El Poder de La Mente Subsconsciente

August 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kcslpd Hurpdy J.V._., J.J., Pd.J., II.J. Hblhfrc jli Oletrc jl Bevlstbgnobÿe Nejdrn \ebvlrsbjnj jl in Bejbn


OCEZLEBJC >. LI ZL_CV ZL_CVC C L_ZN JLE JLEZVC ZVC JL \_ \_ZLJ ZLJ Li slorltc slorltc jl ics nþcs‚Li hnrnvbii hnrnvbiicsc csc pcjlr jli sufoc sufocesobl esobletl‚El etl‚Elolsbjnj olsbjnj jl fnsls jl trnfnkc‚Junibjnj jl in hletl‚Ins hletls ocesobletl y sufocesobletl‚Hnelrns jl notun notunrr ochpn ochpnrnjns‚ rnjns‚Ochc Ochc aueobcen su hletl sufoces sufocesoblet obletl‚Vls l‚Vlsuhle uhle jl ins bjlns bhpcrtnetls. 6. OCHC ZVN ZVNFNKN FNKN _\ PVC PVCPBN PBN HLEZ HLEZL. L. Ocesobletl y sufocesobletl‚Lxplrbhletcs dlodcs pcr sboÿicgcs‚Oinrbabonobÿe jl ics târhbecs hletl sufkltbvn y hletl cfkltbvn‚Li sufocesobletl ec puljl rnzcenr ochc su hletl ocesobletl‚Li pcjlr trlhlejc jl in suglstbÿe‚Jbalrletls rlnoobcels pnrn in hbshn suglstbÿe‚Oÿhc plrjbÿ ue frnzc‚Oÿhc in suglstbÿe puljl nonfnr oce li hbljc‚\e onsc jl rlouplrnobÿe jl hlhcrbn‚Oÿhc sl vleobÿ ue tlhplrnhletc jlsngrnjnfil‚Li pcjlr ocestruotbvc y jlstruotbvc jl in suglstbÿe‚Dn nolptnjc ustlj niguec jl lstcs3 ‚\stlj puljl ocetrnntnonr ins suglstbcels elgntbvns‚Oÿhc in suglstbÿe hntÿ n ue dchfrl‚Pcjlr jl uen prlhbsn hnycr nsuhbjn‚Li sufocesobletl ec jbsoutl eb letnfin ocetrcvlrsbn ‚ Vlpnsc jl ics puetcs netlrbcrls. ?. LI HBINGVC_C PCJLV JL ZVNFNKC J JL L _\ _\FOCE_OBLE _\FOCE_OBLEZL ZL Li ocesobletl ls li ibfrc jl su vbjn‚Ic qul sl bhprbhl le li sufocesobletl sl hnebablstn hnebab lstn lxtlrbcrh lxtlrbcrhletl‚L letl‚Lii sufoc sufocesobl esobletl etl ourn uen lealr lealrhljnj hljnj hnibg hnibgen en jl in pbli‚ Oÿhc li sufocesobletl ocetrcin tcjns ins aueobcels jli oulrpc‚Oÿhc dnolr pnrn qul li suf sufoce ocesob soblet letl l suy suyc c trn trnfnk fnkl l pnrn ust ustlj‚ lj‚Li Li prbeob prbeobpbc pbc jl our ournob nobÿe ÿe suf sufoce ocesob soblet letl l rlstnurn elrvbcs ÿptbocs ntrcabnjcs‚Oÿhc iilvnr in bjln jl sniuj plralotn n su hletl sufocesobletl‚Vlpnsc jl ic ilèjc le li onpètuic netlrbcr. :. O\VNOBßE HLEZNI LE ZBLHPC_ NE NEZBG\C_ ZBG\C_ Vlouletcs fèfibocs nolron jli usc jl ics pcjlrls jli sufocesobletl‚Hbingrcs le vnrbcs vnr bcs tlh tlhpic picss n ic inrgc inrgc jli hue huejc‚ jc‚\e \e prbeob prbeobpbc pbc jl ournob ournobÿe ÿe uebvlr uebvlrsni sni‚Zl ‚Zlcrè crèns ns lecrhlhletl jbalrletls‚Frlvl sèetlsbs scfrl Pnrnolisc‚Lxplrbhletcs jl Flredlbh ‚Prcjuoblejc uen nhpciin pcr suglstbÿe-In onusn jli lstbghn jl snegrl‚Vlpnsc scfrl puetcs jl ournobÿe. 0.Q\L_ZVC JLVLODC N IN VB^\L[N Li jbelrc ochc ue sèhfc sèhfcic‚O ic‚Ochc chc letrnr ni vlrjnj vlrjnjlrc lrc onhbec jl in rb rbqulzn qulzn‚Pcr ‚Pcr quâ ec tblel hîs jbelrc‚In vbjn lqubibfrnjn y li jbelrc-In pcfrlzn ls uen lealrhljnj hletni‚Pcr quâ ec jlfl knhîs orbtbonr li jbelrc‚Njcptl uen notbtuj hletni njlounjn ‚Ochc ocesbjlrn li jbelrc ue plesnjcr obletèaboc‚Ochc ntrnlr li jbelrc qul elolsbtn ‚Pcr quâ niguecs ec cftblele nuhletc jl sninrbc‚Jbabouitnjls y cfstîouics le li onhbec jl in rbqulzn‚Prctlkn sus bevlrsbcels‚Enjbl puljl rlobfbr nigc pcr enjn‚In ocestnetl prcvbsbÿe jl jbelrc Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls. >>.IN HLEZL _\FOCE_OBLEZL OCHC _COBC JL ÂTBZC Ics trls pnscs dnobn li âxbtc‚Âxbtc ls li nhcr ni trnfnkc‚In hljbjn jli vlrjnjlrc âxbtc‚Ochc rlnibznr ics sulþcs‚In anrhnobn scþnjn‚\tbibol in hletl sufocesobletl le ins elgcobnobcels jbnrbns‚\e kcvle jl jblobsâbs nþcs qul ocevbrtbÿ su arnonsc le âxbtc‚Ochc ocevlrtbrsl le ue fule ochprnjcr y le ue fule vlejljcr‚_b jlsln vlej vlejlr lr uen uen onsn onsn c ouni ouniqu qubl blrr prc prcpb pblj ljnj nj rn rnèz èz-O -Och chc c tu tuvc vc âx âxbtbtc c le cftl cftlel elrr ic qu qul l jlslnfn-Zâoebon lxoliletl utbibznjn pcr lhbeletls dchfrls jl elgcobcs-Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls. >6. >6. IC IC_ _O OBL BLEZ EZÈA ÈABO BOC_ C_ R _N _NFB FBC_ C_ \Z \ZBI BIB[ B[NE NE IN HL HLEZ EZL L _\FOCE_OBLEZL Oÿhc oceobfbÿ su bevletc ue snfbc‚Oÿhc rlscivbÿ su prcfilhn ue anhcsc enturbstn‚ Oÿhc ue jlstnonjc hâjboc rlscivbÿ li prcfilhn jl in jbnfltls‚Oÿhc sl lsonpÿ jl ue onhpc jl oceoletrnobÿe rusc ue obletèaboc R aèsboc anhcsc‚Ochc dne rlocestrubjc iu iugn gnrl rlss netb netbgu gucs cs ics ics nr nrqu qulÿ lÿic icgc gcss y pn pnil ilce cetÿ tÿic icgc gcs‚ s‚Oÿ Oÿhc hc rl rlob obfb fbrr in gu guèn èn jl jlii sufocesobletl-Oÿhc li sufocesobletl il rlvliÿ jcejl lstnfn li tlstnhletc jl su pnjrl


‚Li slorltc jl ochc slr gubnjc‚Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls. >?. >?.

LI _\ _\FO FOCE CE_O _OBL BLEZ EZL LRI IN_ N_ H HNV NVNQ NQBI BIIN IN_ _J JLI LI _ _\L \LÞC ÞC ^uâ suoljl ounejc jcrhbhcs‚Pilgnrbn, uen acrhn jl jcrhbr ‚Lalotcs onusnjcs pcr  li bes besche chebc‚ bc‚\st \stlj lj elo elolsb lsbtn tn jcr jcrhbr hbr hîs hîs‚Li ‚Li sul sulþc þc trn trnl l oceslk oceslkc‚_ c‚_niv nivnjc njc jl ue jlsnst jls nstrl‚ rl‚Li Li aut auturc urc lst lstî î le su hle hletl tl suf sufoce ocesoble sobletl‚ tl‚Il Il png pngnrc nrce e >:

IN HL HLEZ EZL L_ _\F \FOC OCE_ E_OB OBLE LEZL ZL R I IC_ C_ PV PVCF CFIL ILHN HN_ _H HNV NVBZ BZNI NIL_ L_ Li sbgebabonjc jli hntrbhcebc‚Oÿhc ntrnlr in pnrlkn bjlni‚Ec ochltn ue tlrolr lrrcrOÿhc Oÿh c rch rchpbÿ pbÿ ue pnt pntrÿe rÿe elg elgntb ntbvcvc-In In rls rlspul pulstn stn n su pilgnr pilgnrbn‚ bn‚Jls Jlsln ln jbv jbvcro crobnr bnrslslInezîejcsl ni jbvcrobc‚Li jbvcrobc lhpblzn le su hletl‚In huklr rlgnþcen‚Li hnrbjc durnþc‚Li grne lrrcr -‚Ec trntl jl trnesacrhnr n su oÿeyugl‚_upibqule  kuetcs y plrhnelzone uebjcs n trnvâs jl in pilgnrbn-Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls


IN HLEZL _\FOCE_OBLEZL R IN ALIBOBJNJ \stlj jlfl lsocglr in alibobjnj‚Dbzc jl in alibobjnj ue dîfbtc-Jlfl jlslnr slr alibz‚ Pcr quâ lsocglr in jlsgrnobn‚_b tuvblrn ue hbiiÿe jl jÿinrls slrèn alibz3 -Jlsoufrbÿ qul in alibobjnj lstnfn le uen hletl trne qubin-LB ficqul u cfstîouic ec ls uen rlnibjnj ‚In gletl hîs alibz‚ Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls.

>1. >1.

IN H HLE LEZL ZL _ _\F \FOC OCE_ E_OB OBLE LEZL ZL R \ \EN EN_ _ VLI VLINO NOBC BCEL EL_ _ D\ D\HN HNEN EN_ _ NV NVHC HCEB EBC_ C_N_ N_ In oinvl pnrn tlelr âxbtc le sus rlinobcels oce ics jlhîs‚R oce in hljbjn qul hbjblr hbj blrls ls slr slrîs îs hlj hljbjc bjc‚Ic ‚Icss tbt tbtuin uinrls rls plr plrbcj bcjèst èstboc bocss ic pul puljle jle lea lealrh lrhnrnr-Nhc Nhc n ics dchfrl dch frlss y jlt jltlst lstc c n ins huklrl huklrls‚_ s‚_u u prc prcpbn pbn ocev ocevlrs lrsnob nobÿe ÿe bet betlrb lrbcr cr il bhp bhpljè ljèn n su prchcobÿe‚Njqublrn in hnjurlz lhcobceni-Ic qul sbgebabon li nhcr le ins rlinobcels Oce ics jlhîs‚Jltlstnfn ni pûfiboc‚Ochc trntnr oce gletl jbaèobi‚In hbslrbn fuson ochpnþ och pnþèn‚ èn‚In In prî prîotb otbon on jl in sbh sbhpnt pntèn èn le ins rlinob rlinobcel celss oce ics jlhîs‚ jlhîs‚Li Li npnobgunhbletc ec sbrvl pnrn enjn‚Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs scfrlsnibletls.

>7. >7.

OC OCHC HC \Z \ZBI BIB[ B[NV NV IN HL HLEZ EZL L_ _\F \FOC OCE_ E_OB OBLE LEZL ZL PN PNVN VN PL PLVJ VJCE CENV NV In vbjn sblhprl plrjcen‚Ochc libhbeÿ su sletbhbletc jl ouipn‚\e nslsbec nprlejbÿ n plrjcenrsl n sè hbshc‚In orètbon ec puljl dlrbric hbletrns ustlj ec ic ocesbletn‚ Oÿhc slr ochpns ochpnsbvc‚N bvc‚Nfnejceÿ fnejceÿ li nitnr sbe olilf olilfrnrsl rnrsl li onsnh onsnhbletc bletc‚Li ‚Li hntrb hntrbhcebc hcebc ls nigc hnivnjc= in vbjn slxuni ls uen ocsn hÿrfbjn, y yc slrèn uen hnivnjn, jbkc liin‚ Plrjcenr ls elolsnrbc pnrn ournrsl jl oblrtns lealrhljnjls‚Plrjÿe ls nhcr le noob noobÿe ÿe‚Z ‚Zâo âoeb ebon on jl jlii pl plrj rjÿe ÿe‚I ‚In n pru prulf lfn n no nobj bjn n jl jlii plrj plrjÿe ÿe‚P ‚Pnr nrn n oc ochp hprl rlejl ejlrr ls elolsnrbc plrjcenr-Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls.

>4. >4.

LI _\ _\FO FOCE CE_O _OBL BLEZ EZL LL LIB IBHB HBEN EN IC IC_ _C CF_ F_ZÎ ZÎO\ O\IC_ IC_ HL HLEZ EZNI NIL_ L_ Oÿhc libhbenr c acrknr ue dîfbtc‚Oÿhc libhbenr ue hni dîfbtc‚Li pcjlr jl in bhngle hletni-Oce hlet ni-Oceoletrn oletrnejc ejc in ntleo ntleobÿe‚J bÿe‚Jloèn loèn qul in hnin sulrtl ic plrsl plrslguèn‚D guèn‚Dnstn nstn quâ puetc qublrl ustlj ic qul jlsln‚Pcr quâ ec pcjèn ournrsl‚In lxpibonobÿe y in ourn‚ Vldûsn njhbtbric3 ‚Aÿrhlsl Bn bjln jl ibflrtnj‚Ournjc le ue obeouletn y uec pcr  obletc‚In oblet c‚In ily jl sustb sustbtuobÿ tuobÿe‚Onus e‚Onusn n jli niocd niocdcibsh cibshc-Ics c-Ics trls pnscs hîgbo hîgbocs-_ln cs-_ln


ocestnetl‚Vlsuhle jl ics puetcs hns scfrlsnibletls. >2. >2.

LI LIBH BHBE BEL LL LI IZ ZLH LHCV CV \Z \ZBI BIB[ B[NE NEJC JC IN HL HLEZ EZL L_ _\F \FOC OCE_ E_OB OBLE LEZL ZL Li hnycr lelhbgc jli dchfrl‚Dngn ic qul tnetc tlhl‚Jlstlrrÿ su tlhcr‚Li tlhcr  ni arnonsc‚Oÿhc vleobÿ li hbljc‚Zlhcr ni ngun, hcetnþns, iugnrls olrrnjcs, lto.‚ Zâoebo Zâo ebon n oin oinvl vl pnr pnrn n vle vleolr olr oun ouniqu iqublr blr tlh tlhcr‚Q cr‚Qleo leobÿ bÿ su tlh tlhcr cr ni nso nsoles lescr‚ cr‚Zlh Zlhcr  cr  ecrhni ecr hni y nec necrhn rhni‚H i‚Hblj bljc c nec necrhn rhni‚I i‚In n rls rlspul pulstn stn ni tlh tlhcr cr nec necrhn rhni‚L i‚Lxnh xnhbel bel sus tlhcrls‚Ntlrrbzÿ le in slivn‚Ocespbrnrce ocetrn âi‚Ibfârlsl jl tcjcs ics tlhcrlsVlsuhle jl ics puetcs hbs scfrlsnibletls.

60. 60.

OC OCHC HC PL PLVH VHNE NELO LOLV LV L_ L_PB PBVB VBZ\ Z\NI NIHL HLEZ EZL L KCQ KCQLE LE Levlklobÿ n trnvâs jl su vbjn hletni‚In ljnj ls li prbeobpbc jl in snfbjurèn-Vlobfn fble fbl e li onh onhfbc fbc‚Lv ‚Lvbjl bjleob eobn n pnr pnrn n scf scfrlv rlvbvb bvbr‚I r‚In n vbjn vbjn lsls-In In hle hletl tl y li lspèrb lspèrbtu tu ec levlklole‚\stlj ls tne kcvle ochc pblesn qul ic ls-Ins onens sce ue onpbtni-In ljnj ls ue onpbtni-_ln ic qul ls su ljnj‚Puljc ochpnrnrhl oce li hlkcr jl liics‚Li tlhcr n in vlklz-\stlj tblel huodc qul jnr‚Zleèn obletc jblz necs jl ljnj-Li rltbrc, uen eulvn nvleturn‚_l grnjuÿ le ue trnfnkc hlkcr-Ls elolsnrbc slr ue prcjuotcr y ec ue prbsbcelrc jl in scobljnj‚Li slorltc jl in kuvletuj‚Hnetlegn uen betlibgletl vbsbÿe‚_u hletl ec levlklol _u hletl lrn notbvn n ic= ecvletn y eulvl nþcs‚ Elolsbtnhc Elols btnhcss n eulst eulstrcs rcs vlelrnfils neobnecs neobnecs‚Ics ‚Ics arutcs jl in vlklz-Vlsu vlklz-Vlsuhle hle jl ics puetcs hîs scfrlsnibletls.


