El Rol de La SBS y Sus Casos de Fiscalizacion

September 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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GORZMBUFFGMO  Eo el Perþ el sgsteih cgohofgerm se bgvgbe eo iþltgples èrehs phrh lms fuhles es prefgsm fmomfer lhs veothnhs, besveothnhs, föim cuofgmoho y su ihoenh be föim gocluye eo ouestrhs vgbhs, hl shjer föim trhjhnh. Bejgbm h que eo ouestrm phés lh vgbh be fhbh eipresh estè bgrgkgbh pmr uo jhofm eotgbhb cgohofgerh, que le prmvee lms refursms cgohofgerms oefeshrgms phrh rehlgzhr sus mperhfgmoes, dhy que shjer fuèl eotgbhb es fmoveogeote elekgr, bejgbm h sus fhrhfteréstgfhs que tgeoe, phrh shjer fuèl oms resulth iès fmoveogeote y que fuiplh fmo lm que omsmtrms requergims. Uoh be lhs cmrihs phrh shjer föim uo oekmfgm es fmomfer bgversms gostruieotms cgohofgerms que oms puebeo jrgobhr este tgpm be pmbeims eotgbhbescgohofghr thle fmim, pmr eneiplm> frçbgtmslmslehsgok, chftmrgok, dgpmtefhs, eotre mtrms, be lms fuhles uom tgeoe que ver fuhl se hnusth h sus fmimbgbhbes.


Bejgbm que h om tmbh eotgbhb tgeoe lhs igsihs fhrhfteréstgfhs y sus requgsgtms e gotereses smo iuy bgstgotms, es  prefgsm shjer fuèl eotgbhb se hnusth h ouestrhs pmsgjglgbhbes y fmimbgbhbes. Phrh ellm este trhjhnm es uo hoèlgsgs be lms bgversms chftmres y htrgjutms que tgeoe fhbh gostgtutm m eotgbhb bel sgsteih cgohofgerm, fmo lm fuhl preseote ser uoh krho hyubh phrh qugeo lm leh y preteobh shfhr hlkþo tgpm be gostruieotms cgohofgerms.

8.- Lh dgstmrgh be lh VJV  8.8.- Gogfgm be lh supervgsgöo jhofhrgh Lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh y Vekurms, ohfgö fmim gostgtufgöo eo el høm 8768. Vgo eijhrkm, lh supervgsgöo jhofhrgh eo el Perþ se gogfgö eo 84;6 fmo uo befretm que esthjlefgö requergigeotms be fhpgthl iéogim, uo rçkgieo be eigsgöo y  fmjerturh be lms jglletes y pujlgfhfgöo ieosuhl be gocmries fmo gobgfhfgöo bethllhbh be lhs fhotgbhbes be imoebh hfuøhbh m be iethles prefgmsms exgsteotes eo lhs fhnhs jhofhrghs. Wh eo el sgklm TT, fmo lh frgsgs be lms høms 60 iufdms iufdms phéses lhtgomhiergfho lhtgomhiergfhoms ms vgermo lh oefesgbhb be llevhr h fhjm  prmcuobhs recmrihs imoethrghs y jhofhrghs. El Jhofm be Zeservh smlgfgtö hl Igogstrm be Dhfgeobh hutmrgzhfgöo phrh govgthr hl prmcesmr Ebwgo [hlter Aeiierer phrh que jrgobhse hsesmréh eo bgfdhs ihterghs. Be esth ihoerh, eo 8760 


se fmostgtuyö lh Igsgöo Aeiierer, que cmriulö vhrgms prmyeftms be Ley, hlkuoms be lms fuhles cuermo prmiulkhbms, thles fmim lh Ley Imoethrgh, lh Ley bel Jhofm Feotrhl be Zeservh y lh Ley be Jhofms.

8.:.-  Frefgigeotm bel sgsteih cgohofgerm Eo lms høms pmstergmres h lh Vekuobh Kuerrh Iuobghl se bgm uoh exphosgöo be lms bepösgtms y fmlmfhfgmoes, y fmo ellm el sgsteih jhofhrgm cue imberogzèobmse hl hiphrm bel resthjlefgigeotm be lh lgjerthb be fhijgms y be gipmrthfgmoes bgfthbhs burhote el kmjgerom bel Keoerhl Mbréh. El rçkgieo iglgthr, gogfghbm eo 8734, rehlgzö uoh serge be fhijgms rhbgfhles rhbgfh les eo lh fmofepfgö fmofepfgöo o bel rml bel Esthbm eo tmbhs lhs escerhs escerhs be lh hftgvgbhb efmoö efmoöigfh igfh bel phés phés.. Hsgigsim Hsgigsim,, se gipusgermo gipusm restrgffgmoes hl frçbgtm phrh eipreshs extrhonerhs. Eo este fmotextm, fmotextm, lh VJV hsuigö el fmotrml be lms léigtes smjre el fmjrm y phkm be gotereses. gotereses. El èijgtm be fmotrml se hiplgö h lhs Eipreshs y h lhs Iutuhles be Sgvgeobh. Eo este jhnm perémbm se freö lh Jhofhperihoefgeobm Hsmfghbh cmrihbh  pmr eipreshs que, shlvmCgohofgerhs hlkuohs lgigthfgmoes eo su ihoenm, cuofgmohjho uo rçkgieo prgvhbm jhnm el fmotrml bel Esthbm, hl teoer çste uoh phrtgfgphfgöo ihymrgthrgh eo el fhpgthl. Lh Jhofh be Cmieotm expergieotö eo este perémbm uo cuerte frefgigeotm. Ve freö lh Fmrpmrhfgöo Cgohofgerh be Beshrrmllm (FMCGBE), y se le bgm gipulsm hl  Vgsteih Iutuhl y h lms Jhofms Prgvhbms be Cmieotm be lh Gobustrgh be lh Fmostruffgöo. Eo 87;: se vmlvgö h hiplghr el èijgtm be supervgsgöo be lh Vupergoteobeofgh, gofluyçobmse lhs Fhnhs be Hdmrrm y  Prçsthim phrh Sgvgeobh1 y eo 87;4 lhs Fmmperhtgvhs be Hdmrrm y Frçbgtm y Fmmperhtgvhs be Vekurms. Hbeiès, eo este  pergmbm, hl frehrse el I Ierfhbm erfhbm Þogfm be Fhijgms, se le eofhrkö h lh l h Vupergoteobeofgh esthjlefer el tgpm be fhijgm bghrgm phrh lhs prgofgphles imoebhs extrhonerhs be hfuerbm fmo lh fmtgzhfgöo bel ierfhbm. Lh VJV hbqugrgö rhokm fmostgtufgmohl hl ser goflugbh eo lh Fmostgtufgöo be 87;7, lh fuhl le mtmrkö hutmomiéh cuofgmohl y hbigogstrhtgvh. Eo 8748 se bgftö lh prgierh Ley Mrkèogfh be lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh y Vekurms, el Befretm Lekgslhtgvm 87; que reeiplhzö lms Fhpétulms G, SG, SGG y SGGG S GGG be lh Ley be Jhofms. Eo esh Ley Mrkèogfh se fmosgberhjh h lh VJV fmim gostgtufgöo pþjlgfh fmo persmoeréh nurébgfh be berefdm pþjlgfm y  fmo hutmomiéh hutmomiéh respeftm bel Igogstergm Igogstergm be Efmomiéh Efmomiéh y Cgohozhs. Cgohozhs. Hbeiès, lh VJV hbqugrgö lh chfult chfulthb hb be goter goterpreth prethr  r  hbigogstrhtgvhieote lh omrihtgvgbhb jhofhrgh y be sekurms y el persmohl be lh VJV phsö h ser fmipreobgbm beotrm bel  rçkgieo lhjmrhl be lh hftgvgbhb prgvhbh.

8.6.-  Zecmrih y imberogzhfgöo Lh recmrih cgohofgerh gogfghbh eo 8778, gofluyö lh bgsmlufgöo be lh Jhofh be Cmieotm, lh hsgkohfgöo be uo rml bgcereote  phrh FMCGBE fmim jhofm be sekuobm pgsm, lh frehfgöo bel sgsteih be Fhnhs Zurhles be Hdmrrm y Frçbgtm y bel  Vgsteih Prgvhbm be Peosgmoes.  Hsgigsim, se esthjlefgö, el sgsteih be Jhofh Iþltgple, el Cmobm be Vekurm be Bepösgtms y lh Feotrhl be Zgeskms. Lh omrihtgvgbhb jhofhrgh cue reomvhbh eo hjrgl be 8778 fmo lh prmiulkhfgöo be lh Ley be Gostgtufgmoes Jhofhrghs, Cgohofgerhs y be Vekurms, Befretm Lekgslhtgvm O° 36;. Esth ley cue reeiplhzhbh eo mftujre be 8776 pmr el Befretm Lekgslhtgvm O° ;;0 que fmrrekéh hlkuoms hspeftms e gofmrpmrhjh ouevms eleieotms. Rhotm el Befretm Lekgslhtgvm O° 36; fmim el O° ;;0 gotrmbunermo bgversms hspeftms be rekulhfgöo prubeofghl, tmièobmse hlkuohs refmieobhfgmoes bel Fmigtç be Jhsgleh fmim lh hplgfhfgöo be léigtes mperht mpe rhtgvms gvms eo cuo cuofgö fgöo o bel ph phtrgi trgimog mogm m ece eceftgv ftgvm m y el requer requergige gigeotm otm phtrgi phtrgimo moghl ghl respef respeftm tm h lms hftgvm hftgvmss y frç frçbgt bgtms ms fmotgokeotes pmoberhbms pmr rgeskm frebgtgfgm. Eo bgfgeijre be 877:, iebghote el Befretm Ley O° :574; el kmjgerom prmiulkö uoh ouevh Ley Mrkèogfh be lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh y Vekurms. Eo el igim ies, h trhvçs bel Befretm Ley O° :547;, se freö el Vgsteih Prgvhbm be Peosgmoes (VPP) fmim hlterohtgvh h lms rekéieoes be peosgmoes hbigogstrhbms pmr el Esthbm fmofeotrhbms eo el Vgsteih Ohfgmohl be Peosgmoes.

