truth ______________________________ Njord - Nordic god of seas and ships

______________________________ Emotions suppressed for a long time can no longer be denied. Floodgates will open and all must be allowed to gush out. The end of a phase in one's emotional life. Negatively, alcohol or drugs, as an escape, delay the inevitable crisis.


When you decide you're ready to use the cards to make a reading you must first allow yourself enough time to relax. The distraction of the day's busy thoughts and ideas will not allow you to make a perceptive and sensitive reading for someone else. Try to sit comfortably in a quiet place for at least ten minutes before you commence. Slowly allow the day's excitement to leave your mind, using the form of meditation or relaxation with which you feel most at ease.

There are many patterns in which you can deal the cards in order to make a reading. All of these should be preceded by a ritual that links your unconscious with the cards. Ritual is an important way to define the respect one has for a particular activity. Far from being something that is allied only with religion or magic, ritual is something we perform in almost every sphere of our lives. If we prepare a good meal, it would be unthinkable not to take great care to serve it elegantly

on a beautifully laid and decorated table. For the romantic, the long lingering bath with an extravagant essence sets the mood for a special meeting. Ritual is a way of clearing a space in your busy life for something a little different. Whatever time of day you choose for a reading, define your preparation ceremony in the way that suits you best, and keep to it. Clear away anything distracting, lay a small cloth - it's worth keeping one just for this purpose - maybe

light a candle just as you would for a dinner party. You may like to include symbols of the four elements: a lighted candle for fire, a flower in a glass of water for earth and water, and a small feather to symbolize air. When you put away the cards, wrap them in your cloth. Black silk is traditional because of its neutral quality. Keep your cards somewhere safe. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE In the past, tarot cards were given a

different meaning if they were dealt upside down. Very often this represented a negative interpretation. As it is almost impossible to reverse cards when shuffling normally, this has always seemed to us a silly system. If the pack contains thirty cards upside down, then those cards will remain upside down after they're shuffled by the questioner and when they're dealt. In this system, which is fraught with nasty negative possibilities, some cards could stay

stubbornly reversed for dozens of readings and spread gloom and despondency everywhere. We lose nothing by cutting out this rather outdated system and replacing it with the idea that all interpretations contain both positive and negative possibilities. The cards reflect the philosophy that nothing is all good or all bad; each extreme reflects its own polarity. For instance, a generous man may like nothing more than giving, and be totally uncomfortable when someone tries

to return the generosity. How selfish, we could say, for him to deny others the pleasure of giving that he so much enjoys. Nothing exists without the partnership of its opposite making the balance. Polarities are to be found in every card interpretation, just as they are in life. PREPARATION Before dealing any cards, the questioner shuffles the deck, keeping the question to be asked in

mind. When shuffling is completed the cards are cut into four approximately equal piles and the questioner states, briefly, the question. From left to right the small packs of cards represent fire, earth, air, and water. The reader chooses the element that most fits the question and deals the cards from the appropriate pack.

THE CELTIC CROSS SPREAD This is possibly the most used spread, and it will give a manageable and informative reading on most questions. The illustration shows the order of the cards, the layout, and a brief indication of the relationship each card has with the question. A fuller description follows.

1 The question. This card will often describe the nature of the question with uncanny accuracy. Sometimes it will reflect a completely different motive behind the inquiry. 2 The influence. A positive or negative atmosphere, event, person, or feeling that is an important influence on the question. 3 The background. The history, events, or people whose past relationships to the questioner have

led to the present inquiry. 4 Recent past. An event that has occurred just prior to the reading and has a direct bearing on the present situation. 5 The present. The status quo. The present feeling, hopes, or fears of the questioner. 6 Near future. What is liable to happen fairly soon. 7 Attitude. The attitude that the

questioner brings to bear on the subject of the question. A family card here, for instance, would indicate an attitude influenced by the thinking or help of someone else. 8 Others' views. The feelings about the matter expressed by those close to the questioner. 9 For and against. This card represents a detached view of what is for and against the question.

10 The outcome. The final result.

SAMPLE READING Jenny, in her forties, is contemplating a business venture with a close friend and asks, "Will the project get off the ground, and if it does, how well will we do?" We cut the cards and select the earth pack to deal from as the question is a business one.

1 The question - Five of Fire This card shows that the question is basically about creative expression. A five, meaning a forced change, suggests that Jenny has probably been pushed into this project by an outside source. 2 The influence - Mother of Air A mature woman, successful, good at business, strong go-ahead drive.

This probably describes Jenny's friend. 3 The background - One of Air This card indicates that an idea planted in the past has been revived by the present situation, provoking an immediate and almost impetuous response. 4 Recent past - Two of Earth There has recently been a promise of material gain, but so far, nothing

is fixed or resolved. However, Jenny probably overreacted and was in a state of extreme excitement and anticipation. 5 The present-Two of Air The status quo is impasse. All is still at discussion stage. There is uncertainty, hence the question. Two of Air is often a card of frustration, showing a time for waiting when one really needs to get things moving.

6 Near future - Trickster This is the first personal card in the reading and it shows that soon Jenny will gain confidence in her own abilities. She's aware of her lack of experience in this new area but something will call upon her to express her confidence in a positive manner. 7 Attitude - Four of Air Although the project promises a new and revolutionary break from

her usual life pattern,Jenny's thinking at the moment is restrained and conventional.Excitement is controlled by common sense and an attitude that won't easily run off the rails. 8 Others' views - Eight of Water Eight of Water describes emotional strength. Those close to Jenny family and friends - are comfortable with their own feelings about the project and are emotionally supportive of Jenny.

9 For and against - Five of Earth There are worrIes concerning the finances of the project. Further, there is potential for a material change over which Jenny will seem to have little control. It is still difficult to know whether there will be a loss or gain. 10 The outcome - Three of Fire A successful achievement. Creatively, Jenny and her partner will enjoy the satisfaction of a

promising start.

Summing up. There is a majority of air cards and only one earth card, suggesting that Jenny's real motives are intellectual and sociable rather than material. Profits matter less than the need to use her intellect creatively in satisfying teamwork with a partner. In answer to the initial question: yes, the project will get under way. Although the financial side is uncertain, Jenny

will see the creative and intellectual expansion of her life as a great success.

THE ELEMENTAL SPREAD Place five cards in the order shown in the diagram. This spread is

particularly useful when there is no definite question but the querent would like a short reading related to the five different spheres of life. The meaning of each card is combined with the element for each position.

THE SAMPLE SPREAD 1 Fire - What I want to do - Nine of Air

At the moment I want to convince others that my ideas are the right ones. 2 Earth - What do I have that can help? - Six of Air I have authority and recognition for my creative abilities. This should give me the confidence to succeed. 3 Air - What do I think about it? Judgement I am inhibiting myself by being my

own worst critic. 4 Water - How do I feel about it? - Five of Fire I feel as though I am being provoked into action by unseen forces. I am unsure of myself. 5 Spirit - How will it turn out? Six of Water A great relief. Whatever happens, I'll feel good about it and be able to relax at last.

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