El método Saam.docx
April 12, 2017 | Author: jotaichichikung | Category: N/A
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El método Saam Orígenes: Este método de acupuntura nació en Corea, hace aproximadamente 400 años, fue creado por uno de los tres grandes médicos de la dinastía Chosun de Corea (1392-1910), el Maestro Saam. Este método es relativamente moderno si lo comparamos con el método tradicional chino, se estima que se publicó el manuscrito original entre los años 1644 y 1742. Se dice que Saam, estuvo meditando durante trece años sobre los enigmas del ser humano, hasta que pudo alcanzar la comprensión del enigma, entendiendo la forma en que actúa la energía del ser humano y como trabajarla con la acupuntura, así desarrollo y simplifico una técnica eficaz para reequilibrar la energía en el ser humano basada en la teoría del Yin-Yang, los cinco elementos y en los textos clásicos de medicina china como el Huangdi Nei Jing. Los cinco elementos: Madera
Durante 400 años esta técnica ha sido olvidada ya que tuvo que ser ocultada, siendo reencontrada y estudiada de nuevo hace muy pocos años. Tratamiento: Este método trata al paciente de manera integral, cuerpo, mente e incluso enfermedad están siempre relacionados y aunque actúan de diferente manera siempre dependen y se relacionan unos con otros. La enfermedad es causada por un desequilibrio energético, pudiendo ser producido por un desequilibrio exterior (alimentación, traumas, climatología…) o por una causa interior (emociones), dicho desequilibrio de la energía, causara una alteración en las funciones orgánicas, causando así la enfermedad. La acupuntura Saam equilibra de manera rápida esta energía, ya que actúa directamente sobre la causa base de la enfermedad. Este método de acupuntura es muy seguro de cara al paciente, se utilizan agujas muy finas, pero a diferencia de la acupuntura china solo se utilizan los puntos ubicados en las extremidades del cuerpo, por debajo de codos y rodillas (son los puntos relacionados con los cinco elementos, los antiguos puntos Shu), los tratamientos suelen durar entre 30 minutos y una hora. ACUPUNTURA COREANA Acupuntura coreana: la acupuntura individualizada y práctico La acupuntura ha sido durante mucho tiempo una parte central de la medicina en el Este de Asia. Recientemente sus efectos terapéuticos son ampliamente reconocidos en todo el mundo con bases científicas se establecerán por medio de la investigación básica y los estudios clínicos en las ciencias biomédicas. A pesar
de que la acupuntura coreana comparte sus orígenes con la medicina tradicional china, se ha convertido en su propio sistema único. INTRODUCCIÓN Acupuntura hereda su origen en la antigua Asia oriental y es una de las artes curativas más antiguas. Dinastías coreanos y chinos antiguos celebraron relaciones cercanas, no sólo en la política sino también en la medicina, a lo largo de la historia. Por ejemplo, la versión actual de Lingshu, la segunda mitad del Huangdi Neijing, fue transcrita en el libro llamado La Biblia de Acupuntura, que fue traído a la dinastía Song de la dinastía de Corea en 1092 • La Huangdi Neijing afirma que la curación piedras, una antigua forma de acupuntura, también vinieron desde el este, lo que implica que la acupuntura se originó en el este de la antigua China. Acupuntura coreana utiliza un marco resumido e individualizada para explicar un fenómeno biológico dentro del concepto de la medicina constitucional. Las teorías de la Acupuntura coreana son simplificar la comprensión de los desequilibrios básicos del cuerpo y permitir a los profesionales a diseñar estrategias terapéuticas que se basan en Construir rasgos de energía adicionales. Sa-am acupuntura sugiere 12 energías (o Qi) rasgos que subyacen diversa phenomena biológica superficial. Estas 12 energías están controladas principalmente por 12 energías de meridianos correspondientes que determinan las inclinaciones de todo el cuerpo. Y son estas 12 energías que están dirigidos a recuperar el equilibrio del sistema de energía del cuerpo. Ocho acupuntura constitución se basa en las categorías teóricos de ocho constituciones sucintos. Tanto la medicina constitucional Sa-sang y ocho la Constitución acupuntura identifican cuatro u ocho constituciones según discrepancias inherentes entre las principales energías de órganos, todos los cuales se consideran para determinar las características fisiológicas del individuo y servir como un importante desequilibrio de diversos procesos patológicos. Estos rasgos constitucionales son
considerados como la fuente de las diferencias individuales en fisiológica aparentemente similar o reacciones patológicas.
