
March 14, 2018 | Author: MichelleMartina | Category: Relay, Programmable Logic Controller, Capacitor, Electric Current, Switch
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Festo pneumatics...



Part 1 Introduction

Pneumatics review Pneumatics deals with the use of compressed air to do mechanical works (produce motion and to generate forces). Pneumatic drives have the task of converting the energy stored in compressed air into motion. Pneumatic linear cylinder:

Pneumatic swivel cylinder:

Pneumatics review Some of the many applications of pneumatics are: - Handling of workpieces (such as clamping, positioning, separating, stacking, rotating) - Packaging - Filling - Opening and closing of doors (such as buses and trains) - Metal-forming (embossing and pressing) - Stamping

Pneumatics review Pneumatic application example:

Control engineering  Pneumatic drives can only do work usefully if their motions are precise and carried out at the right time and in the right sequence.  Coordinating the sequence of motion of the pneumatic drives is the task of the controller.  Control engineering deals with the design and structure of controllers.  Controlling – open loop control – is that process taking place in a system whereby one or more variables in the form of input variables exert influence on other variables in the form of output variables by reason of the laws which characterize the system. (DIN 9226, Part 1)

Control engineering  Controls must evaluate and process information (for example, pushbutton pressed or not pressed). The information is represented by signals.  A signal is a physical variable, for example: - The pressure at a particular point in a pneumatic system. - The voltage at a particular point in an electrical circuit.  Signal form: Analog, Digital, Binary.  Controller classification based on the signal form: Analog controller, Digital controller, and Binary controller.

Control engineering




Control engineering Signal flow in an open loop control system. Command execution takes place at high power level to produce high force output. Amplifies signals from low power level to high power level.

Takes place at low power level. Signal inputs are processed (logically and / or sequentially) to produce signal output.

Electropneumatic control system Pneumatic control system

Electropneumatic control system

→ In an electropneumatic control, the signal control section is made up of electrical components.

Electropneumatic control system  Electropneumatic controllers are shown in two separate circuit diagrams - one for the electrical part and one for the pneumatic part.

Electrical circuit diagram

Pneumatic circuit diagram

Electropneumatic control system An example of a modern electropneumatic controller:

Electropneumatic control system Advantages of electropneumatic controllers:  Higher reliability (fewer moving parts subject to wear).  Lower planning and commissioning effort, particularly for complex controls.  Lower installation effort, particularly when modern components such as valve terminals are used.  Simpler exchange of information between several controllers.

Part 2 Basics of Electrical Theory

Basic of Electric  Electric current: electron flow from negative potential/ voltage to positive potential.  It is technically equivalent (and widely used) to say that electric current is flow of positive charge from positive potential to negative potential.  Current only happens in a closed circuit!

Basic of Electric  Direct Current (DC) is constantly flow while Alternating Current (AC) changes over time.

 Relationship between voltage/potential (V, in Volt), current (I, in Ampere), and resistance (R, in Ohm). V = I . R (Ohm’s Law)  Electric Power (P, in Watt): P=V.I

Solenoid / Coil  When DC current is applied, a solenoid/coil produces magnetic field which its strength is proportional to the current.  A ferrous materials is added as the coil’s core to strengthen the magnetic field.  Magnetic field produced by coils can be used to pull ferrous metal parts such as contacts or pistons.

Solenoid / Coil  When AC current is applied, a solenoid/coil produces fluctuating magnetic field which, in turn, produce ‘resistance’/’reactance’ to the current (remember Lenz’s law).  The reactance magnitude is proportional to coil’s inductance (H, in Henry). 1 H = 1 Volt second / Ampere = 1 Ohm second

Capacitor  When connected to a DC voltage, capacitor charges its plates with electric charges, stores them, and discharges the electric charge when connects to a load.  Capacitance (in F, Farad): measure of how much electric charges can be stored in a capacitor. 1 F = 1 Ampere second / Volt = 1 Coloumb / Volt

Diodes  Diodes are made up by semiconductor materials.  Diodes allow current in a direction only and block current in the reverse direction.  In allowed current direction, diodes have very low resistance. While in the reverse direction, diodes have very high resistance.  When applied to AC source, diodes rectifies the AC voltage and current.