OCHC P\LJL L_ZL IBFVC DNOLV PVCJBGBC_ LE _\ QBJN Lsorbfè lstl ibfrc pnrn jlhcstrn Lsorbfè jlhcstrnrr oÿhc su bhngb bhngbenobÿ enobÿe e y plesnhbletc, orlne orlne,, hcijl hcijlne ne y njnptn njn ptne e su jls jlstbe tbec*c*- Jur Jurnet netl l hb vbj vbjn n dl oce ocestn stntnj tnjc c ics prc prcjbg jbgbcs bcs cft cftleb lebjcs jcs pcr huodns huodns plrscens le tcjc li huejc. \stlj tnhfbâe puljl cftlelr lstcs prcjbgbcs le ounetc n-prlejn n utbibznr li hîgboc pcjlr jl su hletl sufocesobletl= puls tni ochc li dchfrl dnyn plesnjc le su hletl sufocesobletl, nsè slrî âi.

³OCECOL \_ZLJ IN_ VL_P\L_ZN3 Pcr quâ ue dchfrl lstî trbstl hbletrns ctrc sl sbletl alibz3 . Pcr quâ ue dchfrl ls jbodcsc y prÿsplrc hbletrns ctrc ls pcfrl y hbslrnfil3 . Pcr quâ ue dchfrl ls tèhbjc hbletrns ctrc lstî iilec iilec jl aâ y oceabnezn oceabnezn3 3 . Pcr quâ ue dchfrl tblel uen dlrhcsn y iukcsn onsn hbletrns ctrc vbvl uen lxbstleobn pnupârrbhn le ue tugurbc3 . Pcr-quâ ue dchfrl sl jlstnon hbletrns ctrc ls ue arnonsnjc3 . Pcr quâ dny crnjcrls anhcscs hbletrns ctrcs sce hljbcorls l bhpcpuinrls3 . Pcr quâ ue dchfrl ls ue glebc le su trnfnkc hbletrns ctrcs trnfnkne y trnfnkne jurnetl tcjn uen vbjn sbe cftlelr uen rlochplesn3 . Pcr quâ ue dchfrl sl ourn jl lealrhljnjls iinhnjns beournfils hbletrns ctrcs ec3 . Pcr quâ dny huodn gletl pbnjcsn, fcejnjcsn y fulen qul suarl tcrturns hletnils y aèsbons hbletrns huodcs ctrcs behcrnils, sbe rlibgbÿe, sl ils vl iilecs jl sniuj, nilgrls, jbvlrtbjcs y prÿsplrcs3 . Pcr quâ uen huklr ls alibz le su hntrbhcebc, hbletrns su dlrhnen tuvc ue hntrbhcebc arustrnjc y jlsjbodnjc3 . Dnfrî uen rlspulstn n lstcs prcfilhns le in acrhn ochc trnfnkne in hletl ocesobletl y in sufocesobletl3 . _è, lalotbvnhletl in dny!


Hb ûebon nspbrnobÿe auâ in jl rlspcejlr y oinrbabonr ec sÿic li oûhuic jl betlrrcgnetls netlrbcrls, sbec tnhfbâe ctrcs jl enturnilzn sbhbinr. \stlj pcjrî cfslrvnr qul li lstbic utbibznjc le lstl ibfrc ls li hbshc c huy sbhbinr ni leocetrnjc le ics plrbÿjbocs, slhnenrbcs, le su dcgnr c le sus rlinobcels jbnrbns. Ic icgrâ pcrqul orlè pcsbfil lxpibonr ins ilyls fîsbons, auejnhletnils, aueobcenils y vbtnils jl in hletl le su ilegunkl sleobiic, le li ilegunkl qul utbibznhcs n jbnrbc. Il rulg rulgc c lstu lstujb jbnr nr lstl lstl ibfr ibfrc c y npib npibon onrr ins ins tâ tâoe oebo bons ns su sugl glrb rbjn jns. s. _b ns nsbb ic dn dnol ol,, ls lstc tcyy nfsciutnhletl ocevleobjc qul cftlejrî li nschfrcsc pcjlr qul il lilvnrî scfrl in oceausbÿe, in hbslrbn, in hlineocièn y ics arnonscs= il gubnrî dnstn su vlrjnjlrc sbtbc le in vbjn, libhbenejc jbabouitnjls, ibflrîejcic jl in lsoinvbtuj aèsboc-lhcobceni y ocicoîejcic le li vlrjnjlrc onhbec qul iilvn n in ibflrtnj, alibobjnj y pnz hletni. Lstl nschfrcsc pcjlr lelrgâtboc jl in hletl sufocesobletl puljl ournril sus hnils, ocevlrtbric le uen plrscen ecrhni y vbgcrcsn. N-prlejlr n utbibznr lstl pcjlr betlrec il nfrbrî in pulrtn qul nprbsbcen y letrnrî n in vbjn jlsorbtn ochc in "gicrbcsn ibflrnobÿe jl ics dbkcs jl Jbcs".

IBFLVNOBßE JLI PVCJBGBC_C PCPLV \e netbguc rlarîe jbol; "Li hâjboc snen ins dlrbjns y Jbcs ins ourn". Dnol uecs ounrletn nþcs suarè jl ue tuhcr hnibgec, iinhnjc snrochn le târhbecs hâjbocs. hâjbo cs. Lstnfn sblejc ntlejbjc pcr ue hâjboc nhbgc, rlpletbenh rlpletbenhletl letl sl hl courrbÿ plesnr  le qul in Betlibgleobn Orlnjcrn, nquliin qul dnfèn acrznjc tcjcs hbs ÿrgnecs, hb oulrpc l bhpuisnfn hb ocrnzÿe, pcjèn tnhfbâe ournr su dlodurn= pcr ctrn pnrtl, hb hletl sufocesobletl jlsnrrciinfn, hnetleèn y gcflrenfn hbs aueobcels vbtnils, iulgc le liin lstnfn iconibznjn bn Betlibgleobn Orlnjcrn. Fnsnjc le lstl plesnhbletc npibquâ uen tâoebon, lxpibonjn le lstl ibfrc, y icgrâ ournrhl jli snrochn qul hl hcilstnfn. Zcjcs y onjn uec jl ecsctrcs tlelhcs jletrc jl sè lstl hnrnvbiicsc pcjlr ourntbvc,


nicknjc le ins prcauejbjnjls jl in hletl sufocesobletl. Zlegc in slgurbjnj qul uen ournobÿe cftlebjn slgûe in tâoebon qul bejboc slrèn in prulfn hîs ocevbeoletl jl su lxbstleobn, ls jlobr; in prulfn qul nyujnrèn n huodns plrscens n ocevleolrsl jli pcjlr ourntbvc qul lxbstl jletrc jl sè;

_B \_ZLJ PVNOZBON IN CVNOBßE OCE AL, CFZLEJVÎ HNVNQBIIN_ In pi pilg lgnr nrbn bn c sûpi sûpibo bon n ls in betl betlrn rnoo oobÿ bÿe e nr nrhc hceb ebcs csn n jl in inss hl hlet etls ls oc oces esob oble letl tl y sufocesobletl, jbrbgbjns dnobn ue prcpÿsbtc lsploèaboc. Lstl ibfrc il leslþnrî in acrhn ocrrlotn pnrn trnspnsnr ni pinec jli pcjlr beabebtc qul lstî jletrc jl sè, onpnobtîejcic pnrn cftlelr ic qul rlnihletl jlsln ustlj jl in vbjn= jlsln ustlj uen vbjn hîs alibz= nfuejnetl y rbon3 . Lhpblol pcr usnr lstl nschfrcsc pcjlr, libhbenejc ics cfstîouics y prcfilhns qul n jbnrbc sl prlsletne le sus rlinobcels ochlrobnils y anhbibnrls. Iln lstl ibfrc vnrbns vlols= ics jbalrletls onpètuics il hcstrnrîe ochc trnfnkn lstl hnrnvbiicsc pcjlr, y oÿhc puljl snonr in lsocejbjn bespbrnobÿe y snfbjurèn qul lstî jletrc jl ustlj. us tlj. Plraloobÿelsl le in sleobiin tâoebon jl bhprlsbcenr bhprlsbcenr su hletl sufoce sufocesoble sobletl= tl= sbgn li eulvc hâtcj hâtcjc c oblet obletèaboc èaboc jl pnsnr ni jlpÿs jlpÿsbtc btc beabebtc. Iln lstl ibfrc ntletn, oubjnjcsn y snfbnhletl= ochprulfl pcr sb hbshc ochc puljl nyujnril le acrhn nschfrcsn. Rc lstcy ocevleobjc qul onhfbnrî su vbjn.

ZCJC_ R ONJN \EC JL EC_CZVC_ VL[N _nfl ochc crnr c supibonr labonzhletl3 Dnol ounetc tblhpc qul ustlj rlzn ochc uen pnrtl jl sus notbvbjnjls jbnrbns3 Le uen lhlrgleobn, le hchletc jl plibgrc c prlcoupnobcels, ounejc lstî lealrhc, ounejc in hulrtl lstî olron= rlzn ustlj pcr su vlobec c pcr ctrcs, pnrn sè hbshc c pcr sus nhbstnjls3 Iln le ics plrbÿjbocs ochc ins pilgnrbns sl carlole pcr tcjns ins enobcels, pcr ue ebþc bevîibjc, pcr ue hni jloinrnjc beournfil, pcr in pnz jl ins enobcels, pcr  ue grupc jl hbelrcs ntrnpnjcs ni acejc jl ue sconvÿe= cfslrvl oce scrprlsn qul ni slr  rlsont rls ontnjc njc,, ics hbe hbelrc lrcss tls tlstbh tbhceb cebnrc nrce e qul hbl hbletr etrns ns lsp lsplrn lrnfne fne slr rls rlsont ontnjc njcs, s, rlznfn rlznfne e y rlznfne. \e pbictc, nhbgc hèc, hl jloinrÿ qul rlzÿ hbletrns dnoèn ue ntlrrbznkl acrzcsc, icgrnejc tlelr âxbtc. Vlnihletl, in pilgnrbn ls uen nyujn sblhprl prlsletl le tcjc tblhpc jl prulfn= plrc ustlj ec jlfl lsplrnr qul sl prlsletl in prulfn pnrn dnolr su pilgnrbn, dngn qul liin acrhl pnrtl betlgrni y ocestruotbvn jl su vbjn. Ins jrnhîtbons rlspulstns n ins pilgnrbns pilgnr bns acrhne grnejls tbtuinrls le ics plrbÿjboc plrbÿjbocss y lstîe sukltns sukltns n tlstbhceb tlstbhcebcs cs ocetnejc in lalotbvbjnj jl âstns. ^uâ jlobr jl ins huodns pilgnrbns hcjlstns jl ics ebþcs, in sbhpil noobÿe jl grnobns le in octbjbnen ochbjn, ins sûpibons iilens jl aâ le jcejl sÿic li betlrâs plrsceni plrslgubjc ls in ochuebonobÿe oce ic Jbvbec3 . Hb rlinobÿe oce ics jlhîs hl cfibgÿ n lstujbnr ics vnrbcs onhbecs, sbstlhns y tâoebons jl in pilgnrbn. Dl lxplrbhletnjc su pcjlr le hb prcpbn vbjn y dl dnfinjc, letrlvbstnjc y trnfnknjc oce huodn gletl qul dn noujbjc tnhfbâe n in pilgnrbn ochc nyujn. Li cfstîouic lstî le lxpibonr y jlobr n ics jlhîs ochc jlfl crnr c dnolr su pilgnrbn. In gletl qul tblel prcfilhns, jbaèobihletl puljl plesnr y notunr rnzcenfilhletl. Elolsbtne uen aÿrhuin qul il anobibtl, ue pntrÿe n slgubr ue hâtcjc sbhpil y lsploèaboc.

ONVÎOZLV ZÂOEBOC JL L_ZL IBFVC _u onrnotlrèstbon hîs bhpcrtnetl ls in jl su utbibjnj le lstl huejc. Le âi leocetrnrî tâoebons, hâtcjcs c aÿrhuins sbhpils, ûtbils, jl aîobi npibonobÿe le in vbjn jbnrbn. Dl leslþnjc lstcs hâtcjcs sleobiics n hbils jl plrscens le tcjc li pineltn= y hîs rlobletlhletl, n plrscens jl tcjns ins nabibnobcels rlibgbcsns qul nsbstblrce n ue oursc lsplobni jbotnjc le Ics  Neglils y jcejl prlsletâ ins hbshns tâoebons qul ndcrn carlzoc le lstns pîgbens. Huodcs Huodcs jl ics nsbstletls vbnknrce hîs jl jcsobletcs mbiÿhltrcs pnrn cbr onjn uen jl ins ocealrleobns. Ins huo huodns dns acr acrhns hns jl bhp bhprls rlsbce bcenr nr in hle hletl tl sufoce sufocesob soblet letl l y cftlelr cftlelr in rls rlspul pulstn stn


ocrrlotn ls li cfkltc prbeobpn ocrrlotn prbeobpnii jl lstl ibfrc, ic ouni ic dnrî pnrn ustlj ue ibfrc lxtrn lxtrncrjben crjbenrbc rbc y uen nyujn sblhprl prlsletâ le tblhpc jl prulfn. Ics rlsuitnjcs qul pcr âi cftlegn slrîe su tlstbhcebc. Jl tcjns pnrtls jli huejc rlobfc in hbshn prlguetn; "Pcr quâ dl crnjc y crnjc y ec cftlegc rlspulstn3 ". Le lstl ibfrc dniinrî y sl il jlhcstrnrî pcr quâ ls hîs arlouletl cftlelr  ic ocetrnrbc n ic qul sl pbjl y ins rnzcels jli pcr quâ suoljl nsè.

³^\L IL DNOL OVLLV3 In ily jl orllr, in ocevboobÿe, ls cplrntbvn le tcjcs ics sbstlhns abicsÿabocs rlibgbcscs jli huejc y âstn ls in rnzÿe pcr in ouni sce sbociÿgbonhletl vlrjnjlrns. Ec ls in ocsn le in ouni sl orll ic qul trnl uen rlspulstn n in pilgnrbn jl uen plrscen= âstn sl prcjuol ounejc in hletl sufocesobletl bejbvbjuni rlspcejl n in bhngle hletni c plesnhbletc jl su hletl ocesobletl. In ily jl in vbjn ls in ily jl in ocevboobÿe y in ocevboobÿe puljl dnstn suhnrsl huy frlvlhletl n ue plesnhbletc jl in hletl. Zni ochc ue dchfrl orll, sbletl y lstî ocevleobjc jl liic, nsè ls in ocejbobÿe jl su hletl, oulrpc y obrouestneobns. Letceo Let ceols, ls, li fuj fujbst bstn, n, orb orbstb stbnec nec,, hnd hndchl chltne tnec, c, tnc tncbst bstn n c dlf dlfrlc rlc,, tcj tcjcs cs y onjn onjn uec pcj pcjrîe rîe cftlel cft lelrr rls rlspul pulstn stn n su pil pilgnr gnrbn, bn, ec pcrq pcrqul ul tle tlegne gne ue orl orljc, jc, rlibgb rlibgbÿe, ÿe, nab nabibn ibnobÿ obÿe, e, rbt rbtuni uni,, olrlhcebn, aÿrhuin, ibturgbn, leonetnhbletc, snorbabobc u carlobhbletc jl lalotc y onusn, y in rlolptbvbjnj nolron jl nquliic pcr ic ouni rulgne. \en tâoebon, uen hltcjcicgèn fnsnjn scfrl uen ochprlesbÿe jl ic qul sljldnol y pcr quâ sljlslnfils lstî dnoblejc il nyujnrî n ntrnlr onsb uen plrscebabonobÿe sufocesobletl tcjns ins ocsns le in vbjn. Lsleobnihletl, in rlspulstn n uen pilgnrbn ls in rlnibznobÿe jli jlslc jl su ocrnzÿe.

JL_LNV L_ CVNV Zcjcs y onjn uec jl ecsct ecsctrcs rcs jlsln sniuj, slgurbjnj, pnz hletni, plrc huodcs arnonsn arnonsne e le cftlelr rlsuitnjcs oinrnhletl jlabebjcs. \e prcalscr uebvlrsbtnrbc hl njhbtbÿ rlobletlhletl; "_â qul sb onhfbc hb prctctbpc hletni y ocrrbkc hb vbjn lhcobceni, hbs ûiolrns ec vcivlrîe n hcilstnrhl, plrc ec tlegc ue sbstlhn, hâtcjc, jbsobpiben, prcolsc, tâoebon c hcjus cplrnejb n slgubr. Hb hletl vngn jl nquè pnrn niiî scfrl hbs hûitbpils prcfilhns, y hl sbletc arustrnjc, jlsdlo jls dlodc dc y hbs hbslrn lrnfil fil". ". Lst Lstl l prc prcals alscr cr tle tleèn èn ue jls jlslc lc jl sni sniuj uj plr plralo alotn= tn= elols elolsbtn btnfn fn ue ocecobhbletc prcauejc jli hcjc ochc trnfnknfn su hletl qul ic beonpnobtnfn pnrn ochpiltnr  su jlslc. Prnotbonejc ics hâtcjcs ourntbvcs jlsorbtcs le lstl ibfrc iilgÿ n ibfrnrsl, lqubibfrnrsl y plraloobcenrsl.

