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08agine surgeons running out of anaesthetic !rugs; cancer patients who cannot get ifesaving che8otherap5; an! !octors scra8"ing for the 8ost "asic anti"iotics. =;=== !oses of che8otherap5 a!8inistere! intravenous5 at his faciit5; a8ost 36 per cent were affecte! "5 shortages.
Treat8ent was interrupte! or cancee!; patients were switche! to aternative !rugs; or an aternative supp5 for the nee!e! !rug ha! to "e foun!. 0n short;
the staff were force! to "eg; "orrow an! pea! for !rugs that were in shortage.
0n Eu5 2=12; *ongress passe! the Foo! an! 'rug A!8inistration &afet5 an! 0nnovation Act; which incu!e! provisions origina5 '!%a&-%a,%, "5 &enator A85 o"uchar. The act requires that !rug48aers give the F'A ear5 notification of an5 8anufacturing issues or "usiness !ecisions that 8a5 ea! t o
shortages. 0t requires the F'A to e9pe!ite inspections an! reviews of 8anufacturing sites that cou! hep resove shortages.
*o8panies are not penaise! for !rug shortages nor incentivise! to prevent the8; e9perts sa5. A nu8"er of heathcare professionas "eieve that the on5 rea soution is to require !rug 8anufacturers to stocpie 8e!icine an! to
ensure that 8ore than one !rug48aer pro!uces it. GThere nee!s to "e a wa5 to o"igate 8utipe 8anufacturers to 8ae these ifesaving 8e!ications;H sa5s Forre5.
As such the !&%,a6%#" ensuesI we are eft in !is"eief that such a con!ition
wou! resut in en!angering the ife of peope who are !epen!ent on these
!rugs. Patients a8ent that !rug48aers have force! the8 into unaccepta"e treat8ent !ue to the unavaia"iit5 or shortage of these !rugs. 0n fact; there was a awsuit against the F'A on "ehaf of patients affecte! "5 !rug shortages; which aege! that "5 aowing the !rug co8panies to stop 8aing a !rug; the F'A has effective5 aowe! the8 to 8ae ife4or4!eath !ecisions
for patients. onetheess; this awsuit was !is8isse! with the F'A stating that the5 the8seves ac the authorit5 to a!!ress potentia an! actua !rug shortages. 0t is ironic that !espite a the technoogica a!vance8ents; we sti have to face this pro"e8 of !rug shortages. Therein is the harsh reait5 of a wor! without 8e!ication.
A!apte! fro8 G'rug &hortages# The &car5 +eait5 of a 2? inferences that can "e 8a!e a"out the effects of !rug shortage. 0n!icate 5our answer "5 circing the appropriate options.
a) ") c) !)
Patients are the ones who wi eventua5 suffer fro8 !rug shortages. Patients have to !ea with riss; i8ite! choices an! questiona"e source of !rugs. 'rug shortages can co8pro8ise the quait5 of hospita treat8ents. Patients an! hospitas are facing ris5 sources of !rugs for treat8ents. (2 8ars)
UESTION 12 'eter8ine the author@s purpose for writing such an artice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 8ar)
'eter8ine in what wa5 the writer@s feeings towar!s the 8i!!e8en is !ifferent fro8 his or her feeings towar!s patients. &upport 5our answer with four e9a8pes of anguage use that refect the writer@s feeings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3 8ars)
UESTION 1+ 'raw a possi"e concusion "ase! on the reasoning in the given te9t#
At the ,hio &tate $niversit5 *o8prehensive *ancer *enter in *ou8"us; ,hio; +5an Forre5; Associate 'irector for Phar8ac5 an! 0nfusion &ervices; state! that in 2=12; of the >=;=== !oses of che8otherap5 a!8inistere! intravenous5 at his faciit5; a8ost 36 per cent were affecte! "5 shortages. Treat8ent was interrupte! or cancee!; patients were switche! to aternative !rugs; or an aternative supp5 for the nee!e! !rug ha! to "e foun!. (ines D=4 D6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 8ar)
'raw a possi"e concusion "ase! on the reasoning in the given te9t#
*o8panies are not penaise! for !rug shortages nor incentivise! to prevent the8; e9perts sa5. A nu8"er of heathcare professionas "eieve that the on5 rea soution is to require !rug 8anufacturers to stocpie 8e!icine an! to ensure that 8ore than one !rug48aer pro!uces it. GThere nee!s to "e a wa5 to o"igate 8utipe 8anufacturers to 8ae these ifesaving 8e!ications;H sa5s Forre5. (ines J34JD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 8ar)
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