Eje 116 PDF

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EJE 116/118/120 Operating instructions 50425855 06.06


4  7  S e t  e  t 

5  8  0 

3  6  9 

10.03 -



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Foreword The present ORIGINAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS are designed to provide sufficient instruction for the safe operation of the industrial truck. The information is provided clearly and concisely. The chapters are arranged by letter. Each chapter  starts with page 1. The page identification consists of a chapter letter and a page number. For example: Page B 2 is the second page in chapter B. The operating instructions detail different truck models. When operating and servicing the truck, make sure that the instructions apply to your truck model.

Safety instructions and important explanations are indicated by the following graphics:


Used before safety instructions which must be observed to avoid danger to personnel.


Used before notices which must be observed to avoid material damage. Used before notices and explanations.


Used to indicate standard equipment.


Used to indicate optional equipment.

Our trucks are subject to ongoing development. Jungheinrich reserves the right to alter the design, equipment and technical features of the truck. No guarantee of  particular features of the truck should therefore be inferred from the present operating instructions.  Copyright Copyright of these operating instructions remains with

Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft  Am Stadtrand 35 22047 Hamburg - GERMANY Telephone: +49 (0) 40/6948-0 www.jungheinrich.com

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Table of contents  A

Correct use and applicatio application n of the truck


Truck description

1 2

Descri Descriptio ption n of use ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... B 1 Descri Descripti ption on of assem assembli blies es and functi functions ons .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. B 2

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 4.1

Techni Technical cal data data - Standa Standard rd ver versio sion n ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... B 3 Performan Performance ce data for standard standard trucks trucks ........... ................. ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... B 3 Dimensions Dimensions ...... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ...... B 3 EN standards standards ............ ................. ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... B 5 Conditions Conditions for application application ...... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ B 5 Labels Labels and plates plates ........ ........... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... B 6 Truck Truck identifica identification tion plate ................ ..................... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... B 7


Tr Tra anspo sporta rtati tion on and co com mmiss ssiion oniing

1 2

Transp Transport ortati ation on by crane crane ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... C 1 Commis Commissio sionin ning g ........ ........... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... C 1

3 3. 3.1 1

Moving Moving an incapa incapacit citate ated d ttruc ruck k ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... C 2 Emer Emerge genc ncy y oper operat atio ion n with with ser servi vice ce key key 741 741 (o) .................................. C 3


Ba Batt tter ery y-S Ser ervi vici cing ng,, re rech char argi ging ng,, re repl plac acem emen entt

1 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2

Safe Safety ty re regu gula lati tion ons s gov gover erni ning ng the the h han andl dlin ing g of le lead ad-a -aci cid db bat atte teri ries es .. .... .... .... .. D 1 Batter Battery y ty type pe ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. D 2 Batter Batteries ies and motor motor output output:: ........ ........... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... D 2 Exposi Exposing ng the batter battery y ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... D 3 Chargi Charging ng the the batt battery ery .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... D 3 Chargi Charging ng the the batt battery ery with with a stat station ionary ary chargi charging ng devi device ce ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... D 3 Select Selecting ing the the char chargin ging g cu curv rves es in the integr integrate ated d ch charg arging ing dev device ice (o) ... ... D 4

6 7

Removi Rem instal ins batter bat y ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... D Batteoving ry ng discand harg e talling indling icatthe or (t ) tery ............................................... ........................................................... ............ D7 8

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1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Safe Safety ty re regu gula lati tion ons s gov gover ernin ning g tthe he oper operat atio ion n of of the the fork fork lif liftt tru truck ck .... ...... .... .... .. E 1 Desc Descri ript ptio ion n of the the opera operati ting ng con contr trol ols s and and displ display ays s .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. E 2 StartStart-up up of truc truck k ....... .......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... E 4 Operat Operation ion of the for fork k llift ift truck truck ..... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... E 5 Safety Safety regu regulat lation ions s applic applicabl able e when when operat operating ing the the tr truck uck ..... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. E 5 Driving, Driving, steering, steering, braking braking ........... ................. ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ E 6 Picking Picking up and setting setting down loads ....... ............ .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... E 9

4.4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

Rendering Rendering the vehicle vehicle safe when parking parking ........... ................. ........... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... E 9 Keyboard (CANCODE) (o) ................................................................. ................................................................. E 10 Code lock ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... E 10 Travel Travel programme programmes s ........... ................ ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ E 12 Parameter Parameters s ........... ................. ........... .......... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ E 12 Parameter Parameter settings settings ........ .............. ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... E 13 Travel Travel parameters parameters ....... ............ .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ E 17 Display instrument (CANDIS) (o) ....................................................... ....................................................... E 20 Discharge Discharge monitor monitor function function ........... ................ .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........ E 21 Operating Operating hours display display ............... .................... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ E 21 Switch-on Switch-on test .......... ................ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........ E 21 Fault locat location ion ........ ............. .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........ E 22


Maintenance of of th the ffo ork lliift tr truck

1 2 3 4 5 5.1 6 6.1

Operat Operation ional al safety safety and enviro environme nmenta ntall protec protectio tion n .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... F 1 Safe Safety ty reg regul ulat atio ions ns app appli lica cabl ble e to truc truck k main mainte tena nanc nce e .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. F 1 Servic Servicing ing and inspec inspectio tion n ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... F 3 Main Mainte tena nanc nce e Chec Check k - lis listt EJE EJE 116 116 / 118 118 / 120 120 .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. F 4 Lubr Lubric icat atio ion n Sche Schedu dule le EJE EJE 116 116 / 1 118 18 / 120 120 .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... F 6 Fuels, Fuels, coolants coolants and lubricants lubricants ........... ................ ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ............ ........ F 7 Instru Instructi ctions ons for the ser servic vicing ing operat operation ions s .. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. F 8 Prepar Preparing ing the truc truck k for for the the perfor performan mance ce of of se servi rvicin cing g and and maintenance operations ................................................................ ...................................................................... ...... F 8

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8

Removing Removing the front cover cover ............... .................... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... F 8 Removing Removing the drive drive cover cover ........... ................ .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........ F 8 Checking Checking the electric electric fuses fuses ........... ................ .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........ F 9 Recommis Recommissionin sioning g the truck truck ............ .................. ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... F 10 Decomm Decommiss ission ioning ing the fork fork lift lift truck truck ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. F 10 Operat Operation ions s to b be e perfor performed med p prio riorr to decom decommis missio sionin ning g ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. F 10 Measur Measures es to be taken taken duri during ng decomm decommiss ission ioning ing ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... F 10 Recommis Recommissionin sioning g the truck truck ............ .................. ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..... F 11 Safe Safety ty ch chec ecks ks to be perf perfor orme med d at at rreg egul ular ar in inte terv rval als sa and nd follo followi wing ng any untoward incidents (D: Accident prevention check according to BGV D27) ....................................................................... ....................................................................... F 11 Final Final de-com de-commis missio sionin ning, g, dispos disposal al ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... F 11


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 Appendix JH Traction Battery Operating Instructions Z

These operating instructions apply only to Jungheinrich battery models. If using another brand, refer to the manufacturer's operating instructions.

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 A Correct use and application application of the truck Z

The “Guidelines for the Correct Use and Application of Industrial Trucks” (VDMA) are included in the scope of delivery for this truck. The guidelines are part of these operating instructions and must always be heeded. National regulations are fully applicable. The fork-lift truck described in these operating instructions is a truck that is suitable for lifting and transporting loads. It must be used, operated and maintained according to the information in these operating instructions. Any other uses are outside the design envelope and can lead to injury to persons or damage to equipment and property. Above all, overloading caused by excessively heavy or unbalanced loads must be avoided. The max. admissible load to be picked up is indicated on the identification plate or load diagram label shown on the truck. The fork-lift truck must not be operated in spaces subject to fire or explosion hazards, or in spaces where corrosive or very dusty atmospheres prevail. Duties of the user: A user:  A „user“ within the meaning of these operating instructions is defined as any natural or legal person who either uses the fork-lift truck himself, or on whose behalf it is used. In special cases (e.g. leasing or renting), the user is considered the person, who, in accordance with existing contractual agreements between the owner and the user of the fork-lift truck, is charged with the observance of the operating duties. The user must ensure that the truck is not abused and only used within its design limits and that all danger to life and limb of the operator, or third parties, is avoided. In addition to this, it must be ensured that the relevant accident prevention regulations and other safety-related provisions, as well as the operating, servicing and maintenance guidelines, are observed. The user must also ensure that all persons operating the truck have read and understood these operating instructions.


If these Operating Instruction are not observed the warranty becomes void. The same applies if improper work is carried out on the device by the customer and/or third parties without permission of our Customer Service. Mounting of attachments: The attachments: The mounting or installation of any attachments which will interfere with, or supplement, the functions of the truck is permitted only after written approval by the manufacturer has been obtained. If necessary, the approval of  local authorities has to be obtained.  Any approval obtained from local authorities does not, however, make the approval by the manufacturer unnecessary. unnecessary.

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 A 1


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 A 2


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B Truck de description 1

Description of use

The truck is designed for transporting goods on a level surface. Palets with an open floor support or with lateral boards outside of the area of the load-bearing wheels or  trolleys can be transported. The load capacity can be found on the load capacity label Qmax. Truck type, load capacity and motor output: Type EJE 116 EJE 118 EJE 118


4  7  S e t t 

5  8 

Load capacity 1,600 kg 1,800 kg 2,000 kg

Motor output 1.0 kW 1.0 kW 1.0 kW

3  6  9 

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Desc escrip riptio tion of assem ssemb bli lies es and functi nctio ons 11 12 13




9 1


1  4





3   6

5   8

 9     S   t   e







Item Designation 1   t Discharge indicator o Display instrument (CANDIS) 2   o Keyboard (CANCODE) 3   t Key switch o Key switch (with an additional second stage for brake release) 4   t Front cover 5   t Drive cover (2 sections) 6   t Supporting wheels 7   t Drive wheel t

= Standard equipment

Item 8   t 9   o


10   t

Designation Load lifting device Integrated charging device 24V/30A (incl. safety circuit) Battery hood

11   t 12   t

Controller  Collision safety device

13   t 14   t 15   t

Control shaft Battery plug (emergency stop) Inching speed pushbutton


o =

Optional equipment       B       G  .       3       0       8       0



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Technical data - Standard version


Description of the technical data according to VDI 2198. Technical modifications and additions reserved.

3.1 3. 1

Perf Perfor orma manc nce e data data for for sta stand ndar ard d truc trucks ks


Designation Load capacity Load Load ce cent ntre re dist distan ance ce fo forr st stan anda dard rd fork length *) Travelling speed with/without load Lifting speed with/without load Lowering speed with/without load Max. climbing capacity (5 min.) with/without load

EJE 116 EJE 118 EJE 120 1,600 1,800 2,000 600 600 600

kg mm

6.0 / 6.0 3.4 / 4.2 5.3 / 3.6 10 / 20

km/h cm/s cm/s %

6.0 / 6.0 3.3 / 4.2 5.3 / 3.6 9 / 20

6.0 / 6.0 3.2 / 4.2 5.3 / 3.6 8 / 20

longer,, the load centre is in the middle of the fork. *) If the forks are longer 3.2



EJE 116 / 118 / 120 Short version  h3 Lifting height 122  h13 Load lifting device, lowered 85 Y* Wheel base (short, long) 1,240 / 1,310 l1 Overall length (short, long) 1,630 / 1,700 l2 Length including back of fork (short, long) 480 / 550 l Standard fork length 1,150 b1 Truck width 700 Wa* Turning radius 1,450 / 1,520  Ast* Working aisle width 800 x 1200 pallets, lengthwise 1,915** / 1,985**  Ast* Working aisle width width 1000 1000 x 1200 pallets, c crosswise rosswise 1,865 / 1,935 a Safety distance 200

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

* Load section lifted / lowered lowered +55 mm ** Diagonally as per VDI +204 mm

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        8         6         2         1

c Q

        3         0         8


        h         0         4



       5        5

        3         1


y l1

      e         1         1

        0         0        7

a _ 2


        b         b

a _ 2

  W a Ast

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EN standards

Con onti tinu nuou ous s sou sound nd lev level: el:

70 dB( B(A) A) according to EN 12053 as stipulated in ISO 4871


The continuous sound level is a value averaged according to standard regulations, taking the sound pressure level into account when driving, lifting and idling. The sound pressure level is measured at the ear. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) The manufacturer confirms compliance with the limit values for electromagnetic emission and interference immunity as well as testing of static electricity discharge according to EN 12895 and the references to other  standards contained therein.