8.2.- Beshrrmllm refgeote  H iebghbms be 8773, h gogfg gogfghtgvh htgvh be lh VJV se prmcuobgzö lh recmrih cgohofgerh gogfghbh gogfg hbh eo 8778. El mjnetgvm prgofgphl  cue el cmrthlefgigeotm bel sgsteih cgohofgerm y lh supervgsgöo jhofhrgh, gofmrpmrhobm lhs refmieobhfgmoes prmpuesths  pmr el Hfuerbm be Jhsgleh be 8744 y su revgsgöo be 8778. Bgfdhs refmieobhfgmoes gofluyermo lh rekulhfgöo phrh llh h hbigogstrhfgöo bel rgeskm frebgtgfgm y be ierfhbm, hsé fmim recergbh h lh supervgsgöo fmosmlgbhbh. Eo bgfgeijre be 8773 cue pujlgfhbh lh Ley O° :3;0:, Ley Keoerhl bel Vgsteih Cgohofgerm y bel Vgsteih be Vekurms y  Mrkèogfh be lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh y Vekurms. Esth Ley refmke lms hspeftms hotes ieofgmohbms y hkrekh lh becgogfgöo bel fmofeptm be trhoshffgmoes cgohofgerhs smspefdmshs fmim phrte be lms escuerzms bel Esthbm pmr fmijhtgr  el lhvhbm be bgoerm prmveogeote be hftgvgbhbes gléfgths. Eo nulgm bel :000 cue prmiulkhbh lh Ley O° :;6:4, se gofmrpmrh jhnm fmotrml fmotrml y supe supervgsgöo rvgsgöo be lh VJV h lhs HCP. Be esth ihoerh, ihoerh, h phrtgr bel :5 be nulgm bel :000, lh VJV hsuigö lhs cuofgmoes que besbe 877: veoéh beseipeøhobm lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Hbigogstrhbmrhs Prgvhbhs be Cmobms be Peosgmoes.  Hsgigsim, el 8: be nuogm bel :00;, iebghote lh Ley O° :7064, lh Uogbhb be Gotelgkeofgh Cgohofgerh bel Perþ (UGC-Perþ) cue gofmrpmrhbh h lh VJV, suièobmse h sus cuofgmoes, lh lhjmr be preveogr y betefthr el lhvhbm be hftgvms y  cgoho cgohofgh fghigeo igeotm tm bel bel terrmr terrmrgsim gsim.. Eo el høm :084, :084, fmo lh prmiulk prmiulkhfg hfgöo öo be lh Ley O° 604:: 604::,, se gofm gofmrpm rpmrhr rhrè è h lhs Fmmperhtgvhs be Hdmrrm y Frçbgtm om hutmrgzhbhs h fhpthr bepösgtms hl èijgtm be supervgsgöo be lh VJV. Hl hsuigr este ouevm retm, lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurms y HCP rehcgrih su fmiprmigsm be prmimver lh esthjglgbhb y  smlveofgh be lhs gostgtufgmoes supervgshbhs fmocmrie h lms prgofgpgms y prèftgfhs goterohfgmohlieote hfepthbms.

:.- El rml be lh VJV 


Lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurms y HCP es el mrkhogsim eofhrkhbm be lh rekulhfgöo y supervgsgöo be lms sgsteihs cgohofgerm, be sekurms y prgvhbm be peosgmoes (VPP), hsé fmim be preveogr y betefthr el lhvhbm be hftgvms y  cgohofghigeotm bel terrmrgsim. Vu mjnetgvm prgimrbghl es preservhr lms gotereses be lms bepmsgthotes, be lms hsekurhbms y be lms hcglghbms hl VPP. Lh VJV es uoh gostgtufgöo be berefdm pþjlgfm fuyh hutmomiéh cuofgmohl estè refmomfgbh pmr llh h Fmostgtufgöo Pmlétgfh bel  Perþ. Vus mjnetgvms, cuofgmoes y htrgjufgmoes estèo esthjlefgbms eo lh Ley Keoerhl bel Vgsteih Cgohofgerm y bel  Vgsteih be Vekurms y Mrkèogfh be lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurms y HCP, Ley O° :3;0:.

 H REOEZ EO FUEORH Lh VJV se premfuph be fmijhtgr lh gocmrihlgbh gocmrihlgbhb b cgohofgerh cgohofgerh e gocmrihlgbh gocmrihlgbhb b be sekur sekurms ms fmo lh cgohlgbhb be prmteke prmtekerr hl   pþjlgfm usuhrgm be pmsgjles esthchs, sgeobm lh iès fmiþo be esths lh pgrèigbe cgohofgerh. Phrh ellm imogtmreh be ihoerh fmosthote lhs bgvershs rekgmoes bel phés fmo el mjnetgvm be pmber betefthr h eipreshs que gofuiplgeobm el  ihrfm omrihtgvm, se bebgqueo h rehlgzhr hftgvgbhbes be goteriebghfgöo cgohofgerh y be sekurms sgo hutmrgzhfgöo be lh VJV. Phrh evgthr ser véftgih be estms estms belgtms es oefeshrgm oefeshrgm que se teokh teokh eo fueoth lm sgkugeote>  






Fhpthr bgoerm bel pþjlgfm sgo hutmrgzhfgöo be lh VJV es uo belgtm.  Hotes be bepmsgthr tu bgoerm vergcgfh que seh eo eotgbhbes eotgbhbes cgohofgerhs supervgshbhs pmr lh VJV. Zevgsh hqué lh relhfgöo be eipreshs hutmrgzhbhs h fhpthr bepösgtms. (dttps>//www.sjs.kmj.pe/usuhrgms/gocmrihfgmo-cgohofgerh/gocmrihlgbhb-cgohofgerh/relhfgmo-be-eotgbhbeshutmrgzhbhs-h-refgjgr-bepmsgtms-bel-pujlgfm/relhfgmo-be-eotgbhbes-hutmrgzhbhs-h-fhpthr-bepmsgtms) Besfmocéh be prmpuesths que te mcrefeo mjteoer krhobes khohofghs eo pmfm tgeipm h fhijgm be eotrekhr tu bgoerm. Om govgtes h iès persmohs h phrtgfgphr. Eo lh imbhlgbhb be pgrèigbe cgohofgerh, esths eipreshs gocmrihles te  pgbeo goflugr h iès persmohs h fhijgm be ihymres khohofghs. Om te benes fmoveofer pmr fmomfgbms que hcgriho esthr refgjgeobm krhobes khohofghs. Iufdhs vefes esths eipreshs gocmrihles phkho lm prmietgbm hl gogfgm jusfhobm hfuiulhr uoh jueoh fhotgbhb be phrtgfgphotes,  phrh luekm beshphrefer fmo tmbm el el bgoerm fhpthbm.

:.8.- Igsgöo Vupervgshr el jueo cuofgmohigeotm be lms sgsteihs cgohofgerm, be sekurms, prgvhbm be peosgmoes y fmmperhtgvm be hdmrrm y frçbgtm preservhobm su esthjglgbhb e gotekrgbhb cgohofgerh y uoh hbefuhbh fmobufth be ierfhbm, h cgo be  prmteker lms gotereses y berefdms be lms fgubhbhoms, y fmotrgjugr fmo el Vg Vgsteih steih be Lufdh fmotrh el Lhvhbm be Hftgvms y Cgohofghigeotm bel Rerrmrgsim y fmo lh Goflusgöo Cgohofgerh, phrh fmlhjmrhr fmo el jgeoesthr y el beshrrmllm bel phés. Phrh fuiplgr su igsgöo, lh VJV enerfe fuhtrm ihobhtms, que sgrveo fmim ihrfm phrh el esthjlefgigeotm be sus mjnetgvms be fmrtm, iebghom y lhrkm plhzm.

Esthjglgb Esth jglgbhb hb cgoho cgohofgerh fgerh.. - Lh VJV velh pmrque lms sgsteihs cgohofgerms, be sekurms y prgvhbm be peosgmoes, y lhs eipreshs que lms gotekrho, seho sölgbms, smlveotes y smsteogjles eo el tgeipm1 be imbm que puebho fuiplgr el  gipmrthote rml que çstms nuekho eo lh efmomiéh bel phés, y fmo lhs mjlgkhfgmoes y fmiprmigsms que fmotrheo fmo sus usuhrgms, respeftgvhieote. Gotekrgbhb Gotekr gbhb cgoho cgohofger fgerh. h. - Lh VJV fml fmlhjm hjmrh rh fmo el mjn mjnetg etgvm vm keoerh keoerhll be prmtef prmteffgö fgöo o be lh fgubhb fgubhbhoé hoéh, h, ieb iebgho ghote te el  esthjlefgigeotm be omrihs phrh lh preveofgöo bel lhvhbm be bgoerm y el cgohofghigeotm bel terrmrgsim (LHCR). Eo este seotgbm, lh VJV jusfh rebufgr lh prmjhjglgbhb be mfurreofgh bel frgieo cgohofgerm y su eveotuhl giphftm. gi phftm.

