Basic Electricity – Competency No. 1 Identify the parts of the complete electrical circuit.
1. A complete complete circuit circuit consists consists of a device device or board, board, a path for the the current flow, flow, a method method of control and a source of A. Electrical Electrical energy C. Electrical Electrical device device . Electric Electrical al machine machine !. Electric Electrical al charge charge ". Chemical reaction reaction ta#es ta#es place before before it produces produces electrical electrical charges charges to what what source of of electricity$ A. %eothermal %eothermal power C. attery . &olar power !. 'otary electromagnet electromagnet machine (. It is stated in in )hms *aw that that current current is directly proportion proportional al to the electromotive electromotive force force +E..-. or voltage and inversely proportional to the A. 'esistance 'esistance C. &ource &ource . /ower /ower !. Elec Electri tricit city y
0. )pen wiring wiring on insulators insulators which which is mostly #nown #nown as open open or eposed eposed wiring method method uses cleats, #nobs +solid or split that made of what #ind of material$ A. 2ood C. /orcelain /orcelain tubes tubes . Cera Ceramic mics s !. 'ubb 'ubber er 3. 4ouse wiring wiring must follow follow to eisting eisting laws and and regulations regulations of the 5ational 5ational Electrical Electrical Code Code as well as the City or *ocal )rdinances enforced and applied in the specific localities. 2hat agency approves its methods$ A. City Engineers Engineers C. !epartment !epartment of *ocal *ocal %overnment %overnment . arangay )ffice !. 5ational -ire /rotection /rotection Association Association 6. Componen Components ts that that connect connect in paral parallel lel form: form: a. ranc ranche hes s c. open open circu circuits its b. &hort &hort circuits circuits d. a voltage voltage divider divider 7. A paralle parallell circuit circuit is also also used used as a divider divider for: a. cond conduc ucta tanc nce e c. volt voltag age e b. powe powerr d. curr curren entt
8. 2hat is '9 for a 1" ohm, a 0 ohm, and a ( ohm resistor in parallel$ a. 1.3 ohm c. " ohm b. 6.( ohm d. 1 ohm . /ower is defined as: a. 9he rate at which wor# is done c. the conversion of energy b. 2or# d. force 1;. 2hich e
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