Electrical or electronic components and their arrangement may only be modified after  written approval by the manufacturer has been obtained.

3.4 3.4

Condit nditiions ons fo for ap appli lica cati tio on

 Ambient temperature: - during operation: 5 C to 40 C  °



Industrial trucks must be specially equipped and approved for continuous use in environments with temperatures temperatures below 5 °C or in cold stores respectively respectively with extreme extreme temperatures or humidity changes.

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Labels and plates







19 20 1

4  7  S e  et  t   

Item 16 17 18 19 20

5  8 

3  6  9 

Designation Truc Truck k ide ident ntif ific ica ation tion pl plat ate e Load capacity Qmax Pr Proh ohib ibit itio ion n sig sign n ““Do Do not not ride ride on tr truc uck” k” Li Lift ftin ing g poin pointt for for cran crane e tran transp spor orta tati tion on Plat Plate e co conf nfir irmi ming ng acci accide dent nt pr prev even enti tion on chec checks ks (onl (only y


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4.1 4.1

Truck ruck id iden enttif ific icat atio ion n pla platte











27 26

Item Designation


Item Designation




Manufacturer logo


Serial No.


Min./max. battery weight in kg


Rated capacity in kg


Drive power in kW

24 25

System voltage V Dead we weight wi without b ba attery iin n kg kg

30 31

Load centre distance in mm Year of manufacture





The load lifting device must be lifted li fted to read the identification plate. If you have questions concerning the truck or ordering spare parts, please indicate the serial serial number number (22). (22).

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C Tran Transp spor orta tati tion on and and comm commis issi sion onin ing g 1

Transportation by crane


Only use lifting equipment with sufficient load capacity. Transpor Tran sportatio tation n weight = dead weight weight + battery weight; weight; see truc truck k identif identificatio ication n plate.)


Lifting points (1) are supplied on the chassis for transporting the truck using a crane.  – Safely park the the truck (see Chapter Chapter E).  – Attach the c crane rane equipment equipment to the lifting points (1).


 Attach the crane equipment to the lift-ing points in such a manner that it absolutely cannot slip! Lifting equipment for the crane must be attached in such a manner that it does not come into contact with components during lifting.




Only drive the truck under battery power!  A rectified alternating current damages the electronic components. Cable connections to the battery (towing cable) must be be shorter shorter than than 6 m.



4  7  S e t 

5  8 

3  6  9 

In order to make the truck operationally ready after delivery or after transport, carry out the following:  –  –  –  –

Check the state state and the completeness of the equipment. If necessary, necessary, install the battery; do not damage the battery c cable. able. Charge the battery (see Chapter D) D).. The battery battery discharge discharge indicator must match match the battery ty type pe (to be verified by manufacturer service personnel) if the customer uses a maintenance-free battery.  – Put the truck into operation operation as described described (see Chapter E). E).


 After the truck is parked, the sur surfaces faces of the wheels may flatten. After a s short hort driving time, this flattening disappears again.

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Moving an an in incapacitated tr truck In order to be able to move the truck in emergency operation, the electromagnetically operated brake must be released.  – Remove the front hood hood (2) (see Chapter Chapter F).  – Remove the right-hand right-hand drive cover (3) (see Chapter F).  – Screw on 2 off M4x20 M4x20 bolts (4) to loosen loosen the armature plate. The truck can now be moved.


Remove the bolts again when you have parked the truck. Braking is now restored.!


1  4






8  0

6  9     S   t   e




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3. 3.1 1

Emer Emerge genc ncy yo ope pera rati tion on with with serv servic ice e key key 741 741 (o) The EJE can be manually moved in case of faults in the electric system. A battery must be in the truck and connected. Set service key 741 (o) (701 is standard) to position 2 of the key switch.


Key 701 for normal truck operation can be turned to key switch position 1 only.  – Press and hold the “Inching speed” pushbutton. pushbutton.  – The brake releases, releases, i.e. the truck can can be moved. The brake brakes the truck as soon as the inching speed pushbutton is released.

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D Batt Batter ery y - Serv Servic icin ing, g, rech rechar argi ging ng,, re repl plac aceement 1

Safe Safety ty re regu gula lati tion ons s gov gover erni ning ng the the h han andl dlin ing go off llea eadd-ac acid id batt batter erie ies s The truck must be parked and rendered safe before any operations on batteries are undertaken (refer to chapter E). Servicing staff: Recharging, staff: Recharging, servicing and replacing of batteries must only be performed by qualified personnel. The instructions contained in this operating manual, and the instructions of the manufacturer of the battery and of the battery recharging station, must be observed when performing the above operations. Fire protection measures: Smoking measures: Smoking and naked flames are not permitted when handling batteries. No inflammable substances or spark-generating materials must be present or stored within a distance of 2 meters of the truck parked for battery recharging. The location must be well ventilated and fire fighting equipment must be kept ready. Servicing of batteries: The batteries: The battery cell screw caps must be kept dry and clean. Terminals and cable shoes must be clean, lightly greased with pole grease and must be securely tightened. Batteries with bare terminal posts must be covered using a nonskid insulating mat. Disposal of the battery: Batteries battery: Batteries must only be disposed of as stipulated in the national environmental protection regulations or waste disposal provisions. The manufacturer’s specifications for the disposal must be heeded.


Before closing the battery hood, make sure that the battery cable cannot be damaged.


Batteries contain dissolved acid which is toxic and caustic. For this reason, protective clothing and goggles must be worn whenever work is undertaken on batteries. Avoid physical contact with battery acid. If clothing, skin or eyes accidentally come into contact with battery acid, liberally flush the affected parts with clean water. Consult a doctor when skin or eyes come into contact with battery acid. Spilled battery acid must be immediately neutralized.



Only batteries with closed tray may be used. Battery weight and dimensions have considerable influence on operational safety of  the truck. Changing the battery equipment is not permitted without prior approval by the manufacturer.

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Battery type For the battery weight, refer to the battery identification plate. Depending on the use, the EJE is equipped with different types of batteries. (refer to chapter B).


Batteries with non-insulated poles must be covered with an anti-slip insulating jacket. When changing / assembling the battery, make sure that it is properly fixed in the battery compartment the truck.


Batteries and motor output:

24 V - PzS - battery Motor output


EJE Short version (K) 1 PzS 12 126 Ah 1 PzS 150 Ah 1.0 kW

EJE Long version (L) 1 PzS 200 Ah 0,8 kW

The abbreviations “K” “K” (short version) version) and “L” (long version) version) on the identification plate indicate the present model. Depending on the battery battery type, performance-enhanced performance-enhanced and maintenance-free maintenance-free batteries can also be used.


When replacing/installing the battery, battery, pay attention that it is firm firmly ly seated in the battery compartment of the truck.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Exposing the battery  – Safely park the truck truck (see Chapter E).  – Open the battery hood (2). To do so, open the hood at the recessed grip (1) and swing it up.  – If it is present, remove remove the isolation mat from the battery.


The battery hood is held open only by its own weight.


Charging the battery


To charge the battery, park the truck in a closed, well-ventilated room. During charging, the surfaces of the battery cells must be exposed to provide sufficient aeration. No metallic objects must be laid on the battery. Before charging, check all cable and plug connections for visible damage. The safety regulations of the manufacturer of the battery and the charging station must be heeded.


Chargi Charging ng the batter battery y with with a stat station ionary ary chargi charging ng device device  – Remove the battery battery plug (3).  – Expose the battery battery (see Section 4).  – Connect the battery plug (3) with the charging cable cable of the stationary ch charging arging device and switch on the charging device.



4  7  S e  et  

5  8 



3  6  9 

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Select Selecting ing the the charg charging ing cur curves ves in the the int integr egrate ated d charg charging ing device device (o)


The battery charger must not be opened. If it is damaged, it has to be exchanged.


The switch (6) of trucks supplied without a battery is factory-set to the “0” position. The red light-emitting diode (4) flashes - the battery cannot be recharged.




Select charging curve in the integrated battery charger  Use switch (5) at the battery charger to adjust the charging curves to the appropriate battery according to the following table.


The power plug must be pulled before the corresponding charging curve is to be ad justed!


Provided that a battery is connected, a new setting can be acknowledged via the LEDs (cf. indicator) which will then be immediately effective. Switch (5 (5) Po Position


Selected ch charge cu curves (c (characteristics)


Wet cell batteries: 100 - 300 Ah


Maintenance-free: 100 -149 Ah


Maintenance-free: 150 -199 Ah


Maintenance-free: 200 - 300 Ah


Wet cell batteries: 200 - 400 Ah pulse characteristic


Wet cell batteries: Jungheinrich 100 - 300 Ah

 All other switch (5) positions positions inhibit the charger, charger, and the battery is not charged.       B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Adjusting the charging curve The charging curve can be adjusted by performing the following steps: Connect th the ba battery

This allows you to adjust via the charger 

Turn the setting switch to the If the characteristic curve is right to select the desired valid, the green LED flashes characteristic curve according to the set position. If invalid, the red LED flashes. Starting the recharging process with integrated battery charger   – Park the truck and render it safe (refer (refer to chapter E).


During the recharging operation the tops of the battery cells must be exposed to ensure adequate ventilation. Metal objects must not be placed on the battery. Prior to starting the recharging operation, check all cable connections and plugged connections for visible damage. The safety instructions provided by the battery supplier and battery charger supplier must be strictly observed. Mains supply Mains voltage: 230 V (±6%) Mains frequency: 50/60 Hz (±1%) The charger power cable (6) is laterally accessible from the outside.  – Expose the battery battery (refer (refer to section 4).  – Remove insulation insulation mat from battery, if  necessary.  – Battery plug must not not be unplugged.  – Connect power plug (6) with a power  socket.


The flashing LED indicates the charging status and/or a fault (flashing codes see table “LED display”).


If the power plug (6) is connected to the mains, all electric functions of the truck are interrupted (electric driving lock). No operation of the truck is possible.  – Pull plug (6) from the power socket and place it in the battery compartment.


The recharge procedure is automatically continued after a power failure. The recharge procedure can be interrupted interrupted by pulling the power plug and can be continued in steps.


The mains cable must not be damaged. Before commissioning the truck, the battery hood must be properly closed.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Charging times The time required for recharging depends on the capacity of the battery. LED display Green LED (charging status) is lit

Red LED (fault) ---

flashes slowly flashes fast



is lit




Recharge procedure is finished; battery is full. (charging break, fill-up charge or equalization charge) Charging process Indicates the start of a recharge procedure or that a new charging curve was adjusted. The number of the flashing pulses corresponds to the adjusted charging curve.