DNR \EN HLEZL OCHÛE N ZCJC_ IC_ BEJBQBJ\C_ (Lhlrsce) Li nschfrcsc pcjlr jl in hletl sufocesobletl lxbstl netls qul ustlj y yc enobârnhcs, netls qul ouniqublr ocsn lxbstblsl, netls qul ouniqublr Bgilsbn, netls qul li huejc. Ins vlrj vlrjnj njls ls ltlr ltlren enss y ics ics prbeo prbeobp bpbc bcss vbtn vbtnil ils, s, ne netl tlol oljl jle e n ou ouni niqu qubl blrr rl rlibibgb gbÿe. ÿe. Ls qul qul ls lstc tcss plesnhbletcs plesnh bletcs le in hletl qul il sugbl sugblrc rc le ics sbgublet sbgubletls ls onpètuics onpètuics plrhnelo plrhnelole le lstnfils le lstl pcjlr trnesacrhntbvc, hîgboc, hnrnvbiicsc, li ouni kuetne in ournobÿe aèsboc-hletni, lxbgl in ibflrnobÿe n in bejÿhbtn hletl ocesobletl y ic ibflrn tctnihletl jl ins ibhbtnobcels jl pcfrlzn, arnonsc, hbslrbn, elolsbjnj y arustrnobÿe. Zcjc ic qul tblel qul dnolr ls uebrsl hletni y lhco lh cobc bcen enih ihle letl tl oce oce li fble fble qul qul us ustl tlj j jlsl jlsln n be beoc ocrp rpcr crnr nr y li pc pcjl jlrr or orln lntb tbvc vc jl su sufocesobletl rlspcejlrî jl n-oulrjc. Lhpblol ndcrn, dcy, jlkl qul sl prcjuzone hnrnvbiins le vbjn. _cstâegnsl! _cstâegnsl dnstn ounejc icgrl rchplr ins ibgnjurns y jlsnpnrlzone ins su schfrns.



Hbs dbkcs y niguecs nhbgcs hl dne scibobtnjc noinrnr oceolptcs scfrl li sufocesobletl obtnjc tnetns vlols pcr li Jcotcr Hurpdy le lstl ibfrc y le "Ics Hbingrcs jl _u Hletl ". Eueon dn sbjc aîobi ochprlejlr ins ocsns qul ec sl vle. Eb hl nvlrgùlezn jlobr, jlhcrâ vnrbcs nþcs pnrn letlejlr li aueobcenhbletc jl ics hlon hlonebsh ebshcs cs ochpiltnhletl jli sufoceso sufocesoblet bletl l y Zcjcs pcjlric pcjlrics s lxpibon lxpibonr r oce in slgurbj slg urbjnj nj jl pcocs qul hbic orbtlrbc orbtl rbc ni  rlsplotc lrn ochpiltnhl etl oinrc. tlelhcs ue sufocesobletl sufoceso bletl y huy snflhcs utbibznr. Li su sufoc foces esobl oblet etl l ic ut utbib bibznh znhcs cs le li trntc trntc oce ics jl jlhîs hîs== ec ecs s ny nyuj ujn n n scpcrt scpcrtnr nr ics hchletcs jbaèobils jl in vbjn. Plrc tlelhcs qul nprlejlr n cbr su vcz betlrbcr qul ecs gubnrî, y  snflr "vlr" ic qul eulstrcs ckcs aèsbocs ec puljle vlr. Ounejc nprlejnhcs n jlsjlþnr li  "legnþc" le ue huejc abotbobc y cfljlzonhcs li hnejntc jl eulstrn guèn betlrbcr, dnfrlhcs letrnjc le pcslsbÿe jl in ûebon auletl jl bespbrnobÿe vniljlrn vniljlrn,, in jl nquliin aulrzn betlrbcr qul in hnycrèn jl ins plrscens jlsocecol; su prcpbc sufocesobletl. Jlspuâs jl hb lxplrbleobn oce ins \ebvlrsbjnjls jurnetl hîs jl ounrletn nþcs orlc qul ls uen elolsbjnj orlnr oîtljrns ibfrls scfrl li sufocesobletl y sus npibonobcels le in vbjn. Eulstrcs lstujbnetls, lstujbnetls, auturcs gcflrenetls y dchfrls jl lhprlsn slrène hîs labobletls, ochltlrène hlecs lrrcrls y ics pulfics slrène hîs alibols le ue huejc hlecs ochpibonjc. Onrics Oibhlet O.


>. Li tlscrc lstî jletrc jl ustlj Ls Lstn tnhc hcss rcjl rcjlnj njcs cs jl rbqu rbqulz lzns ns beab beabeb ebtn tns. s. _b us ustl tlj j nf nfrl rl ic icss ck ckcs cs jl su hl hlet etl l pcjr pcjrî î jlsoufrbr li tlhpic jl ics tlscrcs beabebtcs qul dny jletrc jl ustlj, jcejl ustlj tblel uen hben jl crc jl in ouni puljl lxtrnlr ounetc elols elolsbtl btl pnrn su vbjn, nfuejn nfuejneobn, eobn, alibobjnj alibobjnj y gicrbn. Huodèsbhns plrscens sl leouletrne jcrhbjns pcrqul bgecrne in lxbstleobn jl lstn hben jl crc jctnjn jl beabebtn betlibgleobn y nhcr, in ouni sl dniin jletrc jl liics hbshcs. Ouniqu Oun iqublr blr prc prcpÿs pÿsbtc btc suy suyc c pcj pcjrî rî iilvnr iilvnric ic n onf onfc. c. \en pbl pblzn zn jl nolrc nolrc bhn bhnetn etnjc jc ilvnet ilvnetn n dnstn jcol vlols su prcpbc plsc, plrc sb n lstn pblzn sl il qubtn li pcjlr hngeâtboc ec pcjrî ilvnet ilv netnr nr eb ue nia niabil bilr. r. Nsb Nsbhbs hbshc hc dny jcs tbpcs tbpcs jl dchfrl dchfrl;; Li dch dchfrl frl hngel hngeltbz tbznjc njc iilec jl oceabnezn y al qul snfl dn enobjc pnrn tlelr âxbtc le in vbjn. Jltrîs jl âi lstî li dchfrl jlshngeltb jlshn geltbznjc znjc iilec jl hbljc hbljcss y jujns jujns== ounejc sl il prlsle prlsletn tn uen cpcrtuebjnj cpcrtuebjnj jbol; "Rc aniinrâ", "Plrjlrâ hb jbelrc". "In gletl sl rlbrî jl hè". Lstl tbpc jl dchfrl ec brî huy ilkcs pc pcrq rqul ul vbvl vbvl oce oce tl tlhc hcrr jl br hî hîss nj njli line netl tl,, tl tlhl hl ni pr prcg cgrl rlsc sc y sl ls lstn tneo eonr nrî î jcej jcejl l sl leouletrn. Ocevbârtnsl le ue dchfrl hngeltbznjc v jlsoufrn li slorltc hnlstrc jl ics nþcs.

LI _LOVLZC JL IC_ NÞC_ ³Ouîi ls le su cpbebÿe, li slorltc hnlstrc jl ics nþcs3 ³Ls li slorltc jl in lelrgèn ntÿhbon3 ³Ls in lelrgèn tlrhceuoilnr3 ³Ls in fchfn jl elutrÿe3 ³Ls li vbnkl betlrpineltnrbc3 Ec= ebeguec jl liics. Iulgc, ³ouîi ls li slorltc hnlstrc3 ³Jÿejl ic puljc leocetrnr y oÿhc ic puljc pcelr le ocetnotc y le noobÿe3 in rlspulstn ls huy sbhpil. Zni slorltc, hnrnvbiicsc ls ue pcjlr hbingrcsc qul trnfnkn jletrc jl in prcpbn hletl sufocesobletl, li ûitbhc iugnr  jcejl in hnycrèn jl ins plrscens fusone.

LI HNVNQBIIC_C PCJLV JLI _\FOCE_OBLEZL \stlj puljl iilenr su vbjn oce hîs pcjlr, hîs sniuj, hns rbqulzn, hîs alibobjnj y hîs gcol, nprlejblejc n fusonr y n utbibznr li pcjlr couitc jl su hletl sufocesobletl \stlj ec elolsbtn njqubrbr lsl pcjlr pcrqul ustlj ic pcsll. Plrc jlfl nprlejlr n usnric= jlfl nprlejlr n npibonric le tcjcs ics hchletcs jl su vbjn.  N hljbjn qul sbgne ins sleobiins tâoebons y ics prcoljbhbletcs lxpibonjcs le lstl ibfrc, ustlj vlrî ochc vne gnenejc li ocecobhbletc y letlejbhbletc elolsnrbcs pnrn cftlelr li trbueac. \stlj pcjrî glelrnr uen eulvn aulrzn bespbrnjc pcr uen eulvn iuz qul il plrhbtbrî iilvnr  n onfc sus jlslcs y ocevlrtbr sus sulþcs le rlnibjnj. Jlobjn ndcrn hbshc dnolr jl su vbjn nigc hns grnejl, hîs rboc, hîs ecfil. Jletrc jl ins prcauejbjnjls jli sufocesobletl lxbstle rlgins beabebtns jl snfbjurèn y pcjlr  hns qul suabobletls pnrn ue ochpiltc jlsnrrciic. Ochbleol ndcrn n rlocecolr lstns pctleobnibjnjls le ic hîs prcauejc jl su hletl y liins tchnrne in acrhn le su huejc betlrec y le su huejc lxtlrbcr  In betlibgleobn beabebtn jletrc jli sufocesobletl suyc il puljl rlvlinr tcjc ic elolsnrbc, tcjcs ics ocecobhbletcs lsleobnils qul ustlj jlfl ocecolr le ue hchletc jnjc, sb ustlj ls uen plrscen jl hletl nfblrtn y rlolptbvn. \stlj puljl rlobfbr eulvcs plesnhbletcs l bjlns, ic qul il vn n plrhbtbr prcjuobr le tcjcs ics onhpcs oce hnycr labonobn. Hîs nue, in betlibgleobn beabeb bea bebtn tn le su suf sufoce ocesob soblet letl l pul puljl jl bhp bhpnrt nrtbri bril l fli fliiès ièsbhn bhnss pbl pblzns zns jli oce ocecob cobhbl hbletc etc jl uen enturnilzn crbgbeni. Puljl rlvlinril y nfrbril li onhbec dnobn uen noobÿe plralotn y ue iugnr rlni le su vbjn.  N trnvâs jli ocecobhbletc jl su hletl sufocesobletl ustlj n trnlrî in ochpnþèn bjlni ochc ochpilhletc jl su vbjn lhcobceni nsb ochc tnhfbâe ics scobcs c ochpnþlrcs jl trnfnkc Leocetrnrî li ochprnjcr pnrn su onsn, nsb ochc tnhfbâe prcvllrsl jli jbelrc elolsnrbc y jl in


trnequbibjnj abeneoblrn pnrn iilvnr n onfc sus jlslcs hîs prcauejcs. Enjbl il bhpbjl jlsoufrbr lstl, huejc betlrec jl plesnhbletcs, pcjlr, iuz, nhcr y fliilzn, bevbsbfils, huy pcjlrcscs. Jletrc jl su hletl sufocesobletl dniinrî in sciuobÿe pnrn onjn prcfilhn y in onusn pnrn onjn lalotc, jlfbjc ni dlodc jl qul ustlj puljl letrnr le pcslsbÿe slsbÿ e notun notunii jli pcjlr elols elolsnrbc nrbc pnrn prcgrl prcgrlsnr snr le in nfuejneobn nfuejneobn,, in slgurbjnj y li jchbebc. Rc dl vbstc ochc li pcjlr jli sufocesobletl dn hlkcrnjc gletls le lstnjc jlprlsbvc slvlrc, dnoblejc jl liics plrscens aulrtls, iilens jl vbtnibjnj, ibfrls jl bedbfbobcels, pnrn br ni huejc jl in lxplrbleobn, jl in alibobjnj, jl in sniuj y jl in lxprlsbÿe jl kûfbic. Lxbstl ue hbstlrbcsc pcjlr qul dnol ournobcels le li sufocesobletl y qul tnhfbâe puljl ournr in hletl iilen jl prcfilhns y li ocrnzÿe jlstrcznjc ni nfrbr inr pulrtns jl in prbsbÿe jl in hletl y ibflrnrins.

ELOL_BJNJ JL FN_L_ JL ZVNFNKC Li prcgrlsc ocesbjlrnfil le ouniqublr onhpc le li qul ecs levcivnhcs ls bhpcsbfil le in nusleobn jl ue trnfnkc jl fnsl qul ls uebvlrsni le su npibonobÿe. \stlj puljl ocevlrtbrsl le uen plrscen dnfbibjcsn occplrnejc oce li pcjlr jl su hletl sufocesobletl oce in olrtlzn jl rlsuitnjcs rlsuit njcs prcpcrob prcpcrobcenils cenils n sus ocecobhb ocecobhbletcs letcs y prbeo prbeobpbcs bpbcs pnrn su npibo npibonobÿe nobÿe sblhprl qul sl trntl jl prcpÿsbtcs lsploèabocs jlabebjcs y hltns oceorltns qul jlsll cftlelr, sbe vnobinobcels jl ic ocetrnrbc eueon slrîe ics rlsuitnjcs tne sntbsanotcrbcs.  Nsè ochc in quèhbon y in aèsbon tblele sus ilyls, in hletl jli dchfrl y li sufocesobletl tblele ins suyns. _b ustlj ochfben dbjrÿglec y cxèglec le ins prcpcrobcels jl jcs îtchcs jli prbhlrc y ue îtchc jli slguejc, li rlsuitnjc slrî ngun \e îtchc jl cxèglec y ue îtchc jl onrfÿe puljle prcjuobr hceÿxbjc jl onrfcec, ue gns vlelecsc. Plrc sb ustlj nþnjl ctrc îtchc jl   cxèglec, -prcjuobrî fbÿxbjc jl onrfcec, ue gns becouc, y ic hbshc pcjrènhcs jlobr jl uen grne onetbjnj jl ochpulstcs quèhbocs. \stlj ec jlfl plesnr qul ics prbeobpbcs jl in quèhbon, in aèsbon y ins hntlhîtbons jbablrle jl ics prbeobpbcs jl su hletl sufocesobletl. Ocesbjlrnh Oces bjlrnhcs cs lstc lstcss prbeo prbeobpbcs bpbcs;; "Li ngun fuson su ebvli ebvli,, le ouniqublr pnrtl" pnrtl".. "In hntlrbn sl lxpnejl ounejc sl onibletn". Lstc tnhfbâe ls uen vlrjnj le ouniqublr pnrtl, le ouniqublr  hchletc y fnkc ouniqublr obrouestneobn. \stlj puljl oniletnr ue pljnzc jl nolrc y sl jbintnrî ouniqublrn qul sln li iugnr jcejl sl il leouletrl, yn sln le Odben, le Begintlrrn c le in Bejbn. Lstc ls uen vlrjnj uebvlrsni qul in hntlrbn lxpnejl ounejc sl il onibletn, tnhfbâe ls uen vlrjnj uebvlrsni qul ouniqublr ocsn qul ustlj pcegn le su sufocesobletl sl lxprlsn le li lspnobc, ochc ocejbobÿe, lxplrbleobn y lvletc. _u orlnobÿe ls rlspcejbjn jlfbjc n qul in hletl sufocesobletl ls ue prbeobpbc y pcr  prbe prbeob obpb pbc c oces ocesbj bjlr lrc c n in hn hnel elrn rn jl cfrn cfrnrr jl in inss oc ocsn sns. s. Pc Pcrr lk lklh lhpi pic, c, li pr prbe beob obpb pbc c jl in lilotrbobjnj ls qul trnfnkn jl ue pctleobni hîs nitc n ue pctleobni hîs fnkc. \stlj ec onhfbn li prbeobpbc jl in lilotrbobjnjy ounejc in usn, plrc in enturnilzn, puljl prcjuobr ocsns hnrnvbiicsns jlsoufrbhbletcs qul occplrnejc in duhnebjnjoce ngrnjlolrî jl hbiustlj hnelrns. _u hletl sufocesobletl trnfnkn jl noulrjc oce in ily jl in al. In al jl su hletl ls in ily jli plesnhbletc. Lstc sbgebabon orllr le in hnelrn ochc su hletl trnfnkn. Zcjn Zc jnss sus sus lxpl lxplrb rble leob obns ns,, lvle lvletc tcs, s, ocej ocejbo bobce bcels ls y no notc tcss sc sce e in inss rl rlno noob obce cels ls jl su sufocesobletl c sus plesnhbletcs. Vloulrjl, ec ls in ocsn le in ouni sl orll, sbec in orlleobn qul ustlj tblel le su prcpbn hletl ic qul trnl ics rlsuitnjcs. Ec nol nolptl ptl orl orlleo leobns bns anisns anisns,, cpb cpbebc ebcels els,, sup suplrs lrstbo tbobce bcels, ls, hbl hbljcs jcs jl tcjns tcjns oin oinsls sls huy jbauejbjcs le li huejc. Ochbleol n orllr le ins vlrjnjls ltlrens, le ins vlrjnjls jl in vbjn qul eueon onhfbne. Jl lsl puetc le njlinetl, ustlj lhplznrî n hcvlrsl dnobn nrrbfn le in ocequbstn jl sus prcpbcs âxbtcs. Ouniqublr plrscen qul iln lstl ibfrc y npibqul ics prbeobpbcs jl in hletl sufocesobletl qul nquè sl lxpibone slrî onpnz jl prnotbonr obletèabonhletl y oce lalotbvbjnj lstcs prbeobpbcs le flel flelabo abobc bc prcpb prcpbc c y jl ctrcs, Li plesnhb plesnhbletc letc ls in noobÿe noobÿe beobpble beobpbletl. tl. In rlnoobÿe rlnoobÿe ls in rlspulstn jl ue sufocesobletl qul rlspcejl n in enturnilzn jl sus plesnhbletcs. Zlegn n su hletl coupnjn oce ics oceolptcs jl nrhc-


eèn, sniuj, pnz y fulecs jlslcs y vlrî ochc uen grne onetbjnj jl ocsns hngeèabons courrbrîe le su vbjn.

