Eldar Codex v.3
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Contents Page Page 3 – Eldar Special Rules Page 4 – Army List – HQ Page 14 – Army List – Elites Page 22 – Army List – Troops Page 27 – Army List – Dedicated Transport Page 28 – Army List – Fast Attack Page 33 – Army List – Heavy Support Page 39 –Eldar Ranged Weaponry Page 40 –Eldar Ranged Weaponry: Aspect Warrior Temples Page 41 –Farseer Psychic Powers Page 42 – Warlock Psychic Powers and Paths of the Seer Page 43 – Wargear of the Witch Path Page 44 – Armoury – Eldar Close Combat Weapons Page 46 – Armoury – Eldar Wargear Page 48 – Armoury – Eldar Vehicle Armoury Page 49 – Autarch Powers Page 50 – Acknowledgments Page 51 – Legal Stuff
Eldar Special Rules The following are special rules or abilties unique to the Eldar army, any other special rules are listed alongside their relevant unit entry (in the case of rules that apply to a specific unit)or in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
Eldar Fleet: Any unit with the Eldar Fleet special rule may move 2D6” (selecting the highest) in the assault phase instead of performing a normal assault move. This movement may be made in any direction – therefore not neccaserily into close combat – and follows all the usual movement and assault restrictions; therefore they may not perform this move after firing a heavy weapon, after disembarking from a transport or after deepstriking etc. This movement is slowed by difficult terrain by reducing the number of D6 rolled from 2D6 to a single D6, unless the unit possesses the Move Through Cover special rule. Furthermore, all units with the Eldar Fleet special rule also benefit from the Fleet special rule, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Note: this is made instead of an assault movement, not in addition to; therefore the maximum distance that can be moved in the assault phase via Eldar Fleet – unless specified otherwise – is 6”.
Exarch Powers: Exarch powers only affect the Exarch (or Phoenix Lord) and their unit (or a unit of their ‘disciples’), including any Autarch (including Prince Yriel) that may have joined that unit. These abilities happen automatically and do need to pass a test, but are lost if the Exarch is removed from the squad.
Wraithsight: If a unit has the Wraithsight special rule, each turn roll a D6, on a roll of one, that unit may not move, shoot or assault that turn. Furthermore, in assault they are automatically hit and strike at Initiative 1 and WS1. If the D6 rolls any other result, Wraithsight has no effect on that turn. If there is an Eldar Psyker within 6” of the unit, or a Spiritseer within 12”, then the Wraithsight rule has no effect.
HQ Eldrad Ulthran, Farseer of Ulthwe WS Eldrad Ulthran 5 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Staff of Ulthamar*, Shuriken Pistol, Spirit Stones, Ghosthelm, Plasma Grenades, Rune Armour (confers a 3+ invulnerable save, included) Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Independent Character, Psyker, Divination*, The Crystal Seer* Psychic Powers: Amplify, Doom, Eldritch Storm, Fortune, Guide, Fog of War, Mind War
*Staff of Ulthamar The Staff of Ulthamar counts as a Witchblade. Furthermore, each game turn the owning player can opt for the Staff of Ulthamar to either ignore armour saves in close combat, or to allow Eldrad to cast an additional psychic power; therefore allowing him to cast three psychic powers per-turn. This third power may be the same as one already cast that turn.
BS 5
S 3
T 3
W 3
I 5
A 1
Ld 10
Sv 3+
*Divination An Eldar army that includes Eldrad Ulthran may re-roll the dice to decide which player deploys first.
*The Crystal Seer Eldrad counts as being equipped with the following runes: Rune of Scoring, Runes of Emanation, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Rune of Anaris, Rune of Immolation and Runes of Dawning.
HQ Athairiel Mornynnstar, Battleseer of Biel-tan WS Athairiel Morniynnstar 5 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Tempestiel Blades*, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Rune of Anaris, Rune of Immolation, Spirit Stones, Ghosthelm, Plasma Grenades, Rune Armour (included) Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Independent Character, Master Strategist, Psyker, Skein of Command*, Knowledge is Power* Psychic Powers: Mind War, Eldritch Storm, Guide, Amplify
*Tempestiel Blades The Tempestiel Blades are a pair of Witchblades (therefore conferring an additional attack) that on any to-wound roll of 5 or 6, that attack will ignore armour saves.
BS 5
S 3
T 3
W 3
I 5
A 3
Ld 10
Sv 4+
*Skein of Command Instead of casting Amplify or Guide upon a unit within range, these powers may instead be cast upon a unit including an Exarch, Warlock or HQ character. This may be done even if the unit is out of the usual range or not in line of sight, however a psychic test must be passed as usual. Note: Casting a power in this way counts as a psychic power for the purposes of casting up to two powers per turn (via Spirit Stones).
*Knowledge is Power If Athairiel is still alive at the time, the Eldar player may elect for the dice to be re-rolled to see if an additional turn is played.
HQ Prince Yriel, Autarch of Iyanden WS Prince Yriel 6 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Twilight Spear*, Eye of Wrath*, Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades, Autarch Armour, Shield of Asuryan* (included) Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Independent Character, Master Strategist, Ghost Warriors, Doomed*
*Doomed At the beginning of the owning players turn Yriel must take a strength test, if unsuccessful then Yriel must pass an invulnerable save (therefore on a 3+) or lose 1 point of Strength. If reduced to Str 0 then Yriel is removed from play, counting as a Kill Point if applicable.
BS 6
S 3
T 3
W 3
I 6
A 4
Ld 10
Sv 3+/3+
*Twilight Spear The Twilight Spear is a Singing Spear that ignores armour saves; furthermore any model that suffers an unsaved wound from the Twilight Spear must pass a strength test for each unsaved wound, or suffer instant death. Remember: A roll of 6 is always a failure.
*Eye of Wrath Each turn, Yriel may reduce a single model (of the Eldar player’s choice) in base contact by 1 point of strength for the duration of that turn. This has no effect on vehicles or walkers. Furthermore, the Eye of Wrath is a ranged weapon, that can be used once per game with the following profile: Range: Template – Strength: 6 – AP: 3. Assault 1.
*Shield of Asuryan This is a unique Forcefield that grants Yriel a 3+ invulnerable save and the effects of a Shimmershield; therefore granting any unit he is with a 5+ invulnerable save.
HQ Phoenix Lord
210pts (each)
WS Phoenix Lord 7 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
BS 7
S 4
T 4
W 3
I 7
A 4
Ld 10
Sv 3+/4+
Unit Type: Infantry (Baharroth is Jump Infantry)
All units included in the army that are noted as that Phoenix Lords disciples are Fearless. For example, ‘Disciples: Striking Scorpions’ means that all Striking Scorpion units in that army are Fearless.
Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Independent Character, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Disciples*, Phoenix Reborn*
*Phoenix Reborn
The Wargear and Individual Abilties of the Phoenix Lords are listed on the following pages; all Phoenix Lords also share the above profile and special rules, as well as benefitting from the Wargear and Special Rules listed in their individual entries. One of each Phoenix Lord may be included in an army, only ever occupying a single Force Organisation Chart slot (in total), although counting as separate Kill Points.
If a Phoenix Lord has its last wound removed, instead of removing the model from play, the player may lie it on its side. If an Exarch from a unit of that Phoenix Lords ‘disciples’ is placed in base-contact with the Phoenix Lord then replace the Exarch with the Phoenix Lord, who will return to play – counting as joined to that Exarch’s unit - with one wound remaining. The Phoenix Lord may act as normal after being ‘reborn’. A Phoenix Lord only contributes a kill point if they have 0 wounds remaining at the end of the game.
Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan Wargear: Wrist-mounted Avenger Shuriken Catapults (Counts as an Assault 4 Avenger Shuriken Catapult), Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades, Sword of Asur (A Diresword that may re-roll any failed to-wound roll and against which leadership tests must be taken on 3D6 when discerning instant death) Exarch Powers: Blade Storm & Defend Additional Special Rules: Battle Fate: (Asurmen and any Dire Avenger unit he has joined only have their armour save negated by weapons of lower (rather than equal) armour piercing; therefore AP4 has no effect. This only applies against ranged attacks) Disciples: Dire Avengers
Jain Zar, the Storm of Silence Wargear: Banshee Mask, Executioner, Haywire Grenades, The Silent Death (A Triskele that strikes at Strength 5) Exarch Powers: Warshout and Acrobatic Additional Special Rules: Hell Hath No Fury*, Scream that Steals: (Jain Zar and any Howling Banshee unit she has joined have the Furious Charge special rule) Disciples: Howling Banshees
Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind Wargear: Swooping Hawk Wings, Power Weapon, Haywire Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Swooping Hawks Grenade Pack, Hawk’s Claw (confers the following ranged profile; Range: 18” – Strength: 5 – AP: 5. Assault 6, Pinning) Exarch Powers: Intercept, Mark of Guilt Additional Special Rules: Furious Angels: (Baharroth and any Swooping Hawk unit he has joined do not scatter when arriving from Deepstrike and may perform a Skyleap even if in assault. If they do so, the enemy may consolidate 3”.) Disciples: Swooping Hawks
Karandras, the Shadow Hunter Wargear: Biting Blade, Scorpion’s Claw, Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades, The Scorpion’s Bite (Mandiblasters that confer 2 additional attacks, instead of the usual 1) Exarch Powers: Stalker, Hunters Additional Special Rules: Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, The Hidden Death: (Karandras and any Striking Scorpion unit he has joined may arrive from reserves by deep striking into area terrain. If they do so, they do not mishap, do not scatter and do not take a dangerous terrain test. Furthermore, if they do so they may assault on the turn they arrive, but may not run in the shooting phase. Alternatively, if arriving via outflank, Karandras and any Striking Scorpion unit he has joined may choose which board edge they arrive from). Disciples: Striking Scorpions
Fuegan, the Burning Lance Wargear: Crystalline Armour, Meltabombs, Plasma Grenades, Firepike, the Fire Axe (Power Weapon that confers +2 Strength and an additional D6 for armour penetration) Exarch Powers: Crack Shot, Tank Hunter Additional Special Rules: Colds Bane: (Fuegan and any Fire Dragon unit he has joined gain the Feel No Pain special rule) Disciples: Fire Dragons
Maugan Ra, the Harvester of Souls Wargear: Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades, The Maugetar (confers the following ranged profile: Range: 36” – Strength: 5 – AP: 4. Assault 6, Rending) Exarch Powers: Crack Shot, Fast Shot Additional Special Rules: The Touch of Death: (Enemy units that are forced to take a Leadership Test as a result of Maugan Ra’s (and any Dark Reaper unit’s he may have joined) shooting must do so with an additional -1 leadership modifier) Disciples: Dark Reapers
Kirahnna, The Lights Embrace Wargear: n Ra, the HarvKaelis, The Lights Embrace Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades, Warp Jump Generator, Fates Mercy (Power Weapon that grant D3 additional attacks), The Thread Splitter (confers the following ranged profile; Range: 12” – Strength: 5 – AP: -. Assault 5, n Ra, Monofilament) Rending, Exarch Powers: Hit and Run, Hunters Additional Special Rules: Veiled Assault: (Kirahnna and any unit of Warp Spiders she may have joined may re-roll the dice when performing their Warp Jump Generator move in the assault phase. Furthermore, any enemy unit that would count as in difficult terrain from their shooting instead counts as in dangerous terrain) Disciples: Warp Spiders
Tamarelle’Eve, The Fury of the Phoenix Wargear: Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades, Eldar Jetbike (with an under-slung Shuriken Cannon), Stars Touch (a Star Lance that acts as a Power Weapon in subsequent turns of close combat) Exarch Powers: Skilled Riders, Tank Hunters Additional Special Rules: Hit and Run, Burning Fist: (Tamarelle’Eve and any unit of Shining Spears he may have joined gain +2 (rather than the usual +1) attacks when they charge.) Disciples: Shining Spears
HQ Avatar of Khaine
WS Avatar 10 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Wargear: Wailing Doom* Special Rules: Fearless, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior Daemon*, Inspiring*, Molten Body*, God of War*
*Wailing Doom During the owning players shooting phase, the Eldar player may choose for the Avatar to gain an additional attack (lasting until the Avatar’s following shooting phase), or to benefit from one of the following ranged profiles: Range: 12” – Strength: 8 – AP: 1. Assault 1, Melta Range: 12” – Strength: 4 – AP: 4. Assault 1, Large Blast
BS 5
S 6
T 6
W 4
I 6
A 4
Ld 10
Sv 3+/4+
*Daemon The Avatar counts as a Daemon in regards to abilities that affect specifically Daemons, furthermore the Avatar benefits from a 4+ invulnerable save (included).
*Inspiring All Eldar units within 12” of the Avatar become Fearless.
*Molten Body The Avatar benefits from the Feel No Pain special rule (included), furthermore Melta weapons and flame/heat based template (not blast!) weapons cannot wound the Avatar; such as Flamers, Heavy Flamers, Flamestorm Cannons, Hellfire Cannons, Hand Flamers, Scorcha’s, Burna’s, Incinerators, Inferno Cannons, Dragon’s Breath Flamers etc.
*God of War An Avatar can re-roll any failed to-hit and to-wound roll during close combat, and benefits from the Eternal Warrior special rule (included).
HQ Farseer
WS Farseer 5 Unit Composition: 1 Farseer Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Ghosthelm, Plasma Grenades, Rune Armour (included) Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Independent Character, Psyker Options: MUST be equipped with one of the following Psychic Powers: Amplify Doom Eldritch Storm Fog of War Fortune Guide Mind War
BS 5
S 3
T 3
W 3
I 5
A 1
Ld 10
Sv 4+
Options: May replace His Witchblade with: Singing Spear - 3pts Power Weapon - 5pts Clarion Blade – 20pts May select any of the following: Rune of Scoring - 5pts Runes of Dawning – 10pts Runes of Witnessing - 10pts Runes of Emanation – 10pts Rune of Immolation - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Runes of Warding - 15pts Spirit Stones - 45pts May be upgraded to: Battleseer - 15pts Bone Singer - 20pts May be equipped with: Eldar Jetbike – 30pts The Farseer may be accompanied by a Warlock Seer Council (see overleaf) for 70pts, no longer counting as an independent character whilst any of the Warlocks in the unit are alive.
Warlock Seer Council
WS Warlock 4 Unit Composition: 2 Warlocks (& Farseer) Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Plasma Grenades, Rune Armour (included) Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Psyker Options: Each Warlock MUST be equipped with one of the following Psychic Powers: Embolden Destructor Assail Expedite Enhance Conceal
BS 4
S 3
T 3
W 1
I 4
A 2
Ld 9
Sv 4+
Options: May include up to 6 additional Warlocks: 35pts per model. Any Warlock may replace His Witchblade with: Singing Spear - 3pts Power Weapon - 5pts Any Warlock may be upgraded to: Spiritseer - 5pts Warseer - 15pts All Warlocks may be equipped with: Eldar Jetbike – 20pts (each) The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts Any Warlock may be equipped with any of the following: Rune of Enlightenment - 5pts Rune of Scoring - 5pts Siren Mirror - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Warlocks can only be equipped with an Eldar Jetbike if the Farseer they accompany is also mounted upon a Jetbike.
HQ Autarch
WS Autarch 6 Unit Composition: 1 Autarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Grenades, Force Shield (included), Autarch Armour Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Independent Character, Master Strategist Options: May be equipped with one of the following: Swooping Hawk Wings - 15pts Warp Jump Generator - 20pts Eldar Jetbike – 30pts A single Autarch may replace Master Strategist with one of the following special rules: The Swordwind Swift Strike Shadows and Dust Seer Strike Force Ghost Warriors Armoured Consort
BS 6
S 3
T 3
W 3
I 6
A 3
Ld 10
Sv 3+/4+
Options: May be equipped with one of the following: Mandiblasters - 5pts Banshee Mask - 7pts Crystalline Armour – 10pts May replace his Shuriken Pistol with: Avenger Shuriken Catapult - 2pts Dragon’s Breath Flamer - 5pts Triskele - 5pts Neuro-Disruptor - 15pts D-Pistol - 10pts Firepike - 10pts Fusion Pistol - 10pts Reaper Launcher - 15pts May replace his Close Combat Weapon with: Power Weapon - 10pts Biting Blade - 10pts Diresword - 15pts Broadblades – 15pts Executioner - 20pts Vibro-Spear - 20pts Disruption Blade - 20pts May be equipped with any of the following: Haywire Grenades - 5pts Tanglefoot Grenades - 10pts Laser Flare - 10pts Solar Flare – 10pts Shimmershield – 10pts If mounted on an Eldar Jetbike, may replace their Close Combat Weapon with: Laser Lance - 15pts
Elites Striking Scorpions Striking Scorpion Striking Scorpion Exarch
WS 4 5
Unit Composition: 4 Striking Scorpions & Striking Scorpion Exarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Scorpion Chainsword, Shuriken Pistol, Plasma Grenades, Mandiblasters, Heavy Aspect Warrior Armour Special Rules: Fleet, Infiltrate, Move through Cover Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) Options: The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
Exarch Powers – Striking Scorpions Shadowstrike: The Exarch and the unit benefit from the Stealth special rule. Hunter: All wounds caused by the Exarch that phase may be allocated by the Exarch to models who have the same stat line within that enemy unit. This applies to both shooting and close combat. For example, if the exarch inflicts any wounds upon a Necron Warrior unit led by a Cryptek and Necron Overlord, these wounds may all be allocated to the Warriors, or the Cryptek, or the Overlord.
