Electrical Interview Questions Part 14
March 13, 2017 | Author: Veera Ragavan | Category: N/A
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Electrical Interview questions Part 14 Electrical interview question:How do you select a cable size (Cu & Al) for a particular load? Answer:At first calculate the electrical current of the load, after that derate the electrical current considering derating factor(depending on site condition and laying of cable) after choose the cable size from cable catalog considering derating electrical current.After that measure the length of cable required from supply point of load to load poin. Calculate the voltage drop which will max 3% (resistance and reactance of cable found from cable catalog of selecting cable) if voltage drop>3% then choose next higher size of cable. Electrical interview question:What are HRC fuses and where it is used? Answer:HRC stand for "high rupturing capacity" fuse and it is used in distribution system for electrical transformers. Electrical interview question:Which power plant has high load factor? Answer:All base load power plants have a high load factor. If we use high efficiency power plants to supply the base load,we can reduce the cost of generation.Hydel power plants have a higher efficiency than thermal & nuclear power plants. Electrical interview question:Mention the methods for starting an induction motor? Answer:The different methods of starting an induction motor DOL:direct online starter Star delta starter Auto transformer starter Resistance starter Series reactor starter Electrical interview question:What is the difference between earth resistance and earth electrode resistance? Answer:Only one of the terminals is evident in the earth resistance. In order to find the second terminal we should recourse to its definition: Earth Resistance is the resistance existing between the electrically accessible part of a buried electrode and another point of the earth, which is far away. The resistance of the electrode has the following components: (A) the resistance of the metal and that of the connection to it. (B) the contact resistance of the surrounding earth to the electrode. Electrical interview question:What is use of lockout relay in ht voltage? Answer:A lock-out relay is generally placed in line before or after the e-stop switch so the power can be shut off at one central location. This relay is powered by the same electrical source as the control power and is operated by a key lock switch. The relay itself may have up to 24 contact points within the unit itself. This allows the control power for multiple machines to be locked out by the turn of a single key switch.
Electrical interview question:What is the power factor of an alternator at no load? Answer:At no load Synchronous Impedance of the alternator is responsible for creating angle difference. So it should be zero lagging like inductor.
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What is electromagnetic induction? It is the phenomenon where an electromotive force is produced by introducing a changing magnetic field to a conductor or by moving a conductor in a magnetic field How does a diode work? Diodes are two-terminal semiconductors that allow energy flow in one direction only. What are the semiconductors used transistors? Germanium, silicon, silicon carbide, gallium arsenide What is CMOS? What are its advantages? CMOS is Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Its advantages are increased noise immunity, decreased power consumption, less heat wastages. Do you have product design experience? This is a general question for most engineers where the interviewer tries to find some spots in your answer to question you back. It is to evaluate your knowledge in the design work done by you. What is Meissner effect? It is the phenomenon of a magnetic field being expelled from a superconductor. Explain superconductivity with examples. Superconductivity is a phenomenon where the conducting material shows zero resistivity and exhibits meissner effect. Superconductivity is observed at very low temperatures. The temperature below which a material exhibits superconductivity is called the critical temperature. Cuprate superconductors have found to show the property up to 92K. Mercury based cuprate superconductors show the property up to 130K. How many joules is 1 electronvolt? 1 eV is 1.602176*(10^-19) joules How is a megawatt electrical different from a thermal megawatt? Megawatt electrical (MWe) indicates the electrical power generated, whereas thermal megawatt (MWt) indicates the thermal power generated. What is a vacuum circuit breaker? A vacuum circuit breaker is an automated switch that is used in protecting a circuit in case of overload. It interrupts current by using a vacuum container to create an arc and breaking it as a result of increase in dielectric strength. What is power factor? Power factor is the ratio of working power to apparent power. What s renewable energy? List some renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is the energy generated by using naturally restorable resources. Some renewable energy sources include solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energy. Biofuels produced from biomass is also classified as a renewable energy source. Explain the functioning of a solar cell. A solar cell converts energy from sunlight to electrical energy. The underlying principle
is the photovoltaic effect. Solar cells are made using silicon crystals or silicon thin film wafers. Explain your team leading or team playing experience. Team leading or team playing experience is a major requirement in power generation plants. People as a part of a team in a power plant get major opportunities to learn in detail the operation and maintenance procedures. A team experience is a positive factor for recruiters.