Excess temperature. Recharge process is interrupted. flas flashe hes s slowl lowly y Sa Safe fety ty cha harg rgin ing g inte interrval exce exceed eded ed.. Recha echarrge pr proc oc-ess is interrupted. Disconnection from the mains is required for restarting the charging process. flashes fast charging curve setting is invalid. --Power failure and/or no battery connected.

Fill-up charge The fill-up charge begins automatically after the recharge procedure has ended. Partial recharging The battery charger is designed in such a way that it automatically adapts to the charging status of partially recharged batteries. This permits to reduce wear and tear  of the battery.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Removing and installing the battery


The truck must stand horizontally. To prevent short circuits, batteries with open poles or connectors must be covered with a rubber mat. Lay down the battery plug and cable in such a manner that they do not snag on the truck when the battery is pulled out.


When transporting the battery with crane equipment, pay attention that the load capacity is sufficient (see battery weight on the battery identification plate on the battery trough). The crane equipment must pull vertically. The hooks of the crane equipment must never fall onto the battery cells.  –  –  –  –

Expose the battery battery (see Section 4). Remove the battery battery plug (3). Connect the crane crane equipment to the eyelets (7). Pull the battery upwards upwards and out of the battery trough. 8



4  7  S e t t 


5  8 

3  6  9 

Installation occurs in the reverse sequence; pay attention that the battery is installed in the correct position and is connected properly.  – After reinstallation, check check all the cable and plug connections for vis visible ible damage.


Close the battery hood slowly and carefully. Keep your fingers away from the area between the battery hood and the chassis.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Battery di discharge in indicator (t) The battery discharge state is indicated as soon as the truck is switched on with the key switch or the CANCODE.


The colors of the LED (8) indicate the following: foll owing: LED color green

Residual capacity, standard battery Residual capacity, maintenance-free battery orange Residual capacity, standard battery Residual capacity, maintenance-free battery green/orange Residual capacity, standard battery flashing, 1Hz red


Residual capacity, maintenance-free battery Residual capacity, standard battery Residual capacity, maintenance-free battery

Rating 40 - 100% 60 - 100% 30 - 40% 50 - 60% 20 - 30%

40 - 50% 0 - 20% 0 - 40%

Lifting of load units is no longer possible if the LED is lit in red. The lifting function is re-enabled at a battery capacity of at least 70 % only. The display is reset to 100% if the battery capacity determined when the truck is switched on is at least 70% of a fully charged battery. Depending on the residual capacity, the display is reduced in steps of 10%. The displayed residual capacity changes by no more than 10% within 3 minutes. The residual capacity displayed cannot rise while the truck is in operation. The residual capacity display is reset to 100% when the battery type is defined. Call the manufacturer service when LED flashes red and the truck cannot be operated any longer. The LED flashing red signals a truck controller malfunction. The flash sequence indicates the malfunction type.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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E Operation 1

Safe Safety ty re regu gula lati tion ons s gov gover erni ning ng the the o ope pera rati tion on of th the e for fork k lif liftt ttru ruck ck Driving permission: The permission: The fork lift truck must only be operated by persons who have been trained in the operation of trucks, who have demonstrated to the user or his representative their capability of moving and handling loads, and who have expressly been charged by the user or his representative with the operation of the truck. Rights, duties and conduct of the driver: The driver:  The driver must be: informed of his rights and duties; trained in the operation of the fork lift truck; and familiar with the contents of these operating instructions. All necessary rights must be granted to him. If the fork lift truck can be used in the pedestrian-controlled mode, the driver must wear safety boots when operating the truck. Prohibition of unauthorised use: The use: The driver is responsible for the fork lift truck during working time. He must forbid unauthorised persons to drive or operate the fork lift truck. The transport or lifting of persons is forbidden. Damage and defects: Damage defects: Damage or defects noted on the fork lift li ft truck or on the attachments must immediately be brought to the notice of the person in charge. fork lift trucks that cannot be safely operated (e.g. due to worn tyres or defective brakes) must not be used until they have been properly repaired. Repairs: Without specific training and express authorisation, the driver is not allowed Repairs: Without to perform any repairs or modifications on the fork llift ift truck. Under no circumstanc circumstances es must the driver change the setting of switches or safety installations or render them ineffective. Danger area: A area: A “danger area” is considered to be the area within which persons are endangered by the travelling or lifting movements of the fork lift truck or its load lifting devices (e.g. fork or attachments), or by the loads being transported. This also includes the area within reach of falling loads l oads or falling / lowering truck attachments.


Unauthorised persons must be asked to leave the danger area. The driver must give a warning signal whenever a situation presenting danger to persons might develop. The fork lift truck must immediately be brought to a standstill if persons, although asked, do not leave the danger area. Safety devices and warning labels: The labels:  The safety devices, warning labels and warning notes described in the present operating instructions must always be heeded.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Desc Descri ript ptio ion n of the the op oper erat atin ing g cont contro rols ls and and di disp spla lays ys Ite Item m Operat Operating ing contro controll or disdisplay

EJE 116 / Function 118 / 120



Steers and brakes truck.


The power circuit is interrupted and all electrical functions are switched off.


Battery discharge state.

Display instrument (CANDIS)


Operating hours meter. Battery discharge state. Display of service messages and, in conjunction with CANCODE, drive parameters.


Keyboard (CANCODE)


Code settings. Releasing and selecting the travel programmes. Entering travel parameters.


Key switch


Switches the control current on and off. Pulling out the key prevents unauthorised persons from switching on the truck.

Key switch with second position


Releases the brake to allow a nonoperable truck to be moved.


Inte Integr grat ated ed char chargi ging ng de devi vice ce (incl. safety circuit)


Charges the battery; insert the power plug into a mains socket.


Inc Inchi hing ng spe peed ed pu pus shb hbut utto ton n


Pressing the Inching speed push button reduces travel speed and acceleration. When the control shaft is in the upper brake area, the braking function can be bypassed by pressing this key and the truck can be moved at reduced speed.




Controls the travelling direction and speed.


Coll Collis isio ion n saf afe ety bu butt tton on


Truck drives away from operator.


Butt Button on fo forr lif lifti ting ng lo load ad lift liftin ing g device


Lifts load lifting device.


Butt Button on fo forr lowe loweri ring ng lo load ad liftlifting device


Lowers load lifting device.


Ope perrat atin ing g ke key “H “Hor orn” n”



Gives an audible warning signal.


Control sh shaft


Batt Batte ery pl plug ug (emer emerge genc ncy y stop)


Discharge indica icator 





t = Standard equipment



o = Optional equipment

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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12 11 10 8


8 1



1  4  7



8  0




6  9     S   t   e



      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Start-up of truck


Before the truck can be started up or operated or a load can be lifted, the driver must make sure that no-one is in the danger zone. Tests and duties before the daily start-up  – Check the entire truck (especially the tyres and the load lifting dev device) ice) for damage. damage.  – Check the battery battery holder and the cable connections. connections. Switching on the truck  – Check that the battery battery plug (2) is plugg plugged ed in.  – Insert the key in the key switch (5) and turn it all the way to the right to position “I” or enter the CANCODE (o) release code (see section 5).  – Press the warning warning signal pushbutton (12) to test its function. The truck is now ready for operation.


The battery discharge indicator (3) indicates the remaining battery capacity.  – Check the braking braking function of the control control shaft (1) (see Section Section 4.2).


2 12


1  4







8  0

6  9     S   t   e


      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Operation of the fork lift truck


Safety Safety regula regulatio tions ns app applic licabl able ew when hen operat operating ing the truck truck Driving lanes and work areas: Only areas: Only such lanes and routes that are specially allocated for truck traffic must be used. Unauthorized persons must stay away from work areas. Loads must only be stored at places specially provided for this purpose. Driving conduct: The conduct: The travelling speed must be adapted to the prevailing local conditions. The truck must be driven at slow speed when negotiating bends or narrow passages, when passing through swing doors and at blind spots. The driver must always observe an adequate braking distance between the fork lift truck and the vehicle in front and he must be in control of his truck at all times. Sudden stopping (except in emergencies), rapid U-turns and overtaking at dangerous or blind spots is not permitted. It is forbidden to lean l ean out of or reach beyond the working and operating area. Visibility: The driver must look in the direction of travel and must always have a clear  Visibility: The view of the route ahead. When loads blocking the view are carried, the fork lift truck must be driven with the load at the rear. If this is not possible, a second person must walk in front of the fork lift li ft truck to give suitable warnings. Negotiating slopes and inclines:  inclines:  Negotiating of slopes and inclines is permitted only when they are recognised lanes, when they are clean and non-slipping, and when the technical specification of the truck permits safe driving on such slopes or  inclines. Loads must always be carried at that end of the truck facing uphill. U-turns, cutting obliquely over slopes or inclines and parking of the fork lift truck on slopes or  inclines is not permitted. Inclines must only be negotiated at slow speed, with the driver ready to brake at any moment. Use of lifts and driving on loading platforms: Lifts platforms: Lifts and loading platforms must only be used if they are of adequate load bearing capacity, if suitable for driving on, and if  authorised by the user of the truck for truck traffic. The fork lift truck driver has to satisfy himself accordingly before driving into lifts or on to loading platforms. The truck must enter lifts with the load in i n front and must take up a position which does not allow it to come into contact with the walls of the lift shaft. Persons riding in the lift together with the fork lift truck must only enter the lift after the fork lift truck has come safely to a standstill, and must leave the lift before the fork lift truck. Nature of loads to be carried: The carried:  The operator must make sure that the load is in a satisfactory condition. Only carry loads that are positioned safely and carefully. Use suitable precautions, e.g. a load guard, to prevent parts of the load from tipping or  falling down.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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4.2 4. 2

Dri rivi vin ng, s sttee eeri ring ng,, bra brak king ing


It is not admissible to stay on the vehicle during driving. Emergency stop  – Pull out the battery plug (6). (6).  All electrical functions are switched off. Forced braking When the control shaft is released, forced braking occurs - the control shaft automatically moves into the upper braking area (B).


If the control shaft moves slowly into the braking position, the cause must be eliminated. If necessary, the gas pressure spring is to be replaced. Driving


Travelling with raised forks / raised load beyond 500 mm above the ground is prohibited.


Drive only with closed and properly locked hoods.  – Start the truck up up (see Section 3). The travelling speed is controlled with the controller (8).  – Lower the control shaft (1) into the travel direction (F) and set the drive controller  (8) to the desired direction (V or R, forward or backward). Inching


The driver must be particularly careful when using the “Inching” pushbutton (7). The truck can be shunted with the control shaft (1) in the vertical position (e.g. in confined spaces / elevators):  – Press the “Inching” “Inching” pushbutton (7).  – Set the travel direction switch switch (8) to the desired direction (V or R, forward or or backward). Parking brake is released. The truck starts moving slowly.


The brake is applied when the “Inching” pushbutton is released only; at inching speed, braking is possible with the counter-current brake only (travel direction switch (8)).


To brake the truck in an emergency, release the “Inching” pushbutton (7) immediately. Pressing the “Inching speed” push button in the drive section (F) causes the truck to travel at reduced speed and acceleration.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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8 R


1 B V R F 1

4  7  S e t  S e 

5  8 


6  9 


Steering  – Swing the control shaft shaft (1) to the left or right.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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The braking behaviour of the truck strongly depends on the road surface conditions. The driver must take this into account in his driving behaviour. Braking with the service brake:  – Raise or lower the control shaft (1) to one of the brake positions (B).


The service brake is the regenerative brake. The mechanical brake is applied only if this brake does not reach the required deceleration. Braking using the countercurrent brake:


 – While driving, the controller (8) can be used to switch to the opposite direction.  – The truck is braked by the countercurrent countercurrent until driving in the opposite direction takes affect. Braking with the coasting brake The truck is braked with the regenerative brake when the drive controller is in the 0position.