J\NIBJNJ JL IN HLEZL _cinhletl sl tblel uen hletl, plrc su hletl pcsll jcs onrnotlrèstbons jbstbetns. In ièeln jl jlhnronobÿe letrl ins jcs ls fble ocecobjn. Ins jcs aueobcels jl su hletl sce lsleobnihletl jbalrletls, plrc ils ocrrlspcejle pcjlrls slpnrnjcs y ntrbfutcs jbalrletls. Pnrn jbstbegubr ins jcs aueobcels jl su hletl sl usne ics sbgubletls târhbecs; In hletl cfkltbvn y ininsufkltbvn= ycalhleben suplrabobni y li ycctrcs prcauejc= in hletl vciuetnrbn ics y intârhbecs hletl bevciuetnrbn= hnsouibenliy in y huodcs târhbecs. \stlj leocetrnrî "ocesobletl" y "sufocesobletl" utbibznjcs pnrn rlprlsletnrin enturnilzn juni jl su hletl n trnvâs jl lstl ibfrc.

IN_ HLEZL_ OCE_OBLEZL R _\FOCE_OBLEZL \en hnelrn bjlni jl anhbibnrbznrsl oce ins jcs aueobcels jl su hletl ls hbrnrin ochc sb aulrn ue knrjèe= ustlj ls li knrjbelrc, qul lstî pinetnejc slhbiins tcjc li jèn (plesnhbletcs) le su sufocesobletl fnsnjc le su plesnhbletc dnfbtuni. Zni ochc ustlj sblhfrn le su hletl sufocesobletl, nsè pcjrî ocslodnr le li nhfbletl qul il rcjln. Ochble Och bleol ol ust ustlj lj ndc ndcrn rn n iilvnr iilvnr ple plesnh snhble bletcs tcs jl pnz, pnz, ali alibob bobjnj, jnj, noobce noobcels ls ful fulens ens y prcsplrbjnj y oce tcjc betlrâs nolptl lstns ounibjnjls le su hletl ocesobletl, ls jlobr, le in hletl qul rnzcen. Ocetbeûl slhfrnejc lstns hnrnvbiicsns slhbiins (plesnhbletcs) le li knrjèe jl su hletl y ustlj sl sletbrî onpnz jl ouitbvnr sus hnrnvbiicscs prcylotcs, jlslcs y pinels. Onjn plesnhbletc ls uen onusn y uen ocejbobÿe y onjn ocejbobÿe ls ue lalotc. Pcr lstn rnzÿe ls lsleobni qul ustlj tchl rlspcesnfbibjnj jl sus plesnhbletcs pnrn trnlrics le ocejbobcels jlslnfils. Ounejc su hletl pblesl ocrrlotnhletl, ounejc ustlj letblejn in vlrjnj, ounejc ics plesnhbletcs jlpcsbtnjcs le su sufocesobletl slne ocestruotbvcs nrhcebcscs y iilecs jl pnz, li pcjlr jl trnfnkc jl su sufocesobletl rlspcejlrî y trnlrî ocejbobcels nrhcebcsns, nhfbletls ngrnjnfils qul ic rcjlle y ic hlkcr jl tcjns ins ocsns fulens pnrn ustlj. Ounejc ochbleol n ocetrcinr sus prcolscs hletnils, pcjrî npibonr ics pcjlrls jl su -sufocesobletl n ouniqublr prcfilhn c jbabouitnj. Le ctrns pninfrns, ustlj lstnrî ocesobletlhletl occplrnejc oce li pcjlr beabebtc y chebpctletl qul gcfblren tcjns ins ocsns. Hbrl Hbr l jcej jcejl l ustlj ustlj qublrn qublrn,, le li îrln îrln jcej jcejl l vbvl vbvl y ectnrî qul in grne hnycrèn jl in duhnebj duhn ebjnj nj vbvl sbe jnrsl ouletn qul plrtlelol plrtlelol n lstl huejc. huejc. Ounetc hîs frbiinetl ls ue dchfrl, hîs betlesnhletl betlrlsnjc lstî le li huejc qul il rcjln. Vlouârjlic, ls li huejc betlrbcr, betlrb cr, nsè iinhn iinhnjc jc li huejc jl sus plesnh plesnhbletcs bletcs y sus sletb sletbhbletcs hbletcs ic qul dnol li huejc nirljljcr, li qul orln li huejc lxtlrbcr. Ls nsè ochc, scinhletl n trnvâs jl ue pcjlr orlntbvc betlrbcr qul sl acrkne ins ocsns lxtlrbcrls, y tcjc ic qul vlhcs le li lxtlrbcr ls li prcjuotc jl lstn vbjn betlrbcr. Li ocec ocecob obhb hble letc tc jl in betl betlrn rnoo oobÿ bÿe e jl in hl hlet etl l oc oces esob oble letl tl oc oce e in be beoc oces esob oble letl tl ecs ecs prlpnrnrî pnrn trnesacrhnr in tctnibjnj jl in vbjn. Pnrn onhfbnr ocejbobcels lxtlrens ustlj jlfl suprbhbr in onusn. Plrc ounejc in hnycrèn jl ics dchfrls trntne jl onhfbnr nigc, scinhletl hle tl onh onhfbn fbne e ins oce ocejbo jbobce bcels ls y obroue obrouestn stneob eobns ns lxtlre lxtlrens. ns. Pnr Pnrn n libhbe libhbenr nr in jbsocr jbsocrjbn jbn,, in oceausbÿe, in anitn y ins ibhbtnobcels, jlflrî qubtnrsl in onusn, y in onusn ls in hnelrn ochc ustlj lstâ utbibznejc su hletl ocesobletl. Le ctrns pninfrns, in hnelrn ochc ustlj lstî Plesnejc y jbfuknejc lsl huejc le su prcpbn hletl. \stlj lstî vbvblejc le ue bescejnfil hnr jl rbqulzns beabebtns. _u sufocesobletl ls huy slesbfil n sus plesnhbletcs. Liics acrhne li hcijl c hntrbz n trnvâs jli ouni aiuyle in betlibgleobn beabebtn, in snfbjurèn y ins aulrzns vbtnils y ins lelrgèns jl su sufocesobletl. In npibonobÿe prîotbon jl ins ilyls jl su hletl lstî biustrnjn le onjn onpètuic jl lstl ibfrc y dnrîe qul ustlj lxplrbhletl in nfuejneobn le vlz jl in jbsocrjbn, in al, li âxbtc y in oceabnezn


le vlz jli hbljc, le rlsuhle uen ibflrnobÿe jl in ily jl ics prchljbcs. In hnycrèn jl ics obletèabocs, nrtbstns, pcltns, onetnetls, lsorbtcrls l bevletcrls, tblele ue prcauejc prcaue jc letlejbhbl letlejbhbletc etc jli trnfn trnfnkc kc jl in hletl oceso ocesobletl bletl l beoce beocesoble sobletl. tl. Onrussc, li grne tlec tlecrr jl in oneob oneobÿe ÿe au aul l vè vèot otbh bhn n jl ue betl betles esc c pî pîeb eboc oc.. Li jl jloè oèn n qul qul su gnrg gnrgne netn tn sl dn dnfè fèn n pnrnibznjc jlfbjc n lspnshcs onusnjcs pcr li betlesc hbljc qul dnfèn consbcenjc uen ocestrboobÿe jl ics hûsouics jl in gnrgnetn. \en vlz qul sl schltèn n in pcsbfbibjnj jl onetnr, le letr trnf nfn n le su lp lpbs bscj cjbc bc jl pî pîeb eboc oc onrn onrnot otlr lrbz bznj njc c pc pcrr nfue nfuejn jnet etl l su sujc jcr, r, ic ou ouni ni il dn dnoè oèn n nvlrgceznrsl, suhbrsl le ue lpbscjbc jl hbljc y trlpbjnobÿe onjn vlz qul tleèn qul snibr n lsolen. Onrussc "liics le vnelin hchletc rlèrsl jl hè, yc ecy puljc Li grbtnfn le prlsleobn jl nquliics qul iljloèn rcjlnfne jl snibr, jloèn;onetnr". "Hb plqulþc yc qublrl lstrneguinr n hb yc grnejl", y n ocetbeunobÿe jloèn ni plqulþc yc; "sni jl nquè= li grne yc qublrl onetnr n Invls jl hè". Li sufocesobletl rlspcejbÿ jlknejc snibr ins aulrzns vbtnils jletrc jl âi. Ounejc il iinhnrce n lsolen snibÿ vbotcrbcsc netl li pûfiboc y onetÿ gicrbcsn y hnklstucsnhletl,

HNELVN_ JL NOZ\NV OCHPNVNJN_ \stlj ectnrî in grne jbalrleobn jlspuâs jl dnflr ilèjc ins sbgubletls ocesbjlrnobcels; in hletl ocesobletl ls ochc li onpbtîe qul jbrbgl su fnroc, jnejc ÿrjlels n ics dchfrls ni oubjnjc jl ins hîqubens y n ics leonrgnjcs jl ocetrcinr ics bestruhletcs pnrn li fule aueobcenhbletc jli fnroc. Ics tâoebocs y slrvbjcrls sbtunjcs le in snin jl hîqubens, sbgule ins ÿrjlels jl su onpbtîe sbe snflr pcr jcejl vne. Iilgnrène n lstrliinrsl ocetrn ins rcons sb li onpbtîe jblrn ÿrjlels lrrÿelns. Ics dchfrls qul lstîe oubjnejc ics hctcrls cfljlole= lstîe fnkc sus ÿrjlels pulstns nutchîtbonhletl le noobÿe. Ics hblhfrcs jl in trbpuinobÿe ec il jbsoutle ni onpbtîe= sl ibhbtne n ouhpibr ins ÿrjlels. Li onpbtîe ls li ièjlr jl su envl, tcjc sl nontn sbe rlodbstnr.  Ndcrn ustlj sl jnrî uen bjln hîs oinrn ounejc yc il jbgn qul su hletl ocesobletl ls li onpbtîe jl su fnroc, ls jlobr, jl su oulrpc y jl tcjcs sus prcfilhns, nsuetcs y oceaibotcs. _u hletl hle tl suf sufoce ocesob soblet letl l rlo rlobfl bfl ins ÿrjlel ÿrjlelss y su hle hletl tl ocesob ocesoblet letl l ins orll y nol nolptn ptn ochc vlrjnjlrns. Ounejc ustlj jbol rlpltbjnhletl; ec ic puljc ochprnr, su hletl sufocesobletl nolptn su pninfrn, pcr ec lstnr le ocejbobcels jl ochprnr ic qul ustlj ec lstî slgurc le njqubrbr. _b njlhîs, njlhî s, jbol, ec puljc ochprnr lstl onrrc, ec puljc ochprnr ochprnrhl hl lsn onsn, ec puljc dnolr  lsl vbnkl n Lurcpn, su hletl sufocesobletl slgubrî sus ÿrjlels, plrhbtbâejcil dnolr su vbjn nuequl il anitle tcjns lsns ocsns. _u hletl sufocesobletl trnfnkn 6: dcrns ni jèn dnoblejc prcvbsbcels le su flelabobc, jlrrnhnejc, nouhuinejc, jlpcsbtnejc li arutc jl su plesnhbletc octbjbnec.

OCHC A\EOBCEN _\ HLEZL _\FOCE_OBLEZL \en huklr hl lsorbfbÿ ic sbgubletl; _cy uen vbujn jl 7< necs jl ljnj= vbvblejc scin, cèn sus ocealrleobns scfrl ics pcjlrls jl in hletl sufocesobletl. Ochc ustlj nabrhn qul ics cfkltbvcs y pinels puljle slr iilvnjcs n in hletl sufocesobletl grnobns n in rlpltbobÿe, n in al y n in lsplrnezn, ic pusl le prîotbon jurnetl vnrbcs jèns rlpbtbâejchl arlouletlhletl oce sbeolrbjnj l betlesc jlslc; "_cy uen plrscen oce ntrnotbvcs. _cy alibz, onsnjn oce ue dchfrl jl grne vnicr lspbrbtuni= hl sbletc slgurn". Ic rlpltè jurnetl jcs slhnens, huodns vlols jbnrbnhletl, dnstn qul ue

fule jèn, le uen anrhnobn hl prlsletnrce n ue anrhnoâutboc rltbrnjc. Ic leocetrâ fcejnjcsc, ochprlesbvc, dchfrl jl abrhls ocevboobcels rlibgbcsns. Li aul n rlspulstn plralotn n hbs jlslcs. \ens slhnens hîs tnrjl hl prcpceèn hntrbhcebc y ndcrn ecs leocetrnhcs jurnetl eulstrn iuen jl hbli le Lurcpn. Lstcy ocevleobjn jl qul in betlibgleobn le li betlrbcr jl hb hletl sufocesobletl dbzc leocetrnrecs n ics jcs" Lstn huklr jlsoufrbÿ ics tlscrcs bgecrnjcs couitcs jletrc jl liin. In aulrzn jl ics


sbeolrcs sletbjcs le su ocrnzÿe y su abrhlzn pleltrÿ in hletl sufocesobletl qul ls li hljbc orlnjcr; tne prcetc ochc sl rlueblrce su al, su sbeolrbjnj, su jlslc betlesc aul trnespcrtnjc n su hletl sufocesobletl qul il jbc in rlspulstn n trnvâs jl ins ilyls jl in ntrnoobÿe. \stlj oceslgubrî sus jlslcs qul lstâ slgurc le jlslnr y nquliic qul sln vlrjnjlrc, dcelstc, kustc, iilec jl nhcr= plesnejc sblhprl le ins ocsns iilens jl vbrtujls.


VL_\HLE JL IN_ BJLN_ BHPCVZNEZL_ PNVN VLOCVJNV In onsn jl ics tlscrcs lstî jletrc jl ustlj. Hbrl dnobn li betlrbcr y dniinrî uen rlspulstn n ics jlslcs jl su ocrnzÿe. 6. _u hletl sufocesobletl tblel ins rlspulstns pnrn tcjcs ics prcfilhns. _b ustlj sugblrl n su sufocesobletl netls jl brsl n jcrhbr; "yc qublrc jlsplrtnrhl n ins 1 jl in hnþnen", ustlj jlsplrtnrî n lsn dcrn lxnotnhletl. Lstc ic dl rlpltbjc le vnrbcs jl hbs ibfrcs l besbstc le liic pcr in labobleobn le su npibonobÿe. ?. Li grne slorltc jl ics dchfrls oâilfrls jl tcjns ins âpcons, aul su dnfbibjnj pnrn letrnr le ocetnotc oce ics pcjlrls jl su hletl sufocesobletl, ibflrîejcics. \stlj puljl dnolr ic hbshc qul liics dboblrce, oce al, oce tlenobjnj, ocevleobjc jl sus abrhls prcpÿsbtcs. :. In hletl sufocesobletl ls li nrqubtlotc jl su oulrpc y puljl ournric. Hnetlegn bjlns jl sniuj plralotn y trneshètnic n su sufocesobletl netls jl nocstnrsl. Jâ ins ÿrjlels kustns y rnzcenfils ochc n ue sbrvbletl y ustlj slrî cfljlobjc. 0. Onhfbl sus plesnhbletcs, y ustlj onhfbnrî su jlstbec. >.


6. Ochc trnfnkn su prcpbn hletl \stlj tblel su prcpbn hletl y jlfl snflr oÿhc utbibznrin. Dny jcs ebvlils le su hletl -in ocesobletl ÿ rnobceni y in sufocesobletl ÿ brrnobceni. \stlj pblesn oce su hletl ocesobletl y tcjc ounetc dnfbtunihletl pblesn, onl ni acejc, jletrc jl su hletl sufocesobletl= ls in sbiin jl sus lhcobcels y n in vlz, in hletl orlnjcrn. _b ustlj pblesn fcejnjls, ins fcejnjls il slgubrîe= hletl. sb pblesn hni, li hni il slgubrî. Lstl ls li hlonebshc, in hnelrn slgûe trnfnkn su Zne prcetc in hletl sufocesobletl nolptn in bjln, ochblezn n lkloutnrin. Betlrlsnetl y sutbi vlrjnj ls qul in ily jli sufocesobletl puljl trnfnknr jli hbshc hcjc pnrn bjlns fulens c hnins. Ounejc lstn ily sl npibon le acrhn elgntbvn, ls onusn jl arustrnobÿe l bealibobjnj. Ounejc li plesnhbletc dnfbtuni ls nrhcebcsc, ocestruotbvc, sl lxplrbhletn sniuj, prcsplrbjnj y âxbtcs le plralotc lqubibfrbc. Pnz jl in hletl y oulrpc sniujnfil sce ics rlsuitnjcs ounejc ustlj pblesn y sbletl jl hnelrn ocrrlotn. Plrc ls elolsnrbc qul su hletl sufocesobletl nolptl su bjln, qul in ily jl su prcpbc sufocesobletl trnlrî in sniuj, in pnz y in pcsbobÿe jlslnjn. \stlj jn in crjle y su sufocesobletl rlprcjuobrî lstn bjln ablihletl. _u hletl tblel su prcpbn ily y ls âstn; \stlj cftlejrî uen rlnoobÿe c rlspulstn jl su sufocesobletl jl noulrjc oce in enturnilzn jl ics plesnhbletcs c in bjln qul ustlj tlegn le su hletl ocesobletl. Ics psboÿicgcs psboÿicgcs y ics psbqubn psbqubntrns trns ectne qul ni slr ics plesnhb plesnhbletcs letcs ntrnèjcs pcr in hletl ocesobletl, quljne bhprlscs, abkcs le ins oâiuins jli olrlfrc. Zne prcetc ochc su hletl sufocesobletl nolptn uen bjln, trnfnkn pcr nscobnobÿe jl bjlns y utbibzn onjn pljnzc jl beacrhnobÿe qul ustlj dnyn rluebjc le su vbjn pnrn iilvnr n onfc ics prcpÿsbtcs, utbibznejc li pcjlr beabebtc jl lelrgèn qul lxbstl jletrc jl ustlj hbshc. Ocicon le ièeln tcjns ins ilyls jl in enturnilzn pnrn qul sl rlnibol su jlslc. Niguens vlols npnrlol ochc in pcrtnjcrn jl sciuobcels behljbntns netl lecrhls jbabouitnjls, plrc ctrns vlols pnrlol tlelr jbabouitnjls y il tchn huodcs jèns, slhnens y nue hlsls.