Electrical circuit measurement  Multimeter is the most popular device to measure electrical components and circuits.  Multimeters can be set to be: - Voltmeter to measure voltage (DC, AC) - Ammeter to measure current (DC, AC) - Ohmmeter to measure resistance.  Modern multimeters can measure AC frequency, and capacitance of capacitors.

Electrical circuit measurement

Electrical circuit measurement Safe measurement procedure:  Know the limit/maximum voltage and current of your multimeter !  Switch off voltage source of circuit.  Set multimeter to desired mode. (voltmeter or ammeter, AC or DC, resistance)  Check zeroing for pointer instruments. Adjust if necessary.  When measuring DC voltage or current, check for correct polarity. ("+" probe of device to positive pole of voltage source and “-” or “GND” (ground) / “COM” to negative pole of voltage source).

Electrical circuit measurement  Select largest range. (*)  Switch on voltage source.  Observe pointer or display and step down to smaller range. (*)  Record measurement for greatest pointer deflection (smallest measuring range). (*)  For pointer instruments, always view from vertically above display in order to avoid parallax error. (*)

(*) : not necessary for digital multimeter which is equipped with autorange feature and free from parallax error.

Electrical circuit measurement  In measuring voltage, voltmeter (multimeter) is connected in parallel to the load.

 Internal resistance of voltmeter is designed so high in order to have good accuracy.

Electrical circuit measurement  In measuring current, ammeter (multimeter) is connected in series to the load.

 Internal resistance of ammeter is designed so small in order to have good accuracy. Q: What would happen if you accidentally use ammeter to measure voltage source ??

Electrical circuit measurement  When measuring an electric component in an electric circuit, make sure that the component is separated /isolated/disconnected to the rest of the electric circuit. Why ?? (see an example of measuring R2 below)

R (measured) = R1 R2 / (R1 + R2) (wrong!)

R (measured) = R2 (right)

Electrical circuit measurement Daily practices of electrical component measurement:  Example 1 : Checking conductor’s/cable’s continuity.

R small (≈ 0) → good cable R high / infinite → broken cable

R small (≈ 0) → A1 and B5 are pair ends of a cable.

Whenever you see very small resistance when measuring two conductor ends, it means the ends are electrically connected.

Electrical circuit measurement  Example 2 : Checking coil or transformer condition.

R moderate (at specific value) → good inductor R high / infinite → broken inductor

Electrical circuit measurement  In analog / pointer multimeter, set the range correctly (smallest possible range) to minimize error in reading the value and get more accurate results.

10V range Reading: ±9 (8.5 – 9.5) V

100V range Reading: ±10 (5 – 15) V

Part 3 Components and assemblies of electrical signal control section

Switches  Switches: - Control switches which are mechanically held in the selected position. Ex: Light switch at your home. - Push button switches maintain in the selected position only when they are actuated/pressed.

Normally open contact - connects the contact when the button is pressed; - disconnects it when the button is released.

Switches Normally closed contact - disconnects the contact when the button is pressed; - connects it when the button is released.

Changeover contact close one circuit (connect the contact) and open another (disconnect the other contact) in one switching operation.

Displacement and pressure sensors  Sensors have the task of measuring information and passing this on to the signal processing part in a form that can easily be processed.  In electropneumatic controllers, sensors are primarily used for: - To detect the advanced and retracted end position of the piston rod in cylinder drives - To detect the presence and position of workpieces - To measure and monitor pressure

Displacement and pressure sensors Displacement sensors Limit switch Limit switch is mechanically actuated when a machine part or workpiece is in a certain position. Normally, actuation is effected by a cam.

Possible contact usage

Displacement and pressure sensors Reed switch It consists of two contact reeds in a glass tube filled with inert gas. The magnetic field causes the two reeds to close, allowing current to flow. A permanent magnet is attached to a moving machine part / workpiece to create the magnetic field.

Displacement and pressure sensors Inductive proximity sensor The oscillator generates a highfrequency alternating magnetic field that is emitted from the front of the sensor. If an electrical circuit is introduced into this field, the oscillator is attenuated. The downstream circuitry, consisting of a flip-flop and an amplifier, evaluates the behavior of the oscillator and produces the output (voltage supply).

