Electrical Systems For The Oil & Gas Industry Rev2

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Power Systems Design for the Oil & Gas Industry


7ey Study 0odules




Power Sy Systems iin n IIn ndustrial Fa Facilities

3. !.

h he e rol role e of of tth he Po Power Sy Systems de design en engineer  "##roaching the design #rocess 1.





Deelo#ing the load list 1.







he Distri*ution System 1.

Deelo#ing+,#dating th the O On ne(line


'ircuit arrangement selection


/ui#ment Selections 1.





'a*les & 'a*le Su##ort


Switchgear S Sy ystems


lectric 0otors


ighting Systems


Performer System Studies 1.

and 'alculation


Software ools


Selecting Pr Protectie De Deices


Grounding Systems

11. 12.

a6ardous "reas Stand(*y Power Systems

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I9:O 'ourse O*8ecties

'ontent deelo#ment guideline


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Power Systems in Industrial Facilities


Power Generation and distri*ution systems are a critical #art of many #etrochemical facilities worldwide

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Power Systems in Industrial Facilities

 he #rimary o*8ectie of any industrial #lant is to #roduce; consistently economically. to #roduce is de#endent toand a large degree onhe the a*ility ade/uacy and continuity of the electrical serice. In many m any cases< the cost of serice interru#tions can *e ealuated directly in terms of lost #roduction. his cost may e=ceed the cost of the #hysical damage to the electric e/ui#ment that caused the interru#tion. herefore< herefor e< it iis s of #rime im#ortance that the electrical system *e designed to sere continuously< relia*ly< and ho#efully unnoticed. Since no two #lants hae identical re/uirements< a standard electrical distri*ution system is not uniersally a##lica*le. herefore< herefore< it is essential to analy6e the s#ecific re/uirements of each #rocess system and then design an electrical system which will most ade/uately meet these re/uirements.

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Power Systems in Industrial Facilities


Power Systems are ty#ically designed to #roide relia*le and sufficient electric #ower to an array of e/ui#ment and infrastructure hence the ca#acity< arrangement and o#eration of the #ower systems is dictated *y the #eculiar re/uirements of each #lant facility

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Power Systems in Industrial Facilities


In its sim#lest form a #ower generation & distri*ution system would com#rise of some form of electric #ower generator or incoming utility feeder< distri*utie switch(gear< ca*les & and e/ui#ment terminating #anels

Power 'a*les

Power 'a*les

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Power Systems in Industrial Facilities

 " One(line re#resentation of 0ore 'om#le= Systems   "cro*at Documen Documentt Design Guide 1 ( 7ey Study 0odules www.I#gru##.com   www.I#gru##.com 

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he role of the t he Power Systems design engineer  


 "fter Due consideration consideration of #eculiar #eculiar #ro8ect re/uirements and constraints the PS is re/uired to design a relia*le< cost effectie and constructi*le #ower generation and distri*ution systems.

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Bio-Slide: Shola Daley  

Electrical/Electronics OAU


Shell Petroleum WarriFacilities E/I Engineer(Field) "he#ron Oil Escra#os Engineer %o&il Producing Producing 'ua I&oe  erminal erminal Electrical Eng *ata "ommunications + "ontrol South,an- U.

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 "##roaching the design design #rocess


Design 'onsiderations







? ?

Fle=i*ility Sim#licity of O#eration


@oltage :egulation



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 "##roaching the design design #rocess


One of the earliest tas>s for the engineer engineer who who is designing a #ower #ower system system is to estimate the normal o#erating #lant load. e is also interested in >nowing how much additional margin he should include in the final design. here are no Ahard and fastB rules for estimating loads< and arious *asic /uestions need to *e answered at the *eginning of a #ro8ect< for e=am#leC


? Is the #lant a new< Agreen fieldB #lant


? Is the #lant old and *eing e=tended $rownfield


? Is the #ower to *e generated on site< s ite< or drawn from an e=ternal utility< or a com*ination of *oth


? Does the owner hae a #articular #hiloso#hy regarding the As#aringB of e/ui#ment


? "re there any o#erational or maintenance difficulties to *e considered


? Is the #ower factor im#ortant with regard to im#orting #ower from an e=ternal source