OCE_OBLEZL R _\FOCE_OBLEZL Vloulrjl qul ec sl trntn jl jcs hletls. _ce sbhpilhletl jcs lsalrns jl notbvbjnj jletrc jl uen hletl. _u hletl ocesobletl ls in hletl qul rnzcen. Ls in ansl jl in hletl qul sl leonrgn jl lilgbr= ustlj tchn tcjns sus jlobsbcels oce su hletl ocesobletl. _u hletl sufocesobletl nolptn ic qul sl bhprbhn le liin c ic qul su ocesobletl orll; ec rnzcen ochc su hletl ocesobletl y ec jbsoutl oce ustlj n hnelrn jl ocetrcvlrsbn. _u hletl sufocesobletl ls ochc in tblrrn qul nolptn ouniqublr oinsl jl slhbiin sln fulen c hnin. _us plesnhbletcs sce notbvcs y puljle prcsplrnr le acrhn jl slhbiins. Plrc tnhfbâe puljle slr  plesnhbletcs jlstruotbvcs cplrne jc elgntbvnhletl le su hletl sufocesobletl qul oce li tblhpc sl ocevlrtbrîe le notcs lxtlrbcrls jlsngrnjnfils, trbstls c auelstcs. _u hletl sufocesobletl ec jbsoutl sb sus plesnhbletcs sce fulecs ÿ hnics, vlrjnjlrcs c anis aniscs cs== sl ibhb ibhbtn tn n rl rlsp spce cejl jlrr jl noul noulrj rjc c oc oce e in entu enturn rnil ilzn zn jl su suss ples plesnh nhbl blet etcs cs c suglrleobns. Pcr lklhpic, sb ustlj lstî orlylejc abrhlhletl qul nigc ls vlrjnjlrc, nue sblejc anisc, su hletl sufocesobletl ic nolptnrî ochc vlrjnjlrc y prcoljlrî n cftlelr  rlsuitnjcs, ics ounils vlejrîe elolsnrbnhletl pcrqul su sufocesobletl ics nolptÿ ochc vlrjnjlrcs.

LTPLVBHLEZC_ DLODC_ PCV _BOßICGC_ Beeuhlrnfils jlhcstrnobcels dlodns pcr sboÿicgcs le plrscens le lstnjc dbpeÿtboc, dne prcfnjc qul li sufocesobletl ls beonpnz jl sliloobcenr y dnolr ochpnrnobcels elolsnrbns le li prcolsc jli rnobcobebc, jlhcstrnejc rlpltbjnhletl nul in hletl sufocesobletl nolptnrî ouniqublr suglrleobn nuequl sln anisn Jlsjl li hchletc qul in nolptl, rlspcejlrî jl


noulrjc oce in enturnilzn jl ins suglrleobns jnjns. Qnhcs n biustrnr in rlspcesnfbibjnj jl su hletl sufocesobletl netl in suglstbÿe; _b ue dbpectbznjcr sugblrl n uec jl ics sukltcs suycs qul âi ls Enpcilÿe Fcenpnrtl, c ue plrrc, c ue gntc, gnt c, not notunr unrî î jl lsn hne hnelrn lrn li dbp dbpect ectbzn bznjc jc oce bebhbt bebhbtnfi nfil l lxn lxnotb otbtuj tuj.. _u plr plrsce scenibj nibjnj nj sl onhfbnrî pcr li tblhpc qul jurl in prulfn y âi orllrî y cfljlolrî ic qul li dbpectbznjcr il lstâ jboblejc. \e dbp dbpect ectbzn bznjcr jcr lxp lxplrb lrbhle hletnj tnjc c pul puljl jl sug suglrb lrbrr n uec jl sus lst lstujb ujbnet netls ls le lst lstnjc njc dbpeÿtboc qul su lspnijn il pbon, y n ctrc qul su enrbz lstî snegrnejc= n ctrc qul âi ls uen lstntun jl hîrhci, qul âi lstî oceglinjc n uen tlhplrnturn fnkcicolrc. Onjn uec jl liics slgubrî in ièeln njlctrc in suglstbÿe pnrtbouinr, bgecrnejc tctnihletl tcjc qul il rcjln y qul ec tlegn qul vlr oce ics sèetchns y glstcs fnkc ics ounils dn sbjc dbpectbznjc. Lstns sleobiins cfslrvnobcels jlhulstrne oinrnhletl in jbalrleobn letrl li ocesobletl y li beocesobletl qul ls bhplrsceni, ec slilotbvc y nolptn ochc vlrjnjlrc su ocesobletl, ic qul in hlet hl etl l oces ocesob oble letl tl or orll ll qu qul l ls oblr oblrtc tc.. Pc Pcrr lsc lsc ls jl tn tnet etn n bh bhpc pcrt rtne neob obn n sl slil iloo oobc bcen enrr ic icss plesnhbletcs, ins bjlns y ins prlhbsns qul puljle ournril c bespbrnril n iilenr jl âxbtc y alibobjnj.

OINVBABONOBßE JL IC_ ZÂVHBEC_ H HLEZL LEZL _\FKLZBQN R HLEZL CFKLZBQN _u hletl ocesobletl sl rlablrl niguens vlols n su hletl cfkltbvn, pcrqul ls in qul tblel qul ibjbnr oce cfkltcs le li lxtlrbcr. In hletl cfkltbvn tchn rlocecobhbletc jli huejc cfkltbvc. \e pulstc jl cfslrvnobÿe sce sus obeoc sletbjcs. _u hletl cfkltbvn ls su guèn y jbrloobÿe le li ocetnotc oce su nhfbletl. \stlj gnen ocecobhbletc n trnvâs jl ics obeoc sletbjcs. _u hletl cfkltbvn nprlejl n trnvâs jl in cfslrvnobÿe, in lxplrbleobn y in ljuonobÿe. Zni ochc 1l dnfèn jbodc bebobnihletl, in hnycr aueobÿe jl in hletl cfkltbvn ls in jl rnzcenr. _upÿegnsl ls ustlj uec jl ics hbils jl turbstns qul vblele n ics Îeglils neunihletl; ustlj iilgnrî n in oceoiusbÿe jl qul ls uen obujnj fliin, pcr sus pnrquls, pcr ics knrjbels fliics, fliic s, pcr ics hnklstu hnklstucscs cscs ljbabob ljbabobcs cs y jl ins onsns fliin fliins. s. Lstl ls li cfkltbvc jl su hletl, li trnfnkc jl su hletl cfkltbvn. _u hletl sufocesobletl ls n hleujc ochc su hletl sufkltbvn. _u hletl sufkltbvn tchn rlocecobhbletc jl su nhfbletl pcr hljbcs bejlplejbletls n ics obeoc sletbjcs. _u hletl sufkltbvn plrobfl pcr betubobÿe. Ls li nsbletc jl sus lhcobcels y li nihnoâe jl su hlhcrbn. _u hletl sufkltbvn' utbibzn sus hîs nitns aueobcels ounejc sus sletbjcs cfkltbvcs lstîe n in lxplotntbvn. Le uen pninfrn, ls lstn betlibgleobn qul dnol sl hnebablstl ounejc in hletl cfkltbvn lstî susplejbjn c le ue lstnjc jl njcrhlobhbletc. _u hletl sufkltbvn "hbrn" sbe in utbibznobÿe jl ics ckcs n trnvâs jl in vbsbÿe betlrbcr qul tcjcs pcsllhcs. Zblel in onpnobjnj jl oinrbvbjletl. _u hletl sufkltbvn puljl jlknr su oulrpc y vbnknr n tblrrns jbstnetls y trnlr beacrhnobÿe n vlols hîs lxnotn y jl onrîotlr hîs vlrjnjlrc.  N trnvâs jl su hletl sufkltbvn ustlj puljl illr ics ple plesnhbletcs snhbletcs jl ctrcs. Zblel dnfbibjnj jl tchnr plesnhbletcs jl ctrcs sbe li usc jl ics hljbcs sufkltbvcs jl ochuebonobÿe. Ls jl in hnycr bhpcrtneobn qul letlejnhcs in betlrnoobÿe jl ins hletls cfkltbvn y sufkltbvn pnrn nprlejlr in vlrjnj jl lstl nrtl.

LI _\FOCE_OBLEZL EC P\LJL VN[CENV OCHC _\ HLEZL OCE_OBLEZL _u hletl sufocesobletl ec puljl jbsoutbr c letnfinr uen ocetrcvlrsbn. Jl hnelrn qul sb ustlj il sugblrl nigc beocr beocrrlotc, rlotc, qublrl jlobr qul ic nolptnrî ochc vlrjnjlr vlrjnjlrc c y prcoljlrî le oceslouleobn. Zcjns ins ocsns qul dne vlebjc courrblejc lstîe fnsnjns le plesnhbletcs bhprlscs le li sufocesobletl suyc n trnvâs jli plesnhbletc.


\stlj jlfl jnrsl ouletn qul in hletl ocesobletl ls li vbgbinetl qul lstî le in pulrtn, qul tblel ochc aueobÿe auejnhletni prctlglr su hletl sufocesobletl jl ins bhprlsbcels anisns. R njlhîs ustlj snfl qul li sufocesobletl ec puljl dnolr ochpnrnobcels eb qul


tnhpcoc rnzcen, eb pblesn pcr sè hbshn pcrqul lstn aueobÿe plrtlelol n su hletl ocesobletl= sbhpilhletl rlnoobcen y cfljlol n ins bhprlsbcels jnjns pcr su hletl ocesobletl. Li sbgubletl ls ue lklhpi lklhpic c oiîsb oiîsboc oc jli trlhle trlhlejc jc pcjlr jl in suglstbÿe. _upceg _upcegnhcs nhcs qul ustlj vbnkn le ue fnroc, le' trle c le ue fus y il jbol ni pnsnklrc ochpnþlrc jl vbnkl; "ustlj iuol huy lealrhc, lstî huy pîibjc"= "yc orlc qul sl vn n hnrlnr, jâklhl qul il nyujl". Li pnsn pnsnkl klrc rc sl tcren tcrenrî rî pîib pîibjc jc== suar suarbr brî î hnrl hnrlcs cs pc pcrq rqul ul sl ku kuet etnr nrce ce in su sugl glst stbÿ bÿe e y li hb hblj ljc, c, plrjblejc in oceabnezn letrlgîejcsl ni jchbebc nklec, orlyâejcsl lealrhc ounejc lstnfn plralotnhletl snec.

JBALVLEZL_ VLNOOBCEL_ PNVN IN HB_HN _\GL_ZBßE Ls oblrtc qul huodns plrscens rlnoobcenrîe jl hnelrn jbalrletl n uen hbshn suglstbÿe, slgûe slne sus orlleobns y li ocejbobcenhbletc jli sufocesobletl. Pcr lklhpic, sb ochc pnsnklrc jl ue fnroc ustlj sl jbrbgl n ue hnrbelrc y il jbol jl hcjc nanfil; "hb qulrbjc nhbgc, iuol ustlj huy lealrhc, ec sl sbletl ustlj lealrhc3 hl jn in bhprlsbÿe jl qul sl vn n hnrlnr". Ic hîs prcfnfil ls qul âi rèn c sl sbletn beoÿhcjc oce ustlj. Li betletc jl suglstbÿe dnfrèn onèjc le cèjcs scrjcs le lstl onsc, pcr in acrtnilzn y li ocevleobhbletc jl lstl bejbvbjuc. Li jboobcenrbc jbol qul in suglstbÿe ls li notc jl betrcjuobr le in hletl jl niguble li prcolsc hletni pcr hljbc jli ouni li plesnhbletc c bjln suglrbjn ls nocgbjn, nolptnjn c iilvnjn n onfc. \stlj jlfl rlocrjnr qul in suglstbÿe ec puljl bhpcelr nigc le in hletl sufocesobletl ocetrn li jlslc jl in hletl ocesobletl. Le ctrns pninfrns, su hletl ocesobletl tblel li pcjlr jl rlodnznr in suglrleobn jnjn. Le li onsc jli hnrbelrc, ec tblel hbljc ni hnrlc. Li lstî ocevleobjc jl su behuebjnj, y in suglrleobn elgntbvn ec tblel pcjlr le nfsciutc pnrn prcvconr lsl hbljc. In suglstbÿe jli hnrlc n ctrc pnsnklrc il prcjukc hnrlc. Onjn uec jl ecsctrcs tblel sus prcpbcs hbljcs, plesnhbletcs, orlleobns y cpbebcels y lstl nsuhbr betlrec gcfblren eulstrns vbjns. \en suglrleobn ec tblel pcjlr pcr sè hbshn, lxolptc sb lstî hletnihletl nolptnjn pcr  ustlj. Lstc dnol qul sus pcjlrls sufocesobletls cfrle jl iben hnelrn ibhbtnjn y rlstrbegbjn slgûe sln in enturnilzn jl in suglstbÿe.

OCHC PLVJBß \E FVN[C Onjn jcs ÿ trls necs jcy uen slrbl jl odnrins le li Icejce Zrutd Acruh le Onxtce Dnii (Begintlrrn). Lstl ls ue Acruh qul auejâ dnol vnrbcs nþcs. Li jbrlotcr, Jr. Aillt hl ocetÿ qul le ue plrbÿjboc begiâs dnfèn npnrlobjc ue nrtbouic nolron jli pcjlr jl in suglstbÿe; Le ue dchfrl qul dnfèn trnsinjnjc ue betlesc jlslc n su hletl sufocesobletl jurnetl jcs nþcs slgubjcs; "yc jnrâ hb frnzc jlrlodc ounejc vln n hb dbkn ournjn". Npnrletlhletl in dbkn tleèn ue tbpc jlacrhnetl jl nrtrbtbs y uen lealrhljnj jl in pbli, beournfil. Li trntnhbletc hâjboc dnfèn aniinjc y li pnjrl tleèn uen bjln cfslsbvn; in hlkcrèn jl su dbkn rlpbtblejc li jlslc jl jnr  ue frnzc, n onhfbc jl in sniuj jl su dbkn. Li Jr. Aillt rlabrbÿ qul ue jèn, in anhbibn lstnfn pnslnejc le onrrc, ounejc jl rlpletl sl lstrliinrce; Li frnzc jli pnjrl aul nrrneonjc jl su dchfrc y jl hnelrn behljbntn in nrtrbtbs jl in dbkn, nsè ochc in ocejbobÿe slvlrn jl in pbli, jlsnpnrloblrce. Pcrr lstn Pc lstn rnzÿ rnzÿe, e, ustl ustlj j jl jlfl fl lstn lstnrr slgu slgurc rc jl jn jnrr n su su sufo foce cesob soble letl tl sc scin inhl hlet etl l in inss suglrleobns qul ourne, qul lilvne y qul ic bespbrne n ustlj le nitcs bjlnils. Vloulrjl qul su hletl sufocesobletl ec letblejl uen frchn, sbec qul tchn sus pninfrns ni pbl jl in iltrn.