Displacement and pressure sensors Capacitive proximity sensor An electrostatic field is generated between the anode and the cathode of the capacitor. A stray field forms at the front of the sensor. If an object is introduced into this stray field, the capacitance of the capacitor changes. The oscillator is attenuated and then the circuitry switches the output (voltage supply).

Displacement and pressure sensors Optical proximity sensor Optical proximity sensors use optical and electronic means for object detection. Red or infrared light is used. Semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are particularly reliable sources of red or infrared light.

One-way light barrier The one-way light barrier has spatially separate transmitter and receiver units. The output is switched if the light beam is interrupted by a moving workpiece.

Displacement and pressure sensors Reflective light barrier The transmitter and receiver are mounted together in one housing. The output is switched if the light beam is interrupted by a moving workpiece.

Diffuse reflective optical sensor The transmitter and receiver are mounted together in one unit. If the light hits a reflective object, it is redirected to the receiver and causes the output of the sensor to switch.

Displacement and pressure sensors Pressure sensors Piston-actuated pressure switch Limit switch is mechanically actuated when a machine part or workpiece is in a certain position. Normally, actuation is effected by a cam.

Sensitivity knob

Displacement and pressure sensors Analogue pressure sensors The piezoresistive measuring cell of a pressure sensor. Variable resistor 1 changes its value when pressure is applied to the diaphragm. Via the contacts 2, the resistor is connected to the electronic evaluating device, which generates the output signal.

Relays and contactors Relay A relay is an electromagnetically actuated switch. When a voltage is applied to the coil, an electromagnet field results. It causes the armature to be attracted to the coil core. The armature actuates the relay contacts, either closing (in normally open relay ) or opening them (in normally closed relay). A return spring returns the armature to its initial position when the current to the coil is interrupted.

Relays and contactors Time relay - Pull-in relay: energized after a set delay. (delayed activation) - Drop-out relay: de-energized after a set of delay. (delayed release)

Pull-in relay (delayed activation)

internal circuit of pull-in relay

Relays and contactors Pull-in relay

circuit diagram using a pull-in relay

Relays and contactors Drop-out relay

internal circuit of drop-out relay

Relays and contactors Drop-out relay (delayed release)

circuit diagram using a drop-out relay

Relays and contactors Contactor Contactors operate in the same way as a relay. Typical features of a contactor are: - Double switching (dual contacts) - Closed chambers (arc quenching chambers) These design features allow contactors to switch much higher currents than relays.

Relays and contactors Contactors are used for the following applications: - High currents (high power electricity) of 4 to 30 kW are switched via the main contacts of power contactors. - Control functions and logical associations are switched by auxiliary contacts. In electropneumatic controllers, electrical currents and power are low. For this reason, they can be implemented with auxiliary contactors. Main or power contactors are not required.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)  Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are used for processing of signals in binary control systems.  For complex signal control processing, PLCs has replaced relay usage because of their easy use, simplicity, and compactness.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)  The main element (CCU) is a microprocessor system.  Programming of the microprocessors determines: - Which control inputs (I1, I24 etc.) are read in which order - How these signals are associated - Which outputs (O1, O2 etc.) receive the results of signal processing. In this way, the behavior of the controller is not determined by the wiring (hardware), but by the program (software).

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Comparison of relay signal processing and PLC signal processing.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Code/program

Part 4 Electrically actuated directional pneumatic valve

Electropneumatic directional valves  They belong to signal output (final control elements) stage in signal flow of electropneumatic control system.  Interface between electric signal and pneumatic/ pressure signal.  Work in two forms of energy: electrical and compressed air.  The electropneumatic valve can be used for: - switching on or off air supply. - actuate (extend or retract) cylinder drives.

Electropneumatic directional valves Application example

(coil de-energized)

(coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves  Construction type of electropneumatic valves: - Return spring → return to normal position when coil is de-energized. - Double coil/solenoid without return spring → retain the actuated position (not return back to previous position) when the coil is de-energized. Energizing the opposite coil is done to return the valve back to the previous position.  In term of controlling mode: - directly controlled valves → coil + armature assembly directly controls / switches the valve’s ports. - pilot (indirectly) controlled valves → coil + armature assembly controls pilot air supply which, in turn, actuates the valve’s piston and switches the ports.

