Ekxperimen Fizik Spm Kertas 3
Short Description
Ekxperimen Fizik Spm Kertas 3...
Effect of force (F=ma) Kesan daya (F=ma) m,a : Force constant Daya tetap
Inference Inferens
Acceleration of trolley depends on its mass Pecutan troli bergantung pada jisim troli.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Mass increases, acceleration. decreases. Semakin bertambah jisim troli, semakin berkurang pecutan troli.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between acceleration and mass Menyiasat hubungan antara pecutan dan jisim.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: mass / number of trolley : jisim / bilangan troli
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: acceleration of a trolley : pecutan troli
Constant variable : Force applied by an elastic cord,F Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : Daya yang dikenakan oleh getah kenyal, F Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Switch on power supply and a ticker timer. Hidupkan bekalan kuasa dan jangkamasa detik. 2. The trolley is pulled down the inclined runway with an elastic cord attached to the hind post of the trolley. Troli ditarik menuruni landasan condong dengan tali kenyal di sambungkan pada bahagian troli.
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3. The elastic cord is stretched until the other end is with the front end of the trolley. The length is maintained as the trolley runs down the runway. Tali kenyal ditegangkan dan panjang tali kenyal di kekalkan semasa troli menuruni landasan. 4. The ticker tape obtained is cut into strips of 10- ticks and the acceleration, produced by the one unit of force is calculated by using the formula, a=v-u/t Pita detik yang diperolehi dipotong dengan setiap jalur mempunyai 10 detik dan pecutan yang dihasilkan oleh satu unit daya dihitung menggunakan formula , a=v-u/t 5. The experiment is repeated with 2,3,4 and 5 trolley (with a second trolley stack up on the first trolley) Eksperimen diulangi dengan bilangan troli 2,3,4 dan 5 ( troli kedua di lekatkan pada bahagian atas troli pertama)
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Mass of trolley Jisim troli 1 trolley 1 troli 2 trolley 2 troli 3 trolley 3troli 4 trolley 4troli 5 trolley 5 troli
Acceleration Pecutan
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Acceleration Pecutan
Mass Jisim
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Effect of force (F=ma) Kesan daya (F=ma) F, a : Mass constant Jisim tetap
Inference Inferens
Acceleration of trolley depends on its force Pecutan troli bergantung pada daya troli.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Force increases, acceleration. increases Semakin bertambah daya , semakin bertambah pecutan troli.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between acceleration and force Menyiasat hubungan antara pecutan dan daya
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Force applied by an elastic cord, F : Daya yang dikenakan oleh getah kenyal, F
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Acceleration of a trolley : Pecutan troli
Constant variable : mass / number of trolley Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : jisim / bilangan troli
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Switch on power supply and a ticker timer. Hidupkan bekalan kuasa dan jangkamasa detik. 2. The trolley is pulled down the inclined runway with an elastic cord attached to the hind post of the trolley. Troli ditarik menuruni landasan condong dengan tali kenyal di sambungkan pada bahagian troli. 3. The elastic cord is stretched until the other end is with the front end of the trolley. The length is maintained as the trolley runs down the runway. Tali kenyal ditegangkan dan panjang tali kenyal di kekalkan semasa troli menuruni landasan. 4. The ticker tape obtained is cut into strips of 10- ticks and the acceleration, produced by the one unit of force is calculated by using the formula, a=v-u/t Pita detik yang diperolehi dipotong dengan setiap jalur mempunyai 10 detik dan pecutan yang dihasilkan oleh satu unit daya dihitung menggunakan formula , a=v-u/t
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5. The experiment is repeated with 2,3,4 and 5 identical elastic cord. Eksperimen diulangi dengan bilangan troli 2,3,4 dan 5 getah kenyal yang sama.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Force / Number of elastic cord Daya/ Bilangan getah kenyal 1 elastic cord 1 getah kenyal 1 elastic cord 1 getah kenyal 1 elastic cord 1 getah kenyal 1 elastic cord 1 getah kenyal 1 elastic cord 1 getah kenyal
Acceleration Pecutan
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Acceleration Pecutan
Force / Number of elastic cord Daya/ Bilangan getah kenyal
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Velocity and height of a trolley Halaju dengan ketinggian troli v, h : angle of inclined runway, Sudut kecondongan landasan,
Inference Inferens
Velocity depends on the height of a trolley Halaju troli bergantung kepada ketinggian troli
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Height of trolley increases , velocity of trolley increases Semakin bertambah ketinggian troli, semakin bertambah halaju troli.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between velocity and height of a trolley Menyiasat hubungan antara halaju dan ketinggian troli
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Height of a trolley,h : Ketinggian troli, h
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Velocity of a trolley : Halaju troli
Constant variable : angle of inclined runway, Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : Sudut kecondongan landasan,
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. A ticker tape is attached to a trolley and passed through a ticker-timer connected to a power supply. Pita detik dilekatkan pada troli dan melalui jangka masa detik yang disambungkan kepada bekalan kuasa. 2. The trolley is placed at a height,h=10.0cm from the table top. The height, h is measured by using a ruler and recorded. Troli diletakkan pada ketinggian, h =10.0 cm dari permukaan meja. Ketinggian,h di ukur dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 3. The power supply is turned on and the trolley is released to the run down the runway. Bekalan kuasa dihidupkan dan troli dilepaskan menuruni landasan. 4. The velocity of the trolley at the bottom of the runway is calculated by using the formula Halaju troli pada bahagian bawah landasan dihitung dengan menggunakan formula
v= Distance traveled,s Time for 5 ticks = s cm 5 ticks X 0.02s
, v = Jarak dilalui,s Masa untuk 5 detik = 5cm 5 detik X 0.02 s