OCHC IN _\GL_ZBßE P\LJL NONFNV OCE LI HBLJC  Noinrnobcels scfrl nutcsuglstbÿe; in nutcsuglstbÿe sbgebabon suglrbrsl n sè hbshc nigc jlabebjc, huy oceorltc y lsploèaboc. Dlrflrt Pnrmye, le su lxoliletl hneuni jl nutcsuglstbÿe (Dlr (Dlrfl flrt rt Pn Pnrm rmye ye Nu Nutc tcsu sugg ggls lstbtbce ce,, Icej Icejce ce;; Ac Acwi wilr lr,, >2 >2>1 >1)) ne nect ctn n li sbgu sbgubl blet etl l on onsc sc;; \e elwycrmbec, le Odbongc, hbrn su rlick qul lstî uen dcrn njlinetnjc, jlfbjc n qul tlebn dcrn le


Odbong Odbo ngc, c, jbob jbobâe âejc jcil il n ue nh nhbg bgc c jl Od Odbo bongc ngc qul qul lr lrne ne in inss >6. >6. Li nh nhbg bgc c jl Odbo Odbong ngc c sbe sbe ocesbjlrnr in jbalrleobn jl tblhpc letrl Odbongc y Elw Rcrm, il jbol ni elwycrmbec qul tblel npltbtc y qul jlfle brsl n nihcrznr . In nutcsuglstbÿe puljn slr utbibznjn pnrn qubtnr hbljcs y ctrns ocejbobcels elgntbvns. \en kcvle onetnetl aul bevbtnjn n pnsnr uen prulfn netl ue nujbtcrbc, ic ouni liin dnfèn lstnjc fusonejc jlsjl dnobn huodc tblhpc, plrc le trls consbcels netlrbcrls dnfèn aniinjc trlhlejnhletl, prlobsnhletl pcr j hbljc n aniinr. Lstn kcvleobtn tleèn huy fulen vcz plrc sl dnfèn jbodc n sè hbshn rlpltbjns vlols, "ounejc sl hl iilgul in dcrn jl onetnr, prcfnfilhletl ec gustnrâ. Zrntnrâ, plrc lstcy iilen jl hbljc y negustbn". n in noobÿe _u hletl jcejl sufocesobletl lstnfn in aniin nolptnfn jl pcjlr lstns rlnibznr notbtujls li notc elgntbvns jl onetnr y slle hnebalstnfn pûfiboc. Intrnyâejcins onusn lrn pcr ic tnetc uen nutcsuglstbÿe, bevciuetnrbn. Hbljcs sbiletls, plesnhbletcs iilecs jl hbljcs trnespcrtnjcs le acrhn lhcobceni y sufkltbvn. Plrc pujc suplrnrsl grnobns n in sbgubletl tâoebon; trls vlols ni jèn nbsinjn le su pblzn sl sletnfn sletnf n oceacr oceacrtnfilh tnfilhletl letl le uen sbiin-oce frnzcs= sl rlinkn rlinknfn fn y olrrnfn olrrnfn sus ckcs, rlinknfn su hletl y su oulrpc jl in hlkcr acrhn acrhn.. In belro belrobn bn aèsbon anvcr anvcrlol lol in pnsbvbjn pnsbvbjnj j hletni y jlkn n in hletl hîs rlolptbvn n in suglstbÿe. Liin ocetrn-ntnonfn li hbljc jboblejc ins sbgubletls pninfrns; "yc onetc huy fble, lstcy rlpcsnjn, slrlen, iilen jl oceabnezn y jl onihn". Ic rlpltèn iletnhletl oce grne aâ, uens obeoc n jblz vlols ni jèn y uen vlz hîs netls jl brsl n jcrhbr. Ni abeni jl in slhnen, sl leocetrnfn onihnjn, iilen jl oceabnezn y li jèn jli rlobtni tuvc ue grne âxbtc.

\E ON_C CL VLO\PLVNOBßE JL HLHCVBN \en huklr jl 7< nþcs, tleèn li dîfbtc jl jlobrsl n sè hbshn; "Lstcy plrjblejc hb hlhcrbn". Liin pujc dnflr prcoljbjc jl acrhn ocetrnrbn y prnotbonr in nutcsuglstbÿe vnrbns vlols ni jèn jl in sbgubletl acrhn; "hb hlhcrbn jl dcy le njlinetl hlkcrn le onjn uec jl ics nsplotcs jl hb vbjn. Ndcrn, sblhprl rlocrjnrâ tcjc ic qul elolsbtl, le onjn hchletc y le onjn puetc jcejl hl leouletrl. Ins bhprlsbcels rlobfbjns slrîe hîs oinrns y jlabebjns. Vltlejrâ le hb hlhcrbn nutchîtbonhletl y oce grne anobibjnj. Ic qul qublrn rlocrjnr sl dnrî prlsletl jl hnelrn behljbntn le hb hletl. Lstcy hlkcrnejc onjn jèn y huy rîpbjnhletl hb hlhcrbn slrî hlkcr qul eueon". Ni abeni jl ins trls prbhlrns slhnens, su hlhcrbn lrn ecrhni= y n liin sl il vlèn huy ocetletn.

OCHC _L QLEOBß \E ZLHPLVNHLEZC JL_NGVNJNFIL Lx Lxbs bstl tle e euhl euhlrc rcsc scss dc dchf hfrl rlss br brrb rbtn tnfi fils ls y hn hnig igle lebn bnjc jcs. s. Huod Huodcs cs jl ls lstc tcss sc sce e huy huy susolptbfils n in nutcsuglstbÿe y cftblele rlsuitnjcs hnrnvbiicscs utbibznejc ics sbgubletls hâtcjcs, ins jl sbgubletls arnslsjurnetl trls ÿ ountrc vlols ni hèebhc; jèn, pcr Le in hnþnen, hljbcfule jèn yduhcr. pcr in ecodl netls brsl n jcrhbr, ue hls ochc njlinetlnitlejrâ In nilgrèn y alibo alibobjnj bjnj slrîe hbs lstnjcs jl îebhc dnfbtu dnfbtunils. nils. Onjn jèn hl vulivc vulivc hîs y hîs ochprlesbvc. Hl lstcy vcivblejc ndcrn âi oletrc jl in fcejnj y li ngrnjc y tcjcs nquliics qul lstîe n hb nirljljcr hl iilene jl fule duhcr. Lstn alibobjnj sl vn ocevbrtblejc le hb lstnjc enturni jl in hletl pcr ic qul lstcy arneonhletl ngrnjlobjc".

LI PCJLV OCE_ZV\OZBQC R JL_ZV\OZBQC JL IN _\GL_ZBßE  Niguens leslþnezns  Niguens leslþnezns y ochletnrbcs ochletnrbcs scfrl in dltlrcsuglstbÿe; dltlrcsuglstbÿe; dltlrcsuglstbÿe dltlrcsuglstbÿe bejbon in suglstbÿe jl ctrns plrscens. Le tcjns ¡ns âpcons li pcjlr jl in suglstbÿe dn kugnjc uen pnrtl bhpcrtnetl le in vbjn jli plesnhbletc jli dchfrl le tcjc tblhpc, y le onjn pnès jl in tblrrn Le huodns pnrtls jli huejc, in suglstbÿe ls li hljbc jl ocetrci utbibznjc pcr in rlibgbÿe.

In suglstbÿe puljl slr utbibznjn ochc nutcjbsobpiben y pnrn ocetrcinrecs, plrc tnhfbâe puljl slrocestruotbvn utbibznjn pnrn hnejc scfrl ctrcs ec ocecole ins ilyls jl injl hletl. Le su acrhn lstchnr fliin li y hngeèabon. R le susqul nsplotcs elgntbvcs, ls u-en ins hns jlstruotbvns jl tcjcs ics pntrcels jl rlspulstn jl in hletl, rlsuitnejc huy lalotbvn le pntrcels jl hbslrbn, aniins, suarbhbletc, lealrhljnj y jlsnstrl.


DN NOLPZNJC \_ZLJ NIG\EC JL L_ZC_3 Jlsjl in beaneobn, in hnycrèn jl ecsctrcs dlhcs rlobfbjc huodns bhîglels elgntbvns. Ec snfblejc oÿhc jlalejlre jlalejlrecs cs jl liins liins,, ins dlhcs nolpt nolptnjc njc beocesoble beocesobletlhle tlhletl. tl. Nquè dny niguecs lklhpics jl lklhpics elgntbvcs; "ustlj ec puljl, ustlj knhîs iilgnrî n slr enjn, ec jlflrèn, aniinrî, ec tblel odneol, lstn lqubvconjc, ec sbrvl pnrn enjn". "Ec ls tnetc ic qul ustlj snfl sbec n qubâe ocecol, pnrn quâ ecs prlcoupnhcs, n enjbl il bhpcrtn enjn, ec vntl in plen trntnr jl trnfnknr tne jurc, ustlj lstî huy vblkc yn, onjn jèn ins ocsns sl lstîe pceblejc plcrls, brn vbjn ls uen hciblejn beabebtn, ec puljl gnenr, huy prcetc ustlj qulfrnrî, huodc oubjnjc vn n plsonr li vbrus, ec puljl oceabnr le enjbl, lto." _nivc qul suoljn n ue njuitc jctnjc jli jchbebc y usl nutcsuglstbÿe ocestruotbvn, qul ls uen tlrnpbn jl rlnocejbobcenhbletc, ins bhprlsbcels dlodns, pcegnhcs pcr lklhpic, n ustlj le li pnsnjc, puljle prcjuobr pntrcels jl ochpcrtnhbletc qul onusne in aniin le su vbjn vbj n sco scobni bni y plr plrsce sceni. ni. In nut nutcsu csugls glstbÿ tbÿe e ls ue hlj hljbc bc jl ibflrn ibflrnril ril n ust ustlj lj jl lsn hnsn jl ocejbobcenhbletc vlrfni elgntbvc, qul puljl jbstcrsbcenr su pntrÿe jl vbjn, dnoblejc jbaèobi li jlsnrrciic jl fulecs dîfbtcs.

\_ZLJ P\LJL OCEZVNNZNONV IN_ _\GL_ZBCEL_ ELGNZBQN_ Iln li plr plrbÿj bÿjboc boc ouniq ouniqubl ublrr jèn y ust ustlj lj pul puljl jl vl vlrr jcolen jcolenss jl neueobcs neueobcs-ec -ectbo tbobns bns qul lspnrole slhbiins beelolsnrbns jlsjl in autbibjnj ni hbljc= jli tlhcr n in negustbn= jli pîeboc n in ontîstrcal behbeletl. _b ustlj ils nolptn puljle prcjuobril pârjbjns pnrn sblhprl. Plrc sb sl sbletl onpnz jl rlodnznr tcjns lstns suglstbcels elgntbvns, jîejcil ni sufocesobletl uen suglstbÿe ocestruotbvn, tlegn in hîs nfsciutn slgurbjnj qul ustlj pcjrî ocetrnntnonr y jlstrubr  lstns bjlns. Ocetrcil rlguinrhletl ins beaiuleobns elgntbvns qul in gletl qublrl "bhprbhbr" le ustlj. Ec sl jlkl ocevleolr pcr suglstbcels jlstruotbvns. Zcjcs ecsctrcs dlhcs suarbjc lstl prcfilhn le eulstrn beaneobn y njcil njcilsoleo soleobn. bn. _b ustlj hbrn pnrn ntrîs, pcjrî rlocrjnr aîobi hletl ochc sus pnjrls, sus dlrhnecs, sus anhbibnrls, prcalscrls y nscobnjcs ocetrbfuylrce ocetrn su labobleobn plrsceni bhprbhbâejcil uen slrbl jl suglstbcels elgntbvns. Vlailxbcel le ins ocsns qul il beouionrce y jlsoufrbrî, qul grne pnrtl aul prcpngnejn elgntbvn. Li prcpÿsbtc jl grne pnrtl jl ic qul il jbklrce aul pnrn lklrolr ocetrci scfrl ustlj c beauejbril hbljc. Lstl prcolsc jl suglstbÿe elgntbvn suoljl le onjn onsn jli huejc, le onjn caboben, ocilotbvbjnj, aîfrbon, c elgcobc. \stlj leocetrnrî qul huodns jl lstns suglstbcels sce oce li prcpÿsbtc jl dnolril sletbr, dnolril plesnr y notunr ochc ics ctrcs jlslne qul ustlj pblesl c notûl, plrc oinrc, le flelabobc jl liics y ec le li suyc.

OCHC IN _\GL_ZBßE HNZC N \E DCHFVL Dl nquè ue lklhpic jl suglstbÿe. \e anhbibnr hèc aul jcejl ue vbjletl qul ill li auturc le uen fcin jl orbstni= il jbkc qul suarbrèn uen lealrhljnj ni ocrnzÿe, y prljbkc su hulrtl le in prÿxbhn iuen. Li sl ic ocetÿ n sus pnrbletls y il nrrlgiÿ su tlstnhletc. Zne pcjlrcsn suglstbÿe suglstbÿe letrÿ n su sufocesob sufocesobletl, letl, nolptnjn pcr âi ochpiltnhl ochpiltnhletl. etl. Lstl pnrbletl, hl ocetÿ njlhîs qul su vbjletl tlebn grnejls pcjlrls couitcs y qul pcjèn prcjuobr  jnþcs n ctrns plrscens. Li pcfrl hurbÿ tni ochc lstnfn prljbodc, sbe snflr in onusn jl su hulrtl. Rc orlc qul huodcs jl ecsctrcs pcjlhcs ocetnr neîicgns dbstcrbns lstûpbjns y rbjèouins. Hbrlhcs ic qul courrl n in iuz jl eulstrcs ocecobhbletcs, scfrl in acrhn le in ouni in hletl sufocesobletl trnfnkn. Rn snflhcs qul in hletl sufocesobletl nolptnrî y notunrî le fnsl n ic qul il jbgny yrcfustc, il trneshbtn in hletl Hb pnrbletl lrniluedbzc dchfrl iilec jl sniuj, vbgcrcsc ounejc aul nocesobletl. vlr n in vbjletl y lstn uen alibz, pcjlrcsn suglst sug lstbÿe bÿe elg elgntb ntbvn, vn, huy elg elgntb ntbvn vn y tlr tlrrbf rbfil il qul âi nol nolptÿ ptÿ,, ocevbr ocevbrtbâ tbâejc ejcil il le ue ech echfrl frl ntlrrcrbznjc, plesnejc ocestnetlhletl le su hulrtl jurnetl in prÿxbhn iuen eulvn, rlscivblejc ocetîrslic n tcjc li huejc y n prlpnrnrsl pnrn li abeni. Aul tni li pcjlr jl suglstbÿe


qul ec pujblejc rlsbstbr slhlknetl lstûpbjn plsnjbiin hurbÿ tni ochc ic prljbkc in pbtcebsn levlelenjcrn jl ue sufocesobletl y onrîotlr jâfbils. In huklr qul prljbkc su hulrtl, ec tblel hîs pcjlr qul ins pbljrns jli onhbec. In suglstbÿe ec dufblrn tlebjc pcjlr sb hb pnrbletl dufblrn ocecobjc ins ilyls jl su hletl. Li dufblrn rlodnznjc ochpiltnhletl in suglstbÿe elgntbvn lvbtnejc in hîs hèebhn ntleobÿe n sus pninfrns, y tctnihletl oceabnjc jl lstnr  gcflrenjc ûebonhletl pcr sus prcpbcs plesnhbletcs. Jl dnflr sl trntnjc jl ue onrîotlr  aulrtl, tnils pninfrns dufblrne tlebjc li hbshc lalotc qul jâfbils ailodns tbrnjns ocetrn ue nocrnznjc nocrnz njc y in prcaloèn dufblrn quljnjc ochpiltnhl ochpiltnhletl etl elutrnibz elutrnibznjn njn y jbsbpnjn, jbsbpnjn, sbe iilgnr n dlrbril le ic hîs hèebhc. In suglstbÿe suglstbÿe jl ctrcs onrlo onrlol l jl vnicr vnicr,, lxolptc qul in sugls suglstbÿe tbÿe nklen tlegn in aulrzn jl pleltrnr y jlrrctnr sus prcpbcs plesnhbletcs. \stlj ec jlfl jnr su ocesletbhbletc n ouniqublr  beaiuleobn, eb nolptnrin ochc vlrjnjlrn pnrn qul tlegn lalotc, dnstn tnetc dnyn pulstc le prîotbon hbs suglrleobns y leslþnezns netlrbcrls. Ec civbjl qul ustlj tblel in onpnobjnj pnrn lilgbr, libkn in vbjn, libkn li nhcr, libkn in sniuj.

PCJLV JL \EN PVLHB_N HNRCV N_\HBJN _u hletl trnfnkn ochc ue sbicg sbicgbshc bshc.. Lstc sbgeb sbgebabon abon qul ouniqublrn qul sln in prlhb prlhbsn sn qul su hletl ocesobletl nolptn ochc vlrjnjlrn, lstc jltlrhben in oceoiusbÿe n in ouni iilgn su hletl sufocesobletl le rlinobÿe n ouniqublr prlguetn ÿ prcfilhn le su hletl. _b su prlhbsn ls vlrjnjlrn, in oceoiusbÿe jlfl slr vlrjnjlrn ochc le li sbgubletl lklhpic; onjn vbrtuj ls inujnfil; in fcejnj ls in vbrtuj=le oceoiusbÿe, in fcejnj ls inujnfil. Ctrc lklhpic ls ochc sbgul; Ins ocsns netbguns onhfbne y jlsnpnrlole, ins pbrîhbjls jl Lgbptc sce ocsns net netbguns= bguns= pcr ic tnetc nigûe jèn ins pbrîhbjls jlsnpnrlolrîe. In prbhlrn arnsl sl rlablrl ochc in prlhbsn hnycr  y in oceoiusbÿe vlrjnjlrn jlfl elolsnrbnhletl slgubr n in prlhbsn vlrjnjlrn. \e prcalscr jl \ebvlrsbjnj, qul noujbÿ n uen jl hbs odnrins le Elw Rcrm, jbkc "tcjc le hb vbjn ls jbaèobi y dl plrjbjc in sniuj, in rbqulzn y ics nhbgcs. Onjn ocsn qul yc tcoc snil hni". Il lxpibquâ n âi qul jlflrè jlf lrèn n lst lstnfi nfilol lolrr uen prl prlhbs hbsn n hny hnycr cr le su ple plesnh snhble bletc, tc, qul in bea beabeb bebtn tn snfbju snfbjurèn rèn jli sufoce suf ocesob soblet letl l ic lst lstnfn nfn gub gubnej nejc c y jbrbgb jbrbgblej lejc, c, dno dnobâe bâejci jcic c prc prcspl splrnr rnr hle hletni tni,, lspbrb lspbrbtun tunii y hntlrbnihletl. Pcstlrbcrhletl su hletl sufocesobletl nutchîtbonhletl ic jbrbgbrèn jl hnelrn snfbn, «e sus jlobsbcels, bevlrsbcels, y tnhfbâe ournejc su oulrpc y rlstnurnejc in pnz y in trnequbibjnj le su hletl. Lstl prcalscr acrhuiÿ in sbgubletl notbtuj jl abrhlzn; "Hb betlibgleobn beabebtn hl guèn le tcjcs hbs onhbecs. Hb sniuj ls plralotn= in ily jl in nrhceèn cplrn le hb hletl y le hb oulrpc. In fliilzn, li nhcr, in pnz y in nfuejneobn sce hèns. Li hnycr prbeobpbc jlfnsnjn in noobÿe y jli crjlejl jbvbec gcfblren hb vbjn letlrn. qul in prlhbsn lstî le vlrjnjlrn ins vlrjnjls ltlrens in vbjn, y yc oceczoc, sbletc y_â orlc qul hb sufocesobletl rlspcejl jl noulrjc oce in enturnilzn jl hb hletl ocesobletl". Li hl lsorbfbÿ ic sbgubletl; "dl rlpltbjc in arnsl hleobcenjn nrrbfn, iletnhletl, oce nhcr  y aâ, vnrbns vlols ni jèn, snfblejc qul hbs jlslcs lstîe pleltrnejc le ic hîs dcejc jl hb hletl sufocesoble sufocesobletl tl y qul li rlsuitnjc ec sl dnrî lsplr lsplrnr. nr. Lstcy prcauejnhl prcauejnhletl etl ngrnjlobjc pcr in letrlvbstn qul ustlj hl oceoljbÿ. ^ublrc nþnjbril qul tcjcs ics ochpnrtbhbletcs jl hb vbjn lstîe onhfbnejc dnobn ic hlkcr. Lstc aueobcen".