Electropneumatic directional valves Normally closed 3/2-way directional valve When energized, compressed air is passed to consuming devices.

(coil de-energized)

(coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves Normally open 3/2-way directional valve When energized, compressed air supply to consuming devices is stopped.

(coil de-energized)

(coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves Manual override operation Done by screwing in the small piece A, so that the cam mechanism pushes the armature up.

Screw in

Electropneumatic directional valves Pilot controlled 3/2-way valve (coil de-energized)

(coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves Pilot controlled 5/2-way solenoid valve

Pilot air port (coil de-energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves

(coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves Pilot controlled 5/2-way double solenoid valve

Pilot air port (all coils de-energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves

(left-coil energized, right coil de-energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves

(left-coil de-energized, right coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves For pilot controlled 5/2-way double solenoid valve:  If both coils / solenoids are energized or de-energized, then the pressure force on the left and right side of the piston assembly are equal. Which means the piston stops at current position.  That means this type of valve retains its actuated position.  To return the piston to previous position, corresponding coil must be energized while the other coil must be deenergized. (i.e: energize left coil and de-energize right coil to push the piston to right; de-energize left coil and energize right coil to return the piston to left)

Electropneumatic directional valves Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with exhausted normal / mid position.

Return spring to mid position (initial / mid position, all coils de-energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves

The spring is pressed right (left-coil energized, right coil de-energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves

The spring is pressed left (left-coil de-energized, right coil energized)

Electropneumatic directional valves There are 3 variations of mid-position of pilot controlled 5/3-way double solenoid valves :  Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with exhausted mid position (described above).  Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with closed mid position.  Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with pressurized mid position.

Electropneumatic directional valves Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with exhausted mid position Since no pressure (all cylinder port are vented out), force on the piston is zero, and it is freely movable.

Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with closed mid position Force on the piston is zero, but it is not freely movable. (there would be pressure increase opposing the movement)

Electropneumatic directional valves

Pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with pressurized mid position Force on the piston is not zero but at very reduced magnitude.

Electropneumatic directional valves Comparison of directly controlled and pilot controlled solenoid valves: Directly controlled

Pilot / indirectly controlled

 Coil + armature directly opens or closes air flow supply to consuming devices.

 Coil + armature opens or closes pilot air flow. Pilot air flow controls opening or closing of the main valve.

 It needs bigger coil and armature to allow higher air flow rate.  Bigger coil means higher thermal dissipation when it is energized.  Simple construction.

 Pilot air mechanism can exert higher force on the valve. Higher flow rate is available.  Small coil is enough to control the pilot air.  More complicated construction.

Selecting Electropneumatic Valves 1.

Establish the selection based on: - The task of the valve must perform. (see ref. page 75) - The valve’s behavior in case of the power supply failure: A spring-return 3/2-way or 5/2-way valve switches to its initial position and the piston rod of the cylinder returns to its initial position. A pilot controlled 5/3-way valve with mid position also switches to its initial / mid position. If the working ports are exhausted in the initial position, the cylinder is not subject to force. If the ports are pressurized, the piston rod extends at reduced force. If the ports are closed, the motion of the piston rod is interrupted. A double-solenoid valve retains its current position. The piston rod completes the current motion.

Selecting Electropneumatic Valves 2.

Check manufacturer’s catalogue and examine the datasheet/ performance data: Pneumatic (include pilot control and main stage) data : nominal size, nominal flow rate, pressure range, response time (see ref. page 83) Electrical (include coil and plugs) data : operating voltage, electric power, duty cycle, protective circuit, switching indication, signal conversion, class protection

Selecting Electropneumatic Valves Pneumatic data: Nominal size of valve → narrowest area in which the air flows through, then it is converted to an equivalent circle area. Diameter of the equivalent circle is the valve nominal size. Nominal flow rate of valve → measured in a condition to maintain pressure 6 bar for upstream flow and 5 bar for downstream flow. Pressure range → the range of supply pressure at which the valve can be operated.

