Electoral Reforms 2

February 9, 2019 | Author: Nandini Tarway | Category: Elections, Electoral College (United States), Democracy, Accountability, Group Decision Making
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ELECTORAL REFORM Guided by: Mr. Kishore Dere



Firstly, I would like to e!ress "y !ro#ou$d se$se o# %r&titude tow&rds the &l"i%hty #or   !ro'idi$% "e with the &uthe$ti( (ir(u"st&$(es whi(h were "&$d&tory #or the (o"!letio$ o#  "y !ro)e(t. I #eel "ysel# hi%hly deli%hted, &s it %i'es "e i$(redible !le&sure to !rese$t &$ &ssi%$"e$t work o$ *ELECTORAL REFORM+. I would like to e$li%hte$ "y re&ders re%&rdi$% this to!i( &$d I ho!e I h&'e tried "y best to  !&'e the w&y #or bri$%i$% "ore lu"i$osity to this to!i(. I &" %r&te#ul to "y -e<h L&w Te&(her Mr. Kishore Dere who h&s hel!ed "e to 'e$ture this  !ro)e(t &s well &s the libr&ry o# F&(ulty o# L&w, &"i& Milli& Isl&"i&. I would like to th&$k &ll (o$(er$ #or their i$terest i$ !ro'idi$% "e & %ood b&(k u! "&teri&l.

/idur Dwi'edi 0.A.LL.0 1-o$s2 3 th +e"ester  4th 5e&r 

 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6. Abstr&(t 7. 0iblio%r&!hy

I$di& h&s the disti$(tio$ o# bei$% the l&r%est de"o(r&(y o# the world. Ele(tio$s &re the "ost i"!ort&$t &$d i$te%r&l !&rt o# !oliti(s i$ & de"o(r&ti( syste" o# %o'er$&$(e. 8hile !oliti(s is

the &rt &$d !r&(ti(e o# de&li$% with !oliti(&l !ower, ele(tio$ is & !ro(ess o# le%iti"i9&tio$ o#  su(h !ower. De"o(r&(y (&$ i$deed #u$(tio$ o$ly u!o$ this #&ith th&t ele(tio$s &re #ree &$d #&ir &$d $ot ri%%ed &$d "&$i!ul&ted, th&t they &re e##e(ti'e i$stru"e$ts o# &s(ert&i$i$%  !o!ul&r will both i$ re&lity &$d i$ #or" &$d &re $ot "ere ritu&ls (&l(ul&ted to %e$er&te illusio$ o# di##ere$(e to "&ss o!i$io$, it (&$$ot sur'i'e without #ree &$d #&ir ele(tio$s. The ele(tio$ &t  !rese$t &re $ot bei$% hold i$ ide&l (o$ditio$s be(&use o# the e$or"ous &"ou$t o# "o$ey reuired to be s!e$t &$d l&r%e "us(le !ower $eeded #or wi$$i$% the ele(tio$s. 8hile the #irst three %e$er&l ele(tio$s 163;7. ?o su(h e'e$ts were re!orted till the #ourth %e$er&l ele(tio$. O'er the ye&rs, I$di&$ ele(tor&l syste" su##ers #ro" serious i$#ir"ities. The ele(tio$ !ro(ess i$ our (ou$try is the !ro%e$itor o# !oliti(&l (orru!tio$. The distortio$ i$ its worki$% &!!e&red #or the #irst ti"e i$ the #i#th %e$er&l ele(tio$s, 63>6. A$d "ulti!lied i$ the su((essi'e ele(tio$s es!e(i&lly those held i$ ei%hties &$d there&#ter. +o"e o# the (&$did&te &$d !&rties !&rti(i!&te i$ the !ro(ess o# ele(tio$s to wi$ the" &t &ll (osts, irres!e(ti'e o# "or&l '&lues. The ide&l (o$ditio$s reuire th&t &$ ho$est, &$d u!ri%ht  !erso$ who is !ubli( s!irited &$d w&$ts to ser'e the !eo!le, should be &ble to (o$test &$d %et ele(ted &s !eo!le s re!rese$t&ti'es. 0ut i$ &(tu&l #&(t, su(h & !erso$ &s &#ores&id h&s $o ‟

(h&$(e o# either (o$testi$% or i$ &$y (&se wi$$i$% the ele(tio$. Free &$d #&ir ele(tio$s &re esse$ti&l i$ & he<hy de"o(r&(y. It is &$ esse$ti&l (o$ditio$ #or the su((ess o# de"o(r&(y th&t !eo!le "&i$t&i$ their &lle%i&$(e tow&rds the de"o(r&ti( i$stitutio$s b&sed o$ rule o# l&w. The "ore the ele(tio$s &re #ree &$d #&ir, the stro$%er the &lle%i&$(e the !eo!le will h&'e tow&rds de"o(r&ti( i$stitutio$s. Co$tr&ry to this, i# the ele(tio$s &re$@t #ree &$d #&ir, the !eo!le will $ot h&'e #&ith i$ de"o(r&(y. I$deed, the b&ttles o# b&llots h&'e bee$ tur$ed i$to b&ttles o# bullets. O$ the ele(tio$ d&ys  booths &re (&!tured, !olli$% &%e$ts &tt&(ked &$d bo"bs throw$ to !re'e$t we&ker se(tio$s #ro" e'er wisi$% their #r&$(hise.


There h&s bee$ & %re&t de&l o# !oliti(&l i$st&bility duri$% the l&st de(&des. The result h&s bee$ u$st&ble &d"i$istr&tio$ &$d u$st&ble !oli(ies, the h&ll"&rk o# "i$ority %o'er$"e$ts. The re&so$s &re $ot #&r to seek. The 8est"i$ster Model &do!ted by us, works "&i$ly o$ the b&sis o# & li"ited $u"ber o# !oliti(&l !&rties. I$ the $ited Ki$%do", there &re o$ly two "&)or   !oliti(&l !&rties. Co$tr&rily i$ I$di&, !oliti(is&tio$ &t %rou$d le'el (ou!led with & hi%hly #r&%"e$ted so(iety, h&s %i'e$ rise to & "ulti!li(ity o# !oliti(&l !&rties. E&(h o$e o# these eists $ot o$ & di##ere$t ideolo%y or e(o$o"i( !ro%r&""e, but o$ the b&sis o# h&'i$% $ursed & $&rrow !&ro(hi&l, "ostly (&ste or reli%io$ b&sed, ide$tity #or itsel# &$d its b&$d o# #ollowers. E'e$ this su!!ort is usu&lly e&r$ed $ot by doi$% so"e (o$stru(ti'e work #or the (o$(er$ed %rou! but $e%&ti'ely by b&d4 &$d "&ki$% u$&uthori9ed e!e$diture &$ o##e$(e. 66. There should be &!!oi$t"e$t o# &deu&te $u"ber o# &d
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