
March 5, 2017 | Author: 4lexx | Category: N/A
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Ultimate Basketball Workout...


o t e m o c l e W e t a m i t l U e h T l l a b t e k s a B Workoute The days of simply shooting 500 shots and calling it a "workout" are over. If you're a point guard, shooting guard, or wing player, and you're gunning for the pro levels of basketball, this document will show you the new style of basketball training that will take you there. Our players call it "HIBT", which stands for "High Intensity Basketball Training".

If you want the full program (which has over 20 different year-round workouts just like this one), we've set you up with a 61% off discount today. Click below to activate it:

Click Here To Activate Your 61% Off Discount This is going to be big, man. I can't wait to see what you're capable of with a few months of HIBT-style training under your belt.

Why? Well, instead of spending 5 hours launching hundreds of jumpers and running through stationary drills, we pack everything into ruthless 90 minute training sessions that are designed to mimic a real, live game. The results are better than any other style of basketball training that our 115,000+ players have ever experienced. But, as EGT'er Norris Cole of the Miami Heat says, "it's definitely hard work!"

I'll see you in there,

Taylor Allan Head Skills Coach, Elite Guard Training

And, speaking of EGT:

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1. Low Pogo Hops x 30

• Perform this workout a minimum of four times per week, until you switch over to the full EGT program - Bounce lightly on the balls of your feet

• Emphasize under-control speed, moving at the same pace you'll use during games while making -every Emphasize "springy-ness" repetition perfect - Perform 30 bounces

• Push every single drill to the max, with no rest between sets of reps except for to shoot free throws

PART 1: WARMUP 1. Low Pogo Hops x 30 - Bounce lightly on the balls of your feet - Emphasize "springy-ness" - Perform 30 bounces

2. 2 Leg Lateral Line Hops x 20 - Bounce laterally back and forth over a line as fast as possible - Count one repetition each time your feet touch the ground - Perform 20 total repetitions (10 on each side of the line) ©Copyright Taylor Allan Training LTD. All Rights Reserved.


3. 2 Leg Vertical Line Hops x 20 - Bounce vertically back and forth over a line as fast as possible - Count one repetition each time your feet touch the ground - Perform 20 total repetitions (10 on each side of the line)

4. Lunge Stretch x 20 seconds per leg - Stretch the front of your hip muscle in a lunge position, with your arm overhead - Breathe naturally, and don't force the stretch. Should feel like a "light pull" - Hold stretch for 20 seconds

5. Donkey Kicks x 8 each leg (16 total reps) - In a pushup position, kick one leg back at a time while keeping your back straight - Emphasize squeezing your glutes and abs on each kick - Perform 8 kicks per leg, alternating between legs, for 16 total repetitions

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6. Ankle Rockers x 20 each leg - In a pushup position, cross one foot behind the other, and extend your body to stretch the calf muscles - Rock back and forth in a stretched position to dynamically lengthen the calves - Perform 20 "rocks" per leg

7. Tumminello Squats x 15 - Reach down to grab your toes, squat as low as possible, extend arms overhead and stand back up - Emphasize stretching your hamstrings and groin on the way down, while squeezing your glutes on the way back up - Perform 15 total repetitions

8. Cradle Walks x 10 per leg - Alternate pulling each leg towards your chest while pulling the ankle across your body - Emphasize stretching the glute & hip area on each pull - Perform 10 repetitions per leg

9. Reverse Lunge w/ Twist x 10 per side - Dynamically lunge backwards while turning your shoulders over the front leg - Emphasize stretching the front hip of the back leg, while squeezing the glute of the front leg - Perform 10 repetitions on each leg ©Copyright Taylor Allan Training LTD. All Rights Reserved.