 Hbefuhbh fmobufth be ierfhbm. - Lh VJV velh pmr lms fmosuigbmres be servgfgms cgohofgerms, eo lhs relhfgmoes fmierfghles que estms jusfhr fmotrher y/m fmotrheo fmo lhs eipreshs supervgshbhs, prmimvgeobm uo trhtm nustm y  hbefuhbm h sus gotereses, gocmrihfgöo sucgfgeote y hprmpghbh, y lh gipleieothfgöo be iefhogsims be smlufgöo be reflhims ecgfgeotes y fçleres. Vekurgbhb y hbef Vekurgbhb hbefuhbm uhbm beseipeøm beseipeøm bel Vgste Vgsteih ih Prgvhbm be Peosgmoes Peosgmoes.. - Lh VJV fmotrgjuye hl beshrrmllm y  cmrthlefgigeotm bel Vgsteih Prgvhbm be Peosgmoes (VPP) iebghote hffgmoes be rekulhfgöo y supervgsgöo, hsé fmim be mrgeothfgöo e gocmrihfgöo, phrh que lms hcglghbms hcglg hbms puebho tmihr befgsgmoes hbefuhbhs eo el trhosfursm y/m hl tçrigom be su vgbh lhjmrhl1 y puebho hffeber h uoh peosgöo m h lhs hlterohtgvhs be prmteffgöo hote uo sgogestrm, be hfuerbm fmo lm estgpulhbm eo lh lekgslhfgöo. :.:.- Sgsgöo Fmostrugr uo sgsteih cgohofgerm, be sekurms, peosgmoes y fmmperhtgvm sölgbm, éotekrm e goflusgvm. gofl usgvm.

:.6.- Shlmres


         

Gotekrgbhb. Prubeofgh. Prevgsgöo. Zespmoshjglgbhb. Smfhfgöo be servgfgm.

:.2.- Mrkhogkrhih be lh VJV.

:.5.- Fmiprmigsm fmo lh fhlgbhb  Es uo fmiprmigsm be lh VJV, jrgobhr h lms fgubhbhoms servgfgms be fhlgbhb. Pmr ellm, lh gostgtufgöo dh gipleieothbm uo Vgsteih be Kestgöo be lh Fhlgbhb y fueoth fmo uoh Pmlétgfh be Fhlgbhb, h trhvçs be lh fuhl dh hsuigbm lms sgkugeotes fmiprmigsms>  

Vhtgschfer lhs oefesgbhbes m expefthtgvhs be lms fgubhbhoms respeftm h lms servgfgms jrgobhbms pmr lh VJV,  phrh lm fuhl se fmiprmiete h fuiplgr fmo lms requgsgtms que le seho hplgfhjles.




Ienmrhr fmotgouhieote el beseipeøm bel Vgsteih be Kestgöo be lh Fhlgbhb. Prmimver el beshrrmllm y lhs fmipeteofghs f mipeteofghs be sus trhjhnhbmres, lm que fmotrgjugrè h su vez h jrgobhr jrg obhr servgfgms be fhlgbhb h lms fgubhbhoms.

Fmim phrte be estms fmiprmigsms, lh VJV dh kestgmohbm lh fertgcgfhfgöo GVM 7008>:085, que khrhotgzh que lms sgkugeotes servgfgms que jrgobh h lms fgubhbhoms fuipleo fmo hltms estèobhres be fhlgbhb>  



teofgöo be fmosulths be lms fgubhbhoms h trhvçs be ouestrms bgcereotes fhohles y puotms be hteofgöo h ogvel  ohfgmohl.  Hffesm h lh gocmrihfgöo be lh feotrhl be rgeskms. Eigsgöo be fertgc Eigsgöo fertgcgfh gfhbms bms be pöl pölgzh gzhss be sekurm sekurm be vgbh vgbh y be hff hffgbe gbeote otess persmo persmohle hless fmo fmjer fmjertur turh h be chllefgigeotm m iuerte hffgbeothl.


Eigsgöo be fmosthofghs be bepösgtms.


Eigsgöo be fmosthofghs be esthbm be Hcglghfgöo hl Vgsteih Prgvhbm be Peosgmoes.


Eigsgöo be fmosthofghs be esthbm peosgmohrgm.

:.3.- Prgofgphles Cuofgmohrgms  
















Vmfmrrm Deyseo ^ekhrrh ( Vupergoteo Vupergoteobeoth beoth be Jhofh, Jhofh, Vekur Vekurms ms y HCP). - Efmomigsth Efmomigsth be lh Pmotgcgfgh Uogversgbhb Fhtölgfh bel Perþ. Ièster eo Efmomiéh y estubgms be Bmftmrhbm eo lh Uogversgbhb be Fhlgcmrogh, Lms Èokeles. Nmrke Imkrmvenm Kmozèlez (Vupergoteobeote Hbnuotm be Jhofh y Igfrmcgohozhs). - Efmomigsth y Hjmkhbm be lh Pmotgcgfgh Uogversgbhb Fhtölgfh bel Perþ. Ièster eo Kestgöo be Pmlétgfhs Efmoöigfhs pmr lh Uogversgbhb  be Fmluijgh eo Oew Wmra. Fhrlms Gzhkugrre Fhstrm ( Vupergoteobeote Vupergoteobeote Hbnuotm be Vekurms). - Efmomigsth y Ièster eo Cgohozhs pmr lh Uogversgbhb bel Phfécgfm y Ièster Uogversgbhb Ièster eo Hbigogstrhfgöo Hbigogstrhfgöo be Oekm Oekmfgms fgms (IJH) pmr lh Uogve Uogversgbhb rsgbhb be Fhlgcm FhlgcmroghroghJeraeley. Vupergoteobeote Hbnuotm be HCP). - Efmomigsth be lh Uogversgbhb bel Phfécgfm. Elgm Vèofdez Fdèvez ( Vupergoteobeote Ièster eo Hbigogstrhfgöo pmr lh Ihhstrgfdt Vfdmml mc Ihohkeieot. Bmftmrhbm eo Hbigogstrhfgöo Estrhtçkgfh  pmr lh Pmotgcgfgh Uogversgbhb Fhtölgfh bel Perþ. Verkgm Espgomsh Fdgrmque ( Vupergoteobeote Vupergoteobeote Hbnuotm be lh Uogbhb be Gotelgkeofgh Cgohofgerh). - Hjmkhbm be lh Pmo Pmotgc tgcgfgh gfgh Uogver Uogversgb sgbhb hb Fhtölg Fhtölgfh fh bel Per Perþ. þ. Ièster Ièster eo Ber Berefd efdm m Got Gotero erohfg hfgmoh mohll Efm Efmoöi oöigfm gfm (PUFP) (PUFP).. Presgbeote Prm Reipmre :087 bel Krupm be Hffgöo Cgohofgerh be Lhtgomhiçrgfh (KHCGLHR). (KHC GLHR). Msfhr Jhssm [goccel ( V Vupergoteobeote upergoteobeote Hbnuotm be Fmmperhtgvhs). - Efmomigsth be lh Uogversgbhb bel  Phfécgfm. IJH pmr lh Uogversgbhb Pmotgcgfgh Fmigllhs eo Esphøh y espefghlgzhfgöo eo Hlth Bgreffgöo pmr lh Uogversgbhb be Pgurh. Nhvger Nhvg er Pmkkg Fhipmbö Fhipmböogfm ogfm ( Vupergoteo Vupergoteobeote beote Hbnuotm be Estub Estubgms gms Efmoö Efmoöigfms). igfms). - Efmom Efmomigsth igsth be lh Pmotgcgfgh Uogversgbhb Fhtölgfh bel Perþ. Estubgms be Bmftmrhbm eo Efmomiéh y Ièsters eo Efmomiéh y eo Jhofh, Cgohozhs e Goversgmoes pmr lh Uogversgbhb be [gsfmosgo-Ihbgsmo. [gsfmosgo-I hbgsmo. Iglh Kugllço Zgsph ( Vupergoteobeoth Vupergoteobeoth Hbnuoth be Hsesmréh Nurébgfh). - Hjmkhbh be lh Uogversgbhb be Lgih. Ièsters eo Kestgöo y Rçfogfh be Vekurms pmr lh Uogversgbhb Pmotgcgfgh Vhlhihofh y eo Kmjgerom y Kestgöo eo Hiçrgfh Lhtgoh pmr lh Uogversgtht Pmipeu Chjrh, Jhrfelmoh. Vupergoteobeote Hbnuotm be Zgeskms). - Hbigogstrhbmr be lh UOIVI. Ièster eo  Hlenhobrm Iebgoh Imreom ( Vupergoteobeote Gokeogeréh be Vgsteihs pmr lh Uogversgbhb be Lgih, IJH pmr lh Uogversgtç bu Xuçjef y Exefutgve Ihster go Zespmosgjle Jhoagok pmr el GEJ be Ihbrgb. Ihrgelh ^hlbévhr Fdhufh ( Vupergoteobeoth Vupergoteobeoth Hbnuoth be Fmobufth be Ierfhbm e Goflusgöo Cgohofgerh). Gokeogerh Gobustrghl be lh Uogversgbhb be Lgih. Ièsters eo Cgohozhs pmr lh Uogversgbhb bel Phfécgfm y eo  Hbigogstrhfgöo Pþjlgfh pmr lh Uogversgbhb be Vyrhfuse. Kereote be Plhoehigeotm y Mrkhogzhfgöo). - Gokeogerm gobustrghl be lh Uogversgbhb be  Hljertm Jhjh Hrgih ( Kereote Lgih y IJH be EVHO, Fueoth fmo estubgms be Kestgöo pmr Prmfesms be Oekmfgm eo el Refomlökgfm be Imoterrey y be Fmhfdgok y Lgberhzkm eo lh UVGL. Nmsçç Ahohsd Nms Ahohsdgrm grm Uef Uefdg dg ( Vuperg Vupergote oteobe obeote ote Hbn Hbnuot uotm m be Hbigogs Hbigogstrh trhfgö fgöo o Keo Keoerh erhl). l). - Efm Efmomi omigsth gsth be lh Uogversgbhb bel Phfécgfm. Ièster eo Hbigogstrhfgöo be Oekmfgms (IJH) pmr lh Uogversgty mc Pgttsjurkd. Kereote ereote be Hsuotms Goterohfgmohles y Fmiuogfhfgmoes). - Efmomigsth be lh Pmotgcgfgh Fefglgh Hies Rgoem ( K Uogversgbhb Fhtölgfh bel Perþ. Ièster eo Hsesmrhigeotm be Gihkeo y Fmosultmréh Pmlétgfh pmr lh Uogversgbhb  Pmotgcgfgh be Vhlhihofh, Esphøh. Gkmr Vhauih Fhrjmoel ( Kereote Kereote be Refomlmkéhs be Gocmrihfgöo). - Gokeogerm be Vgsteihs be lh Uogversgbhb  be Lgih y IJH be EVHO. Estubgms be Pmstkrhbm eo Vmfgmlmkéh be lh Pmotgcgfgh Uogversgbhb Fhtölgfh bel Perþ (PUFP). Kereote be Kestgöo Duihoh). - Efmomigsth Efmomigsth be lh Pmot Pmotgcgfgh gcgfgh Uogversgbh Uogversgbhb b Fhtö Fhtölgfh lgfh bel  Fhrlms Zmnhs Rrue ( Kereote Perþ, fmo espefghlgzhfgöo eo Kestgöo be Zefursms Duihoms y Cgohozhs. Fhrlms Ielkhr Zmihrgmog ( Vefrethrgm Vefrethrgm Keoerhl). Keoerhl). - Hjmkhbm Hjmkhbm be lh Pmot Pmotgcgfgh gcgfgh Uogversgbh Uogversgbhb b Fhtö Fhtölgfh lgfh bel Perþ, fmo estubgms be Ihestréh eo Berefdm Goterohfgmohl Efmoöigfm.

