Ejercicio de presente simple (extra) I. Completa el crucigrama colocando las palabras en inglés. Across 1. hacer mi quehacer (my chores) 2. levantarse (up) 4. despertar (up) 5. ir a trabajar (to work) 7. desayunar (have) Down 1. verstirse (et) !. llear a casa (home) 4. pasear al perro (the do) ". ver televisi#n ($%) &. tomar un ba'o (a shower)
II. COMPLETA LOS E!CIADOS CO EL "E#$O CO##ECTO. 1. y ather ********** at seven o+clock every day. a) et up b) ets up c) makes supper
d) make supper
2. , always ********** in the mornin when , et up. a) take a shower b) takes a shower c) o to bed
d) oes to bed
!. , always ********** every day ater , eat. a) come home b) comes home c) brush my teeth
d) brushes my teeth
4. y mother hardly ever ********** at niht. -he doesnt like niht prorams. a) wake up b) watch $% c) watches $% d) wakes up 5. /ter my sister brushes her teeth at niht she **********. a) et up b) oes to bed c) o to bed
d) ets up
". y brother ********** at around 0 every niht. a) o to bed b) eats breakast c) eat breakast
d) oes to bed
7. y mother ********** every day in the mornin beore she eats breakast. a) o to bed b) oes to bed c) take a shower d) takes a shower &. y brothers usually ********** at niht beore they o to bed. a) eats breakast b) eat breakast c) does homework
d) do homework
0. y amily usually ********** at niht around 0 pm. a) watch $% b) watches $% c) wakes up
d) wake up
1. y sister always ********** to school3 -hes never absent. a) a) o to school b) oes to school c) ets dressed
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