Electroplating Powerpoint

October 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Engineering 45 Material Science Project Fall 2010 Dean Clewis Nick Raymon


!n electroc"emical #rocess w"ere metal ions are trans$erre $rom a sol%tion an are e#osite as a t"in layer onto s%r$ace o$ a cat"oe&

 '"e set%# is com#ose DC circ%it wit" an anoe an a cat"oe sitting in a (at" o$ sol%tion t"at "as t"e metal ions necessary $or coating or #lating

Electro#lating can en"ance)   

C"emical #ro#erties***incr # ro#erties***increase ease c corr orrosion osion resistance P"ysical #ro#erties***increase t"ickness o$ #art Mec"anical #ro#erties***increase tensile strengt" + "arness


,n 1-00 !lessanro !le ssanro .olta create t"e /oltaic #ile


as t"e 3rst galanic cell a(le to #ro%ce a stea ow o$ electrical

c%rrent  Stack o$ co##er an inc iscs se#arate (y clot" soake in saline sol%tion 6electrolyte7



Scientists now a(le to a##ly constant c%rrent electricity to t"eir e8#eriments

,n 1-059 ,talian c"emist :%igi ;r%gnatelli9 s%ccess$%lly electro#late siler meals electro#late wit" gol

;r%gnatelli%e ?5 years later 

1@40 3rst #atent $or electro#lating electro#lating aware9 awar e9 an soon $actories in Englan were mass #ro%cing siler #late items9 incl%ing tea#ots9 (r%s"es an %tensils 6see Engr45 /S#ooning #resentation $or more in$oA7



##er Cat"oe is re%ce 6acce#ts electrons7

Nickel !noe is o8iie 6gies %s electrons7 electrons7

Nick Raymon

Ni2 ions wit"in sol%tion (ecome attracte to Co##er cat"oe


 '"e goal was to electro#late electro#late nickel nickel onto a co##er lea$ $or a ecoratie esign e coere o%r in wa8 leaing certain areas %ncoer %ncoere esam#le (y t"e wa8 an e8#ose to (e electro#late& ;eing an electroc"em electroc"emical ical #rocess9 t"e wa8 wo%l not (e remoe %ring electro#lating electro#lating an wo%l control w"ere w"ere t"e metal wo%l (e #late  '"e #lating sol%tion %se %se was a mi8t%re mi8t%re o$)   

Nickel S%l$ate e8a"yrate 6?00 gB:79 ;oric !ci 645 gB:7 Nickel C"lorie e8a"yrate 645 gB:7


Clean o t"e sam#le %sing aci sol%tion 6we %se weak acetic aci in t"e $orm o$ inegar $or 10 min7  'a#e o area t"at  'a#e yo% inten to #late9 t"is will #reent wa8 $rom coating


Melt wa8 in well entilate s#ace (use caution, Safety is NOT an accident!)

Note Re%ce "eat once all t"e wa8 "as melte ,$ yo% a too m%c" "eat an o not allow #ro#er cooling9 yo% co%l melt t"e ta#e on yo%r sam#le %ring t"e ne8t ste#


D%nk t"e #re#are lea$s wit" ta#e on t"em into t"e "ot wa8& Gee# in wa8 $or 3e secons an remoe !llow to cool9 an i# into wa8 two more times %ntil wa8 (%ils %# on s%r$ace

"en com#letely cool #eel  

Nick Raymon


S#acers Cat"oe


Nickel ion solution


Remoe sam#le $rom electro#lating

Clean wit" soa# an water an #at ry

Hse an o#en ame to melt o wa8

Sam#le may re>%ire a lig"t #olis"ing9 (e gentle


Trial 1

Trial 2

Time: 2 min 700 mA

Time 0 min 0"#0 mA

Trial 

Trial $

Time: 1 min Time: 10 min 120"200 mA 1#0"220 mA


Cat"oe an electroe too close Iall 'rialsJ

C"emical #lating sol%tion was not remoe (e$ore cleaning wa8 o s%r$ace9 reacte wit" ame am e I' I'ria riall 1J

 'oo m%c" time9 res%lting in a  'oo (%il%# o$ weak e#osits an ark colors I'rial 2J S%r$ace not clean 6ta#e resi%e melte to s%r$ace7 I'rial ?J


S#ecial t"anks to Nick Catalani $or c%tting o%t t"e co##er leaes&

SRKC C"emistry De#artment

SRKC P"ysics :a( $or onating t"e necessary e>%i#ment to test o%r ieas


iki#eia* "tt#BBen&wiki#eia&orgBwikiBElectro#lating  "tt#BBen&wiki#eia&or "tt#BBen&wiki#eia&orgBwikiBNick gBwikiBNickelLelectro#la elLelectro#la ting

Make Magaine ol 24) Make 24 ) ! !lessanro lessanro .olta .olta an Electroe#osition (y  && %rstelle % rstelle

C"emistry 2n Eition) C"a#ter 1Electrochemistry ) ;y il(ert9 Griss9 Foster9 Daies

Electro#lating PDF) C"emPr C "emProcess) ocess) "tt#BBnic&or "tt#BBnic&org&nBC"emP g&nBC"emProcessesBmetalsB-& rocessesBmetalsB-&

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