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Options: May include up to 5 additional Striking Scorpions: 16pts per model. The Exarch may replace his Shuriken Pistol with: Scorpions Claw – 15pts The Exarch may replace his Scorpion Chainsword with: Biting Blade – 10pts The Exarch may replace his Scorpion Chainsword and Shuriken Pistol with: Chain Sabres – 5pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Shadowstrike – 10pts Hunter – 10pts
Sv 3+ 3+
Elites Howling Banshees
WS Howling Banshee 4 Howling Banshee Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 4 Howling Banshees & Howling Banshee Exarch Unit Type: Infantry
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Options: May include up to 5 additional Howling Banshees: 16pts per model.
Wargear: Power Weapon, Shuriken Pistol, Banshee Mask, Aspect Warrior Armour
The Exarch may replace her Shuriken Pistol and Power Weapon with: Mirrorswords– 10pts Executioner – 10pts
Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Hell Hath No Fury*
The Exarch may replace her Shuriken Pistol with: Triskele – 5pts
Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost)
Options: The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
*Hell Hath No Fury Howling Banshees inflict -1Ld and -1WS against any enemy unit the Howling Banshees charge. This lasts for the duration of the Eldar players turn and may only stack with leadership modifiers caused by combat resolution.
Sv 4+ 3+
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Warshout – 5pts Acrobatic – 15pts
Exarch Powers – Howling Banshees War Shout: On the turn that the Howling Banshees charge, any enemy units in combat with them must pass a leadership test or be reduced to WS1 for the duration of that assault phase. Note: This leadership test would be taken at -1Ld due to Hell Hath No Fury Acrobatic: This unit may assault from a vehicle that has moved at Cruising Speed or less. However, if they do so this unit may only assault 2D6” "(selecting the highest), rather than the usual 6”.
Elites Fire Dragons
WS Fire Dragon 4 Fire Dragon Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 4 Fire Dragons & Fire Dragon Exarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Fusion Gun, Melta Bombs, Aspect Warrior Armour Special Rules: Eldar Fleet Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) Options: The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
A single unit of Fire Dragons in the army may be upgraded to Crystal Dragons for free, replacing their Fusion Gun with a Flamer and gaining Crystalline Armour
Exarch Powers – Fire Dragons Tank Hunters: The Exarch and his unit benefits from the Tank Hunters special rule. Crack Shot: The Exarch may re-roll any failed to-wound roll and ignores cover saves when shooting.
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Options: May include up to 5 additional Fire Dragons: 16pts per model. The Exarch may replace his Fusion Gun with: Dragon’s Breath Flamer – Free Firepike – 10pts The Exarch may select: Power Weapon – 10pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Crack Shot – 5pts Tank Hunters – 10pts
Sv 4+ 3+
Elites Sundering Sentinels
WS Sundering Sentinel 4 Sundering Sentinel Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 2 Sundering Sentinels & Sundering Sentinel Exarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Hip-Cannon, Slicing Orbs*, Linked Plate Armour* Special Rules: Fleet Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) Options: The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
Exarch Powers – Sundering Sentinels Shuriken Shower: The Exarch and his unit may opt to fire their Shuriken Hip-Cannons as Heavy 5, instead of Assault 4, for the duration of that turn. Crack Shot: The Exarch may re-roll any failed to-wound roll and ignores cover saves when shooting.
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3(4) 3(4)
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Sv 3+ 3+
Options: May include up to 7 additional Sundering Sentinels: 23pts per model. The Exarch may replace his Shuriken Hip-Cannon with: Broadblades– 5pts Executioner and Shuriken Pistol – 10pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Crack Shot – 10pts Shuriken Shower – 10pts
*Slicing Orbs Once per game, during the owning players shooting phase, instead of the squad firing their weapons as a normal, their ranged attacks may be replaced by the following ranged attack: Range: 6” – Strength: * – AP: 6. Assault 1, large blast, one-use. *Any model under the blast marker is wounded on a 2+, this has no effect on vehicles. If a ‘miss’ is rolled on the scatter dice, this attack only scatters D3 inches. If there are 10 models in the unit, then Slicing Orbs may be used twice instead of once; this can be in the same shooting phase.
*Linked Plate Armour This confers +1 Toughness and a 3+ Armour Save, already included in their profile.
Elites Wraithguard
WS Wraithguard 4 Warlock 4 Unit Composition: 3 Wraithguard Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Wraithcannon Special Rules: Fearless, Wraithsight* Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost)
Options: May include up to 7 additional Wraithguard: 38pts per model.
Any Wraithguard may replace his Wraithcannon with a Wraithsword for free.
The entire unit may be equipped with: Webway Translator - 10pts
If a Wraithguard unit consists of 10 Wraithguard and a Spiritseer then it may be taken as a troops choice.
BS 4 4
S 5 3
T 5 3
W 2 1
I 4 4
A 1 2
Ld 10 9
Sv 3+ 4+
Options: Way include a Warlock for 35pts. Who may replace his Witchblade with: Singing Spear – 3pts Power Weapon – 5pts Who may be upgraded to: Spiritseer – 5pts Warseer – 15pts Who may be equipped with: Rune of Enlightenment - 5pts Rune of Scoring - 5pts Siren Mirror - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Who must select one of the following Psychic Powers: Embolden Destructor Assail Expedite Enhance Conceal The Warlock may be upgraded to Iyanna Arienal for 70pts, see overleaf. The Warlock comes equipped with Rune Armour, Witchblade, Shuriken Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
Elites Iyanna Arienal, Angel of Iyanden WS Iyanna Arienal 4 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) & Wraithguard Unit Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Singing Spear, Ghosthelm, Plasma Grenades, Armour of Vaul* Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Psyker, Spiritsire*, Empath*
Options: If Iyanna Arienal is in the army, then Althenian Fireblade may be taken as an Elites Choice for 150pts, occupying no slot on the Force Organisation Chart, but otherwise counting as an Elites choice. (See below for Althenian Fireblade’s entry)
WS Althenian Fireblade 5 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Wargear: 2 Dragon’s Breath Flamers, Shimmershield, Wraithsword (bonus Attack included above) Special Rules: Wraithsight, Iron Guardian*
BS 4
S 3
T 3
W 2
I 4
A 2
Ld 9
Sv -
*Spiritsire Iyanna is able to cast two (separate) Psychic Powers per-turn and knows the Assail, Conceal, Destructor, Embolden, Enhance and Expedite [Warlock] psychic powers.
*Empath Iyanna Arienal counts as both a Bonesinger and Spiritseer (see page 49), however the effects of Bonesinger can only apply to any units with the Wraithsight special rule, furthermore all Wraithguard in Iyanna’s unit, as well as those within 6”, gain the benefits of Iyanna’s Bonesinger abilities.
*Armour of Vaul Instead of making a normal armour save, Iyanna must pass an unmodified leadership test in order to make a save against any wounds she suffers. If the test is failed, she suffers a wound as normal, if passed the wound is ignored. The Armour of Vaul can make saves against attacks that ignore normal armour saves; just like an invulnerable save.
BS 4
S 10
T 8
W 4
I 4
A 2(3)
Ld 10
Sv 3+/5+
*Iron Guardian Althenian Fireblade and Iyanna may not move more than 6” apart. Furthermore if Iyanna is engaged in assault, then this he too must join the assault if possible.
Elites Harlequin Troupe WS Harlequin 5 Troupe Master 6 Unit Composition: 5 Harlequins Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Flip Belts*, Face of Fear*, Holo-suit* Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Furious Charge, Hit and Run Options: One Harlequin may be upgraded to a Troupe Master for 20pts, replacing his Shuriken Pistol and Close Combat Weapon with a Harlequin’s Kiss and Power Weapon. One Harlequin may be upgraded to a Shadowseer for 30pts, becoming a Psyker equipped with the Veil of Tears psychic power. One in every five Harlequins may be upgraded to a Death Jester, equipped with a Shrieker Cannon*, for 10pts.
