Eighth Chakra

December 9, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Eighth Chakra: The Aura Key Word: Radiance. Location: Electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body. Colour: White. Qualities: The aura combines the effects of all the chakras, and constitutes their total projection. The aura projects and protects. Shadow: Shy, withdrawn, vulnerable Yoga Exercises: 

Triangle Pose

Ego Eradicator

Archer Pose

All arm exercises and all meditation.

“The Eighth Chakra is located in the aura. the magnetic field generated by a human being that surrounds him or her up to nine feet in every direction. The quality of the aura reveals the personality in the projection of power or the depression of defeat.” -Yogi Bhajan The Eighth Chakra is the aura. The aura combines the effects of all the other chakras. To experience this, imagine yourself rising high above your physical body. As you look down at the radiant light of the aura, it appears to be an oval or a circle of light. This chakra is often referred to as the circumvent force, the strength of the energy shell that surrounds all the other chakras. It, too, is a chakra, a circle, a vortex of energy, a place to focus the flows of universal energy. When the circumvent field is strong, negative influences are automatically filtered. When it is weak, you seem vulnerable to everything that passes by or through you. A strong circumvent field improves the workings of all the other chakras, and relates to the integrity of the body's electromagnetic field. The circumvent field will appear round and symmetrical in the aura when you're healthy. When you're ill, it has various dimples and pockets in it where there is less radiance.

The sensitivity that comes through the circumvent field is connectedness. It interweaves you with the entire Universe. The soul body loves to associate, dwell and operate through the Fourth Chakra or through the Eighth Chakra, with a sense of balance and compassion and love, or with a sense of vastness and impersonal reality. This Chakra is not associated with any element, only with a sense of being. It establishes your sense of domain and fills the room with your presence. When the circumvent field is strong, and the other chakras are aligned and functioning well, your presence alone seems to work and direct many of the forces in the Universe to effortlessly fulfill your desires and needs.

5 things you need to know about the 8th Chakra You probably already know a bit about the seven chakras that are focal points of energy on your body. But did you also know that there are more than a dozen more chakras beyond these seven? These higher or spiritual chakras are the links between your personality and your higher self, and when activated, allow you to access to an expanded universe, increase your spiritual awareness and compassion, and free yourself from the weight of karmic residue. Ideally, your chakras are open, moving energy in and out between your personal energy field and the larger unified field. With proper self-care and maintenance, you can keep your energy flowing and prevent your chakras from becoming blocked by emotional baggage. Journaling, meditation, and working with an energy healer are all good ways to keep these energy centers clear and open, so you can move on to opening the spiritual chakras. The first spiritual chakra is located approximately two feet above your head. If you’ve ever seen paintings depicting holy figures with circles of golden light around their heads, you’ve seen a visual representation of the love and light that flows from activated higher energy centers. But this glow is not only available to holy men. Here are the five most important things to know about what activating your 8th chakra can do to help you live a truer, happier life.

1. Connect to Your Higher Self Your 8th chakra is the doorway between your immortal soul and your earth-bound personality. When I teach students how to activate their 8th chakra, I teach them an exercise that leads to a meeting with their higher selves. If you’ve done the requisite selfwork—through meditation or energy healing or other methods—you should be able to talk to your higher self and ask her the questions you most want answered. Your higher self can give you access to the Akashic records, help you find your true life purpose, and remind you that you are a perfect being made of love and light. Opening your 8 th chakra and stepping through the veil that separates your earthly self from your eternal soul will open your eyes to the vast space beyond physical plane boundaries 2. Clear Your Karmic Residue Karmic residue sounds pretty gross, and it lives up to its name. It’s the leftover karmic energy that builds-up after lifetimes of clinging to the same patterns. These tired and wornout routines keep you rooted to this planet. Since your 8th chakra is the gate that leads to the divine, it is the last chakra that holds the human information that is not needed or desired in the expanded universe of an opened 8thchakra. Residual energy sticks around, waiting for you to clear it out once and for all before you move on to connect with your higher self and beyond. Activating your 8th chakra can help you shed those patterns that keep you reincarnating and are not useful any more, release that icky karmic residue, and connect with the greater spiritual universe that starts with your higher self. 3. Uncover Spiritual Gifts As your connection to the greater spiritual community grows with an activated 8 th chakra, your awareness expands, and you may find that you develop new abilities. Perhaps you’ve always been intuitive, but with an open 8th chakra, you’ll discover your powers of intuition increasing. Other latent talents may reveal themselves as you continue to widen your 8th chakra, including astral travel, telepathy, clairvoyance, and even energy healing. At first, these new capabilities may seem overwhelming, but please don’t worry! Your higher self would never bestow these gifts upon you unless you were ready. Taking healing courses or other spiritual workshops, and working with an energy healer or other type of spiritual teacher can help you control, manage, and develop your newfound abilities.