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5. The experiment repeated with a height,h = 20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm and 50.0cm. Eksperimen diulangi dengan ketinggian h = 15.0cm, 20.0cm, 25.0cm and 30.0cm.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Height of a trolley (cm) Ketinggian troli(cm)
Velocity Halaju
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Velocity Halaju
Height of a trolley Ketinggian troli
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Velocity and distance of a spring compression Halaju dengan jarak mampatan spring v, x : Elasticity of a spring // spring constant// stiffness //diameter // thickness of a spring Kekenyalan spring // pemalar spring //kekerasan// diameter //ketebalan spring
Inference Inferens
Velocity depends on a distance of a spring compression Halaju troli bergantung kepada jarak mampatan spring
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Distance of a spring compression increases, the velocity of trolley increases. Semakin bertambah jarak mampatan spring , semakin bertambah halaju troli.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between velocity and a distance of a spring compression Menyiasat hubungan antara halaju dan jarak mampatan spring
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Distance of a spring compression, x : Jarak mampatan spring, x
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Velocity of a trolley : Halaju troli
Constant variable
: Elasticity of a spring // spring constant// stiffness// diameter // thickness of a spring Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : Kekenyalan spring // pemalar spring//kekerasan// diameter //ketebalan spring
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Switch on the power supply and ticker timer. Hidupkan bekalan kuasa dan jangka masa detik. 2. Compress the spring by pushing the trolley at a distance, x =2.0cm measured by a ruler. Mampatkan spring dengan menolak troli pada jarak, x =2.0cm diukur dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 3. Release the trolley and calculate the velocity of a trolley from a ticker tape by using the formula, Lepaskan troli dan hitung halaju troli daripada pita detik menggunakan formula,
v= Distance traveled,s Time for 5 ticks = s cm 5 ticks X 0.02s
, v = Jarak dilalui,s Masa untuk 5 detik = 5cm 5 detik X 0.02 s
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4. The experiment repeated with a distance compression,x = 4.0cm, 6.0cm, 8.0cm and 10.0cm. Eksperimen diulang dengan jarak mampatan spring, x = 4.0cm, 6.0cm, 8.0 cm dan 10.0cm.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Distance of a spring compression, x (cm) Jarak mampatan spring, x (cm)
Velocity Halaju
2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Velocity Halaju
Distance of a spring compression, x Jarak mampatan spring, x
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Velocity and distance of a spring stretching Halaju dengan jarak regangan spring v, x : Elasticity of a spring // spring constant// stiffness //diameter // thickness of a spring Kekenyalan spring // pemalar spring //kekerasan// diameter //ketebalan spring
Inference Inferens
Velocity depends on a distance of a spring stretching Halaju troli bergantung kepada jarak regangan spring
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Distance of a spring stretching increases, the velocity of trolley increases. Semakin bertambah jarak regangan spring , semakin bertambah halaju troli.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between velocity and a distance of a spring stretching Menyiasat hubungan antara halaju dan jarak regangan spring
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Distance of a spring stretching, x : Jarak regangan spring, x
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Velocity of a trolley : Halaju troli
Constant variable
: Elasticity of a spring // spring constant// stiffness// diameter // thickness of a spring Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : Kekenyalan spring // pemalar spring//kekerasan// diameter //ketebalan spring
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Switch on the power supply and ticker timer. Hidupkan bekalan kuasa dan jangka masa detik. 2. Pull the trolley at a distance, x =2.0cm measured by a ruler. Tarik troli pada jarak, x =2.0 cm diukur dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 3. Release the trolley and calculate the velocity of a trolley from a ticker tape by using the formula, Lepaskan troli dan hitung halaju troli daripada pita detik menggunakan formula,
v= Distance traveled,s Time for 5 ticks = s cm 5 ticks X 0.02s
, v = Jarak dilalui,s Masa untuk 5 detik = 5cm 5 detik X 0.02 s
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4. The experiment repeated by pulling the trolley at a distance, x = 4.0cm, 6.0cm, 8.0cm and 10.0cm. Eksperimen diulang dengan jarak mampatan spring, x = 4.0cm, 6.0cm, 8.0 cm dan 10.0cm.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Distance of a spring stretching, x (cm) Jarak regangan spring, x (cm)
Velocity Halaju
2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Velocity Halaju
Distance of a spring stretching, x Jarak regangan spring, x
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Period of oscillation and mass (Inertia) Tempoh ayunan dengan jisim T, m : The number of hacksaw blade oscillation // angle of oscillation Bilangan ayunan bilah gergaji // sudut ayunan
Inference Inferens
Period of oscillation depends on its mass. Tempoh ayunan bergantung kepada jisim
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The mass increases , the period of oscillation increases Semakin bertambah jisim , semakin bertambah tempoh ayunan.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between period of oscillation and a mass. Menyiasat hubungan antara tempoh ayunan dan jisim.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Mass : Jisim
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Period of oscillation : Tempoh ayunan
Constant variable
: The number of hacksaw blade oscillation // angle of oscillation Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : Bilangan ayunan bilah gergaji // sudut ayunan
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Measure the mass of the plasticine, m= 20.0g by using the triple beam balance and place it at the end of the hacksaw blade. Timbang jisim plastisin, m =20.0g menggunakan neraca tiga alur dan letakkan dihujung bilah gergaji. 2. Displace the hacksaw blade at a small angle of about 10. Sesarkan bilah gergaji pada sudut ayunan yang kecil 10. 3. Release the hacksaw blade and at the same time start the stopwatch. Lepaskan bilah gergaji dan pada masa yang sama hidupkan jam randik. 4. Record the time for 10 complete of hacksaw oscillations, t10 Catatkan masa bagi 10 ayunan lengkap bilah gergaji, t10 5. The period of the hacksaw blade oscillation is calculated by using the formula T= t10 10 Tempoh ayunan bilah gergaji dihitung dengan menggunakan formula T= t10 10