Nuevos métodos de acupuntura que tanto simplifican y mejoran enfoques prácticos también se han desarrollado
Saam acupuntura Saam acupuntura es una teoría única dentro de Acupuntura coreana y una de las técnicas más ampliamente adoptado utilizados por los médicos y las instituciones educativas en Corea hoy. Se originó en el siglo 17 de un monje budista conocido como “Saam ‘, que proporciona recetas básicas de acupuntura para los desequilibrios de cada uno de los 12 principales rasgos de la energía mediante la aplicación de la Saeng (Sheng,’ nutritivo ‘) y Geuk (Ke,’ suprimiendo relaciones ‘) ciclo de cinco teoría de fase en los cinco puntos de transporte y 12 meridianos. Resumió fisiológica diversa o procesos patológicos en 12 imágenes de desequilibrio energético que corresponden a los 12 meridianos y amplió el uso de cinco puntos de transporte. Sus manuscritos también llevaron aplicaciones clínicas y las Modifica de estas recetas básicas de acupuntura. Para lograr una comprensión global de la energía controlada por los meridianos, tanto las características de las Cinco Fases y Seis de energía deben ser considerados (Tabla 1). La energía característica controlada por el meridiano está determinada no sólo por los atributos de cinco fases, sino también por la de los Seis Energía atributos. Seis Energías son la subdivisión de las energías Yin y
Yang en tres Yins y tres Yang, siendo Gwoleum Uueyin, “absoluto Yin’t Soeum (Shaoyin, ‘menor Yin’), Taeeum (Taiyin, ‘mayor Yin’), Soyang (Shaoyang , ‘menor Yang’), Yangmyeong (Yangming, “brillante Yang ‘) y Taeyang (Taiyang,’ mayor Yang ‘), que corresponden a los seis –Energías del Viento, el rey Fuego, Tierra, Premier Fuego, Metal y Agua, respectivamente. Un diagnóstico típico en Saam acupuntura es una de las cuatro desequilibrios de energía de los meridianos, la deficiencia, el exceso, el frío o el calor. Un médico debe averiguar primero en que la energía meridiana el desequilibrio núcleo se encuentra, y luego determinar a qué tipo pertenece el desequilibrio. Por ejemplo, cuando la energía del Soyang, que se expresa como el triple de energía meridiano energizante GB , es excesiva, puede ser expresado como una personalidad dogmática, mente sensible o una inclinación a dar consejos a los demás. Cuando deficiente, esta energía puede expresarse como una personalidad atroz, mente fría o un sentimiento de inferioridad. Más específicamente, la energía de GB se asocia con la energía centrado, luz brillante, agresividad, activeness, valentía, la dignidad o una actitud arrogante, una energía a menudo comparado con una planta de energía eólica o un rayo.
Cada uno de los 12 meridianos se puede subdividir en cuatro tipos, lo que resulta en 48 recetas de acupuntura básicos pre-establecido, cada uno de los cuales son selecciones de cinco puntos de transporte. Estos cinco puntos de transporte equivalen a cinco puntos de acupuntura distribuidos a lo largo del curso de cada meridiano. Cada punto de transporte a su vez corresponde a una de las cinco fases. El uso tradicional de los cinco puntos de transporte incorpora relación de buques ciclo de la ‘Saeng’ de las cinco fases en el que, por ejemplo, madera nutre Fuego y nutre la Tierra. Como ejemplo, una deficiencia de energía del corazón (HT) meridiano (es decir Fuego meridiano) puede ser corregida mediante cosido en el punto de acupuntura Wood (HT9) del meridiano con un método de
tonificación, basado en la premisa teórica anteriormente. En Saam acupuntura, puntos de acupuntura también son seleccionadas usando la relación ciclo ‘Geuk’ de las cinco fases en el que, por ejemplo, agua suprime Fuego y suprime Metal. Para corregir el ejemplo de la deficiencia de Fuego, el punto de acupuntura Agua (HT3) del meridiano de incendios debe estar sedado. Práctica de la acupuntura Saam también simultáneamente modular otros meridianos relativas seleccionadas por la teoría de la ‘Saeng’ o relaciones ciclo ‘geuk’, que es necesario para el equilibrio de todo el cuerpo. En el ejemplo anterior, el punto de acupuntura de madera de la correspondiente madera meridiano (LR1) debe ser cose con el método de tonificación, y el punto de acupuntura Agua del meridiano de agua relevante (KI1 0) debe ser cose con el método de sedación.