Bring the control shaft into the braking position in an emergency. Driving at inclines


Transport the load pointing uphill! Securing the truck against “rolling down”: The brake is automatically applied with a short jolt when the drive direction switch is set to “0” (the controller detects the truck rolling down). With the drive controller you release the service brake and control the speed and the travel direction as desired.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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4. 4.3 3


Pi Pick ckin ing g up up and and se sett ttin ing g dow down n loa loads ds Before a load can be picked up, the driver must make sure that it is properly paletted and does not exceed the permitted load capacity of the truck. Loading long goods transversely is not permitted.  – Drive the truck’s truck’s fork tines completely completely under the load.


The lifting and lowering speeds are preset. Lifting  – Press the “Lift “Lift load lifting device” device” pushbutton (10) (for left-handed operation o (13)) until the desired height is reached.


Release the button immediately when the end stop of the load lifting device is reached. Lowering  – Press the “Lower load lifting device” pushbutton (11) (for left-handed operation o (14)).

14 13


11  3


1  4






    S   t    e


5 4. 4.4 4

Rend Render erin ing g the the vehi vehicl cle e safe safe wh when en pa park rkin ing g


 Always render the truck truck safe when parking it. Do not park the truck on an incline. i ncline. The load lifting device must always be entirely lowered.  – Lower the load lifting device. device.  – Set key switch switch (5) to position “0” and and remove the key or press CANCO CANCODE DE “Off”.

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Keyboard (CANCODE) (o) The operator keyboard is composed of 10 numeric keys, a Set key and an o-key.  Activation of the travel programs by means of  switches 1,2,3 is indicated by green LEDs. The o-key indicates operating conditions by a red/green LED. It has the following functions:  – Code lock function function (setting the truck truck into operation).  – Selecting the travel program. program.  – Setting the travel and battery parameters, parameters, only in conjunction with the indicator instrument (CANDIS (o)).












The o-key has top priority and reset the truck from any condition to the basic condition without modifying any settings.


Code lock  After entering tthe he cor correct rect code, the tr truck uck is rea ready dy for operation. It is possible to as assign sign an individual code to every truck, operator or even operator group.


When delivered from the factory, the operator code (factory setting 2-5-8-0) is indicated on a removable sticker.


Change the master and operator codes when setting the truck into operation for the first time! (refer to section 5.4).

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

E 10


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Commissioning The LED (15) lights up red after the battery plug has been plugged in and, if applicable, the key switch has been switched on.  After entering the correct operator code (factory setting 2-5-8-0) the LED (15) lights up red. When an incorrect code has been entered, LED (15) lights up red for two seconds.  After that you can enter enter a new code.


The Set key (16) has no function in operating mode.

Switching off 




The truck is switched off by actuating the o  key (20).


The truck can be switched off automatically after a preset time. For that purpose the corresponding code lock parameter must be set (refer to section 5.4).















      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

E 11


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Travel programmes By actuating the numeric keys 1, 2, and 3 you can select three travel programmes. The activated programme is indicated by the green LEDs (17), (18), (19) in the corresponding key.


The travel programmes differ with respect to travelling speed, acceleration, and deceleration. Factory settings:  – Programme 1: Soft running running  – Programme 2: Normal Normal operation  – Programme 3: Power Power operation (preset for for commissioning)


The travel programs can be adapted individually to the truck (refer to section 5.5).


Parameters In programming mode, the operator keyboard allows the setting of the code lock functions and the adaption of the travel programmes. Additionally, the battery parameters can be set.


For trucks without indicator instrument (CANDIS ( o)) only the code lock parameters can be set. Parameter groups The parameter number is composed of three digits. The first digit designated the parameter group according to table 1. The second and third digits are sequentially numbered from 00 to 99. No.. No

Par Parame amete terr gr grou oup p

0x 0xx x

Code Code loc lock set setti tin ngs (Codes, travel programme enable, automatic switch-off, etc.) Tr Trav avel el pro progr gram amme me 1 para parame mete ters rs (Acceleration, coasting brake, speed, etc.) Tr Trav avel el pro progr gram amme me 2 para parame mete ters rs (Acceleration, coasting brake, speed, etc.) Tr Trav avel el pro progr gram amme me 3 para parame mete ters rs (Acceleration, coasting brake, speed, etc.) Progra Programme mme-in -indep depend endent ent parame parameter ters s

1xx 1xx 2xx 2xx 3xx 3xx 4xx

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E 12


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Parameter se settings To change the truck settings the master code must be entered.



The master code is factory-set to 7-2-9-5. Change the master code when setting the truck into operation for the first time (refer  to section 5.1). Safety notes for trucks with indicator instrument (CANDIS (o))  – Parameter settings must must be made carefully and only by special special trained personnel. If in doubt, consult the manufacturer's service.  – Every setting procedure must be monitored on the LC display of the indicator  instrument (CANDIS (o)). If in doubt, the setting procedure must be cancelled by pressing the o-key (20).  – Since the tr truck's uck's travel behaviour is changed, changed, you m must ust pe perform rform a tria triall in a spe specially cially assigned and suitable working area run after changing any of the parameters.

Entering the master code:  – Press the o-key  – Enter master code code Display instrument (CANDIS) Operating hours are indicated


LED (15) LED (17) LED (18) LED (19) Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 o-key green flashing




Code lock parameters Setting procedure for trucks without indicator instrument (CANDIS ( o)):  – Enter the three-digit three-digit parameter number and confirm confirm with Set key (16). (16).  – Enter or change the setting value according to the parameter list and confirm with Set key (16).


When the input is incorrect, the LED (15) of the o-key (20) lights up red. After  entering the parameter number again, the setting value can be entered or changed. Repeat the procedure to enter further parameters. To terminate the input, press the o-key (20).

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

E 13


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Setting procedure for trucks with and without indicator instrument (CANDIS ( o)):  – Enter the three-digit three-digit parameter number and confirm confirm with Set key (16). (16).  – The indicator instrument (CANDIS (CANDIS (o)) continues to display the operating hours. If  the display changes, cancel the setting procedure with the o-key (20) and restart from the beginning.  – Enter or change the setting value according to the parameter list and confirm with Set key (16).


When the input is incorrect, the LED (15) of the o-key (20) lights up red. After entering the parameter number again, the setting value can be entered or changed. Repeat the procedure to enter further parameters. To terminate the input, press the o-key (20). The following parameters can be entered: Code lock parameter list No.


Range Setting value

Code lock 0000 - 9999 000 Change Change mast master er code code or  The length of the master code (4 to 6 digits) also 00000 - 99999 determines the length (4 or  to 6 digits) of the operator 000000 - 999999 code. As long as operator codes have been programmed, only new codes with the same length can be entered. If the code length is to be changed, all operator codes must be deleted first. 001 Add oper operato atorr code code (max. 600)

0000 - 9999 or  00000 - 99999 or  000000 - 999999

Default Setting value

Comments Work flow


(LED 17 flashes) Enter the current code confirm (Set) (LED 18 flashes) Enter a new code confirm (Set) (LED 19 flashes) Repeat new code


Confirm (Set) (LED 18 flashes) Enter a code confirm (Set) (LED 19 flashes) Repeat the code entry Confim (Set)

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

E 14


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Code lock 002 Change operator code

Range Setting value

Default Setting value

0000 - 9999 or  00000 - 99999 or  000000 - 999999

Comments Work flow

(LED 17 flashes) Enter the current code Confirm (Set) (LED 18 flashes) Enter a new code Confirm (Set) (LED 19 flashes) Repeat the code entry

003 Delete operator code

Confirm (LED 18 flashes) Enter a code

0000 - 9999 or  00000 - 99999 or  000000 - 999999

004 Clear Clear code code memor memory y (deletes all operator codes)


010 au automatic switch-off

00 - 31

Confirm (Set) (LED 19 flashes) Repeat the code entry Confirm (Set) 3265 = delete


other entry = do not delete 00 = none Switch-off  01 to 30 = Switch-off time in minutes 31 = switch-off after 10 seconds

LED 17-19 are located in the key pad fields 1-3 (refer to section 5.2).

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

E 15


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Code lock 021 Travel Travel progr programm amme e 1*) Enable

022 Travel Travel progr programm amme e 2*) Enable

023 Travel Travel progr programm amme e 3*) Enable

Range Setting value

Default Setting value

Comments Work flow

0 or 1


0 = Travel programme not enabled

0 or 1

0 or 1


1 = Travel programme enabled 0 = Travel programme not enabled


1 = Travel programme enabled 0 = Travel programme not enabled 1 = Travel programme enabled

030 Display Display of of the numbe numberr of used operator codes*) *) only in conjunction with indicator instrument (CANDIS (o))

Keyboard error messages The following errors are indicated by a red flashing LED (15):  –  –  –  –  –  –

New master code code is already operator code. New operator code code is already master code. Operator code code to be changed does not exist. Tried to change the operator code to an existing existing code. Operator code to be deleted does not exist. exist. Code memory full.

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E 16


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Travel parameters


For trucks without indicator instrument (CANDIS (o)) the code lock parameters can only be set by the manufacturer's service. The following example shows the parameter setting for the acceleration of travel program 1 (parameter 101). Acceleration example Display instrument (CANDIS) current setting is displayed

101 6

changed setting is displayed

101 8 Parameter number 

LED (15) LED (17) LED (18) LED (19) Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 o-key green off off off   flashing green off off off   flashing

Parameter setting value

 – Enter the three-digit parameter parameter number (101) (101) and confirm with the Set key (16).  – Check the LC display of the indicator indicator instrument instrument (CANDIS (CANDIS (o)) (parameter number  and current parameter value are displayed).


If there is no input for approx. 5 seconds, the display switches back to operating hours indication.


If another parameter number than the one displayed is desired, you must wait until the operating hours are displayed again.  – Enter or change the the parameter value according according to the parameter parameter list.  – Check the LC display of the indicator instrument (CANDIS (o))(confirm with the Set key (16)).  – The LED (15) of the o-key (20) switches briefly to steady light and start flashing again after approx. 2 seconds.


When the input is incorrect, the LED (15) of the o-key (20) lights up red. After entering the parameter number again, the setting value can be entered or changed. Repeat the procedure to enter further parameters as soon as the LED (15) of the okey (20) flashes. To terminate the input, press the o-key (20).


During the parameter input the travel function is switched off. If the setting value is to be checked in travel operation, follow this sequence:  – Select the modified travel programme after entering the parameter value, confirm with the Set key (16).  – The truck is now now in travel operation and can be checked checked..  – To continue the setting setting operation, confirm with the Set key (16) again.

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E 17


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The following parameters can be entered: Travel programmes No.


Travel Programme 1 101 Acceleration

Range Setting value

Standard Setting value





(0,2 - 2,0 m/s ) 0-9 (0,2 - 1,1 m/s 2)  104 Maximum Maximum speed speed in drive 0-9 direction via controller  (2,8 - 6,2 km/h) 108 Maximum Maximum speed speed in fork di0-9 rection via controller  (2,8 - 6,2 km/h)

(0,8 m/s ) 3 (0,5 m/s2) 3 (4,8 km/h) 3 (4,8 km/h)


Range Setting value

Standard Setting value

0-9 (0,2 - 2,0 m/s) 0-9 (0,2 - 2,0 m/s) 0-9 (2,8 - 6,2 km/h) 0-9 (2,8 - 6,2 km/h)

6 (1,4 m/s) 6 (0,8 m/s) 8 (6,0 km/h) 8 (6,0 km/h)

102 Coasting brake


Travel Programme 2 201 Acceleration 202 Coasting brake 204 Maximum Maximum speed speed in drive direction via controller  208 Maximum Maximum speed speed in fork direction via controller 


depending on controller  depending on controller 


depending on controller  depending on controller 

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E 18


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Travel Programme 3 301 Acceleration 302 Coasting brake 304 Maximum Maximum speed speed in drive direction via controller 

Range Setting value

Standard Setting value

0-9 (0,2 - 2,0 m/s 2) 0-9 (0,2 - 2,0 m/s 2) 0-9 (2,8 - 6,2 km/h)

9 (2,0 m/s2) 9 (1,1 m/s2) 8 (6,0 km/h) 8 (6,0 km/h)

308 Maximum Maximum speed speed in fork di0-9 rection via controller  (2,8 - 6,2 km/h)


depending on controller  depending on controller 

Battery parameters


For trucks without indicator instrument (CANDIS (o)) the code lock parameters can only be set by the manufacturer's service. The parameters are set in the same way as for the travel parameters. The following parameters can be entered: No.