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6. Experiment is repeated by using different mass of plasticine, m= 40.0g, 60.0g, 80.0g and 100.0g. Eksperimen diulang dengan jisim plastisin yang berlainan, m = 40.0g, 60.0g, 80.0g dan 100.0g.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Mass of plasticine, m (g) Jisim plastisin,m (g)
Period of oscillation Tempoh ayunan
20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Period of oscillation Tempoh ayunan
Mass of plasticine, m Jisim plastisin,m
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Extension of a spring and mass (Hooke’s Law) Pemanjangan spring dengan jisim (Hukum Hooke) x, m : Elasticity of a spring // spring constant// stiffness //diameter // thickness of a spring Kekenyalan spring // pemalar spring //kekerasan// diameter //ketebalan spring
Inference Inferens
Extension of a spring depends on its mass. Pemanjangan spring bergantung kepada jisim
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The mass increases , the extension of a spring increases Semakin bertambah jisim , semakin bertambah pemanjangan spring.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between extension of a spring and a mass. Menyiasat hubungan antara pemanjangan spring dan jisim.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Mass : Jisim
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Extension of a spring, x : Pemanjangan spring, x
Constant variable
: Elasticity of a spring // spring constant// stiffness //diameter // thickness of a spring Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan : Kekenyalan spring // pemalar spring //kekerasan// diameter //ketebalan spring
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Measure the initial length of the spring, L1 by using a ruler. Ukur panjang asal spring, L1 menggunakan pembaris meter 2. Put one slotted mass,m = 20.0g at the end of the spring Letakkan jisim pemberat,m = 20.0g pada hujung spring. 3. Measure the length of the spring, L2 Ukur panjang spring, L2 4. Calculate the extension of the spring, x= L2-L1 Hitungkan pemanjangan spring ,x = L2-L1 5. Repeat the experiment by using different of slotted mass,m = 40.0g,60.0g,80.0g and 100.0g. Eksperimen diulang dengan jisim pemberat yang berlainan, m = 40.0g, 60.0g, 80.0g dan 100.0g.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Slotted mass,m (g) Jisim pemberat,m (g)
Extension of a spring,x Pemanjangan spring, x
20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Extension of a spring,x Pemanjangan spring, x
Slotted mass,m (g) Jisim pemberat,m (g)
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Pressure and surface area ( P = F / A ) Tekanan dengan luas permukaan ( P = F /A) P, A : Weight / Force / Mass of slotted weight Berat / Daya / Jisim pemberat
Inference Inferens
Pressure depends on surface area . Tekanan bergantung kepada luas permukaan.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Surface area decreases , pressure increases. Semakin berkurang luas permukaan, semakin bertambah tekanan.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between pressure and surface area Menyiasat hubungan antara tekanan dan luas permukaan.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Surface area ,A : Luas permukaan, A
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Pressure : Tekanan air
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang ditetapkan
: Weight / Force / Mass of slotted weight : Berat / Daya / Jisim pemberat
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas: Slotted weight Pemberat Wooden rod Rod kayu Plasticine Plastisin
Ruler Pembaris meter
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Start the experiment with a wooden rod has surface area 1 cm2 Mulakan eksperimen dengan luas permukaan rod kayu 1 cm 2 2. Placed the load of mass 200 g on the top of wooden rod as shown on diagram. Letakkan pemberat dengan jisim 200g di atas rod kayu seperti ditunjukkan pada rajah. 3. Measure the depth of depression, d made on the plasticine by using a ruler. Ukur kedalaman ,d plastisin dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 4. Repeat the experiment with different surface area of rod , A = 2 cm2, 3 cm2 , 4 cm2 and 5cm2. Eksperimen diulang dengan luas permukaan rod kayu yang berbeza, A =2 cm2, 3 cm2 , 4 cm2 dan 5cm2.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Surface area (cm2) Luas permukaanbersentuhan(cm2)
Pressure Tekanan
1 2 3 4 5
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Lukis graf tekanan melawan luas permukaan Draw a graph pressure against surface area Pressure Tekanan
Surface area Luas permukaan
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Buoyant force, FB and depth of iron rod in water / weight of water displaced (Prinsip Archimedes) Daya Tujah Ke atas, FB dengan kedalaman rod besi dalam air / berat air yang disesarkan (Prinsip Archimedes) FB, W0wd :
Density of a liquid Ketumpatan cecair
Inference Inferens
Buoyant force depends on depth of iron rod in water / weight of water displaced Daya tujah ke atas bergantung kepada kedalaman rod besi dalam air / berat air yang disesarkan
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The depth of iron rod in water increases / weight of water displaced increases , the buoyant force increases. Semakin bertambah kedalaman rod besi dalam air / berat air yang disesarkan , semakin bertambah daya tujah ke atas.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between buoyant force and the depth of iron rod in water Menyiasat hubungan antara daya tujah ke atas dan kedalaman rod besi dalam air.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Depth of iron rod in water : Kedalaman rod besi dalam air
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Buoyant force : Daya tujah ke atas
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Density of a liquid : Ketumpatan air
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The weight of iron rod in air is measured by using a spring balance,W 0 Berat rod besi di udara di ukur dengan menggunakan neraca spring, W0 2. The iron rod is lowered vertically in the water at depth, L=5.0cm Rod besi di masukkan ke dalam air secara tegak pada kedalaman, L=5.0cm 3. The weight of iron in the water is measured,W1. Berat rod besi di dalam air diukur, W1 4. The buoyant force,B is calculated by using a formula, B= W1 – W0. Daya tujah ke atas , FB di hitung dengan menggunakan formula, B= W1 – W0.