Ocho acupuntura constitución
el método de la acupuntura ocho constitución teoría es que cada persona tiene una constitución específica, que determina las fortalezas y debilidades inherentes del cuerpo. Características fisiológicas o patológicas del paciente asumen un patrón discernible de acuerdo con la constitución a la que pertenece esa persona. Influenciado por el trabajo del Dr. Jae Lee Ma, el Dr. Do Won Kwon desarrolló ocho acupuntura constitución a través de la experiencia clínica. Su teoría fue presentada por primera vez en el Congreso Internacional de Acupuntura en Tokio. En ocho teoría de la acupuntura constitución, cada una de las cuatro constituciones descritas en la medicina constitucional Sasang se subdivide en otras dos instituciones estafadores. Esto ocurre porque la morbilidad de una constitución dada por la medicina constitucional Sasang puede ser causado ya sea por el excesivamente fuerte funcionamiento del órgano fuerte o por excesivamente débil función de ING del órgano más débil. Ocho constitución
teoría tura acupunc tiene las siguientes constituciones: metal Yang (Pulmotonia), Metal Yin (Colonotonia), Tierra Yang (Pancreotonia), Tierra Yin (Gastrotonia), Madera Yang (Hepatotonia), Madera Yin (Cholecystotonia), Agua Yang (Renotonia ) y Agua Yin (Vesicotonia). Esencialmente, cada una de las constituciones tiene su propio patrón de discrepancias de la energía de órganos. Un excesivamente fuerte energía en el intestino grueso, por ejemplo, es la causa principal de las enfermedades en la constitución de metal Yin.
Del mismo modo, la energía excesivamente débil en el hígado es la principal causa de enfermedades en la constitución del metal de Yang. Apariencia, características, composición corporal y la enfermedad tipos proporcionan información clave para discriminar las constituciones. El método más definido y popular es el diagnóstico del pulso, también desarrollado por el Dr. Kwon, que difiere en la posición y el método de diagnóstico de pulso tradicional. Los puntos de contacto sobre la arteria radial son más proximal de los identificados convencionalmente, y se observa un patrón de impulsos. Cada constitución muestra un patrón de pulso único cuando se realiza el diagnóstico del pulso usando este método. El método de manipulación de las agujas utilizado en teoría de la acupuntura ocho constitución es básicamente una inserción rápida y superficial de la aguja, seguido por una retirada sin esfuerzo instantáneo a lograr Deqi (o Qi llegada). La aguja se inserta en una inclinación a lo largo de o en contra de la dirección del flujo de un meridiano. La inserción se repite un número de veces designado. Las morbilidades de ocho constituciones son gestionados por las fórmulas de acupuntura-constitución específica proporcionada por la acupuntura ocho constitución. Además de la fórmula mentales funda como una receta básica, se utilizan otras como fórmula vitalización, fórmula bactericida, fórmula parálisis,
psico fórmula y la fórmula inflamación. Estas fórmulas de acupuntura son selecciones de los cinco puntos de transporte de meridianos pertinentes basados en la aplicación altamente sofisticada y modificada de la relaciones del ciclo ‘geuk “tradicional” Saeng’ o. Tratamiento para el Metal Yang constitución, por ejemplo, con una fuerte energía de pulmón y débil energía del hígado, debe fortalecer básicamente la energía del hígado mediante cosido en los puntos de acupuntura LUB (-), LR4 (-), Kilo (+) y LRB (+). El estilo de vida, incluyendo formas de pensar, de habilidades de manejo del estrés, la dieta, el ejercicio y las actividades diarias, también se adapta a la constitución a la que pertenece el paciente. Todavía hay una falta de investigación científica bien diseñado, aunque la teoría se ha demostrado empíricamente para ser eficaz. Un informe reciente sugiere que ocho constitución acupuntura produce un tratamiento más eficaz de los síntomas de dolor para los pacientes de disco lumbar intervertebrales herniados diagnosticados por resonancia magnética que la acupuntura corporal convencional.
DISCUSIÓN Aunque Acupuntura coreana se originó con la medicina tradicional china, se ha convertido en un sistema médico único que refleja tanto las necesidades contemporáneas y sus propias características culturales. La perspectiva de empha Acupuntura coreana centrado en la persona de los tamaños de la importancia de los factores de estilo de vida diaria del paciente, en lugar de simplemente las enfermedades específicas con contrajo, como el foco del enfoque médico a condiciones patológicas. La practicidad y la creatividad se expresan en aplicaciones médicas y la innovación en toda la historia.