4. Learn Your Soul’s Purpose The 8th chakra is like the record room for your soul’s contract, which is another way of saying your life purpose. Your soul enters this world with a goal, which has to do with learning lessons in order to evolve. Your soul’s purpose is always clear to your higher self, but may not be as obvious to your personality once it incarnates onto the physical plane. It takes the activation of the 8th chakra to get in touch with your higher self, enough to be let into that record room for a glimpse at your soul contract. After your 8th chakra is activated and open, don’t be surprised if you begin to feel like you need to shift your focus, especially if you have spent years ignoring your true passion. That nagging voice that tells you to follow your true path is really your higher self, offering guidance, nudging you to get to work on whatever your soul is meant to do while in this body at this time. 5. Experience Divine Love and Spiritual Compassion When you start to understand that you are truly a soul living temporarily in a physical body rather than a body with a soul, your capacity for deep compassion and divine love begins to blossom. As the 8th chakra expands and this knowledge is fully absorbed, you become more spiritually compassionate because you now know that everyone else is on the same journey. Each soul plays its own important role in the interconnected community we’re all a part of, and by activating your 8th chakra and peeking at that huge spiritual tapestry, you experience true unity, which is followed by unconditional love from the Divine. Once you feel the power of divine love, you will reflect that love in your actions and it will spread like ripples in a pond. Imagine what the world could be like if everyone had golden halos from their open 8th chakras beaming love and compassion. It starts with you.

How to Activate the 8th Chakra Step 1. Locating the 8th chakra 

Take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Next, bring your attention to your base chakra. It’s the root of your energy center, located at the base of your pelvis, represented by a volcanic red light.

Then, move up to your second chakra, your sacral chakra, located between your base chakra and your navel. It’s represented by a coral orange color. Imagine this color as you focus on the chakra.

Next, move to the chakra of your solar plexus, located right at the belly button. Dwell on the warm, buttery yellow light of this chakra.

Your next chakra is located at the heart and is represented by a vibrant, leaf green. Feel this color in your heart chakra and give yourself a moment to sit in that space.

Next, move up to your thymus, the seat of your spiritual development. This gland is located between your heart and throat chakras. Focus on the thymus. Take a breath.

Now, move to the throat chakra, represented by a rich, peacock blue color. Concentrate on the throat chakra and feel the energy that dwells there.

Next, move onto the third eye chakra, located right between your eyebrows. The color of this chakra is a penetrating indigo. Breathe.

Finally, move to the top of your head to access the crown chakra. Let the white gold of the crown chakra radiate from the inside out. Feel the presence of this light.

Envision a silver cord rising from your crown chakra up into the sky above. This cord is your connection to the higher dimensions. Allow your consciousness to rise up the cord until you hover 2-3 feet above your head.

This is the 8th chakra, the seat of divine compassion and spiritual awakening. Step 2. Opening the 8th Chakra Stay here, and focus your attention on this space, 2-3 feet above your head. It might feel strange at first since you likely haven’t spent much time focusing on this part of your energy field. You may begin to feel a tingling in your fingers. You might start to feel lightheaded.

Simply sit and breathe, focusing on the space of the 8th chakra. Meditating on this chakra can put you into communication with your higher self. Many who complete 8th chakra meditations report a sensation of deep and cleansing calm.

Triangle Pose Unlike most yoga postures, the Triangle Pose requires keeping the eyes open in order to maintain body balance. How to do the Triangle Pose

1. Stand straight. Separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 feet). 2. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees. 3. Now align the center of your right heel with the center of your arch of left foot. 4. Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of your body is equally balanced on both the feet.

5. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing your left hand to come up in the air while your right hand comes down towards floor. Keep both arms in straight line. 6. Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position or turn it to the left, eyes gazing softly at the left palm. 7. Ascertain that your body is bent sideways and not backward or forward. Pelvis and chest are wide open. 8. Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath. 9. As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides, and straighten your feet. 10. Repeat the same on the other side. Tips to do Trikonasana 

Make sure you have done a good warm-up exercise of the whole body before you do the asana.

While bending forward do it slowly and gently so as not to lose balance

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