BS 4 4
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 6 6
A 2 3
Ld 10 10
Sv 5+ 5+
Options: May include up to 5 additional Harlequins: 19pts per model. Any Harlequin may replace his Shuriken Pistol or Close Combat Weapon with: Harlequin’s Kiss – 5pts Riveblades – 10pts Fusion Pistol – 10pts Neuro-Disruptor - 15pts The entire unit may be equipped with: Webway Translator - 10pts
*Holo-Suit A Holosuit confers a 5+ invulnerable save, which is improved to a 4+ in close combat.
*Face of Fear All enemy units engaged in close combat with a Harlequin Troupe (or Harlequin Solitaire) are at -1 Ld.
*Shrieker Cannon A Shrieker Cannon has the same profile as a Shuriken Cannon, but its ranged attacks are poisoned (3+).
*Flip Belts If the army includes a squad of Harlequins, then a single Harlequin Solitaire (see overleaf) may be included for 140pts, occupying no space on the Force Organisation Chart, but otherwise counting as an Elites unit.
Flip Belts enable Harlequins to ignore difficult terrain. Furthermore, they receive no initiative modifier for charging into terrain.
*Veil of Tears Veil of Tears is a psychic power which may be automatically cast without a psychic test; just like a Warlock psychic power. When cast, any enemy unit wishing to target the Shadowseer and the Harlequin unit must roll 2D6x2 to determine if they are within spotting distance. If the Harlequins are not within spotting range, then the enemy unit may not fire that turn.
Elites Harlequin Solitaire WS Harlequin Solitaire 7 Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Kiss of Death*, Solitaire-Holo-suit*, Flip Belts*, Face of Fear* Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Fearless, Furious Charge, Hit and Run, Blazing Assault*, Soulless*
*Face of Fear All enemy units engaged in close combat with a Harlequin Troupe (or Harlequin Solitaire) are at -1 Ld.
*Kiss of Death The Kiss of Death are a pair of close combat weapons (additional attack included in profile) that may re-roll all to-wound rolls and benefit from the rending special rule, rending on a 5+.
*Flip Belts Flip Belts enable Harlequins to ignore difficult terrain. Furthermore, they receive no initiative modifier for charging into terrain.
*Solitaire-Holo-Suit This holo-suit confers a 4+ invulnerable save, which is improved to a 3+ in close combat.
BS 5
S 3
T 3
W 3
I 7
A 5
Ld -
Sv 4+
*Blazing Assault The Solitaire may assault 12”, however rather than gaining +1 attack for charging, a Solitaire gains an additional attack for each unused inch from the charge, to a maximum of 6. Therefore, if the Solitaire assaults 8”, it gains 4 additional attacks for that close combat phase.
*Soulless All enemy units within 6” of the solitaire are at -1Ld. (Note: that this can stack with a Face of Fear) Furthermore, a Solitaire cannot be affected or harmed by Psychic Powers of any form and Force Weapons count as normal Power Weapons against a Solitaire. A Solitaire is also immune to any attacks that require a Leadership characteristic (such as Neural Whips) and automatically passes any leadership test it must take. Finally a Solitaire always counts as under the effect of the Veil of Tears psychic power (see the Harlequin unit entry), although is not classed as a psyker and need not pass a psychic test. This cannot be nullified.
Troops Dire Avengers
WS Dire Avenger 4 Dire Avenger Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 4 Dire Avengers & Dire Avenger Exarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Grenades, Aspect Warrior Armour Special Rules: Eldar Fleet Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) Options: The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
Exarch Powers – Dire Avengers Blade Storm: The Exarch and his squad may choose to add 1 to the number of shots they fire that turn with any Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Pistol, Shuriken Catapult or Exarch Twin Avenger Shuriken Catapults. If they do, they may not fire in the subsequent shooting phase. Defend: Enemy models directing their attacks at the Dire Avenger unit lose one attack for the duration of that combat (to a minimum of 1).
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Sv 4+ 3+
Options: May include up to 5 additional Dire Avengers: 11pts per model. The Exarch: May replace his Avenger Shuriken Catapult and Shuriken Pistol with: Exarch Twin Avenger Shuriken Catapults – 5pts May replace his Close Combat Weapon with: Diresword and Shuriken Pistol – 10pts May replace his Shuriken Pistol with: Power Weapon and Shimmershield – 15pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Defend – 10pts Bladestorm – 15pts
Troops Rangers
WS Ranger 3 Unit Composition: 5 Rangers Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Ranger Long Rifle, Shuriken Pistol, Web Beacon, Ranger Bodysuit Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Move through Cover, Stealth, Infiltrate, Path of the Outcast* Options: One Ranger may be upgraded to a Pathfinder, gaining the Pathfinder* special rule for 25pts.
BS 4
S 3
T 3
W 1
I 4
A 1
Ld 8
Sv 5+
Options: May include up to 5 additional Rangers: 18pts per model. One in every five models may replace his Ranger Long Rifle with: Star Rifle – 15pts
*Path of the Outcast Any Rangers cover save is improved by +2, rather than the usual +1 bonus conferred by Stealth; therefore a 5+ cover save would, for example, become a 3+ cover save. However, if a model fires a Star Rifle, they receive no cover bonus from Stealth or Path of the Outcast for that game turn. Furthermore, any shooting to-hit roll of 5+ counts as AP1, rather than the usual 6+. This only applies to wounds caused by a Ranger Long Rifle.
*Pathfinder Any wounds caused by a Pathfinder’s ranged attacks are allocated by the Pathfinders owning player; therefore allowing a Pathfinder to target a specific model within an enemy unit, providing it is in line of sight of the Pathfinder. Furthermore, cover saves may not be taken against any wounds caused by a Pathfinders ranged attacks.
Troops Guardian Defender Squad WS Guardian 3 Warlock 4 Unit Composition: 10 Guardians & Heavy Weapon Platform* Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Catapult, Guardian Mesh Armour, the Heavy Weapon Platform* is equipped with a Shuriken Cannon Special Rules: Eldar Fleet Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) May include up to 10 additional Guardians: 7pts per model. The Heavy Weapon Platform’s Shuriken Cannon may be replaced by one of the following: Scatter Laser – 10pts Missile Launcher – 15pts Star Cannon – 15pts Bright Lance – 25pts The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
BS 3 4
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 4 4
A 1 2
Ld 8 9
Sv 5+ 4+
Options: One Guardian may be replaced by a Warlock for 25pts. Who may replace his Witchblade with: Singing Spear – 3pts Power Weapon – 5pts Who may be upgraded to: Spiritseer – 5pts Warseer – 15pts Who may be equipped with: Rune of Enlightenment - 5pts Rune of Scoring - 5pts Siren Mirror - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Who must select one of the following Psychic Powers: Embolden Destructor Assail Expedite Enhance Conceal The Warlock comes equipped with Rune Armour, Witchblade, Shuriken Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
*Heavy Weapon Platform A single Guardian within the unit within 2” of it may fire the Heavy Weapon Platform instead of his own weapon, tracing line of sight from the Heavy Weapon Platform itself. The Heavy Weapon Platform counts as an Assault Weapon under all circumstances and may be embarked upon a transport, occupying no transport spaces. The Heavy Weapon Platform must remain within Unit Coherency at all times and cannot be destroyed; it effectively acts as a marker for the weapon it mounts.