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5. The experiment is repeated with depth, L=10.0cm,15.0cm,20.0cm and 25.0cm. Eksperimen diulang dengan kedalaman, L = 10.0cm, 15.0cm, 20.0cm dan 25.0cm.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Depth of iron rod in water (cm) Kedalaman rod besi dalam air (cm)
Buoyant force Daya tujah ke atas
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Buoyant force Daya tujah ke atas
Depth of iron rod in water Kedalaman rod besi dalam air
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Rise in temperature, and mass of material ( Q = mc) Kenaikan suhu dengan jisim bahan (Q = mc) , m : Initial temperature // specific heat capacity// type of liquid Suhu awal bahan // muatan haba tentu air// jenis cecair
Inference Inferens
Rise in temperature depends on its mass. Kenaikan suhu bergantung kepada jisim bahan.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The mass of material decreases, the rise in temperature increases. Semakin berkurang jisim bahan , semakin bertambah kenaikan suhu.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between rise in temperature and the mass of material. Menyiasat hubungan antara kenaikan suhu dan jisim bahan.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Mass of material : Jisim bahan
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Rise in temperature : Kenaikan suhu
Constant variable
: Initial temperature // specific heat capacity// type of liquid : Suhu awal bahan // muatan haba tentu air// jenis cecair
Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The 20g of water is filled in the beaker. 20 g air diisi didalam bikar. 2. The initial temperature, 0 of water is recorded. Suhu awal air, 0 air dicatat. 3. Switch on the heater and record the final temperature, F after 5 minutes. Hidupkan pemanas dan catatkan bacaan suhu akhir , F selepas 5 minit. 4. Rise of temperature is calculated using a formula =F - 0 Kenaikan suhu dihitung dengan menggunakan formula =F - 0 5. Repeat the experiment for different masses 40g,60g,80g and 100g.
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6. The experiment is repeated with different masses, m = 40.0g,60.0g,80.0g and 100.0g. Eksperimen diulang dengan jisim yang berbeza, m = 40.0g,60.0g,80.0g dan 100.0g.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Mass of material (g) Jisim bahan (g)
Rise in temperature Kenaikan suhu
20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Rise in temperature Kenaikan suhu
Mass of material Jisim bahan
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( Boyle’s Law P = 1 ) V Tekanan dengan Isipadu ( Hukum Boyle’s P = 1 ) V Pressure and Volume
P, V
Temperature / mass of air inside a syringe Suhu / jisim udara di dalam picagari
Inference Inferens
Pressure depends on its volume. Tekanan bergantung kepada isipadu.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The volume decreases , the pressure increases. Semakin berkurang jisim bahan , semakin bertambah tekanan.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between pressure and volume. Menyiasat hubungan antara tekanan dan isipadu.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Volume : Isipadu
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Pressure : Tekanan
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Temperature / mass of air inside a syringe : Suhu / jisim udara di dalam picagari
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The piston of the syringe is pushed in until the enclosed volume of air trapped is 50cm3. Omboh picagari ditolak sehingga isipadu udara terperangkap 50cm 3. 2. The pressure on the Bourdon gauge is recorded. Tekanan pada Tolok Bourdon dicatatkan. 3. Repeat the experiment for enclosed volume /air trapped in the syringe 40cm3, 30cm3, 20cm3 and 10cm3. Eksperimen diulang dengan isipadu udara yang terperangkap,V = 40cm3, 30cm3, 20cm3 dan 10cm3.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Volume of air trapped (cm3) Isipadu udara yang terperangkap (cm3)
Pressure Tekanan
50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Pressure Tekanan
Volume of air trapped Isipadu udara terperangkap
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Volume and Temperature ( Charles Law V = T ) Isipadu dengan Suhu ( Hukum Charles V = T )
V, T
Mass / Pressure of air trapped Jisim / Tekanan udara terperangkap
Inference Inferens
Volume depends on its temperature. Isipadu bergantung kepada suhu.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The temperature increases , the volume increase. Semakin bertambah suhu , semakin bertambah isipadu.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between volume and temperature. Menyiasat hubungan antara isipadu dan suhu.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Temperature of trapped air, : Suhu udara terperangkap,
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Length of air column,x : Panjang turus udara, x
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Mass/ Pressure of trapped air : Jisim/ Tekanan udara terperangkap.