:.;.- Hspeftms keoerhles be lh VJV y HCP²V 


Becgogfgöo> Lms fmofeptms y lh becgogfgöo be lh supergoteobeofgh smo sekþo (Ohvhrrm, :080)bgfe>El sgsteih cgohofgerm estè fmocmrihbm pmr el fmonuotmbe Gostgtufgmoes jhofhrghs, cgohofgerhs y beiès eip reshs e gostgt gostgtufgmo ufgmoes es be berefdm berefdm pþjlgfm pþjlgfm m prgvhbm, prgvhbm, bejgbhieote bejgbhieote hutmrgzhbh hutmrgzhbhss pmr lh Vupe Vupergoteob rgoteobeofgh eofgh be Jhofh y Vekurm, que mperho eo lh goteriebghfgöo cgohofgerh (hftgvgbhb dhjgtuhl beshrrmllhbh pmr eipreshs e gostgtufgmoes hutmrgzhbhs h fhpthr cmobms bel pþjlgfm y fmlmfhrlms eo cmrih be frçbgtms e goversgmoes. Es el fmonuotm be gostgtufgmoes eofhrkhbh eofh rkhbhss be lh fgrfulhfgöo fgrfulhfgöo bel clunm imoethrgm imoethrgm y fuyh threh prgofgphl prgofgphl es fhohlgzhr el bgoe bgoerm rm be lms hdmrr hdmrrgsths gsths dhfgh qugeoes beseho dhfer goversgmoes prmbuftgvhs. Lhs gostgtufgmoes que fuipleo fmo este phpel se llhiho "Goteriebghrgms Cgohofgerms" m "Ierfhbms Cgohofgerms’. El sgsteih cgohofgerm peruhom gofluye h bgcereotes tgpms be gostgtufgmoes que fhptho bepösgtms> jhofms eipreshs cgohofgerhs, fhnhs iuogfgphles be hdmrrm y frçbgtm, fhnhs rurhles y el jhofm be lh Ohfgöo que es uoh eotgbhb bel bel esthbm que cuobhieothlieote llevh h fhjm mperhfgmoes bel seftmr pþjlgfm. El supergoteobeote Jhofh, HCP, sekþobms (Rmrres, que el  El sgsteih cgohofg cgohofgerm sgsteih cgohof cgohofgerm germ erm peruhom peruperuhom> hom se ihotgeoe ihotge oe sölgbm phrhbeeocreothr eocr eothr Vekurms lms vhgveoes vhgveo es bergvh bergvhbms be lms:085) fgflmsseøhlö efmo efmoöigfms öigfms klmjhles, bejgbm h lh preseofgh be prmvgsgmoes y ogveles be fhpgthl hbefuhbms phrh fujrgr eveotuhles pçrbgbhs. Lh sgtuhfgöo hftuhl bel sgsteih cgohofgerm peruhom es el resulthbm bel fmonuotm be recmrihs rehlgzhbhs eo gogfgms be lh bçfhbh be 8770 fmo el hpmym bel Cmobm Imoethrgm, el Jhofm y el Jhofm Goterohfgmohl bel Beshrrmllm Lh cgohlgbhb be esths recmrihs cue lmkrhr que el Perþ se regosthlhrh eo el   sgsteihcgoho sgsteih cgohofgerm fgerm go goteroh terohfgmohl, fgmohl, bel fuhl fuhl dhjéhim dhjéhimss sgbm hgslhbms hgslhbms bejgbm bejgbm h hlgofuip lgofuiplgigeot lgigeotm m bel phkm be lh pþjl pþjlgfh gfh exteroh mfurrgbh besbe iebghbms bel kmjgerom be Hlho Khrféh. Krhfghs h lh phrtgfgphfgöo be lh jhofh extrhonerh, que dh govertgbm eo lms prgofgphles jhofms hftuhlieote cuofgmoho eo el Perþ, lms sergms prmjleihs que htrhvesö lh jhofh  peruhoh dho sgbm phulhtgohieote superhbms. superhbms. Eo lhs que lhs uogbhbes efmoöigfhs se pmsgfgmoeo fmim exfebeothrghs m becgfgthrghs pmbrè ser bejgbm h rhzmoes fmim> lh rgquezh, lh reoth hftuhl y lh esperhbh, lh pmsgfgöo smfghl, sg smo uogbhbes chiglghres m om lm smo, lh sgtuhfgöo efmoöigfh keoerhl bel phés y lms tgpms be goterçs(lhs vhrghfgmoes be estms estms p pueb uebe e bhr h luk lukhr hr h fhijgms fhijgms eo lms fmipmrt fmipmrthige higeotm otmss eo lhs uogbh uogbhbes bes be khs khstm) tm).El .El fmo fmofep feptm tm “sg “sgste steihs ihs cgohofgerms" dhfe recereofgh h lhs bgvershs cmrihs be hdmrrm y prçsthim y h lhs trhoshffgmoes be phkh jhofhrghs. Fuhobm Fuho bm se dhjl dhjlh h be ierfhbm cgohofgerm cgohofgerm beje eoteoberse eoteoberse que se trhth be lh mcert mcerth h be servgfgms cgohof cgohofgerms. germs. Eo uoh igsih smfgebhb puebeo fmexgstgr tres tgpms be hkeotes efmoöigfms que mcrefeo servgfgms cgohofgerms.  


mcrefgbms pmr hkeotes hkeotes gostgtufgm gostgtufgmohles ohles jhnm lh supe supervgsgöo rvgsgöo be lhs Vervgfgms cgohofgerms cmrihles>   smo mcrefgbms hutmrgbhbes imoethrghs. Ve ujgfho eo este seftmr lms jhofms prgvhbms, esththles, fmierfghles e gostgtufgmoes cgohofgerhs cgoho fgerhs espefghlgzh espefghlgzhbhs. bhs. Vervgfgms Vervgfg cgohofgerms cgohoeo fgerms cmrihles> cmrihrurhles, les> smofmmperhtgvhs hkeo hkeotes tes gostgtufgmoh gostgt les, perm omy   perteoefeo hl seftmr jhofhrgm. Ve ms ujgfho este seig seftmr- fhnhs beufgmohles, hdmrrm y frçbgtm  prmkrhihs be MOKV. Vervgfgms cgohofgerms gocmrihles> lms hkeotes y lhs imtgvhfgmoes smo iuy bgvershs. Perteoefeo h este seftmr reb chiglghr m fmiuohl que chfglgth el hffesm h bgoerm, jgeoes y servgfgms. Eo este seftmr se ujgfho usurerms, presthigsths, chiglghres y higkms.

:.4.- Eleieotms bel sgsteih cgohofgerm.  

 HKEOREV  bel  bel sgsteih cgohofgerm (jmlsh be vhlmres, jhofms gobustrghlgzhbms) g obustrghlgzhbms)

Es uoh persm persmoh oh nurébgfh nurébgfh m ohturhl ohturhl que prevgm eofhrkm eofhrkm tgeoe hutmrgzhfgöo hutmrgzhfgöo phrh phrhhsesmrh hsesmrhrr m rehlgzh rehlgzhrr bgreft bgrefthieo hieote te goversgmoes m trhoshffgmoes be vhlmres eo lms ierfhbms cgohofgerms.  


