EIC 6 - Practice Exercises Unit 8 - Answer Key

August 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation GRAMMAR 1

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are found wi will ll pr prob obab ably ly be vi visi sited ted ha have ve to be sw swit itch ched ed off  off  we were re bei being ng re rest stor ored ed being as asked has has be been en d dis isco cove vere red d should wear  is rreegarded ou ough ghtn tn’t ’t to be ca calle lled d can’t le leaarn


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Wou Would ld you you like like to hav havee you yourr por portra trait it pai painte nted? d? Our n neighb eighbours ours need to ha have ve their their windows windows cleane cleaned. d. She had to have have her roo rooff re repa paired ired.. I’m going to have have my p photo hoto taken prof profession essionally. ally. We’ We’ll ll have have our boil boiler er repl replace aced d soo soon. n. My mo mothe therr has her her car se servi rviced ced aatt that g gara arage. ge. I’v I’vee had my fflat lat d deco ecorat rated ed by a fr frien iend. d. Why d did id yo your ur daugh daughter ter h have ave h her er h hair air ccut? ut? The They y alwa always ys hav havee thei theirr shoppin shopping g del delive ivered red.. Sam is is having having th thee locks locks chan changed ged tomo tomorro rrow. w.


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manicure rowing fake pedicure stretch dyed fringe Waxing put plaits cro ross ss--tr traain iner  er  parting trim press-ups monarchy civil battle revolution leader   cannon



1 afterwards 2 quar uarte terr, rewa reward rd 3 bar arga gain in,, dar ark  k 


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high|lights ae|ro|bics ex|er|cise ma|ssage re|lax|ing

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