? If a generator suddenly shuts down< will this cause a ma8or interru#tion to the #lant #roduction


? "re there any #ro*lems with high fault leels

? ow long will the #lant e=ist e.g. 15< 25< 35 years

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Deelo#ing he oad ist Summary

  oad Summary  

" load summary is a detailed listing of all loads to *e sered *y the electrical distri*ution system. It is used to determine the #ower re/uirements of a system;in order to #ro#erly si6e #ower sources< distri*ution e/ui#ment< and feeder systems. he load summary also aids in determining system oltages

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Deelo#ing he oad ist 


oad Summary o deelo# a load summary< data on all loads to *e sered and information a*out the facility #rocesses should *e collected first. GenerallyH ratings of all other #rocess e/ui#ment e/ui#ment..

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Deelo#ing he oad ist  Running Load  

he actual electrical load of the facility during o#eration. :unning load is used to si6e utility serice< generators< transformers< feeders< motor control centers< circuit *rea>ers< and uninterru#ti*le #ower su##lies. o determine running load< indiidual loads must *e identified as either continuous< intermittent< or s#are. :unning load is the sum of all continuous loads< including #lanned future continuous loads. Intermittent loads are included on a #ercentage *asisC s#are loads are not included in running load calculation.

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Deelo#ing he oad ist 


Continuous load : Defined as a load that is e=#ected to o#erate


continuously for 3 hours or more. Intermittent loads: are loads that o#erate continuously for #eriods


of less than 3 hours. Spare loads: are o#erated only when other loads are not o#erating.

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Deelo#ing he oad ist 

Peak load< load< the ma=imum instantaneous load drawn *y a system during a stated #eriod of time< is o*tained when the facility is o#erating at full ca#acity and the ma=imum instantaneous intermittent load is energi6ed. "ll intermittent loads on a system normally will not *e energi6ed at the same time. herefore< to estimate #ea> load the #rocess must *e ealuated to determine when the ma=imum intermittent load will *e energi6ed. Pea> load is the sum of the running load and the ma=imum instantaneous intermittent load.

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Deelo#ing he oad ist  Stand-by loads should *e identified on the load summary to ena*le the electrical system designer to design the stand(*y #ower system. y#ically< stand(*y loads include critical loads that cause damage to the #rocess or #roduct if #ower is interru#ted< loads re/uired for *lac> start(u# of a generator e.g.< 8ac>et water heaters and #um#s< selected #lant lighting l ighting and @"' loads< and sewage #um#s. Emergency loads deemed essential for #ersonnel safety e.g.< *uilding egress lighting and UPS loads that re/uire clean uninterru#ted #ower e.g.< com#uters and certain electronic instrumentation should also *e identified on the load summary. y#ically< emergency loads are #owered from unit e/ui#ment se#arate from the stand(*y system *ecause of the more stringent re/uirements of emergency systems. :efer to Sections 12! and 1355 for more information on stand(*y< emergency< and ,PS #ower systems.  "s the design eoles< eoles< load estimates s should hould *e u#dated co constantly nstantly.. It is im#or im#ortant tant to coordinate with other design disci#lines to ensure that u#(to(date data are used.

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Deelo#ing he oad ist 

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Deelo#ing he oad ist  

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he Distri*ution System

Selecting a Power Distri*ution "rr "rrangement angement Scheme Once the load layout has *een deelo#ed and areas of high load concentrations hae *een identified< a #ower distri*ution scheme can *e selected. " system should *e selected that will distri*ute #ower to the load centers *y the most economical and relia*le means #ossi*le that meets the #articular facility re/uirements. he #rimary distri*ution oltage can *e distri*uted to the load centers economically and relia*ly with the following systems ? :adial ? Primary selectie ? Primary loo# ? Secondary selectie

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he Distri*ution System

:adial System In the radial system< one #rimary serice feeder su##lies #ower from a distri*ution transformer to the loads at utili6ation oltage from a load center. his system is sim#le in o#eration< and e=#ansion is accom#lished easily.