En resumen, Saam acupuntura clasifica “el gran cuadro” rompiendo la fisiología o la patología del cuerpo en un estado de 12 energía (Qi) o rasgos que corresponden a 12 meridianos, y ofrece recetas para cada rasgo de energía. Acupuntura Taeguk se aplica el medicamento constitucional Sasang y se refiere a las cuatro constituciones como entidades subyacentes. Ocho constitución acupuntura sugiere ocho rasgos constitucionales como determinantes fundamentales de los procesos fisiológicos o patológicos, y ofrece remedios a base de estos rasgos constitucionales. Lecture Be careful in selection of points. Do not treat the symptoms treat the disease and its causes. By mk sastry In Tung acupuncture and Tan balance methods one must realize that constitutional factors of creating a disease should be identified. With causative factor ie how the organs got effected how much taiyang effected ie interaction between higher yang and mature yang and yin pattern involved . You must know which yin pattern is involved remember any balance method cannot be effective if corresponding ko cycle is not known than static balance cannot be created . Static balance can be created by creating pattern through i ching . I ching pattern can be created by the cycles ko cycle is involved . Remember if kidney got effected it was heart which fired the heart co relate with effected channel . See the symptoms now . Understand how in the cycle the organ got effected if its burning or cold for example tingling . Tingling means nerve compression. Ie kidney blocked liver . Now muscle wasting . Heart fired the kidney creating atrophy now put k7 here and patient gifted with they got a coronary heart disease after 2 years because without creating harmony disease are created . So thumb rule understand the disease . So Its body body fighting with the disease creating symptoms. Now use balance formula one interior exterior . You remove sciatica pain. Did u remove nerve compression . Pain gone paralysis started . At the end wheel chair. Because you did not treat the disease. You blindly treated the symptoms created by the disharmony of the organs in ko cycle what you did with the patient. Yellow emperor " create harmony in the kingdom . Else you treat today a symptom and you create a bigger disease . You treated symptoms you did not treat disease . The symptoms disappear but disease became big . Gradually this creates cancer . This is what I understand. There are six causes of the disease in hierarchy eg mumbai seminar dr raju pressed backshu point of lung and shamming merchant was about to die or collapsed. Remember do not be hurry . Take for example you are new hunter . You
killed one sheep in a large group . You are happy . But now if you have one shot and what if tiger or dragon comes . If you are not good hunter tiger or dragon kills you. If you destroy one sheep . You are happy . But you gifted him the tiger. Always remember you should know the pattern. Master tung said know the disease, find the reaction area establish the zone go to the organ . When he meant this he meant the constitution of the body . If you treat by tung point you do same mistake . you killed the sheep and you gifted the lion. Because symptoms gone disease remains after 12 hours pain comes back . Patient loses confidence and two harm . You disturb the pattern and you created more disease . Sometimes pain will increase and convert to multiple symptoms . I told this and you shouted . You put wrong herb in any point or right herb in wrong point. You created complicated disease . Remember finding constitution of the body most important. Thumb rule from constitution of the country , law derived and from there arrived various acts . You treat without constitution. Your concepts remain weak . And you lost the client . Wooshley was right . You are born with weak element . And disease is interaction between two yang . Higher yang and matured yang mixed with yin factor . Now select the point Put one needle or two needle in the body all symptoms gone. Instant results . Those pattern of i ching and creation of individual Gua . Made you the master of Acupuncture one needle all symptoms gone. If this is true apply this methods in any disease . And take any treatment strategy . disease cure . This is what I said treat the cause of slip disc . All symptoms instantly gone in one or two needle. Use auricular acupuncture . Magic begins . Put one or two needle in the ear and see the magic of Acupuncture . But you must know how to do it . Most easiest subject . Just need the patience. I learned a lot in Luck now conference . I have mastered my art of auricular acupuncture. Notorious students are the best teacher. There doubts made me master. 25 years doubt cleared in my flight . When I type this lecture . Six causes are 1 symptom 2 where did symptoms come from 3 how did it begin 4 who was responsible for the symptoms 5 creative or destructive pattern 6 from acute to chronic 7. Disease begins 8 forms a pattern 9 now creation of earthly gua starts earth center and plot organ cycle in the energy cycle . 10 now five element cycle 11 pattern automatically created 12 now use any theory