Electrical job Questions:Thermal Power Plant (Set 1) What are the main circuits in the Thermal Power Plant? Answer:Thermal Power plant consists of four main circuits, they are: • • • •
Feed water and steam flow circuit Coal and ash circuit Air and gas circuit Cooling water circuit
Steam power plant works on which cycle? Answer: Steam power plant works on the principle of Rankine Cycle What is the Thermal efficiency of steam power plant? Answer: Thermal efficiency of steam power plant is defined as the ratio of heat equivalent of mechanical energy transmitted to the turbine shaft to the heat of combustion. Generally Thermal efficiency of the steam power plant will be in the range of 30-35% What is the overall efficiency of the Thermal Power Plant or Steam Power Plant? Answer: Overall efficiency of the system is defined as the ratio of heat equivalent of electrical output to the heat of combustion. Generally Overall efficiency of the steam plant will always be less than the thermal efficiency of the steam plant, it will be of the order of 29-33% Overall efficiency of steam plant is determined by multiplying the thermal efficiency of the plant with efficiency of the generator (electrical efficiency) Why the Thermal efficiency of the steam power plant is quite low? Answer: In Steam power station, more than 50% of the total heat of combustion is lost as heat rejected to the condenser and the loss is unavoidable as the heat energy
cannot be converted in to mechanical energy with out a drop in temperature. Steam in the condenser is at lowest temperature. This is the reason that the thermal efficiency of the power plant is quite low. On what factors efficiency (thermal) of the steam plant depends? Answer: Efficiency of the thermal plant depends on three factors, they are 1. pressure of steam entering the turbine 2. temperature of the steam entering the turbine 3. pressure in the condenser Thermal efficiency increases with increase in temperature and pressure of the steam entering the turbine. For this reason high temperature and pressure are used. Thermal efficiency is effectively increased by decreasing the pressure in the condenser, so pressure in the condenser is kept as low as possible. Thermal efficiency also increases by reheating the steam between turbine stages
Why Generation Voltage in Power Plant is Low (11kV to 33kV) ? Answer: In Electrical Generation plants, the generation voltage will be in the range between 11kV and 33kV. Generator designers wishes to generate the electricity at high voltages as possible to limit the stator current required to achieve the desired output. But certain technical and economical problems will arise which results in designing the generator for particular voltage and current ratings. •
Low voltage generation for particular power level (say 500MW) requires large size of the stator conductors as huge currents flow through the stator because of low voltage. ( Any current carrying conductor size is decided by the amount of current flowing through the conductors). Thereby increase in the cost and size of the machine takes place.
On the other hand, increase of the machine voltage significantly beyond the minimum necessary value results in more insulation required on the generator stator windings, thus increasing its size and cost.
Therefore an optimum value of Voltage and Current values are attained for designing the generator considering the cost and size factors of the generator. Example: 660 MW generation plant usually operate at 23.5 kV with line currents of about 19 000 A at 0.85 power factor.
Interview questions for electrical maintenance? Describe the electrical systems you have worked on and how did you get your training? 2. What is your experience with electrical schematics? 3. What is your experience with ladder logic? 4. Describe the malfunctions you have experienced with PLC hardware? 5. Describe a tough electrical troubleshooting problem you have experienced, and briefly explain the steps you used to solve the problem. 6. What is the difference between a digital signal and an analog signal? 7. How often do you use a personal computer in a typical day? What do you do with it? 8. Describe a process problem you have experienced and how did you solve it? 9. Give an example of a tough loop you had to tune. What were the problems? And how did you solve them? 10. What brands of VFD's are you familiar with. 11. Describe some of the malfunctions associated with VFD's, and give an example of a tough VFD problem you had to solve. 12a. Using Ladder logic, write a program that will START and STOP a motor with momentary START and STOP push buttons. (Provide a sheet of paper) 12b. Add ladder logic that will turn the motor OFF after running for two minutes. 13. Describe the steps you take to troubleshoot a 3 phase, 480 volt motor that continually trips the heaters. 14a. Why is the earth pin in a 3-pin plug the longest and the thickest? 14b. Explain the purpose of grounding. 15. Describe a control panel you wired, designed, or modified. What was the purpose of the panel and state each component you used. 16. Describe the difference between a sourcing input and a sinking input. 17. Why do you want this job?
Electrical Engineering Interview Questions (Power System) Electrical Design Engineering, Hydro Power, Thermal Power Station Questions, Switchyard 220kV/ 400kV/ 765 kV, Substation Questions 1. HTC Interview: (as told by RS) 1. Preparation of DPR, How dimension are made for generator. 2. Favorite BOP item. 3. Ring / Bus topography in SCADA 4. SCR and its value ? 5. What to specify in Generator Transformer tender ? 6. Transformer Losses Penalty ? 7. Specifications (415 Switchgear) 8. What u did in different projects? 9. Tell about your current Team in Company. 10. How work is done (Special Team or Project wise) in your company ?
11. Expected Package ? 12. Why HTC? 13. How u come to know us? 14. Why in short span of time, you post your cv on website? 15. About tender floating process ? 16. What was your involvement during pre-bid meeting etc. 2. Voith (Telephonic Interview as told by RS) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Tell me about vector group Ynd11 what it’s technical mean ? Protection of GT ? Differential and REF. Ratio of REF CT ? Why single phase transformer is used ?
3. Alstom (As told by RS, UP) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
SLD – Any Hydro Electric Plant. Schemes of Bas bars – CBIP : Main and Transfer BB Explanation SS Equipments LA Rating Why less than rated V ? : Fault level 40 kA, Current rating Breaker : Types and ratings — CBIP Disconnector Switch / Isolator Post Insulator Civil
9. Clearances for different Voltages -
Earth 1. Layout of switchyard 2. Auto-Transformer: Function and why used ? 3. Transformer specification / Datasheet
Tx. Protection
Transformer Oil Functions : Cooling, Insulation between Windings
Tea Break (Upto this 1hr) 1. What u have done…Tell. 2. Earthing : Start IEE-80, IS 3043, CBIP. -
By flow chart of IEEE 80
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