Battery parameters 411 Batter Battery y type type (normal/high-power/dry)

Range Setting value

Standard Setting value




0 = Normal (wet) 1 = High-power (wet) 2 = Dry (maintenance-free)

412 Discha Discharge rge monito monitor  r 



function Setting value 0 / 1 is to be interpreted as: 0 = off 1 = on

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E 19


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Display iin nstrument (C (CANDIS) (o) The instrument indicates: 22

 – Remaining battery charge charge (LED bars (22))  – Operating hours (LC display (24)).



In addition, service messages from the elec-


tronic components and parameter changes are indicated. Discharge status indication Depending on the battery type set, switch-on limits for the additional “Warning” (21) and “Stop” (23) indicators may result.

Number  Bars

Charging condition

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Wet battery

Maintenance-free battery

90.1- 100%

LED (yellow) Warning Off

LED (red) Stop Off

LED (yellow) Warning Off

LED (red) Stop Off  

80.1 - 90% 70.1 - 80% 60.1 - 70% 50.1 - 60% 40.1 - 50% 30.1 - 40% 20.1 - 30%

Off Off Off Off Off Off On

Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

Off Off Off Off On On On

Off Off Off Off Off On On

2 10.1 - 20% On On On  Avoid falling below the 20% limit for wet wet batteries resp. 40 40% % limit for maintenance-free batteries.



      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

E 20


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6.1 6. 1

Dis isch char arg ge mo monito nitorr fu funct ctio ion n With the discharge monitor function enabled, the lifting function switches of when reaching the discharge limit (the Stop LED switches on). Travelling and lowering is still possible. For wet batteries the residual capacity is 20%, for maintenance-free batteries it is 40%. At 30% for wet batteries resp. 50% for maintenance-free batteries the batteries should be recharged (the yellow LED lights up as warning indication).


Operating ho hours di display Display range between 0.0 and 99,999.0 hours. Travel and lifting movements are logged. This is a backlit display.


For maintenance-free batteries a “T” symbol is shown in the operating hours display (24). Error messages The operating hours display is also used for indicating i ndicating errors.  errors. The error is displayed in two parts and starts with a “C” for component and a three-digit component number number,, then an “E” for error with alternating three-digit error number. number. If several errors occur they are displayed one after the other. The errors are displayed areerror displayed as present in combination / Exxx).  Exxx). Errors as long long as as they they are persist. The(always operating hours displayCxxx is overwritten with an message. Most errors cause the emergency stop to be triggered. The error display is maintained until the control circuit is switched off (Code lock). When CANDIS is not available, the error code is signaled by the flashing discharge indicator LED.


Detailed component descriptions including error codes are available at the manufacturers service. Display for parameter changes (travel programmes) The LC display (24) is used in conjunction with the operator keyboard (CANCODE (o)) to display the setting parameters. The first three digits of the display show the parameter numbers, the last three digits indicate the parameter value.


Setting values of parameter group 0XX (code lock) are not displayed.


Switch-on test  After switching on the display shows:  – the software version of the display instrument (short-term), (short-term),  – the operating hours  – the charging condition condition

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E 21


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Fault location Fault

Possible cause

Truck does not move

 – Battery connector not con-  – Check the battery connector and nected. connect if necessary. Set the key switch to position “I”  – Key switch in position position “0”.  – Incorrect CANCODE CANCODE code  – Verify code  – Check the charging condition of the  – Battery exhausted. exhausted. battery and recharge if necessary  – Check fuses F1 and 1F1  – Fuse defective.  – Interrupt charging p process rocess  – Truck is being charged charged

Load  – Battery capacity below cannot be 20 / 40% lifted  – Truck not operative. operative.

 – Hydraulic oil level too low. low.  – Fuse defective.


Remedial action

 – Charging the battery  – Perform all remedial actions listed under the fault “Truck does not move”.  – Check the hydr hydraulic aulic oil level  – Check fuse 2F 2F1 1

If the fault could not be eliminated after performing the “Remedial actions” contact the customer service of the manufacturer since all follow-up troubleshooting can only be performed by specially trained and qualified service staff.

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E 22


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F Main Mainte ten nance ance of the the fork fork lift lift tr tru uck 1

Oper Operat atio iona nall sa safe fety ty and and envi enviro ronm nmen enta tall prot protec ecti tion on The checks and servicing operations contained in this chapter must be performed in accordance with the intervals as indicated in the servicing checklists.


Modifications of fork lift truck assemblies, especially of the safety installations, are not permitted. On no account must the operational speeds of the truck be changed.


Only original spare parts have been certified by our quality assurance service. To ensure safe and reliable operation of the fork lift truck, only spare parts of the manufacturer must be used. Used parts, oils and fuels must be disposed of in accordance with the applicable environmental protection regulations. For oil changes, the oil service of the manufacturer is available to you. Upon completion of any checking and servicing activities, the operations contained in the section “Recommissioning” must be performed (refer to chapter F).


Safe Safety ty re regu gula lati tion ons sa app ppli lica cabl ble e to truc truck k mai maint nten enan ance ce Servicing and maintenance personnel: The personnel: The fork lift truck must only be serviced and maintained by trained personnel of the manufacturer. The service organization of the manufacturer has external technicians trained especially for these assignments. We thus recommend signing a maintenance contract with the relevant service location of  the manufacturer. Lifting and jacking up: When up: When a fork lift truck is to be lifted, the lifting li fting gear must only be secured to the points specially provided for this purpose. When the truck is to be  jacked up, suitable measures measures must be be taken to prevent the truck from slipping slipping or tipping over (use of wedges, wooden blocks). Work underneath the raised load lifting device must only be carried out when the fork is immobilised and supported by a chain of adequate strength. Cleaning operations: No operations: No inflammable liquids must be used when cleaning the fork lift truck. Prior to commencing cleaning operations, all safety measures that are required to prevent sparking (e.g. by short-circuits) have to be taken. For battery-operated fork lift trucks, the battery plug must be removed. Only weak indraft, weak compressed air and non-conducting, antistatic brushes must be used for the cleaning of  electric or electronic assemblies.


If the fork lift truck is to be cleaned using a water jet or a high-pressure cleaner, all electric and electronic components must be carefully covered beforehand because moisture can lead to incorrect functioning. Cleaning by means of a steam jet is not permitted. Upon completion of cleaning work, the operations detailed in the section “Recommissioning” must be performed.

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Work on the electric system: Work system: Work on the electric system of the truck must only be performed by personnel specially trained for such operations. Before commencing any work on the electric system, all measures required to prevent electric shocks have to be taken. For battery-operated fork lift trucks, the truck must also be depowered by removing the battery plug. Welding operations: To operations: To prevent any damage to electric or electronic components, these have to be removed from the fork lift truck before any welding operations are undertaken. Settings: When repairing or replacing hydraulic, electric or electronic components or  Settings: When assemblies, all truck-specific settings have to be retained. Tyres: The quality of the tyres greatly affects the stability and the driving behaviour  Tyres: The of the fork-lift truck. The factory-mounted tyres must only be replaced by original spare parts of the manufacturer, since otherwise the specification of the data sheet cannot be met. When replacing wheels or tyres, it must be ensured that the fork-lift truck remains level (tyres and wheels must always be replaced in pairs, i.e. left and right together). Lift chains: The chains: The lift chains wear rapidly if not lubricated. The intervals in the service checklist apply to normal duty. If requirements are higher (dust, temperature), lubrication is required more often. The specified chain spray must be used as specified. The external application of grease does not provide sufficient lubrication. Hydraulic hoses: The hoses: The hoses must be renewed every six years. When replacing hydraulic components, also renew the hoses in i n this hydraulic system.

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Servicing and inspection Thorough and expert servicing is one of the most important preconditions for safe operation of the fork lift truck. The neglect of regular servicing intervals can lead to fork lift truck failure and constitutes a potential hazard to personnel and equipment.


The application conditions of an industrial truck have a considerable impact on the wear of the service components. components. We recommend that a Jungheinrich customer adviser carries out an application analysis on site to work out specific service intervals to prevent damage due to wear. The indicated servicing intervals are based on single-shift operation under normal operating conditions. For applications in dusty environments, or involving large temperature fluctuations or multiple-shift operation, the servicing intervals must be shortened accordingly. The following servicing checklist indicates the operations to be performed and the respective intervals to be observed. The servicing intervals are defined as follows: W  A B C


= = = =

every every 50 every 500 every every 1000 every every 2000

operat operating ing hours hours,, but at least least onc once e per wee week k operating hours, or at least every s six ix months operat operating ing hou hours rs,, or at least least ann annual ually ly operat operating ing hou hours rs,, or at least least ann annual ually ly

The W maintenance intervals must be carried out by the operator / customer. In the run-in period - after approx. 100 service hours - or after repair work, the owner  must check the wheel nuts/bolts and re-tighten if necessary.

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Maintenance Ch Check - list EJ EJE 11 116 / 118 / 120

Chassis and superstruct.: Drive unit:


1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2

Steering: 4.1 Brake system: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Lifting device: 6.1 6.2

Hydraulic system:

Electrical system:

Electric motors:

6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4

Maintenance intervals Standard = t W A B Cold store = k Check Check all load bearing bearing elements elements for damage damage   t Check Check all bolted bolted connec connections tions   t Check the transmission transmission for noises and and leakage   t Check Check the transmis transmission sion oil level level   t Change Change the transmiss transmission ion oil   k Check Check for wear a and nd damage damage   t Check Check the wheel wheel bearings bearings and ensure ensure k t secure fastening of wheels Check Check the steerin steering g wheel play play   k t Performan Performance ce and adjustment adjustment check check   t Check gas pressure spring for proper resetting resetting function, t for leaks and damage Check Check the brake brake linings linings for for wear    Check Check the brake linkage; linkage; adjust and grease grease,, k if necessary Performan Performance ce and adjustment adjustment check check   t Perform sight sight check of rollers, sliding elements, and k t stops Check fork tines and fork carrier for wear and dam damage age   k Perfor Performan mance ce check check   k Check Check all connections connections for leakage leakage and damage damage   k Check Check hydraulic hydraulic cylinders cylinders for leakage, leakage, damage k and secure attachment Check Check the the oil level level   k Change Change hydraulic hydraulic oil and filter filter cartridge cartridge   Check the pressure pressure relief valves valves for correct functioning   Perfor Performan mance ce check check   Check all all cables for secure connection and and damage   Check Check the fuses for for correct correct amperage amperage   Check switches switches and trip cams for secure secure attachment



t t

t t t t t k t k t t t t t

and correct functioning 8.5 Check contactors contactors and relays, rep replace lace wearing parts, if t necessary 8.6 Check the warning warning installation for correct correct func functioning tioning   k t 9.1 Check Check the motor for secur secure e attachment attachment   t

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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Maintenance intervals Standard = t W A B C Cold store = k Battery:

10.1 Check acid acid density, acid level and cell voltage voltage   10.2 Check the terminals for secure att attachment achment and apply grease

l t l t  

10.3 Clean the battery connections; connections; check check for tight fitting 10.4 Check the battery cables for damage, renew if necessary necessary Lubrication: 11.1 Grease the vehicle in accordance with the lubrication schedule General 12.1 Check the electrical system system for a grounding fault measure12.2 Check the driving speed speed and braking braking distance distance   ments: 12.3 Check Check the lifting and and lowering lowering speed   12.4 Check Check safety and shutdow shutdown n devices   Demon13.1 Perform Perform a trial trial run under under a nominal nominal load   stration: 13.2 Upon completion of servicing servicing operations, demonstrate the vehicle to the person responsible

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l t  


l t  

t t t t t

l t



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Lubrication Sc Schedule EJ EJE 11 116 / 118 / 120


1  4







6  9     S   t   e




1) 0,55 l



Gliding surfaces


Grease nipples Filler plug hydraulic oil


Filler plug gear oil


Drain plug gear oil Gear oil overflow/filler neck and inspection plug Cold store usage


Compound for cold store usage 1:1

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



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5. 5.1 1

Fuel Fuels, s, cool coolan ants ts an and d lubr lubric ican ants ts Handling consumption type material: Consumption material: Consumption type material must always be handled properly. Manufacturer's instructions to be observed.


