Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati
[email protected]
COURSE DESCRIPTION and OBJECTIES! Curriculum analysis basically basically deals with an attempt attempt to analyze analyze the EFL curriculum curriculum into its components components or elements, to examine those parts and the way they fit together to make a whole, to identify the beliefs, underlying theories or principles to which the language curriculum deelopers were committed and which has either explicitly or implicitly shaped the EFL curriculum !see "osner, #$$%%'. (n order that that studen students ts are able to analy analyze ze EFL curricul curriculaa which which are deelope deelopedd in (ndone (ndonesia sia and in other other countries, this course is designed designed to make students familiar familiar with) with) !#' basic concepts concepts in curriculum and the elements of curriculum& !%' *pproaches to EFL curriculum deelopment& !+' models of curriculum deelopment& !' stages in EFL curriculum deelopment& and !-' frameworks for EFL curriculum analysis. he ob/ecties ob/ecties of this course are) are) !#' to make students familiar familiar with the basic basic concepts and elements of EFL curriculum& !%' understand approaches to EFL curriculum deelopment& !+' to hae knowledge of curriculum models& and !' to hae the ability to describe, examine, and analyze curriculum of language teaching. ACTIITIES!
Course actiities actiities include include class lectures, indiidual chapter report report writing, chapter report presentations presentations and class discussions, mid0term exam and research research based paper paper writing and and presentation presentation as the final exams. ASSESSMENT POLICIES!
*ll assessments in this unit of study will be done in conformity with the policies in the uniersity.
Pl"as" #"$"# %& %'"s" (&l)*)"s $ su*' +a%%"#s as $&ll&,s#. Class particip participation) ation) 1tudent 1tudentss are expected expected to get inoled inoled in classroo classroom m actiities actiities and attendan attendance ce should at least be 234 of the the whole sessions. sessions. hey are not allowed allowed to take any any exams if their attendance attendance is under 234 of the whole sessions. Lateness to classes may be tolerated not more than#- minutes. %. Chap Chapte terr 5epo 5eport rt writi writing ng and prese present ntat atio ionn !# point point'. '. he paper paper and the power power point point slide slidess should should be submitted a week ahead of the presentation. +. 5ese 5esear arch ch base basedd "aper "aper !#!#-6% 6%33 pages pages'' du" A(#)l 2.- (f the paper consists of more than %3 pages, it will not be scored. . 7id semest semester er and final final exam examss !% points points'' -. 5esearch0base 5esearch0basedd paper writing writing and and presentation presentation !% points' points'.. he paper paper will not not be scored scored if it is submitted submitted later later than the due date. 8. "lagia "lagiaris rism m and academ academic ic dishon dishonest estyy will not not be tolera tolerated ted 9. *ll mobiles mobiles should should be turned turned off or silenced: silenced:ibrat ibrated ed during during the the class sessions sessions 2. he leader leader of the class class should should e0mail the the list of the the presenters presenters;; names for 5