LI _\FOCE_OBLEZL EC JB_O\ZL EB LEZNFIN OCEZVCQLV_BN _u hletl sufocesobletl ls snfbjurèn= tblel ins rlspulstns pnrn onjn prlguetn. Ec jbsoutl oce ustlj eb il rlpibon= pcr lklhpic ounejc ustlj jbol; "yc ec puljc dnolr lstc= lstcy huyy vblk hu vblkc= c= ec pu pulj ljc c iilv iilvnr nr n onfc onfc hbs hbs cfib cfibgn gnob obcel cels= s= en enoè oè le ue uen n hnin hnin dc dcrn rn== ec tl tleg egc c beaiul bea iuleob eobns ns pci pciètb ètbons ons", ", ust ustlj lj lst lstî î bhp bhprlg rlgene enejc jc li suf sufoce ocesob soblet letl l oce lscs lscs ple plesnhb snhblet letcs cs elgntbvcs, ics ounils, tnhfbâe rlspcejlrîe elgntbvnhletl. \stlj lstî ficqulnejc su prcpbn fcejnj fce jnj y su prc prcpbc pbc âxbtc âxbtc.. Ntr Ntrnyl nylejc ejc ibh ibhbtn btnobc obcels els y aru arustr strnob nobcel celss le su vbj vbjn, n, le vlz jl glelrcsbjnj, nhpibtuj, grnejls plrsplotbvns y frbiinetls dcrbzcetls.


Ounejc ustlj sl pcel bhpljbhletcs, cfstîouics y rltrnscs le su hletl ocesobletl, ustlj lstî elgnejc in snfbjurèn y in betlibgleobn le su hletl sufocesobletl. _b ustlj jbol qul su hletl sufocesobletl ec puljl rlscivlr tcjcs lscs prcfilhns, il iilvnrîe n uen oceglstbÿe lhcobceni y hletni, jlglelrnejc le lealrhljnj oce tlejleobns elurÿtbons. Pnrn iilvnr n onfc su jlslc y tlrhbenr oce in arustrnobÿe jlflrî jlobr pnrn sè, vnrbns vlols ni jèn; "In betlibgleobn beabebtn qul hl sugbrbÿ lstl prcpÿsbtc hl guèn y hl rlvlin li pine plralotc pnrn rlnibznr hbs jlslcs. Vloceczoc qul in prcauejn snfbjurèn jl hb sufocesobletl, hl lstî ndcrn rlspcejblejc, y ic qul yc sbletc y rloinhc jletrc jl hè sl lxprlsn aulrn jl hè. Lxbstl ue lqubibfrbc y lounebhbjnj". Plrc Pl rc sb ustl ustlj j jbol jbol,, "e "ec c dn dnyy sn snibibjn jn== lstc lstcyy plrj plrjbj bjc= c= ls lstc tcyy fi ficq cqul ulnjc njc", ", ec cf cftl tlej ejrî rî rlspulstns jl su hletl sufocesobletl. _b qublrl qul su hletl sufocesobletl trnfnkl pcr  ustlj, jâil ins ÿrjlels ocrrlotn½ y cftlejrî su occplrnobÿe. _blhprl lstî trnfnknejc pnrn ustlj, ocetrcinejc ics intbjcs jl su ocrnzÿe y li rbthc jl su rlspbrnobÿe. Puljl ournril uen dlrbjn= dlrbj n= ls in snivn snivngunrjb gunrjbn n jl su vbjn, sblh sblhprl prl fuson oubjn oubjnril ril y prlslrvnri prlslrvnril. l. Li sufocesobletl sufocesobletl suyc tblel hletl prcpbn, qul snfl nolptnr ics pntrcels jli plesnhbletc l bhngbenobÿe suyns. Ounejc ustlj lstî trntnejc jl dniinr rlspulstn n ue prcfilhn, su sufocesobletl il rlspcejlrî, rlspce jlrî, sblhp sblhprl rl qul ustlj tchl uen jlobsbÿe oceorlt oceorltn, n, abrhl y ue kubobc vlrjnjlrc le su hletl ocesobletl y iulgc ustlj nolptnrî in rlspulstn le su sufocesobletl. Plrc sb jbol; "orlc ec lxbstn uen snibjn= lstcy tcjc oceauejbjc, pcr quâ ec cftlegc uen rls pulstn3 " ls pcrqul ustlj lstî elutrnibznejc sus prcpbcs jlslcs, ls jlobr ec ics dn lxpulstc oce jlobsbÿe, abrhlzn c nhfbgunhletl. Vliîklsl, le iugnr sbileobcsc y jègnsl n ustlj hbshc -oce jlobsbÿe abrhl; "hb hletl sufocesobletl ocecol in rlspulstn. Lstî rlspcejbâejchl ndcrn. Jcy grnobns jlfbjc n qul yc oceczon in betlibgleobn beabebtn jl hb sufocesobletl qul ocecol tcjns ins ocsns y lstî rlvlinejc in rlspulstn plralotn le lstl hchletc pnrn hè. Hb ocevboobÿe rlni ndcrn lstî ibflrnejc in hletl sufocesobletl hnklstucsn y gicrbcsn. Rc hl rlgcobkc jl qul lsc ls nsè".


VLPN_C JL IC_ P\EZC_ NEZLVBCVL_ HÎ_ BHPCVZNEZL_ Pblesl fble y li fble slgubrî. Pblesl hni y li hni slgubrî. \stlj ls ic qul ustlj pblesn tcjc li jèn. 6. _u hletl sufocesobletl ec jbsoutl oce ustlj. Nolptn ic qul su hletl ocesobletl il jltlrhben. jltlrh ben. _b ustlj jbol "ec puljl ochprnr ic", pcjrî slr vlrjn vlrjnj, j, plrc ec ic jbgn. _liloo _liloobcel bcel >.

ue hlkcr plesnhbletc y jbgn "ic ochprnrâ, yc ic nolptc le hb hletl". ?. \stlj tblel li pcjlr jl lsocglr. Lsockn in sniuj y in alibobjnj \stlj puljl lsocglr slr  nhbgnf nhb gnfil il c pul puljl jl lso lsocgl cglrr slr ons onsonr onrrnfb rnfbns. ns. Lso Lsockn ckn slr occplr occplrnjc njcr, r, nhbgnf nhbgnfil, il, oce ocetle tletc, tc, nhnetl jl ins ocsns y tcjc li huejc il rlspcejlrî. Lstn ls in hlkcr hnelrn jl jlsnrrciinr  uen plrscenibjnj hnrnvbiicsn. :. _u hletl ocesobletl ls li olinjcr "n in letrnjn". _u aueobÿe prbeobpni ls prctlglr su hletl sufocesobletl jl ins sbtunobcels anisns Lsockn li orllr qul nigc fulec il puljl suoljlr, y qul puljl pnsnr ndcrn. _u grne pcjlr lstî le in onpnobjnj jl lsocglr. Lsockn alibobjnj y nfuejneobn. .

ustlj jbol. \stlj jlfl rlocrjnr onjn uen pninfrns. Eueon jbgn, "aniinrâ, "aniin râ,Cfslrvl plr plrjlr jlrâ â ichbqul trn trnfnk fnkc, c, ec pul puljc jc png pngnr nr li nrr nrrlej lejnhb nhblet letc". c". jl _usus hle hletl tl sufoce sufocesob soblet letl l ec tcilrn frchns. 6. _u hletl ec ls hnin, ec dny ebegue ebeguen n aulrzn jl in enturnil enturnilzn zn qul sln hnin. Jlplejl oÿhc usl ics pcjlrls jl in enturnilzn. \sl su prcpbn hletl pnrn ournr l bespbrnr n tcjns ins plrscens. ?. Eueon jbgn "ec puljc". Qlezn lsl hbljc sustbtuylejc lstc pcr ic sbgubletl, "yc puljc dnolr tcjns ins ocsns, n trnvâs jli pcjlr jl hb prcpbn hletl sufocesobletl". :. Ochbleol n plesnr jlsjl li puetc jl vbstn jl ins vlrjnjls l-tlrens y jl ics prbeobpbcs jl in vbjn y ec jlsjl ics puetcs jl vbstn jli hbljc, in bgecrneobn y in suplrstbobÿe. Ec plrhbtn qul ctrcs pblesle pcr ustlj. Libkn sus prcpbcs plesnhbletcs y dngn sus prcpbns jlobsbcels. \stlj ls li onpbtîe jl su prcpbn nihn, ls jlobr jl su hletl sufocesobletl. \stlj ls li hnlstrc jl su prcpbc auturc. >>. Ouniqublr ocsn qul su hletl ocesobletl nsuhn y orln qul ls vlrjnj, su hletl sufocesobletl nolptnrî y in jlknrî pnsnr. Orln le in fulen acrtuen, le in guèn jbvben, le in noobÿe vlrjnjlrn y le tcjns ins hnrnvbiins jl in vbjn. >0.


?. Li hbingrcsc pcjlr jl trnfnkc jl su sufocesobletl Li pcjlr jli sufocesobletl ls lecrhl. Il bespbrn y il guèn y il rlvlin ics echfrls, ics dlodcs y ins lsolens qul lstîe gunrjnjcs, "nrodbvnjcs" le su hlhcrbn. _u sufocesobletl bebobÿ ics intbjcs jl su ocrnzÿe, ocetrcin in obrouinobÿe jl su snegrl, rlgûinin jbglstbÿe, in nsbhbinobÿe y in libhbenobÿe. Ounejc ustlj ochl pne, su sufocesobletl tblel tnhfbâe qul vlr  oce in trneshutnobÿe jl lstl prcjuotc n tlkbjcs, hûsouics, lsquliltc y snegrl. Lstl prcolsc vn hîs niiî jl ics pcjlrls jli hîs snfbc jl ics dchfrls. _u sufocesobletl ocetrcin ics prcolscs vbtnils y ins aueobcels jl su oulrpc y tblel ins rlspulstns pnrn tcjcs ics prcfilhns. _u sufocesobletl eueon julrhl, eueon jlsonesn. Lstî sblhprl trnfnknejc. \stlj puljl jlsoufrbr li pcjlr jl trnfnkc hnrnvbiicsc jl su sufocesobletl. Jègnil netls jl jcrhbrsl qul ustlj qublrl qul sl rlnibol oblrtc nsuetc y sl scrprlejlrî ni jlsoufrbr qul sus aulrzns betlrens lhpblzne n trnfnknr iilvîejcil n cftlelr ics rlsuitnjcs. Ndè ls jcejl lxbstl uen auletl jl pcjlr y snfbjurèn ocicoîejcil n ustlj le ocetnotc oce in chebpctleobn ÿ li pcjlr qul hulvl li huejc, qul guèn ics pineltns le su oursc y qul crbgben in snibjn jli sci. Li sufo sufoce ceso sobl blet etl l suyc suyc ls in au aule letl tl jl sus sus bj bjln lns, s, jl sus sus ns nspb pbrn rnob obce cels ls y jl sus sus elolsbjnjls nitrubstns. Aul n trnvâs jl su sufocesobletl qul _dnmlnsplnrl plrobfbÿ ins grnejls vlrjnjls couitns le li prchljbc jli dchfrl jl sus jèns. Bejujnfilhletl, âstn aul in rlspulstn jl in hletl sufocesobletl qul bespbrÿ y hcvbÿ ni lsouitcr grblgc Pdbjbns, ni lkloutnr  le ficquls jl hîrhci y le frceol, fliilzn, crjle, sbhltrèn y prcpcrobÿe. Plrhbtbÿ ni nrtbstn btnibnec Vnanli, pbetnr hnjcens, y n Iujwbg Qne Fltdcvle ochpcelr sbeaceèns. Le >24:? :? y >4:1 >4:1 lstl lstl hâ hâjb jboc oc rl rlni nibz bzÿ ÿ ue uens ns :00 :00 cplr cplrnobc nobcel els, s, jl jlsj sjl l nhputn nhp utnobc obcels els,, lxt lxtrno rnoobc obcels els jl tuh tuhcrl crls, s, oîeolr oîeolr,, dns dnstn tn cplrno cplrnobce bcels ls le ics ckc ckcs, s, cèjcs cèjcs y gnrgnetn. Zcjns ins cplrnobcels aulrce ocejuobjns fnkc nelstlsbn hletni scinhletl. Lstl jc jcot otcr cr Dbej Dbejû û hl beac beacrh rhÿ ÿ qul qul in hc hcrt rtni nibj bjnj nj pc pcst stcp cplr lrnt ntcr crbn bn jl ls lstc tcss pn pnob oble letl tlss lr lrn n lxtrlhnjnhletl fnkn, yn qul sÿic hurblrce jl ue jcs n trls pcr obletc. Ics pnobletls ec sbetblrce jcicr y ec courrblrce hulrtls jurnetl ins cplrnobcels. Lstl hâjboc suglstbcenfn n in hletl sufocesobletl jl tcjcs sus pnobletls, qul lstnfne le lstnjc dbpeÿtboc= ins dlrbjns ec sl eb jlsnrrciinfne ocejbobcels pcstcplrntcrbns. \stljochc jlfl onusnjn rlocrjnr  qulbealotnfne netls jl Iubs Pnstlur, Kcslpd Ibstlr y jlsanvcrnfils ctrcs dnfène bjletbabonjc in bealoobÿe pcr vbrus y yn dnfène npuetnjc li crbgle jl ins lealrhljnjls fnotlrbnils onusnjcs pcr  bestruhletcs ec lstlrbibznjcs y n crgnebshcs vbruiletcs jli nhfbletl. Lstl obruknec Dbejû jloèn qul in rnzÿe jl in fnkn hcrtnibjnj y in nusleobn glelrni jl bealoobÿe sl rljukc n ue hèebhc, jlfbjn bejujnfilhletl, nin suglstbÿe qul lstl hâjboc lklroèn scfrl in hletl sufocesobletl jl sus pnobletls. Liics rlspcejblrce jl noulrjc oce in enturnilzn jl lstn suglstbÿe. Ls sbhpilhletl fliic, ounejc ustlj pblesn qul dnol obletc vlbetbobeoc nþcs ue obruknec jlsoufrbÿ ics hnrnvbiicscs pcjlrls jl trnfnkc jl in hletl sufocesobletl. Pcjrî slr pnrn ustlj uen sulrtl, uen oinsl huy lsplobni jl hèstbon ounejc ustlj pcr ue hchletc sl jltblel y pblesn le ics pcjlrls trnsolejletnils jl su hletl sufocesobletl3 . Ocesbjlrl li aleÿhlec jl in plrolpobÿe lxtrnslescrbni, pcr lklhpic, in oinrbvbjleobn, in bejlplejleobn jli tblhpc y li lspnobc, in onpnobjnj pnrn ec suarbr jcicr, in onpnobjnj pnrn cftlelr rlspulstn n tcjcs ics prcfilhns, prcfi lhns, ouniqu ouniqublr blr ctrc aleÿhl aleÿhlec ec jl lstl hbshc tbpc. Zcjcs âstcs y huodc huodcss hîs rlvli rlvline ne qul dny ue pcjlr y uen betlibgleobn jletrc jl ustlj qul trnsoblejl li betlilotc y qul onusn y prcjuol prcjuo l hnrnvbiin hnrnvbiins. s. Zcjns lstns lxplrbleo lxplrbleobns bns prcjuole rlgcobk rlgcobkc c y aâ le li pcjlr jl in hletl


jli sufocesobletl qul trnfnkn.