Selecting Electropneumatic Valves Electrical data: Operating voltage and power supply tolerance → range of allowed electric supply for the coils and the load capacity of power supply unit. Coil’s duty cycle → maximum time for a coil in energized state. Measured in percentage of standard coil’s operating time (10 minutes). So, duty cycle 75% means the coil shouldn’t be energized more than 7.5 minutes. The class of protection → how well a solenoid coil is protected against the ingress of dust and water

Selecting Electropneumatic Valves Electrical data: Average pickup time → time difference between the event when coil is energized and the armature picks up. Protective circuit of a solenoid coil → to protect from high voltage induction caused by sudden decrease of electrical current flowing in a coil, a protective circuit is commonly used.

Part 5 Developing an electropneumatic control system

Developing an electropneumatic control system 1. PROJECT DESIGN 1.1 Formulation of task definition  Positional sketch  Determination of requirements (see list table 5.1 and table 5.2) Pneumatic components catalogue may be used as additional information for drawing the sketch and determining the requirements.

Developing an electropneumatic control system 1.2 Stipulation on how to implement the control system  Conceptual design: - relay processing or using PLC ? - separate installation of valve or installation of valves by mounting them on valve terminals ? - standard valves or valves with auxiliary functions ? - using modular (templates) control system design ? - using state-of-the-art bus system and valve terminals ?  Components selection. See the catalogue/datasheet of: pneumatic drives, electropneumatic valves (ex. table 4.1), sensors, electrical control elements (relays, switches, pushbuttons, PLCs)

Developing an electropneumatic control system 1.3 Graphical representation of control systems  Allocation table (ex. table 5.3)  Function diagram (displacement-step diagram, displacement-time diagram) and/or function chart.

Developing an electropneumatic control system 1.4 Design of control system Make:  Pneumatic circuit diagram  Electrical circuit diagram and PLC program (if PLC is used)  Terminals diagram  Parts list

Developing an electropneumatic control system 2. IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 Procurements of components Can be by purchasing new components or using available spare parts.

Developing an electropneumatic control system 2.2 Installation  Attachments and mounting of components  Wiring the signal control section  Tubing power section part (pneumatic drives)

Developing an electropneumatic control system 2.4 Commissioning  Loading PLC program (if using PLC)  Functional testing  Implementation of necessary changes  Testing and adjustment in under all conditions occurring in real practice (SAT : Site Acceptance Testing)  Updating documentation of the system based on the installed / tested configuration for maintenance purpose  Preparation of acceptance test certificate

Developing an electropneumatic control system Case study: Lifting device example Positional sketch

Developing an electropneumatic control system Pneumatic drives / cylinders

Developing an electropneumatic control system Pneumatic drives / cylinders - Compressed air network 6 bar (6 kPa) - Cylinder 1A: stroke 500mm, min force 600N (which means piston diameter need to be min 40mm), soft braking (end cushioning), braked immediately then remains still when electrical power fails. - Cylinder 2A: stroke 250mm, min force 400N (which means piston diameter need to be min 32mm), soft braking (end cushioning), braked immediately then remains still when electrical power fails. - Cylinder 3A (stopper): stroke 20mm, min force 40N, initial position is extended.

Developing an electropneumatic control system Valves - Since cylinder 1A and 2A must be braked immediately when there is electrical power failure, we need 5/3-way pilot controlled double solenoid valve with closed mid position for each cylinder. - Since cylinder 3A must extend in case there is electrical and/or pneumatic power failure, 3/2-way pilot controlled solenoid valve with return spring should be enough. - One-way flow control valve to regulate cylinder 1A and 2A by means of controlling exhausting air. - Additional valve to cut off air supply to the system in case there is electrical power failure or emergency stop.

Developing an electropneumatic control system Electrical control components  Electrical power supply 24V DC.  Sensors: 1B1, 1B2, 2B1, 2B2, 3B1 are reed switches, B5 is optical proximity sensor, B6 optical sensor is not considered for now.  Relay signal processing / relay control (not using PLC).

Developing an electropneumatic control system Operational control  Enable continuous operation (“continuous cycle on”).  Enable single cycle operation (the sequence is processed precisely once).  Enable emergency stop to cut off both electrical and pneumatic power supply to the system.  Enable “reset” to return all pneumatic drives to their initial position (1A and 2A retract, 3A extends).  Enable to stop continuous operation (“continuous cycle off”). In case there is already a workpiece in the device, it must be transferred to the upper roller conveyor then drives 1A and 2A retract and 3A extends (initial condition).

