3. Ho phsncim quh thlh bhlms scofic nmbhrnfco hlhrm, puhih prmnhscrsh fliusrfcobhlh pcrc shrvfr nmbm duhlh ih ims prmiunms ih flhræs. Zmr ul ocim sh hxrch cnhfh ih phsncim nml ercl nmlhlfim hl ãnfims ercsms mbhec->, y pmr mrm gcrflc ih phsncim, nml ul hohvcim h ohvcim nmlhlfim prmhâlfnm y acsh ih pfhlsms pcrc clfbcohs m ciftvm ih surfbf. Hl ulc poclc ih rccbfhlm ih phsncim sh prhlscl 3::: ke/g ih phsncim nmnfim (`urhohs) pcrc hxrchr cnhfh y hofbflcr pcrh iho ceuc. Oc pcsc ih phsncim nmnfim hbpohcic nmlthlh ul 5:% ih ceuc, 38% ih prmhâlc, 3:% ih cnhfh y ul 8% ih mrms nmbpmlhlhs. n mbpmlhlhs. Oc mrc mahlfic rcs ho prhlscim (imlih sh hxrch ho cnhfh ih phsncim bãs ceuc y mrms nmbpmlhlhs lm vcofmsms) sh pcsc c ul gmrlm rmcmrfm pcrc shncroc y mahlhr oc gcrflc ih phsncim quh nmlhlirã ul 7>% ih prmhâlc, ul 1 % ih cnhfh y cl smom ul 8% ih ceuc. Nml hsc fldmrbcnfþl y ho ifcercbc quh sh buhsrc, ihhrbflcr0 prmiunnfþl ih cnhfh y ih gcrflc, csâ nmbm ho h o rhsm ih nmrrfhlhs.
Zãeflc 1 Bmrhlm, Q. (1:39). Csfelcurc Dulicbhlms ih Flehlfhrâc ih oms Cofbhlms (DFC). Zãeflc 1. gp0//www.uer.hs/~hp:17/c/nursm]1:3>]1:39/h`hrnfnfms/Qhocnfml]1]bchrfc]sfshbc]sfl]1: 3>]1:39.pid
1. C ul orm sh cofbhlcl 3 ::: ke ih `uem ih lcrcl`c, quh nmlthlh 31.8% hl phsm ih sþofims. Nmbm rhsuocim ih oc mphrcnfþl ih orcim, sh mathlhl 1 nmrrfhlhs; ulc ih `uem y mrc ih puopc, ih co bclhrc quh oc nmrrfhlh ih `uem hs 9 vhnhs bcymr c oc ih oc puopc. Ho `uem orcim sh nmlnhlrc hl ul hvcpmrcimr co vcnâm pcrc oohvcrom gcsc ulc nmlnhlrcnfþl ih 87% ih sþofims. Oc nmrrfhlh ih puopc sh ihrfvc, hxrcyælimoc clhs ih hlrcr co hvcpmrcimr y sh bhznoc nml ho `uem nmlnhlrcim hl ul bhznocimr. Hsh `uem nmlnhlrcim lco nmlthlh 91% hl phsm ih sþofims;
nconuoh oc nmlnhlrcnfþl ih sþofims hl ho `uem orcim, oms ke ih `uem nmlnhlrcim lco y oc nmlnhlrcnfþl ih sþofims hl oc puopc quh sh ihrfvc
Ymrrhs, E. Zrmaohbcrfm ih acoclnhs ih bchrfc y hlhreâc acoclnhs ih bchrfc sfl rhcnnfþl quâbfnc. Zãeflc 3>. gps0//www.cncihbfc.hiu/>57646:1/ZQMAOHBCQFM]IH]ACOCLNH^]IH]BCYHQFC]V]HLHQE gps0//www.cncihbfc.hiu/>57646:1/ZQMAOHBCQFM]IH]ACOCLNH^]IH]B CYHQFC]V]HLHQE %N>%7IC]ACOCLNH^]IH]BCYHQFC]^FL]QHCNNF%N>%6>L]SX%N>%7IBFNC= hbcfo]wmrk]ncri2vfhw-pcphr
>. Xl hvcpmrcimr sh cofbhlc nml 3:::: ke/g ih ulc ifsmounfþl ih KL:> co 1:% hl phsm, oc ifsmounfþl nmlnhlrcic quh scoh iho hvcpmrcimr nml 8:% hl phsm ih KL:> sh oohvc c ul nrfscofzcimr imlih sh hldrâc, nrfscofzclim ho KL:> y quhiclim ulcs ceucs bcirhs (ifsmounfþl scurcic drâc nml :,4 ke ih KL:> pmr ke ih G1M). Oc bcsc ih nrfscohs shpcrcims hl ho nrfscofzcimr nmlthlh ul 9% hl phsm ih ceuc. Nconuocr oms ke ih sco gðbhic prmiunfims pmr gmrc.
Acoclnh Acocl nh eomaco C 2N + I
Bmrhlm, Q. (1:39). Csfelcurc Dulicbhlms ih Flehlfhrâc ih oms Cofbhlms (DFC). Zãeflc 1. gp0//www.uer.hs/~hp:17/c/nursm]1:3>]1:39/h`hrnfnfms/Qhocnfml]1]bchrfc]sfshbc]sfl]1: 3>]1:39.pid
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