13 prescribe two points 14 instant results . 15 use auricular acupuncture for 20 days . You fix the problem in one or two seating This is the magic I learned today . There is no magic recipe. Magic is in your heart . There is no beauty outside it lies in the eyes of the beholder . It not eyes which sees the beauty . It’s the receptive brain . Because visual cortex sees the beauty . Image in the eyes are inverted and real image is in the brain . Until right image is formed. You have to create right voltage of membrane potential so that it passes the impulse to neural cells creating commanding signal and thus orders are released . Thumb rule 1 right prescription of point 2 Create membrane potential , reach certain threshold which converts to action potential If you give wrong signal you create disease because wrong commands release . Now I understand in acupuncture the quality should not be compromised . It’s like giving a your car keys to untrained driver . And seating back of it . You lose your life. Acupuncture is real passion . I’m sure during my life time I will bring some of the best acupuncturist to the world. I wanted to break my bond between the symptoms and disease . I have more things to do in the field of acupuncture with altogether as a team. Lecture on tung therapeutic and six channels theory , Acupuncture is a in depth knowledge treating both the symptoms and cause of the disease , but without knowing the symptoms and treating the cause of the disease the entire effort shall be futile , and frustrating, disgrace to the efforts you made. the body has a defense of six channels. The foundation of Traditional Chinese medicine lies upon three basic theories which are referred to as the three pillars of TCM. These are the Yin Yang Five Element theory, Zang Fu theory and Meridian Channel theory. Yin Yang and the Five elements form a basic code that can describe all phenomena, events and existence in the universe. They allow the description of all things by an arrangement to categories, initially by the division to Yin and Yang opposite pairs of duality and then further into the 5 distinct categories of the elements. Together they form the language that describes TCM in the ancient classics. While the rules of the outer universe are discussed in this language, the environment and the climate of the inner body and it's arrangement into functional systems is described by the Zang Fu theory, the
theory of the internal organs. The major subject of discussion in the classics refers to physiology and pathology in terms of the 5 Zang and the 6 Fu organs. Meridian Channel Theory is the connecting pathway between these two theories of outer and inner climates. The channels are describes and referred to as the avenue that balances external influences and climatic factors and regulates their entries and exits into and out of body. This creates a balanced internal climate that permits the harmonious function of the internal organs. According to Meridian Channel Theory, the external influences are specific climate factors which are referred to as the 6 Qi. These are Cold, Summer-Heat Fire, Dampness, Dryness, Fire and Wind. It is important to note that the 6 Qi are functional climatic forces which are necessary for the function of the internal organs and are therefore not 'Evil' factors. The 6 Qi may become 'the 6 Evil Qi' if the function of the Meridian-Channel system is not balanced or if they are excessively strong and invade the body. The Meridian Channel systems have both external and internal roles. The external role is to balance and regulate the movement of the 6 Qi into and out of the Body. As extensions of the organs, the internal role of the Meridian Channels is to balance and regulate the functions of the Zang and Fu by creating an infinite web of inner connections and by creating the appropriate inner climatic environment specifically needed for each Organ. These relations are specific and bond each climate of the 6 Qi to a specific organ system. The overall structure is referred to in the classics as the 6 Channel Theory and is structured in the body as Tai Yang (Si,UB-cold); Shao Yang (Tw,Gb-summer heat fire),Yang Ming (Li,St-dryness), Tai Yin (Lu,Spdampness), Shao Yin (Ht, Ki-fire) and Jue Yin (Pc, Liv-wind), Part 2 Many people knows “prescribed herbs not forming a formula (you yao wu fang) and “a formula without modified herbs (you fang wu yao)” while learning herbal prescriptions. The same problems happen to acupuncture too. The so called “using a formula without modified herbs (you fang wu yao)” means rigidly using the formula without changes or modifications according to individual patient’s condition. As the “prescribed herbs not forming a formula (you yao wu fang)” means merely gather a bunch of herbs without following any principles. Some acupuncture treatments fall into the above two circumstances. The acupuncturist merely puts one needle here, one there, without any principles. It is like shooting birds in the dark (making random attempts). One needs to understand the principles of herbal combination to successfully prescribe an effective formula. The same applied to acupuncture too. For instance, some acupuncturists needle Linggu (22.05), Dabai (22.04), Jioil (88.25), Xinmen (33.11), Shouwujin (33.08), Shouxienjin (33.09), Biyi (1010.22), etc. all together to treat sciatica. Sometimes