Improper handling is injurious to health, life, and environment. Consumption type materials must be stored in adequate containers. They might be inflammable and, therefore, must not come into contact with hot components or open fire. When filling in consumption type materials use clean containers only. It is prohibited to mix consumption type materials of different grades or qualitiies resp., except if mixing is expressively prescribed in these operating instructions.  Avoid spilling. Spilt liquid must be removed immediately using a suitable binding agent, and the mixture of consumption type material and binding agent is to be disposed of according to the regulations. Code


Supply Qty


Used for:


50 449 669

5,0 l

H-LP 46, DIN 51524 Hydraulic system system


50 380 904

5,0 l

Fuchs Titan Gear   HSY 75W-90


29 200 810

5,0 l

H-LP 10, DIN 51524 Hydraulic system


29 202 050

1.0 kg

Grease, Polylub GA352P



Grease Data Cod ode e Sapo Saponi nifi fica cati tio on

Drop Dropp. p. poin pointt C

Worked penetr. at 25  C


280 - 310



      B       G  .       6       0       6       0



NLG1 Service temperat. class C °


-35 / +120



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Inst nstruct ructio ion ns for the se serv rvic icin ing g oper operat atio ion ns


Prepar Preparing ing the the truc truck k for the the perfo performa rmance nce of of servic servicing ing and and main mainten tenanc ance e ope operarations  All required safety measures measures must must be taken taken to prevent prevent any accidents in the c course ourse of  the servicing and maintenance operations. The following preparatory operations must be performed:  – Safely park the truck truck (see Chapter E).  – Pull out the battery plug (1). (1).


When work has to be performed under the raised fork or under the jacked up truck, suitable measures must be taken to prevent any dropping, tilting or slipping of the fork or truck. When lifting the truck, the instructions contained in chapter “Transportation and commissioning” have to be observed. When performing work on the parking brake, the truck must be secured against moving.


Removing th the fr front co cover   – Unscrew two screws (6).  – Carefully remove the front cover (3). (3).


Removing th the dr drive co cover  The drive cover consists of two halves (3/4).  –  –  –  –  –

Turn the control shaft shaft to the right-hand stop stop position. Remove the 2 screws screws (2). Carefully remove the first cover half half (3). Turn the control shaft shaft to the left-hand stop position. Carefully unscrew unscrew and remove the second second cover half (4). (4).



4  7  S e  et  

5  8 

3  6  9 

6 5




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6.4 6. 4

Check heckin ing g th the ele elec ctric tric fuses uses  – Prepare the truck truck for servicing and maintenance operations (see Section 6.1).  – Remove the front cover cover (see Sec Section tion 6.2).  – Check the the correct correct value (according (according to the table) of all of the fuses; if necessary, replace fuses.




4  7  S e t t 

5  8 

3  6  9 


Item 7 8 9 10

      B       G  .       6       0       6       0

Designation Protection of: F10 F1 1F1 2F1

Integrated charging device (option) Entire control circuit Drive motor Pump motor


Value 10 A 10 A T 100 A 100 A



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6.5 6. 5

Rec eco ommis issi sion onin ing g the truck ruck Recommissioning of the truck following the performance of cleaning or maintenance work is permitted only after the following operations have been performed:  –  –  –  –


Check the horn for for proper functioning. Check the emergency emergency stop connector connector for correct correct functioning. Check the brake brake for correct functioning. functioning. Lubricate truck according to lubrication lubrication schedule.

Decommissioning the fork lift truck If the fork lift truck is to be decommissioned for more than two months, it must be parked in a frost-free and dry location and all measures to be taken before, during and following decommissioning must be performed as detailed below.


During decommissioning, the fork lift truck must be jacked up, ensuring that the wheels are clear of the ground. Only this measure will ensure that wheels and wheel bearings do not suffer damage. If the fork lift truck is to be decommissioned for more than 6 months, additional measures must be discussed with the Service Department of the manufacturer.


Opera Operatio tions ns to be per perfo form rmed ed pri prior or to dec decom ommis missio sionin ning g  –  –  –  –  –  –  –

Thoroughly clean the fork lift truck. Check the brakes brakes for correct correct function. Check the hydraulic hydraulic oil level and top up if required required (see Section 5). Apply a thin film of oil or grease grease to all parts not protec protected ted by a paint coating. Grease the fork fork lift truck as detailed in the lubrication lubrication chart (see (see Section 5). Recharge the battery battery (refer to chapter chapter D). Disconnect and clean the battery. Apply pole grease to the battery battery poles.

In addition to this, all instructions given by the battery supplier must be observed.


 – Spray all exposed electrical contacts with a suitable contact spray.

7. 7.2 2

Meas Measur ures es to be ta take ken n dur durin ing gd dec ecom ommi miss ssio ioni ning ng Every 2 months:  – Recharge the battery battery (refer to chapter chapter D).


Battery-operated fork lift trucks: Regular recharging of the battery is very important; otherwise, exhaustive depletion of the battery caused by self-discharging would occur. Owing to sulfatisation, this will result in the destruction of the battery.       B       G  .       6       0       6       0

F 10


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7.3 7. 3

Rec eco ommis issi sion onin ing g the truck ruck  – Thoroughly clean the fork lift truck.  – Lubricate the fork lift truck according to the lubrication chart ((see see Section 5).  – Clean the battery. Grease the pole screws using pole grease and reconnect the battery.  – Recharge the battery battery (refer to chapter chapter D).  – Check if the gear oil contains condensed condensed water and change if required. required.  – Check if the hydraulic hydraulic oil contains condensed condensed water and chan change ge if required.  – Start up the fork lift truck truck (refer to chapter chapter E).


Battery-operated fork lift trucks: If switching troubles are experienced in the electric system, spray the exposed contacts with contact spray and remove any oxide layer on the contacts of the operating controls by repeated operation.


Perform several brake tests immediately after recommissioning the truck.


Safe Safety ty che check cks s to b be e perf perfor orme med d at re regu gula larr inte interv rval als s and and foll follow owin ing g any any unto untowa ward rd incidents (D: Accident prevention check according to BGV D27)  At yearly, yearly, or afterThe any anyinspector untowardmust incident, incide nt, thethe fork lift tru truck ck of has be chekkedleast by aonce qualified inspector. assess condition thetotruck from a standpoint purely concerned with safety aspects, uninfluenced by any company or  economic circumstances. The inspector must be adequately informed and experienced to be able to assess the condition of the fork lift truck and the effectiveness of  the safety installations based on the technical rules and principles governing the inspection of fork lift trucks. The inspection must comprise a comprehensive check of the technical condition of  the fork lift truck with regard to accident prevention aspects. Apart from this, the fork lift truck must be thoroughly inspected for damage possibly caused by incorrect use of the fork lift truck. The inspection results must be recorded in an inspection report which must be kept available for a period spanning at least the next two inspection intervals. The user has to ensure that all defects are eliminated without delay.

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The manufacturer has set up a special safety service with specially qualified staff. As visual proof that the fork lift truck has passed the safety inspection, a plaque is affixed to it. This plaque indicates in which month of which year the next test will be due.


Final de-commissioning, disposal


Final, correct de-commissioning or disposal of the truck must be performed in accordance with the regulations of the country of use. In particular, regulations governing the disposal of batteries, fuels and electronic and electrical systems must be observed.

F 11


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F 12


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Instructions for use Jungheinrich traction battery Table of contents 1

Jungheinrich ttrraction ba battery with positive tubular plates type EPzS and EPzB ..........................................2-6

Type plate Jungheinrich traction battery............................................7 battery ............................................7 Instruction for use  Aquamatic/BFS III water refilling system ......................................................8-12


Jungheinrich ttrraction ba battery Maintenance free traction batteries with positive tubular plates type EPzV and EPzV-BS ............................................................................................13-17

Type plate Jungheinrich traction battery............................................17 battery ............................................17

   B    G  .    6    0    5    0



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Jungheinrich traction battery with positive tubular plates type EPzS and EPzB Rating Data 1. 2. 3. 4.

Nominal capacity C5: Nominal voltage: Discharge current:: Nomina Nominall S.G. S.G. of elect electrol rolyte yte** Type EPzS: Type EPzB: 5. Rated temperature: 6. Nominal electrolyte level:

See type plate 2,0 V x No of cells C5/5h 1,29 kg/l 1,29 kg/l 30° C up to electrolyte level mark „max.“

* Will be reached within the first 10 cycles.

•Pay attention to the operation instruction and fix them close to the battery! •Work on batteries to be carried out by skilled personnel only! •Use protective glasses and clothes when working on batteries! •Pay attention to the accident prevention rules as well as DIN EN 50272-3, DIN 50110-1! •No smoking! •Do not expose batteries to naked flames, glowing embers or sparks, as it may cause the battery to explode! •Acid splashes in the eyes or on the skin must be washed with water. In case of accident consult a doctor immediately! •Clothing contaminated by acid should be washed in water. •Risk of explosion and fire, avoid short circuits!

•Electrolyte is highly corrosive! •Batteries and cells are heavy! •Ensure secure installation! Use only suitable handling equipment e.g. lifting gear in accordance with VDI 3616.

•Dangerous electrical voltage! •Caution! Metal parts of the battery are always live. Do not place tools or other metal objects on the battery!