Developing an electropneumatic control system Operational control

Developing an electropneumatic control system Product selection  See the manufacturer catalogue. For ex.: - Festo DNGUL-40-500-PPV-A for cylinder 1A - Festo DNGUL-32-250-PPV-A for cylinder 2A - Festo STA-32-20-P-A for cylinder 3A - Festo MEH-5/3G-1/8 for valve actuating cylinder 1A and 2A - Festo GRLA-1/4 (cylinder 1A) or GFLA-1/8 (cylinder 2A) for speed regulating in cylinder 1A and 2A. - Festo MEH-3/2-1/8 for valve actuating cylinder 3A - Festo CPE14-M1H-3GL-1/8 for valve cut off air supply in case electrical power failure or emergency stop.

Developing an electropneumatic control system Allocation table

Developing an electropneumatic control system Displacement-step diagram

Developing an electropneumatic control system Pneumatic circuit diagram

Developing an electropneumatic control system Electrical circuit diagram: Control elements

Developing an electropneumatic control system Electrical circuit diagram: Sensor evaluations

Developing an electropneumatic control system Electrical circuit diagram: Switching of sequence steps

Developing an electropneumatic control system Electrical circuit diagram: Circuitry of solenoid coils

Developing an electropneumatic control system Electrical control section with PLC: 1. Install the software of the PLC in your PC. The software enables you write, compile, test / simulate, download (to PLC) a PLC program. 2. Write the PLC program / code in your PC. 3. Compile it, check out for errors (syntax errors, logic errors). 4. Fix any error of the program and recompile it. 5. Test / simulate the program without the PLC (in software environment only. Check whether the program (you has written) runs as expected.

Developing an electropneumatic control system 6. Download the program to the PLC but do not connect the PLC to the coils/solenoid of valves yet. Test / simulate it until you are sure that your program runs as expected when applied to the PLC. 7. Connect the PLC to the coils / solenoids of your valves of your pneumatic system and see if the program runs perfectly as expected or needs to be adjusted / modified.

Part 6 Documentation for an electropneumatic system

Documentation for an electropneumatic system  Good and systematic documentation helps reducing cost of developing a control system. It minimizes error in installation and testing.  Accurate and complete documentation is important for maintenance of the system. It helps maintenance people to find out the problem of the system, replace a component, and fix the problem.  To be clear, unambiguous, and easily understandable, documentation should follow relevant engineering guidelines or standards.

Documentation for an electropneumatic system  Positional sketch (usually with a step table)  Function diagram (such as displacement-step diagram) or function chart  Pneumatic circuit diagram  Electric circuit diagram  Terminal allocation list  Parts / components list

Function Chart Function chart  It is meant to replace displacement-step diagram.  It is easier for more complicated control system.  Complies with DIN standard.

Function Chart Function chart Example: sheet metal bending device (fig 6.1)


Movement of Cyl. 1A

Movement of Cyl. 2A

End of step detection






Clamp the metal





Bend the metal





Retract the clamping cylinder (1A)





Retract the clamping cylinder (2A)

Function Chart Function chart Displacement step diagram

Function chart

Electrical Circuit Diagram  In an electrical circuit diagram, the components are represented by graphical symbols that are standardized according to DIN 40900. (see Fig. 6.22 to 6.27)  Designation / label of every components per DIN 40719 Part 2:

Electrical Circuit Diagram Relay contact table  It lists where normally open and normally closed contact of a relay are used in a electrical circuit diagram.  In electric circuit diagram, it is usually placed below the coil of a relay.

Electrical Circuit Diagram

Electrical Circuit Diagram Terminal designation of relay

Electrical Circuit Diagram Wiring using terminal strips  In developing a control system, components are usually grouped and placed in different cabinets.

 Terminal strips are used to connect wires going in and out of a cabinet.

Electrical Circuit Diagram

 By using terminal strips, it is easy to troubleshoot wiring problems and repair them.  Terminal allocation list table should be arranged before installing terminal strips.

Electrical Circuit Diagram

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