they even add more points from the 14 channels. This is a typical example of gathering a bunch of points without principles. Certainly the treatment result will not be good. Acupuncture needs to be like prescribing a formula. It is said “Having Songs of Tang Tou Formulas (sets of prescriptions) in mind, one needn't to worry in clinic.” One needs to have sets of point prescriptions in mind as basis before selecting treatment points. First is to memorize the application principles of the special points. For example, for the Five Transport points, one can memorize the texts in the Ling Shu in chapter 44 (’The Sequence of Qi and the Four Seasons within a Single Day’): When the disease is at the Zang, needle the Jing-Well point. If manifesting as a change in the color, needle the Ying-Spring point. When the disease attacks intermittently, needle the Shu-Stream point. When the disease manifests as changes in the patient’s voice, needle the Jing-River point. If there is disease of the stomach and irregular appetite, needle the He-sea point. In Ling Shu, in chapter 4 Disease Patterns of Zangfu as Caused by Pathogenic Qi says: the Ying-spring and Shu-stream points treat the exterior channels; and He-sea points treat the internal Fu. Classic of Difficulties (68th Difficulty) says “Jing-well points for fullness below the heart, Ying-spring points for heat of the body, Shu-stream points for heaviness of the body and pain of the joints, Jing-River points for dyspnea, cough, chills and fever, He-Sea points for rebellious Qi and diarrhea. If one can memorize those texts, he/she can apply them to the clinic practice potentially. Whenever encounter the pain, first select the Shu-stream point of the disease channel, because Shustream points govern the pain syndromes. When encounter the diseases of qi reverse, select the He-sea points of the channel. For example, cough is the qi reverse of the Lung, so first thing is to select the He-sea point of the Lung, Chize (LU5) to treat it. Hiccup, the qi reverse of the Spleen, select the He-sea point of the Spleen, Yinlingquan (SP9), or Jienshi (PC5) in the Pericardium channel, because “the disease manifested with voice (sound) change, select the Jing-river points, and also that the communication of the Pericardium and the stomach. Secondly, memorize three to five classical songs or odes. For example, Bai Zheng Fu (Ode of a Hundred Patterns), Zhou Huo Ge (Song to Keep Up Your Sleeve), Biao Yo Fu (Song of Elucidate Mysteries), Xi Hong Fu (Ode of Xi Hong), Tong Xiuan Zhi Yao Fu (Ode of the Essentials of Understanding), Zha Bing Xue Fa Ge (Song of Points for Miscellaneous Diseases), Shen Yu Ge (Song More Precious Than Jade). All those are very popular and useful songs and odes. By memorizing those songs and odes myself, I gained very strong foundation in acupuncture. I also recommended my students to memorize those songs and odes so to skillfully select points in practice. Those songs and odes are set prescriptions. For example, in Xi Hong Fu (Ode of Xi Hong) and Zha Bing Xue Fa Ge (Song of Points for
Miscellaneous Diseases), they both say the combination of Lei Xue (LU7) and Tai Yuan (LU9) treats the qi stabbing the two breasts, and temporal and frontal headache. The clinical experience proves it. Also, in Bai Zhen Fu (Ode of a Hundred Patterns), it says “sore throat, Yi Men (SJ2) and Yu Ji (LU10) can treat.” In my decades of clinical practice, I use Yi Men and Yu Ji to treat sore throat and always receive instant results. Another example, Za Bing Xue Fa Ge (Song of Points for Miscellaneous Diseases) says, “Urination obstruction, needling Yinlingquen (SP9) and Zusanli (ST36) will drain the urine like stream flow.” There are too many such examples to enumerate piece by piece. Those point prescriptions are very refined. They usually contain one or two points. Having those prescriptions at hand make clinical practice convenient and create high efficacy. Besides, those prescriptions are very refined and contain only a few points. I have discussed the point combination of Tung's acupuncture in question 36. Here, I would only give a few examples. Master Tung had a formula to treat headache, Cesanli (77.22) and Shenguan (77.18), with very good clinical efficacy. Later, I developed it into Sanchayi (A.02) and Dabai (22.04) interchangeably needled on two hands to treat various headaches. The total number of points is reduced but still with good result. The reason of my development is as follows. Dabai (22.04) can treat frontal headache and facial disorders. Through the communication of large intestine and liver (Dabai pertains to wood and also communicates with liver), it is good at treating various headache. The point pertains to wood which governs wind and hence is good at treating exterior contracted diseases. Needling this point along the bone corresponds to the kidney and hence also treats chronic diseases. As for Sanchanyi (A.02), it is located in the Sanjiao channel and hence is good at treating lateral headache and Shaoyang disorders. Because of Ying-spring and Shu-stream points treat the exterior channels; it is also an essential point in treating exterior contracted diseases. Needling this point along the tendon and bone to reach the Shu-stream point where there is abundant flesh. Although needling one point, multiple points are penetrated. Hence, the functions and indications of this point are numerous and also cover the disorders of the spleen, liver and kidney. It works well on various types of headache, no matters they are due to internal injure or external contracted, but is particularly effective in the exterior contracted type. The combination of the above two points is more convenient and simpler than and is as effective as that of Cesanli (77.22), Cexiasanli (77.23) and Shenguan (77.18). This combination is developed on the principles of the five Shu points and the five tissue correspondence. Guided by the theory and proved by the clinical practice, this combination became a set prescription.