Troops Guardian Storm Squad WS Guardian 3 Warlock 4 Unit Composition: 10 Guardians Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Shuriken Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Grenades, Guardian Mesh Armour Special Rules: Eldar Fleet Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) Options: May include up to 10 additional Guardians: 6pts per model. Two Storm Guardians may replace his Shuriken Pistol with: Flamer – 5pts Fusion Gun – 10pts Alternatively, two Storm Guardians may replace his Close Combat Weapon with: Power Weapon – 10pts If the squad consists of 20 Storm Guardians then a third model may select one of the above options for their listed cost. The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
BS 3 4
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 4 4
A 1 2
Ld 8 9
Options: One Guardian may be replaced by a Warlock for 25pts. Who may replace his Witchblade with: Singing Spear – 3pts Power Weapon – 5pts Who may be upgraded to: Spiritseer – 5pts Warseer – 15pts Who may be equipped with: Rune of Enlightenment - 5pts Rune of Scoring - 5pts Siren Mirror - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Who must select one of the following Psychic Powers: Embolden Destructor Assail Expedite Enhance Conceal The Warlock comes equipped with Rune Armour, Witchblade, Shuriken Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
Sv 5+ 4+
Troops Guardian Jetbike Squadron WS Guardian Jetbiker 3 Warlock 4 Unit Composition: 3 Guardian Jetbikers Unit Type: Bikes (Eldar Jetbike) Wargear: Eldar Jetbike (incorporating twin-linked shuriken catapults), Guardian Mesh Armour Special Rules: Scouts Options: May include up to 9 additional Guardian Jetbikers: 20pts per model. One in every three Guardian Jetbikers may replace his twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
BS 3 4
S 3 3
T 3(4) 3(4)
W 1 1
I 4 4
A 1 2
Ld 8 9
Sv 3+ 3+/4+
Options: One Guardian Jetbiker may be replaced by a Warlock for 30pts. Who may replace his Witchblade with: Singing Spear – 3pts Power Weapon – 5pts Who may be upgraded to: Spiritseer – 5pts Warseer – 15pts Who may be equipped with: Rune of Enlightenment - 5pts Rune of Scoring - 5pts Siren Mirror - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Who must select one of the following Psychic Powers: Embolden Destructor Assail Expedite Enhance Conceal The Warlock comes equipped with Rune Armour, Eldar Jetbike, Witchblade, Shuriken Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
Dedicated Transport Wave Serpent
Wave Serpent Unit Composition: 1 Wave Serpent Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults Transport Capacity: 12 (Wraithguard count as two models) Special Rules: Energy Field* Options: May replace its Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon with: Twin-linked Scatter Laser – 15pts Twin-linked Eldar Missile Launcher – 20pts Twin-linked Star Cannon – 20pts Twin-linked Bright Lance – 30pts May replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
Options: May select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Repulsor Field – 10pts Spirit Stones – 10pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Vectored Engines – 10pts Star Engines – 15pts
*Energy Field Any ranged attack against the Wave Serpents front or side armour with a strength of greater than eight counts as strength eight. Furthermore, any ranged attacks against the front or side armour may not roll more than one D6 for armour penetration; such as melta weapons.
Fast Attack Swooping Hawks WS Swooping Hawk 4 Swooping Hawk Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 4 Swooping Hawks & Swooping Hawk Exarch Unit Type: Jump Infantry Wargear: Lasblaster, Haywire Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack*, Aspect Warrior Armour Special Rules: Eldar Fleet, Deep Strike, Skyleap*
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Sv 4+ 3+
Options: The Exarch may replace his Lasblaster with: Sunrifle– 10pts Hawk’s Talon – 10pts The Exarch may be equipped with: Power Weapon – 10pts The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Intercept – 5pts Mark of Guilt – 10pts
*Skyleap Options: May include up to 5 additional Swooping Hawks: 16pts per model.
The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 5pts
Exarch Powers – Swooping Hawks Intercept: In assault, this unit always hit a vehicle on a 4+ or better. Mark of Guilt: Nominate a single enemy unit before deployment; this Swooping Hawk unit may reroll any shooting to-hit roll against this unit for the duration of the game.
During the Assault Phase - instead of making an assault or Eldar Fleet move - the Swooping Hawk unit can be removed from play and placed into reserve, automatically arriving from reserve via Deep Strike the following turn. Swooping Hawks may not Skyleap if engaged in combat and cannot Skyleap on the same turn they arrive from reserves.
*Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack When a Swooping Hawk unit enters play via deepstrike (including Skyleap) they may place a single large blast marker centred on any enemy model, anywhere on the table. Roll a scatter dice for this attack, if an arrow is rolled, the marker scatters D6” in the direction indicated. All enemy models under the large blast marker suffer a single Strength 4, AP5 hit.
Fast Attack Warp Spiders
WS Warp Spider 4 Warp Spider Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 4 Warp Spiders & Warp Spider Exarch Unit Type: Jump Infantry Wargear: Death Spinner, Warp Jump Generator, Plasma Grenades, Heavy Aspect Warrior Armour Special Rules: Fleet, Deep Strike
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Sv 3+ 3+
Options: The Exarch may replace his Death Spinner with: Spinneret Rifle– 10pts The Exarch may be equipped with: Exarch Twin Death Spinners – 10pts Power Blades – 10pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: White Guardians – 5pts Withdraw – 10pts
Options: May include up to 5 additional Warp Spiders: 21pts per model.
Exarch Powers – Warp Spiders
White Guardians: The Warp Spiders may re-roll any failed to-wound roll when targeting a unit that contains a Psyker.
The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts
Withdraw: The Exarch and his unit benefit from the Hit and Run special rule.
Fast Attack Shining Spears
WS Shining Spear 4 Shining Spear Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 2 Shining Spears & Shining Spear Exarch Unit Type: Bikes (Eldar Jetbike) Wargear: Laser Lance, Eldar Jetbike (incorporating twinlinked shuriken catapults), Heavy Aspect Warrior Armour Special Rules: Hit and Run Options: May include up to 7 additional Shining Spears: 25pts per model. One in every three Shining Spears may replace his twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
Exarch Powers – Shining Spears Tank Hunters: The Exarch and his unit benefits from the Tank Hunters special rule. Skilled Riders: The Exarch and his unit have the Skilled Rider special rule.
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3(4) 3(4)
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Options: The Exarch may replace his Laser Lance with: Power Weapon – Free Star Lance – 15pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Skilled Riders – 10pts Tank Hunters – 15pts
Sv 3+ 3+
Fast Attack Vyper Squadron
Vyper Unit Composition: 1 Vyper Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped) Wargear: Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults Special Rules: Crystal Targeting Matrix* Options: May add up to 2 additional Vypers to the squadron: 50pts per model. May replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
Options: Each Vyper may replace its Shuriken Cannon with: Scatter Laser – 10pts Eldar Missile Launcher – 15pts Star Cannon – 15pts Bright Lance – 25pts
Each Vyper may select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Repulsor Field – 10pts Spirit Stones – 10pts Star Engines – 10pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Vectored Engines – 10pts Holo-fields – 20pts
*Crystal Targeting Matrix Vypers may move an additional 6” in the assault phase, providing they have moved no more than 6” already that turn. This acts much like the Eldar Jetbike and follows all usual movement restrictions; therefore this move may not be made if the Vyper is stunned etc.
Fast Attack Asp
Asp Unit Composition: 1 Asp Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Twin-linked Shadow Weaver, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults Options: May replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
May be upgraded to a Shadow Asp* for 20pts.
Options: The twin-linked Shadow Weaver may be replaced with: Twin-linked Vibro Cannon – 20pts A Twin-linked Vibro Cannon may re-roll the D6 to determine the number of hits, selecting the highest result. Twin-linked D-Cannon – 25pts Twin-linked Nova Lance – 25pts
The Asp may select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Repulsor Field – 5pts Spirit Stones – 10pts Star Engines – 10pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Vectored Engines – 15pts Holo-fields – 25pts
*Shadow Asp Equipped with a sophisticated Stealth Field, a Shadow Asp can conceal itself from enemies in lieu of shooting; allowing it to relocate to better target or escape the enemy. If a Shadow Asp doesn’t fire any of its weapons or move more than 12”, then any unit wishing to target the Shadow Asp must pass a night-fighting test in order to be able to target the Shadow Asp, lasting until the next Eldar turn. This test cannot be affected by wargear such as Searchlights.
Heavy Support Support Weapon Battery WS Guardian 3 Warlock 4 Unit Composition: 1 Support Weapon Platform. Up to three Support Weapon Battery units (consisting of 1-3 platforms) may be included in a single Force Organisation/Heavy Support Slot, each unit counting as a separate Kill Point as normal. Unit Type: Artillery Wargear: The Support Weapon Platform is armed with one of the weapons chosen from the list opposite. Each Guardian is equipped with a Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades and Guardian Mesh Armour Special Rules: Cloaking Field* Options: May include up to 2 additional Support Weapon Platforms: 20pts per model. All Support Weapon Platforms within the unit MUST be armed with one of the following, each platform must be armed with the same weapon: Shadow Weaver – 10pts D-Cannon – 25pts Vibro Cannon – 25pts Nova Lance – 25pts
BS 3 4
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 4 4
A 1 2
Ld 8 9
Options: May include a Warlock for 35pts. Who may replace his Witchblade with: Singing Spear – 3pts Power Weapon – 5pts Who may be upgraded to: Spiritseer – 5pts Warseer – 15pts Who may be equipped with: Rune of Enlightenment - 5pts Rune of Scoring - 5pts Siren Mirror - 10pts Rune of Anaris - 10pts Who must select one of the following Psychic Powers: Embolden Destructor Assail Expedite Enhance Conceal The Warlock comes equipped with Rune Armour, Witchblade, Shuriken Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
*Cloaking Field Support Weapon Batteries (including the Guardians and Weapon Platform itself) have a 4+ cover save.