10. Psoas Holds x 15 seconds per side - Stand on one leg while holding the other leg as high as possible, with the knee bent and your hands behind your head - Squeeze the front of the hip muscle on the raised leg, and squeeze the glutes on the standing leg - Perform one 15 second hold on each leg

11. 1 Leg Low Pogo Hops x 30 per leg - Bounce lightly on the ball of one foot - Emphasize "springy-ness" - Perform 30 bounces on each foot

12. 1 Leg Lateral Line Hops x 20 per foot - Stretch the front of your hip muscle in a lunge position, with your arm overhead - Breathe naturally, and don't force the stretch. Should feel like a "light pull" - Hold stretch for 20 seconds

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13. 1 Leg Vertical Line Hops x 20 per foot - On one foot, bounce vertically back and forth over a line as fast as possible - Count one repetition each time your foot touches the ground - Perform 20 total repetitions on each foot (10 on each side of the line, per foot) legs, for 16 total repetitions

14. Pogo Jumps x 15 - Bounce as high as you can using just your feet and ankles, with the knees only slightly bent - Emphasize "springy-ness" on each jump - Perform 15 jumps in a row

15. Tuck Jumps x 15 - Jump as high as you can while pulling your knees to your chest - Emphasize "springy-ness" on each jump - Perform 15 jumps in a row

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PART 2: BALL HANDLING Ball Taps x 5 trips down and up - Hold the ball high above your head, rapidly “tapping” it between your hands, using only your fingertips - Continue tapping while moving the ball downwards until your arms are straight down in front of your body - Perform 5 trips all the way down and then all the way back up above your head

Ball Squeezes x 30 (15 each hand) - Hold the ball high above your head in one hand, before squeezing it through your fingertips into the other hand - Rhythmically "squeeze" the ball out of your fingertips back and forth as quickly as you can

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform 15 squeezes per hand for a total of 30 repetitions

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Ball Slaps x 30 (15 each hand) - Hold the ball in one hand while slapping it as hard as you can with the other hand. Alternate between hands - Slap the ball using your full hand: Your palms and fingertips

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform 15 slaps per hand for a total of 30 repetitions

Full Body Ball Wraps x 5 trips down and up - Wrap the ball around your head, then your waist, then your ankles, before moving back up your body again - Emphasize speed, going as fast as you possibly can. TRY to make yourself lose the ball!

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform 5 trips down and then back up your body

1-2 Ball Wraps x 15 each leg - Wrap the ball around both ankles, then around one ankle, then around both ankles again, and then around the opposite ankle - Rhythmically move between each side back and forth as quickly as you can, trying to make yourself go so fast that you lose the ball

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue until you've performed 15 wraps around each ankle

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Back Leg Ball Wraps x 10 trips each direction, each leg - Get into a split-stance, and wrap the ball around your front ankle before wrapping it behind your back * Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult - Rhythmically move from ankle to back as fast as you can, trying to make yourself go so fast that you lose the ball

- Continue until you've performed 10 trips from your ankle to your back, in each direction, on each leg

Seated Around-TheBack Taps x 10 total trips - Sit on the floor with your legs straight and your back upright. Tap-dribble the ball in a circular motion around your back, from hand to hand - Emphasize hand speed and tapping the ball as low to the ground as possible without stopping your dribble - Continue until each hand has touched the ball 10 times, for 10 total trips

2 Ball Hi-Low x 25 high dribbles each hand - In a low, athletic stance, pound dribble one ball while tap-dribbling the other - Emphasize ball speed and power on your pound dribble, and tapping the ball low and fast on the tap dribble

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue for 25 high dribbles before switching hands and performing 25 more

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2 Ball Hi-Low x 25 high dribbles each hand - In a low, athletic stance, pound dribble one ball while tap-dribbling the other - Emphasize ball speed and power on your pound dribble, and tapping the ball low and fast on the tap dribble

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue for 25 high dribbles before switching hands and performing 25 more

2 Ball 1-Crosses x 25 crosses - In a low, athletic stance, pound dribble two balls before crossing them both over at the same time - Emphasize ball speed and power, and keeping the two basketballs in perfect sync with each other

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue for 25 crosses

2 Ball Repeat Crossovers x 30 - In a low, athletic stance, rhythmically cross two basketballs back and forth between your hands - Emphasize ball speed and rhythm, keeping both basketballs in perfect sync with each other