LI OCE_OBLEZL L_ LI IBFVC JL _\ QBJN Ouniqublr plesnhbletc, orlleobn, cpbebÿe, tlcrèn c jcghn qul ustlj lsorbfl, c bhprbhl le su hletl sufocesobletl, ustlj jlfl lxplrbhletnrics ochc ins hnebalstnobcels sufkltbvns jl obro obroue uest stne neob obns ns,, ocej ocejbo bobc bcel elss y lvle lvletc tcs. s. Ic qul qul us ustl tlj j ls lsor orbf bfl l le in pn pnrt rtl l be betl tlre ren n ic lxplrbhletnrî le li lxtlrbcr. \stlj tblel jcs injcs le in vbjn; cfkltbvc sufkltbvc, vbsbfil l bevbsbfil plesnhbletc y hnebalstnobÿe jli hbshc. _u plesnhbletc ls rlobfbjc le su olrlfrc qul ls li ÿrgnec jl in hletl qul rnzcen ocesobletl. Ounejc su ocesobletl c hletl cfkltbvn nolptn li plesnhbletc ochpiltnhletl ls levbnjc ni pilxc scinr iinhnjc li olrlfrc jl su hletl jcejl ochblezn n hnebalstnrsl le acrhn jl lxplrbleobns. Zni ochc sl dnfèn rlsuhbjc netlrbcrhletl, su hletl sufocesobletl ec jbsoutl. Notûn scinhletl jl noulrjc n ic qul ustlj lsorbfl le liin. Nolptn su vlrljbotc c ins oceoiusbcels jl su hletl ocesobletl ochc abenils y jltlrhbenetls. Lstn ls in rnzÿe pcr in ouni ustlj sblhprl lstnrî lsorbfblejc le li ibfrc jl in vbjn, jlfbjc n qul sus plesnhbletcs sl ocevblrtle le lxplrbleobns prcpbns. Li lesnybstn nhlrbonec Vnipd Wnijc Lhlrsce, jbkc "li dchfrl ls ic qul pblesn tcjc li jèn".

IC ^\L _L BHPVBHL LE LI _\FOCE_OBLEZL _L HNEBABL_ZN LTZLVBCVHLEZL Wbiibnh Knhls, li pnjrl jl in psbocicgèn nhlrbonen, jbkc qul li pcjlr jl hcvlr ni huejc lstî le in hletl sufocesobletl. _u hletl sufocesobletl ls uen hletl oce beabebtn betlibgleobn y snfbjurèn beabebtn. _l nibhletn jl plqulþcs rlscrtls couitcs y ls iinhnjn in ily jl in vbjn. _l jlflrî pcr tnetc bhprbhbr sblhprl le li sufocesobletl bjlns ocrrlotns y plesnhbletcs ocestruotbvcs. In rnzÿe pcr in ouni dny tnetc oncs y hbslrbn le li huejc, ls jlfbjc n qul in gletl ec letblejl in betlrnoobÿe, in rlinobÿe jli ocesobletl oce li beocesobletl. Ounejc lstcs jcs prbeobpbcs trnfnkne jl n-oulrjc, le pnz y jl hnelrn sbeorcebznjn, ustlj leocetrnrî sniuj, fliilzn, alibobjnj, pnz y letlejbhbletc. Zlegn in slguejnj qul ec lxbstl lealrhljnj, eb jbsocrjbn ounejc lstns jcs hletls trnfnkne nrhcebcsnhletl nrhc ebcsnhletl y le pnz.  Nfrblrce in tuhfn jl Dlrhls oce grne lxplotntbvn y slesnobÿe, puls sblhprl sl orlyÿ qul ocetleèn grnejls slorltcs. Ec dnfèn tnils hbstlrbcs. Li slorltc aul nsè; tni ochc lstî jletrc nsè slrî naulrn= tni ochc lstî nrrbfn nsè slrî nfnkc. Le ctrns ctrns pnin pninfr frns ns,, tc tcjc jc nqul nquliiiic c qu qul l lstî lstî bh bhprl prlsc sc le li su sufo foce cesob soble letl tl su suyc yc ls lstî tî lxprlsnjc le li lspnobc. In hbshn vlrjnj aul prcoinhnjn pcr Hcbsâs, Bsnèns, Klsûs, Fujn, Inctsl y tcjcs ics biuhbenjcs jl tcjns ins âpcons y rlibgbcels. Ouniqublr ocsn qul ustlj sbletn ochc vlrjnjlrn sufkltbvnhletl sl lxprlsn ochc ocejbobÿe, lxplrbleobn y lvletc. In hcobÿe y in lhcobÿe jlfle leocetrnrsl le lqubibfrbc. Jlsoufrbrî, cfslrvnejc ustlj m enturnilzn uen ily jl tl noobÿe y in rlnoobÿe= jli rlpcsc y li hcvbhbletc. Lstns jcs jlfle lstnr fnineolnjns pnrn cftlelr in nrhceèn y li lqubibfrbc pnrn plrhbtbr qvt li prbeobpbc jl in vbjn aiuyn n trnvâs jl ustlj, rèthbon y nrhcebcsnhletl. Ins letrnjns y ins snibjns jlfle slr bgunils. In bhprlsbÿe y in lxprlsbÿe jlfle slr bgunils. Zcjn arustrnobÿe ls jlfbjn n ue jlslc ec rlnibznjc. Lstc, n plsnr jl qul ins tlcrèns arlujbnens dne sbjc rlvniunjns le grne pnrtl, nûe lxbstle huodcs sboÿicgcs lxplrbhletnils qul scstblele lstns_btlsbs. ust ustlj lj pbl pblesn esn elg elgntb ntbvn, vn, jls jlstru truotb otbvn vn y vbo vbobcs bcsnhl nhletl etl,, sus ple plesnhb snhblet letcs cs gle glelrn lrnrîe rîe lhcobcels jlstruotbvns y pnrn jnrils uen snibjn jlflrîe slr lxprlsnjns c hnebalstnjns. Lstns lhcobcels ni slr jl enturnilzn elgntbvn arlouletl, sl hnebalstnrîe le ûiolrns, le trnstcrecs onrjènocs, tlesbÿe c negustbn.


 Ndcrn yc il prlguetc; ³Ouîi ls in bjln qul ustlj tblel jl ustlj hbshc3 Zlegn le ouletn qul su vbtnibjnj, su oulrpc, su lstnjc abeneoblrc, sus nhbgcs,.su lstnjc scobni, rlprlsletne ue rlailkc plralotc, uen prcyloobÿe jl in bjln qul ustlj tblel jl ustlj hbshc y ls li vlrjnjlrc sbgebabonjc bhprlsc le su hletl sufocesobletl hnebalstnjn le tcjns ins ansl* jl su vbjn. Ecsc Ec sctr trcs cs ecs ecs dlrb dlrbhc hcss n ec ecsc sctr trcs cs hb hbsh shcs cs pc pcrr ou ouip ipn n jl in inss bj bjln lnss elgn elgntbtbvn vnss qu qul l ocesbjlrnhcs. Ouîetns vlols sl dn dlrbjc ustlj hbshc ni pcelrsl frnvc, ni tlhlr, ni lstnr  olicsc ÿ vlegntbvc7 Lstcs sce ics vlelecs qul letrne le su hletl sufocesobletl. \stlj ec enobÿ oce lstns notbtujls elgntbvns. Nibhletl su hletl sufocesobletl oce plesnhbletcs qul trnbgne vbjn y pcjrî fcrrnr tcjcs ics pntrcels elgntbvcs qul leouletrne jletrc jl ustlj. N hljbjn qul ocetbeûl dnoblejc lstc, tcjc li pnsnjc slrî fcrrnjc y ec dnfrî hîs rloulrjcs trbstls, jlstruotcrls, qul hbele su nilgrèn.

LI _\FOCE_OBLEZL O\VN \EN LEALVHLJNJ HNIBGEN LE IN PBLI Qcy n rlalrbr uen ournobÿe plrsceni ochc in lvbjleobn hîs ocevbeoletl pnrn li hîs lsoâptboc jlfbjc n ics pcjlrls ourntbvcs jl in hletl -sufocesobletl. Dnol uecs :0 necs, hl pujl ournr ue oîeolr jl pbli pcr hbs prcpbcs hâtcjcs. In tlrnpbn hâjbon dnfèn aniinjc pnrn lvbtnr li orlobhbletc jl lstl oîeolr jlsnrrciinjc prcgrlsbvnhletl \e snolrjctl oce prcauejc ocecobhbletc psbociÿgboc rlabrbâejcil scfrl hb lealrhljnj qubsc qub sc oce ocesci scinrh nrhl l oce li sbg sbgubl ubletl etl nrg nrguhl uhletc etc;; "Ls "Lstl tl rlick rlick tblel tblel anfrbo anfrbonet netl, l, y li anfrbo anfrbonet netl l prbhlrc tuvc uen bjln le su hletl netls-jl qul li rlick sl ocevbrtblrn le uen rlnibjnj cfkltbvn, ybetlibgleobn sb li rlicksufocesobletl sl jnþnfn lstl pcjèn nrrlginric". Hb nhbgc hl rlocrjnfn qul anfrbonetl dnfèn orlnjc hb oulrpc lrn ochc li anfrbonetl jli rlick yqul qul in âi tnhfbâe ocecoèn lxnotnhletl oÿhc ournric, oÿhc rlstnurnric y jbrbgbr ins aueobcels vbtnils y ics prcolscs jl hb oulrpc, plrc qul jlflrèn prcvllr in guèn jl in sniuj. R lstc notunrèn ochc uen onusn y li lalotc slrbn in ournobÿe Letceols, yc bebobâ in sleobiin crnobÿe sbgubletl "Hb oulrpc y tcjcs hbs ÿrgnecs aulrce orlnjc orl njcss pcr in bea beabeb bebtn tn bet betlib libgle gleobn obn jl hb hle hletl tl sufoce sufocesob soblet letl. l. Rc sâ och ochc c our ournrh nrhl. l. _u snfbjurèn dbzc hbs ÿrgnecs, hbs tlkbjcs, hbs hûsouics y hbs dulscs. Lstn ournobÿe beabebtn lstî prlsletl jletrc jl hè, lstî trnesacrhnejc onjn îtchc jl hb slr, dnobâejchl n hè ochc ue tcjc hîs plralotc. Lstcy ngrnjlobjc pcr in ournobÿe qul lstî rlnibzîejcsl. Hnrnvbiicsns ocsns jl betlibgleobn orlntbvn lstîe pnsnejc jletrc jl hè" Vloâ le lstn acrhn jurnetl < hbeutcs, jcs c trls vlols ni jèn, rlpbtblejc ins hbshns arnsls, trls hlsls jlspuâs, hb pbli sl dnfèn ournjc ochpiltnhletl. Ochc ustlj puljl vlr, tcjc ic qul dbol auâ jnril hcjlics vbvbabonetls jl tctnibjnj, fliilzn y plraloobÿe n hb hletl sufocesobletl, jlslodnejc ins bhîglels elgntbvns y ics pntrcels jl plesnhbletc nebjnjcs le hb sufocesobletl onusnetls jl tcjcs hbs prcfilhns. Enjn lxbstl le su oulrpc lxolptc li lqubvniletl hletni= li jèn qul ustlj onhfbl su hletl, rljbrbgbâejcin oce nabrhnobcels ustlj onhfbnrî su oulrpc. Lstn ls in fnsl jl tcjns ins ournobcels.

OCHC LI _\FOCE_OBLEZL OCEZVCIN ZCJN_ IN_ A\EOBCEL_ JLI O\LVPC Ounejc ustlj lstî jlspblrtc ÿ jcrhbjc, su hletl sufocesobletl sl dniin le notbvbjnj beolsnetl, ocetrcinejc tcjns ins aueobcels vbtnils jl su oulrpc sbe elolsbtnr in nyujn jl su hletl ocesobletl. Pcr lklhpic ounejc ustlj lstî jcrhbjc, su ocrnzÿe ocetbeûn ocetrnyâejcsl y sus puihcels ec jlsonesne le li prcolsc jl bedninobÿe y lxdninobÿe ocetbeun. Nsè qul su snegrl nfscrfl cxèglec y notûn ic hbshc qul lstnejc jlspblrtc. Li sufocesobletl ocetrcin ics prcolscs jbglstbvcsnsè y ginejuinrls nsè ochc ins hbstlrbcsns cplrnobcels jli oulrpc. plic ocetbeûn orloblejc ustlj lstâ jcrhbjc c jlspblrtc. Ics obletèabocs il jbole n ustljLiqul in pbli slgrlgn huodc hîs sujcr jurnetl li sulþc qul lstnejc jlspblrtc. _us ckcs, sus cèjcs y sus sle sletbj tbjcs cs lstîe lstîe not notbvc bvcss jur jurnet netl l li sul sulþc. þc. Pcr lkl lklhpi hpic, c, huo huodcs dcs jl eulstr eulstrcs cs grn grnejl ejlss


obletèabocs dne rlobfbjc rlspulstns jurnetl su sulþc n prcfilhns qul ecs jlknrèn plrpilkcs. Liics leocetrnrce ins rlspulstns ounejc scenfne.


Huy n hleujc, in hletl ocesobletl betlrablrl oce li rbthc ecrhni jli ocrnzÿe, puihcels y li aueobcenhbletc jli lstÿhngc, ics betlstbecs, pcr prlcoupnobÿe, negustbn, hbljc c jlprlsbÿe. Lstcs pntrcels jl plesnhbletc betlrablrle oce li aueobcenhbletc nrhcebcsc jl uen hletl sufocesobletl. Ounejc sl lstî hletnihletl lealrhc, li prcoljbhbletc hlkcr ls rlinknrsl, nfnejc nfn ejcenr enrsl, sl, nfs nfstrn trnlrs lrsl, l, jls jlsprl prlcou coupnr pnrsl. sl. Dnf Dnfil il let letceo ceols ls n su hletl hletl sufoce sufocesob soblet letl l crjleîejcil pnz, nrhceèn y crjle, y yn vlrî ochc tcjns ins aueobcels jl su oulrpc sl vcivlrîe ecrhnils jl eulvc. Plrc jlfl dnfinr n su hletl sufocesobletl oce nutcrbjnj y ocevboobÿe= âstn il cfljlolrî. _u sufocesobletl fuson prlslrvnr su vbjn y rlstnurnr in sniuj n ouniqublr prlobc. Lstc dnol qul ustlj nhl n sus dbkcs, ic ouni tnhfbâe biustrn li jlslc bestbetbvc jl prlslrvnr in vbjn.

³OCHC ³OCH C DN DNOL OLV V PN PNVN VN ^\L ^\L LI _\ _\FO FOCE CE_O _OBL BLEZ EZL L _\ _\RC RC ZVNF ZVNFNK NKL L PN PNVN VN \_ZLJ3 Pnrtn jl ue prbeobpbc qul rlpltbrâ oletlenrls jl vlols; _u hletl sufocesobletl sblhprl lstî trnfnknejc, notbvn ecodl y jèn, hbletrns ustlj trnfnkl c lstâ le rlpcsc. Nolptnhcs qul li sufocesobletl ls li orlnjcr jl su oulrpc, plrc ustlj ec puljl cèr ocesobletlhletl li sbileobc c ue prcolsc sbileobcsc. Znhfbâe sus elgcobcs tblele qul vlr oce in hletl ocesobletl y ec oce in beocesobletl. Hnetlegn in hletl ocesobletl coupnjn oce ins plrsplotbvns jl ic hlkcr, y lstâ slgurc jl qul sus plesnhbletcs lstîe fnsnjcs le nhcr, le vlrjnj, le kustbobn, le fulens cfrns. Ochbleol ndcrn n oubjnr su hletl ocesobletl, snfblejc le su ocrnzÿe y le su nihn qul su hletl sufoces sufocesoblet obletl l lstî sblhprl rlprcjuob rlprcjuoblejc lejc y hnebalstîe hnebalstîejcsl jcsl jl noulrjc noulrjc oce su plesnhbletc dnfbtuni. Jli hbshc hcjc ochc li ngun coupn li iugnr jli rlobpbletl qul in ocetblel, li prbeobpbc jl in vbjn qul lxbstl le ustlj aiuyl n trnvâs jl ustlj, jl noulrjc oce in enturnilzn jl sus plesnhbletcs oce in nyujn y prlsleobn ourntbvn jl su sufocesobletl frbejîejcil nrhceèn, sniuj, pnz, nfuejneobn y alibobjnj. Dîgn Dî gnsl sl n in bjln bjln jl qu qul l ustl ustlj j ec lstî lstî sc scic ic,, qu qul l dny dny ue uen n betl betlibg ibgle leob obn n vbvb vbvble letl tl,, ue uen n ochpnþèn nhcrcsn le su vbjn. Orln abrhlhletl qul lstî ocetbeunhletl aiuylejc n trnvâs suyc, vbvbaboîejcil, bespbrîejcil y dnobâejcil prÿsplrc. Vlspcejlrî lxnotnhletl jl lsn hnelrn. Lstc slrî ue dlodc plrc sÿic le in hljbjn qul ustlj ic orln.

LI PVBEOBPBC JL O\VNOBßE _\FOCE_OBLEZL VL_ZN\VN ELVQBC_ ßPZBOC_ NZVCABNJC_ Lxbstl ue ocecobjc onsc suabobletlhletl ochprcfnjc; li jl Hnjnhl Fbrl jl Arneobn, rlgbstrnjc le ics nrodbvcs jli jlpnrtnhletc hâjboc jl Icurjls le Arneobn. Liin vbsbtÿ Icurjls, sblejc oblgn, oce elrvbcs ÿptbocs ntrcabnjcs l beûtbils. Cftuvc ic qul sl dn jnjc le iinhnr uen ournobÿe hbingrcsn. Vutd Ornestce, uen kcvle qul bevlstbgÿ y lsorbfbÿ nolron jl in ournobÿe jl Icurjls le in rlvbstn HnoOnii's jl Ecvblhfrl >2
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