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The water is heated and continuously stirred until the temperature of the water reaches 20C. Air dipanaskan dan dikacau berterusan sehingga suhu air mencapai 20 C. 2. The length of air column, x is measured by using a ruler. Panjang turus udara, x di ukur dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 3. The experiment is repeated by increases the temperature, = 40C,60C, 80C and 100C. Eksperimen diulang dengan dengan menambahkan suhu , = 40C,60C, 80C dan 100C.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Temperature of trapped air, (C ) Suhu udara terperangkap, (C )
Length of air column trapped ,x Panjang turus udara terperangkap, x
20 40 60 80 100
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Length of air column trapped,x Panjang turus udara terperangkap, x
Temperature of trapped air Suhu udara terperangkap
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Pressure and Temperature ( Pressure Law P = T ) Tekanan dengan Suhu ( Hukum Tekanan P = T )
P, T
Mass / Volume of air trapped Jisim / Isipadu udara terperangkap
Inference Inferens
Pressure depends on its temperature. Tekanan bergantung kepada suhu.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The temperature increases , the pressure increases. Semakin bertambah suhu , semakin bertambah tekanan.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between pressure and temperature. Menyiasat hubungan antara tekanan dan suhu.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Temperature of trapped air, : Suhu udara terperangkap,
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Pressure of trapped air : Tekanan udara terperangkap
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Mass/ Volume of trapped air : Jisim/ Isipadu udara terperangkap.
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The water bath is heated and continuously stirred until the temperature of the water reaches 20C. Air di dalam kukus dipanaskan dan dikacau secara berterusan sehingga suhu air mencapai 20C. 2. The pressure of the air in round bottomed flask is measured by using the Bourdon gauge. Tekanan udara di dalam kelalang dasar bulat di ukur dengan menggunakan Tolok Bourdon. 3. The experiment is repeated by increases the temperature 40C,60C, 80C and 100C. Eksperimen diulang dengan dengan menambahkan suhu , = 40C,60C, 80C dan 100C.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Temperature of trapped air, (C ) Suhu udara terperangkap, (C )
Pressure of trapped air Tekanan udara terperangkap
20 40 60 80 100
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Pressure of trapped air Tekanan udara terperangkap
Temperature of trapped air Suhu udara terperangkap
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Linear magnification,m and object distance,u Pembesaran Linear, m dengan Jarak objek, u m, u : Focal length / lens power Panjang focus / kuasa kanta
Inference Inferens
Linear magnification depends on the object distance. Tekanan air bergantung kepada kedalaman air.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
Object distance increases , linear magnification decreases. Semakin bertambah jarak objek , semakin berkurang pembesaran linear.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between linear magnification and object distance. Menyiasat hubungan antara pembesaran linear dan jarak objek.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Object distance , u : Jarak objek , u
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Linear magnification : Pembesaran linear
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Focal length / lens power : Panjang fokus / kuasa kanta
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The object is placed 10.0cm from the lens. Objek diletakkan 10.0 cm daripada kanta. 2. Adjust the screen until the sharp image formed on the white screen. Skrin dilaraskan sehingga imej yang tajam dibentuk pada skrin. 3. The image distance,v is measured by using a ruler. Jarak imej, v di ukur dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 4. Linear magnification of the image, m is calculated using a formula, m=v/u Pembesaran linear imej, m di hitung dengan menggunakan rumus, m=v/u
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5. Repeat the experiment with different object distance, u=20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm and 50.0cm. Eksperimen diulang dengan jarak objek yang berlainan, u =20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm dan 50.0cm.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Object distance,u (cm) Jarak objek, u (cm)
Linear magnification Pembesaran linear
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Linear magnification Pembesaran linear
Object distance Jarak objek
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Density of a liquid and apparent depth Ketumpatan cecair dengan dalam ketara, h Real depth Dalam nyata
Inference Inferens
The apparent depth depends on density of liquid. Dalam ketara bergantung kepada ketumpatan cecair
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The density of a liquid increases the apparent depth decreases.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
Semakin bertambah ketumpatan cecair , semakin berkurang dalam ketara To investigate the relationship between apparent depth and density of a liquid Menyiasat hubungan antara dalam ketara dan ketumpatan cecair
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Density of a liquid : Ketumpatan cecair
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Apparent depth : Dalam ketara
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Real depth : Dalam nyata