   B    G  .    6    0    5    0



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Ignoring the operation instructions, repair with non-original parts or using additives for  the electrolyte will render the warranty void. For batteries in classes I and II the instructions for maintaining the appropriate protection class during operation must be complied with (see relevant certificate). 1. Commissioning filled and charged batteries. For commissioning of unfilled batteries see separate instructions! The battery should be inspected to ensure it is in perfect physical condition. The charger cables must be connected to ensure a good contact, taking care that the polarity is correct. Otherwise battery, vehicle or charger could be damaged. The specified torque loading for the polscrews of the charger cables and connectors are:: are

 M 10

steel 23 ± 1 Nm

The level of the electrolyte must be checked. If it is below the antisurge baffle or the top of the separator it must first be topped up to this height with purified water. The battery is then charged as in item 2.2. The electrolyte should be topped up to the specified level l evel with purified water. 2. Operation DIN EN 50272-3 «Traction batteries for industrial trucks» is the standard which applies to the operation traction batteries in industrial trucks. 2.1 Discharging Be sure that all breather holes are not sealed or covered. Electrical connections (e.g. plugs) must only be made or broken in the open circuit condition. To achieve the optimum life for the battery, operating discharges of more than 80% of the rated capacity should be avoided (deep discharge). This corresponds to an electrolyte specific gravity of 1.13 kg/l at the end of the discharge. Discharged batteries must be recharged immediately and must not be left discharged. This also applies to partially discharged batteries. 2.2 Charging Only direct current must be used for charging. All charging procedures in accordance with DIN 41773 and DIN 41774 are permitted. Only connect the battery assigned to a charger, suitable for the size of battery, in order to avoid overloading of the electric cables and contacts, unacceptable gassing and the escape of electrolyte from the cells. In the gassing stage the current limits given in DIN EN 50272-3 must not be excee   B    G  .    6    0    5    0

ded. If the charger was not purchased together with the battery it is best to have its suitability checked by the manufacturers service service department. When charging, proper  provision must be made for venting of the charging gases.



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Battery container lids and the covers of battery compartments must be opened or removed. The vent plugs should stay on the cells and remain closed. With the charger switched off connect up the battery, ensuring that the polarity is correct. (positive to positive, negative to negative). Now switch on the charger. When charging the temperature of the electrolyte rises by about 10°C, so charging should only begin if the electrolyte temperature is below 45°C. The electrolyte temperature of batteries should be at least +10°C before charging otherwise a full charge will not be achieved.  A charge charge is finished when the specific gravity of the e electrolyte lectrolyte and the battery voltage have remained constant for two hours. Special instructions for the operation of batteries in hazardous areas. This concerns batteries which are used in accordance with EN 50014, DIN VDE 0170/0171 Ex (in areas with a firedamp hazard) or Ex II (in potentially explosive areas). During charging and subsequent gassing the container lids must be removed or opened so that the explosive mixture of gases loses its flammability due to adequate ventilation. The containers for batteries with plate protection packs must not be closed until at least half an hour after charging has past. 2.3 Equalising charge Equalising charges are used to safeguard the life of the battery and to maintain its capacity. They are necessary after deep discharges, repeated incomplete recharges and charges to an IU characteristic curve. Equalising charges are carried out following normal charging. The charging current must not exceed 5 A/100 Ah of rated capacity (end of charge - see point 2.2). Watch the temperature! 2.4 Temperature  An electrolyte electrolyte temperature temperature of of 30°C is specified specified as the rated rated tempera temperature. ture. Higher temperatures shorten the life of the battery, lower temperatures reduce the capacity available. 55°C is the upper temperature limit and is not acceptable as an operating temperature. 2.5 Electrolyte The rated specific gravity (S. G.) of the electrolyte is related to a temperature of 30°C and the nominal electrolyte level in the cell in fully charged condition. Higher temperatures reduce the specified gravity of the electrolyte, lower temperatures increase it. The temperature correction factor is -0.0007 kg/l per °C, e.g. an electrolyte specific gravity of 1.28 kg/l at 45°C corresponds to an S.G. of 1.29 kg/l at 30°C. The electrolyte must conform to the purity regulations in DIN 43530 part 2.

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3. Maintenance 3.1 Daily Charge the battery after every discharge. Towards the end of charge the electrolyte level should be checked and if necessary topped up to the specified level with purified water. The electrolyte level must not fall below the anti-surge baffle or the top of the separator or the electrolyte „min“ level mark. 3.2 Weekly Visual inspection after recharging for signs of dirt and mechanical damage. If the battery is charged regularly with a IU characteristic curv curve e an equalising charge must be carried out (see point 2.3). 3.3 Monthly  At the end of the charge charge the voltages of all cells or bloc batteries batteries s should hould be measured with the charger switched on, and recorded. After charging has ended the specific gravity and the temperature of the electrolyte in all cells should be measured and recorded. If significant changes from earlier measurements or differences between the cells or  bloc batteries are found further testing and maintenance by the service department should be requested. 3.4 Annually In accordance with DIN VDE 0117 at least once per year, the insulation i nsulation resistance of  the truck and the battery must be checked by an electrical specialist. The tests on the insulation resistance of the battery must be conducted in accordance with DIN EN 60254-1. The insulation resistance of the battery thus determined must not be below a value of  50 Ω per Volt of nominal voltage, in compliance with DIN EN 50272-3. For batteries up to 20 V nominal voltage the minimum value is 1000


4. Care of the battery The battery should always be kept clean and dry to prevent tracking currents. Cleaning must be done in accordance with the ZVEI code of practice «The Cleaning of  Vehicle Traction batteries».  Any liquid in the battery tray must be extracted and disposed of in the prescribed manner. Damage to the insulation of the tray should be repaired after cleaning, to ensure that the insulation value complies DIN EN 50272-3 and to prevent tray corrosion. If it is necessary to remove cells it is best to call in our service department for this.

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5. Storage If batteries are taken out of service for a lengthy period they should be stored in the fully charged condition in a dry, frost-free room. To ensure the battery is always ready for use a choice of charging methods can be made: 1. a monthly equalising charge as in point 2.3 2. float charging at a charging voltage of 2.23 V x the number of cells. The storage time should be taken into account when considering the life of the battery. 6. Malfunctions If malfunctions are found on the battery or the charger our service department should be called in without delay. The measurements taken in point 3.3 will facilitate fault finding and their elimination.  A service service contract contract with us will make it easier to detect and correct fa faults ults in good time. Back to the manufacturer! Batteries with this sign must be recycled. Batteries which are not returned for the recycling process must be disposed of as hazardous waste!

We reserve the right make technical modification.

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7. Type plate, Jungheinrich traction traction battery 2/3


Baujahr  Year of manufacture 3

4 10

Serien-Nr. Serial-Nr.


Zellenzahl Number of Cells


Lieferanten Nr. Supplier No. 5

Nennspannung Nominal Voltage

Kapazität Capacity



Hersteller  Manufacturer 


6 5 11 13


Typ Type


6 5

Batteriegewicht min/max Battery mass min/max


Jungheinrich AG, D-22047 Hamburg, Germany Pb



9 14

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D De esignation Logo Battery designation Battery type Batt Batte ery nu numb mbe er Battery tray number Delivery date Battery manufacturer's logo

Item 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Designation Recycling symbol Dustbin/material Nominal battery voltage Nomin omina al batt batter ery y capa capac city ity Number of battery cells Battery weight Safety instructions and warnings

* CE mark is only for batteries with a nominal voltage greater than 75 volt.

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Aquamatic/BFS III water refilling system for Jungheinrich traction battery with Aquamatic/BFS EPzS and EPzB cells with tubular positive plates Aquamatic plug arrangement for the Operating Instructions Cell series*

Aquamatic plug type (length) Frötek (yellow) BFS (black) 50,5 mm 51,0 mm 50,5 mm 51,0 mm

EPzS 2/120 – 10/ 600 2/160 – 10/ 800

EPzB 2/ 42 – 12/ 252 2/ 64 – 12/ 384

 –  –  –  –  –  –  – 2/180 – 10/900 2/210 – 10/1050 2/230 – 10/1150 2/250 – 10/1250 2/280 – 10/1400

2/ 84 – 12/ 504 2/110 – 12/ 660 2/130 – 12/ 780 2/150 – 12/ 900 2/172 – 12/1032 2/200 – 12/1200 2/216 – 12/1296 – – – – –

50,5 mm 50,5 mm 50,5 mm 50,5 mm 50,5 mm 56,0 mm 56,0 mm 61,0 mm 61,0 mm 61,0 mm 61,0 mm 72,0 mm

51,0 mm 51,0 mm 51,0 mm 51,0 mm 51,0 mm 56,0 mm 56,0 mm 61,0 mm 61,0 mm 61,0 mm 61,0 mm 66,0 mm

2/310 – 10/1550

72,0 mm

66,0 mm

* The cell series series comprise cells with two to ten (twelve) (twelve) positive plates, plates, e.g. column column EPzS. 2/120 - 10/600. These are cells with the positive plate 60Ah. The type designation of a cell is e.g. 2 EPzS 120.

  e    k   o   r    t   s

 Aquamatic plug with diagnostics hole

   h    t   g   n   e    l

  e    k   o   r    t   s

   h    t   g   n   e    l

 Aquamatic plug BFS III with diagnostics hole

Non-adherence to the operating instructions, repairs carried out with non-original spare parts, unauthorised interference, and the use of additives for the electrolytes (alleged improvement agents) will invalidate any claim for warranty. When using batteries which comply with I and II, it is important to follow the instructions on maintaining the respective protection class during operation (see associated certification).    B    G  .    6    0    5    0



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Diagrammatic view Equipment for the water refilling system


Water tank


Level s sw witch

3. Disc Discha harg rge e poin pointt with with bal balll valve 4. Disc Discha harg rge e poin pointt wit with h sole sole-noid valve 5.


  m    3    t   s   a   e    l    t   a

6. Seal Sealin ing g cou coupl pler  er  7. Clo losi sing ng ni nipp pplle 8. Io Ion n ex exch chan ange ge car cartr trid idge ge wit with h conductance meter and solenoid valve 9. Conn Connec ecti tion on for for unt untre reat ated ed water  10. Chargi Charging ng lead lead

1. Design The Aquamatic/BFS battery water refilling systems are used for automatically adjusting the nominal electrolyte level. Venting holes are provided for letting off the gases which arise during charging. In addition to the optical level indicator, the plug systems also have a diagnostics hole for measuring the temperature and the electrolyte density. All battery cells of the design series EPzS; EPzB can be equipped with the Aquamatic/BFS filling systems. The water can be refilled by means of a central sealing coupler through the hose connections in the individual Aquamatic/BFS plugs. 2. Application The Aquamatic/BFS battery water refilling system is used in traction batteries for  forklift trucks. The water refilling system is provided with a central water connection for the water supply. Soft PVC hose is used for this connection and for the hose connections for the individual plugs. The hose ends are put onto the hose connection sleeves located on the T or < pieces. 3. Function

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The quantity of water required in the refilling process is controlled by the valve located in the plug in combination with the float and the float rods. In the Aquamatic System the existing water pressure at the valve turns off the water supply and ensures that the valve closes securely. When the maximum filling level is i s reached in the BFS system, the float and the float rods through a lever system close the valve with five times the buoyant force and consequently interrupt the water supply reliably.



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4. Filling (manual/automatic) (manual/automatic) The batteries should be filled with battery water as soon as possible before the battery charging comes to an end; this ensures that the refilled water quantity is mixed with the electrolyte. In normal operation it is usually sufficient to fill once a week. 5. Connection pressure The water refilling unit is to be operated in such a way that the water pressure in the water pipe is between 0.3 bars and 1.8 bars. The Aquamatic System has an operating pressure range of between 0.2 bars and 0.6 bars. The BFS system has an operating pressure range of 0.3 bars to 1.8 bars. Deviations from the pressure ranges impair  the system's functional reliability. This wide pressure range permits three types of filling. 5.1 Falling water  The height of the tank is chosen to suit whichever water refilling system is used. For  the Aquamatic System the installation height is 2 m to 6 m and for the BFS system the installation height is 3 m to 18 m over the battery surface. 5.2 Pressurised water  The pressure-reducing pressure-reducing valve in the Aquamatic System is set from 0.2 bars to 0.6 bars and from 0.3 bars to 1.8 bars in the BFS system. 5.3 Water Refill Trolley (serviceMobil) The submergible pump located in the ServiceMobil's tank generates the necessary filling pressure. No difference in height is permitted between the standing level of the ServiceMobil and the standing level of the battery. 6. Filling duration The length of time needed to fill the batteries depends on the conditions under which the battery is used, the ambient temperatures and the type of filling and/or the filling pressure. The filling time is approx. 0.5 to 4 minutes. Where filling is i s manual, the water feed pipe must be separated from the battery after filling. filli ng. 7. Water quality Only refilling water which conforms in quality to DIN 43530 part 4 may be used to fill the batteries. The refilling unit (tank, pipelines, valves etc.) may not contain any kind of dirt which could impair the functional reliability of the Aquamatic/BFS plug. For  safety reasons it is recommendable to insert a filter element (optional) with a max. passage opening of 100 to 300 µm into i nto the battery's main supply pipe.