Details of the course in International seminar Most of techniques are finest treatment in Acupuncture if followed seriously Tung Acupuncture . We as Acupuncturist using many needles per treatment, in a course of 10 or more treatments, before they see results. But with Master Tung’s Magic Points, the patient usually feels improvement after only one or two treatments, with very few needles. Master Tung’s Points are fondly referred to as ‘magic’ because in most cases, these points deliver instant and lasting results. Master Tung’s Points are located opposite the affected area (points on the head can treat the feet, and vice versa). For this reason, the body’s energetic pathways must be kept clear, so the practitioner selects only a few powerful points for treatment. Gain a practical understanding of the energetics employed when using Master Tung’s Points. Master Tung Ching Chang was the living heir of a very unique acupuncture system. Though we can utilize our understanding of TCM from the Huang Di Nei Jing, this system stands alone. MK sastry will start with a brief history of Master Tung and his lineage, introduce Tung’s acupuncture, and provide an overview of the energetics employed when using Master Tung’s Magic Points. I will then review a few of the most commonly used acupuncture points or patterns from this system Clinical studies . Case analysis Balance methods ( I ching ) classified in three parts 1 Five system of Balance 2 Mirror Techniques 3 Reverse mirroring This methods are from I ching and gives instant relief greatest source of treatment. Widely taught by Richard Tan Practiced by more 20000 acupuncturist around the world 2 Korean Acupuncture Korean method is one of the finest techniques in five elements for treatment 4 needle techniques and a patient in few seating get sustaining instand and sustaining relief
3 Zhu scalp for the 1 Neurological disorders: acute and chronic paralysis, motor and sensory impairments, muscle atrophies. 2 Pain: acute and chronic pain due to musculoskeletal, neurological, organic, or psychological origin. Rare and difficult conditions: 3. Idiopathic or undiagnosed conditions and those that has not responded to any treatment. Complementary urgent care: 4 . Emergencies where acupuncture intervention may play a life supporting role; protects the body from further damages; and boosts its self-healing process. 4 Ynsa Yamamoto New Scalp YNSA Acupuncture is a fast and easy-to-learn method amongst other applications for the treatment of acute strokes and represents a valuable complement to conventional schemes of treatment. Therapy should be initiated by the emergency doctor, continued during treatment at the hospital and stroke unit and, if necessary, extended beyond the rehabilitation phase by the patient's family doctor. YSNA has also proved very successful in treating the following disorders: all kinds of motor disturbances, hemiplegia, paraplegia, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, Parkinson's disease, MS, endocrine disturbances, vertigo, tinnitus, aphasia, impaired vision, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, insomnia, depression and other psycho-neurological disorders. Hara diagnosis kiko mastimoto clinical strategies. Finest treatment highly followed in Japan using Abdomen . Superficial needling . Painless Fastest and quickest recovery . Indian Acupuncture. It’s a Geometric Euclidean method of Acupuncture with 3 Dimensional scalp Acupuncture. It’s another system which gives instant fastest recovery Tung Acupuncture Tung Style Acupuncture holds a preeminent position in the acupuncture circles of Taiwan, the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and presently in India also. It is vastly different from the 'Traditional Chinese Medicine' (TCM) style of acupuncture that is currently practiced in the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.) and widely taught in
the TCM medical colleges throughout the world. The Tung Style has been reported to predate the Huang Di Nei Jing and was first introduced into the English speaking acupuncture community in a 1973 translation of Master Tung's text by Palden (Wangden) Carson, M.D. The style was established in the United States by Miriam Lee, O.M.D., one of the premier acupuncturists in California who was instrumental in obtaining licensure and recognition for acupuncture in that state. Tung Style Acupuncture was brought to Taiwan from mainland China by Master Tung Ching-Chang in 1949 when he left China with the Kuomingtang (KMT) army under General Chiang Kai-Shek. His acupuncture style was thus spared