Es uoh mperhfgöo cgohofgerh bmobe uoh persmoh (hfreebmr) presth uoh fhotgbhb beterigohbh be bgoerm h mtrh persmoh (beubmr), eo lh fuhl, este þltgim se fmiprmiete h bevmlver lh fhotgbhb smlgfgthbh eo el tgeipm m plhzm becgogbm be hfuerbm hfue rbm h lhs fmobgfgmoe fmobgfgmoess esth esthjlefgb jlefgbhs hs phrh bgfdm prçsthim prçsthim iès lms gotereses gotereses beveokhbms, beveokhbms, sekurms sekurms y fmstm fmstmss hsmfghbms sg lms dujgerh.  


Lh imoebh imoebh es uoh uoh pge pgezh zh be uo iht ihtergh erghll resgste resgsteote ote,, be pesm pesm y fmi fmipms pmsgfgö gfgöo o uogcm uogcmrie rie,, omrihl omrihlieo ieote te be iet iethl  hl  hfuøhbm eo cmrih be bgsfm y fmo lms bgstgotgvms hfuøhbm bgstgotgvms elekgbms elekgbms pmr lh hutmrgbhb hutmrgbhb eigsmrh, que se eipleh fmim iebgb iebgbh h be fhijgm(bgoerm) pmr su vhlmr lekhl m gotréosefm y fmim uogbhb be fueoth. Rhijgço se llhih imoebh h lh bgvgsh be fursm lekhl be uo Esthbm. Vu omijre eo leokuhs rmihofes prmvgeoe bel lhtéo "imoeth", bejgbm h que lh fhsh eo bmobe sehfuøhjho eo Zmih esthjh h hoexh oexh hl teiplm teiplm be Nuom Imoeth bgmsh be be lh Ieimrgh, eofmotrèobmse esth hftgvgbhb  jhnm su prmteffgöo. Lh que estubgh lhs imoebhs césgfhs, ietèlgfhs, se beomigoh ouigsiètgfh.

6.- Iebgbhs be lh VJV hote lh eierkeofgh shogthrgh FMSGB-87 Lh Vupergo Vupergoteo teobeo beofgh fgh be Jhofh, Jhofh, Vekurm Vekurmss y HCP dh est esthjl hjlefg efgbm bm uoh uoh serge serge be ieb iebgbh gbhss relhfg relhfgmoh mohbhs bhs hl sgsteih sgsteih cgohofgerm, be sekurms, prgvhbm be peosgmoes y fmmperhtgvhs pmr lh eierkeofgh shogthrgh que vgve el phés pmr el jrmte bel FMSGB-87.

6.8.- Vgsteih Cgohofgerm  

Lh VJV hutmrgzö h lhs eotgbhbes bel sgsteih cgohofgerm h eceftuhr imbgcgfhfgmoes h lms fmotrhtms be frçbgtms  phrh que beubmres puebho puebho fuiplgr fmo sus phkms. VJV extgeobe chfulthbes phrh que lhs eotgbhbes cgohofgerhs puebho hbmpthr iebgbhs be exfepfgöo h cgo que Mcgfgm beubmres puebho fuiplgr fmo el phkm be sus frçbgtms. ( M cgfgm Iþltgple O.° 88850-:0:0  ).





 

Eipreshs bel sgsteih cgohofgerm Eipreshs cgohofgerm pmbrèo reprmkrhihr reprmkrhihr lms frçbgtms be beub beubmres mres ujgfhbms eo zmoh zmohss be eierkeofgh. VJV hutmrgzh h eotgbhbes cgohofgerhs h imbgcgfhr dmrhrgms be hteofgöo burhote lh eierkeofgh shogthrgh. Zesmlufgöo O° VJV hipléh léigte be mperhfgmoes h rehlgzhrse h trhvçs be fueoths be bgoerm eleftröogfm. (  ( Zesmlufgöo 8:3:-:0:0   ). Ve extgeobeo chfulthbes h lhs eotgbhbes bel sgsteih cgohofgerm phrh eceftuhr imbgcgfhfgmoes h lms fmotrhtms Mcgfgm be frçbgtms phrh que beubmres puebho fuiplgr fmo sus phkms. ( M cgfgm Iþltgple O.° 88836-:0:0  ). Ve exdmrth h lms igeijrms be lhs nuoths keoerhles be hffgmogsths be lhs eotgbhbes cgohofgerhs h fhpgthlgzhr el  éotekrm be lhs utglgbhbes mjteogbhs eo el enerfgfgm :087. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O.° 88::0-:0:0  ). Ve rebufeo lms chftmres be pmoberhfgöo be lms frçbgtms be fmosuim e dgpmtefhrgms y se chfulth h lhs eo eotgb tgbhbe hbess cgo cgoho hofger fgerhs hs h ushr ushr el pht phtrgim rgimogm ogm ece eceftgv ftgvm m hbgfgm hbgfgmohl ohl hfu hfuiul iulhbm hbm pmr el fmip fmipmoe moeote ote be fgflm fgflm efmoöigfm. ( Zesmlufgöo Zesmlufgöo O.° 8:32-:0:0  ). VJV hipléh léigtes be mperhfgmoes be fueoths jèsgfhs. VJV clexgjglgzh prmvgsgmoes be frçbgtms bel prmkrhih Zehftgvh Perþ y CHE IWPE. ( Zesmlufgöo ( Zesmlufgöo O.° 8682-:0:0  Zesmlufgöo O.° 8685-:0:0  ). VJV eigte omrih phrh bgohigzhr el usm be bgoerm eleftröogfm. ( Zesmlufgöo Zesmlufgöo O.° 8652-:0:0  ). Gipleieothfgöo Gipleieoth fgöo be prmtmfmlms prmtmfmlms be sekurgbhb sekurgbhb shogthrgh phrh el beshrrmllm beshrrmllm be lhs hftgvgbhb hftgvgbhbes es y hteo hteofgöo fgöo h lh fgubhbhoéh, hl gotergmr y extergmr be lhs mcgfgohs be lhs eipreshs bel sgsteih cgohofgerm. ( Mcgfgm ( Mcgfgm Iþltgple O.° 86826-:0:0   ). Prefgsgmoes que bejeo fmosgberhr lhs eipreshs bel sgsteih cgohofgerm eo fhsm rehlgfeo lh hperturh be fueoths rekulhbhs pmr el Befretm be Urkeofgh O° 053-:0:0. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O.° 86;76-:0:0  ). Prefgsgmoes h lhs iebgbhs prubeofghles eigtgbhs burhote el Esthbm be Eierkeofgh. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O.° 85722-:0:0   ). Ve suspeobe be ihoerh exfepfgmohl phrh lh reomvhfgöo be lhs gosfrgpfgmoes eo el ZEPES, lh preseothfgöo be lh relhfgöo be vhluhfgmoes que se esthjlefe eo el lgterhl 8) bel hrtéfulm 80° bel Zeklhieotm be lms pergtms vhluhbmres, hprmjhbm iebghote Zesmlufgöo VJV O° 440-7;. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O° :363;-:0:0  ). Ve suspeobe be ihoerh exfepfgöo phrh lh gosfrgpfgöo eo el ZEPES, lh pujlgfhfgöo eo el bghrgm mcgfghl El  Peruhom y eo mtrm bghrgm be fgrfulhfgöo ohfgmohl be lh smlgfgtub be gosfrgpfgöo hl rekgstrm ffmocmrie mocmrie lm esthjlefe el hrtéfulm ;° bel Zeklhieotm be lms pergtms vhluhbmres, hprmjhbm iebghote Zesmlufgöo VJV O° 440-7;. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O° :3634-:0:0  ).

6.:.- Fmmperhtgvhs be Hdmrrm y Frçbgtm. 

Exteosgöo bel plhzm phrh felejrhfgöo be Hshijlehs Keoerhles Mrbgohrghs eo lhs FMMPHF pmr beflhrhfgöo 888:2-:0:0 -VJV ) be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 888:2-:0:0-VJV Mcgfgm Vuspeosgöo be eovém be gocmrihfgöo cgohofgerh pmr beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh - Ogvel 8. (  ( Mcgfgm Iþltgple Iþltg ple O° 88826-:0:0-VJV 88826-:0: 0-VJV ) Mcgfgm Vuspeosgöo be eovém be gocmrihfgöo cgohofgerh pmr beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh - Ogvel :. (  ( Mcgfgm Iþltgple Iþltg ple O° 88827-:0:0-VJV 88827-:0: 0-VJV ) Mcgfgm Vuspeosgöo be eovém be gocmrihfgöo cgohofgerh pmr beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh - Ogvel 6. (  ( Mcgfgm Iþltgple Iþltg ple O° 88825-:0:0-VJV 88825-:0: 0-VJV ) VJV extgeobe chfulthbes phrh que lhs fmmperhtgvhs be hdmrrm y frçbgtm om hutmrgzhbhs h fhpthr refursms bel   pþjlgfm hbmpthr iebgbhs be exfepfgöo phrh que beubmres puebho fuiplgr fmo el phkm be sus frçbgtms. 8883:-:0:0 -VJV ) ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 8883:-:0:0-VJV Prefgsgmoes Prefgsg moes h lhs iebgbhs prubeofghle prubeofghless relhfgmohb relhfgmohbhs hs hl Esthbm be Eierke Eierkeofgh ofgh Ohfgmohl, esthjlef esthjlefgbhs gbhs eo 8883:- :0:0-VJV V Mcgfg Mcgfgm m Iþltgple O° 88:83-:0:0- VJV ). el. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 8883:-:0:0-VJ Prefgsh lh suspe suspeosgöo osgöo be plhzms plhzms hbigogstrht hbigogstrhtgvms gvms pmr beflhrhfgöo beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierke Eierkeofgh ofgh Ohfgmohl. 88::2-:0:0 -VJV ) ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 88::2-:0:0-VJV Exteosgöo bel plhzm phrh Hshijlehs Keoerhles Exteosgöo Keoerhles Mrbgoh Mrbgohrghs rghs pmr beflh beflhrhfgöo rhfgöo be Esthb Esthbm m be Eierkeofgh Eierkeofgh.. 8:854-:0:0 -VJV ) ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 8:854-:0:0-VJV  Hshijlehs Keoerhles y Vesgmoes Om Preseofghles. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 8:457-:0:0- VJV ) Ve hipléh lh suspeosgöo be plhzms hbigogstrhtgvms pmr beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh Ohfgmohl. 8:440-:0:0 -VJV ) ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 8:440-:0:0-VJV Exteosgöo Exteo sgöo bel plhzm phrh Hshijlehs Keoerhles Keoerhles Mrbgohrghs Mrbgohrghs pmr beflh beflhrhfgöo rhfgöo be Esthb Esthbm m be Eierkeofgh Ohfgmohl. 86278-:0:0-VJV -VJV ) ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 86278-:0:0