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he Distri*ution System

Primary Selectie Distri*ution ( " distri*ution system #hiloso#hy where e/ui#ment such as :ing 0ain ,nits :0,Js< Switchgear< oad + 0otor 'ontrol 'enter< and+or ransformers are connected to two se#arate #rimary feeders through switching e/ui#ment to #roide a normal and an alter alternate nate source. ,#on failure of the normal source< the e/ui#ment can *e switched to the alternate source.

Figure - Primary Selectie System E!ample E!ample   I Std. 1!1(1443 Figure 2(2 Design Guide 1 ( 7ey Study 0odules

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he Distri*ution System

Primary O#en oo# Distri*ution ( " distri*ution system #hiloso#hy where e/ui#ment such as :ing 0ain ,nits :0,Js< Switchgear< oad + 0otor 'ontrol 'enter< and+or ransformers ransformers are connected through a num*er of tie circuits for forming ming a loo#. In this configuration there are two routes which any #oint on a loo# feeder can receie #ower. he loo# is considered KO#enK when one of the series switches is o#en. See Figure 3.

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he Distri*ution System

Secondary Selectie System If two unit su*stations are connected through a normally o#en secondary tie circuit *rea>er< the result is a secondary selectie system. If the #rimary feeder or a transformer  fails< the main secondary circ circuit uit *rea>er on the affected transformer is o#ened and the tie circuit *rea>er closed. O#eration may *e manual or automatic. 0aintenance of #rimary feeders< transformers< and main secondary circuit *rea>ers is #ossi*le with only momentary #ower interru#tion or no interru#tion if the stations can *e o#erated in #arallel during switching. 'om#lete station maintenance will re/uire a shut down. Hith the loss of a #rimary circuit or transformer< the total su*station load can *e su##lied *y one transformer. o allow for this condition< one or a com*ination of the following features should *e considered.

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he Distri*ution System

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Selecting he System @oltage @oltage

"istribution #oltage #oltage In most facilities it is necessary to distri*ute #ower at a oltage higher than the utili6ation oltages. Hhen choosing a distri*ution oltage< the first oltage leel to consider should *e the incoming utility or generator oltage. If the utility su##lies a oltage in the range of 12H< and is to *e used in the oil industry< it is usual #ractice to use a gas tur*ine as the driing machine also called the #rime moer. $elow 1555 >H a diesel engine is normally #referred< usually *ecause it is an emergency generator generator running on diesel oil fuel.  


Diesel Generators

On 0any offshore smaller facilities it is also common to see gas fuelled reci#rocating engine #rime moer for #ower demands *elow 15550H Design Guide 1 ( 7ey Study 0odules


Gas ur*ine Generators I#gru## ngineering

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/ui#ment Selection /ui#ment Si6ing & Selection

he Gas ur*ine Generator    Prime #ower generation in remote Oil & Gas facilities are normally #roided using Diesel or Gas fuelled reci#rocating engine generator #ac>ages or gas ttur*ine ur*ine gen generators. erators.


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Diesel Generators

Gas ur*ine Generators I#gru## ngineering

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/ui#ment Selection /ui#ment Si6ing & Selection

he Gas ur*ine Generator 

Gas tur*ines can *e classified in seeral ways< common forms are(

? "ero(deriatie gas tur*ines.  

aaila*le in single unit form for #ower out#uts from a*out  0H u# to a*out 2% 0H. he hese se out#uts fall coneniently into the ty#ical #ower out#uts re/uired in the oil and gas #roductio #roduction n industry industryH is at least fie times the t he numerical alue of  the horse#ower of the largest motor< the oltage dro# will not *e greater than 1%L with the generator already loaded to %5 to -%L.

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/ui#ment Selection /ui#ment Si6ing & Selection

Selecting the Switchgear "ssem*ly  

Hhat needs to *e considered in selecting the generator(


ocation onshore+off onshore+offshore shore


Source of Fuel.