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The beaker is filled with liquid with density 1.0 kgm-3. Bikar di isi dengan air berketumpatan 1.0 kgm-3. 2. By using a ruler ,the real depth of the pin is measured = H Dengan menggunakan pembaris meter, dalam nyata kedudukan pin di ukur, H 3. The position of pin O is seen vertically above the surface of the water. Kedudukan pin O dilihat secara tegak di atas permukaan air. 4. The position of pin I is adjusted until parallax error between the pin O and the pin I is non- existent. Kedudukan pin I dilaraskan sehingga ralat paralaks antara pin I dan pin O tidak kelihatan. 5. By using the ruler again ,the position of pin I is measured as the apparent depth = h Dengan menggunakan pembaris meter, kedudukan pin I diukur sebagai dalam ketara =h
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6. Repeat the experiment with different density of liquid, = 2.0 kgm-3 , = 3.0 kgm-3 . = 4.0 kgm-3 and = 5.0 kgm-3 Eksperimen diulang dengan ketumpatan cecair yang berlainan, = 2.0 kgm-3 , = 3.0 kgm-3 . = 4.0 kgm-3 and = 5.0 kgm-3
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Density of a liquid, (kgm-3 ) Ketumpatan cecair, (kgm-3 )
Apparent depth, h(cm) Dalam nyata, h (cm)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data:
Apparent depth Dalam nyata
Density of a liquid Ketumpatan cecair
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Distance between two consecutive loud sounds,x and distance between two loud speakers, a Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x dan jarak antara dua pembesar suara, a , d
Frequency of the signal generator Frekuensi penjana audio
Inference Inferens
Distance between two consecutive loud sounds,x depends on distance between two loud speakers, a Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x bergantung kepada jarak antara dua pembesar suara, a
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The distance between two loud speakers, a, increases the distance between two consecutive loud sounds,x decreases. Semakin bertambah jarak antara dua pembesar suara, a ,semakin berkurang jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the distance between two consecutive loud sounds, x and distance between two loud speakers, a Menyiasat hubungan antara jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x dan jarak antara dua pembesar suara, a
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Distance between two loud speakers, a : Jarak antara dua pembesar suara, a
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Distance between two consecutive loud sounds,x : Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Frequency of the signal generator : Frekuensi penjana audio
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Place a signal generator and two loudspeakers on a long bench in an open space. Letakkan penjana audio dan dua pembesar suara 2. Adjust the separation, a, of the two speakers 1.0m. Ubah pemisahan ,a dua pembesar suara 1.0m. 3. Switch on the signal generator. Hidupakan penjana audio. 4. An observer stand 5m in front of A and B and walks in a straight line parallel to the both loudspeaker position. Pemerhati berdiri 5m dihadapan pembesar suara dan berjalan di sepanjang garis garis lurus selari dengan kedudukan kedua-dua pembesar suara.
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5. The distance between two consecutive loud sound heard, x, is measured by metre rule. Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x diukur dengan menggunakan pembaris meter. 6. Repeat the experiment with distance between two loudspeakers, a=1.2m, 1.4m,1.6m,1.8m and 2.0m. Eksperimen diulang dengan jarak antara dua pembesar suara,a = 1.2m, 1.4m,1.6m,1.8m dan 2.0m.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Distance between two loud speakers, a (cm ) Jarak antara dua pembesar suara, a(cm )
Distance between two consecutive loud sounds,x Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Distance between two consecutive loud sounds Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan
Distance between two loud speakers Jarak antara dua pembesar suara
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Rise in temperature, and magnitude of current Kenaikan suhu, dan magnitud arus. , I
Time of heating // volume of water Masa pemanasan // isipadu air
Inference Inferens
Rise in temperature depends on the magnitude of current. Kenaikan suhu bergantung kepada magnitud arus.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The magnitude of current increases the rise in temperature increases. Semakin bertambah magnitud arus semakin bertambah kenaikan suhu.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the rise in temperature and magnitude of current . Menyiasat hubungan antara kenaikan suhu dan magnitud arus.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Magnitude of current, I : Magnitud arus, I
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Rise in temperature, : Kenaikan suhu,
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Time of heating // volume of water : Masa pemanasan // isipadu air
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Record the initial water temperature, 0 Catatkan suhu awal air, 0 2. Switch on the circuit and adjust the the rheostat to supply a current 0.2A. Hidupkan suis dan laraskan rheostat supaya arus yang mengalir 0.2A. 3. Record the final water temperature, F after 5 minutes. Rekod suhu akhir air, F selepas 5 minit. 4. Rise in temperature, is calculated by using the formula = F - 0 Kenaikan suhu, dihitung dengan menggunakan formula = F - 0 5. Repeat the experiment for different magnitude of current, I=0.4A, 0.6A,0.8A and 1.0A. Eksperimen diulang dengan magnitud arus yang berbeza, I= 0.4A, 0.6A,0.8A dan 1.0A.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Magnitude of current, I (A) Magnitud arus, I(A)
Rise in temperature, Kenaikan suhu,
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Rise in temperature Kenaikan suhu
Magnitude of current Magnitud arus
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Resistance and length/diameter of wire Rintangan dan panjang / diameter dawai.