Sv 5+ 4+
Heavy Support Dark Reapers
WS Dark Reaper 4 Dark Reaper Exarch 5 Unit Composition: 2 Dark Reapers & Dark Reaper Exarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Reaper Launcher, Mind Link*, Heavy Aspect Warrior Armour Dedicated Transport: May select a Wave Serpent (See page 27 for points cost) Options: The entire unit may be equipped with: Web Beacon - 5pts Webway Translator - 10pts
Exarch Powers – Dark Reapers Fast Shot: The Exarch may add +1 to the number of shots fired by his weapon. An exarch may not benefit from both Crack Shot and Fast Shot in the same turn however. Crack Shot: The Exarch may re-roll any failed to-wound roll and ignores cover saves when shooting.
BS 4 5
S 3 3
T 3 3
W 1 1
I 5 6
A 1 2
Ld 9 9
Sv 3+ 3+
Options: May include up to 2 additional Dark Reapers: 27pts per model. The Exarch may replace his Reaper Launcher with: Eldar Missile Launcher – 10pts Tempest Launcher – 10pts
The Exarch may select the following Exarch Powers: Crack Shot – 10pts Fast Shot – 15pts
*Mind Link All Cover Saves made against shots from a Dark Reaper unit are reduced by 1. Therefore, a 4+ cover save would become a 5+ cover save, for example.
Heavy Support Falcon
Falcon Unit Composition: 1 Falcon Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Pulse Laser, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults The Falcon’s Pulse Laser always counts as a defensive weapon. Transport Capacity: 6 Options: May replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
One unit within the army, selected from the following list, may select a Falcon as a dedicated transport: Dire Avengers, Striking Scorpions, Howling Banshees, Fire Dragons, Sundering Sentinels, Dark Reapers, Wraithguard.
Options: The Falcon MUST select one of the following: Shuriken Cannon – 5pts Scatter Laser – 15pts Eldar Missile Launcher - 20pts Starcannon – 20pts Bright Lance – 30pts
The Falcon may select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Repulsor Field – 10pts Spirit Stones – 10pts Star Engines – 10pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Vectored Engines – 10pts Holo-fields – 30pts
Heavy Support Fire Prism
Fire Prism Unit Composition: 1 Fire Prism Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Prism Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults Options: May replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
Options: The Fire Prism may select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Repulsor Field – 10pts Spirit Stones – 10pts Star Engines – 10pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Vectored Engines – 10pts Holo-fields – 25pts
Heavy Support Night Spinner
Night Spinner Unit Composition: 1 Night Spinner Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Doomweaver, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults Options: May replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults with: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts
Options: The Night Spinner may select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Repulsor Field – 10pts Spirit Stones – 10pts Star Engines – 10pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Vectored Engines – 10pts Holo-fields – 25pts
Heavy Support Wraithlord
WS Wraithlord 4 Unit Composition: 1 Wraithlord Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Wargear: Two Shuriken Catapults Special Rules: Fearless, Wraithsight Options: The Wraithlord may replace its two Shuriken Catapults with: Two Flamers – 5pts Two Reaper Launchers – 20pts Two Wraithcannons – 20pts
BS 4
S 10
T 8
W 4
I 4
A 2
Ld 10
Sv 3+
Options: The Wraithlord MUST select one of the following: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts Wraithsword – 10pts Sentience Spear – 10pts Scatter Laser – 20pts Eldar Missile Launcher – 25pts Star Cannon – 25pts Bright Lance – 30pts The Wraithlord may also select one of the following: Shuriken Cannon – 10pts Wraithsword – 10pts Sentience Spear – 10pts Scatter Laser – 20pts Shimmer Shield – 20pts Eldar Missile Launcher – 25pts Star Cannon – 25pts Bright Lance – 30pts Alternatively, instead of selecting any of the weapons from (both) the above lists, it may select one of the following: Shadow Weaver – 10pts Wraithsabres – 20pts D-Cannon – 30pts Vibro Cannon – 30pts Nova Lance – 30pts
Heavy Support War Walker Squadron War Walker Unit Composition: 1 War Walker Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker) Wargear: Two weapons selected from the list opposite Special Rules: Scout Options: May add up to 2 additional War Walkers to the squadron: 30pts per model.
Options: Each War Walker must select any two of the following: Shuriken Cannon – 5pts Scatter Laser – 15pts Eldar Missile Launcher - 20pts Starcannon – 20pts Bright Lance – 25pts
Each War Walker may select any of the following upgrades: Power Diversion Matrix – 5pts Spirit Stones – 5pts Targetting Beacon – 10pts Holo-fields – 20pts
Eldar Ranged Weaponry Range
Bright Lance
Heavy 1, Lance
Heavy 1, Large Blast, Ordnance, Barrage, Distortion** Assault 1, Distortion**
Doom Weaver
Eldar Missile Launcher – Krak Missile* Eldar Missile Launcher – Frag Missile* Flamer
48” 48” Template
8 4 4
3 4 5
Heavy 1, Large Blast, Barrage, Rending, Monofilament** Heavy 1 Heavy 1, Blast, Pinning Assault 1
Fusion Gun
Assault 1, Melta
Fusion Pistol
Pistol, Melta
Nova Lance
Heavy 1, Lance***
Prism Cannon – Focussed* Prism Cannon – Dispersed* Pulse Laser
60” 60” 48”
9 5 8
2 4 2
Heavy 1, Blast, Prism** Heavy 1, Large Blast, Prism** Heavy 2
Ranger Long Rifle
Heavy 1, Sniper, Pinning
Scatter Laser
Heavy 4
Shadow Weaver
Shuriken Cannon
Heavy 1, Large Blast, Barrage, Monofilament** Assault 6
Shuriken Catapult
Assault 2
Shuriken Pistol
Star Rifle
Heavy 1, Rending
Heavy 2
Vibro Cannon
Heavy 1, Sonic**
Assault 1, Distortion**
* Choose which mode of firing this weapon uses each time you fire it. **Distortion: Any model hit by a distortion weapon is wounded on a roll of 2+ and suffers instant death on a towound roll of 6 (regardless of its toughness value). Against targets with an armour value, distortion weapons roll a D6; inflicting a glancing hit on a roll of 3 or 4, and a penetrating hit on a roll of 5 or 6. **Monofilament: When a unit is wounded by a weapon with a monofilament rule, they count as in difficult terrain (or dangerous terrain if wounded by a Doom Weaver) for their subsequent movement phase or assault phase – whichever the unit moves in first. **Prism: A Prism weapon always strikes at full-strength when targeting a vehicle. **Sonic: When firing a sonic weapon, draw a single 36” line (of a hair’s width) from the weapon, all units (and vehicles) under this line suffer D6 hits. Vehicles always count as ‘shaken’ if hit by a Sonic Weapon and all penetrating hits are counted as glancing hits instead (on top of the shaken result). *** The Nova Lance rolls 2D6 for armour penetration, selecting the highest.
Eldar Ranged Weaponry – Aspect Temples Wargear Range
Avenger Shuriken Catapult
Assault 2
Death Spinner
Assault 3, Monofilament**
Dragon’s Breath Flamer
Assault 1
Exarch Twin Death Spinners
Assault 5, Monofilament**
Exarch Twin Avenger Shuriken Catapults
Assault 4
Assault 1
Hawk’s Talon
Assault 3
Assault 3
Laser Lance
Assault 1, Lance
Reaper Launcher
Heavy 2
Shuriken Hip-Cannon
Assault 4
Spinneret Rifle
Assault 2
Star Lance
Assault 1, Lance
Assault 6, Pinning
Tempest Launcher
Heavy 2, Blast, Barrage
Farseer Psychic Powers Unless stated otherwise, Farseers do not require line of sight to their target and cast psychic powers as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, requiring a psychic test as normal.
Cast at the beginning of the Eldar assault phase, if successful, this power allows a single Eldar unit within 12” to re-roll any roll of 1 during the Assault Phase, lasting the duration of that player turn.