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8. Battery hose connections Hose connections for the individual plugs are laid along the existing electric circuit. No changes may be made. 9. Operating temperature The temperature limit for battery operation is set at 55° C. Exceeding this temperature damages the batteries. The battery filling systems may be operated within a temperature range of > 0° C to a maximum of 55° C. CAUTION: Batteries with automatic water refilling systems may only be operated in rooms with temperatures > 0° C (as there is otherwise a danger that the systems may freeze). 9.1 Diagnostics hole To be able to measure the acid density and temperature easily, the water refilling systems must have a diagnostics hole with a 6.5 mm-diameter (Aquamatic plugs) or a 7.5 mm-diameter (BFS plugs). 9.2 Float Different floats are used depending on the cell design and type. 9.3 Cleaning The plug systems may only be cleaned with water. No parts of the plugs may come in contact with soap or fabrics which contain solvents. 10. Accessories 10.1 Flow indicator  To monitor the filling process, a flow fl ow indicator can be inserted into the water feed pipe on the battery side. During the filling process, the paddlewheel is turned by the flowing water. When the filling process ends, the wheel stops and this indicates the end of  the filling process. (ident no.: 50219542). 10.2 Plug lifter  Only the appertaining special-purpose tool may be used to disassemble the plug systems (plug lifter). The greatest of care must be employed when prising out the plug to prevent any damage to the plug systems.

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10.2.1 Clamping ring tool The clamping ring tool is used to push on a clamping ring to increase the contact pressure of the hose connection on the plugs' hose couplings and to loosen it again. 10.3 Filter element For safety reasons a filter element (ident no.: 50307282) can be fitted into the battery's main supply pipe for supplying battery water. This filter element has a maximum passage cross-section cross-section of 100 to 300 µm and is designed as a bag filter. 10.4 Sealing coupler  The water is supplied to the water refilling systems (Aquamatic/ (Aquamatic/BFS) BFS) through a central supply pipe. This is connected to the water supply system at the battery charging station by means of a sealing coupler system. On the battery side a closing nipple (ident no.: 50219538) is mounted and the customer must place a sealing coupler  construction on the water supply side (obtainable under ident. no.: 50219537). 11. Functional data PS - self-s self-seal ealing ing pressu pressure: re: Aquama Aquamatic tic > 1.2 bar bars s BFS system none D - rate rate of flo flow w in the the opene opened d valve valve when when the the pres pressur sure e is 0.1 0.1 bars bars:: 350 350 ml ml/mi /min n D1 - maximum maximum permis permissible sible leakage leakage rate rate in th the e closed closed va valve lve w when hen the the pre pressur ssure e is a att 0.1 bars: 2 ml/min T

- perm permis issi sibl ble e temp temper erat atur ure e rang range: e: 0° 0° C to to a max maxim imum um o off 65° 65° C

Pa - operating operating pressure pressure range range:: 0.2 to 0. 0.6 6 bars bars in the Aquamat Aquamatic ic syste system m and operating pressure range: 0.3 to 1.8 bars in the BFS system.

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Jungheinrich traction batterie Maintenance free Jungheinrich traction batterie with positive tubular plates type EPzV and EPzV-BS Rating Data 1. Nominal capacity C5:

See type plate

2. Nominal voltage:

2,0 Volt x No of cells

3. Discharge current: 4. Rated temperature:

C5/5h 30° C

EPzV batteries are valve-regulated batteries with an immobilised electrolyte and where a water refilling isn’t permitted during the whole battery life. Instead of a vent plug there are valves used, who will be destroyed when they are opened. When operating valve-regulated lead-acid batteries the same safety requirements as for vented cells apply to protect against hazards from electric current, from explosion of electrolytic gas and in case of the cell container is damaged, from the corrosive electrolyte. • Pay attention to the operation instruction and fix them close to the battery! battery! • Work on batteries to be carried out by skilled pers personnel onnel only! • Use protective glasses glasses and clothes when working on batteries! • Pay attention to the accident prevention rules as well as DIN EN 50272, 50272, DIN 50110-1! • No smoking! • Do not expose batteries to naked flames, glowing emb embers ers or sparks, as it may cause the battery to explode! • Acid splashes in the eyes or on the skin must be washed with water. water. In case of accident consult a doctor immediately! • Clothing contaminated by acid should be washed in water. • Risk of explosion and and fire, avoid short circuits! circuits! • Electrolyte is highly corrosive! • In the normal operation of this batteries a contact with acid isn´t possible. If the cell containers are damaged, the immobilised electrolyte (gelled sulphuric acid) is corrosive like the liquid electrolyte. • Batteries and cells are heavy! • Ensure secure installation! Use only suitable handling equipment e.g. lifting gear in accordance with VDI 3616. • Dangerous electrical voltage!    B    G  .    6    0    5    0

• Caution! Metalon parts of the battery are always live. Do not place tools or other other metal objects the battery!



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Ignoring the operation instructions, repair with non-original parts and non authorised interventions will render the warranty void. For batteries in classes I and II the instructions for maintaining the appropriate protection class during operation must be complied with (see relevant certificate). 1. Commissioning Commissioning The battery should be inspected to ensure it is in perfect physical condition. The battery end cables must have a good contact to terminals, check that the polarity is correct. Otherwise battery, vehicle or charger could be destroyed. The battery has to be charged according to item 2.2 The specified torque loading for the pole screws of the end cables and connectors are:

 M 10

 steel 23 ± 1 Nm

2. Operation DIN 50272-3 «Traction batteries forinindustrial pliesEN to the operation traction batteries industrialtrucks» trucks. is the standard which ap2.1 Discharging Ventilation openings must not be sealed or covered. Electrical connections (e.g. plugs) must only be made or broken in the open circuit condition. To achieve the optimum life for the battery, operating discharges of more than 60% of the rated capacity should be avoided (deep discharge). They reduce the battery life considerable. To measure the state of discharge use only the battery manufacturer recommended discharge indicators. Discharged batteries must be recharged immediately and must not be left discharged. This also applies to partially discharged batteries. 2.2 Charging Only direct current must be used for charging. Charging procedures according to DIN 41773 and DIN 41774 must only be applied in the manufacturer approved modifications. Therefore only battery manufacturer approved chargers must be used. Only connect the battery assigned to a charger, suitable for the size of battery, in order to avoid overloading of the electric cables and contacts and unacceptable gassing of the cells. EPzV batteries have a low gas emission. When charging, proper provision must be made for venting of the charging gases. Battery container lids and the covers of battery compartments must be opened or removed.

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With the charger switched off connect up the battery, ensuring that the polarity is correct (positive to positive, negative to negative). Now switch on the charger. When charging the temperature of the battery rises by about 15° C, so charging should only begin if the battery temperature is below 35° C. The battery temperature should be at least +15°C before charging otherwise a full charge will not be achieved. Are the temperatures a longer time higher than +40° C or lower than +15° C, so the chargers need a temperatures regulated voltage. The correction factor is, in accordance with DIN EN 50272-1, -0,005 V/c and Kelvin. Special instructions for the operation of batteries in hazardous areas. This concerns batteries which are used in accordance with EN 50 014, DIN VDE 0170 / 0171 Ex I (in areas with a firedamp hazard) or Ex II (in potentially explosive areas). The attention pictograms has to be respected. 2.3 Equalising charge Equalising charges are used to safeguard the life of the battery and to maintain its capacity. Equalising charges are carried out following normal charging. They are necessary after deep discharges and repeated incomplete recharges. For  the equalising charges has to be used only the battery manufacturer prescribed chargers. Watch the temperature! 2.4 Temperature  A battery temperature of 30°C is specified specified as the rated temperature. Higher temperatemperatures shorten the life of the battery, lower temperatures reduce the available capacity. 45° C is the upper temperature limit and is not acceptable as an operating temperature. 2.5 Electrolyte The electrolyte is immobilised in a gel. The density of the electrolyte can not be measured. 3. Maintenance Don’t refill water! 3.1 Daily Charge the battery immediately after every discharge.

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3.2 Weekly Visual inspection after recharging for signs of dirt and mechanical damage. 3.3 Quarterly  After the end of the charge and a rest time of 5 h following should be measured measured and recorded: • the voltages of the battery • the voltages of every cells If significant changes from earlier measurements or differences between the cells or  bloc batteries are found, further testing and maintenance by the service department should be requested. 3.4 Annually In accordance with DIN VDE 0117 at least once per year, the insulation i nsulation resistance of  the truck and the battery must be checked by an electrical specialist. The tests on the insulation resistance of the battery must be conducted in accordance with DIN 43539-1. The insulation resistance of the battery thus determined must not be below a value of  50 Ω per Volt of nominal voltage, in compliance with DIN EN 50272-3. For batteries up to 20 V nominal voltage the minimum value is 1000


4. Care of the battery The battery should always be kept clean and dry to prevent tracking currents. Cleaning must be done in accordance with the ZVEI code of practice «The Cleaning of  Vehicle Traction batteries».  Any liquid in the battery tray must be extracted and disposed of in the prescribed manner. Damage to the insulation of the tray should be repaired after cleaning, to ensure that the insulationto value complies DINto EN 50272-3 and to prevent tray If it is necessary remove cells itwith is best call our service department forcorrosion. this. 5. Storage If batteries are taken out of service for a lengthy period they should be stored in the fully charged condition in a dry, frost-free room. To ensure the battery is always ready for use a choice of charging methods can be made: 1.a quarterly full charging like charge as in point 2.2. If any consumer is connected with, e.g. measure or controlling systems, it can be, that this charging is necessary every 14 days. 2.float charging at a charging voltage of 2.25 V x the number of cells. The storage time should be taken into account when considering the life of the battery.

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6. Malfunctions If malfunctions are found on the battery or the charger our service department should be called without delay. The measurements taken in point 3.3 will facilitate fault finding and their elimination.  A service service contract contract with us will make it easier to detect and correct fa faults ults in good time. Back to the manufacturer! Batteries with this sign must be recycled. Batteries which are not returned for the recycling process must be disposed of as hazardous waste! We reserve the right make technical modification.

7. Type plate, Jungheinrich traction traction battery

2/3 4 10 12

7 8

Typ1 Type

6 5 11 13

Baujahr 2 Year of manufacture

Serien-Nr. Serial-Nr.


Lieferanten Nr. Supplier No. 5

Nennspannung Nominal Voltage

Kapazität Capacity


Zellenzahl Number of Cells


Hersteller  Manufacturer 


6 5

Batteriegewicht min/max Battery mass min/max


Jungheinrich AG, D-22047 Hamburg, Germany Pb



9 14

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D De esignation Logo Battery designation Battery type Batt Batte ery nu numb mbe er Battery tray number Delivery date Battery manufacturer's logo

Item 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Designation Recycling symbol Dustbin/material Nominal battery voltage Nomin omina al batt batter ery y capa capac city ity Number of battery cells Battery weight Safety instructions and warnings

* CE mark is only for batteries with a nominal voltage greater than 75 volt.

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