Diameter/length/ current/resistivity Diameter /panjang / arus / kerintangan Inference Inferens
Resistance of wire depends on the length of wire. Riantangan dawai bergantung kepada panjang dawai
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The length of wire increases the resistance of wire increases. Semakin bertambah panjang dawai semakin bertambah rintangan dawai.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the resistance of wire and the length of wire. Menyiasat hubungan antara rintangan dawai dan panjang dawai
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: length of wire. : Panjang dawai
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: resistance of wire : rintangan dawai
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Diameter/length/ current/resistivity : Diameter /panjang / arus / kerintangan
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. A constantan wire (s.w.g 28) with the length, L=10.0 cm is connected between XY. Wayar constantan (s.w.g 28) dengan panjang, L=10.0 cm disambungkan antara titik XY. 2. The rheostat is adjusted until the current flows in the circuit 0.5A and voltmeter reading is recorded. Reostat dilaraskan supaya arus yang mengalir di dalam litar 0.5A dan bacaan voltmeter direkodkan. 3. The resistance calculated by using a formula, R=V/I Rintangan di hitung dengan menggunakan formula R=V/I 4. Repeat the experiment with length of wire, L=20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm and 50.0cm. Ulang eksperimen dengan panjang dawai L=20.0cm, 30.0cm, 40.0cm and 50.0cm.
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Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: length of wire, L (cm) Panjang dawai, L(cm)
resistance of wire,R () Rintangan dawai, R()
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Resistance of wire Riantangan dawai
Length of wire Panjang dawai
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Energy / Work done / Power / height of the load and magnitude of current / voltage Tenaga / Kerja dilakukan / Kuasa / Ketinggian beban dan magnitud arus / voltan.
h, I
Mass of the load Jisim beban
Inference Inferens
Height of the load depends on the magnitude of current. Ketinggian beban bergantung kepada magnitud arus.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The magnitude of current increases the height of the load increases Semakin bertambah magnitud arus semakin bertambah ketinggian beban.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the height of the load and magnitude of current Mengkaji hubungan antara ketinggian beban dan magnitud arus.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Magnitude of current, I : Magnitud arus, I
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Height of the load,h : Ketinggian beban, h
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Mass of the load : Jisim beban
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Switch on the power supply. Hidupkan bekalan kuasa. 2. Adjust the rheostat so that the current flow in the circuit is 0.5A. Laraskan rheostat supaya arus yang mengalir dalam litar, I= 0.5 A. 3. Activate the stopwatch. Hidupkan jam randik. 4. Measure the height/distance of the load, h goes up using a ruler in 2 minutes. Ukur ketinggian / jarak beban, h menggunakan pembaris meter selepas 2 minit. 5. Repeat experiment with different current, I=1.0A, 1.5A, 2.0A and 2.5A. Eksperimen diulang dengan magnitud arus yang berbeza, I= 1.0A, 1.5A, 2.0A dan 2.5A. 4531/2 © Fizik_2013
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Magnitude of current, I (A) Magnitud arus, I(A)
Height of the load Ketinggian beban
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Height of the load Ketinggian beban
Magnitude of current Magnitud arus
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Strength of magnetic field / number of pin attracted and magnitude of current Kekuatan medan magnet / bilangan pin yang ditarik dan magnitud arus. N, I
Number of turn of the solenoid Bilangan lilitan solenoid
Inference Inferens
Strength of magnetic field depends on the magnitude of current. Kekuatan medan magnet bergantung kepada magnitud arus.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The magnitude of current increases the strength of magnetic field increases. Semakin bertambah magnitud arus semakin bertambah kekuatan medan magnet.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the strength of magnetic field and magnitude of current . Mengkaji hubungan antara kekuatan medan magnet dan magnitud arus.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Magnitude of current, I : Magnitud arus, I
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Number of pin attracted : Bilangan pin yang ditarik
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Number of turn of the solenoid : Bilangan lilitan solenoid
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The switch is on and rheostat is adjusted to set the current flow, I = 0.2A. Hidupkan suis dan rheostat dilaraskan supaya arus yang mengalir, I = 0.2A 2. Bring the petri dish filled with pin at the end of solenoid. Bawa piring petri yang berisi pin pada hujung solenoid. 3. Record the number of pin attracted by the end of the solenoid. Catatkan bilangan pin yang ditarik oleh hujung solenoid. 4. Repeat the experiment with current, I =0.4A, 0.6A, 0.8A and 1.0A. Eksperimen diulang dengan magnitud arus yang berbeza, I= 0.4A, 0.6A,0.8A dan 1.0A. 39 4531/3 © Fizik_2014
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Magnitude of current, I (A) Magnitud arus, I(A)
Number of pin attracted Bilangan pin yang ditarik
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Number of pin attracted Bilangan pin yang ditarik
Magnitude of current Magnitud arus
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Magnitude of the induced current and velocity / speed / height of bar magnet Magnitud arus teraruh dan halaju / laju / ketinggian magnet bar
I, h
Number of turn of the solenoid Bilangan lilitan solenoid
Inference Inferens
Magnitude of the induced current depends on the height of bar magnet. Magnitud arus teraruh bergantung kepada ketinggian magnet bar.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The height of bar magnet increases the magnitude of the induced current increases. Semakin bertambah ketinggian magnet bar semakin bertambah magnitud arus teraruh.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the magnitude of the induced current and height of bar magnet. Mengkaji hubungan antara ketinggian magnet bar dan magnitud arus teraruh.