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue for 30 crosses

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2 Ball Front-Crosses x 30 - In a low, athletic stance, rhythmically cross two basketballs back and forth in front of your body, keeping each ball in the same hand the entire time. - Emphasize ball speed and rhythm, keeping both basketballs in perfect sync with each other

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue for 30 crosses

2 Ball Side-Crosses x 30 - In a low, athletic stance, rhythmically cross two basketballs back and forth at the sides of your body, keeping each ball in the same hand the entire time. - Emphasize ball speed and rhythm, keeping both basketballs in perfect sync with each other

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue for 30 crosses

2 Ball Alternating Dribble Wraps x 30 each hand, each way - In a spread-leg stance, alternate wrapping each ball between your legs - Rhythmically keep each ball alternating hitting the floor, while emphasizing ball speed and control

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Continue until each hand has performed 30 dribble-wraps, in each direction

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Full Court 1-Crosses x 1 court-length trip down and back - On the move, perform one pound dribble before rhythmically crossing the ball to your other hand - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and exploding hard out of each crossover dribble

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform one court length-and-back

Full Court Repeat Crosses x 1 court-length trip down and back - On the move, rhythmically crossing the ball back and forth between hands while staying low and athletic - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and keeping the ball rhythm consistent

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform one court length-and-back

Full Court Front-Crosses x 1 court-length trip down and back - On the move, cross one ball back and forth in front of your body in one hand - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and keeping the off-hand protecting the ball

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform one court length-and-back. Use your right hand on the way down, and your left hand on the way back

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Full Court Side-Crosses x 1 court- length trip down and back - On the move, cross one ball back and forth at the side of your body in one hand - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and keeping the off-hand protecting the ball

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform one court length-and-back. Use your right hand on the way down, and your left hand on the way back

Full Court Between The Legs x 1 court-length trip down and back - On the move, perform one pound dribble before rhythmically crossing the ball between your legs to your other hand - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and * Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult exploding hard out of each between the legs dribble - Perform one court length-and-back

Full Court Behind The Back x 1 court- length trip down and back - On the move, perform one pound dribble before rhythmically crossing the ball behind your back to your other hand - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and exploding hard out of each behind the back dribble

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Perform one court length-and-back

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Full Court Figure 8 Taps x 1 court-length trip down and back - On the move, tap dribble the ball rhythmically between your legs, while walking forwards. This should create a "moving figure 8" formation with the ball - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and keeping your tap dribbles as low to the ground as possible - Perform one court length-and-back. Move forwards on the way down, and backwards on the way back

Full Court CrossBetweens x 1 courtlength trip down and back - Rhythmically cross the ball in front, then between your legs, then repeat - Emphasize being light on your feet, athletic, and maintaining the cross-between-crossbetween rhythm - Perform one court length-and-back. Cross to the right on the way down, and to the left on the way back

Full Court Pistol Pete's x 1 court-length trip down and back - On the move, keep the ball in one hand while crossing it backwards between one leg, then the other, then crossing it between the legs to your other hand and repeating

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Emphasize keeping the between-betweenbetween&switch-repeat rhythm for the full length of the court - Perform one court length-and-back

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PART 3: SHOOTING MECHANICS 1 Hand Form Shooting x 5 makes at each spot (right baseline, front, left baseline)

- Stand in place 5 feet from the hoop, holding the ball in front of you in one hand. Drop the ball in front of you, before squatting down to catch it and moving smoothly into a one-handed set shot

* Count makes, not takes

- Keep the balls of your feet on the ground for the entire shot, and emphasize keeping your shot "smooth" with no hitch at the top - Continue until you have made 5 one-handed form shots on the right baseline, in front of the rim, and on the left baseline

1 Hand Backboard Bounce Shots x 20 - Stand in place on the baseline in front of the side of the backboard, and shoot the ball with one hand so that it hits the flat side of the backboard - Emphasize shooting the ball so that it hits flat * Count takes, not perfect shots against the side, and rebounds right back to you. If you shoot it too far to the left or right, it will hit the edge of the backboard and bounce back to you on an angle - Continue until you've performed 20 backboard bounce shots with your strong hand. Don’t shoot with your weak hand.