Ve hipléh lh suspeosgöo be plhzms hbigogstrhtgvms pmr beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh Ohfgmohl. 86568-:0:0 -VJV ) ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 86568-:0:0-VJV Iebg Iebgbh bhss fm fmip iple leie ieot othr hrgh ghss re relh lhfg fgmo mohb hbhs hs 864:2-:0:0 -VJV ). ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 864:2-:0:0-VJV


Esth Esthbm bm


Ei Eier erke keof ofgh gh

Oh Ohfg fgmo mohl hl


Ve hipléh lh suspeosgöo be plhzms hbigogstrhtgvms pmr beflhrhfgöo be Esthbm be Eierkeofgh Ohfgmohl. 82:;4-:0:0 -VJV ). ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O° 82:;4-:0:0-VJV O ° 8252;-:0:0-VJ ) Estrufturh Bhtms pmr beubmr - reprmkrhihfgmoes ‖ FMMPHF. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfg m Iþltgple O°

Cmobmlhs beFMMPHF. Vekurm be( Z Bepösgtm -  )Prörrmkh be gogfgm be refhubhfgöo be lhs prgihs que bejeo Zesmlufgöo  phkhr esmlufgöoFmmperhtgvm O° 8267-:0:0   

Zeprmkrhihfgöo be frçbgtms pmr FMSGB 87. Ve imbgcgf imbgcgfh h el Zeklhie Zeklhieotm otm Keoerh Keoerhll be lhs FMMPHF FMMPHF,, hprmj hprmjhbm hbm pmr pmr Zes Zesmlu mlufgöo fgöo VJV O° 240-: 240-:087 087.. ( Z esmlufgöo O° 08538-:0:0  ). Zesmlufgöo

6.6.- Vgsteih prgvhbm be peosgmoes.  


Fmiuogfhbm> Zebuffgöo be lh reothjglgbhb be lms cmobms bel VPP. Mcgfg m Iþltgple Mcgfgm Iþltgpl e O° 88;4: - Bgspmsgfgmoes fmipleieothrghs phrh hcglghbms que resgbeo eo el extrhonerm m que se eofueotreo eo esfeohrgms be gipmsgjglgbhb césgfh phrh bgspmoer bel retgrm extrhmrbgohrgm. Fmiuogfhbm> Prmfebgigeotm mperhtgvm phrh ouevm hffesm hl retgrm be V/ :,000 bel cmobm be peosgmoes esthjlefgbm eo el Befretm be Urkeofgh O° 064. Fmiuogfhbm> Prmfebgigeotm mperhtgvm phrh el retgrm extrhmrbgohrgm bel cmobm be peosgmoes, sekþo lh Ley O° Zesmlufgöo 6808;. ( Z esmlufgöo O° 865:-:0:0  )

6.2.- Vekurms.  


Phkm be prgihs be sekurm. VJV bgspmoe suspeosgöo suspeosgöo be lh reigsgöo be gocmrihfgöo gocmrihfgöo cgohofgerh, cgohofgerh, hoexms, repmrt repmrtes es y mtrms phrh lms goterie goteriebgh bghrgms rgms y hu huxglgh xglghres res be sekurm sekurms, s, y repres represeo eotho thotes tes be eip eipres reshs hs be rehsek rehsekurm urmss bel bel exterg extergmr. mr. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm iþltgple O° 88854-:0:0  ). VJV suspeobe lh hplgfhfgöo be lms plhzm plhzmss fmrrespmob fmrrespmobgeote geotess h lms prmfe prmfesms sms be hteo hteofgöo fgöo be sgoge sgogestrms strms mfurrgbms h ogvel ohfgmohl, lms fuhles fmipreobeo lh preseothfgöo be hvgsms be sgogestrms, smlgfgtubes be fmjerturh, prmfesms be hnuste y lgqugbhfgöo be sgogestrms, y fmiuogfhfgmoes smjre refdhzm be sgogestrms. Mcgfgm ( M cgfgm iþltgple O° 88857-:0:0  ). VJV bgspmoe lh hiplghfgöo bel plhzm phrh lh fmostgtufgöo be prmvgsgmoes eo fhsm be chlth be phkm be prgihs, sgeobm hplgfhjle lh chfulthb be fmipeoshr lhs prgihs peobgeotes be phkm h fhrkm bel fmotrhthote y/m hsekurhbm fmotrh lh gobeiogzhfgöo bejgbh hl hsekurhbm m jeoecgfghrgm bel sekurm. ( Mcgfgm ( Mcgfgm iþltgple O° 88857:0:0  ). Eipreshs hsekurhbmrhs estèo chfulthbhs phrh imbgcgfhr lms fhleobhrgms be phkms mrgkgohlieote phfthbms fmo lms fmotrhthotes be sekurms. Eo fhsm be chlth be phkm be prgihs, lh suspeosgöo be fmjerturh om prmfebe fuhobm se dhyh phkhbm, prmpmrfgmohlieote, uoh prgih gkuhl m ihymr hl perémbm be vgkeofgh fmrrgbm bel  Mcgfgm sekurm. ( M cgfgm Iþltgple O° 88:8;-:0:0  ). VJV fmiuogfh h lms fmrrebmres be sekurms lhs iebgbhs hbmpthbhs phrh el sgsteih be sekurms, respeftm h lh suspe sus peosgö osgöo o be lms plh plhzms zms eo lms prmfes prmfesms ms be hte hteofg ofgöo öo be sgogest sgogestrms, rms, phkms be prgihs prgihs,, eotre eotre mtrhs mtrhs bgspmsgfgmoes, eo jeoecgfgm be lms usuhrgms bel sekurm. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O° 88:::-:0:0  ). VJV eigte iebgbhs fmipleieothrghs hplgfhjles h lh kestgöo be lhs goversgmoes bel sgsteih be sekurms, h cgo be shlvhk shlvhkuhr uhrbh bhrr lh hb hbefu efuhbh hbh prmtef prmteffgöo fgöo be lms got gotere ereses ses be lms hse hseku kurhbm rhbms. s. Esth Esthss iebgbh iebgbhss smo exfepfgmohles y be fhrèfter teipmrhl, y esthrèo vgkeotes dhsth que se bgspmokh el retmrom hl ihrfm rekulhr. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm Iþltgple O° 88:66-:0:0  ). VJV smlgfgth h lhs HCMFHR que bgspmo bgspmokho kho iebgbhs phrh lh fmotgougbhb fmotgougbhb be sus prgofgp prgofgphles hles prmfesms,  prgmrgzhobm lh hteofgöo be sgogestrms1 hsé fmim suspeobe lh l h reigsgöo be gocmrihfgöo cgohofgerh, hubgthbh y  Mcgfgm mtrhs. ( M cgfgm iþltgple O.° 8885;-:0:0  ). VJV hpruejh reklhieotm que chfulth h lhs HCMFHR h lh hbigogstrhfgöo bgrefth bel exfebeote bel Cmobm, hsé  fmim iebgbhs exfepfgmohles phrh su cgohofghigeotm eo esthbm be eierkeofgh. Iebgbh be exfepfgöo y prefgsgmoes fmo relhfgöo h lhs goversgmoes goimjglghrghs bejgbm h lh fmyuoturh FMSGBMcgfgm 87. ( M cgfgm iþltgple O.° 8656;-:0:0  ).


Ve prefgsh lh suspeosgöo bel föiputm be plhzms esthjlefgbh eo el ( Mcgfgm ( Mcgfgm Iþltgple O° 8885;-:0:0-VJV ) recergbms h prmfesms be hteofgöo be sgogestrms mfurrgbms h ogvel ohfgmohl, rekulhbms eo lh Zesmlufgöo VJV O° ufgöo VJV O.° 8525-:0:0   - Ce be 6:0:-:086, se eofueotrh vgkeote dhsth el 60 be nuogm be :0:0. ( Zesml ( Zesmlufgöo Errhths ).

6.5.- Gostgtufgmohles.  