A single unit with a model within 6” of the Farseer counts all their ranged weapons as twin-linked for the duration of that turn.
Doom The Farseer can nominate a non-vehicle enemy within 24”. Any hits upon that unit may gain a reroll to wound until the start of the next Eldar turn.
Fog of War This power is cast during the models shooting phase, if successful, select a single enemy unit within 24”. This unit’s movement is reduced to D6” (or 2D6” if the unit type is Jump Infantry, Bike or Jetbike) and their assault distance also reduced to D6” (or 2D6” if the unit type is Beast or Cavalry). Furthermore, if attempting to target an Eldar unit in the shooting phase, their spotting distance is reduced to 4D6”, if the targeted models are not within this spotting range then they may not fire that turn.
Fortune A single unit with a model within 6” of the Farseer may re-roll any failed save it makes, lasting until the next Eldar turn.
Mind War This Psychic Power is used in the shooting phase instead of firing a weapon. The Eldar player may target any enemy model within 18” of the Farseer and within line of sight (therefore models in vehicles are unaffected). This targeted model automatically suffers a wound (with an armour save allowed), furthermore both players roll a D6 and add the result to the leadership of their respective models. For each point the Farseer wins by, the target loses an additional wound, with no armour or cover saves allowed against these additional wounds. Monstrous Creatures add +1 to their dice roll.
Eldritch Storm This psychic power is used in the shooting phase instead of firing a weapon. The Eldar player gains the following Psychic Shooting attack, rolling to hit as normal: vehicles struck by this attack are spun around to face in the direction determined by the scatter dice (if a hit is rolled the Eldar player chooses their facing direction) and are struck at full strength (6) on their rear armour: Range: 24” – Strength: 6 – AP: 6. Assault 1, Large Blast, Pinning.
Warlock Psychic Powers A Warlock does not need to pass a psychic test in order to use a Psychic Power; it is permanently available.
At the beginning of each assault phase, the Warlock gains an additional D3 attacks, lasting for the duration of that assault phase.
The Warlock and his squad may re-roll any failed leadership test.
The Warlock and all models in the same unit as the Warlock gain +1 to their Weapon Skill and Initiative. Multiple enhance powers do not stack however.
The Warlock and his unit have the Stealth special rule.
Destructor Destructor is used in the shooting phase instead of firing a weapon, it is worked out like a normal shooting attack with the following profile: Range: Template – Strength: 5 – AP: 4. Assault 1.
Expedite The Warlock and his unit gain the Move Through Cover special rule and each turn may add +D3” (rolled each turn) to one of the following movements: Fleet, Eldar Fleet, Assault or Run. Multiple Expedite powers do not stack.
Paths of the Seer Farseers and Warlocks can benefit from the following abilities, as listed in their unit entries. Battleseer If a Farseer is upgraded to a Battleseer, then they gain +2 attacks. Bonesinger If a Farseer is upgraded to a Bonesinger, then at the beginning of the Eldar turn, roll a D6 for each wounded Wraithguard or Wraithlord model within 6”. On a 6 that model regains a single wound (but may not exceed its original number of wounds). Furthermore, if the Bonesinger is in contact with a vehicle that has suffered a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result, instead of performing another action during the shooting phase, the Bonesinger may attempt to repair the vehicle; removing a single immobilised or weapon destroyed result on a D6 roll of 4+.
Spiritseer If a Warlock is upgraded to a Spiritseer, then the Wraithsight special rule is negated for any Wraithguard or Wraithlord unit within 12”, rather than the usual 6”. Warseer If a Warlock is upgraded to a Warseer, they gain +1 attack, +1 weapon skill and +1 initiative.
Wargear of the Witch Path Clarion Blade: A Clarion Blade is a Witchblade. Furthermore, for each enemy model killed in close combat by a Clarion Blade, the Farseer immediately gains the effects of a Laser Flare. Rune Armour Rune Armour confers a 4+ invulnerable save. Rune of Anaris: A model with the Rune of Anaris may re-roll all tohit rolls in close combat. Runes of Dawning: At the beginning of the Eldar player turn, the player may elect a single unit in reserve (each turn) to add +1 to their reserve roll. This may not stack with other modifiers. Runes of Emanation: A model with the Rune of Emanation may add 6” to the range of a single psychic power per turn. Alternatively, it may add 6” to the range of the effects of the Rune of Witnessing. Rune of Enlightenment: A unit containing a model with the Rune of Enlightenment may add 2D6” to the spotting distance of his – and any unit he’s attached to – spotting distance during night-fighting. Rune of Immolation: A model with a Rune of Immolation may – once per game – automatically cast the Destructor [Warlock] psychic power. This may on top of any other powers cast that turn and does not require
a psychic test. This may not be affected by the Runes of Emanation. Rune of Scoring: This model’s ranged weapons count as AP1. Note: this doesn’t affect psychic powers. Runes of Warding: A model with Runes of Warding causes all enemy psykers within 24” to take psychic tests on 3D6. Note: If there is an enemy psyker within 24” with Runes of Warding, then both runes have no effect. Runes of Witnessing: A model with Runes of Witnessing may roll 3D6 for psychic tests, discarding the highest roll. Singing Spear: A Singing Spear counts as a two-handed Witchblade, that may be used with the following ranged profile, like a Witchblade always wounding on a 2+ and striking vehicles at Strength 9: Range: 12” – Strength: X – AP: 6. Assault 1. Siren Mirror Any Psychic Power targeted at a unit containing a model with a Siren Mirror is ignored on a D6 roll of 5+ Spirit Stones A model with Spirit Stones may select a second psychic power and may cast up to two psychic powers per-turn. Witchblade: See the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.
Eldar Armoury – Close Combat Weapons Biting Blade: A Biting Blade is a two-handed Scorpion Chainsword that grants the model the Rending special rule for all attacks in close combat. Furthermore, for each successful to-hit roll with a Biting Blade, the model gains an additional attack for that close combat phase. Broadblades: Broadblades are a pair of power weapons (therefore granting +1 attack) that may re-roll any failed to-wound roll. Chainsabres: A model with Chainsabres gains +1 attack and may re-roll all failed to-wound and to-hit rolls in close combat. Close Combat Weapon: See the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. Diresword: A Diresword is a power weapon. In addition, any model that suffers an unsaved wound from a Diresword must immediately pass a leadership test for each wound suffered or suffer instant death. Disruption Blade: A Disruption Blade is a power weapon, furthermore any successful invulnerable saves made against wounds caused by a Disruption Blade must be re-rolled. Executioner: An Executioner is a two-handed Power Weapon that grants +2 strength in close combat. Harlequin’s Kiss: A Harlequin’s Kiss is a close combat weapon that grants the model the Rending special rule for all attacks in close combat.
Laser Lance: A model equipped with a Laser Lance counts as equipped with a Strength 6 power weapon when they charge/initiate an assault. Furthermore, it confers the following ranged profile: Range: 6” – Strength: 6 – AP: 3. Assault 1, Lance Mirror Swords: Mirror Swords are a pair of power weapons that grant an additional attack (therefore granting +2 attacks) and may re-roll any failed to-hit roll in close combat. Power Weapon: See the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. Powerblades: Powerblades confer +1 attack and ignore armour saves in close combat. Riveblades: A model with Riveblades gains +1 attack and may re-roll all failed to-wound rolls in close combat. Scorpions Chainsword: Is a close combat weapon that grants +1 Strength to the models close combat attacks. Scorpions Claw: A Scorpions Claw is a power fist with an incorporated Shuriken Catapult. Sentience Spear: A Sentience Spear is a close combat weapon that grants +1 attack, furthermore any unsaved wounds caused by a Sentience Spear inflict instant death. Star Lance: A model equipped with a Star Lance counts as equipped with a Strength 8 power weapon when they charge/initiate an assault. Furthermore, it confers the following ranged profile: Range: 6” – Strength: 8 – AP: 3. Assault 1, Lance
Triskele: A Triskele is a close combat weapon that also confers the following ranged attack: Range: 12” – Strength: 3 – AP: 2. Assault 3.
Wraithsword: A Wraithsword is a power weapon that grants +1 attack and may re-roll all failed to-hit rolls in close combat.
Vibro-Spear: A Vibro-Spear is a two-handed power weapon that grants +1 strength and an additional attack for each successful to-hit roll. However, armour saves are allowed against these additional attacks.
Wraithsabres: A model with Wraithsabres may sacrifice a point of strength for +1 attack. The model may exchange any number of points of strength, to a minimum of Strength 5, lasting for the duration of that combat.
