1) Period of infinite continuous fourier series == ? a. N b. N+M c. infinite d. 2*pi/n 2) ROC converes if po!es and "eros !ie inside == ? a. Oriion b. #=1 $) %&ic& 'odu!ation &as &i&er data rates == ? a. f' b. a' c. qam d. (ps ) n ,- sste' is c&aracteri"ed b == ? a. Impulse input b. tep input 0) -ransfer function is == ? a. Mat&e'atica! 'ode! b. ste' it& no p&sica! structure c. Can be ca!cu!ated t&rou& differentia! e(uations ) f ROC 3Reion of converence) does not inc!ude unit circ!e t&en == ? a. 4ourier transfor' converes b. #5transfor' converes c. 6ar!e transfor' converes 7) 4astest ac&ievab!e Response it&out overs&ootin == ? a. under da'ped b. overda'ped c. critica!! da'ped 8) f " transfor' !ies in ROC t&en == ? 9. ste' is stab!e :. nverse of sste' is stab!e C. :ot& sste' and its inverse are unstab!e ;. :ot& sste' and its inverse are stab!e 1 b. >da'pin ratio@1 c. da'pin ratio =1 d. da'pin ratio = 1) %e bui!t contro! sste's for AAAAAAA == ? a. re'ote contro!B b. stabi!itB c. overco'indisturbancesB d. 9!! of above 11) -&e ;: cateor of 9M sste' is enera!! used in AAAAAAAAAAA == ? a. Osci!!ator b. Co!or 11) infor'ation - c. Osci!!oscope 12) %&ic& is used to prevent poer astae on D AAAAAAA == ? a. 4;M b. : c. ;: 1$) f ROC does not !ie inside unit circ!eB t&en == ? 1) 44- converes 2) #5-ransfro' converes $) #5 -ransfor' ;iveres 1) -&e contro! sste' is used for == ? 10) -o decrease t&e poer in contro! sste' e use == ? 1) %&at i!! be t&e sa'p!in fre(uenc t&at revea!s t&e sa'e sa'p!ed sina! == ? 17) " transfor' is used &en t&e sste' is not == ? 18) 4or a ,- sste' sste' if a!! t&e "eroes and po!es are inside t&e u nit circ!e t&en == ? 1hen the current in the light bulb decreases by 2, its power decreases by a. 0 b. 2 c. 9 d. 0/ Ans: a 0. *he fact that a conductor carries more current on the surface as compared to core is known as: a. %aradayBs effect b. AmpereBs =ffect c. corona d. kin effect Ans: d
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