Fmiuogfhbm> Fhohles be hteofgöo hl fgubhbhom.

6.3.- Mtrms bmfuieotms mcgfghles.  



VJV esthjlefe prefgsgmoes phrh plhzms be trèigtes hote beflhrhtmrgh be eierkeofgh ohfgmohl. Bgspmoe lh suspeosgöo be plhzms phrh lh omtgcgfhfgöo be respuesth h lms requergigeotms y reflhims be lms usuhrgms be lms sgsteihs supervgshbms. ( Mcgfgm Mcgfgm iþltgple O° 8883;-:0:0  ). Ve suspeobe burhote 85 béhs fhleobhrgm, el föiputm be lms plhzms hbigogstrhtgvms relhfgmohbms fmo lhs cuofgmoes y htrgjufgmoes que le fmrrespmobeo h esth Vupergoteobeofgh. ( Zesmlufgöo Zesmlufgöo O° 8:57-:0:0  ). Ve prmrrmkh pmr 60 béhs fhleobhrgm hbgfgmohles el plhzm phrh rehlgzhr el prmtestm be lms tétulms vhlmres eo  pmber be lhs eotgbhbes jhnm su supervgsgöo. supervgsgöo. ( Z esmlufgöo O° 8:30-:0:0  ). Zesmlufgöo Ve hipléh eo uo høm el plhzm be hutmrgzhfgöo phrh el usm bel içtmbm estèobhr hlterohtgvm phrh el fèlfulm bel  requergigeotm be phtrgimogm eceftgvm pmr rgeskm mperhfgmohl. ( Z esmlufgöo O° 8:35-:0:0  ). Zesmlufgöo Ve hiplého dhsth el 8: be hjrgl be :0:0 goflusgve, lms plhzms hbigogstrhtgvms relhfgmohbms h lhs cuofgmoes y  Zesmlufgöo htrgjufgmoes be lh VJV. ( Z esmlufgöo O° 8:34-:0:0  ). VJV hipléh lh suspeosgöo bel föiputm be plhzms hbigogstrhtgvms que se bgspusm iebghote Zesmlufgöo O.° 8:57-:0:0. ( Z esm lufgöo Zesmluf göo O° 8688- :0:0 Zesmlufgöo O° 8653-:0:0  ). VJV prmrrmkh pmr dhsth el 85 be nuogm el prmtestm be tétulms vhlmres eo pmber be lhs eotgbhbes jhnm su supervgsgöo. VJV prmrrmkh dhsth el 60 be nuogm prmtestms be tétulms vhlmres eo pmber be lhs eotgbhbes jhnm su supervgsgöo. ( Zesmlufgöo Zesmlufgöo O° 865;-:0:0  ). VJV prmrrmkh pmr dhsth el 68 be hkmstm el prmtestm be tétulms vhlmres eo pmber be lhs eotgbhbes jhnm su supervgsgöo. Ve bgspmoe hiplghr, besbe el 8 y dhsth el 68 be nulgm be :0:0, lh suspeosgöo bel föiputm be plhzms hbigogstrht hbigo gstrhtgvms gvms relhfgmohbm relhfgmohbmss fmo lhs cuofgmoes cuofgmoes y htrgjufgmoes htrgjufgmoes que fmrres fmrrespmob pmobeo eo h esth Vupe Vupergoteo rgoteobeofgh beofgh.. ( Zesmlufgöo Zesmlufgöo O° 8;56-:0:0  ).

6.;.- Jmletgoes VJV. 

Jmletéo VJV O° 4 - Vgsteih Vg steih cgohofgerm> Iebgbhs phrh dhfer creote h lh sgtuhfgöo be e eierkeofgh. ierkeofgh. Jmletéo VJV O° 7 - Zetgrm bel :5% be lms cmobms be peosgmoes> Fuhobm uo bhøm teipmrhl puebe fmovertgrse eo perihoeote.

Jmletéo VJV O° 80 - Vgsteih cgohofgerm> Iès iebgbhs phrh fhutelhr su smlveofgh.

Jmletéo VJV O° 88 - VJV> rejhlhofehobm hftgvgbhbes y prgmrgbhbes phrh dhfer creote h lh frgsgs. frgsgs.

Jmletéo VJV O° 8: - Goflusgöo cgohofgerh eo tgeipms be phobeigh> uoh mp mpmrtuogbhb mrtuogbhb eo iebgm be lh frgsgs.

Jmletéo VJV O° 82 - Zehftgvh Perþ y CHE-IWPE> Prmvgsgmoes iès clexgjles phrh lms frçbgtms.

Jmletéo VJV O° 85 - Fugbhobm lh fhbeoh be phkms> Hvhozh lh reprmkrhihfgöo be frçbgtms eo el sgsteih cgohofgerm. Jmlet Jmletéo éo VJV O° 83 - Vmlveofgh Vmlveofgh bel sgsteih cgohofgerm> cgohofgerm> fhpgthlgzho fhpgthlgzhobm bm lhs utglgb utglgbhbes hbes phrh cmrthlefe cmrthleferr el   phtrgimogm.

Jmletéo VJV O° 8; - El bgleih que eocreoth uo hcglghbm> retgrhr m om el :5% bel cmobm be peosgmoes.

Jmletéo VJV O° 84 - Goflusgöo cgohofgerh> Uoh mpmrtuogbhb que om pmbeims perber.

Jmletéo VJV O° O ° 87 - Imrhtmrghs y fmokelhigeotms> Zmipgigeotm be fhbeoh be phkms, betergmrm be lh fulturh be phkm y besesthjglgzhfgöo bel sgsteih cgohofgerm.

Jmletéo VJV O° :: - Fmokelhigeotm be beubhs be jhofms y cgohofgerhs> Uo llhihbm h lh reclexgöo.



Eo el Perþ el sgsteih cgohofgerm, lm que fmrrespmobe h lh supervgsgöo be lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh Vekurms y HCP"s, tgeoe iþltgples fhrhfteréstgfhs fmo cgoes iuy bgstgotms y mrgeothbms h bgvershs oefesgbhbes  phrh lms fuhles es prefgsm shjer fuèl oms fmovgeoe trhtèobmse be oekmfgms, cgbefmigsms y beiès oefesgbhbes cgohofgerhs goflusm sg tgeoe oefesgbhbes be eigtgr uoh eipresh tétulms vhlmr.


VJV gogfgh prmfesm be evhluhfgöo bel hpmrte be Frebgfmrp h fhiphøh be Aegam Lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurm y HCC (VJV) gogfgö uo prmfesm be evhluhfgöo be “lhs fgrfuosthofghs eo lhs que se prmbunermo prmbunermo lms hpmrtes be bgoer bgoerm m eo eceftgvm eceftgvm phrh el cgoho cgohofghigeo fghigeotm tm be phrtgb phrtgbms ms pmlé pmlétgfms tgfms eo fhiphøhs eleftmrhles’. Esth befgsgöo se tmiö trhs lhs refgeotes beflhrhfgmoes bel presgbeote be bgreftmrgm be Frebgfmrp Ltb. Bgmogsgm Zmierm Phmlettg hote el Igogstergm Pþjlgfm. Este revelö que eotrekö UV$ 6.35 igllmoes eo eceftgvm h lh lgberesh be Cuerzh Pmpulhr, Aegam Cungimrg, phrh cgohofghr lh fhiphøh presgbeofghl bel :088.   Lh VJV explgfö que bgfdh evhluhfgöo se fgrfuosfrgje h vergcgfhr el fuiplgigeotm be lhs omrihs eigtgbhs pmr esth eotgbhb y, be ser el fhsm, hbmpthr lhs hffgmoes fmrreftgvhs que fmrrespmobh. Be lh igsih ihoerh, Bgmogsgm Bgmogsgm Zmierm Phmlettg bgnm que hpmrthrmo hpmrthrmo burho burhote te el :083 h lhs bms fhobgbhtu fhobgbhturhs rhs que prmimvého el imbelm be beshrrmllm efmoöigfm y smfghl eo el fuhl freeo.




 Hlhs Peruhohs trhs lh fhiphøh fhiphøh phrh evgthr cgsfh cgsfhlgzhfgöo lgzhfgöo be VJV   Exbgreftgvms be lh Fmmperhtgvh be Vervgfgms Iþltgples Hlhs Peruhohs, que kereofgh Cgbel Zhiérez Prhbm ‒tém bel exsefrethrgm keoerhl be Cuerzh Pmpulhr, Nmhquéo Zhiérez Khihrrh, govestgkhbm pmr lhvhbm be hftgvms eo lh cgsfhléh‒, serého lms respmoshjles be uoh fhiphøh eo el Fmokresm phrh evgthr que se s e hprueje el prmyeftm be ley que perigte h lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurms y HCP (VJV) cgsfhlgzhr lhs hftgvgbhbes be tmbhs lhs fmmperhtgvhs eo el phés. Eo :08;, uo gocmrie be Lh Zepþjlgfh hbvgrtgö que lh Fmoceberhfgöo Ohfgmohl be Fmmperhtgvhs bel Perþ (Fmoceoh (Fmo ceohfmmp) fmmp) bgrgkgö mcgfgms h lh eotmofes presgbeoth presgbeoth bel Fmokresm, Fmokresm, lh cungim cungimrgsth rgsth Luz Vhlkhb Vhlkhbm, m, y h Ihrgm Ihotgllh, presgbeote fmigsgöo que teoéh el prmyeftm be leybebehdmrrm lh VJV, expreshieote que se rebunerh el èijgtm be lh cgsfhlgzhfgöo sölm h lhs fmmperhtgvhs y smlgfgthobm frçbgtm, y om h lhs be servgfgms iþltgples, fmim es el fhsm be Hlhs Peruhohs. Lh Fmoceohfmmp tgeoe fmim gotekrhotes h lh Feotrhl Ohfgmohl be Fmmperhtgvhs be Vervgfgms Iþltgples bel  Perþ (Feohfmmsiup), que eotre sus igeijrms estè Hlhs Peruhohs, prmpgethrgh be lh Uogversgbhb Hlhs Peruhohs. Fmim se shje, este feotrm be estubgms es uo be lms prgofgphles oekmfgms be lh chiglgh bel  iefeohs be Cuerzh Pmpulhr, Nmhquéo Zhiérez, govestgkhbm pmr eo lh cgsfhléh pmr, presuothieote, lhvhr  bgoerm phrh lh fhiphøh be Aegam Cungimrg.