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Height of bar magnet ,h : Ketinggian magnet bar, h
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Magnitude of the induced current : Magnitud arus teraruh
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Number of turn of the solenoid : Bilangan lilitan solenoid
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The height of bar magnet is adjusted at h = 20 cm. Ketinggian magnet bar dilaraskan, h = 20 cm 2. The bar magnet is dropped vertically into the coil of wire. Record the maximum reading of miliammeter. Magnet bar dijatuhkan secara tegak ke dalam gegelung wayar. Catatkan bacaan maksimum miammeter.
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3. Repeat the experiment with different height of bar magnet dropped, h = 30 cm, 40 cm, 50cm and 60 cm . Eksperimen diulang dengan menjatuhkan magnet bar pada ketinggian yang berbeza, h= 30 cm, 40 cm, 50cm dan 60 cm .
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Height of bar magnet, h (cm) Ketinggian magnet bar,h (cm)
Magnitude of the induced current Magnitud arus teraruh
20 30 40 50 60
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Magnitude of the induced current Magnitud arus teraruh
Height of bar magnet Ketinggian magnet bar
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Force / displacement / distance travelled and magnitude current. Daya / sesaran / jarak yang dilalui dan magnitud arus
I, h
Number of magnet bar / strength of electromagnet Bilangan bar magnet / kekuatan elektromagnet
Inference Inferens
Distance travelled of bare copper rod depends on the magnitude of current. Jarak yang dilalui oleh bar rod kuprum bergantung kepada magnitud arus.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The magnitude of current.increases the distance travelled of bare copper rod increases. Semakin bertambah magnitud arus semakin bertambah jarak yang dilalui oleh bar rod kuprum.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the distance travelled of bare copper rod and magnitude of current. Mengkaji hubungan antara jarak yang dilalui oleh bar rod kuprum dan magnitud arus
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Magnitude current. : Magnitud arus.
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Distance travelled of bare copper rod : Jarak yang dilalui oleh bar rod kuprum
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
: Number of bar magnet : Bilangan bar magnet
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Procedure : Prosedur : 1. The switch is switched on. The rheostat is adjusted to obtain a current, I = 0.5 A Suis dihidupkan. Reostat dilaraskan supaya arus mengalir, I = 0.5A 2. Measure the displacement of the bare copper rod by using metre ruler. Ukur sesaran bar rod kuprum menggunakan pembaris meter.
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3. Repeat the experiment with different magnitude of current, I = 1.0A. 1.5A, 2.0 A and 2.5A.. Eksperimen diulang dengan magnitud arus yang berbez, I = 1.0A. 1.5A, 2.0 A dan 2.5A..
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Magnitude of current, I (A) Magnitud arus, I (A)
Distance travelled of bare copper rod Jarak yang dilalui oleh bar rod kuprum
20 30 40 50 60
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Distance travelled of bare copper rod Jarak yang dilalui oleh bar rod kuprum
Magnitude of current. Magnitud arus.
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Magnitude of induced current / potential difference (Vs) and number of turns of the secondary coil Magnitud arus teraruh / beza keupayaan dan bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder
I, Ns
: Primary voltage // number of turns of the primary coil // size / diameter / thickness of wire of coils. Voltan Primary // bilangan lilitan gegelung primary //saiz / diameter / ketebalan gegelung wayar.
Inference Inferens
Magnitude of the induced current depends on the number of turns of the secondary coil Magnitud arus teraruh bergantung kepada bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder.
Hypothesis Hipotesis
The number of turns of the secondary coil increases the magnitude of the induced current decreases. Semakin bertambah bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder semakin berkurang magnitud arus teraruh.
Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen
To investigate the relationship between the magnitude of the induced current and number of turns of the secondary coil. Mengkaji hubungan antara magnitud arus teraruh. dan bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder .
Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
: Number of turns of the secondary coil, Ns : Bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder.Ns
Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
: Magnitude of the induced current : Magnitud arus teraruh
Constant variable Pembolehubah yang ditetapkan
: Number of turns of the primary coil : Bilangan lilitan gegelung primary
Arrangement of apparatus: Susunan Radas:
Ac power supply
Soft laminated iron core
Ac power supply
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Procedure : Prosedur : 1. Set up the apparatus as shown, with a 240 V ac current supply with 50 turns on the primary coil. Susun alat radas seperti ditunjukkan iaitu bekalan kuasa 240V dengan 50 bilangan lilitan gegelung primary. 2. Set the secondary coil so that the number of turns n = 20 Gegelung sekunder dilaraskan dengan bilangan lilitan, n =20 3. Switch on the power supply, measure the current, I by using the ammeter that passes through the secondary coil. Hidupkan bekalan kuasa, ukur arus,I dengan menggunakan ammeter yang melalui gegelung sekunder. 4. Repeat the experiment with different number of secondary coil, n = 40, 60, 80 and 100 turns. Eksperimen diulang dengan bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder yang berbeza, Ns = 40, 60, 80 dan 100 turns.
Tabulation of data: Penjadualan data: Number of turns of the secondary coil,Ns Bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder, Ns
Magnitude of the induced current Magnitud arus teraruh
20 40 60 80 100
Analysis of data: Analisis data: Magnitude of the induced current Magnitud arus teraruh
Number of turns of the secondary coil Bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder, n
46 4531/3 © Fizik_2014
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