Power Demand





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/ui#ment Selection /ui#ment Si6ing & Selection



/ui#ment Selections 1. Generators 2. ransformers 3. 'a*les & 'a*le Su##ort !. Switchgear Systems %. lectric 0o 0otors ). ighting Systems

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/ui#ment Selection /ui#ment Si6ing & Selection



/ui#ment Selections 1. Generators 2. ransformers 3. 'a*les & 'a*le Su##ort !. Switchgear Systems %. lectric 0o 0otors ). ighting Systems

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/ui#ment Selection /ui#ment Si6ing & Selection



/ui#ment Selections 1. Generators 2. ransformers 3. 'a*les & 'a*le Su##ort !. Switchgear Systems %. lectric 0o 0otors ). ighting Systems

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Deelo#ing he 7ey One(ine Diagram Contents


/ui#ment Selections 1. Generators 2. ransformers 3. 'a*les & 'a*le Su##ort !. Switchgear Systems %. lectric 0o 0otors ). ighting Systems

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Deelo#ing he 7ey One(ine Diagram Contents


Oerall One(ineDiagram

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Deelo#ing he 7ey One(ine Diagram Contents


Oerall One(ineDiagram

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Deelo#ing he 7ey One(ine Diagram Contents


Oerall One(ineDiagram

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Performing Systems Studies Contents


Perform System Studies 1. and 'alculation 2. Software ools

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Selecting Protectie Deices Contents


Selecting Pr Protectie De Deices


Grounding Systems


a6ardous "reas


Stand(*y Power Systems

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Grounding Systems Contents


Grounding Systems


a6ardous "reas


Stand(*y Power Systems

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a6ardous ocation Contents


a6ardous "reas

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Stand($y Power Systems Contents


Stand(*y Power Systems

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lectrical Design Process Summary Oeriew

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lectrical Design Process E Phase Deliera*les

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a6ards of lectricity ?

:is>+ffects of Shoc>


he effects de#end on the current not the oltage< and the worst damage occurs along its #ath from the entry to the e=it #oint. 'auses of immediate death are entricular fi*rillation fi*rillation   and #aralysis of the *rainJs *reathing centre or of the heart

?  "dhering strictly to a##lica*le a##lica*le International design codes and regulations hel# to reduce the ris> of this ha6ard

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(ypical )ody response to Current

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 "rc Flash

?'urrent flowing through the air  ?Produces tem#eratures a*oe 3%s ?$lue $oo> is I Std 151%(255) ?$ron6e $oo> is I Std -34(144% ?$rown $oo> is I Std 344(144?$uff $oo> is I Std 2!2(2551  ?merald $oo> is I Std 1155(255% ?Gold $oo> is I Std !43(255?Gray $oo> is I Std 2!1(1445 ?Green $oo> is I Std 1!2(255?Orange $oo> is I Std !!)(144% ?:ed $oo> is I Std 1!1(1443  ?Hhite $oo> is I Std )52(255-   ?@iolet $oo> is I Std %%1(255) ?Mellow $oo> is I Std 452(144  


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General Design 'onsiderations

?'oordination with other engineering disci#lines Process,Pipi Process,Piping, ng, Structural 

?Plant O#erating 'onsiderations  Onshore+Offshore Onshore+Offshore(:emote(Plant (:emote(Plant ?Green Field+$rown Field Facility

?Plant 0aintenance 'onsiderations "ccessi*ility< $y(Pass $y(Pass & redundancy

?conomic 'onsiderations 'ost of /ui#ment Failure+ Start(,# St art(,# 'ost

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7ey Study 0odules 'ha#ter 2

Electrical Load List "eelopment

Power Supply and "istribution Selection *ne-Line "iagram "eelopment

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lectrical oad(ist Deelo#ment

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lectrical oad(ist Deelo#ment

Process :e/uirements ,tility :e/uirements lectrical 'ode+Safety S#ecific :e/uirements

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lectrical oad(ist Deelo#ment

 P & ID  

  PUMP CALCULAT CAL CULATIO ION N SHEET SHEET C ient Project Calc N o N am ame e Date Equipment Number


By Chk'd By A pp'd By (e (e< <

Fire Hater Pum#



4th- an-!00" Service

Wate Wat er  Duty   1 x 100% P#$%&CA P(OP)(*&)% +l,id *emperat,re * / a   30 C   40.0 C 1i2co2ity 3*   0.797 cP Den2ity Den2 ity 3*   996 k5 m6 1apo,r Pre22,re 3ma *   4.247 kPaa PU/P %P)C&+&CA*&ON 1ol,me 1ol ,metric tric +lo7rate +l o7rate   114 m65 h De2in De2 in /arin / arin +lo7   10.0 8 De2in +lo7rate 9!: m65 h P,mp *ype Centri;,al P,mp Centre  ine )le:4 m   1058.7 kPaa Di2c i2chare i? i?,id e e< =.!:9 k