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Progressive Range Shooting x as far back as you can go! - Stand 5 feet from the hoop, and make 3 shots before taking one step back and repeating the process again from a slightly further distance - Emphasize shooting smoothly with perfect form, and not forcing your range

* Count takes, not makes

- Continue until you miss two shots in a row at one spot. Try to break this distance record each workout

SHOOT 10 FREE THROWS FOR REST The Finishing Complex - Make two forward Mikan layups with each hand, then two reverse Mikan layups in each and, then two one-dribble cross-layups each hand, then two inside-hand layups each hand, then two baby hooks each hand, then two baby banks each hand, then two floaters each side of the key with your strong hand only

* Count makes, not takes. Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Rhythmically move through the full process, with no rest between shots


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PART 4: GAME SITUATION DRILLS Split Jump Drives x 5 finishes on each wing - Stand in a split-stance on the wing, before jumping into the air and switching legs. Land, then split-jump again, before exploding into a drive and finishing as hard as you can on the other side of the rim

* Gloves can be worn to make the drill more difficult

- Emphasize jump height and explosiveness off the first step - Perform 5 finishes on each wing with no rest between repetitions


Pistol Pete Pullups x 3 each way, each side (for 12 total shots) - Start at the baseline, on one side of the lane, with a chair at the top of the key in directly in line with your starting point. Perform Pistol Pete * Count takes, not makes dribbling towards the chair. Once you reach the chair, explode and turn the corner as hard as you can, attacking around the chair with a one dribble pull-up - Emphasize exploding around the corner and staying low and athletic as you move around the chair - Continue until you've attacked to both the outside and the middle 3 times each, on both sides of the lane (3 shots each way, each side for 12 total shots)

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SHOOT 10 FREE THROWS FOR REST Kill & Pulls x 5 each way, each wing (20 total shots) - Start on the wing with a chair or cone in front of you. Get into a lunge position, and perform 10 pound dribbles. After the 10th dribble, cross hard between your legs and perform a one-dribble pull-up.

* Count takes, not makes

- Emphasize exploding out of the lunge position and making your one dribble pull-up as lightning-quick as possible - Perform 5 shots attacking to the middle and 5 shots attacking to the outside, on both wings (for 10 shots on each wing, 20 in total)

SHOOT 10 FREE THROWS FOR REST 2 Ball Wall Passing x 50 wall touches each hand - Stand sideways in front of a wall, with two basketballs. Rhythmically bounce-pass the two basketballs off the wall using only one hand - If this drill is too hard at the beginning, simply catch the ball completely before passing it back off the wall. Focus on gradually becoming more proficient at the drill every workout. - Continue until you've done 50 total bounce passes with each hand

SHOOT 10 FREE THROWS FOR REST ©Copyright Taylor Allan Training LTD. All Rights Reserved.


PART 5: REPETITION SHOOTING 5 x 20 Shooting - Shoot two 15 foot spot up jumpers, then two spot up 3's, then two 15 foot one-dribble pull up jumpers, then two one-dribble pull up 3's, then two one-step 15 foot jumpers, then two one-step 3's, then two 15 foot catch-turn jumpers, then two catch-turn 3's, then two pot up 3's, then two NBA 3's

* Count takes, not makes

- Perform this 20-shot sequence on the right baseline, the right wing, the top of the key, the left wing, and the left baseline, with no rest in between shots or spots


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PART 6: DEFENSIVE DRILLS The Bill Russell Drill x 2 sets of 3 repetitions. Shoot 10 free throws for rest between sets

- Begin on one side of the key at the baseline. Start on one leg, then jump laterally and land on the other leg. Perform a total of 4 of these jumps (2 each leg), before close-out sliding with your right hand up (contesting the shot) until you're halfway between the baseline and three point line. Then, switch close-out hands and continue sliding until you've reached the three point line. Then, zig-zag shuffle back to the baseline until you're under the hoop. Rhythmically jump and try to tap the backboard for 5 touches - Perform 3 repetitions of the full sequence, before shooting 10 free throws for rest. Repeat for 2 sets.