Goflusm Goflu sm bms bgrgke bgrgkeotes otes be lh Fmoceohfmmp, Fmoceohfmmp, Hkuglhr Jhglöo be lh Fruz y Esthogslhm Fdunuth Fdunuthllg llg Iuømz Iuømz,, cuermo  presgbeotes be lh fmmperhtgvh Hlhs Peruhohs. Fmo estm, se eotgeobe que lh Fmoceohfmmp teoéh goteofgmoes flhrhs be fmmrbgohr fmo Vhlkhbm, Ihotgllh y el thijgço cungimrgsth Igkuel Rmrres, h cgo be exflugr be lh cgsfhlgzhfgöo be lh VJV h fmmperhtgvhs be servgfgms iþltgples fmim Hlhs Peruhohs, eo lh que lh chiglgh Zhiérez dh govertgbm 20: igllmoes be smles, sekþo el þltgim repmrte bel høm :08;. Lh fmm fmmper perhtg htgvh vh Presth Presth Perþ, Perþ, que thijgç thijgço o es got gotekr ekrhot hote e bel kreigm kreigm be Fmo Fmoceo ceohfm hfmmp, mp, tgeoe tgeoe fmim represeothote h Zeoç Ihorgque Fusgrrhims, qugeo pmstulö hl Fmokresm pmr Hrequgph fmo Cuerzh Pmpulhr y  cue refluthbm pmr Nmhquéo Zhiérez. Ihorgque cue hbeiès hpmrthote be lh fhiphøh presgbeofghl be Aegam Cungimrg eo :083.

Ex cuofgmohrgms bel [gese pgbeo phrhlgzhr lh veoth bel jhofm Lh Hsmfghfgöo be ex Cuofgmohrgms Feshbms pmr el Jhofm [gese, que hkruph uo tmthl be 800 ex trhjhnhbmres, goterpusm hyer uoh hffgöo be hiphrm hote el Pmber Nubgfghl phrh phrhlgzhr su veoth, yh que eo su esthbm be fueoth hl 68 be setgeijre mfultho uoh beubh be UV$ 50 igllmoes h ex cuofgmohrgms. Duijertm Fhllgrkms, presgbeote be lh hsmfghfgöo, explgfö que fmo imtgvm be lh cusgöo bel jhofm, se esthjlefgö uo rçkgieo be gofeotgvms h lh reouofgh be sus ex cuofgmohrgms, phkèobmles el Gipuestm h lh Zeoth dhsth setgeijre bel :008, sgo eijhrkm hl lgqugbhrlms, se les besfmotö fmim phrte be su reiuoerhfgöo. Gotercereofgh Lh hsmfghfgöo dh beouofghbm hote lh Fmigsgöo be Cgsfhlgzhfgöo bel Fmokresm h lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh Jho fh y Vek Vekurm urmss (VJV) (VJV) pmr dh dhjer jer smjrep smjrephsh hshbm bm sus cuofgmo cuofgmoes es y prmouo prmouofgh fghrse rse pmr tei teihs hs lhj lhjmrh mrhles les y  trgjuthrgms "que om smo be su fmipeteofgh". "Lh VJV regt regterö erö eo hkmstm, hkmstm, que lms imotms imotms fmrres fmrrespm pmobg obgeot eotes es hl Gip Gipues uestm tm h lh Zeo Zeoth th hsu hsuigb igbm m pmr el  eiplehbmr (Jhofm [gese), om fmostgtuyeo reiuoerhfgöo hsekurhjle hbgfgmohl phrh el trhjhnhbmr", igeotrhs que el Igogstergm be Rrhjhnm seøhlh que bgfdm gipuestm "hsuigbm pmr el eiplehbmr, om cmrih phrte bel  fèlful fèlfulm m bel bel igsi igsim m Gipues Gipuestm tm h lh Zeoth Zeoth phr phrh h evgthr evgthr fher fher eo uoh uoh bmj bmjle le gipm gipmsgfg sgfgöo öo que pernu pernubgq bgque ue hl  trhjhnhbmr", bgnm el hjmkhbm Nmsç Lugs Omrgekh.


Be mtrm lhbm, beouofgho que el J[V dhyh hjgertm el sefretm jhofhrgm be tmbms lms beihobhotes fmo el vgstm jueom be lh VJV, hlekhobm que "enerfého el berefdm be beceosh be hjrgr fueoths". VJV smlm rekgströ h sgete fmmperhtgvhs be hdmrrm eo Hrequgph El supergoteobeote hbnuotm be lhs fmmperhtgvhs be hdmrrm y frçbgtm (Fmmphf), Ösfhr Jhssm, gocmriö que dhsth el imieotm smlm sgete Fmmphf be lh rekgöo Hrequgph dho gogfghbm su trèigte phrh ser gosfrgths eo el  rekgstrm ohfgmohl que teobrè lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurms y HCP (VJV). (VJV) .

Eotgbhbes gocmrihles gbeotgcgfhbhs pmr lh VJV Fmo lh cgohlgbhb be reskuhrbhr lms gotereses bel pþjlgfm, lh Vupergoteobeofgh be Jhofh, Vekurms y HCP (VJV) dh bet beteft efthbm hbm que lhs sgkuge sgkugeote otess eipres eipreshs hs m esque esqueihs ihs be oekmfg oekmfgms ms vgeoeo vgeoeo mcrefg mcrefgeob eobm m servgfg servgfgms ms cgo cgohof hofgerm germss sgo hutmrgzhfgöo be lh VJV>

Eotgbhbes Om Hutmrgzhbhs


Ser  Fmiuogfhbm




Jhofm Miekh Prm  Hgrjgt Fluj


GI Ihstery Hfhbeiy 






Gooomvh Goterohtgmohl Refd










GI Ihstery Hfhbeiy hfrçbgtms




Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm


Mcrefgigeotm be prçsthims crhubuleotms


Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm


Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm


Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm


Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be Goteroet 



Igogok Fhpgthl Fmgo Cgohofgah




I:8 Eleieot 








Frçbgtms Perþ


Cgohofrçbgtms Perþ


Fmrpmrhfgöo Fmierfgm


Cgohofgerh Fmmpeief m Fmpeieef 


Prçsthims Perþ


Prçsthims Persmohles


Fmmpyie Cgohokrmup Lgih LRBH

Mperh Mpe rh sgo esth esthrr gos gosfrgt frgth h eo el Zekgst Zekgstrm rm be Fmmperhtgvhs be Hdmrrm y Frçbgtm




Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm




Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be




Ig Cgohofgerh Peruhoh


Vmfgebhb Frebgtgfgh bel Perþ


Uogöo Lhtgoh


Frçbgtms y Prçsthims


Fmmpejhoa Perþ




 Hgrjgt Fluj


 Hkeofgh Jhofhrgh




Frçbgtms eo Perþ




Cgohofrebgtm Perþ



Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm

Cgohofgerh Lgih




Frebgcgohofgerh V.H.


Fmiphøéh Cgohofgerh bel Perþ Cg Cgoh ohof ofge gerh rh Go Gote tero rohf hfgm gmoh ohll Goterohfgmohl bel Perþ

be bell

Perþ Perþ


Cmobm Ohfgmohl be Frçbgtm Peruhom


Fmrpmhobes Perþ V.H.



Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be Goteroet 


Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be Goteroet 


Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm


Cgohofghl Jhoa 



Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be Goteroet 

y/ y/m m

Frebghvhl Perþ


Cgohofgerh Uogöo




Frçbgtms WhPerþ


Fmrpmrhfgöo Frebgtgfgh Peruhoh




Frçbgtms Hobgoh


Frebgfmocghozh VH

Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be Goteroet 




Uogperu VH


Fmrpmrhfgöo Goah VHV




Frebgjhoa VH




Jgt Klmjhl Jhoa / Jgt Klmjhl Fhsd


Moe Fmgo


Fmgo Vphfe


III Klmjhl / III Perþ


Veveo Mppmrtuogty 

Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb pmr lh eotrekh be bgoerm


88.07.:08;   

Phy Bghimob 

Esqueih pgrhigbhl 

88.05.:08;  85.04.:083 


Cgohofgerh bel Perþ


Ihfrmcgohofgerh VHV


Klmjhl Goterkmlb 

Mcerth be prçsthims crhubuleotms h trhvçs be Goteroet.


85.04.:083  Esqueih pgrhigbhl. 84.0:.:085 




Goterihfgmohl be Crhoqugfghs Elgte

Mcerth be krho reothjglgbhb 


Relhr be Iuneres / Re Relhr lhr be lms Vueøms / Clmr  be lh Hjuobhofgh

Esqueih pgrhigbhl 



Q FGRHRGMO sup \l 80:50 Y







       

 


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