from the synthesis of the 'New Medicine' engendered as a consequence of the 1958 dictum by P.R.C. Chairman Mao Ze-Dong to create a 'New Medicine', i.e. to unify the 'best' parts of Western and Chinese medicine. Ergo, the Tung Style escaped the efforts to compel acupuncture to conform to the model espoused by the TCM herbalists who had been assigned to the task of inventing this 'New Medicine' - forcing the proverbial 'square peg into a round hole'. As a system, Tung Style Acupuncture does not necessitate the use of the diagnostic methods or terminology adopted by contemporary, herbalist-driven, TCM acupuncture; this renders the Tung Style Acupuncture well suited for use by non-TCM trained clinicians. Furthermore, the clinical results obtained using the Tung Style Acupuncture often far surpasses those achieved through the use of TCM acupuncture, especially in the West. This is, in part, because Western patients seldom conform to an exact mold of a single TCM pattern. Western patients typically present with a myriad of signs, symptoms, and westernbiomedical diagnoses, which can often leave the TCM based clinician somewhat bewildered as to where to begin; this is particularly true in a multidisciplinary, referral based, setting. Tung Style Acupuncture uses points different from those found in most present-day TCM acupuncture texts. While many of the Tung points are found on the twelve regular channels, they are, however, in distinct locations from the 360+ points presented in the aforementioned TCM acupuncture texts. They are, also, largely distinct from the miscellaneous 'extra' or 'non-channel' points described in most contemporary TCM acupuncture texts. The Tung Style Acupuncture points chosen for the treatment of any given malady are located mostly on the extremities and at a distance from the site of the lesion or pathology. Furthermore, the number of points required to successfully ameliorate any given ailment is fewer than that required in most current TCM acupuncture texts to treat the same malady.
Thus, Tung Style Acupuncture is a unique and highly effective form of authentic Chinese acupuncture. The style has been clinically proven very effective and is rapidly gaining in popularity all over the globe. This rise in global interest is due to its high degree of clinical efficacy and because the style is well suited to virtually all clinicians - those TCM trained as well as those who are not TCM trained. This text series should not be construed as introductory texts or as ‘primers’ in the acupuncture of Master Tung Ching-Chang, nor as preparatory texts on the TCM theories governing each specialty.
Determine which organ system is out of balance
Step Two:
Determine whether the imbalance is excess (shi) or deficiency (xu)
Step Three: (for deficiency syndromes)
Tonify the horary point on the mother organ's channel. Horary means the point's element and then channels element are the same. i.e. the wood point on the wood channel, or the fire point on the fire channel, the water point on the water channel, the earth point on the earth channel.
Tonify the mother organ's element point on the affected channel.
Sedate the horary point on the "controlling" organ's channel.
Sedate the controlling organ's element point on the affected organ.
(for excess syndromes)
Tonify the horary point on the controlling organ's channel.
Tonify the controlling point on the affected channel.
Sedate the horary point on the "son" channel.
Sedate the son point on the affected channel.
Tonification prescriptions for conditions of deficiency. Tonify Meridian
Horary Pt. on Mother Pt. on Mother affected Channel channel
Horary Pt. on controlling channel
Control Pt. on affected channel
Sp 3
Lu 9
Ht 8
Lu 10
St 36
LI 11
SI 5
LI 5
SI 5
St 41
GB 41
St 43
Ht 8
Sp 2
Liv 1
Sp 1
Liv 1
Ht 9
Kid 10
Ht 3
GB 41
SI 3
UB 66
SI 2
LI 1
UB 67
St 36
UB 40
Lu 8
Kid 7
Sp 3
Kid 3
Liv 1
Kid 10
GB 41
SJ 3
UB 66
SJ 2
UB 66
GB 43
LI 1
GB 44
Kid 10
Liv 8
LU 8
Liv 4
Sedation prescriptions for conditions of excess. Tonify
Horary Pt. on controlling channel
Control Pt. on affected channel
Horary Pt. on Son channel
Son Pt. on affected channel
Ht 8
Lu 10
Kid 10
Lu 5
SI 5
LI 5
UB 66
LI 2
GB 41
St 43
LI 1
St 45
Liv 1
Sp 1
LU 8
Sp 5
Kid 10
Ht 3
Sp 3
Ht 7
UB 66
SI 2
St 36
SI 8
St 36
UB 40
GB 41
UB 65
Sp 3
Kid 3
Liv 1
Kid 1
Kid 10
Sp 3
UB 66
SJ 2
St 36
SJ 10
LI 1
GB 44
SI 5
GB 38
Lu 8
Liv 4
Ht 8
Liv 2
Horary Points
Wood Organs
Fire Organs
Earth Organs:
Metal Organs: Water Organs:
Shu Point
Gall Bladder
Small Intestine
San Jiao
Large Intestine
Urinary Bladder
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