SHOOT 10 FREE THROWS FOR REST Skater Slides x 2 each way for 3 sets. Shoot 10 free throws for rest between sets - Begin at the baseline, on one leg. Jump from one leg to the other, moving laterally with each jump and pausing on each leg for a count of 2. When you reach the top of the key, quickly zig-zag shuffle back to the baseline, then repeat. - Emphasize sticking the landing on each jump, and staying as low and athletic as possible - Perform 2 rounds sliding off of each leg (for 4 total rounds), then shoot 10 free throws for rest before repeating the sequence again. Perform 3 sets.

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PART 7: JUMP ROPE COMPLEX * No rest between rope drills

1. 2 Foot Bounce x 50 - Bounce lightly on both feet - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

2. 2 Foot Lateral Line Bounce x 50 - Bounce laterally over a line on both feet - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

3. 2 Foot Vertical Line Bounce x 50 - Bounce vertically over a line on both feet - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

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4. Boxer Shuffle x 50 - Bounce lightly while shuffling your feet with one in front and one behind, alternating between feet on each bounce - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

5. X-Steps x 50 - Bounce lightly while alternately crossing one foot over the other, alternating between feet on each bounce - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

6. Rocky Steps x 50 - Bounce lightly, alternating between feet on every OTHER step. Rhythmically kick the off-foot away from your body - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

7. One Foot Bounce x 50 each foot - Bounce lightly on one foot - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the ball of your foot - Perform 50 total rope rotations on EACH foot (50 on your left foot and 50 on your right foot)

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8. One Foot Lateral Line Bounce x 50 each foot - Bounce laterally over a line on one foot - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the ball of your foot - Perform 50 total rope rotations on EACH foot (50 on your left foot and 50 on your right foot)

9. One Foot Vertical Line Bounce x 50 each foot - Bounce vertically over a line on one foot - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the ball of your foot - Perform 50 total rope rotations on EACH foot (50 on your left foot and 50 on your right foot)

10. 2 Foot Bounce x 50 - Bounce lightly on both feet - Keep your body relaxed and loose, while staying on the balls of your feet - Perform 50 total rope rotations

11. Freestyle x 2 minutes - Go as hard and fast as possible for 2 minutes, performing any combination of moves you want - Try new moves and always be pushing yourself to do more difficult moves - Don't count repetitions, but go as hard as you can for the full two minutes

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PART 8: COOLDOWN 1. Calf Stretch x 20 seconds per leg - In a pushup position, cross one foot behind the other and push your body upwards, stretching the calf muscle - Focus on a light pull in the back of your lower legs (the calf muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

2. Hip Flexor Stretch x 20 seconds per leg - In a lunge position, push your hips forwards and extend your stretched-side arm overhead - Focus on a light pull in the front of your hip (the psoas muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

3. RF Stretch x 20 seconds per leg - Elevate one foot on a chair or bench behind you, and sink into a lunge position with your arm stretched overhead - Focus on a light pull in the front of your thigh (the rectus femoris muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

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4. Glute Stretch x 20 seconds per leg - Lay face-down on the ground with one foot crossed under your body and your knee up near your chest - Focus on a light pull in the side of your hip, and your glute muscle - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

5. Hamstring Stretch x 20 seconds - Sit on the ground with your legs spread apart in a "V" formation, and your hands pushing into the ground behind you to further the stretch - Focus on a light pull in the back of your thigh (the hamstring muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

6. Hip Rotator Stretch x 20 seconds per side - Sit on the ground with your hips rotated so that both knees are pointing to one side, and your hands pushing into the ground behind you to further the stretch - Focus on a light pull feeling "inside" your hip capsule (the hip rotator muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

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7. Pec Stretch x 20 seconds per side - Kneel on all fours, with your head as close to the ground as possible and one arm stretched out to your side. Tilt your head to the opposite side - Focus on a light pull in your chest (the pec muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

8. Lat Stretch x 20 seconds - Kneel on all fours with your head as close to the ground as possible, and both arms stretched overhead. Push your shoulders closer to the ground to further the stretch - Focus on a light pull at the sides of your back (the lat muscle) - Breathe naturally and avoid the urge to hold your breath

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