Eldar Armoury – Eldar Wargear Aspect Warrior Armour Aspect Warrior Armour confers a 4+ armour save, or a 3+ armour save if worn by an Exarch. Additionally, units with Aspect Warrior armour typically have Eldar Fleet. Autarch Armour Autarch Armour confers a 3+ armour save. Banshee Mask A model with a Banshee Mask is at initiative 10 in the first round of an assault and ignores all initiative modifiers for charging into or out of terrain. Crystalline Armour Flame/heat based template (not blast!) weapons cannot hurt a model in Crystalline Armour; such as Flamers, Heavy Flamers, Flamestorm Cannons, Hellfire Cannons, Hand Flamers, Scorcha’s, Burna’s, Incinerators, Inferno Cannons, Dragon’s Breath Flamers etc. Furthermore, a model in Crystalline Armour gains a 3+ armour save. Eldar Jetbike A model with an Eldar Jetbike gains +1 toughness, a 3+ armour save and becomes the Bikes (Eldar Jetbike) unit type, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Furthermore, Eldar Jetbikes come equipped with twin-linked Shuriken Catapults. Forceshield A Forceshield confers a 4+ armour save to the wielder. Guardian Mesh Armour Guardian Mesh Armour confers a 5+ armour save.
Haywire Grenades Haywire Grenades are used like normal grenades to attack vehicles. Roll a D6 for each hit scored and consult the following chart to determine its effects: 1 – No effect. 2-5 – Glancing hit. 6 – Penetrating hit. Heavy Aspect Warrior Armour Heavy Aspect Warrior Armour confers a 3+ armour save. Additionally, units with Aspect Warrior armour typically do not have Eldar Fleet. Laser Flare A Laser Flare may be used once per game in the owning players assault phase. When used, place a small blast over the model; all enemy (only) models under this blast suffer a single Str4 AP2 hit, striking vehicles on their rear armour. Mandiblasters Any model equipped with Mandiblasters gains an additional attack. Meltabombs See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
Neuro-disruptor The Eldar player may nominate a single enemy model in the same close combat as a model with a Neuro-disruptor; roll to-hit as if using a ranged weapon, if the Neuro-disruptor hits, roll a D6 and consult the following chart: 1-2: The targeted model is at -1 Initiative and Weapon Skill. 3-4: The targeted model is at -1 Strength, Initiative and Weapon Skill. 5-6: The targeted model is at -1 Strength, Initiative, Weapon Skill and suffers a single, automatic wound. Note: The initiative, weapon skill and strength modifiers last for the duration of that game turn. Plasma Grenades See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Ranger Bodysuit A Ranger Bodysuit confers a 5+ armour save. Shimmershield A Shimmershield grants the model and any unit they are attached to a 5+ invulnerable save. Solar Flare A Solar Flare may be activated once per game at the beginning of either player’s shooting phase; when activated, all enemy units within 24” targeting a unit with a Solar Flare are at -1BS. Swooping Hawk Wings A model with Swooping Hawk Wings becomes Jump Infantry.
Tanglefoot Grenades Any enemy unit charged by a model equipped with Tanglefoot grenades are at –D3 initiative and may not do not gain any bonuses from the ‘counter-attack’ special rule. Furthermore, this (enemy) unit is hit on a 2+ in close combat. These effects last for the duration of that turn. Warp Jump Generator A model with a Warp Jump Generator becomes the Jump Infantry unit type, able to ignore the effects of moving through (but not finishing in) terrain. Furthermore, a model with a Warp Jump Generator may make an additional move in the assault phase if not engaged in assault: the unit may move D6 +6” in any direction, acting as Jump Infantry and able to move through impassable terrain. If a 1 is rolled, a single model from the unit is removed as a casualty (the survivors moving up to the distance rolled) and any models that finish their move in impassable terrain are destroyed. Web Beacon Any Eldar unit that arrives by deepstrike within 6” - via a Webway Translator or Warp Jump Generator - does not scatter. Webway Translator Any Eldar unit with a Webway Translator gains the Deep Strike special rule.
Vehicle Armoury Repulsor Field
Spirit Stones
Any enemy model in contact with the vehicle at the beginning of the turn automatically suffers a single Strength 3 hit, armour saves allowed as normal. Furthermore, any to-hit roll against this vehicle in close combat suffers a -1 to-hit modifier. Therefore, if a 4+ is needed to hit, this would become 5+ etc. This effects both grenades and close combat attacks.
If the vehicle suffers a ‘crew stunned’ result, roll a D6. On a roll of one the vehicle is stunned as normal, on a two-to-five the ‘crew stunned’ result instead counts as ‘crew shaken’, on a roll of six the ‘crew stunned’ result is ignored.
Holo-field Whenever your opponent rolls on the damage table for that vehicle, they must roll two D6 and apply the lowest result.
Power Diversion Matrix If the vehicle remains stationary then a single weapon may be have its AP value reduced by one. This has no effect on an AP1 weapon and APweapons become AP6.
Star Engines This vehicle may move an additional 12” in the shooting phase instead of firing any weapons. Note: It would receive the cover save for moving flat-out if the vehicle had moved a total of 24” or more.
Targetting Beacon When firing at an enemy unit, this vehicle may reroll any to-hit roll of ‘1’. Furthermore, if the nightfight rules are in effect then it may re-roll the dice to determine its spotting distance.
Vectored Engines This vehicle counts as having remained stationary for any immobilised result it may suffer.
Autarch Powers Master Strategist
Ghost Warriors
For each Autarch with Master Strategist in the army, all reserve rolls may be modified by +1 or -1 (note: all reserve rolls – if any do - must receive the same modifier). Furthermore, each turn a single unit may gain either the Counter-Attack, Hit and Run or Stubborn special rule, lasting for the during of that game turn.
Any unit of Wraithguard (of any size) led by a Spiritseer may be taken as a troops choice. Furthermore, any Eldar unit with line of sight to the Autarch may use his leadership for any leadership – but not psychic - test they are required to take.
Armoured Consort The Swordwind Any unit led by the Autarch (including the Autarch himself) gains the Preferred Enemy special rule. Furthermore, one of each of the following units may be taken as a troop choice. These may not however fulfil the two mandatory troop choices on the Force Organisation Chart: Striking Scorpions, Howling Banshees, Fire Dragons, Sundering Sentinels, Shining Spears, Warp Spiders, Dark Reapers. Note: You may not exceed the maximum of 6 Troop Choices.
Swift Strike For each unit of Guardian Jetbikes in the army, a single unit of Vypers may be taken as a troops choice; these Vypers are therefore scoring. Furthermore, all models in the army equipped with an Eldar Jetbike gain the Skilled Rider special rule.
Seer Strike Force All Guardian Defender Squads, Warwalker and Vyper Squadrons and Support Weapon Batteries are BS4, whilst all Guardian Storm Squads are WS4, in an army that includes an Autarch with the Seer Strike Force rule. Furthermore, Farseers may be taken as an elites choice (as well as any Seer Councils).
Falcons, Fire Prisms and Night Spinners may be taken as squadrons of 1-2, following the rules for squadrons as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. All tanks in a squadron must be equipped in the same manner. Furthermore, all ‘Fast, Skimmer’ vehicles may re-roll any difficult terrain test.
Shadows and Dust All Guardian Defender and Guardian Storm Squads in the army can Outflank. Furthermore, for each squad of Eldar Rangers in the army, the Eldar player may move an enemy unit D6+1 inches after both sides have deployed, but before the first turn. These units may not be moved outside of their deployment zone, disembarked from a transport or moved into dangerous terrain and vehicles must finish facing in the same direction. For each unit of Eldar Rangers, the Eldar player may nominate a unit they wish to move in this manner and force the unit to take a leadership test, if failed then the Eldar player may move the unit as described above. If this leadership test is passed, they may instead nominate a different unit, continuing until they have either nominated all enemy units (once), or a unit has failed this leadership test. A unit that passes a leadership test as described above may be nominated again through another Eldar Ranger squad, vehicles count as Ld10 for the purposes of these leadership tests.
Created by David ‘Just Dave’ Martin
Prototype Design and Support by MajorTom11 of Dakkadakka.com with contributions from Yakface, owner of Dakkadakka.com and Dakka DCM’s.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any feedback, questions and your experiences with this Codex: justdave@dakkadakka.com
Thanks, [Just] Dave.
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Document created by, and property of David Martin/’Just Dave’. © No claim is made to the possession of any images contained within this document.
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