
January 18, 2018 | Author: mitsublw | Category: Leisure, Entertainment (General)
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EIU1 AIO TT1-Level3...


Name: ..................................................... Mark: ....................

Reading 20 points 1

Read the text. Then complete the sentences. (10 points) Many teenagers sing songs and put them on YouTube. Sometimes these videos make teenagers famous. Cody Simpson is one example. Millions of people all over the world watch his videos on the Internet and now he’s a very famous singer. His video of the song All Day has got over 11 million visits! Cody is from Gold Coast, Australia. He’s good-looking, creative and hardworking and he plays the guitar, sings, dances and writes songs. He’s also a champion swimmer with two gold medals from swimming competitions. Cody has got a very exciting life. He and his family live in Los Angeles now so he can work on his music career. Cody doesn’t always sleep in his bed at home. He sometimes travels around the country and sleeps on tour buses. He meets other celebrities on the tours and he sometimes works with famous singers such as Justin Bieber. What is Cody’s daily routine at home? He gets up and exercises. Then, he does school work. In the afternoon, he works on his music and meets reporters from TV and magazines. After that, he has dinner with his family. Then, he goes to bed. He doesn’t have time to meet friends in the afternoons any more, but he loves touring around and meeting new people. 1. People can see Cody’s videos on ……………………. . 2. Cody is from ……………………. . 3. Cody plays the ……………………. . 4. Cody lives in ……………………. now. 5. After Cody gets up, he ……………………. .


Answer the questionns. (10 points) 1. What words describe Cody’s personality? ..................................................................................................... 2. Why has Cody got two gold medals? ..................................................................................................... 3. Where does Cody sleep? Give two answers. ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 4. Who comes to see Cody in the afternoons? ..................................................................................................... 5. What does Cody love about his work? .....................................................................................................


Vocabulary 20 points 1

Complete the words or phrases. (10 points) 1. Yellow and red = o……………………. . 2. Students write in their n……………………. . 3. The opposite of long is s……………………. . 4. The cooker is in the k……………………. . 5. I g……………………. s……………………. for new clothes once a month. 6. The opposite of weak is s……………………. . 7. Students don’t g……………………. t……………………. s……………………. on Sundays. 8. People surf the web on a c…………………… . 9. People wash their hands in a s…………………… .

10. Dave is friendly and generous. He’s a very n…………………… person.


Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. My grandmother is my father’s …………………… . 2. You can see your face in a …………………… . 3. We’ve got a sofa and two big …………………… in our living room. 4. Lucy always gets 100% in tests. She’s very …………………… . 5. The shower is in the …………………… . 6. The opposite of dark is …………………… . 7. I always …………………… in the morning. It’s my favourite meal. 8. The opposite of hard-working is …………………… . 9. …………………… is the third month of the year.

10. I sleep for nine hours every night. I go to bed at 10.00 and …………………… at 7.00.

Grammar 30 points 1

Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of have got, there is / there are, to be or the Present Simple. (5 points) 1. they / often / chat / online / ? ..................................................................................................... 2. the curtains / blue and white / . ..................................................................................................... 3. any / pencils / in the cupboard / ? ..................................................................................................... 4. Kate / not like / her new duvet / . ..................................................................................................... 5. you / any / English books / ? ..................................................................................................... 2


Complete the dialogue with the words or phrases below. (15 points) like  have you got  has got  his  that  what  isn’t  do you want there aren’t  some  haven’t got  is  have got  your  any Jane: Are there 1.…………………… good books to read? I 2.…………………… funny books. Dan:

I’ve got 3.…………………… books in my room, but 4.…………………… any funny books.




I 6.…………………… The Hobbit and some books about football.

…………………… books have you got?

Jane: Hmm. 7.…………………… the last Harry Potter book? We’ve got six Harry Potter books at home, but we 8.…………………… the last book, The Deathly Hallows. Dan:

My brother 9.…………………… The Deathly Hallows.

Jane: Oh, 10.…………………… is great! Dan:


…………………… to read it now?

Jane: Yes, please, but first ask 12.…………………… brother. The book is 13.…………………… . Dan:


My brother 14.…………………… at home right now, but you can read the book. He 15. …………………… very easy-going.

Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. (10 points) 1.

…………………… you often tidy your room? Teenagers usually answer “No” to that question. A teenager’s room 2.…………………… usually a nice place to be. It 3.…………………… clothes on the chairs and the bed, so 4. …………………… a place to sit. 5.…………………… books and notebooks on the floor and in the cupboards and sometimes 6.…………………… old food on the desk. Parents 7.…………………… say “Tidy this room right now!” to their teenagers, but it 8.…………………… usually help. According to a magazine study, 54% of teenagers don’t tidy 9.…………………… rooms. Also, 10. …………………… don’t like parents cleaning the room for them!

Writing 10 points Imagine you are Jennifer. Write an e-mail introducing yourself. Name: Jennifer Cole Age: 13 From: London, England Family Information: two sisters Daily routines: 8.00 am – 3.00 pm – go to school 8.00 pm – 10.00 pm – watch TV and play computer games 10.30 pm – have a shower / go to bed After-school activities: tennis lessons (Sunday and Wednesday)


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