A 22,med


Electrical Load-List "eelopment

Rule * (.umb: 7atc.ing Load +P to 7otor +p Drien machine #ower rating >H ,# to 1% 1) to %% %) and a*oe

0argin of motor rating a*oe the machine rating multi#lier  1.2% 1.1% 1.15

Select 07P(8$.W) motor as our load 

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lectrical oad(ist Deelo#ment

Select 9or Arial 5ighting 

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Plot Plan I#gru## ngineering


Power Su##ly & Distri*ution Selection

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Power Su##ly & Distri*ution S#ecification

Power Distri*ution y#es @oltage Selection

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:adial Distri*ution Systems

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Primary Selectie Distri*ution Systems

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Secondary Selectie Distri*ution Systems

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9etwor> Distri*ution Systems

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@oltage Selection ?,sually !5M+2-- or !1%M+2!5 de#ending on 9ational #reference ?Industrial loads normally su##lied through 3#hase !5+!1%@ ?ighting and low demand domestic loads would *e su##lied through the t he Phase Eto( 9eutral Single #hase System 2--+2!5 ?Further @oltage reduction to 25M+125@ is also em#loyed in some 'ountries to su##ly ight+domestic loads

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@oltage Selection ?,sually !ey y in#ut document re/uired deelo# singlecircuit line diagrams along withtoderied feeder #rotectie deices. ?One drawing can ty#ically *e #roduced to de#ict 8ust a few deices in sim#le “load –to – feeder”  re#resentation  re#resentation or u# to hundreds of deices as re/uired to ca#ture whole sections of the distri*ution networ>. ?:e/uires the engineers to hae good >nowledge of standards gra#hical sym*ols

used to re#resent #ower circuit com#onents Design Guide 1 ( 7ey Study 0odules www.I#gru##.com   www.I#gru##.com 

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One(ine Diagram Deelo#ment

?y#ical Gra#hical Sym*ols em#loyed ?9aturally the #reliminary load list is a >ey in#ut document re/uired to deelo# single line diagrams along with deried feeder circuit #rotectie deices. ?One drawing can ty#ically *e #roduced to de#ict 8ust a few deices in sim#le load Eto E feeder re#resentation or u# to hundreds of deices as re/uired to ca#ture whole sections of the distri*ution networ>. ?:e/uires the engineers to hae good >nowledge of standards gra#hical sym*ols used to re#resent #ower circuit com#onents

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Deelo# Preliminary Single ine Diagram

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/ui#ment Selection< Si6ing and S#ecification

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/ui#ment Si6ing+Selection


Feeder 'a*les ransformers

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he ma8ority of the electrical loads within the #rocess areas of a Oil & Gas #lant are motors. 'orrect si6ing of these e/ui#ment to match the load is essential stage of the electrical design. :ecall earlier e=am#le of fire water #um#

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Seeral other factors< Standards and electrical 'ode re/uirements need to *e ta>en into consideration #rior to selecting the motor for your a##lication  "rticle !35.! Part winding 0otors 0otors  "rticle !35.- 0ar>ings on 0otors 0otors  

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System Studies

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System Studies

Short 'ircuit "nalysis oad Flow & @oltage Dro# Protectie :elay 'oordination armonic "nalysis

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 "rc Flash

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General Information

his training guide was deelo#ed *y I#gru## ngineering. n gineering. Information contained in this guide is su*8ect to change without notice and I#gru## ngineering assumes no res#onsi*ility for any damages resulting from use of the information contained herein. he Information contained in this training guide is #rotected under the Federal :e#u*lic of 9igeria co#yright laws and may not *e re#roduced in whole or in #art without written consent *y I#gru## ngineering he class #artici#ant< *y acce#ting this manual< agrees to the conditions listed on this #age

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Design of lectrical Systems For the Oil & Gas Industry

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